HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-11-18, Page 1THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER Nil i GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 18, 1881. i M11.80 A YEARBIN ADYAIIM NOV/ Alvertleeaaents. Meavy -Ales. Mol. Allan. Fars -John C. Detior It Co. Fresh Groceries --G. H. Old. Liver Pad -Holman Pad Co. Girl Wasted- Mrs. Waddell Texeber Wanted -R. T. Haynes. Ayer's Sarsaparilla -Dr. J. C. Ayer t Co. Bard ock Blood Bitten --T. Milburn & Co. Dress and Montle Making --Reid t Caseady. Allan Line --Winter Arrangement -H. Arm- strong. Dentistry. ▪ T NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN - TA. TIST. Otlloe and residence, West Street three doors below Bank of Montreal, Gode- rich1751 E1 DWIN KEEFER, DENTAL SUR- GEON, (late with Trotter t Caesar. the leading Dentists of Toronto., All operations neatly end carefully performed. Rooms. Hea- ver Mock. CLINTON. td Patients from e distance will please nuke appointment in ad To Let. PO LET. - A COMFORTABLE house on South Street, conWnIeg 8 rooms. kitchen and pantry. with hard end soh water. Apply to GEORGE MoMAHON. 1807. HOUSE TO LET -ON STANLEY -St. near the Square, a comfortable house, with good weU and cistern un the premises. Apply to MRS. SKIMMINGS. 181 Teachers 13Jantea. r(1EACHER WANTED -FOR U. S. S. 1 No. Il Ashiteld. for the ear 1882. Apply to R. T. BAYNES, S. and T. Sbeppardton P O. 1813. WANTED --TEACHER- ',MALE)- , Class --Section No, 1, West LVaws's. osh. Apply, stating salary and testimonials, to DAVID McILWAIN, Nile P. O.. Ontario. 1810 -It NEWS ABOUT HOME. We regret to learn that Mra, James H. W. C. Meyer, Barrister, Wingham, Dicksou is very low front a combined at• , has sold hu valuable cult, Highland, for '•A chlel's amine ye, taloa' note., . tack of inflammation of the lungs and 10225 to Mr. S. Grigg, London, and still An' faith he'll prent It." pleurisy. She has been laid up fur uver has his very fine "Judge Curtis" and a week, and her condition was such on I '`Grit'' cults. TOWN TOPICS. Thursday morning that her sons carte on from Sesforth and vicinity so as to Belt's great clearing sale of furniture is still be near her bedside. going en. Call and secure butiralns. Johanna photographs won the red ticket at the show last month. Geo. B. Robson, late with Hunter& Co.. Toronto. is manager. It you want a first-class cooking stove. call and ore G. N. Davis' varier). Also American and l'anadian oil for homily use. Hating an experienced workman.any house work will be done in the most satisfactory Gunner. At Ssutder's Variety store you will and a choir selection of Christmas and New Wears. cards- Before making your selections see his. lOc packages oantainleg six choice cards. He is.upplying farmers with barbed fence wire at whholeessaalle rates. "The cheapest hoose un- der the sun." Potatoes are stetting to be luxuries. W. H. Skimmings left for Detroit WANTED IMMEDIATELY -FOR this week. vanes by wta 18L S. No. 7.; Colborne a teacher. female , proferred. Call on Trustees or address D. Dc. Stewart, of Bruoeffeld, was iu -- -- Una Ben earlier P. O. 1807.4!. town last week. Captain Parsons, who was on the Brunswick, sunk in cunnectiou with an- other vessel on Lake Erie last week, ar- rived hone a few days ago. He says that owing to the swamping of the small boat, he had a more narrow escape than last year. Capt. Fraser, an old Goderich sailor, was also un the Brunswick, but was saved. Several lives were lost. The 25th of Nov. being (he anniver- sary of Canadian Forestry, tile members of Court Goderich intend celebrating the day by holding a ball end supper, at Isaac Martin's Hotel, at the station. The music will be provided by Fetzer's quadrille band, and the supper will be got up in Mr. Martin's best style. Just before going to press we have learned of the death of Mrs. James Dick- son, wife of the Registrar of Huron. The deceased had been prostrated for PaRt'R'roe CHoesN. -At a meeting of over a week by a combined attack of the Board of management of Knox pleurisy and inflammation of the lungs. Church, on Wednesday evening, the She succumbed shortly before four question of choosing a precentor was de- o'clock in the afternoon. She was one Bided. The candidates were Mr. B. of the earliest settlers in Huron, and Armstrong, Goderich; Prof. Holmes, of .lived to see her children comfortably Clinton, and Mr. Pyke, of Ripley. Mr. settled in what at one time had been to Armstrong was unanimously chosen. at ;her a wilderness. Her demise will prove She People's ['Column. r1EACHE-4 WANTED.