HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-11-18, Page 4v
la s W..4 even Friday M aIttg, by Mc
OILLercVDOT Haim., .1 $ OScs. Nortktoff the fiI
And is despatched to all parts of the snrtosad•
la= coeatry by the earliest smile sad tealaay
Byinners! admission it has a larger cirotdla
Ma than any other newspapertote part
b• asentr7, and is ono albs rs i Y, seeniaat
and aoet reliable journals la Ontario.
Fesssesiag, se It doss. the
sad Was la addition totha
e « bove, •
Wally sad fireside paper it Is therefore a
most desirable assert a+ tag us diwn.
Tawas. -11.10 to *drama', postage
b11publisher :11.7x. If pa14 before six smooat
.ft if not so paid. TM' rule w111 be strictly'
RAT= or Anvs i s. -i t cease ye
one tor first lameness ; Ibrwe ors ppeerr line for
each subsequent insertion. Yearly, half -Yowl/
and quarterly contracts at reduced rates.
JOS r I qts.-.ee have also aantclass
Jobbing department 1a connection and possess -
Jag the most complete cut -at and best faculties
for turning out went h Goderich, are prepared
to de business la that line at pricy that cannot
be beaten. and of a quality that cannot be
surpassed. -- Terme Cosh.
It will be seen from the full report of
the railway 'nesting at Exeter on Tues-
day last, which appears in other col-
umns, that the greatest unanimity exists
all along the proposed line from Gude-
rich to Woodstock, cuaoerning the build-
ing of the natl. From tenons] obser-
vation and investigation we are in a posi-
tion to state that, so far as the munici-
palities are concerned, no fear as to their
future action need be entertained.
But although the meeting at Eieter
WAR one of great importance, and clearly
demonstrated that the people of Oxford,
Perth and Huron, through which the
proposed line would pea, are in accord
on the question, yet, owing to the absurd
amendment to the Railway Act which is
the law at present, there are difficulties,
legislstive and otherwise, to be overcome
before we can look forward to the turn-
ing of the first sod.
The work, however, is in good hands
and we look forward to its successful ter-
mination, if the controllers of the C. V.
Railway can be induced to take action
with the promoters of the scheme. At
any rate, the prospects for the bringing
in of a new line to Goderich are brighter
now than ever before.
In addition to the report of the Exeter
meeting, we would direct attention to
the R. R, letter of "Development," in
this issue. It is from the pen of a gen-
tleman thoroughly conversant with rail-
way affairs, and although he takes issue
with the people of Guderich on the ques-
tion of route, yet he does so in an argu-
mentative way that will he sure to com-
mand respect. Tee SIGNAL has nut
turned a cold shoulder to its friends in
the north an.1 east of the county, but it
was anxious that a competing line should
be built to Goderich, and willing-
ly took up the road by St.
Marys, pending the action ofthose
i•tterested in the other roads. If at'
any time the gentlemen having the T.
li. & 11, or the Elora Branch of the C.
V. R., or any other branch of a line
which it will be in the interest of Gode-
rich to encourage, take decided action in
the matter, as was done by the people
along the pr ,posed line to Woodstock,
out only will their claims be advocated
by THE SIGNAL, but the people of Gude-
rich will not fail to assist then) by voice
and with bonus.
THE area of the Dominion of Canada
is given as follows til a document just is-
$ ied by the Department of Interior:
Square miles Ontario, 109,480; Quebec,
198,355: New Brunswick, 27,322; Nova
Scotia, 21,731; Prince Edward Island,
2,134; Manitoba, 1.)1,000; British Cu-
Ihtubia, including Vancouver's and other
islands, 300.344: Northwest Territory,
1.863,0o0; Keewatin Dsistrict, 309,077;
islands in the Arctic, 311,700; islands in
Hudson Bay, 24,400. Total, 3,406,-
Where r
Where are the tall chimneys. sending
Curling smoke Into the air?
Echo answering. quietly whispers:
Where le found the "hum" that Tilley
Says he esti hear everywhere 1
Itcho wails, and gorily queries:
Where is the cheap breakfast tablet
Where the poor man's cheapened fare J
Echo answers, still repeating:
Where J
AN interesting letter from "Progress,"
un the railway (pestion, came to hand too
late for insertion this week. it will ap-
pear in due (ourse.
