HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1972-09-20, Page 4FREE ESTIMATES
• Barn Cleaners
• Bunk Feeders
• Stabling
Donald G. Ives
R.R. 2, Blyth .
Phone Brbssols 087-90.24 1
Sales — Service
BRUSSELS 887.6904
(Under new ownership, W. Hackbart)
Continuing Summer Clearance
Child's and Youth's Winter Jackets 10% off
Fitted Flannelette and Cotton Sheets and
Woollen Blankets in stock now.
New arrivals of New Winter Dresses & Coats.
Power Choring Farm Equipment
for Dairy, Beef, Hogs, Poultry
Pipe Line Milkers — Stable Clean-
ers — Silo Unloaders — Cattle
Feeders — Ventilation,
MIKE'S Farm Equipment
Model 26P110 - 26"
The beauty of contemporary design is admirably
captured in this full console model. Sainksolidly
built cabinet. Rogers Majestic utilizes modern
techniques in cabinet construction and controls
every operation in its own design studio as well
as its own cabinet factory. This cabinet has been
hand-rubbed to a fine furniture finish of Natural
Walnut. This beautiful cabinet also houses the
powerful new Modular chassis.
Makes servicing a snap
The modular chassis is a marvel of electronic craftsman-
ship and engineering imagination. It has been tested
and perfected. It has also been designed so that if prob-
lems do occur, servicing is a snap. The modular concept
makes it possible. The technician simply locates the fault
in one of the four circuit panels and replaces it with a
new one which he carries with him as part of his tool kit.
To do so, he unplugs the defective unit and snaps in the
new one. Chances are most repairs can be done right in
the home;
New modular chassis ...
reliable, rugged
a top performer
A major breakthrough . , . that's the only way to describe
Rogers Majestic Modular Color T.V. The object was to
simplify the circuitry and to improve reliability. The need
to improve resulted in the design and development of a
modular or building block technique in which four major
parts of the television circuit were localized to four
panels. These four panels are the heart of the chassis.
Sped'. '649"
Phone 887-6851
Activity. ,a round Beigrave News of Walton..
PIM Allan McCall
Anniversary Services were
observed on Sunday at Duff's
United Chnreh, Walton,- when
large crowds turned out for both
The guest minister was Rev.
J. P. Pritton, Hensall, formerly
of Seaforth, who spoke on "What
of the future" and "The Fifth
CoMmandMent of Modern.
Society". Rev . DerwynDeCken
was in charge and opened the
morning service singing from the
New Hymnary. In the evening
there was a sing-song with
guitars* The choir rendered the
anthem "When Morning Guilds
the Skies" assisted at the organ
by Mrs, Ian Wilbee.
The Brussels Quartette con-
sisting of Mr. and Mrs. William
King and Mr. and Mrs. Graeme
MacDonald contributed a couple
of numbers at each service.
The Boundary and 17th Unit
of Dia ''s United Church met
Septemner 12th at the home of
Mrs. John Hos with 15 members
and 2 visitors present.
Mrs. Hugh Johnston opened
with the thought for the day,
"What a friend we have inJesus"
was sung. Mrs. Johnston read
the scripture from Psalm 18 fol-
lowed by a story, 'Man looks at
outward appearances, but God
looks at the heart'.
Mrs. Harvey Craig read a
story, The Bible, The Book of.
Hope and took as her topic,
"Brass Heaven", an article
written by Billie Graham.
Mrs. Roy Williamson con-
ducted business. Minutes were
read by the secretary, Mrs.John
Bas. A bale is to be packed
in October and the fowl supper
is to be held on November 1st.
A bazaar is being planned for
October 17th.
The next meeting is to be
held at the home of Mrs. Cliff
Ritchie with Mrs. George Wil-
liamibn ''and ' mks. John Hos in
Lunch was served by Mrs.
'H. Johnston, Mrs. H. Craig and
the hostess.
The Walton Unit met in the
church basement on Wednesday
evening with le). ladies present.
Mrs. Walter Bewley having
the topic for September opened
the meeting with an enlightening
skit on "Introduction to India",
assisted by Mrs. Nelson Marks.
The coming year study is to
be on India. This country is
the second largest in population
and still growing, one out of
every six people is Indian. There
are 500 people to a square mile
70% of these people can neither
read mr write. There is one
doctor for every 5000 people.
A discussion f ollowed on "A
future for Indian people".
The scripture taken from
Luke : 1 - 19 was given by Mrs.
BeWley followed by the Creation
Story from Genesis and a poem
entitled "The Lord's Compas-
sion". Mrs. N. Marks led in
prayer. The offering was re-
ceived by Mrs. H. Hackwell in
the absence of Mrs. Mac Shol-
dice, the treasurer, and dedi-
gated, by Mrs* Bewley..
Mrs. Nelson Reid presided
for business.. Thanks was Pc.,
tended to Mrs. Bewley and mrs.
Marks for taking part in the de-
votions. Mrs. Reid read a Mes-
sage from the Missions and $er.,
vice committee, "The Way we
look at Missions." Thank you
notes were read from the
Porter family, Miss Nellie Bann
and Mrs. Gertrude Bennett.
Mrs. H. Craig and Mrs.. N.
MeGaVin are in charge of en-
tertainment for the foil supper,
Mrs. Herb Traviss and Mrs.