-APPLiCA- i Miss Ellen Ralph is going through the a salary of 8200 per annum. a heavy blow to her many relatives and L tions win be received up to Saturday Modellitecourse of study alone. N RRuxM • or THE TOL AN. -On Friday friends in this county, to whom her events ml Nov. Section Nt, 4. t own.btp o off- Mrs• Burgess and children of Toronto, the schooner Todman left for Itiverhuron kindly heart and patient manner had borne. Services to begin at Now Year's, I are visiting relatives in Goderieh. for a Lad of grain for Ogilvie & Hut• endeared her. AppIyion nww1 .requireds..al en l Y ' Rec. O. G. Collamure revisited 'id ehison's rftili, Goderieh. The vessel was The steamship Campine, of the Cana- u. loam friends and scenes during the week. loaded with some 6,000 or 7,000 bushels da Transit Co., anived at Collingwood,•week between Elora and Elmira "Pro- Min Mary Elliott is down with diph- of what at the wharf, but the wind she will clear out the freight now laying that the idea r issue of the Cret dit Val - veering +heria. She is considered out of dao• veering to the west the schooner was in. Cullingwocd, Maters and Owen getting Strayea Animals. Iforced to put out, to avoid being knock- Sound for Lake Superior porta. Theand ley from Elora to Goderich is hopeless, reasons : two `TRAY RAM. -CAME ,INTI) THE I Dr. and Mrs. Ure left on Monday for edaagale, the vst the essel draggowind ts turninganchodap lana was stburg getting nights on That no is Iwsytcan ahe fford to tlltt alonq- IJ enclosure of the mbsorlbar. la F. ah I Toronto. where they will spend the and was thrown into shallow water. board, and left there at 7 a.m. Surtsey 1 side of another powerful line like the eon. Co1G,n,e, about the ard of easelt October. ,rat., week. '' The waves broke over her mud soaked morning.. Her speed and general ap- Gra t Western for a distance of 50 mita, • • ram lamb. The owaer is requested to prove&c. Had he taken the trouble to con - dam sad take him away. Mr: John Doyle, of the steamer At- the wheat; mud the latter swelling, burst Parance attracted much attention along i e Rtl'> i sLLAi asHeR 1 &-Ic I !antic, has returned to spend the witer the deck. It is nut yet known if the the river, and more than bne crack boat cult a map, he would have found that a CAME ON THE PREMISES OF THE l in Port, cargo or vessel can be utilized. The came to grief in their trial of speed with line running from and to the points nano wbsarlpsr lox t. a on.. W. D. Ashtteldx Quite a number of cases to town, of Tudman was owned byMessrs Clarke, the stranger, the only succetisful compe- ed ri.o Elmira, Milbank, Brussels, Blyth, about the 1.1.61 subscriber. R two year old rad beget, typhcid [ever, in the vicinity of the eflunru and McLcud. The caro was in- torsos being the tug Quale, which is count- Ac•, would have a wider apses of coun- wovwinceties 'rhe p owner o ad taedlt )Byfield road sured shortly before the ,accident for ed the fastest boat around there and trytroth to the tu,rth anti south of it, prove property. pay expenses sad Banc It competent to make sixteen miles per than can possiblybe got on theproposed Rung. Josef Svuavar. 1,: D. Lake ribose Rev. P. J. ('Shea coo rejoices in the =1 [ I Woodstock rute, witthe exception Range, Ashlteld 1810. ownership of an ottotman,• won at the R. THE LATE 11A•:.uE JIAcKAi-.