Tose Raliway .*(Mallen la 0esteelb.
The railway agitation has taken hold
of fiesforth, and the people of that town
are bestirring themselves in the matter.
At a large meeting hehl in the public
hall on the evening of Friday Mat the
following reenlutien was unamim,usly
adopted: --
That the ratepayer at this meeting as-
sembled recognising the very crest nes
osasity for additional railway facilities
for Sesforfh, request the Council to use
. 'eery legitimate means ite their power to
secure thieved, and that we pledge our
aapp.rt to any scheme which our repro:
' entattte% rosy decide upon, so long as
sock scheme will Rive the teen a second
or competing railway.
The roar,g took place ii Picton mon-
tet Nuv. A, t n the Canada Tem ace
Ad. in the town of Picton there is a
majority of 147 for the Act, and the
other dntricte, so far as heard from, give
it a total majority of las. Sixteen see -
tion" are yet to be board fres.
From Woodstock to Goderich.
mshtsedassle tdwsag at gasser -The !e
gams- Row ale slant le VIIIatg-Th4
esatlaasas Aleag t"e Lime The Le,
Yea of Me Ileel log.
Reported for Toil Btoa•t_
On Tuesday last at 11 s. to a large
and enthusiastic meeting of delegates
front the various municipalities between went should nut apply to our road. It
Goderich and Woodstock was held at was at best an atrocious autendment,
which should never have been placed on
the Statute book. After explaining
some of the absurdities of the uaend-
ment, the speaker closed by stating that
he believed they could go to the Govern-
ment, and with good cause make claim to
have their rued built under the same
law as the other lines which were pro-
jected at the same time as it. Loud
_ t
deputatiwt alwul l be ap- Mitring G. tt illis, D. Juhus, G• To All Whom it Nay 0
u W eNeHtte., red tud.'aa•ur t3suawoll, W. Frtiuick, L. Haply.
h 0,verntneut to acinose ST►rxav -- ltrtz, Ryan J. It.
r.ay . . soil, good agriculturists; and
___,__• _ -
Heron, Perth and Oxford were noted all j euinted to tr
over for the p and prosperity of to intlueut» t V J R
their people. All that was wetted was the obnoxious islet absurd sutetduiebt. H...1.'us, C. Eiller, 8. Hogarth.
that we should take the necessary effort If such a euurs& were pursued, it seemed I H r -Dr. ituchanen, J. F. Merits.
to help ourselves, lay the price that was to him quite possible to get a modifies- H. ryiuck, C. F. Wagner, 1). 8.
required to pu' the line on s proper
basis, and get the road. ,Hear, hear.)
There was a charter in existence which
dated beyond the introduction of the
amenduwut to the Railway Act, and we
might claim with justice that the amend -
Drew's Hall, Exeter, to consider the
feasibility of constructing the propused
line to connect with the C. V. R. from
Lake Huron to Woodstock. The re-
presentation was a most iuflueutial one,
and the manner in which the speakers
expressed themselves, and the applause
which they received where positive al-
lusions were made to the successful pro-
secution of the road, augurs well for the
future progress of the enterprise. Mr. Robert Porter was called upon,
The contingents arrived from Goderich and although he thought there were
and Woodstock shortly after nine o'clock others present who had perhaps re
sad were the first at the acene of action. infurniatiun un the subject than he, yet
ley degrees the delegates front the other was net averse Di saying that he was
municipalities began to arrive, until all in accord with the present movement to
were represented with the exception of obtain increased railway accommodation.
St. Marys and Guderich township. The There was no question that a competitive
meeting, which was called at 10 o'clock, line would prove of advantage to the
did dot take place until 11 a. m., as Mr. people along its route, but we had had
J. E. Harding, of St. Marys, the prime thew lines spoken of before, and they
mover in the proposed red had not ar- had not come to anything. He would
rived. like t know if there was any assurance
Mr. M. C. Cameron, M. P., about that the railway company would meet
this time despatched a telegram to St. us halfway. It was well to confider this
Marys, enquiring whether or not Mr. fact, and also what bonuses we could get
Harding purposed being present at along the contemplated route. As Mr.
