HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-11-11, Page 44 '1'!Ii Hl pct; OVAL, FRIDAY. NOV. 4 Is81. 'l' { l l. I I ni(1T SIGN 1.,PTZI DAY NOV. 11, 1831. • j` 1Vr AL 1 TuE BA/LH-4Y QUESTION" TIE HURON SIGNAL! i ' since our last issue, railway matters hate neon in agitation to the north of us, and in another column will be found a letter from • •Progress," which, although containing a few inaccuracies, will prove interesting and inatruetireto those RIDAY, NOVEMBER, 11. 1881. Tll ('URRESPON1IXNTS. We hope our oorTVIpnodents sill make a "big push" and send in their weekly budget& promptly and regularly during the caning winter. We do not like to miss the newsy notes of our u- s.stants at outside points, and we hope they will put a new energy into their pencils, and send us in live and pointed items pretty steadily. The excellency of its corps of local news writers is one of the bouts of this paper. We will be happy to furnish terms, etc., to intend- ing correspondents. We would like to get news items weekly from every point in the county. m. T.. U. i B. weard From. To the Editor Huron *ps d. Dees Sia,-Guderich wants a Load railway. Time was when any town or village was cuWet with nue railway. Now they must have at least two, end if p seible (Maes. •: hot•e is great datjger of overdoing railways, it is only to attertain f our readers who are watching the extent that they create trflic,and tel the case of Gudench it ie very questionable if iatlway question closely. „program', a another railway would increase the ty( gregate traffic of the county of Huron. It would to a great extent, if not altogether only redistribute the traffic. Hence the difficulty of getting any railway com- pany to take up such a scheme without a heavy bonus, and the longer the distance is the greater the bonus would require to be. The idea of getting the Credit Valley from Elora is perfectly hopeless. No railway, unless very wealthy, or certain of a heavy traffic could afford to run alongside of another railway, and that such a powerful railway as the Great Western, for over 50 utile.. The Credit Valley cannot be called, among even the n railways. wealthy, as evinced by last winters legislation, and the new traffic to be obtained on the western 30 miles could not be so great as to coni- nsste for running the next 50 fur little or nothing. The chances of getting Mr. Broughton to give running powers over 56 utiles usy be considered rather slim, or if consent is given, it would be clogged with such onerous conditions, that the right would not be worth much. The shortest road to build would be the G. W. from Clinton, but It seems, though rather unaccountable, the people of Goderich are not in love with the G. W. The favorite connection ie evidently the C. V.,as the new route is now talked of by way of Exeter, St. Marys and we suppose Ingersoll. Ingersoll is 97 miles from Toronto, from Ingersoll to Goderich near 80 miles staking it 177 miles from Goderich to Toronto, a very roundabout way of getting to Toronto from Gotlerich. At least there would be a choice of routes, but it is easy to see, there would nut be rough in the way of rates, beceuse the C. V. could not compete on anything like equal terms, having 40 miles more tis,travel. Before the C. V. could take up such a project, it would require ac- cording to its antecedents,a bonus of five thousand dollars a mile, in all in the neighborhood of $400,000, and it is doubtful if Government aid can now be obtained. 1 would take the liberty to suggest, (your disclaimer notwithstanding) that you should endeavor to make a con- nection with the T., G. & B. R. The chance of the G. T. obtaining control of it is very .lint. The original shares and bonds are almost entirely in the hands of sten determinedly- in opposition to the Grand Trunk, and who will never allow that colnpany to obtain control of it. The T., G. & B. would give an alter- native road about 25 miles shorter than the St. Marys route; and the T., G. & B. for 200 utiles of road, even with the new issue of bonds, will:have a bonded debt of $3,000,000, whereas the C. V. has over that amount to Ingersoll and Elora, and only,152 miles; consequently must chatgemoro to pay its indebtedness. By looking at the map it is easy to see it has a very narrow country to draw from along its whole route, and it is not such a road as the T. G., & B. will be when reconstructed. Its bridges over 20 feet span are to be either stone or iron, with steel rails. 