-Nut- hour. On Ltke Huron the wind blow I of • TRAY STEER. -CAME INTO THE I C. bazaar at Sarnia, withstanding the hopes of recovery held fresh, but the steamship was as steady 12 miles front Newry to 13rtisssls, the Senclosure of the subscriber. E t lot 18.1 Mr. Thomas whit l of the f,1'estem out last week, Mies Maggie MacKay as a farm and steered asstraight es could I only section on the whole line where the cop„ West Wawaassh, about the 1st July last, Y died at her father's house on Saturdaybe desired. proposed extension would run in any - 8 red and white, one year old steer. The I Hotel, sprained his ankle the other day, thing like close proximity. to the West - owner is requested to prove property, pari and still suffers, from it. morning, at the early age of sixteen FAaxwELL Strpraa - A farewell sup ern. It would runacrosa the 'towttshi of ice and take him away. Gnomes .- AT- SON. Miss Ada Roberta; of Toronto, has years. The deceased had spent her life- street o er was held evening parlor, West j Pilkington, Woolwich, Wellesley, Morn - time in Goderich, and was well-known g of Tuesday last, , in en, Grey, .Morris, the front of East L TRAYED ANIMALS. -SEND 31 been the guest of Mr. E. Downing dor to the younger portion of the cont.nun- by the members of No. 1 cornt,any, 33rd ►►J7 inig the past three weeks itv, with chum she was sgreat favorite. Bat, in honor of Sergeant J V. Sttuill, ('awsnrsh, and rho west end of bullet, to Tire prem[. to prosecution jkeeping south of the Maitland river, tote on your premises. and avoid The winter arram4;ement, of the Allan liter funeral on Sunday -afternoon watt prior to the departure of that gentleman through Hallett and Goderich townahipe tor Illegally detaining animals. :lddreoss THE Line have been made and can be seen in largely attended, and a number of lads fur the Northwest, where, w e under- g SIONAL Goderich. Ont. to the town of Goderich. The whole our advertising columns. from Knox Church Sunday School stand. he has secured a good position in i distance being t,f ouglt one of the beet GODERICH HIGH SHOOL ealcajl. Mrs. J. R. Grant and Mrs. Rnbt, marched before the hearse as a token of Crystal City. Besides the metnbera a.F • mu ra sections in )ntariu, and the The next entrtt.e' examination will be held { Dickson, of Brussels, were visiting their sympathy with the bereaved fam- No. 1 there was a large attendance et' greaterP friends in town durin the week. family. !Iron the su tintendente' desk the personal friends and ac(uaintuuces of the distance almost as in tee Central S•honl on WEDNESDAI•,and g Y i' pe l levcl,as a prairie ; no streams to cross • THURSDAY. 9'. 31+2 ani and DECEMBER. Do- lilt. HUTCHISO: , DUNGANNO\, in the Sunda School, a vase draped in of Mr. Smaill, who wished to show their • giflnintr et 9 a.m. eaeh day. Ont. 181: Mr. A. M. Kay, of the Brussels Prat, Y [oa.f any importance or other engineering Intending candidates mixt notify the Town has been sniffing the lake breezes here mourning, bearing cut flowers, spoke appreciation of the "Nettle Duke,' -a'' ditficulties iu the way; cunnectiutg with a Inep••t•or, or t'te 41-11 Mader. nit later than ((f R. McDONAG H, M.D., PHYSIC- during the week. He likes the town. , silently of the aosent scholar, and upon term by which the guest sit the ecenin ' ntnnber es iuge,ttwa ; conneetial centres the Both Noeemb•r. " 17f• IAN. SURGEON. &c., Graduate of Tor- reference being trade to the earlyyet was; popularly knnwu a:oong his intim- ,on it's course; and at least three towns rt- any fur:her in o.mallon about the ex- into University, licentiate of the Royal Cul- We regret to learn, of the continued happy end of the young luny, tears fell- ate cronies. The slices' was of the ce• - minstion or the r heel. apply to le a of Physicians, London, England, fie., ne., ill -health of Judge Toms. His Honor is fast from the eyes of her late school- Gal excellent character, and aftertlte table ;where salt is or will be largely wanufac- II. 1. 