HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-11-11, Page 8DOORS
MOULDINGS, and every
D3seription of Interior Finis
A Specialty. Send for Price
Estimates on applica-
tion. 1r'Addres
"Pink' Eye„ has broken out among the
!erect in the shanties un the 1'pper
An old woman of Niagara, while at-
llnnptiug to koidle a tire with coal oil,
*piteti her dress, and was burned t
WA an extent that she diets within tw
PtortaaTY $w.ta--414. John Morgan
has disposed of the Wilsou property in
this v illage, 'enmity pur:har.d by him
e at Mortgage sale, to Mr. Siwpsun, car-
• rier ..f the Hayfield and Seaferth mail.
This prup arty consists of six acres of
e land on which is a large haute cottage
and stable. It is beautifully situated un
the bank overlooking the hake, and is al -
newt 'opposite Morgans Hotel.
At a Council meeting of the (hctari
' Cabinets Rev. %Vm. Inglis, editor of the
uuoed.a Pri•sbyf r.un. was appointed
5 librarian in the wee ..f the late Mr. S
J. Watson.
• Lord Ln-ue whilst gracefully reph•in
to the address by the citizens of Ohaws
The close season for beaver, muskrats
mink, sable, martin, coon or otter end
on the Lt of November.
Twu tnousand six hundred and eighty
six licenses to keep dogs have }w
granted by the polite authorities of Mon
treat this year.
later advices confirm the prediction
of famine in Anticusti. All who wish to
lslaye have been offered a free passage to
It is understood in Ottawa that the
Canada Pacific railway will take ave
the St. Lawrence and Ottawa els soon as
Manager Shanty returns to his post.
Alex. Wilson, three weeks out of the
Central Prison, where he served a tern
fur burglary at Windsor, has on a siini
lar charge been sent fur two years to the
The changes in the organisation of th
Interior Department, it is understood
will be followed by the Hun. D. L Mac
pher:.in h, sari_ made its ministerial head.
The li\ef..reacrs of North 1"••rk lure to
hold a mass meeting .at 'Newmarket ell
the 17th of D' a ,tuber to wenn-late a can-
didate to contest a riding in the Liberal
interest 1.1 khece111&11•� Jontmien t'llt". Hl.
\setluesd;ty night burglar. force 1 ;11,
entrance through the cellar wnulu.i• .of
the Albion hotel, Dehneruetvitle, • Ont.,
bein2iu, to D. Uenell. :Ind stole 6.200
from di.: till.
The 11overn lent :acidwl to r -
move t''° �•.,e .: of of the
• \ortn;ces. __..,. •...ieford to
some point oil the tine of the Canada
Pacific railway,.
The op«nine; of the Durham brt'nch of
the Grand Trunk Railway from Palmer-
ston to Durham took place at Durham
on Monday, and sparks another err in
the dev,doptnent Of the railway system
of Western Ontario. •
The t'_uhty Council of \Ve ...ort!
have appointed a committee to ascer-
tain the purchasing cost of the tolled
roads in the county, and the probable
colt of maintaining them. The object
in view is to abolish
The civic deputation wan waited • on
the.Caada Pacific Directors at Montreal
have been given to understand that ut
tawa would be othe main line and that
the locomotive, and probably the car
works, would be located there, if a suf-
ficiently liberal proposition is niaele by
on his departure ventured to remark in
cidentally that he would return about
the Middle of January.
ltd The Ottawa City Council has appoint-
ed a deputation to proceed to Montreal
on Monday and interview the Pacific
1 Railway Directors in relation to locating
- the workshops in Ottaawa.
On Saturday morning an old woncat
named Mn. J. Daly of Niagara, whil
attempting to kindle a tire with coal oil,
ignited her dress, and was burned to
such an extent that she died within two
the city.