60 lbs to the yard, whereas the wooden bridges on part of the C. V. stood so long after they were built before the company could complete the road, that their life now must be very short indeed. The hest route for connection with the T. G. & B. would he to have it at Wroxeter, rio Brussels or Blyth, keeping south of the Maitland all the way to Goderich, it might require one mile or perhaps two inure to be built, but the road would not be any longer than by way of \\ ingltant; and it would have this clear gain that it would avoid the immense valley of the Mait- land, near Goderich, the enormous ex - bridge during the winter season would peruse of bridging which would swallow assuredly have occasioned. up all the bonuses it would be possible to obtain along the route, and over and COMPLAINT+ about the filthy condition above its maintenance for all time. Thanking you for inserting this, I re- main, PauGacss. astray in speaking of thqq, connection with the C. P. R. as likelyll to be monde at Ingersoll, a distance of 97 miles from Toronto. Woodstock is the proposed junction, and it is distant but 87 mile. from the Provincial capital. The dis- tance of the proposed line by St Marys and Woodstock to the Queen City will not exceed 158 miles, as we stated last week, so that in this respect "Progress' is out nearly 20 miles in his estimate. Our data regarding the proposed 3t. Marys route is better than his, but his figures and facts relating to the T., G. & B. are in the twain reliable, and will re- pay a close perusal. The line submitted fur the consider- ation of Goderich, to connect with the T., G. & B., would be a good route, were its independence as • line thoroughly secur- ed from G. T. R. influence. But al- though "Progress" speaks in a decisive manner on the subject, we know that the policy of the G. T. R.. during the past few years has been to draw in the lesser lines as feeders to its trunk road. The feeling is fast gaining ground that at no distant day the railways of Canada will be held in hand by two great com- panies -the G. T. R. and the Syndicate -and that the lesser lines will act mere- ly as feeders to the great institutions, and be under their control. It is for this reason that we have tak_ en exception to the T., G. & B. hitherto, not because we did not believe it would be advantageous to Goderich to secure a railway connection with the North-east- ern section of the county. If the T., G. & B. is in a position as independent as that claimedfor it by "Progress," there is a probability that Goderich influence will be used to aid it westward. At present, the intention of the coun- ty town is to push the southern project to.a successful termination, and when that is in a fair way of accumplislnnent, any other route will receive attention and aid from the people of Goderich. THE HURON JUDGESHIP. The Star, of last week, drew attention to the misbehavior of the seniorJudge of Huron, for some time past, and would have its readers believe that he is only retained in office because of the favoring action of the Mowat Govennuent. The writer of the article is evidently in dense ignorance of the fists of the case, or grossly misrepresents thein, when he makes such a statement. As far back as the days of the union between Upper and Lower Canada 29-30 Vic. cap. 38, decided that the Governor- General should refer cases of impeach- ment of judges for misbehavior or inca- pacity to a tribunal consisting of the Chancellor, the Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench and the Chief Justice of Common Pleas. who, after a full hear- ing, should make recommendation for the disposal of the case. This statute was subsequently