HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-11-11, Page 7Tag SIGNAL. FIU DA \ M)‘'. 11, 1881. Fun and Ftnu u. neamw.:. ► r Mercenary wrrrtagw which result in 1 ENUAtiae. -Mr. John It Steep, rf j Ocusert -It 48 lab of the Clintun has been engaged as teacher of • deeps t retract, that we arra eaUw1 upon to chronicle the ♦nark of M I& Iteheuoa Cantelon, wife of Mr. Samuel Qwtelun, of the 7th concession, which wavered un 'fbersday of last week, at the ager of 77 yenta, after a very short illness. De- ceased was b•rn in the county of Tipper- ary, Iyerant, And was uaarried to her be- reeved e reeved l.us:...ud in 1824. They emigre- test to tl.t. euuutry pIn 1831, and settled duwu in the township of Torunto, and after residing there two years, removed to their present homestead iu Goderich township. She was an affectionate wife, a dutiful mother, and by her kind and affable manner she won the esteem of all who : t.ew her. rhe wee • very indus- trious woman, and lived en upright chris- taan life. "Diligent in business, fervent spin servin t the Lord." She had divorce may be cuwper.J lik• rdlectttes as follows: -Positive, marry; compara- tive, matrimony, superlative, alimony.ce It is said that in carving • pieof mutton it u better not to cut it saddle - wise, but rather bri•ilewise, because in the latter case you are able to gat a bit in your mouth. It r u ugbty hard for some people to get out of a room after their visit is really o rr. One would think they had been bolt in parlor or study, and wanted ed f of an acre of land which took eight Ben,niller School at a,, salary of $4b0. Mr. Steep is s live, 4ergetic teacher, and no doubt, will el a the Co1b ent- people good satufactton. DOsr GROWING SowaVM CAN( PAY.— The Clinton Record has the following :- tAs sorghum cane is now being sown es- usively, perhaps the result of my ex. penance in its growth and manufacture may be of some interest to 'owe of those who have not grown it this year. 1 row• to be launch . days labor for tilling, cutting, L.a:.: it Lecture upon the rhin••-ens: Pro- fessor "1 must beg you t.. ,iive nee your undivided attention. It is absolutely Impossible that you can forni a true idea of this hideous animal sonless you keep your eyes fixed on me." 1). Scotch definition of metaphysics u, after all, not a bad ono. "Two poen are talking together. He that's listen- ing dinna ken what he that's speaking means; and he that's speaking tuna ken what he means hiunel'-that's weta- feesiq.' "Six pounds bitl, gentlemen,' cried the autiuneer at an art sale; 'only six pounds fur this fine landscape, with its dowers, trees, water, astrosphere -and such an atmosphere : Why the atmos- phere alone is worth the money." The conspicuous youth who wears his watch -chain outside his coat wears his brains outside his head. The beet mma treatment in such in is to bore a hole te an the young ma's head and pour in about a quart of beef -tea and koumiss. This would kill him, and he would im- mediately assume his normal condition. t A Port .Aa Naris. -The ` name of Maria is so popular in Ottawa that when a cat climbs a back fence in a well popu- lated neighborhood, and plaintively vo- calizes, "Mariar'" twenty windows are thrown up, and twenty female heads are thrust out, wildly answering, "Is that you, Eley r' Uioras of 'iisaom. He who looks not b- efore, finds him- self behistd. Credit is like a l.s•kiug-oglau, easily broken. A joyful eveniug may follow a sorrow- ful wurnieg. • Hope is the only good which is com- mon to all men. Life is not sshort but that there is always time fur cowling. It is better to be a righter of wrongs took one day with my team in takmuz it to be manufactured It cost we 30c. pe, gallon for getting it wanufaeturtrd; the .. whole expense ten $12.50 at a low cul- eulrtiun, fur which 1 received five milieus uf syrup which cult rico, on an average, $2.50 per gallon. Thu crop was a good avereee nue.