J. Elliott A: S.•n;, huagruon, shipped
the past season 7,000 cattle and5
sheep. The average price paid for the
.cattle was $80 ; they.sohl in Engl::nd fur
0:'2O to v^'a, 7oaving a bate tuarein furcx-
penaes. This • year's business„they say,
hag been, nlerditebleowingowingto, high
frett d •and eltittine e;i'the•English mSr-
ket with .\uttraliau-ututtou and Yankee
.lead meet -
A w, iutan front I'eteriouru,' in the
liattl .w I"i gat
n : undi.ty o
i mug .
wean herself of opium. eating. She- was
noel ing in Europe with a lady, and
• there bec:une- auldicted to the habit.
Shu often 0lµ5 1111 uuncem ada3•. • When
the ulrue is not given to lier iii small
quantities at -tire hospital Sita ac;alike a
lunatic. She is thought to be a hopeless
A few evenings &tint, tlenry Olttee,of
Sarnia. t•u•,iueer.f thetcteanitr Hau.ltla
met with an .tceideet while at Port Lamb -
that almost µt••' ,ti fatatl, I:y some
means or other his head was caught be-
tween the link and the exhaust pyx, anti
the { nl as forced into the left aide of
hie h:•a.► 101r the ear. Ile was brought
to ti.0 ai•t and • is slowly meet -crime
the u;!u the doctors fists. an attack of
luck -jaw.
Tile "geographical". reporter of the
Tor •nto I1.,id evidently aceomt,anitd
the .Tors int it. Aldermen to St. Thomas `un
Saturday last: Listen to this bit of in-
forination. which by the way, will be
near to. the people of *his 1•• rLion of 1In-
tort": -"Tho city of St. !Thomas is un-
usually favored in railway •facilities.
Resides the lino mentioned and the
(boat Western, • it is situated on the
lweefeis, /1.17..,5 .( Brew, Railway, which•
tmi.'r<ee the westerneninsula of On=
tarso, c•'utlacting the pace with London,
:ederidt and Kincardine." -- [Free
The wagon, left with n team 'of horses
so mysterioei.ly at Mr. Harvey's hotel,
\Ventltgn, has f"nud an •wnet . It ap-
pears n Mr. F. Day, of Thamesfurl, sent
Ilia lured man ,..off with kis team and
t t ..; t.o pnr,•h:we a load of sumo .be-
script•ion. 'filo hired mein evidently
thcought the hest thing he could do would
be to make off with what manes he had
and as ouch more as he could tet, s" he
traded 4.11n giesi teats for "nes of not
much reship, leaving the team at the
ateere-n:uneyl hotel in Wendigo, when he
left for parts unknown. Mr. Day ncci-
deittally (hearing about it, arrived at that
villege this afternoon when he re•cng.
nixed • his waggon, anal left the same
eveningfur London to try and get trace
of the horses.
Rnywcting the distress in Anticosti,
• au correspondent, writing frac West
Point, rays: --• The excess of pr.ve ty
preveilin7 is caused by the failure of the
fl/heri.e•, which this season turned out a
total failure. There are twenty families
Ieet:ut this fall. having been granted
by the :.,t-erntaent free plume& to Qt1e-
iete They are the m••st intelligent .1
Mfr tempnlati.ise • Thies !ening are
toblt•jeal t•. sell all they Lowese and at
very low 1,Ine-, as 1• •tatees Ar..0c per
harm!. tltttt• man weld a splendid new
beat with f-tr sails for 813. Pe..pk
Kaye no twee y t.. boy with. 1 ant
tri tlttt ne•1 s.nwe of th, uu will starve; i
Ment hot th.•.n have "niy potatoes for t
their foal thr.e eth moms fa•t.iliea have .I
'a little flour. Tho* are eo near starve- 1
tutu that they bre.ke roleen the govern- h
- int deport. Whale trendies had to lire s
'4aatto fo' wastes
TiuciIER ENUA..eu. - Mr. David C.
D•+rrenoe has been engaged the trus-
tees of School Section No. 10 as their
teacher for next year, at a salary of
$422. Mr. 1))errence is an excellent
teacher, and the trustees have dune
wisely in selecting hint to till this int -
portant position.
