HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-11-11, Page 541•••••=1, Colborno. •-emmeesasmea/MI*40 &IS 41olonomme ti4i:11 Ly a teat crowd of people, Weed- ing relatives and sorrowing Irtends. Ruses Sotem.-This branch of the Bible Ssteiety, met on Tuesday idelit, lat inst., at half pert seven, with a goodly number present, thus showing the niter - est they take iu the cruse. The meeting was eeened by singiug, and preyer, af- ter leal, h, several rev. gentlemen pre- sent made appropriate remsrk Chi agent, Rev. Matthews, WAS the called o 1, whi delivered en interes int steeoute of htkw the Bible Society was begun, it.. working, and the am met of work the people had dune, and the ainouut to be done yet. Impressing the fact Butt although there wit se much done. yet at the present rate of werking, it would require upwards of two hundred pee e before the work would ha teen- pletel. The ineetine was bmu.eit to a close, by tendering a vote of thanks to Mr. Matthews, fee his very able address, and singing the doxology, and pronounc- ing the henedictit n. Wbeu putting up hie dove for the winter a Colborne farmer found a potate plant et vigorous growth it the iron thrown tutu it iu the spring, end al ted heater. By some at:midget pisel;)0 uwait in the novel "patch." The lade "lour- phiss" were formed at the rout, and Looked nether odd growing in the air - there being no soil. Winelmn. Fixze.-eF. A. McIntosh was charged by !impeder Yates on Saturday with al- lowing gambling upon his premises on blowhole Oct 31st. The in tgistrates were Mtwara. Holmes and McKay, who found the defendant 'meet., made him pay all costa, and suspended his license for thirty -sit hours. The defendant was also charged with keeping his bar open after hours. He was fined $20 and costa. NEC - - Quite a number of our young mar haws left here !at Bay City, Mich., te work in the lumber woods. Winter made its appearance last Fri- day. Quite a number of personal have tons of their mot crops to take up. Messrs.and Nelms who left here are wtril:bri g in Bay City in a steam saw mill receiving $35 per month and board. BRLIOIOCa. -The quarterly services in connection with the Methodist Church, Dungaenon circuit, was heM at Dungan- non last Friday. The pastor preached a moat powerful sermon. Clinton. Lwow' Cear..-lespeotor Yates on Friday last brought George Swartz, ho- tel -keeper, before Justices of the Peace Forrester and McGarvey, charged with 1st allowing drinking oil his premises on Bentley, and 2nd with dieposiag of liquor on Sunday. Swartz gist off on the first charge; but was fined $40 and °oats on the sensed charge, this being his second offence. The defendivat has a ppeeled. Disonterace.-k number of youths .were up before the Mayor last week for acting di...rderly ota the street on the night of Halloweee and fitted 111 and cost* or 10 days in jail. Immediately after the trial the father of one of the youths assisted by kis two sons attacked Constable Paisley, which caused a most disgraceful scene on our streets. For this bravery the father and eldest son were arraigned before the Mayor the next day and the former Melted to pay $5 and code, and the latter 815 and costs, which ism), teach them to behave themselves. Loolnirn. BLAYY FRUIT. -Many shade trees on Butternut Row, and adjoining sidelines, on Halloween bore strange fruit, such as farm gates, plows, etc. Some farmers lost a couple of days looking up their property. WHIZ FENCE:I.-Mr. M. Foley is put- ting up a wire fence according to law. Mr. A. H. Naftul is . also doing the C same. I . Ix A BAD Wev.--The culvert in the t 1 hollow on the lake shore road opposite Mr. Fulford's wants fixing. We hope our township farmers will attend to it. 