the meeting, and received in reply that Hardinghad said, the line fromSt.Marys
the St. Marys delegates had left early in to Guderich would tap one of the finest
the morning, Mr. Harding being one of sections of land inOntario-some 330,000
the number. acres of the best soil. We could offer the
THE MORNING MEETING. road this item, and we could also offer
The meeting was thereupon called to two excellent harbors on Lake Huron.
order, and on notion, Mr. A. Bishop, Heretofore we could not propose any
M. P. P. was called to the chair, and such offer, so that the present scheme
Mr. J. Renton, et Exeter, was appointed was in this respect in advance of any -
secretary. thing of the kind yet submitted. If the
The first order of business taken up points he had mentioned were laid be -
was the suomitting of the credentials fore the C. V. R. tnitnagement he did
and naines of the representatives from not think there would be much difficulty
the different municipalities present, A$ in getting them to take action. The
follows: lock-up on the road this year had opened
GoDER[ca-M. C. Cameron, M. P. the eyes of many wh., had in the past
Horace Horton, mayor; F. W. Johnston been opposed to a competitive line;
Johnston, reeve, Jos. Williams. R. W. I they were now convinced of the erne of
McKenzie, C. A. Humber and F. Jor- the previous opillion, and when we dame
den, councillors, S. Platt, Jas. Mitchell,
Star, and D. McGillicuddy, of TinsSpie•t.
• BAYrn$LD-John Eason, reeve; Jas.
Thomson, A. Rutledge.
STANLZY-W. Graham, reeve; G.
Casale, -dept'-reeve.
.STEPHEN. -S. Hogarth. reeve;V. Ratz,
deputy -reeve: T. 11. Martin, S. Broken -
shire, B. Faust, G. Murdoch, M. Mur-
doch, J. Hoist.
EXETER. -L. Hardy, Jas. Picard. W.
to canvass for bonuses we had a good sr -
nun of the law in this respect, uuder Faust.
existing circumstance.. lir the matter STANLEY -Win. Graham, Gets Cassels,
of security, the interest of the people, as Peter Douglass, John 11f4Kibley, John
he said before, should beg 1. He
was not in favor uf giving Y nditional
bonuses, but if we dealt wit • the right
line we 'should geuerously with .
BA rna.n-John Ease.n,'R. Mur n,
R. Stsobury, Jas. Thompson, A. Pt
We should tisk care that it would not t:grief's-Jos. Williams, 11. Horton,
be absorbed by any uf the saisting lines F. W. Johnston, 8.,Platt, F. Jordan.
in this section; but if it were taken bold At this poet the meeting was Ad-
uf by the feyndicate--much as he differ- dressed by
ed iia the House with that institution's Mr. G. 1t Pattullo, of Woodstock,
construction of the Canada Pacific R. who stated that Woodstock heretofore
had not taken an active pert in initiating
the present campaign, and for the
R. -or by Vanderbilt, we would nut
loss an thing, and. perhaps, nil ht bone -
fit by the change. L► concludtLg, the rearm that the town was already fairly
speaker said: Goderich is alive to her well supplied with railways. The or -
duty in this ratter. We want another Ilona') idea in cenneitiuu with the pro -
railway, and will have tette. We will
work faithfully with you to get the road
to Woodstock, but if, through lack of
prompt action, the people of the south
et the matter lag, we will turn else-
where And get a line. But we are with
you Go -day, side by side,to work the road
posed scheme was to make Port Frank
the terminus, but *heti the people of the
south saw how earnest Godurich was in
the mutter of a railway, they turned
their Inc.. toward the county town of
Huron. (Hear, hear.) That railroads
made towns and improved the sections
through, and this you can rely on, that of farming country through which they
Goderich will furnish vb oth men and plowed, was a fact beyond dispute, avd
bonus to help along the line to a sue- if any testimony were wanted, 11'oN1-
,:esaful terminatiou. (Loud and pro- stock was in a psition to give it. Ten
longed applause, and cries of "Good for years ago, *heir it had no competitive
Goderich.") line it was quiet indeed, but now it had
The following, resolution was then become a lively busineas centre. The
moved by Mayor Holton, of Goderich, imports had increased over 150 per cent
seconded by Mr. Jas. Picard, of Exeter. during that time, and the increase
That, whereas the towns of Guderich in the exports far exceeded that fi-
end St. Marys, the villages of Bayfield, gure. This had been brought about, to
Zurich, Exeter and Embro, and the a great extent, by the intuduetiot of
townships of Guderich, Stanley, Hay railways, and what had been done in
Stephan, L'sberne, Blanshard, lkownie, Woodstock could be done elsewhere.