11. - G. Head Master. lt. C. P. K. Ontario. Office and residence abls' •o tee about with the aid of a stick. , ,,-t 1/ tapping the lake at a larva enol Goderich, Nov. 3, 1881. mud Opposite Bailey's hotel. Hamilton street, Gori urates. safe in the sorts of Jesus," had bran clamed, the 'feast of rsxs m i wealth town, where "the only ooxl her- orich. 17956m Mrs. Edward Campaign, we are happy and "(;one to the Grave is lits Loyetl andt?u v of soul" was indulged in foraEew } q to state, is convalescent. She had a One," were sung during the exercises, hours. Suitahle addressor wore made bur exists between Sarniaand Sa,uthamp Rea( Estate. D GEMcLEr4N c PHYSICIAN, c. Office and residence SUR- GEON, 6evere attack of congestion of the lungs. which partook somewhat of the charac- by Col. Ross. Lieut. Beck, Quarter -Mas- •tun. As to the question' of di.t ►rete the on Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria Mr. Geo. Graham left for Detroit this ter of a memorial service. Min MacKa • ter Jordan, Sergeant Roes, es -Sergeant Ione from Elora would be at least from Street. 1751. week, laving a contract to furnish the was a general favorite with all who knew Jarvis and Messrs. L Dancy, I'. Carroll' 1R to 20 miles shorter than that from G. MACKID AL D.. PHYSI- City Hall with desks. His daughter ac- her, and the fact that she was ,an only V. B• Dickson, J. H. Fleet, A. Duman, Woodstock, while the difference in die - 14 clan, Surgeon and Accoucber. Graduate companied hits. - daughter adds to the poignancy of the J. Mitchell, D. McGillicuddy and others; i tance between tt'oH,tlatuck and Toronto of Toronto University. OMceopposite Camer- A large window blew in at the Banc- grief of those who have lost her. au excellent recitation was given by Mr. I and Elora and Tet onto is at laser 10 run & Cameron's Bank. Lucknow. 1f not in W. B. songs by Messrs Jordan t miles in favor of Elora; making a total ulnae, enquire at the Bank. 176:'ry. tum of the Nees on Monday. and soon .TT ..tin, HEARTED Co RrORATD)N 11FFI- and . Dickson.Doc son. o y, unci •a rs Jo• rdaing n 1 nixing of durance between Goderich and DRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON,the editor is expatiating spm the roan- clefs. n -The Goderich municipal fathers chorus by tree menti its .,f' N.. 1. a T'vonto o f 30 or prohably 3:o miler: gers of the glass ,r ,,,,,x, ....e ,b are apparently as neglectful of their %What the Town of Goderich wants, as Physicians, Surgeons. Aence deco most enjoy:tb:4 rinse was spent, and the Otllco at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the We are carry to learn, that illness has I poor as the versa to town and village. gathering was brought to : s l• se by the j well as the people of the section. interest- • K• .Ouderach. G. C. SHANNON, J. C. ! 1754 ' prevented Mire Hutchison from attend -l Friday tight a young too man, with s sin singing of "Auld Lang Syne.' Mr. led. is a line et railway independent of the _ _ ing to her duties as organist, in the Pres- months' child in her arms, arrived here Stttatll left by the morning train on Wed- Grand Trunk, that will connect with the bytcrian S. S. the last three weeks. . by the evening train em the (Arend Wed- nesday, and carrieshenwith hint the beat new truck lines will c and under con- .oanf3 ani 3nsuranet;. Mr. Nicholson, South Street, one of Trunk, and found her way to G. W. R 3 new tion frm. Tonject 4811(1 in o -- twishes for his future welfare' ..f all his p- `(ONEY.-PRIVATE FUNDS To l the employees at the International salt I •station, where Constable Logan and AIr. old friends and aa1ain:encee. E. sition to that' line. and fur that par - 111 Tend on ems terms in sutra to suit boo• i well, met with an accident in which he ; E. McKenzie, night ticket event, inter v pose the Credit rtley at the present rowers.tI.EX. Melt ALLAN. had his collar bone, fractured. and two viewed her, and provided her with DSATH of THE REV, JAxi, • Hon. LL. ntunlgnt seems the most desirable; not to Goderieh. Nov. 17th 1881. 