—A i_heau i'su Somascm G Pow irk. heaa.. ler's wles salve. Tke et besalve in the world for cuts, rines B, Sures, Uleuta, Salt Rheum, Fever Save, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chiltlaiss , curs., had alts to Erul4ios u and positively cents Piles. It is quar- enteed '.0 give perfect satisfaction or muu.rouev ref:ed. Puce 'lb cents per box. h'or tae by ell druggists. , , g eight sons and two daughter., nearly all of ohs cs survive her. The funeral took piece en Friday lett, when a large num- ber of sorrowing friends and relati.es Faster. followed her retnauia t o their last nett. ing place iu the Clinton Cemetery. - Have r• QL'rT.-We are informed t five• •i. upon good suthvrit;, that several of the ' mills in tlois section have been compelled to suspend grinding on account of thew not being able to secure :ars to ship the finer. DARING BURGLARY. -Oise of the most daring burglaries that has taken place in this vicinity for a long time was perpe- trated at the Exeter station use Tuesday night Int. It appears an entrance was effected by forcing the hock off the wait- ing -room door, but there being nothing in that department to remunerate the burglar for his trouble, he proceeded to the ticket office. In this room he was a little more successful. A hole was bored in the top of the safe, which, after hav- ing been charged with the necessary combustibles, was blown into several pieces, and money amounting to eighty- three dollars taken therefrom. The freight' shed adjoining the ticket office was also entered and a bundle of bedding taken. A number of other articles were also scattered around. The robbery must have taken place at a very late hour, as Mr. Knight informs us that he did not leave the premises until after ten o'clock. -[Times. myth. A lodge of A. O. U. W. was started this week with a membership .rf eleven J. B. Artnstrong, of Brussels, was in town this week, he is speculating in po- tatoes. Alf. Belfry has returned from Man- toba having disposed of hie horses very satisfactorily. John McMillan and T. J. Senior have gone into. partnership, in the fruit and grocery business. than a writer about wrongs. A little wrong done to another is a great wrong done to ourselves. People who do mean sits throw poi.. into their own wells. The art of life is to know how to' en- joy a little, and to endure much. Everything we add to our knowledge adds to our means of usefulness Grief ennobles. He who has not suf- fered can never heave thought or felt. Every kindly word and feeling, every gad deed and thought, every noble ac- tion and impulse; is like the ark -sent dove, and returns frem the troubled waters of life bearing a green olive branch to the soul. (Sir lives are like some complicated machine, working on one side of a wall, and delivering the finished fabric on the other. We cannot cross the barrier and see the end. The work is in our bands -the co npletion is not. Blessed are the ears that gladly re- ceive the pulses of the Divine whisper. Blessed indeed are those ears that listen not after the voice that is sounding without, but for the truth teaching. - Thorruts A'Kea►f,is.. A man ca -un' t afford to do a mean thing snider any circumstances ; a man cannot afford to c;o less than sets hest at .all times, and under all circumstances. However unjustly you are treated, you cannot, for your own sake, afford to use anything but your better seli.ner render anything but your better services. Von cannot afford 44o lie to a liar: you cannot afford to do alter than uprightly with any man, n', matter what exigencies may exist between him and you. No man can afford to be any but a true man living in his higher nature. and acting with the highest consideration. A Weary Curiosity. Every student of nouns, pronouua, and verbs knows the necessity of tram - pasing language fur the take of o:,t•1i - ing its gtammat:cal construction. Ile following shows twenty-six diffeteta readings of one of Gray's well-knov n poetical lines, yet the sense is nut affect ed: - The weary plowman plods his home- ward way. The pinwman, weary, plods his home- ward way. His homeward way. the weary plow- man plods. His homeward way, the plowman, weary, ploda. The weary plowman homeward plods his way. The plowman weary. homeward plods his way. His way the weary plow man homeward plod,. His way the plowman, weary, home- ward plods. The plowman homeward, plods his weary way. His way the plowman, homeward, weary plods. His homeward weary way the plow man plods Weary, the plowman homewanl plods his way. Weary the plowman plods hie home- ward way. Homeward, his weary way the plow- man plods. Homeward, his way the plowman weary plods Dee'l.1NEL.