repealed by Hon. John Sandfield Macdonald, and 32 Vic. cap. 26, substituted, bearing en the case. The later enactment was held to be un- constitutional, and the folluwing year 33 Vic., cap. 12, sec. 1, was passed, which gave to the Lieut. -Governor, the power of dismissal for Misbehavior, inability or incapacity. When the statute was passed in 1g(',f9, a Conservative Admin- istration ruled at Ottawa, and although the Federal Government had the power of veto, they neither exercised it at the time, nor took exception to the working of the statute f. r over eleven years. un- til they thought they alight embarrass the Attorney -General of Ontario, by re- sorting to frustrative treasures. The right accorded the Lieut. -Governor in the last-mentioned statute was not ques- tioned until a lot- two years aa., when Judge McDonald, of Guelph, .who had unfortunately become imbecile, was dis- missed by the Lae: Government. The Dominion Government then took excep- tion to the action of the Local Govern- ment, and costel.4'e1 that they had no right to interfere in the matter, as the statute wr.s :'r.- '-?•• The. Dominion Guverninent even went so far as to pay the deposed Jua.e his salary unttl his death -a peri,:o: of nine months -de= spite the action of the Local Adminis- • tration. , Iia the ni:,aer f the i:nl.eachtnent td the senior Judge ..f Huron, the Local Government di 1 : ; dun. and appointed DIr. .Esteliu. 1 h vin;;, of H jutiltol(. commissioner to i reseed with the inves- tigation. Tha: o.•ntle1o:ut duly submit- ted his rep+r:, : aet1 (1 was aindtt to be taken in the c.+;.• l•y the Jlowat Ad. ministrat •.11. - sent from tae ( Ittawa, that :10 power o1 the Pr Ileal with: that be enc• nsti:'i'i chap. 12, se.: 1. :: :.tl :I1tlltl:tt L n was '•1 Justice at • uct,;cr was outside the of1lasal Government to d legislation would al: tool that :at Vic. trot, •,'ir t goo This resp xlecl Gales• Iastltate we Alma THE WORLD O G E . kwlerlees VarLet.. At the meeting of the Mechanics In u. . .i ll. No. rob •i W h 1131. (cafe on Friday evening it was deeid/d 14th cost tit, further What pr Ouiteau•s trial sill take place ml the ` Wbeat, IFoUI V r n .• • 41 w !IS oat (coca.( alert 1 bush.... 1 >eS w 121 at r 1, to engage Rev. br. Wild, of Toronto, to lecture, under the auspices of the Insti- tute, on the 30th inst. 1f was also decide! to secure the ser- vices 0U Rev. Dr. Williams to lectu. e during Ducemi • '. Arrahgeinents wete made to institute evening chimes during the conking sea- son to be conducted as follows: -English by Mr. B. I. Strang; Mathematics by Mr. C. Creswelltr ; Book keeping by Mr. E. F. Moore ; and Draw- ing by a competent teacher. The tonna have been • fixed at a reason- able rate, end it is to lea hoped in- tending pupils will give in their mutes to the Secretary, Mr. George Shep- pard, at as early a date as possible. ONTUESDAY.' last the Maitland Bridge between Goderich and Saltford was brac- ed up and, strengthened, under the su- pervision of Messrs. Hardy and Girvin. The work has been efficiently done, and no fear seed, now be entertained as to the safety of the bridge. We under- stand Mr. Jamieson, the manager of the Hamilton Iron Works, has dignified his intention of not proceeding with the er- ectitn of the iron structure until Stay or June of next year. 'Fltis is what is wanted. The idea of prosecuting the work at this period of the year was cer- tainly a most absurd one, and it is satis- factory to know that the contracting firm, even a it were w'illitrg, ii not in a position to inconvenience the town and country by ,cin; un ,with the work at present. The farnlcrs north of Gude- rich will not be deprived of ac:.css to their Market tow's, and the townsfolk will be saved fron being •'boycotted" to the extent which the erection of the iron bsfng s'.lowul. the stover y t uas s ht .Pear. Y As re„'an11' the intention t,i the )I.olri tis . •`rnmeat 1 ftarter.10 bush ............... 0.0 cs 0 73 f gradu.d em 1 =V.: Mash . f au w e M to carry out the law o ...... ............... 