Mac Sholdice were named to
assist in packing a bale.
It was announced that those
wishing calendars are to have
their names entered by the Oc-
tober meeting, also the subscrip-
tions for the Observer. There
are, four quilts ready for quilting.
The Regional meeting will be
held on October 12th at the
Brucefield United Church. Mrs.
Walter Bewley is to be a dele-•
gate from the Unit.
Beginning October 1st Mrs.
Derwyn Docken will commence
a Nurser y for pre-school child-
ren in the basement while their
parents- attend church services.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Jean Miller, Mrs. Howard Hack-
well and Mrs. Jack McEwing.
Mr. and Mrs.- Joe Steffer
have arrived home after holi-
daying inXingston district, tour-
ing the Thousand Islands, Fort
Henry and other points of in-
Mrs. Margaret Humphries of
Huronview, visited the Hum-
phries families on Saturday and
attended the special Institute
meeting in the afternoon.
Mr. Philip Dunk and friend
of Toronto spent the week end
at the home of his parents, mr.
and Mrs. Fred Dunk.
Visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Mac Sholdice on Sun-
day were Mr. Wm. Sholdice,
Huronview, Mr. and Mrs,James
Keys, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs.
Doug. Keys and family of Hamil-
ton and Miss Eleanor Keys of
Mr. Wilfred Shortreed is a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, following an accident
last Wednesday near Hensail.
The Walton IV "Kicky-
Kabobs" met, at Mrs. Ethel
Leeming's home on Sept. 11th
when officers elected were:
President - Jane Leeming; Vice-.
Pres. - Kandy Hickson; Secre-
tary - Marlene Glanville; Press
Reporter - Margy Hickson. Lea-
ders are Mrs. Ethel Leeming
and Mrs. Diane McNichol.
Members discussed working
with foods and had a demon-
stration on decorating a pizza.
The home assignment was:to
begin a Record Book, Recipe
File and Four Day Meal
At a subsequent meeting on
September 18th "Special
Suppers" like Sunday suppers,
Patio Parties, Barbecues, pic-
nics and Buffet Suppers were
discussed. A demonstration
by Kandy Hickson and Eileen
Glanville on "how to make garlic
bread" followed.
large crowd attended the
Pelgrave,Plytii*Rrussels $.chonl
Fair in Beigrave last Wednesd-
day afternoon..
Mr. and MrSv Jack Taylor
visited with friends in London
on Friday evening and spent the
Week end with Mr, and Mrs.Lloyd
Taylor and Mr., and Mrs.Robert
Collins of Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Forth,
Shelley and Sandra of Callander
spent a few dayS With MrS,George
Qook and also visited with other
Richard! Fred and David Cone
of Burlington visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gor..
don, R.R, 5, vvinghani and at
the Taylor homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook of
Goderich visited on. Saturday
afhernoon with Mr. and Mrs,
Stanley Cook.
Mr. and Mrs, mac pleteb
and Krista of Dryden are on
vacation and visiting at the home
of his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Sam Pletch.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent
spent the. week end with their
grandchildren, Maureen and
Douglas McCrea of Blyth, while
their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
McCrea spent the week end at
Riley Lake. Mr. and Mrs.williant
Hull accompanied them.
Mr., and Mrs. Albert. Vincent
visited with Thomas Taylor
and Mr. Harry Orashy of Blyth
on SettirdaY.
Mr. and Mrs. William Qoultes
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Poultes, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn.
CoOteS and family attended the
dinner and dance in Ivioorefield
Community Centre pn Friday
evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Harmon Mitchell's 50th wedding
Mrs, Laura Johnston spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
George Johnston of London.
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Rinn were
Thursday and. Monday visitors
with their son John who is a
patient in victoria Hospital,Lon-
doe. He, goes in for surgery on
Wednesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rock
and. Janette of Walton were week
end visitors with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rim).
Mr. and. Mrs. Elroy Kuntz,
Kimberley and Duane of Kit-
chener, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cart-
wright, Donna and Patricia of
London, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Cartwright, John and Claude and
Gordon Rinn of ondesboro visi -
ted on Sunday with Mrs. Barry
Rinn, they all helped to celebrate
John Cartwright's 5th birthday.
Friends and neighbours ex.
tended lieartiest congratulations
ti? Mr. and Mrs. George Walker
who celebrated their 09th wedding
Anniversary en. Saturday.
Tile leigrave Men's Choir
sang at the Anniversary
vices in Auburn United Chianti on
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Leitch And family of
Mrs. Robert Hibberd attended
a miscellaneous shower for Miss.
Mary Elizabeth. Topham at the
home of Mrs. Scott Clarkson, H.
R.I, Fordwich on Friday evening.
Robert Hibberd visited Friday
evening With Mr, and Mrs. Austin
Stinson_ of FordWich,
Knox United Church Anniver-
sary service will be held onSun-
clay, September 24 at 11:45 a.m.
and at 8 p.m. Rev. Donald Stuart
R.R.1, Centralia will be the
guest speaker. The Good In-
tentions of Teeswater will pro-
vice the music during the even-
ing service and following the
evening service.
Mrs. 0. G. Anderson was
able to return to her home on
,Sunday alter being a patient in
the. Wingham and District Hos-
pital fora few weeks.
Church marks anniversary