The Huron Signal, 1881-11-18, Page 3M.
A near neighbor of mine, who h4.1 been
an invalid with ague and biliuuarteas fur
over fourteen years, wee then induced to
try it. After a reaauuaele length of
, thus shreported the sat:.e results as iu
my spilt rum. C44i3 Thi. uonvinoel ate
that th Pad was gue 1 It bruueht
peace to my family. I b.r;an to look
well into the principles claimed for the
Pad. I also hunted up every person I
could find who had tried it. A: last I
decided to sae the uwnea. I becaaae
convinced that the Pad was a success be-
yond question. I lamed front thein
that when the Pod was wuru as directed,
there could be no failure. With this
conviction, and notwitnstandine I par-
tially comprehended the sacrifices' I had
to make—absence from my family, opine
sition from the &atture, and prejudice,
the ridicule and indifference from my
fellow -man generally—yet I decided to
return to the city of Cincinnati, where I
had lived seventeen years of my life.
and there
91u:1\ THE eioNEI* worn,
proclaiming a principle that luokel like
a humbug on its face to a people who
never before had heard the :Lame of the
Holnitn Fever and Ague Liver
Pad. If there is any One here who has
ever experemeod all that it means to
make a discovery that, if adopted,
•would redound to the beue5: of men, or
has experienced the hope, joy, disap-
pointments, discouragement., contempt.
sorrow and labour that fall to the lot of
those who attempt to promulgate it. then
he is prepared to count the cost of the
Holman Liver Pad to date. Tho who
have not, soul:) with profit reel the
lives .1 Galileo, .Jenner, Harvey, Fulton,
and meny othera whu hive tried it.
Like all new beginners, my commence-
ment was a 11:rd struggle. The first
three casco were among the worst chronic
played out ones I ever had. These were
the desperate Dune. They had exhausted
the whole list of me heel science and
humbugs—and the pour Pad had to
come in and be put up as a target for
the doctors to shoot at. The first was •
case of thirty-four years standing, no-
toriously well know:. Be.aaso the Pad
did not cure inside of three weeks the
doctors were heralding it all over town.
But when it did cunt no one ever heard
from theme a word, of credit or praise
given the Pad. -The next was a case of
twenty-five year. standing: there was
but one slight chill after weerine the
vent !•epee. t' leer,., 1'y.hail, It wit• , of the stutuaeh, and by bleed poises. I rendes. tsereesere.
fuer, Bet.u., ''..1 Costive, .std all kinds I The ale see t'ud troll eve to route,. • There is Lao doubt wear ttr,und for the
of fever. tees hos bowl totted and I the trouble as seen as applied. in rases position taken by Mr. Das el Blain as to
preteu n1 so sooty resew that we state of utllaru► to every form, 1 leeku Our the attitude of the Literal leaders to-
rt p,oaitivuly mail without tetaliticat . bold declaration, that 1 doubt if there is wards Sir William Howland. Mr. Blaine'
It will pruvtiutiudr complaints by la case iu existence that the Holman claire is that the men who have borne the
keeping the beeels re,ulsr; ti will pre- ' Pads will not cure.I use !'ads in the heat and burden of the day snould not be
thrust aside to make room for prodigal
sons, however great their itttuence or
high their standing. Many thing, that
are not agreeable have to be put up with
in politics. You would not find Sir John
Macdonald taking this ground. All Latish
'that comes to his net, and any nun is
Iwclo,ntp to the Conservative ranks who
is willing to work for the Conservative
party. The majority of Sir John's col-
leagues in the Cabinet have been on the
other side of pedities, hut he does not
make that a reason for declin:n¢ to make
will ase .of them t" keep himself std his par -
secure a second Pad, and in the spruce ty in 1e.wer. Two such goad men as Sir
time when all nature is uudergeine n \� illiaat 11..wland and Mr. David Blain
change, would wear it, say two weeks, 1 .humid he able to get along in the same
and also at any time, fur is few days, party without either crowding the other
when you fuel any sympt nus of bilious- out. reele;trant.
nese, and ten days in each malarial
month, as a preventive, you will tiud one The Donee.Pad keeping you in health a whole year making aking the Holman Pad
the cheapest, the pleasantest, and most
convenient, the surest and most sat's-
fectory curative, preventative, and tho-
rough system regulator in the world.