11 W on M M cipatien voted by the Corte. in 1841. I louder. P a... • .... , ...... a f0 e s p Yes, it dos. laspscksdl....., . • If1 0 >h At x secret c,,nastory the Pops sp e C -0.73 ll 0 i2 with unwonted violence. He strongly Shuns, i' cw.................... a 73 v. 0 7a blamed the Emperor Francis Joseph for tired• V rest - ,....,.... sou " ON p l'hup. i .wt .. 1 W lb rccuivini; him: Heiibert, Be ►+id tt col... wmiething 10011 fe dot,e to eha.e asd the \\'ls.l.. . 3 /0 yoke from the church. 800 Blaine wishes not only Europe but America to know the United States ai the str•mgest Republic on the Western Continent, and chums a Protectorate ev- er her weaker sisters The instructioes given Hurihurt nett Kirkpatrick were iti this key. mor,Y Ir o.: • • • a• Gats. I,usb.................... •• : • r 0 > Morris. Lewis Abbey threshed on the farm of Benj. Fralick last week 100 bushels of oats in fifteen minute.. Miss M. C. Cluakey, who has been re- oently confined to her bed with a viol- ent fever, is able to be around again. Malcolm Black has been engaged to teach the school in S. S. No. 6 in this township for 1882, at a salary of $380. We approve of the choice. James Russel, treasurer of the Morris Plowing Association, informs us in an- swer to the inquiry concerning the an- nual plowing match, that two meetings were called to make arrangements for the match, but so little interest was manifested by those who should have taken hold that the matter was allowed to drop for this year. There are funds in the treasury and the expectation is that the catch next fall will be one of the best. An Artuarlt correspondent. discussing the fears entertained iu some .tuxrters with regard to the wotkimo of the Land Act, says: -It is obviously absurd to sup- pose that because so many thousand notices hale been served that they will all, or even a decent prupeitien of thein, ever come to trial. As *eon as a few decisions are given, and as soon as the tendency of the decisions begin to be grasped by the landlord and the tenant. amicable arrangements will take place 111 an overwhelming prap:rtiou of erica. The trial of Lefroy for the murder of Gould el. sed at Maidstone en Monday. The court room was densely crowded, a remarkable number of women being pre- sent. Lefroy was pale and dejec'e 1. The Lord Chief Justice's summoning up for the prosecution, which lasted fr,.;n three Amberly. Tht/ firm of Boyd & Grant, sawyers, will be dissolved by mutual consent on the first of December next. This firm has succeeded in doing a good bus- iness since its establishment, being met- ed for honesty industry and geniality. Mr. Boyd will continue the business. A slight erratum occurred in our last communication in which "stupidity" was assigned as the cause of the irregular at- tendance so prevalent in our county schools instead of "cupidity," financially applied. We cannot, however• attribute either of these as the prevailing cause in all cases; the frail constitutions of some of the little folks, and the inconvenient distances must also be taken into con- sideration. Halloween was celebrated as usual by the mischievous youngsters but not to so great an extent as formerly. Gates and farm implements were carried to seclud- ed recesses, but no serious depredations were committed. If parents would in- culcate into their children a desire. for literary pursuits, honest principles and a moral sense of right•and wrong, this un- profitable and silly custom would soon diminish,and ultimately be utterly aban- doned. The Ashfield council have given notice to the effect that a By -lar will be pass- ed on the 22nd of November, for the purpose of constructing a public high- way to Lake Huron through the premi- ses of Mr. James Murdoch, who has grauted said council sufficient land for tho same, in compensation for which he will receive the land formerly set apart for that purpose. Mr. Murdoch is to be congratulated on the success of his energy and persistent effurta in the pur- suit of his legal rights. A tea meeting was held in the Tem - of certain back yards are frequent at this office, and requests have Veen made that we "open out' on the Board of Health for th •ir neglect in the matter. We do thinkhat the Health Inspector should ke a t'i id esaunillation of the back tr:lilinl action fr .:, t t;:awa was excreta ma g ed, notaithst:•t: liar the fact that the yards of the town. Typhoid fever and other diseases are created and fostered Dentition t,evr: u.., ret n„ by had draina_u tool filthy yards. ttattlt•• .'1 Vln', 111 ::1 the power to dismiss the Judos, f ..,• .ohm-inr, 'nmol hence the preen: ,1 •t•;. r.,!dv p olden of things in regarl'to t:r• Ifuron Judgeship: and the County 14 f,•ree 1 t„ suffer, +mina to the th:•,i,lity all 1 >t. ebb rtiness of the Minister at (tttnw:i. who cannot take ac- tion in the matter his:self, atilt at the .arae bole overri•les the will :of the Attt•rney General at Toronto. . The writer in the S'.'r knows the facts sleeve stated to 1• • true --he is reit so on as- ly etsoomas- 1; ignorant of ,,nLlic nti'aira as he would have intelligent i,cople believe. fon it was necessary to snake an assault upon the Local (loverni neat, and the charge of retaining A n.ieb4Laviml Judge was form- ulated atrainet Mr. ?fowat, not because it eau true, hut beeauas a falsehood, if told in an apparently sincere manner, usually passes a4,cilrrent coin with the !nesse( the Conservative party. For ourselves ee would like to see matters rectified. A change must be hal in the deportment of some of the men in positions of trust in our connty. The Th Donnellys have been acquitted on the charge of attempting; to set fire to the mill at Lucan, and the pseudo detec- tive, West, has been arrested for steal- ing. Those Extra Seats. Among the subjects that will probably. be discussed by the Conservative con- vegtion is that of the allotment of the additional seats to which the increased pspulation of 4 )ntario entitles her. As the Conservatives are stronger in the cities than in the country- the Rei former being the farmers' friencle-thli new seats will be slotted int to country districts but to the cities. They will be within sound of the hunt of industry and within sight of those innumerable smoke stacks produced by the N. P. Toronto will have an additional representative, and probably London another, and Ham- ilton another, the scalp of each of which the Chieftain will of course expect to find dangling at his belt when the great conflict is over. William Brown, of Peterborough. one n( the passengers by a late excursion senior Judge of Huron, although acting train to Manitoha, fel from the car As in a most flagrant manner, is not the they stied on the bridge over the Mita onlyCiovernnaent employee who needs thcis in ip i at La Cnnrossethe, bri1t seems ithatht the stopped dat n rewoving because "f gr .ss misbehat'ioi, sad divided. Mr. Brawnge. in attemvpttimeit g to step from tone car to another, whine was et the time several hondted yards distant, found himself in space, tumbling over and oyer like a Wrens perfo'rner, on his way to the water forty feet nelow. He struck the river in good shale, and being a first-rate swimmer quickly made his way to the pier where he found & safe landing, and was shortly afterwards and we would like to see a process in operation which would purge our public name of the misbehavior, incapacity, and inability which has heretofore flourished at the expcnfe, and to the detriment of the peiople. ••Bsyheed floors." T1i1 above is the title of a collection of poems, songs and odes, from the pen of a young man who has spelt his lifetime in the County of Huron. Mr. Archibald McAlpine Taylor, the author, is well- known among the educationists of this To ill 'ilia hilly DE3111 8OE ESON 01 t6.• Tew :, , f (i,xtcrich. In now uttering his inm,e. 4, „i•,c/..,1 Single and Double ARNESS at great;' rein.,.: 1•ricos for Cash. Raving male arnutgemeuts with the manufacturer of Harness Tr mtimigi. to buy direct tram the factor', and x111 113 11111( atade arrangements with one to (l:e 1s44• tanner. in Ontario for my Leather. and l'111111,/11g nude but Arstclaas workmen, and alt manufactured under my own stip•r v!slun.: nun eu..blyd h. turn out the beat and chems•s' .1:.f (1 ill Ow \\'rat..1!; collets err a1Yuttine ,11 wS uw.:sup .tad net factory nsde, being hair fa••oei and warranted to give satisfaction. Its rsIo 11)1.