HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1972-09-27, Page 5PRICED TO SELL BURNABY-
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Knox church observes anniversary service
Stuart;Rev. NAPO. his sermon.
On "The Hidden TreaPiirer4,
A. large cheir mixed voices
under the leadership of Rey,
Roberts, and accompanied by Miss
Brenda. Johnston, organist for.
the morning services rendered.
two numbers "Amazing Grace"
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LewisMrs. StOnehouse
Rey, :Donald Stuart of •ft,R,X
Centralia assisted by Hey. john•
G. Roberts of Beigrave conducted.
ailniVerfuiry services in Knox.,
United Church: HelgraYe, Sunday,
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and "The Lord is My Light".
At the evening service the
"GQ9d Intentions" of Teeswater
provided excellent renditions.
Mrs. George Johnston was organ-
Rev, Stuart centred his re-
marks around the "Potter and
his play. He stated that only
by using well worked fine clay
can a good, end result be ob-
The "Good Intentions" pro-
vided a half hour of fine enter-
tainment at the conclusion of
the service to the appreciation
of the capacity congregatien. A
social hour during which re-
freshments were served to the
guests, followed.
The Belgra.ve Junior Auxil-
iary met on Saturday morning in
the Orange Hall with 20 girls
The meeting opened with
games led by Dianne Scott.
President April McBurney
led in the opening exercises.
Sheila Anderson had charge of
the roll call. Minutes were
read by Bonnie walker. The
treasurer's report was given by
Dianne Scott. Leaders for the
next meeting games-Cathy Shiell,
sing-song - Dianne Scott, to help
with worship service, - Pat-sy
Scott, clean up girls - Kelly
Lougheed and Melanie Scott.
Bonnie Walker helped with the
worship service, April McBurn-
ey and Marjorie Nixon collect-
ed the offering and Kelly
Lougheed recited the offertory
.prayer. The juniors and seniors
worked on their craftsmanship
badge. Two guests at the meeting
were Marjorie Nixon and Lori
Cameron. The sing-song was
led by Cathy Shiell.
The third 4 - H meeting was
held at the home of Lori Thomp-
son with 7 girls present. The
business was conducted by Alice
Beecroft vice-president.
It was decided to call the
club "The Crepe Suzettes" Mrs.
Chandler 'and Mrs. Robertson
discussed "The Third Meal"
with fish, flesh and fowl. Mrs.
Robertson took up the results
of the four day meal record with•
the girls.
Alice Beecroft and Lori
Thompson demonstrated making
"Chili Con Carne".
The second 4-H meeting took
the form of a picnic held at
Riverside Park in wingham.
After the picnic a short meeting
was held at the home of Marilyn
A discussion was led by the
leaders on patio parties, bar-
becues, and picnics.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly.
of Seaforth visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Vincent, while there
Mr. Kelly found a %good size
puff ball which measured 27
inches around and eleven inches
across. Several good meals
were enjoyed from it.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Procter
returned home on Monday
morning after a 16 day con-
ducted bus tour of the Atlantic
Provinces, while in Montreal they
visited with Mrs. Procter's
sister, Mrs. John McKee and
Mr. and Mrs. David Hanna and
family , Miss Gail Mayberry,
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Minick and
family all of Kitchener, Mr. and
Mrs. Eldon Cook and family.
Mr. and. Mrs. Wayne HoPPer and
Carol visited On the weekend at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clar-
ence Hanna.
Mrs. Clarence quill, Mrs,
Leslie Bolt, Mrs. Willard Arai-
strong and Mrs. James Walsh
Motored by Armstrong bus to
Stone's Dahlia Garden of Sim-
coe and 1VIceonnell's Nursery
Port Burwell. En route called
at the new K-Mart at Stratford
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Scott,
Brian and David of Barrie spent
the weekend with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Wheatley of Liberty, Sask., Mrs.
Mildred Campbell and Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce. Austin of Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Maclnnes
of Heidleberg, Miss Sharon Mac -
Innes and Mr. Dyke MacInnes
of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. David.
Hanna and family of Kitchener,
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Willard Armstrong.
Robert Procter and Martin
Grasby are patients in the Wing-
ham and District Hospital.