Of all this you can rest assured.
vett despea toy absorbing all leu ns
esu Ipplural see. It is uuderst,txl that it
anti ar.•usut.i uen•uus action 111 the* be adjusted and wuru sucordtng todinrc-
stuue.tch and laver. It will pr ent flora. If you will give the Y and our
and cure heart disease other than or- Plasters and Medicated Salt Foot Baths,
game.. It ea s•'Idoat we meet with other that are frequently used, one quarter
then functional svuip.uhetic heart die the, patience and fainnew you ;five auy
ease, which prec ft- ut stectach de- other treatment a d will drop every-
gut. thin;{ else and rel entirely on them,
IT 113,i 222N DZYloNKTNA7RU they will bring ou the biessiuit of
beyond the peastbility of a doubt, that it health, that it has widow been your
trill I.rerent chromic internal rheumatism4'rivIluse to enjoy, provided your stomach
and tieurel•ia. l'ht. s sue ntay be seta of Ip not entirely worn out and d atneyud
sick headaches, :de.Ke n e et* we and by the use and abuse of medicines.
After you are once cured. if you
nem ills priest ratiott Chow are directly
traceable to a wrest nerve centre that
pervades the digestive • rgan s over the
pit of tate sttmetuh. flus is the battery
that etnuniu•,ieate, quickerthau thought
to every ,rtrt ut the system any disturh-
:unee of the stentech. Disease there
means nerve pr•stration, let:tenon, in-
fleminetion, obstructions. Hence, pain
and e..u1erin; indescribable. These feel-
ings are, 41 course, intensified in pro -
pe rtiou to mental strain nr undue ex-
citement. Also in proportion to the
amount of poisonous aubstatces which
are absorbed into the blood thee pe,tsuns
the breis nerves, niesiles tissue, and
0-1 44., and canes nervousness, dir::uess,
geuertl debility, gout, noural•na, rheuma-
tism, paralysis, and death. The Pad, and
mer Plasters, and Medicated Feet-l.atlu
will do more for you in curing these than
all the'Vorlt's treatment armtained. In
the name of Innatanity, try theta. But you
are reedy to say—you aro asking too
m•ich for it tee ,soy it will cure and pre-
vent all these. Not so. 1f it be true
thew diseases all come, as I claim, from.
the stare cause, and 1 will give ample
pried that they do, then, if the pad cure*
or prevents in one, it tunat of necessity
in the whole. And this it dues. Oh !
would that the doctors, for humanity's
sake, who hold in their hands the lives
1 s. ineny millions, understood better
the fun•leme:et:al c.auac, and acted upon
t, instead 41 treating all specifically.
Not to.treat disease by tint t:ndine the
cause reminds me of truce drinking from
• small brook a cup c•f water that tasted
putrid. I sought the cause by that riru-
ng out auy cup. The taste was still the
sane. I followed the stream sIrnn dm -
once, stud found a putrid hug lyiug in
t.• I need not tell you that bailing the
Pad. Mao George Krennine. • Int his t
case, as in all others, there waa plenty of
ridicule. In his else, I said to him,
"No cure, no pay." In five days he
acknowledged himself well; in thirty
days he gave mo his testinteniat, and is
now at Fort Reemyery, Ohio, selling
Pads for a living. So with John C.