Niesuuri and West Zorra are at present The proposed line would give excellent
either entirely without railway facilities connections east, west and south, -far
or do not enjoy advantages of railway better than could be had from any other
traffic competition; therefore be it re- line. He could not say what Wosd-
solved, that a new railway is necessary stock would give, but as the represents -
through this district, and that this meet- tiou had been specially app.»nted by
ing approves of a line running from the Council to attend this meeting and
Goderich eau Hayfield, Zurich, Exeter, see if the people were in earnest in the
St. Mary's and Embro, to Woodstock, matter, and as the delegation were con -
there to connect with the Credit Valley vimced that G.derieh should he the •.h -
R. R., as the most feasible scheme, and jective point, this meeting could rest
the best calculated to subserve the in- ; assured that Woodstock would do her
teresta of the above-inentioned munici-duty in the time to conte, as she had
polities; and be it therefore resolved, ' done in the pat. (Hear, hear.
that the delegates and others here On motion of Mr. Horace Horton,
sembled'pledge themselves to endeavor seconde.l h • Mr. F..lunlan, Mr. J. E.
gement to lay before them from their to induce their respective municipalities
own experience. ce. He was, however, op -
grant the necessary aid to secure the
posed w the sinking fund system, and construction of the proposed railway, in
ft .the event of it being undertaken by
would prefer to have the bones paid oa
in sir many years with straight interest. responsible railway company,
Mr. Horten, on rising to propose the
He was in favor of the road, if liberal resolution, said Goderich had been ap-
bonuses could be got. The people were peached by other points, but that the
in favor of giving fair bonuses, but most vim had thus far been shown by
nothing more.the people along the line now proposed
Mr. Cameron, M. P., was the next He corroborated the remarks of Mr.
Bissett, E. Drew, G. speaker. He was exceedingly pleased Porter, regarding the fertility and wealth
Samwell, G. Mace
to be at the meeting, and to see that theof the section through which the pro -
D. Wanless, W. Fenwick, D. Pinch, G. people all along the proposed line were d 1. id Th
Willis, A. G. Dyer, E. Howard, pee me would pass a manner m
thoroughly aroused to the necessity for. which the trade of Goderich had been
G. Wal Nr D. Johns, ,11. S i e Carling, A. action. The people of'Goderich wanted handicapped fer want of shipping facili- EAST SAGINAw, Mich., Not'. 1.1. -The
Ran er, Jas.Willis, F. Fitten, W. another road and were bound to get one. ties during the past year was also tel- destruction by' the IN.iler explosion at
Bowden They had felt the necessity fur one fur tingly described and the action of the Hamilton, NfcClute & Gi e. mill war
;Harding, o1 St. Marys, was appointed
convener of the committee, and was
I also empowered to take necessary steps
to advertise the application in the
' Gazette, and to' secure the services of a
competent legal fine to superintend
the necessary legislation in the House.
I This brought the meeting to a ch.se,
' and enabled the Guderich, Bayfield and
Stanley delegates to catchthe afternoon
train north.
And s.• ruled the first meeting.