LxVANTE°.—It is reported that Mr.
Cribbons, the late landlord of the Win-
e thrup Hotel, has "lit out." He has
been living in a private house in VI, tn-
thrup since retiring from the hotel busi-
ness. He is said to have left between
dark oar Sunday night and daylight
e Monday morning. He leaves seyetsl
• , unpaid bills in Seaforth and elsewhere.
A farmer named Thos. Taylor of th
14th concession of London township
went to Lucau on Saturday with a load
of barley and got intoxicated. On hi
return home he was thrown out of hi
vehicle and killed.
Among the victims of the Victori
steamboat disaster of the 24th of May
were two children, son and daughter of
parents who reside in London East. On
Wedn•.a.111y night the mother gave birth
to twins—son and daughter.
Nine small boys were before the To -
rent° loli:e magistrate for throwing
enema at a passing (rand Trunk passen-
ger train. Fines, ranging froth f1 and
costs to $3 andeusts were Unposed. The
buys were suspected of having placed a
couple of hazes filled with stones •m the
The Rev. Mr. Smith las taken pim-
a session of the C. M. parsonage.
Mr Oleo. Watson, fc.nuerly of$e,.forth,
or. !caving Petr ioa to arsume a position
I in the London -4dawrase) once, was
1 },rerouted by the members of Court
L"l.e•, No. 63, 1. O. F. with a handsome
Foresters pin, .•f which society. he tilled
the .o ice sit financial secretary since its
urganit ttinn: .
Bort Stanley lads annoyed Mu-. H.
Arkell, a resident, eel .':.dlow'een, and
he laid iuforwati. . against J. Campbell,
one of them, for obstructing the side-
walk in front of his door. The boy,
he.wet•ar, apelaegised, and plaintiff with-
drew :lie charge and alai assijtetl t o l•ay
the defendant's costs. -
Last week a couple. of: cuattiuience
swindles were successfully perpetrated
on gullible travellers on the. Orand
Trunk. one of the victims was a city
church deacon who loaded a newly
found friend $15 to helphtmto pay extra
baggage, and the other was an honest old
farmer who accepted a worthless bond as
security for $60 he loaned. -
The question of re engaging teachers
for the 'Kincardine scholia is being con-
sidered by the Board of Education. The
pr.+h ability is that the Central School
will be conducted next year—a part of
the year at least—by five teachers in-
stead of six. The junior department
will �oe the one lopped off. . •
A Belgrake correapiotident writes
reverend gentletgan from \Viuu dam is
here engaged in buying potatoes and tur-
I nipa and shipping thew to the American
market. Your writer is of the uptnion
1 that it would be more becomingbecomingof the
said gentleman to resign his -pulpit be-
' fore entering into potato or turnip spceu-
.lat ion.
I 1)r. See.,rd, assisted by Drs. 3Iactyn
and McCri,n►nom, of Kincardine. ampu-
tated a diseased f...t f•,r Welter ..\tcder-
iuin, a tell year old soon of John antler-
son living on I'rincesastreet.• The lot
for over a year tract been eftlicte.1 by
something akin to inflammation of the
Ilene of his leg, brought un l.y tau fre-
quent bathing in the hake. The little
lad is now- progressing tetiae1e rteovcry.
H. J. Beemer, formerly etontractc•r of
the Chaudiere Bridge, has.l,eeui awaavled
the pummel for the cv.mplett •it of the
Welland Canal aqueduct and L•,s made
' the necessary deposit with the Govern-
. 'tient at Ottawa. The figures will ie itt
'the vicinity of $750,000. This. h the
arentract which Hunter, Murray & Ce.
failed to complete after expending acon-
Eideryble suns.