Preston -ea case if liver and stomach
disease, pzin in side and liver, consti-
pation, dierrhue t, headache; inside of
ten days he mai well. after being ill for
over ei;,hteen years: Dr. Bissell. of
Cincinnati, who had suffered a th..uwand
deaths with neuralzit in the staunch for
over eight years. Was it rm snently cured t
inside of two weeks. • 1'. A M .ffett, of c
heart disease, ni tl.srta. 1:.,1 Therntuu,
assistant postmaster; t.'incinniti, S. V. t
Cuetia, banker, of Middleton, a very •1d t
• case of to tlerie and bili•usnees, who lead _i
spent a small fortune of be curet and t
It can witlftruth be said, that on the
American amtinent south of latitude
forty-seven, not one person in five has a
sound liver and stomach. And it is Inv
fixed purpose, if my life, strength and
talents are spared toe, never to cease uty
labours in behalf of this blessed boon
until every man, woman and child has
heard of the Holman Liver Pad. To
those of you who are old enough, and
free to act for yourselves, if, after all
that has been said, you choose to treat
the subject indifferently, preferring to
suffer rather than yield your prejudice,
theta let me appeal to. you, in the tame
of humanity, to save your children; for
I have drunk to the very dregs all that
it means to see a household blighted
witn sickness, and have on the other
hand seen the joy, peace and happiness
that good health brings us.
Facts are stubborn things, meet them as
wemay. A word t,mothersand Iamdone.
I quote the languageof Mra.Dr. Carter;of
Philadelphia, who is,a mother and phy-
sician; "It is now not uncommon to put
apparently well children in the care cf a
physician, that their systems may, be
kept in such a state that they may be iq
A great deal can herald yard about dancing:
for instance, the Chief of Polios of New
York city says that three-fourths of the
abandoned girls in this city were ruined
by dancing. Young ladies Allow gentle-
men privili,;ee in dancing, which, taken
under any other circumstances, would be
considered as improper. It requires
neither brains nor good morals to be a
good dancer. In ancient times the 'sexes
danced separately. Alcohol is the spirit
of the beverages. So sex is the spirit of
the dance: tette it away and let the sexes
dance separately, and dancing would go
out of fashion very soon. Parlor danc-
ing is dangerous. Tippling leads to
drunkenness,and parlor dancing leads to
ungodly balls. Tippling and parlor
dancing sow the wind, and both reap the
whirlwind. Put dancing in the crucible,
apply the acids, weigh it, and the ver-
dict of reason, morality and religion is
"Weighed in the balance and found
wanting."—[New York Journal 41 Ede -
%pedal Offer.
Wu will give one of the beat Singer
sewing machines that are made in the
world for .50 subscribers, No . Getter
machine made on earth. It is warranted Has just receii•ed a large lot .
for 5 years by the manufacturers, viz:
The Lawlor Maunfacturine Co'y of Aleut- SIDE BRACKETS.
real. A warrant from this company is
surely a guarantee of its being a first .
livreoacia =meal, Goderich_
F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer sit Drums, ceet e•ala. Paints. ono, i)ye Stuffs, Artist ('olu
Patent aledicitnsa Iluanw and cattle Perfumery, Toilet Articles. etc.arehesictans' Prescriptions carefully d'wpen.ed.-$a
s � FR
Prescriptions a Speciality
DRU(rtel'l e»-.
Night Bell on the Front Door
star would out ILtte mad o it loss utfern- nu den er of contractiu scour of class machine and ea oecia11
w g g the
ze p y when it has
sive, w long ail the cause remained.,
the nursery—scarlet fever. But to do such a man as James McDougall, EN.,
You are, no doubt, scaly Go ask, "What' the by medicine is itself reprehensible. at ita head. Our offer is as follows:
is the principle by which the Pad acts f'' The Pad Will prevent this dist:eat. heiuq For 10 subscribers and 820 we •will p s p
The Holman Pad is made of a number at the aame time a source of e0.4.1 and give a 850 Canadian Singer with two
of harmless vegetable compounds, such
as hare been found t be an antidote to
diseases in the human system, and con-
tains just the, touic required for the sys-
tem. It defies its work without any in -
camel medicine, and is two -fold (dis-
tinct.) in to action. The principle is , hie to infection, except for its pritection,
absoirption—Nature's law. A tunic : is, and this one weaving the Pad would be
t►rowu int.p the system by the tray of the only one not stricken down by the extension leaf and cover and full attach•
irculation; an.l exactly where needed,' contagion. The Holman 'Pad should l Inents.