Those attending the Bauer -
Smyth wedding in Toronto last
Saturday were Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Smyth, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Sid-
ney Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Currie, Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Sanderson of London, Mr.
and Mrs. James Donaldson of
w Ingham.
The wedding took place in
Kingsway Larnbton United
Church. The reception followed
at the Old Mill.
Mr. and Mrs;Maitland Edgar
visited last Sunday with his
mother , Mrs. Arthur H. Edgar
Sr., who is a patient in the Wing-
ham and District Hospital.
Alex Robertson attended the
Gardon of Peace session of the
Order of the Eastern Star as
a Grand Guard last week at the
Royal York Hotel in Toronto
from September 19 - 22.
Mrs. William Boles and Miss
Della Boles of St. Catharines
were last week end visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cook. They
attended Mr. and Mrs. George
walker's 50th wedding anniver-
On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Vincent visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Smith of Port
Elgin and Erwin McCauley.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vin-
cent accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
William Kelly of Seaforth to
Southampton for a few days.
' Mrs. Garner Nicholson and
her daughter Margaret of Lon-
don visited last week at Clark-
• son, • Streetsville and Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stone-
house and Mrs. Charles John-
ston of Blyth attended their cous-
ins funeral, the late Morley Bell
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kil-
patrick of Arkona visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Gnoy while Mrs. Gnoy attend-
ed the Grand Chapter O.E.F.
in Toronto.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Bruce Mar-
shall of London visited on Sun-
day with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Cook and attended
the United Church anniversary
service in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd
attended a reception for new-
lyweds. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Kennedy in Kurtyville Commun-
ity Centre on Saturday evening
and on Sunday visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Waren Zurbrigg, of
The Huron Perth County
Roman Catholic Separate School
Board meeting in Seaforth Mon-
day again approved giving a
$75.00 scholarship to the Kiwanis
Music Festival in Stratford for
the festival next April 2 to 14
The Board was informed there
had been an increase of 200
entries in 19'72 over 1971,
The request was approved
by Mrs. J. Grant of World. Ser-
vice Committee through YMCA
and YWCA to allow the distri-
bution of UNICEF boxes in the
Separate Schools in Stratford to
permit the students to partic-
ipate in the UNICEF program on
Trustees John McCann of R.R.
3, Aliso. Craig, and Ted Geo-
ffrey of R.R.2, Zurich, will re-
present the board at the Ontario
English Catholic Teachers'
Association weekend conference
in Toronto on November 3 - 5.
Assistant Superintendent Joseph
Tokar will attend as well. The
conference is on the theme € (what
takes place in a Catholic school
room from nine to-four."
Copies of the printout (budget
balance to date) were distributed
to the members of the board.
These will be considered and
at the next meeting time will
be allowed to answer questions
on the budget.
The property committee was
appointed to investigate what has
to be done to clean up the board's
new property on No. 4 highway
in the eastern part of Seaforth
so that it may be used as a
play area by the students at St.
James School. Estimates of
bulldozing costs, etc. are to be
secured by next board meeting.
The property committee also
is to investigate getting a bull-
dozer to clean up the back area
to the south of the school pro-
perty in St. Marys.
Trustee Joseph Looby urged
that the bulldozing work must be
done in October before wet wea-
ther sets in in November.
The Board accepted the resig-
nation of Mrs. George Reurink
who has been custodian at St.
Joseph's School in Stratford. Her
place will be taken by Frank
Fox who has been janitor at St.
Michael's School. Trustee Mich-
ael Connelly of the Personnel
Committee said his committee is
reviewing 'applicants for St. Mi-
chael's School.
Trustee Connelly reported his
committee will meet with the
teachers' committee Tuesday
night hoping to complete the sal-
ary negotiations for the teachers
in the separate schools in Huron
and Perth.
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R.R.2, Clifford and attended the
anniversary service of Fordwich
Wilted church, Sunday morning
when the Rev. A, C. Coles
former minister was the guest
Robert Hibberd along with
County Master, Edgar Howatt
of Blyth visited Newbridge, L.
0. L. '775 on Monday evening.
Robert and. Gordon Gray of
Kitchener Spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. James.
board clears
Friday and Saturday Night
Coffee Shop and Dining Room Now Open
Turkey — Spareribs and Sauerkresui -- Fish and Chips