Duncan Ferguson. aged f.•urteen
years. shot at and wounded a in y named
Andrew Reid at Toronto. The latter,
with irnntmhcr of companions. wits an-
noying Reid, when the former rushed
into his father's house, :ind, taking
down an old shut gun, discharged it at
his tormenters. Two small shuts struck
Reid in the forhead. Fatal results are
not expected. Ferguson is under' arrest.
John B. Fick, a well known and high-
ly respected fanner of Pt. Royal, was
found dead on Saturday morning. He
was in his usual health yesterday about
four o'clock, anti taut returning is usual
his relatives prccetded t” I.ok fur him.
and after a search being kept up all
night, found him about sunrise this morn-
ing in a grave yard about a quarter "f a
mile :from the house, head. The sup-
posed cause of his death is apoplexy.
The revenue expenditure en account
of the Consolidated Fund of the Iuanin-
ion of Canada for the month of October
was as follows: Customs, 81.729,422.47;
excise, $157,$49.34; post office, $107,-
271.93; public works, including railways,
$249,799.68; hill etempua, $22,570,36;
miscellaneous, $$6,623.49; total, $2,-
714.037.25; revenue to Sept. 30th. 8$,- '
229,1..ItI0.$7; total revenue. $10,943,-
998.12; expenditure in October, $2,620,-
2ia8. 32, s•.penditure to 30th September,
$5.026,441.06; total expenditure, dr, -
646,699. 38.
Anti treating societies are spreacling
in Outanu. The people in the Upper
Pr, , ince are recognizing the fact that it
is net so much the love of ste•ng drink
as the custom of treating that dues the
harm- if nhen are let alone and not in-
vde.l "to take a nip. very few .d theta
u 711 ' •go on s spree. or make merry .w. •
er the i h Is.w1. 1f we had no treat -
ng men would drink when they were
horst y, and ne .one hot a confirmed
reekarl would be sheen "r..11ing home
n the morning." if every man paid for 1
is own drink, there would be lees heart•
/them in the world, and less sins to sr
omit for in the +.•.rl.l ' •'MRo
Miss A. L. Brown has been re-engaged
as teacher in school section No. 2, W.
Vs utwanush.
Mr. S. Caldwell has commented to
sell out his stuck of goods; he talks of
going to Manitoba.
Operations on the bridge here have
been suspended for some time. We
hope to see them started again soon.
thh Saturday of last week C. Cufis,
son of Mr. John Cullis, gni one of his
fingers badly mutilated with a circular
sew, he is recovering. The doctor
thinks the finger can be saved. .
1 Dr. Hutchieon, who Inas been
practis-ing hete since last sn' 1, remov-
ing thi.. week to Utm_•auuon. The Dr.
being au•expxrieuced practitioner, and
well known, has done a large and suc-
cessful practice here, and leaves princi-
pally for the want of house accommoda-
tion. That he may be as much' thought
of as:d as successful in Uu» gannon as
here, is the worst that we wish him.
- Dramas.
S. Fear mired 200 bushels of roots
from a acre of land this year. This is
a good yield. :,
J. A: Garlick hat purchased the resi-
dence of J. E. 'Smith us. Turnberry
The anal ,a:atil o of the tel
lines There tack place last week. the Non-
treal peeing transferred to the attic
eu f
the :Dominion, in charge. of T.. Fletcher.
M 1 f 1 11 -, bed - 1
braced the 5th of Not cutber'in • 11'a:ton.
•Despite the unfavorable st•tt- • t the
weather a a,eedly precession , f rei•resen-
. tatives were in attendance.
J. R. Grant, our a:fahle p. stle:utter,
who has Been 1 roeeecting in the Nerth-
,west for fits last three tuuntha, returned
cine a few days ayu. Jwitting from his
appearance, pencfcan it not: to., he: de-
The total ainou►:: • f tla:c purchased -at
-the Brpasels)}ax mill -this sear Was 811
• p
from-. •lbout j10 ha:. i- will be en:i".•rr•l
all 'tinter In the mill. The dealing.