•tilts liver and atoobt^h and centre t commend itself to every mother in the II 'For 30 subscribers and 810 we will
1 the nervous, system, which pel'tades I lend. And that other disease that adds I give a $50 Canadian Singer with two
Its digestive ureters Another property 'yearly to. the little graces sit the cemo- ffff drawers, extension leaf . and cover and
t has. which is to absorb filen the sys•.1 teries of etery village, town and city in full attaclunonts.
ecu an. bilious, malarious- and medicinal i the country—cholera infantum—for the ; For 40 subscribers and 85 we will give
a 850 Canadian Singer with two drawers
extension leaf and cover and full attach-
Fur 50 subscribers we will give a .830
Canadian Sieger with two drawers, ex-
verhy, that the hum:ui b..dy, when at j ture death. You cannot safely give tin• tenure. leat and cover and full .attach -
sea, eau exist Lau inconsidetaable lenetu be►by strong tuedicine of any kind, and inerts,
of time without es...1 or drink, by uceaa- carelessness'(/' ignorance in this partici- This machine is a geuuiue Canadian
oadly watinl th : gnnuents with soft , lur is little short of criminal, for the ser- siege;and we j;uarsutee it nicer look -
rt• r enol that thirst rat erGne.t entirely I sult, though unintentional and deeplyiiig and better than and other t'inger
,t satisfied iu this manner. :limit', if a i reg,eted, is child murder. Lay the Ped 'machine made,, This is a specially good,
plaster of wet taste. be placed for a i upon the stomach of the teething infant Chance fur young ladies who want a tirit
few minutes only over the pit o 1 f the upon the Ent indication, of any derange- I class sewing machine, and at the same
stoac'i. it will protects deathly pick- , mut of that organ. It will draw the , title give your gentlemen friends the
ne++. No Purim would he safe in try -1 fever from the brain, draw the pain from hest news paper published in no.rtheia
ane thus aeterrie tent fir thirty luiuutea ; the little writhing body. and regulate: • Heron.
even, for the Leeson of the tohaceo will the bowels, just as rapidly as it can he The agent -of "this machine, D. Gordon
1:ave entered the eh-eelatino h, abwrp- . done With safety, and more prompt!3 of (.odeiIith will pay 85 up to 810. ac-
tion. Poultices and blisters are used than any medicine you could dare t•• cording to the price. to any persr.n send -
to draw Lar abb.,_t
o diseases to the slur- i give. Dru;ging is most pernicious t • ani, theta the address of parties who will
face: a child. Opiates are injurious. Thee bee. This is an additional chance for
Every persm . knows the danger of ' only suspend pain, but do not remove it the ladies ctnvasaing for subscribers to
ruhbing cr placing certain mesons en "or its cause. The medical faculty are make money
ihe,sttrftsce of the bootie. That- in a few wron;t in using thent thus frequently and "
moments the entire system. could be lar4ely. Det you think I ant urging
Must say it the nicest thing I ever
poisoned unto deathA blister and a thesefacts upon yo to strongly T Byused for the teeth and breath." aays
poison can both be applied on the saws the leve I bear my own, which thus far everyone having tried ' Taaaz a1," the
spat: and at the LIMO time, neither be- heaven has spared Ire, not for one mil-
new lariat Gent Get a 5d sample. 3m
lion dollars would I be guilty of mis-
leading you, I tell you, and if those were
the last words; I eheuld ever utter they
would still be the sante, that for children
of any age the is one treatment that
Ihould and will supersede every other.'