19t31m• ribs • broken. I lodgings and wteats. On Saturday the -Ott Saturday afternoon, at .tO Ne reel carry freight and passengers south east 500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO I DREs•thIAEIN.:.-The Misses Reid and ( first [tamed gentleman consulted with street, Toronto, the Rev. James IJowell, nearly tN) [Hiles to W.,odetock, thence CAMERON, HOLT t CAMERON'. Gods- Cassady have formed partnership its the President of the Woman's Refuge, late . of Orangeville, died after '-a brief north east upwards of 80 miles tel Tor- na rich 1759• y P p land had her admitted to that institution. illness. The deceased was 72 years of one., when a connection can be made dress and mantlb makers, with mums 1 She acid she was an orphan, had been age, and was a minister of the Congrega- with Toronto, by building about 65 miles $75 000 TO LEND 1 IN REAL E S - over SheppAtds book More, entrance on i unfortunate, and that she had been ad- tional Church. He had net, however, to Elora, and a saying on the whole dig- ital' TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L. North street. See card. vised by the Goderich authorities to for some years past been in charge of tance of between .t0 and •N) miles ital'LE,Godertch. 1751 The receipts for the' Credit Valle P Y come to London. --(London Free Press. any particular congregation, but was en• It is quite apparent that if the e50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LAND The for the months of Septembers There is no R'umans Refuge or Mag- gaged as secretary and collector of the Credit `'alley will extend at all, VY on good Farm or era: class Town Property and (ktuloer were 800,1,!18, showing ton I dalene Asylum in Goderieh, and our au- Congregational Indian Missionary Sorin- they would prefer enteudin ( the line on at 8 per cent. Apple to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751 increase of nearly 80 per cent, over the i thotities cannot undertake to support all ty of Canada. The deceased was a na- which they have no present outlet - 11 rr O N E Y TO LEND IN ANY corresponding period of last year, i the girls who have been unfortunate and tive of Hampshire, England. where he • where all the local circumstances are 1,1 amount to soft borrowers at 6 to 64 per There are only two prisoners in the' who choose to make Goderich their completed his studies, and was ordained. favot able ,to such extension, and a large cent. Private -fends. Apply to Stumm and Goderich gaol at present -one mate and home. The gaol is the only public He emigrated to Adierica in LSZ4, and lake trafie in anticipation at (ioderich- MORTON.Ooderich. one female -which is something never place here provided for such persons; first settled in Sharon. Michigan. From to building a branch running south-west- Nf ONEY TO LEND. -A L A R G E known before at this time of the year in hut the unfortmutes generally prefer to there he moved to Guelph, where he re- war,( from W,or,datn,ck on the line where 121l amount of Private Funds for investment the history of that solid institution. take their chances in the much vaunted maimed three yeah. Afterwards he had their connection!' are already made with at lowest rates on erstclaes Mortgagee, Apply Mr. Wm. Revell, of Toronto, recently city institutions, rnther than Fe,atti at charges in Liverpool, N. S.; :It. John's, the Canada Southern at St. Thomas, to GARROW & I'ROL'UFW'f. sent us a copy of the Quebec Memory of the expense of the county. Nfd, : Granby, in the Eastern Townships; and that part of their scheme complete. LOANS FREE OF CHARGE. - Tuesday, August 31, 1831. It ie a cur- MR. ArrRILI' iIIPuRTATI0 t Or fJH(IRT- and ('old Springs, Ont. He left the They certainly do not at present chew 'a Money to lend at lowest terns, tree of iosity.. Canadian journalism has made HORN CAmx -A very valuable tut of latter place Hearty six years' ago, and tendency to extend, but, parties large - any costs or charges. SEAGER d• MORTON, with his family went to Guelph, when 1 interested saythat this question will OUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND opposite (`o1hurse Hetol. large - great advances daring the past fifty cattle amved at Ridggewood, by special he commence[[ the collection for the In• be liken un aftr the new year. Should 11 f0. corner of Victoria and Fast suets, In ll erlcA tired March 1801. 