\. lt't•bater, niann_cr • •f the mill, have
lveit the hest a ttlsfaeti ,i..
(3. Ball sold a tine driving horse to T.
Sharp, hotel keeper of Sesfortb, this
Peter Sinclair, jr., and W. Sinclair left
here last Tuest'ay for the Michigan lum-
ber woods.
Mrs. Samuel -ewes .1 this township,
left fur Peterboro on 311pnday the 31st
ult., to visit her mother, who is very ill.
Itobt. \Ver left for' Dallas, Texas,
Lust Wedn y morning where he in
tends spending the winter. We wish
him a pleasant tune.
Brown Bros. threshed with their
steam thresher one day last week, on
the farm of John McNair, con. 14, on a
bet, 350 bushels of fall wheat in the re-
markably short time of 2 hours and 20
Suoors DEATH.—On last Monday
afternoon as Mn. William Harbottle,
living on lot 33, con. 3, was passing
around a plate of apples to some com-
pany, she dropped down dead on the leeenz
floor. She was the daughter of the late
Mr. Johnston who died last spring.
This last death makes five in the fancily
in sixteen months, only two remaining
now. The remains of Mrs. Harbottle
were interred on Wednesday afternoon.
Surely "in the midst of life we are in
'1'HE FIits]rx.\'s TEAT.— The firemen
were called out on Tuesday evening last
for the purpose of testing the efficiency
of the water -works. A tire was built on
the vacant lot between the Mansion
Hotel and Mr. Kidd's hardware store,
and then the alarm bell was rung. The
hose carts arrived oil the ground in three
four and five minutes, eespectively, after
the first alarm was suundgd and in about
eight minutes water was procured from
the hydrant, and in a very short time
thereafter three powerful streams were
being thrown. Everything worked
splendidly, showing that the entire de-
per•iulent is well quipped and in good
working; order. The call was made
about half past seven in theevening, and
the firemen had no previous knowledge
that they would be required on that
evening, so that the test .tray be taken
as a very fair criterion of what could be
.done were their services really required.
We hereto record the death of Mr•
Robert Scott, of this town, another old
resident of the county. He came to
Hurn many years ago from the county
..f Waterloo and settled in Kinburn,
where he carried ou the shoemaking
business. He continued in business
thereuntil about two years ago, when he
canoe to reside in Seaforth. He has
been in feeble health for soave time, but
it was ..u:, within the las: few weeks
that serious apprehensions were enter-
ntertained. The cause of his death was an
att-ecti..n of the heart He was a re-
markably quiet
e-ncarkablyquiet wan. but these who were
aceuaint4kl with hire valued his friend -
The Subscriber
!fess purchased the entire Stock in Trade of
At a very low hate in the D.dl:.r and
Is =repaxed to Offer
Graet Reduction!
}lo would also intimate that heihas arranged f.•r a
F -L.1.11 .Il:�ssortrnen.t i
o•1' \1.1. 'I'IIf•l LEADING
--SUIT-111LE FOR -
11'hich are expected to arrive in good titres for the
Holiday Trade 1
Many linea are exclusively confined to myself --for the season
at last. H:ving had fourteen years experience in the business,
both in the • 1!d Country and Canada, I ani therefore thoroughly
acquainted with -
The ilosi M3rkois 10 Prooiire oos
Lowest Prices!
-\ud aill give icy patrons the advantage of my knowledge and
experience. -
Prices Guaranteed Lower Thall Elsewhere
ship highly. He was an extensive SUCCESSOR TO
' reader, -and. being ,uesesied. of a recd
tentive wewory, fest lied grwtter acorea
• f cental infort alien. He was an en T. J. Moo re h ouCe
� !! V
!though he seldom took any active part t
ehGoderich, Oct. 19, 1941.
in political contest',, it took a rued elan
t.. withstand hien in argument. Ile 1.as ,
ever a conscientious, hLunnble, well
Literary Nantes.knew hitu nowt intimately were. tl
nee:inlet:. generous man, and these . who
�('-tNADIA*Mh7[m1INTMAoAYixteforNot•em- • .'.y�.(, }y� '
bar. Toronto N% m. Brisa i• $2 aycer;et •Y. VVVV •
V vi �t v O 1_ •
who esteemed hint most highly. The' for six months. .
funeral took place on \Vednestiay, and-' The illustrated articles of the present
1. the fetidly burying
he was hurled in t
y 3
_round at Kinburn. where he had fur
f - • nary years reside.;.-1Eziwsitur.