For the etke then, of the little ones
confided to your care, whichmust needs
be unceasingly watchful, give this mitts
tet your immediate, candid• and most
Benin's attention." "In conclusion my
words to you are, learn to bo your own
doctor, predefineetender t5e dipie'ma
no injury. And these are not mere idle
words, or, what would be worse, .fate
utterances_; they 'have been proved re-
peatedly by actual experiment. The
Pad has been placed upon one member
of a family in which all were equally lia-
drawers, extension leaf and cover and
full attachments.
For 15 subscribe's nod 815 we will
give a ,830 Canadian' Singer with two
drawers, extension leaf and cover and
full attachntenta.
Eor 20 subscribers and 812 we will give
re 850 Canadian Singer with two drawers
was never aided until he usedthe pad. i 1
-Titus it was that one after an.ttiter, re t
markable cures, ..covering - nearly every
form of duces e and inciudineoalw'st r
every king of bleed. poison. cause —about:
aloe the thee tees• peculiar to women ani
' children: weld Lein:; duly re erte.l freim '
every part of the duel, until thia little)
coram .n sense dexter lie neeu:uel a
history of gigrIti i pirop,i'teres.. Int- I t
portant deports o-, . c:,nseltiti•iit nitros
frau of charge are new 'to be foamed. uut
',teems into the Pad. If there is any curing of which our physicians have got
'tsetse in the syatem. it immediately un no further than tho baneful drug
lets about its work. The question would 1 called opium, which Jaya the little innu-
aaturally be asked. how is this leasable t I cent head t i a• fevered sleep, and leads
It is a fact established beyond omen"- Luny stili Lau to 1. of cases to .t preaa-
Daly in nearly all the nn • ..rust cares .4 e
this country, b,u;.als, in the Cantles end
• portiertu et Europe. They have also
found their way in lesser prnpnrcious t" '
Asia, 'Mot Liberia. South-auterica.
3lexic:•. tae llehuuss. etc. Oa: of tee ,
- remarkabie.facts connected with this
tfells t . cure "
treatment to 'the* it.ael iota
where instructi,.iu are literally f.isowe•l,
except. in costes where the coatings. of the
.(: stontagh are destroyed by the use ef.
ip,werfnl ni.dicines. or *here the short
ribs hk over the pitt"1 the eteutach—the
result of tight Heine. In the language'
of another, I believe there is n , disease
that can be kept in subJ'ectiunand'midi-
tsetl by the use o .me Heine. but what
CAIn he aC:ed upon ill a far MOT: teethe;
ftct..ry teenner by the Holman Pa•I and
the auxiliaries, our medicinal plasters
and medicated salt water foot -baths used
• With i:. I believe there is no disease
that medicine will cure but what can be
ease . • cured more promptly and effectually by
this treatment. 1 do know that times
s with " t nunsbcr diseases universally
acknowledged to be beyond the reach of
tnedicine, have none(' away under the
action of these remedies; and the work
was deme w quietly and with so little in-
convenience to the patient, that in many
cases the pain was gone ore be was
aware. More than a quarter of a million
earnest, intelligent living witnesses bear
testimony to the truth of thew state-
ments. The experiences that have come
under my own ohservations of the won-
yerfnl cures which I hear continually
front the pips of grateful pAtients, have
trade it for me te work that transcends
every other consideration. Money could
not buy sus to ail in suppressing it.
Think for one moment what the Holman
Pad will do for the spleen.
will tell you that it is next to impossible
to cure a chromic case of enlargement of
the spleen -usually called ague cake.
