HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1972-09-27, Page 800111111t. ..1111r7 -11r711111. Itam"4- caw- •
Haws of Walton
Institute celebrates 75th anniversary
The Walton WPMell'sInStitUte
,Septehiber Meeting was a special
occasion, when.former Institute'
Members., 4-11, members, leaders
and guests, attended on Saturday
afternoon and signed the guest
Li The President, Mrs. Gerald.
Watson .called the meeting to
Order with the singing of 0 Canada.
With Mrs. Neil McGavin as
pianist. Mrs. Watson welcomed
all and was glad to see so many
return and share in the 75th
"Anniversary Party. She recalled
Adelaide Hoodless the founder
Of the institute who was born at
a farm house at St. George,
'Ontario and lived there till she
married John Hoodless in 1881.
On February 19, 1897, she or-
ganized at Stoney Creek, the
world's first women's Institute.
It was her belief that in this
organization rural women could
discuss their problems and work
together to improve thir stand,
and of homemaking and citizen-
ship. The movement spread
throughout Ontario and later to
other provinces. Mrs. Hoodless,
a natural leader and forceful
speaker, introduced the teach-
ing of domeStic science Into Ont-
ario schools and obtained funds
for the building of Macdonald In-
stitute at Guelph.
Mrs. Joe Steffler the secret-
ary-treasurer read the minutes
and members answered the Roll
Call, "How many years a member
and Why do I belong", followed
by a financial report of the Fun
Carnival in August. A card
was read from Mrs. Jan Van-
Vliet Sr. who has been visit-
ing relativesin Holland.
The Senior training school is
scheduled for October 24 - 25
with two leaders to be chosen.
The Fall Rally of the Huron
County branches is to be held
in Auburn on October 2nd. The
Guelph Area convention is to
be held in Stratford, November
2 - 3.
Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr. con-
ducted a lively sing-song assist-
ed by Mrs. Neil McGavin at the
Mrs. G. Watson conducted
an "In Memoriam" service for
the ten members who had passed
away, followed by a moments
Mrs. William Humphries in-
troduced the guest of the after-
110011, Mrs. Jas, McNeil who has
been a Board member for 8
years. She brought greetings;
from, the F.W,I,O, Board and
praised the Walton branch for
sponsoring 4 - H clubs. The
object of the Institute is to
prove the betterment of the Home
and Country, one of the largest
organizations in the world, it
needs new life . We need to help
the new homemaker in this world,
by getting involved, we have
more opportunities to learn to
do by doing.
Mrs. Allan McCall thanked
the speaker and presented Mrs.
McNeil with a gift.
Contests followed conducted
by Mrs. Don Achilles, Mrs. John
Bos, Mrs. Don McDonald, Mrs.
Jan Van Vliet and Mrs. Neil.
The guest coming the farth-
est was Mrs. McLaughlin, form-
erly Mary Alice Buchannon, who
was presented with a gift.
Mrs. Alvin McDonald intro-
duced Miss Catharine Hunt, home
economist from Clinton who
spoke on the home economic
branch programs. She told what
Institute members can obtain
from the Loan Library in Tor-
onto, including study kits and
demonstration kits, Miss Hunt
said the Senior training school
was on "Ontario fruit", and told
of the training schools for 4-H
members and the project, "The
Third Meal", which is in pro-
gress for the fall. Next spring
is to be "Sportswear from knits",
She was thanked by Mrs. Joe
Steffer and presented with a gift.
The first executive members
that were present were asked to
stand. The branch was formed
15 years ago at the home of Mrs.
Wilbur Turnbull.
Mrs. Ken McDonald in-
troduced Mrs. Harold Wallace,
R.R.#2, Clifford who belongs to
the Lakelet Institute and is at
present President of the Dis-
trict. She brought greetings'from
the district and Guelph area.
The 8th and 16th Unit held
their September meeting at the
Manse on Wednesday evening
with Mrs. Rev. Docken as host-
The call to Worship was given
by Mrs. George McCall, and
"Happy the home when God is
there" was sung with Mrs. Har-
old. Bolger as painist. Mrs. Mc-
Call read the scripture from
Romans Chapter 14, followed by
prayer and a poem.
The topic "To Love Like A
Dog" was given by Mrs. Jan
Van Vliet Jr. "Our Love to
Thee, 0 Christ" was sung and
The business portion was con-
ducted by Mrs. Don McDonald,
minutes were read by secretary,
Mrs. G. McCall,
Eleven members answered
the roll call, and there were
2 visitors present. Mrs. Geo.
McCall is to 'be the delegate
to attend the Regional meeting
at the Brucefield United Church
on October 15th. Mrs. Rae
Houston gave the treasurer's
report. .
Mrs. D. McDonald read an
article on "The Tatar Family"
and lunch was served by Mrs.
Rae Houston, Mrs. Don McDonald
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Mrs. Jim Axtmann thanked Mrs.
Wallace for coming and present-
ed her with a gift.
Another sing,song was con..
ducted by Mrs. Van Vliet and
Mrs. McGavin, assisted by a
former 4-H member, Mrs. Mc-
Kinley, fortnerly Doris Johnston.
/qrs. Wallace and Mrs. Mc-
Neil were asked to cut the Ann-
iVersary cake, Institute Crace
preceded a sinorgasborg style
lunch with the committee
in charge, Mrs. George Blake,
Mrs. H. Williamson, Mrs. Wm.
Leeming, Mrs., A. McCall, Mrs.
Murray. Smith, Mrs. Q. McCall
and Mrs. Ernie Stevens.
The committee in charge of
decorating provided Institute
colors of blue' and gold stream-
ers, which were most colorful.
Baskets of yellow marigolds and
purple asters formed the set-
ting on the platform.
CAVALIER COLOR TV Perfect in any setting. Roll
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and the hostess,.
4 H Meeting
Walton 2, 4-H, Club gathered
at the home of their leader, Mrs.
Mac Sholdice, assisted by Marie
Nolan, for the project, "The
Third. Meal" on. Saturday morn-
Seven members were present
•and forms of registration were
filled out.
Officers elected are; Presi-
dent Joyce Blake, Vice-President
Mary Anne Blake, Treasurer,
June Williamson, Secretary and
press reporter rotating of mem-
The leaders explained the rel-
quirements of the club, and talked
about the club in general. Dis-
cussion was on, "what has
supper happened to which went
from the cave man to the present
day diet. The making of a pizza
was conducted by Debbie Van
Vliet and. Mary Ann Blake.
Walton 2, Third Meal Club
met again at the home of Mrs.
Mac Sholdice, when minutes were
read by Janice Houston. Roll
Call, was "My Favourite Picnic
Barbecue or Patio Food", and
June WilliamSon gave the trea-
surer's report and everyone paid
Fall Fertilization Pays
Are moving from the feder-
al Building, Listowel on
To 137 Inkerman St. West
Location corner of lnkerman
and Wallace Streets.
Phone 291-3450
Mr. and Mrs..Harvey Dennis,
of Brussels ald Mr. and Mrs.
Melville Dennis' of H.H,#2, wr-
oXeter were in Woodstock last
Wednesday attending the funeral
of their nephew, Dennis Neill,
who was killed in a car - motor,
cycle pile up near Dorchester, on
the previous Sunday. The late
Mr. Neill was a grandson of
the late J. H. Neill, former cur-
ator of the Goderich Museum.
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