1779. years. train list Sunday, from Quebec, where dian Missions, and has been engaged in the town of Goderieh, for sale cheap, or will be The juvenile temperance ass,ciation,in theyhave been puttingin the Govern3aq such not be the case, however, but to exchanged for farm property. Forosrttcubn (' PER CEN T. - THE CANADA 1• that work ever since. His household, Govern - obtain n increased railway facilities, the i pp1 to Jas. smut'. Architect. office Crabb'e 1 Landed Credit Company Is prepared to connection with the North Street Meth- meat quarantine requlahone of !t0 days. however duringthat time removed from mon, or J. C. C(•RRIE. anctloneer. lend money on good Fane security, at six r odist Church will be held in the school They consist of "Grand Duchess 28th ' ' matter has to be taken old of b God- ceat. Fun particularselven apon applleatIoon room on Tuesday evening. An interest- and bull cjjf; "Grand Duchess 35th" and Guelph to Orangeville. and fnxri the erich enol the localities interested, and • S HEPPARDTON - FARM FOR to HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent, erich.latter place to Toronto about a month charter obtained in that. way. Let the A .Me e0 acro.. 87 arrow cleared and well 1786. in programme u being prepared. Ad- heifer calf; and 5th "Duke of Tregunago. The deceased was a man of much best and most direct route be chosen, mtssiwi free: tri, collection. tar. ' Thee cattle were selected and fenced. Brick Cottage 16x111, stone cells tall20 00p PRIVATE FUNDS 1Y) LEND Christian zeal and thorotlghnese, and his so lung as is can draw as large, or larger else of boas. A large Creek runs throughurchaned in England last spring, by on FRrm and Town Property at lowest !n- potttRt. -During the next month (the 1 long and intimate attinection with the amount of financial sun and cont - the lot, no waste Isad on the creek A very terser. Mortgagee purchased, no Commissionseason of roaorr. Johyn Thornton, fur Mr. Attnl . Indian Missions and Con tional sad te R b n s. Tse t N. B. -Borrowers charged,*le orchard serrounds the house. Good barn mean obbttain mono! IFees n reasonable. be joyfully received at this l office will pale ot of theis hve breeding ese f this order, ut of but ly in Canaila will make his less wide- ntaytltear int e,I 1 I f lad tin the dire Exeter w-- borae Townahtp, or to Lake & Platte. Shore 111[ 1 e s sea ista Rre..O ATISON & J 1 H1 the animas be many and lengthy. Don't theyare also very ofgrand indi- ly and keenly felt. He leaves R wife ectt"tt indicated. I am glad to, see. how- borne I7ga .pan per. Wood is up in price, and pus and several of a tatriiy. - (Guelph ever, that Goelerich has become eidual merit. The two cows were bred Herald. ►RM FOR SALE. -BEING LOT 9, R. RADCLIFFE. FIRE, MARINE, our spare stove must be hated. We by Captain I )liver, and purchasedoff him thoroughly amused in this matter. It is F eon. 13. Colborne, about seven miles from Lite and Aceident inenrance Agent, mean b sin.M only by tc.uccta vigilance and h... for Mr. Attrill; since then they have lsgMexMa•tovan. rd Oederlcb. eumprislag es Rams, 10 cleared, A Repreeentlne first-class Companies. Alsoagent- _ work tut success is achieesd in thaw frame MOON sad • new frame barn Nita sad for the CANADA Ltva STOCK iwatRaNCR CO. Hor. -Ott Friday evening last a very ptytoluce(l two fine calves.The bull a .table and other ostbulldialli Roe on the Mneey to lead on Mortgage, either In Town or leassnt time was spent at Mr. Isaac calf, out of Grand Ditches. 