•4 and ltorw• Hlask- ets, Truul., au,t \'al•s. + in 1 *i t'ywtntitios,and everyth:u,t usually kepi in a ttrat-class harness shop. -111 to be sold otf entail for cash. Call and. get prices Mdure bin snot elrrwbere, and .ave ui.,ury, u• N'M..U'Mt:w\'awarae::14 yW. wuarNle■ ,al►rrl. Lederlch. £w All oula•andin. book io ounte must be settlt•d 1nmuediatoly by earl, or note. Goderich. Nov. to h, 181.1. 1814 Ban!ing. to four hours, was strongly against the ! DANK tIF MONTREAL. prisoner, and tended to throw discre- 1 dit on the point on which the defence relied -that Lefroy had not pawned a pistol; ani showed an entire disbelief in the priaoner'saasertionthat athird person was in the car at the time of the murder. The prisoner was found guilty, and was sentenced to he hanged. after the sen- tence • passed Lefroy protested Itis in - Things Things have not gone happily with the 1 McGillivray Township Mutual Insurance Company. Its losses during the past and preceding year, hare been extraordi- narily heayy\ and a number of its mem- bers have became discouraged, and are inclined to disorganize the Company al- together. A general meeting of the policy holders is to be held en Friday next in the town hall, West M,eGilli- vray, when it will be decided whether the Company will continue to exist and do business or not. One thing is cer- tain -if the Company continues to do business it will require to establish a higher rate to meet the possible continu- ance of the bad luck which has attended it of late. perance Hall on the eventnlr of Thurs- day, November 3rd, but owing to the inclemency of the weather, it was not so successful as anticipated. The edibles were superior is quality and abundant in quantity. DIr. Lane occupied the chair in his own inimitable style. Ap- preciable speeches were delivered by Rees. Paul, Py'ke and Markham. Vo- cnl and instrumental music were dis- c, ursed by Rev. It. Poke and lady, which gave general s: tisfaction. The, proceeds amounting to about $12. are to he applied to the parsonage. We congratulate our pintail friends on tho organization of a Literary Socie- ty. Such a society, when properly con- ducted, is invariably conducive of in- calculable benefits. A laudable feature in connection with it is the appropria- tion of the funds and contributions to the securing of a library, which will materially assist the members in the county, having for a number of years, I acquisition of the know ledge so neces- nothwithstanding his youth,. occupied an • sary to the expert debater. When we important position in the Clinton Model consider the inaptitude and odious feel- tich.s,l. Here and there the is,clns ings of the majority to anything of a show strung grasp of thought and beauty literary character, should we not hail of language, particularly those written in with delight an association adapted to blank verse; yet the prentice hand is I improve our mental faculties, atm ren - betrayed in many places where the haste der us more capable to battle advanta- te make rhyme has led the young poet to ge. usly with the many intricacies of sloven "ver his numbers, and sacrifice life 1 clearness of expression to a desire to turn out soother leant. We 'mint "sat 1 Unripe aesus. this fault because we thick it is within the ts.wer of the nether to correct it. Ambienous words, however tripping the rhyme witty be, can never beanie popu- lar; and a striking stanza, though it may be a gem in itself csntot redeeni a while poem carelessly dashed off. Mr. Taylor has undoubted ability. He has a fine command of language; he ha. drunk deeply at the well. of poesy~ --ancient, modern and contemporary; he has a strong and vivid imagination, and dis- plays great skill in places at putting lines in mellifluous rhyme. Still h. is undeveloped; and his little brook, credit- able though it he for a beginner, amerce to our mind the ides that it is but the prattling