P.tv, it Ir, Hill orf Sb ti++rt:i. 'el. •eyed
a lectt:!e- on -"What 1 Saw D•.t' n tie tit!;
in the basement of St, Johin's- Church,
Tuesday evening, to a crowded Louse•
The auuienco was kept aueseed by the
cray.a3 „ketches idents l:t introduced at
interval-. The pro, 1,•1.•'. • ,are :.pl'.iei t,
the Sumlay Soh• 'tale.:.
rxv.t,n:vt:— , 1 -. , t ; ,
the Tecumseh Ir • 1\
ever.iI;g• ter the p,.:i• . _ at
r,tngements i.,r • ei • r
nasium i }iinsets. l'. l:.`11n tt,e
chair. The f••hoeit_ • ;het es- v er.• elect
eat: 1'. .e tt. Pre.; ;.:at. \1, 1\•ri:hf,
lee -I re•:.lent: .• sec.-
stmt.:. Treas.: W, 31. stmt.:. 11-. 11 F:r:r: A.
"rechan. A, see:: :. i • . !;r 1 .:....me,
' C•,mwtttee f 31:uh._,::: t 1';: - o!nh
will 1;1.kn••,ua :n !:1 t•:..:.,
On; Friday 25:1. Nov.. the annual
1luwlti.r match of the Eluta,
• Hawick. - grey and Morris Townships
Aseeciati•ei trots held at ,Iuhwwortlt.
The weather was vett' au:table and an
i li,r..t2 -o.f t.e trlc•200 wi:ne'ssed• the
• e :,•petition, The .uatca occurred un
Mr. Held. 'IctcheIl'e fauna:. and prizes t..
the a:.ut tint "i 8161•-10 were paid to the
4iuutes. 'The f'•11••wiag is the list of
:• the s::.:,"iu:.:•et.:tstant•: '
• CLL.-, 1. — Fir* class men. • Ist, Allan
:Wain,. 11 ,wick, •- ylclrthu:- ph,w;; 2d,
'1•h,... 1' '....n, Elam. Davidson and
• Dee.—e.. l.iw• ; 3rd, Alex F.,rsyth, .l3ur-
I ' L t.roe and Megan plow-, ,
•'Les • 2-Secl•u•l class • meta. pat.
sanuhel 1.ray, Eli:sit, (Humphrey plow),
2•.i. Atrlrcw 3IcLewent,-Ilow-ick, (David-
son, 1\:r,u ,ter plow); 3r}, Alex Meln-
. t.,sh, Wallace. Dnvid'en 'plow' ; 4th,
Alex Milter, Hawick, Davidson plow:)
:lilt Bryce lour • Ilewick •' Bone,
t (.
'r,xeter plow..L. ,
Ceeee 3.-13-1.6 under 18 • years of
lot. including special paize from
• Glasgow• House. Vatowel, oilcloth .asst,
Thur. McDonald, Wallace, • ',Davidson
' clew : '2d. Alex. Campbell, Wallace, '
plow);3rd,Juhn Mason, :David-
, n piuw.
CLASS 4 -'--Buoys under 16 years. 1st.
includiiig special prizes from El.ferpeis•
and tilaal. w Huns e, Ge... Brown, jr..