By the application of the Pad, the pow-
er t
g for
'n 1'
he ere
h ha'
h a1
e Ct.
a s
e '.4 4
• s
6 s
R. Orr
p correct the disturbance of this or•
gen will be understood and appreciated.
when I say to you thin it will begin to 1
rem eve the enlargement, er ague cake
'amen a. soon as applied. An ague
cake under the pall is like the ice cake
before the sun'. rays. } have had re-
peated cares of this trouble, or disease.
el from a few months tie twenty-three
standing. Thus far I hare never
-n.ew•n a failure to cure within front two
t • four weeks. This may seem hares for
Tee to believe. Ocular demonstrations
will hear me out in these atonements.
Penne me to call your attention to its
antidotal and preventative power. As a
preventative and cure. the rad is worth
many times its weight in gold: it is im-
posts •ale to compute the value of a dis-
- revery whish, without medicine, may be
relied nn to }treveut the moat dangerous
.ealsl'et The ROI,wAM PAD will pis
ing fan iwpedinient to the other, showing
beyond a question, that the body re-
ceives and throws o'''at the same time.
This method of curing disease, rather
than drugging the stomach is so well un-
derstood in England that a committee
appointed by the Royal Medical Society
to investigate the (subject reported as
follows: "The activity of nearly every
substance that can be used is three, if
not four tithe. greater, if given by the
skin than if swallowed." Let us under-
stand the re.ts'n et this. In the skin,
and under the skin, and penetrating
through all the tissues, and of all
the tissues, and of all the organs
of the betty, in many places form-
ing a complete network are fine
ducts and small glands called lymphatics.
These are the chief absorbents of the
body, although absorptions takes place
by the blond vessels also,. It is because
of the lymphatic, extending from the
skin to every organ and every part, that
a raw piercing wind or damp atmos-
phere pierces through us. And this is
alio why the touch of deleternus matter
makes us sick, and contact with poison
may ewe us out live'.. Fo,- !Jibs same
.t Vexed t•tery)-ivaa.
Even the patience of Job would be-
come exhausted were he a preacher and
endeavoring to interest his audience
while they were keeping up an iucessant
coughing, making it impossible for him
to he heard. Yet, how very easy can all
this be avoided by aimply using Dr.
King's New Discovery for Csnsumption,
Coughs and Cold/ Trial bottles given
at your drug -store.
A gang of labourers commenced work
on Monday exl~avating for the new iron.
bridge which is to replace the presettt
timber fabric spanning Kettle Creek,
near St. Thomas, on the Air Line Rail-
way. The structure is 1,800 feet long'
byte) feet in height, and the cost in-
volved in replacing it will he from
880,000 to 8100,000, including steno and
iron work, labour, etc. These are to be
44 piers, or rather 22 mated piers.
These will be 14 feet high and the di-
mensions may he either 22 or 24 feet.
The stone is all cut to the requisite sine
on the Beantsville M 'untain. The total
number of cords of .tube required will
be 2,160, which at 810 per cord will
make the outlay for this one purpose
8'21,1100. The c.entract, for the iron is
let to Clark, Reeves eC Co., of Philedel-
phis; the stone work to R. L. Gibs,u, of
Grimsby, while the excavating and what
apiling may be required is done by the
sesta Rases rev teas.