-Miss Hyslop has declined the offer made her as teacher of the in- termediate department of our school. Miss Mary L. Holies of Clinton has been engaged for the position. Mr. C. Hamilton has sold his 50 acres, B. ; of N. }, lot 37, con. 3. Eat Waw- anosh, to Alex. Dey, of Manchester, for $2,000. This is considered a fair price as the buildings were poor. John McMullen has sold lot lb and 17 McCnunell's street, to John Putman, for the sunt of $200. L J. Brie, of Wingham, has a num- ber of men enitage4 at building a dwell- ing and saw mill on lot 2, con. 7, Morris, about 3 utiles from here. He intends to have all completed and in running ordir before sleighing. Mr. Brace is an enter- prising man and thoroughly understands h.rw to run a saw mill. We wish him success. Panuterertor.-On Saturday evening last, some 33 members of Trinity Church invaale l the domicile of the Rev. W. Henderson and presented that gentleman with a beautiful coal store valued at $40. Shall eggs be sold by number or by the polled, is the momentous uestion that is said to he agitating severalParis- ian scientists. It has been learned that the average weight of twenty eggs laid Ly fowls of different breeds is two and one eighth pounds. The breeds that lay the largest eggs averaging seven to a pound, are Black Spanish. Houdan'. I.1 Fleches and Creve Geurs.• Eggs of inethum size and weight, averaging eight or nine to the pound, are laid by Leghorns, Cochin. Rrahmee. • Pelmets. Dorkins, Games and Sultans. Hamburg, lay abont ten .eggs to the pend. Thus there is A difference of three eggs in nnr• pound weight. Hence it it claim- ed that in justice to the consumer eggs should be sold by weight. Mr. J. H. Cameron, brother of D. E. Cameron, Esq., has accepted a position in the Merchants' National Bank, Chica- go, I11., at a salary of 81000 per year. `ILI.AOR Lors.-At the sale of luta at the village of Kinlnugh, on Tuesday last a large number were disposed cal, the pri- ces paid ringing from twenty to fifty dol- lers per Int. Over fifty lots were sold, fifteen of which were purchased by Luck - 'lewdest. RR-Ereoaose.--All the present teach- ers of the Lucknnw Public School have been re-engaged for the coming year. The salary of the head maater,Mr.Priest, was reduced from f=700 to 8&i0, whale the other four teachers -eeived a slight advance over last year's salary. T(titowten STONES. -- Several of our village youths while passing the residence of Mr. R m. Hardy, on R,oaa street, on Sunday night last, -threw stones at the house, d ' g considerable damage to the. doors and windows. The matter was placed in the hands of Constable McCnr- vie, Mot was settled nut of court, the de- fendants paving $4.20, damages. MAntereare.'s Cot -RT. - A beech of de- linquents appeared before the Reeve since nor lest insane. Roof. Elder, for heirs, drank and disorderly, paid a Bol- and costa ; Thus. Adly, for acting in a disorderly manner and the ton free use of a revolver was finest a similar amount, and Mfiehsel itnlan went down int. his Enreket for a dollar and costs, for abusive language. Mr. E. P. Weston, the well-known pe- destrian. has consented to write a series uf articles for the Church of England Temperance Chronicle in which he pro - Poses to show that a total ahstsiner is • apable of doing twice as -ouch (and a ith leu exertion, as a num who indulges in the use of alcoholic stimulants in the tint paper published last week, he says : -"i have now permanently retired from professional 1erdeetrianism ; not because 1 are in any wa7 shattered physically or mentally, het simply becaar• T have been Homeward, his weary way, the l low - man plods. The plowman, homeward, weary plods. his way. His weary way, the plowman home- ward plods His weary way, the homeward pow- man plods. Homeward the plowman plods his weary way. Homeward the weary plowman l.'ods his way. The plowman weary, his homeward way plebs. The plowman ph,ds his homeward weary way. The plowman plods his weary It nat. ward way. eary, the plowman his way home- ward pl.