28th, is got Bseore She Mayor. matters, and if they stand to it persist,- nor. A yonng erchaM, good pump. eta. Farm Property, In aay way to snit the borrow• Martin's hotel (formerly Mr, Hookers) by Lord Fitaeharding's famous Duke George B. Cox charged John Deady erttly, there is no doubt that success will cm the term. The tarns bae a toed ori two ee.-(upetain Kays block. uodetich, crown their e}',rts at last. Discussion sties of it. Fonr s d tall wisest fw sown. Ont. 1781 by a large gathers of young peopk hull, Duke of Connaught, bred by the with using insulting language. Ti.e se- Uluhntosly 1 ga0e fees a pest oghse. For who tripped the light fantastic to the Earl Dunmore, and sold• at his axle a cured did not appear. Ha was timed 12 '.n theses gneatio,m s hath resist and as- pasaticaMsn apply w s. SBtgaas, 1 strains of F.teer. band. All seated to few years ago for 4,600 guineas, the end $3.43 costa. He left town wit.hott reentry.ata) it was with >t great deal of LIMO. O. pleasure t read the letter of "P enjoy themselves thoroughly, Mr. and highest price ever paid for any bull, paying the money. P "Progress" HEPPARDT )N-MY°RR, WITH Mr. Martin deserve the greatest of The fifth Duke of Tregunter who is now _ - in your Last issue, although not agreeing BRITISH Ax. COY. Ttsaotrto-ifaraDllsbad wit him in every particular: and, Bat- t_ Past Ogre, foe nab. or to rest, with 1( ON credit for the excellent manner in which to stand at the head tot the Ridgewood *TRAM.; E boapgNr. - Airottt :}sreN withetandrn ot:T ctvtieisin of his ittacer- 1 w• Nock having of .,od. Will ssllonv PHaPnX INtj. c . of Lowboy" lgttghada- they catered for their guest., the party herd. was bred by CoL Gunter and lour- rears ag , a son of Mr. F. Anderson, E gy rally terms, having othher business to auto upon such short notion Mr. chased from Lord )!'avenitero. This is VUswawnah 'naw about six yaws of erne, etc ,and ardent enthusiasm in 15. a. For further DRrticularttsesdpply to R. T. t tR= lasing R y ' °l southeastern achem e, should the re - nevem Aon t acnes of stress halt et HARTFORD i?M. (!(YY. d RNITFOI a. foes. Martin had only recently moved into really a grand animal, and competent got a common pen in hi. ear. Several tea a oQ then 1rd sea.. R, Li, kik teed oe--hOrnbll.hed Ieu. t . sled amtillgsatation of the f', V. sad T. etriej Framte Hoar,endsalabte. Fifty scree the house, yet it sues the ion pro him the credit of being the trials were made to get i •wt at the re- ported Rots. taken b► the shore A rg . ta p , sot shorthorn bell in England when he time, hut without deet, and as the child t3 Ai fie become a fact, the assns d elnRred and well reseal. Appty M n simmer t gwa.t rates by IEORACi 1101tTOlt. that the most fastidious e had no on the vital question of Denten. t>•t Tae and b also Appraiser tors grounds to complain. After the yoga• left it. He u a Grand Duke hull. The suffered no pain it was allowed t.. remain .. Rte„ --- -- (•ASADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS t- r• nen, had given three cheers for mise two Grand Duchess min and their salves there. A few ds ego, however. Mn, railway oonneetirn mteff yet tarn out 1 TtwrDRso. rho moat tical of all theca under Auetioneering. host and hostess, the Arty broke up ars the only representatives of this par Anderson notice(' that the pea was work- i _ Meaty to Loan on ltrs isois security. rem at the "wee ma' hours" all to teenier strain in Atresia. They are the ing forward, so she t ash a kuittnat-nee- discuRsitwi. Trusting to hear more os. tbM ---'' - •- .. _, 7 is s per Cess -1 haresa sodasatw happy n i rtant •rueati.aa 1 an iC. CURRIE, THE F1OPLE'S AVC- i1fORAtk DORMet. et, we, to Pert sod )appy to meet most valuable lot of cattle on this sop- 41. and got it rat fttrsz g, to say tea APB' t, yenta . TiOW WR ()meson. 0st Brit (Islrwlch I. TA tied ' again. -O(tn. tinent pa naval. grew 1J7v1rOvlilh v, GIRL WANTED. -IN A SMALL 11.J1 family in Bruaeeels. For particular apply to Mots. WADDELL. Godertch. 