We have nude arrangements to club
seeroo,� Ib: Pry": rr,n•••fiu .r: u,xoa fpr For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Habi- Tin Stevie with the leading city woek-
P / tel tnal tenet ipaton, Biliousness, Liver or
.urF•r•, ham hem r t.. reetoe desesses. Kidney affections, the safest and hest lies at the following rates :
If we would heal sickness, we must remedy is Dr. Carson's Stomach and fitoNAL AND GtnaR,.. ..... ...*2.23
make use of thea, netnral outlets—the Constipation Bitters, the great family buret AND ADvaartsefe. 2.110
million little paths God hes provided I medicine. They can with perfect safety l;ie'IAL AND MAIL, 2.25
through whice evils may be expelled. be given to the youngest Child an they SPINAL AML RURAL CANADIAN,2.25
and geed may covet to us. Before cnn• are purely vegetable in composition and Sunset AND CANADIAN Femme2.25
cludinst my le -tore, I again return to mild in their section. :bold in large panel Sweat AND CANADA Peseavrxatss 3.00
the canoes nf other uisasses not yet inen- bottles at 50 cents. tiro. Rhynes, spa----�-•—
tinned, such as catarrh, br,nehitis, tial agent for (kxferieli. I A former in Huron C enty, who writes
threat, iung ditftculties, etc. The for -
his own auction sale notices as follows: -
elation of gas and acids in the stomach Westar o f realer. "The cheapest sale of the seamen flood
and intestines, caused by indigestion, 1 1 Stock --No whiskey- end n per Auc-
protlece street irritation of the mucous I As rule we do not reemmtwnd l ;.tent I tioneer," and also adds that "the whole
membrane lining these ere ins, which 'Medicines. but when we know "f one • will positively be aol.l at) cur own hid,
often extends upwards e, the inrmbran- that really is a public benefactor, mullet) the proprietor is t• o lazy to work."
once lining of the cavity of the throat, 'does positively cure, then we consider it Nothing like being candid.—[Ex.
causing inflammation and irritable sore nus duty to impart that information to
throat. ale, to the cavity of the nose, all. Electric Bittern are truly a moat • Dr. Ceram s Stennach and Conatil.a
causing the irritations and secretions 1 valnahle medicine. and will surely cure;tion Ritter., are rapidly taking the place
called the catarrh: also to the niemhrene thlinusnease Fever and A,;ue, tetnmaeh, of all other purgatives, including Pills,
Powders. etc. Their Action is mild yet
effectual an) they are a certain cure for
all bilious cumplaints. In large betties
at 50 cents. (gets. Rhyne, special agent
for (3oderieh.
, lining the air tithes to the hinge, evening lever and Kidney Complaints. even
bronchitis, chronic intlammetinn and el where ell ether remedies fail. We know
aeration of the throat tbrontc nttarrtt, whereof we speak, sad Can freely recnm-
etc.. originate int and are sustained by mend them to all--{Ereh. --Sold at fifty
chronic irritation of the lining membeenr cents a nettle, by all druggists
E _T: IiAcKs,
Holiday Presents
Phut.. and Autograph AtI unts in great variet'-, !fork Ilexes, Writing Deeks,. very
seeable for presents fur Teachers and Scholars...
Stock is New, very complete, and consists rif Ladies' and Gents' Purses, China
Goods of all kinds. Ruby Ganda. Vases in many pattersts, Fleeter Potts, •
• Cupei awl Flowers, '
China and Wax Dolls!
A Large Assortment. et)i ,ka:rs' Simi:., - '.1,•-, l,sen Pipet ar.d Cigar Holders
• and Brier Pipes -100 Different Styles.
School BOOKS. Miscellaneous Books
Bilges, Prayer Books, Church Seeile,os, l:hefeet's Hymn Book., Psalm Bucks,
etc.. etc.—Suhscriptie,ns taken for all the Lest ESouvx, SeoTt•tt,
bran, ,•►altrtr.ta and CANADIAN Papers steal
seazines at Publishers loweest
rates—new is the time
- to euhacril,e..
A full stock of Schoel Books. for Teachers and High an 1 salol Scheel Students
All will be add cheap, and Patrons suited. T }ave a choice
and 1ar:e selects. n , f
Christmas and New Peter's Cards! TH i b; ntArEt ETH AA 'KLyRR,H��wx,
1) eminent 'Telegraph and Punters 't.mnl. uses. I c_
"Dominion Carriage Works," Goderich.
manufacturers of FIRST T s Liss
opposite Colima -tie Henn. tee lett u ' xteenati tt • f :r t,•Li.lea.
REP e ilel\t: l'le,l'f Ll .LTTE\ DED Ti i
b•RINTE;, ', . :HE Hi R,1N SiG\A1,
North titrees• C,,tlerxb