of the infant compared with the full voice of the man which we expect to yet hear proceeding from the anchor. The tone of the work is pure. The author is earnest in his advocacy of the good and the richt. He glorifies friend- ship, and mate's faithfulness. He ie reverent, and does not pander to the lower passions He has also a vein of quiet henna, as is evinced in hie "Cradle Song." We regret that the space will not permit us to make extracts from the work. We welcome it As the production of a yonng man whose edn- catien has been received in the schools of ear own county. lues( in the Br awls Port warbles drawn up to the bndgo by some of the , it is announced, ways a cable despatch. Ilithely shout a "herdfy gnaw* 15 ft a workmen. He was Hemp hot note the I that H R. H. Prince Leopold is to be he or she worse otherwise married noon to a German pnneees MOM 11111111111110" immt, 4400., Aattn•AL5. Friday.--Schr. Jennie !tumbril', tentiary. Michael's Bayo lumber for Secord & Coven's; Ontario, Blind River, lumber for Williams & Murray. Seitunlay. - Schr. Admiral, Sarnia, light. Sunday. -Stevenson, Cleveland. coal for W. Lee; Rehr, Nett Wodwari, Sarnia, light; steam tame Vanderbilt, Windsor. light. Monday. -Quebec, Sarnia, patnenters and freight; schr. Evening Star, Kin- cardine. wheat for Ogilvie & Hutchison. Wednesday. --Rehr. H. N. Ttdnian, Flynt; inlet, lumber for Second & Gemens. DirA&Tune.. CAPITAL. - - tltt,000,000, S ('RPL L'S. - - • 03.000.000. Goderich Branch. 1) r-NSFl t RD, - - - Manager Ailuw•s interest on deposita..I)rwfts, letter of en•4it • and circular notes issued. payable all psis of the world. I754. CANADCANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE IAN lino f lip Ctpif.d, - 86,1/00,000. • + lest - - - 81,400,000. President. - - WM. MrMASTER Geseral Manager. - Ii' \'. ANDERSON , Goderic- h Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - MANAGtR Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on al the principal Towns and Cities in Canada - Oreat Hrftain and the United Mates, bough' and sold. Advaneesto Farmers on Notes, with one or more endorsers. without mortgage. 1753 Dir. ::arlow, formerly a hotel • - keeper in Galt, recently died at Grand • Rapids, Mich., at the advanced age of 94. Deceased kept the old "Galt Hoose" in Galt. up to about 1840, when he left and established "Barlow tavern" in Reckton, in the Township of Bever- ly. At that time the whole travel be -1 tween Hamilton and the them "far west" of the Huron tract was by way of what for many years has been known as the maca'lamized road', and Mr. Barlow in his capacity as hotel keeper on this great• - thoroughfare became one of the best known men in the country. "1 Justice Oslerdelivered judgment in the Cub Chanther'Forento case, 4a1 the 4th inst. The facts sh,.wn are that the defendants keep a large boardiio house and supply the hoarders with . beer, chanting fur iattel. b•lt not for the beer. The Toronto Police Magistrate hebl that this was keeping li,luer for sale or bar- ter. The conviction should be quashed on the ground that this was not an offence against the Act. The learned judge remarked that had he not quashed the conviction on this grotnol he wound have referral it to the full court npsal 1 the question raised by Mr Murphy as to the powers the t'titan" Li•sislature to forfeit the liquor seized on the preuii- 804 in, gtlt'atienl t•, ti`, absolute to 'u:t,,h the e•'I,Vietinil w:14 tttrautsd. James Dilworth, an ehnt1 ve of, the mailing department of the .l(td, was ar- res'ed this afternoon oro 0 charge of having abstracted l:honey letters from the post office. He, it appears, was in the habit of gi,in; to the .110,7 news- papers luck box and taking the letters with the o;t00011. parpose o1 c u-t-ying thele to the counting otfice. (ht these eccaaion4 he helped himself to l000ey letters in the boxes of tine Gad., (/,r;•li- /In f;o.tr'Iuot and ether newspapers. Ile was caught on decoy letters. laolay on beim; taken before the Post office In- spector. he denied the charge, but on 1 prslucine some menet in his pockets, a