1813 F ARM HOUSE -KEEPER WANTED -An experienced person, without incum- brance, to superintend household work at the Farm House at "Ridgewood," near Goderich. Apply to MANAGER. on the premises. Nov. 9th, 1881. 1812-tf W ARNING --WHEREAS CyERTAIN the McDonald pvroopbeerty taadkioinl sthe Iscfrosae Ground. notice is hereby given that any per- son doing s, in the future will be pro+rcuted. WM. McCA10. 1812-3t WTOOD W ANTED -TENDERS WILL be received at this omce vp to 1u De - ember. 1881, for the sale and delivery of 10 cords of good maple and beech. dry and (Teen. Met; ILLICIiDUY BRUT. 1813 DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING. Tse uncersigned begs to announce to the ladies or Goderich and vicinity, that they have formed a partnership under the name of the \theissRem d•CASOAOY. and that they will carry on the buelneee of deer and mantle making In the root, above Mr. Geo. Shep- pard's hookstore, corner of North Street and the rS rusre tentnnce on North Street. All order, they may be favored with will be promptly cad carefully attended to. MARY 'Leto. MANY C rasa tiv. 1813-4t. COMMUNICATIONS. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinloss of our Correspondents. l)oa3u- ton to this departotont musi oodne them- selves to publte questions, and be brief. The Duee Beano. • To the Editor of the Huron Signal. DEAR SIR, -Since writing you, some weeks ago, on the railway question, I hare been carefully tatting every action taken, the views and opinions of corres- pondents, as well as the editorials of the local press of the county of Huron and elsewhere on the question, besides having correspondence with some of the railway companies which are spoken of as likely to extend, and thus far have failed roses or hear anything to change ray position then taken, viz : that an extension of the Credit Valley Railway from Elora to Goderich was the most feasible scheme, from every point of view, -d stanoe, ase of oonstruction, prospects of future car- rying traffic, and bonuses to aid the oon- '1►ttuction,-provided they can be induced' to, extend their line. I notice the first step has been taken in the direction in- dicated, their engineer being instructed to examine the line duns the present •L OR SALE, •:HEAT'. -LOT 34, 1 Like Itinge. Ashtleld. Huron (bnnty, 181 acres. 13) cleared and h'im,,r.,.ed. oslance standing timber. G.,,,1 orchard: new frame ,house. bon 49x60 and all neccasary stabling. two wells. For particulars address CHAS. 31c Le A N. A mberly. 1796-3m. rai ACRE FARM FOR SALE, - 0 being west half of lot No. 2. west divis- ion of Colborne. A los bouae, frame barn. shed and stable on the premises. A good or- chard of apples. pears sad peaches are on the farm. Two never tailing creeks run through the premises. Forty five acres are cleared, and seven a•_res are in tell wheat. Title good, and termsrewionabfe. Apply on the premises to ItEuaer Tarim, Nile P. O. 180-4t. ISRM FOR SALE AT LEEBURN.- Lot No. 5, lake Shore Road. Township of l'olb'roe, four wits, from Goderieh, contain- ing le) acres. 90 et which are, cleared and un- dct s Koo.l state l,f cultivatio. It is well fenc- ed ant underdrainet, having two dwelling houses. a barn. an or.•haed, astable.. workshop, driving shed. and other outbuildings. For particulars apply on the pr isea, or to HOR- ACE HORTON, Milburn P. U. Sept. 15. --it FOR SALE. -LOT 9, LAKE SHORE Tp. of Colborne. containing 111 acres. XI acres cleared, balance excellent timber. Soil a good clay loam. As this property adjoins the Point Farm it Is In consequence moat ellebil situated. For particulars apply to J. J'M r L let 1801. 1718.11. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -AT Dungannon. 11 miles from Goderich, consisting of of an acre of land. well fecced: a frame house. a good well and pump are also on the premises. The lot has been well im- proved. Terms reasonable. Particular can be had from Mr. J. M. Roesars, Merchant, Dungannon, or R. E. BROWN, Nile P. O. 1767-U. INSURANCE CARD. t