Gree, I)ac )UMn► plow : 2d, Jas Camp-
bell, \1'allaoe, ,]candle plow; 3rd,
Martin Bi&dnock, Hawick, (Davidson
plow, 1
Chill Plow Competition. -1st, -Jas
Brown 31olesworth, Cockshnt plow„
2,1 We4ingten Embnry, Seegnuller 1
plow 1: 3rd John Cunningham, Grey.
(41liver plow.;
Class 1 and chill plow. --John Mur-
ray. %leksworth; Hugh Hutchison. i
Hawick: Thall. Girton, con. C., How -
ick, classes 2, 3, and 4 —Wm. Dickson,
Elms: Geo. Br.,wn, Molesworth, PuttD..ig, Howtck.
During the day a l'.ch was serried to
the Wren in the field
.after the match a meeting "f the i
members was held and the fellewitll$
etticen elected for the cna:ling year: i
Preside►.t - Alex. ('auy.hcl . Wallace.
:etc. -John Menne, Hawick. Treas.— eas.—
Jss Menrie• \' allace.
Conuuittse. Ino. Hurrays Noks.1
worth: Alex. Robinson. Howick; Alex.
Mclntoahe Wallet*: Mr. Tilden. (ir.y;;
Mr. McNeish. )Inkawnrth: Seth Doss,
is. IMere.saaa 1AMP at 1•ate.wersi :
Club. 'rite et:tl:misfixed fee is .at ts2.
; It • is ex ,ecte,i that tie 3i; i. idle
church. will be et/tattled and •fitted up as
' a ;gymnasium, - •
Keener. Meese ---4011 Monday • 3}rsars,
' T. Dunt f.,rd and James Start ,hove to
(:oilerich f*.r seine 1pmli 0r of a s oecial
size. for the Brussels salt well. Tatink-
•ing they would set a.•nie binding poles
along the way. they determined to ask
at the first suitable place for one for
each team. • When passing through
Willett. they se gored at a farm h•'u•e.
and asked for perhuission. to chop down a
couple of poles in the ad,poinitkg hush.
The woman of the house cen.enfed. and
after b..rr•+wine an axe, Mr. Smart
chopped two p,•les. The man of the
house then appeared 'men the scene, and
angrily demanded the the poles be left
behind. The two teamsters could only
obey. and left with the impression that
they had just heard the voice ..f the
meanest man in Huller:, even though he
did live next lot to a church,
Mr. James Dickson. Registrar. has
sold his fine y,nnr il)arham bull.
"Young Duke of Elmhurst.- ru his him
then, Robert Dickson, "f lime, for the
sum of 8150. Thus animal is just A
months old and n••w weighs 870 pounds.
He is, without exception. one .of the
best of the sissy yalnable b -ills
that Mr. Dickson has bred. He was
sired by „Duke a lmtstiuurtit.•' which is
of pure Bates breed. and his dam is Mr.
Dickson's well known ',tire mw "Nosey
Fourth.- which was imported from Ken-
tucky by Mr. .1. R. Craig. anti was • •ne
of his herd which won 1st prize nt the
Provincial F,xhihitidm. held at T•'rpntn
in 1A74. She also won 1st ;wire at t1.
Western Fair. Lindon. in 11475: 2n41
arise at the Prevuncal Exhibitem, Ham-
ilton, and Western Fair. L.rod••n, in
11174;, beating four imp.rtet1 heifers. and
ether ponces alm•et "tee nnmerona to!
mention." This Mull w►111* a saleable'
addition to the already good stook of th.
township of Grey. wlrieb i• ripidle crisp- i
itapg t•• the front in retje't both o# eattk
and hers•'s
'number are an interesting account of
"Armenia and the Armenians;" a sketch' e
• ..
,intoe are travel Ili
f e the Erie;"
an the stn of the "Martyr of the
• Catacombs," all of which • have admit- ,
; able engravings. Thd article which will E. �iYi o�OC��
i attract must attention is one by the R.v. > Reeelvc.l a C pm, late Stock ..t Goods auie
able for the reason, and invitee her Customer.