'retiree...term-At the last regular meeting of the Leeburn Lodge the fol- lowing officers were installed for the en- suing quarter ending Feb. 1882: W. C. T., Bro, Alex. Cowan; W. V. T., Sister Mary McManus; W. S., Bro. S. B. Williams; W. F. S., Henry Horton: W. T., Bro. A. A. Clutton; W. M., Bro. G. H. Clutten; I. G., Sister M. A. Clutton; 0. G., Bro. John Hall; W. R. H. S., Sister Helen Burke; W. L. H. S., Sister J. Lane; W. Chap., D. Cum- ming; P. W. C., W. A. Aborn. fl le of of id 0 IT - IF of rig ; "MIT t4 110P4111crt Asittiold. The mission week in Ashfield came to a close on the 30th ult. with very grati- fying results. During the greater part of the week in question the rods wer, in a moat unfavorable rendition for tra- vel ; notwithstanding this, and the care of their stock and hernes, the people. were unremitting. in their attendance et the church. The Fathers were surprised at the attendance, considering tho ob- stacles in the way ; lnit this only proves the correctness of the adage. "Where there's a will,therce a way... But as V.01 have given, in a former tannIker of titE SION.tL, so full and liberal account of similar mission held in Goderich, 1 11 not trouble you with a reletition. A very pleasing spectacle of the Ashtield Mission consisted of the large number of youths. over one hundred, who took the initiatory steps in a religious life. The spiritual training of the youth of this parish is net neglected ; there is a system .if Sunday Schools in force throughout the parish which works admirably, and confers ir- calculable benefits on those who come under its operstien. There are seven Sunday Schools, and the scholars in each are classified according to attainmenteso that under it. management and registra- tion, pupils 441 the same class can be brought to the church whenever their presence is required. A greater revival of religion the writer has witnessed no- where. The people seemed to have re- ceived an infusion of the earnestness and seal which were No unmistakably mane fasted by the Fathers. There were, I'm told, over eight hundred communicants on the occasion; and it is sincerely hop- ed thet the effects of the Muslim will be a lasting one. -Cow. Itairisate. Siem... -Miss Dineley, of this plate is at present very sick. We Nivea for her a speedy recovery. Mr. Crosier, who. we previously stated, was en badly hurt, is getting better but oho/1y. Dr. Hutchison has removed to this place. He will doubtless work up a good practice, as he is not unknown in the action, and has the reputation of being a good physieisian. Ontreanv. -The wife of Mr. White, an old resident of the township of Ash- fisM, passed away last Thursday. She was followed to her last reeling place (Dungannon Cemetery) nn Friday after Metatimileglasa Inereirt., Report of the weather fur the week ending Nov. 8th, 1881. 2n I -Wind at 10 p.m., South-east, usoderate gale, cloudy. No. of miles wind travelled in 24 hours, 391. Began to, rain at 11 p.m. 3rd -Wind at 10 p.m., South-west, moderate gale, cloud). No. of miles wind travelled in 24 hours, 888. Ceas- ed raining at 7:00 a. ut. 2.4 cubic inches fell. 4th- Wind at 10 pin., .South-west, brisk gide, cloudy. No. of utiles wind travelled in 24 hours, 898. Snow flur- ries during the day. 5th-- ) ind at 10 p.m., North, moder- ate gale, cloudy. No. of miles wind tra- velled io 24 hours, 603. inch of snow fell during the night of the 4th. Began to min at 9:00 a.m. Ceased at 11:00 p. in. 4.5 cubic inches fell. eth- Wind at 10 p.m., South-east. light, clear. No. of miles wind trarelled in 24 heir, 395. 7th -Wind at 10 p.m., South-east, light, cloudy. No. of miles wind tra- velled in 24 hours, 423. 