•da Weary, his homeward way the plow- man plods, li 1 L i ERR, KINTAIL BRICK YARD. Hardware! Hardware THE UNDERSIGNED IS STILL dS81dD FUR BEST A n ntit : of good white brick or. hand and Inc ..14\Al rt saouablu' rat es. fhs..heartier is now carr, tar on the trick Mu kilo bu..r resa at the Kiatail thine and will g ree alt ,,'len width may he sent ham the anise „tenuspt attention. The Irick to of arts - clam tesailg, and the terns are reasonable. Address JOHN K. 31cGRE11011, Kintail. t'. 0 Unlocks all the clogged a.cnurs uf the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying eft gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions ; at the same time Oa t0 curing . oHeartburn, miness, H hes. Diz- ziness,Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy Dim - dof Vision. Jaundice, Salt Rheum pelis Scrofula, Flattering of the HHeart,- Nervousness and General Debility ; all these and many other simi- lar Com taiinttssya'eld to the happy influence of BIIEDOOg BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size $L For sale by all dealers. T. 111111.1111111XM X a co.. erlesTsarinas. Tsarina Acidity of the S mach, 1 '•. IS, COLDS, AMA, .1'c'IIITIB, LOSS OF V.) z",77 ; II ► I RSENESS A ND T `T " ' f 7' A It FECTIONS. P e. w ,r h•.. es owe rod Masi Own. t e'. at r" at.• br5swie. Cheekh1r .e,, +pectora a./1.•is. •.for to a n r ssedlelde afered jbr , nal *he • N w esw/aasats. A scorches tomblaMrtrsaooaa W f-• 7 +a rW. sw•edrs from the Peed tiprwen fee rl A .* Aosdd :hs wort ealeabM rvarlw Oew for Mittel —.1 porocera • sof hoe hoard o eke w as- de- a: of fr:e••lee dps rest sad the P: •• an en u DI► 1 "..1.11 /.st.4 (e, eA yr►ertorawt{ tJaiC, alta OF I bate awb ipre Pre' are Pre' e t .erred. . a. ...ra- le flNa fpr` et t+.i retry. car e- Mei► Psa•t• y pri- thet` eel ,prat at a t.`arae . os. tree reeeia .1-'-CE'peratwre, - 1. t.rr ron&rye ► • `t .sin:: r % o taeltas d /shed rose the Oslo to }rsrck. \3 , wplate tope. Baia .ow. .!..1 .-rro.T." a p',:rc'.- e e ,./i.:/0';::g •f;; ,. ilien•ts of Jfremehi' 4erhit its nunoil r d►1 T A f .' ' Z7CTt1'R ,;; 4-isei.Yc rife<1 in c.iri::r ..7,_ NV:.•: s'.: 4%4E4.4711 Cr. 1048.48 ,o.roe t•c'- ?.:' . '•• that ; t•/7►ii,_, el' I.Ir(?f r suit ; rprerabie e'.esa:d.1::e: P;,.c .' - .: ,nor' rr C,.wr-'O'-c••r ..' . ? 4 wi r tie Mare.** • r . ea.,: ' h i .• rte rets••'. r.d. :'I .:! F I V N 1718';.:" .t• rrh•.r...,:• 1) ...,c,... s t: t• —^ba✓ro ear ni...s • .. •.. In this GRAY'S re'efw- Q.rw wee sepovote. rw.i efllts SYRUP RED AND LOW EST PRICES. HE KEEP`; A FULL STOCK Olt SHELF AND General Hardware! DO NOT FAIL TO SEE MY CRO.',S ('l -T SAWS SND AXESI I Mop all the Newest and Best Makes. SOLE AGENT FOR THE '-LYMAN Four -Barb Fence Wire _ W_ 11CCoKENZIF _ AFTER THE FIB'E. JOHN cTORY The Tinsmith 14 411.11 to la,• fret.!. I have pleasure to state that despite the incenvewcnec I wan put to in my business by the recent fire in my premises, that I am now In full bleat again, prepared to give the greatest bargains in Guderich In STOVES, TINWARE, LAMP GOODS, and every other line in the b,asinenw. I would also return my thanks to the Fire Brigade and people of Goderich for the enc cesstul efforts in saying WY property in my absence from hoer•. at the late tire. John Story. AT THE OLD STAND. B. C. STRACII.t J. 11A1 RE.Mal\ F.I. 111" C+ROc E a BUSINESS To the old stand in the Albion Block, formerly occupied byhim, where Le will be pleased to welcome all his old customers and the public generally. A large quantity of NEW, FRESH GRO(.'ERIES ♦a CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. D• 0_ S 1 I AOHAN. The necessary pumping apparatus for I -_ the Kingdon c.rtton factory has arrive.l. Water will be drawn from nut in the lake sone 100 feet, and taken to a reservoir in the tower, and t::ence distributed ov- er the trill. DRATR OF A PIONEER. -- is our pain- ful duty to chronicle this week the death Robert Somerville, Esq., which took Once ro the residence ef him non Mr. Jas. Somerville, in thi* village. on Friday last 28th October. Deceased was born in made te teethe.