T. McCallum, J. Mc ughhn. years toast, and the need fur competition (,;, T. R. criticised. Some people had
Shier,soft sit reeve, Jae, reeve,
John had been intensified during the Present no conception of the amount of traffic
D. DULCJit, ney. God- year. Merchants, grain buyers, lumber which would he afforded a c7,mpetitive
Mills,Mit dealers and others in Goderich had been line, but when it was stated that good
botrade to groan, because -44 lack of ship- I authorities believed a lumber trade u
BLANSHARD.-W. Johnston, W. San- ping accommodation, and the county 100,0000,000 feet of lumber could easil
derson, W. Rogers, J. McCurdy. town if Huron was determined that this be loose each year in Goderich byth
Wear %OBRA. -D. R. Ross, Jae 'Mee" ;state •of things must soon end. The i firms at present there, some idea ul
roe• l,eople in this section should work with I be had of the necessity for greater rad
1V.oneToit'K-J. ' M. Grant, dept'- St. Marys and Goderich in this matter. I wayfacilities than the G. T. R. »o
reeve, W. Potts, c councillor; G.. R. Pat- j and not sacrifice their interests by fur- ; affoded, even at its beat, which
ther delay. (Hear, hear.) One thing was unfortunately had not 1* the case dur
It being noon, and the St. Mary's de- i certain, if the people in the south were , ing the past season. The grain trail
Movedoot having
C. R arrived, itlu, second I determined to rest on their oars and go had suffered severely, the buyers ha
Y , ne further, Goderich would not forget . l..st heavily by not being able to shi
ed by Mr. F. W. Johnston that the j her duty to herself. Already five or six- when the market was up, and the farm
meeting do now adjourn, to meet at 1 i lines were looking toward Guderich for a ing community was thus placed at a din
o'clock p. ni. Carried. ' Lake port: the T., G. and B. by Wing- I advantage. Every delegate should be
THE AFTERNOON MEETINti. ham; the C. V. R. by Elora and Brus- . willingto return home and go into hat-
candetheon. reassembledd lsses one e, eels; a line from Drumbe, by Stratford;; nese to workup the schem. A bonus
S a line from Galt by Berlin; and the line of about !L,(J00 a mile would ensure the
added to sec follows: under consideration to -day. The line
abb, MStRV.Marys zu nine e. J.
J; I we were met to talk over to -day might ed the construction
ime wast propitious for carryhe road, and he tin
be allowed to lie still, but Goderich the scheme to a successful issue. (AP
(:rant, .1. E. Harding, M. W. Kenny, I would get another railway outlet. come - plater. v
It. Hedley. I from whence it would. Goderich at Mr. Jas Picard was not a public speak
Zrxu H.--Robt. Johnston, F. Hess. present favored the road by Bayfield.. er, lint was in harmony with the project
After the reading of the revised list of I Zurich, Exeter, St. Marys, kmbro and and if the construction of one mile of the,
delegates by the secretary, the chairmanWoodstock, and would work band and road by himself alone would bring it
called upon I heart with the sister towns to get it this way, he was prepared to build that
Mr. J. E. Harding to address the built, if the pee.ple along the route were utile. I.Hear, hear, and applause:
meeting, and the appearance of that willing to do their part. Hear, hear Mr. James Munroe heartily endorsed
gentleman was greeted with applause. and applause.) The people in Goderich the resolution. As a resident of Wet
He apologized fur having been the cause believed that although they were !..cat- Zorn, he thought the fact that 84.0.0 0
of delaying the meeting, He had gone ed in one of the finest parts of the
to Lucan in the hope of catching the vely that the people
train, but failed to connect. He had good held opened up to then) to enjoy were in favor of a road. He believed a
then obtained the best horse available, the privileges r,f Lake trade at their strung effort should be made to amend
but had discovered that the heavy excellent harbor by a coinpetitive line • the present railway law, preparatory to
roods caused the animal to lag. Hence to the south, although a line from any seeking bonuses, hut even under the ex -
his non -arrival at an earlier hour.'; point would enhance their trade.- fisting law from $40,000 to $50,000 would
St. Marys had gone far to secure the The first proposition should be to be carried in West Zorra. At the last
connection with Woodstock now spoken make a resolution at thin meet- icampaign West Zorra, St. Marys and
of, and had obtained a charter to build ing favoring the construction of the I Embro had given $110,000 between
a line from Woodstock, to Embro, to Goderich and St. Marys line. Thethem ore -
and he believed that at the F
St. Marys, and Pi some lake port west. line should be an independent .one, and ' sent time $130,000 in toruses could h;
The charter was obtained in 1878, and strict provision should be made to guard carried in Niss.luri, R'oat 7.orra,
the company formed, but at that time the rights of the people who toted the Masand Ebro if the objectionable
this section went did not see the necessity lonusel+. The speaker here cited thew railwmay law suss amended.
for a competitive line, and did not take caof the Stratford and Pott Dover The motion was then put and carried
kindly to it. The company then found line, where the road although built to unanimously, amid great enthusiasm.
that it would be difficult to make a short compete with the 0. T. R. had eventual- It was next moved by Mr. M. C.