8th -Wind at 10 p.m., South, light, milting. Bogan to rain at 8:00 p.m. No. of miles wind travelled in 24 hours, 536. 0. N. MACDONALD, OhaerVLY. Goderich, Nov: 9th, 1881. C:IbIE2070 MAL.. IRCM BRAZIL.) • The New Comporm-l. its won- derful affinity to tho Digestive Apparatus and the Liver, increas- ing the dissolving juices, reliev- ing almost instantly the dreadful results ot Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and the TORPID LIVER, makes Zopesa an every day necessity in 9very OILS& It acts gently and speedily in Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- ache, Sick Headache, Dirlrass af- ter Eating Wind on the 1.7:3:2rach. Heartburn, Pains in the Sic.:e and Back, Want of Appetite. Want or Eneiy. Low Spirits, Foul Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liver, car- ries off all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole system. Cut this nut and take it to your Druggist and get a 10 cent Sample, or a large bottle for 75 cents, and tell vour neighbor aborzt it. ••• 0)1111117:J11011 fs tAlieLD, 1851. 1/'j,',, ;13awl //1; Kitty Ntrect Treat, Torem11), frieda. trim tlF At:r.SISNT : Ill•:ORGE MACLICAN ROSE, 23 tui.1 eiliniton Street W.. Toronto. Tres‘nrer .1011N N. LAKE, 10, King Street • Eas.. Pint Sire -President W. l'ENIIIERTON C.1.• , 1. lo-ader Torimto. serous' 51. c-Fresident - ARTHUR FAR., 77.ItrokStreet. Toronto. secretary J. ti1.111. LIVINGSTON. 111 and itt king Street IV.. Toronto. P ROSPIEICTITE3- The ohiect of this Society is to colonize a tract it .An1 in the North West territory, fur - :fishing lands to actual settlers at cheap rates with the provision that such settlement be kept frci from alt intoxicating liquors. An application has been made to the Dominion llovernment of Canada for a comport choice tract ist mod. comprising about 2,000.000 acres. for this siorpose. and the Oovernment has re- plied fa% orably to the tt•rms offered. which is to allot land* to 'subscribers under especially favorable conditions. The inanegrnient are presorts/ to provkle facilities+ for reaching the same. The best experts from Europe, Inlind ;States and Caned,' will be employed to select from the entire unsurveyol lands of the North Weal territory, land favorably located tom- nsercialit. and having the it Boit water and timber advantages, and other desiderata censary to • sooreatful settlement and perms. Dent prosperity. No rearm -amble pains will he spared to accommodste early settlers 411 estab- lishing themselves in their new home's. where the management hope they will noon enjoy the bpsein,of • later and harmonlo45 commun- ity. free from the diaairtions on commonly at• THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 1881. COLBORNE BROS. FlielmI1L tirr. OCR Talk Or- FALL OVERCOATS! Fall and Winter Goods loinex. =5.SCOLIM-t- OW' Terms Bei,,.,;Caxl lee are (chicle) offer REID & SNEYD Is nate Complete in Every Department. Goods at Prices 'That Defy Competition.lu„,:„„ i5l•curt.,1 at a Greaatigan Rargain • tot or Tweeds and ("wain" will give the above discount • Complete Steel sir ple aad Fancy bey Goods narked at the Closest Cash Priem. duri November to plinks ordering fall clothing. C01_ HORNE RROs. REID it SNEYD, Manchester House, Ooderich. Fall & Winter Millinery MSS vitiSSIE WILSON Would hancaticeaothr lad/mei Moderich and Vicinity, that the Stock of Fall and Winter Millinery is sow Fully Assorted. BEAVERS! BEAVERS!! BEAVERS!!! DIFFERENT STYLES AND AT VARIOUS PRICES. Shaded Pinshes, Ribbons and Feathers. T-11:TR, 1301\1-1\T=S The Latest Nore!tY in ; Neat, Stylish, and will Spit all, MISS JESSIE WILSON, The Square, Goderich. 