Lr. Ne,les, President of Victoria Uni- and the it eitc a per,
veraity, entitled, "Christianity= -Ideal EVERY
attacr>.ur to call am. io.
and Actual." It is ,written with EVERY Li N E IS FULL
mere than his usual grace of dm-
and vigor of thought, and points THE VARIETY IS LARGE
� out the difference between the typical
ThoQ uali'FJ ' is Thump
AND "�...
admirable character -study t;f the Late PRICES THE LOWEST .
President Garfield. The Editor tells
the stirring story of "The Church in the Call r d I
Desert; or, the Protestant Heroes of eCit.
. the Cevennes." An able paper on the fiamllton street, Opposite ('olbn�inrne Fiotel.
'W heat Fields of the North -Rest,"
' shows that both.' in the quality and titian-
tity of their yield they surpass the most
fertile areas in the United States, and
Christianity of the day and the ileal
Christianity of the New Teeth tient.
The Rev. W. Williams contributes an
1 ,o
, . 1 1
JLiscellaneous [taros.
are doatined to Ipe.the granary.f the or) SMAILL, ARCHITECT,,&c,
t 7 Office, Crabb's Rkxk, kingston at.. oode-
I world. An ffcumenical paper by John- rich. Ilan. a d apeofncattone drawn eery u
Macdonald, Esq., on "The Maintenance 1t. cariieatei*a'D rcr's and neon's work
i of Home Mis.ions among Degraded meaerued sad valued.
' Populations," and the conclusion of the
Rev. S. P. Rose's paper on Arthur.
"Po Kin Council," [1e Kings,
and nest " make u • a
A rich hnd of gold has been made en
the shorts of Lake (;.,,roe, near 1-ar
mouth. and prospecting licenses cover
ing upwer,la ^f • bundredarr os ,n the
Lyon and Osceola.
Counties in Northwest Iowa, aro
conceded to be the most beautiftil LATE PIPER'S. ,
and fbrtile in the State. This sum- Reg to return their thanks to the public for
the liberal patronage received during the past
mer we have opened upwards of year, end to state they are prepared to de
300 new farms, sinking a well, C-R I S rr N Gi-
building a convenient house and
devoted to Job and library work, especially to
those unique and economtetpal half calf and mor -
room styles. In all cases nese hest of stock and
workmanehlp, with strength and beauty com-
bined. Bindery overJohn Dutton's drug store.
W. S. Hart & Co.
Goderich Mills
on the shortest notice• or for the convenience
roomy barn, and breaking from of parties tit ins at a distance w-lll exehesm,
00 to 100 acres on each farm. striate at their town store ex
These farms are to let on terms Lae if'. Ifidli.►r.l'a,)
that no industrious man can fail Masonic block, East St. Ooderioh.
to make profitable. Immediate At4f'Highest price paid for wheat.'11�
possession given. We wi11, if need-
ed tarnish seed for next year's - GODERICH BOILER WORKS.
crop. We will also f\trniah break-
ing to be done, for which wewill - r ` & 11____
pay the regular prices. Tenants' Chr9atal BlacIce
not having teams enough to break '
with, will be supplied with a horse 1 Ti t 5111.11. N E N and SALT WELL 31 F. N
or horses for that purpose, at mar-
ket price, and the pay taker. in' N••w I+OILF-R4 an't 9.t1 -T I'.1'9 manulac
breaking. Thrite� fhrme are all sit-; tri:o d en sbortlet nater.
uated within a few miles or the . _ -
railroad. Apply personally or by
otter to CLOSE BROS. Ar CO .
Sibley, Osceola County, Iowa
ernes tee
Ali kinds of Repairing ex.ecsted under the
personal •nperatelon of the Proprietors who
AGENTS tt'an"s4 Rio I,i, Practical W or k
tCorM t'onMwnt . mgln} in, pn
for ('•lest rtl rr�e,. ...1 1,v,---
areas .,e. n . .,tr N.• r •l n..t 103 17R.