line- some 22miles pay, withoutan out- ly been absorbed by the larger corpora- Cameron, M. P., seconded by Mr. B.
let to the Lake, and were constrained to tion; and contended that an amalgamation Swinerton.
let the matter lie in abeyance until the of a similar kind should be jealously That a committee of five be appointed
people of the west saw the necessity for guarded against. Continuing, he said by each municipality, and that said com-
assisting in the matter. That time had I that if we could get connection with a suittoe shall have general supervision
now come; the past year had opened the 1 first-class road such as the ('. V. R. was over all matters connected with the
eyes of all to the fact that a town ori destined to be, the people ought to deal
village without a competitive line, was I liberally with them in the matter of bon -
at the mercy of the single rad that uses,and pledge themselves to do their
passed through it. The farmers had lest utmost to build the line. A second pro -
on their grain, the grain buyers had position would be to amend .the present
been unable to avail themselves of a amendment to the Railway Act. which
rising market, owing to the scarcity of i was a most absurd law. At present a
can, and the business men had suffered majority of the freeholders .or loots -term
complete. The large steam donee was
lifted high in the air and cause down on
the opposite side of the mill, and bricks,
pieces of iron, and timbers were thrown
f hundreds of feet away. The boilers
were tired at night to supply steam ter
e the saw mill, and the firemen at work
d were all killed, jrut one escapiig to tell
the story. Michael Lelenet, head fire-
, man, who had charge of the boiler -house,
was covered in by .febris, and the body
was dug out an hour after the explosion
e occurred. Beth legs were broken below
d the knee and the body- was badly brtiis
led. Joseph Leheau, brother of the first
t_ I mentioned, Was found thirty feet distant,
with his right arm and shoulder 1sr, ken,
his abdomen crushed in, and his cloth-
ing turn off. 'these men were ,thirty-
eight andtwenty-three years 411 respec-
tively, and resided at Milwaukee. They
came from Montreal years ago; and have
relatives in Canada. Frank Blanchard
g was blown into the bay 200 feet distant.
and his body was not recovered until
_ this wftetnoon. The body was rattly
mangled. He was a single man, twenty -
den of Canada, they would yet hAce a of a bonus was carried in that townshi
showed conclusi
fire years old, and belonged toSt. Osie.
rime, Quehee liar at Carpenter was
found only a few feet from Joe Lebeau, $72 \t'F.ER. {9 •dal at home suer
his clothing torn off, and his )ssir ba(ily n.a.1e. ('ollla. sine tree. Adds
wadded and burned. He was a single t,it a: ('o.. Augtista. ,tains.
man, twenty-seven years old, and carie
from Quebec.
Of the To of u( ( eIe rich, Ie now offering his
Lune • stuck sit Single and Iniuble
at gnstsly reduced prices fur Cash. Having
made artangemrnts with the utauutacturer sit
Harness Trimmlugs to buy direct trout the
factory. and also having made arrangement.
with etc of the beet tanners lir Oman. sur my
Leather, and employing mune but Net -:hum
workmen, and all eianufactured under say own
super% oleo. 1 amt enabled to turn out the beet
and cheapest Barnes in the %Vest. If y cutlery
arc all made In my own shop art nut factory
made, being hair faced and wareated to give
satisfaction. Huttklo Robes and Horse Blank-
ets. Trunks and Valises In tante guantltiesand
everything usually kept In a first -clam harass.
shop. All to be sold off cheap for cash. can
and g. -t prices before buying elsewhere, and
save money at W U. allig0411116 barns•., O ,.
pet. Masa soca street, Lsderlrk,
£d All uut.oundiiig busk accounts roust be
settled immedlatrlyy by cash or mute.
OOo.lcrk•h. Nue. 10th. 1!1111. 1s12
r.:,sur ;tis,,
Goderich Branch.
C R. UC \SFOHD, - tfuR.eyer
Allows interest on deposits. Drafts, letter
of err•!it and circular notes issued. parable
in all parts of the world. 17R,
Pouf up copied, - $G,(NN0,00u.
Beat,,. - RI,400,0017.
Presidest. - 11O.\' H'M. Me MASTER
General Manager. - H', N. ANDERSON.
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - - MANAGER.
Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on al
the principal Towns and titles in Canada
Great Britain and the United States, bough
and sold.
Advaneesto Farmers on Notes. with one or
mum endorsers. without mortgage. 1713
Legal Notices.
CotN rY or HuecN. 1 Hy virtue of • Writ bf
T., WIT : • 1 Fieri radii, belted out
of Her Majesty's ('Burt of Chancery. and tome
directed against the lands and Tenements of
JOHN WINTER, IDefendant,l at the suit.of
JANE: WINTER, IPlaintitel 1 have seized and
taken in Execution, all the Right. Title. and
Interest, and equity of Redemption. of the
above named Defendant, in and to Lots emm-
tier 15 and 16. Fowlers Survey, in the Village
Harpurhey. in the county of Huron. whk
lands and Tenements I shall offer for Sale, at
my of ice, tn.tbe Court House. la the Mien of
Goderich, on FRIDAY. THE 19th ID.AY OF
FEB/WARY, A. lo.. la19, at the hour of 12 of
the clock.
Sheriff of Heron.
Sheriff's (ate. Goderich,
November 902. It1111. i 1512
Mack's Magnetic Medicine 1
Is ar)sm, Prompt and Effectual Re
Nras in all .tsstap-
ra, Weak Memory,
lossof Rrninpota
rr,seruaI pprostrn-
lion, nightsaa.
MAI enal weakness
and General Lot,
ITRADC MARK.) n/ Potter. it repairs Fleeces
.caste. rein renateathsJaded intellett, atrrnptA-
ens the E.5.fcr led Rrata, and'vetoerseurpms
lag Tone and I'ipor to the Krhawaled Genere-
lire rlrrpota. The experience of thousands
proves Itan i]YA LI'AHLE R1tMKDt•.
The ntc.11clne is pleasant to the user• and in
no case and under no circumstances can it do
harm. each box contains sufficient for two
week's medication. thus being much cheaper
than any other medicine sold -and while It is
the ebewpeat, it a meek better.
£Tall particulars in our pamphlet, which
• we desire to mail free to any address.
Dark's Ilagnetie lledtelae is sold by Drug-
gists at se ctn. per box, or I9 boxes for tea. or
will be mailed free of postage, on receipt of the
money. by addressing
t;.Il'li'a MAGNETIC DE0IC1!fE
Windsor, Ont.. Canada.
sold in Goelerich, he J111104 wILM5 , and
all Druggists everywhere. 1512-17
p - R-
railway; among others to wait upon each
of said municipalities with a view of
securing bonuses; and that said commit-
tee be delegates to wait on the Govern-
ment of Ontario and the Railway Com-
mittee, to press all necessary amend-
ments to the charter of the railway com-
terrihly. Placa with two or more lines ' tenants in any municipality was micros may' or secure a new one, if necessary:
were not thus situated, and now wan the 1 say t.. Mount the passing ofa bones by- and that five delegates be now elected
time V. mote in the matter. The C. V. law. 1f a man was sick, and could not proviaiormally, subject to the approval
R would be able to pre ample ac go to the Ili eta ohs sssioipalities which tMy rem-
it ace: or if a man was sent.
e tmmoelation eat, west, and math. It I absent from home in a city i tt business;
was in every sense a peocie's line, and l..r if he were travelling in the great The folbwittg w,mnittees were then
would aid the people of Canada in pre• l North-West; or if he bad not the time to appointed:
ference to thaw of the t'nited titates, 1 vote: or if he had conseientioes scruple" W ootjtui'u x- Mayor Schofield, Reeve
which was not the caw with else other against voting ---a some in Mouth Hume; Parker, Depy-Reeve Grant, councillor
lines, for they gave better rotes t.. the I had: --in all thew events, although be . Potts, O. R. Pattollo.
traders of the States than they did to might be anxious to have all the advert- Weer Z oaaA-J. Matheson, A. Mc -
thou who built them. By the bringing sages which addit►nnal railway aoorwnaste Cor'tsndele, John Young, Role. Forbes,
in of the C. V. IL rates would be made 1 dation implied, he were counted as Jas. Monroe.
fair, and greatly increased sews node• . voting against the by-law. And if ab -
tion for traffic would be the result. ' anrdity cnoM go beyond that, he wou'd
What was wanted most was to give the; like to have some one pint out an in
farmers and nosiness mon greater facili- stenos. Hear, hear and pmkxnged ap-
ties for shipment than they at present ! please.) t'nless the b>giesl working out
possessed. There we nothie to meant !of the principle were to owed, and ons -
the line being built. The country I puleory voting became law, the abeur-
throngh which it would pass woe the dity shouts ie wiped ..R the statute
richest in the Proviso,; the Huron tract book. (Hear, heat.) That was a point
could not he hasten aavwheme for fe,ii• which shosM be taken into ennaiders-
t 11.111 a, wrywwsrq sow ♦7 ... _,.