* that an exercise which I have tdrustgled to elevate__ hes_ he...,en lackmannanalitre, Scotland, on the tath of January, li100, and was consequently by a claps a unprincipled Ramblers in 81 eosin' and menthe olri at the time of his deeth When a yonng man he m- illet no man can menciate himsolf oh it now and retain his self romped. - Tem- perance Record. beefless so builder untd the vtar 1841. at wlech time he came to Canada and ',Puled in the villas/eel Dmullui. Ontario, - h h fel ntil 'sheen one ear TR. SIGNAL with the lea lin y city week- '11"." ind"wl him t,eceme mei hre with lue inn in this village Flt* lies at the following rates remsans were taken to Dundee on Mon 2.50 The cost of President Garaeld'sn rick- nese and funeral has been footed up. The estitnated twat of the sickneas -if 85 days duration is =100,00(, or $1,250 a day. Over $30,000 of this will ge't.a the doc- tors. Of this amount Dr. Bliss wentr, $25,000, Drs. Agnew and Hemline' `f.';'2- 000 frt'2000 elicit, Dr. Reyhurn $3,000, and Mrs. Dr. E.ison 1111,000. Drs. Woodwerd nrd Baines will get nothing, unless Congremi • in di roif,la r t, .'.. ClITIRCS . Billils I s (44, ,6;:i Az C - . _ ..„......., ......411!„.,_ <ScC _ ' ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done w ith Neatness nnd Des,aitql, rind at reefs • .nable Hates. Call and examine heforupurehaelng elm n I,. r... ' HAMILTON STAMM. GRAND CILEA.R1NG SALE oots and _Shoes, total outlay will "be over $347,9.50, of li :,, • --,e ran I. ['Word. red Veer ur an —A T- 000. leaving $247,050 fin. 'Ohio, Cleve- '4 . n•.-2....:':.ns prescribed r.- • . Li (1 \mprii.,,Lii,s (.111ril StnatAL ARP CANADIAN Fawns, . 2.25 Stews' Mir ei‘41,1 PillinaVTRILIAIS SAO land and private individuals. Woma- n's Tnie Friend. A friend in need is it friend indeed. This none can deny, especially' when ea- sistance is rendered whentme is eorely af- flicted with disearie,tnore particularly these complaints and weaktiessea so common to our female population. Every wt•man sheuld know that Electric Bitters ate woman's true friend. and will positive)) mestere her et health. even when all other remedies fin!, A single trial 11: - Wass Newest our aseertion. They are • pleasant ttl the taste end t•nly cost lift% cents a bottle. Sold by all druggist-'. day last for interment. Mr William Perkins, of Ritteletee, ha. wild his farm te Mr litridacott, of rlin ton. Mr. Perkins' will move to Exeter in the spring end live retired Nature, after ali, is the great physi- cian. She hides all the secrets of health within her l•r•eitl, generous bosom, and man needs but te te her intelligently fer his every need. The diecoyery of the great Cough Remedy, Gaay's grave or Ran Sreres Ore, is an apt illustra- tion of this. As a cure for Coughs, Cobb, Less t‘f Vt•ice and Hoarseness stands unrivalled. while its low price and resuliness aecere places it within the reach of all Try it and he convinced. All chemists keep it in 25 and 50 -emit bottles., ad • By therontrh knowledge of rise asters) laws which stovers the operations 01 digeolkat anti nett-dom. end by a careful application of the fine proper -lien of well aelerte.4 delleately flarmireel beverage whit may nave no many 'heary doetorre hill.. It is hy the intli- el it mina may be gradually hnilt tip nntll ntrong iiirrourri read_y_to attack wherever there 5. • weak pe•nt W• may escape nulny fatal shaft by keepting orirwelvea wall fortified .11111 lalwIled "J Salta Kers co , FInmo.orathk• Chomiws. London. Ens maker. of Rope's chocolate Rseence toe aftecaone gee. tnin 111( 1 Stiff 111P0111111 I Ai u -Awry. valoable awl •••• Lomels 1:11( 0-1\ 1,-, ,1(-)NTEI delicate conatitr: . 44 doliar, and we win beal URI/VICE - FoW E Fk S EXTFA7T LD 1 Previous to tock taking. My Stock is Large and vrEll-assorted, and GREAT BARGAINS will be giver WM. CAMPBELL. nOodorich, Jan. 13, 113814 17'0 Daniel Gordon, Wintery, Cramps, Colic, 8ed Sick- , ness and Summer Complaint ; a/se I I 01,iost House in the terwisty, end Laryeaf Stock Mu side of broodon f Cholera Infantum, and a// Com- 1-, plaints peculiar to children teeth- Aso -Room 81.711.111, 1 Mg, and will be found equally Sios-Boashs, 1 MR BALE BY ALL BRUCCISTS. 1 T. MILBURN & CO., Cast% Wirers twill Ilea et teetheir advantage to 'merrily Meet Vibes need • steed artlohle , Mose nee P.-1111,4161•-•,- • ' r,rogit0. r) afORTON. Weir Street a.m. Pest 'lie, Ooderich.