0PEIC_A_G-0 I-10TTS Miss WUI 11, (Successor to Mrs Copeland.) Takes this opportunity of informing the ladies of Goderich and vicinity, that hav- ing purchased the interest of her redecessor, she will endeavor to keep it up to the standard laid down by Mrs. olselard- VZ37" Stool= is of the =est, And every endeavOr will be ivade to give The Fullest Satisfaction in Styles, in Work and in Material, Ordered Wurk a Specialty. Agent for the Parker Steam Dye Works, Tenmto. MISS WILKINSON, Chicago House, West Street. PITT G -T=I DDR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY ia 1•T IAD -18 NOW RECEIVING - Fall and Winter Goods Foil CONSUMPTION, COUGIls, COLDS &C. ttc SAMPLE BOTTLES FREE. USE =7....1=CrriZiC ITI In Foi: tlentlemen's War, which be will inake up in STOMACH, ma-v-mrt. ,e3c First -Class Style at Very Low Rates. Prescriptions a Speciality Ready -Made Clothing, BOOTS AND SHOES. DOWNING. GEO. RilYN.A.S,, Sre. Night Bell on the Front Door In Grad Variety as usual. Call and Inspect. Legal Notices. DURBUANT TO A DECREE OF THE 1.. Court of Chancery made in the !natter of the Estate of JAMES FOWLER. and in a cause FOWLER against FOWLER. The cre- ditors of JAMES FOWLER, late of the Town- ; ship of VVawanosh. in the County of Huron. yeoman, who died in or about the month of PM. arch, IMO, are, on or before the ELEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1881. to sent/ by poet, premed. to B. L DOYLE. of Goderich. the So- licitor for the plaintiff. WILLIAM JOHN FOWLER, son of the deceased. the Christian and surnames. addressees and description., the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts. and the nature of the Ilet uri- ties lif any) held by them ; or in default then - of. they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said deerre. Every creditor holding any security is to produce the same be fore me at niy chambers. at the Court House. Goderich, on the TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1881. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, being the time appointed for adjudi- cation on the claims. Dated this 25th day of October. 1881. 1810-3t4Signedl H. MACDERMOTT, Master. ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail every Saturday. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW CABINS, 9a• to WO. STEERAGE $21 These Steamersdo not carry cattle, sheep orPlEs NEV YORK TO IA)NDON DIRECT. CABINS PS to KV Excursion at Reduced Rates. Passengcr accommodations are unsurpassed. All Staterooms on Main Deck. Passengers booked at lowest rates to or from any Railroad Station in Europe or America. Drafts at lowest rates, payable (tree of charged throughout Kngiand. :',•otland and Ireland. For books of information, plane. Sze.. apply to HENDERSON ITHOTHEITIT. 7 HOWLING 0 ITEKN, N. Y. Or to MRS. E. WARNOCK. Ilatnilton srt 1751 Agent at Goderich VEGETINE 110F HITTERS. ELECERDI HITTERS. arm ST FLOO ER. CERN I% WI RI P. RI REID( k BLOOD BITTERS. PAIN MILLER. Z4111.7.N A. vit‘rT %ULF. DI.W011 Mt. sisrxrrir CI IRE. Seeds! Seeds! The subscriber begs to draw the atten- tion of the public generally t4) his large and varied stock .1 FARM old GARDEN SEEDS consisting f CLOVER,' TIM( )THY, HUNGARIAN, MILLET. PEAS, 0.3,1 S. BARLEY, and choice WHEAT: also TURNIP, MANGoLD, CARP,0T, and all other GARDEN AND VEGETABLE SEEDS, at rates that cann,t he beaten. S. 0 Aav General Seed Dealer. Hamilton t't rect. $66 a week in your own town. Terms and $5 outfit free. Address II. 11•Luirr & Co. Portland Maine 0 RID "30 --VV- R I have great pleasure in announcing to my customers and the public at largo that my stock of Boots and Shoes fir the Fall Trade is now complete, and I weidd in- vite inspection of the sante. I have been especially careful to purchase goods which 1 believe will give the customers satisfaction, and do Credit to myself. Yoti Find 111311 tow0A: As 1 buy in large quantities, and for Cash. Doine the largest shoe trade in the ' Town, I can sell at cheer prices than these who do a smaller business. I would especially call the Attention of Farmers to My Stock of Long Boots and Shoes Which is one of the largest to be found in any retail stere in the Prevince. I have on hand several cases of the celebrated "K. &. B." Long Boots, which have given such Iiie Satisfactio=. ! In the past. 011 STO VES T I NWAR , , Si )11111111111 •• Hall, Parlor, Dining Room AN!) E . To stlit Eler)boli). %at. .: rill Ins. ssnd 11111 Ise 11:i•ic op to our HR. I RFD. rums tn. ws«. NM a cutter and niter. ha. no superior Ito Ilsc County. We are still ahreast of the times, and havi,iv a large staff of tirst-class mechanics, I am prepared to manufacture anything in my line to order, at the shortest notice, in first-class style, and of the very beat material. In conclusion, I beg to return my sincere thanks tl toy customers for their liberal patronagO in the past, and rest assured I shall do my utmost t., deserve a continuance of the same. Yours respectfully, Col% East Street and tin.) Sur. E. DOWNING. FOR FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATINGS • Solo Agent in Onslerii•li for My General Stock of Goods is Complete The Toronto King n Liberal Dircenot w III be Ifilde on :ill solc-.1 cr 011 tatt111 Ist December Wood Heating. slot e the ordy Stove Gil log JOHN AcREs(2)N Universal! satisfaction. Sole Agent for the OSHAWA COOK STOVES WILSON Th e Dal 41111 1ST. llhi 11111 WIPtireerlptleins Carefially Prepared. The Only Stoves whi, h Net fr Craeb. CALL 11D EXAMINE STOCK CURRIE'S AUCTION MART Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Oliefe39/313 BLOCS - The Cheapest House AUCTION SALE! Under The Sun. or matIon ofirbrir , lit,,inik, Farm priteri tending the severing n old tie*. and the for - 51141 settli a new oniony, hawing the sorrel cam- nsercirl and other private". or an old Nettled eammenity. lt IP an acknowledged fact, tbst our Greet North-Ire/4 ts &eased, al in distant elate, to be the wheat growing realm and the (aides of the world, &rot It Is hoped that this lar. rompers wttletnent in the choicest part otrtrZ terrItorrwill brews's@ an Important and con- trolling restos 01. future Previace. noted for the soler Insbaa. enterprise. and virus, 01 ita Management for the present will take sahwriptIons for land@ in this tmet at $11 per owes. and nn easy tennis Ot payment, ten per fent In mush. and ten row rent. annnally thee. - A to/ ono...sat the low rate of 114 per cent , with the privilege of paying wooer If desired liter hope to he prepared to rive titles Inside of a few months, i as PTIOTI as the Miele are Nee arrlhed for, when the dolt payment of tee per mat will be required. D. GORDON, Agent at Oodeffett. Goledeb. Nei 141 NMI - West Wawanoeh !sia faverediewla AblorpgrAfreerszerr.sliV Man, ee Saturday, November 28, 1881 farm. conetaing of the Wpm 151Con 1. weet &immesh, reateiniag /10 acres 79 servo cleared owl 4,, a gnn.imato a esiu. halasee hea•lly t rabersol. two lame frame ham, a new frame home. gond orehmil and well watered 12 serve fall whmt. 111 Ilelefltoothed Poinearoins at me* dasieml. Plak. nreleirk p m. Terms mole kafera wee, iw on application to Nth. Armstrong. on the premiss*. or 40 I. C. CURRTIL Asesiesteer. Msdevielli. Oat. O. Mid MIA SALLOWS THU PHOTOGRAPHER, MONTREAL St. GODERICH REST LIGHT, BT PRICES, BUT ACCESSOR- IZE REST OIT8TOR R 8 RUT PICTURE8, BENT sATIS- FACTIoN. BEST EVERY THING JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM • Sr.7=5=1ZIC)12... The ant consignment of the season of those justly celebrated SAL -110N T1tOril -AT- D. FERGUSON'S Grocer, Hamilton street, Goderich. 1