• --a-• - ---- --s ,r . AJ. .sen _: -' ' Imfc olds 1er•.q,rt
M. Masts -J. a Hardin``, Jag,
Whitatane, D. Miller, II. E. Wilson, J.
J. Crabb.
BLAII,SARD-W. 8. Sanderson, W.
Johnston? W. Rogers, R Beattie, J.
Emu -D. R. Roes, Dr. Aflame, D
Shaw, D. Mathew*. Jas. Mans.
Uagoaatt-T. Kay, R. Porter. J
Shier. Jae Hackney. A . Denten
A Goad Thing Frear the %take.
The Montreal ((iuuula) PGA/ says: -
In the age of quackery, it is consoling to
discover that there is something nedid in
existence. and that, -though there are
vendors who lie most ch#erfully at, sort
their wares, there are others who tell
the truth and allow time to test the
merits sof what they offer fur sale. As
year after year rolls over, the frauds and
the shame sink away out of sight in the
1NNla and murasaes ..f obscurity, while
what is really good and true stands
boldly forth all the grander for its age
and solidity. Thus while within the
present decade thousands of patent
medicines, putted at one time to infla-
tion, have shrunk before the test of an-
alysis, Sr. Jacobs 1)IL has bravely borne
the strain, 'and is to -day renowned all
over the world for ita famous curative
powers. It is truly one of the pheno-
mena of the age we lire in. The sale of
this article is incredible. It is to be
found all over the civilized world and in
a gond many places which are not civil-
ized -for, unfortunately, the bones of
sorrowing man are racked and ache with
pain no matter what region he inhabits --
and we believe it is yet destined to be
found in every house. and to supersede
the many nostrums which still remain
abroad to mb and defraud humanity of
its tnoneqy and its health. The Arm of
A. Vogeler & Co., Baltimore, spend half
a million dollars yearly in advertising
8e. JACOBS Oi ., std hence we ray asses
at the full extent of their enormous
bu inems. It is truly nmarvelnue. or
would be, did we not know the circul-
ation of this inestimable blessing.
J. R. Onunt, who has spent nearly
three months in Manitoba, arrived home
last Friday morning. The Manitoba et.
mnephere evidently agreed with him, if
we are allowed to judge by appearances.
He brought a very large pair of Rocky
Mountain elk's horns with him. They
measure 58 inches from tip to hese, 41
from tip to tip, 104 in circumference at
the hese, and with the 12 bench(% to
the antlers segregate 13} feet
HEIR and Hair-dremer, bets to return
thanks to the public for past patronage, sad
a dielts a continuance of custom. He can
e P
ost Iso fceound uti his . Shaving Parlor, n76ear3
hOffiGoderlcb- 1
W. S. Hart & Co.
Goderich Mills
Beg their thanks to the public for
year, and to received states th are prepared n
red todo
on the shortest notice, or for the convenience
of parties living at a distance will ezohaN
vista at their town store
(Late W. . Ililliavd's,)
Masonic block, East St. Oodericb.
!'Highest price paid for wheat.15E
New BOILERS sad SALT PAllg nasallte`
tared ea sbertase noose.
All kinds of Repalrtag eseessad vadse the
perusal supervision of Ilse Prtspelsiwe wbe
Practical W or kmn.
P. 4). Box 108 1787
Miscellaneous tarts.
v OfJler. ('ebb's Plock. KIng,Mnt R, Aadn
etch. Plans and Ulcailoms drawn eafroft'
ly. Carpentev's' s and newel weft
(mwavts.l and v sed.
S5 to $20 °'.reretdjt" •t be.rL
*miaow k en.. Parties& illls/