numnl,e•r of marked bilis were discoceroel. Ile then burst into tears, and at the police station, made a full confession of his guilt. Up to the present Dilworth • has borne an rtnblennshed reputation, and the news of his spoocnlatiens and ar- rest has occasioned some surprise. Uil- werth elected to he s t, iniarilr tried, and 'was sentence/' to lite years in the piene- Sunday. -Steam barge Vanderbilt, Owen Sound, alt. Monday. Prop. Quebec, passengers and freight, Duluth. Tuesday. -Ache. Evening Star, Kin- cardine, light; eche. Ontario, Blind River, light. An article in the Berlin Post seems to indicate Bismarck's retirement from Mice, and a demand npan the leaders of the majority to take the reins of power. it is said the Prince of Wales eked Gamhetts whetherhe had seen Ri•marek. Oambette affirmed that he had not scoot him, and his recent visit to Oerneany was the third visitt there ineognil• Decilitre of Ilan. Impotency of mind, limber vital func- tion, nervous weakness. sexual debility, and all diseases causal by indiscretions I and abuse, are rriilally and promptly cured by the use of ack's xgnetic Medicine, which is for fele by all re- spsnaihle dnrgeists. Kee advertisement i in another column. !Sold in Guderich by Jas. Wilson druggist. 1 J. 1. a arwer'. MN O.W. PI Pasties getting their bills primed at no. I acia rosette. wset • ie. this denarmasnt roes ai ill mom Saturday, Noon. 12 -Rale at Auction I Mart. of the Sam) Blair property, Geode - rich township. Saturday, Nev. 24 --Farm for sale:west half lot 20, con. 1, W. Wawanoah. IN THE MARITIME COURT OFON- r.1It10. The 7'uv "Mar, Anna," of l.oderich. \V h ereas. a cause of wages has been institut- ed in the Maritime Court of Ontario. on behalf of ROYAL ('. WA1.LA('E, FRANK BELLA- MOIIF and WILLIAM BAKER, agalnstthe Tug or \-easel called the -Mary Anna." now lyin under arrest by virtue of a warrant is- sued from rho lucid ('nun, and no demurrer or answef ties been filed in the sold ('ease. This is to give notice to all persons who have or claim to have any right. title or interest In the said tug u1 vessel "Mary Anna," tat if a demurrer or answer be- not filed in the omceof the I5 -pasty Registrar of the said (hurt atGod- eric0, w'itfiin six days from the publteatlon of. this notice, the said ('Dort will order the said tug 10 1r mold 10 answer the claims instituted. or to be instituted against the same or make such order •in the premises as to It shall seem right. I(step (010 Nuvemtsr, 1881. N. MA('LERMOlT. Ik•pputyy Registrar at Goderich. s•EAGF.R & 3t(IitTON, Foci 'taint i @k. 1812 `1t5RTGAGE SALE -UNDER AND 11 hr virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a \tort,{a,;a dated the ninth day of Follett- e thousand eight d and seventy right made by IV iliant :Minn!tl!sm, this wife joie- ing b :oar her dower) to the vendors. default Lacing been made in the payment thereof thcrc wall be sold by i'ubllc Auction, st the Post c oulee at M* (+ilfivrsv rent Cland*boYN, in the Township 01 McGillivray, in the t'auntllof \fiddle .•v. iso \TUI!IIA't. Nl)VF.MBER 12th. Iwh at 12 ticli.•k noon, iOii serrsoflend. beingq tea dumber sixteen In the twenty'nec- 01 (more+si"n acheTnw-nahlppofytrphen.one the t ,ninny of Nitron. esirpt 2S aercs off the East side of the South half of the ipt. There is, frame tern on the premises. Tenni. Lihrrsl, and win be made known on dr.) of sstq, or on ret•, (oration to the :alder- gnrd. i1. sIIOFF'. 1'.UIKE S pt.imoM. )o tinnrrr.li,•(;illicray. Vendors &''olieitera fnndnn. (Ira. Toth, lvil. 112 -;"1- • • 1 - hulrtfn in Manehe ter, nu the 4th Inst.. the wMe M Mr. H. N. t lemma. of • Aso/titter. l.awt,nw In Maneheater. on the 4th Inst_. the wife M Mr. Thos inwk+r• of a daoshter. wAeelna. lttxnt-- einnereowo In the Manse. Deegan - eon, on the tad Inst, by the Rer. IL W. Leitch, Mr, \Vllliam Nixon. to Haw both 1[Ila- both Arms•ronR, bnth of Wawatwwth Rawl(Rw Awanste In hnnfIInnnn nn rte thh inso. by the Rev .1 ('.swell Mr John Ptarker of Colborne. to bliss Sena Ov& ham. of A ahaelA. -t IIERiFF'S SALE OF LANDS. , t'ol \T': or arena, •. Icy virtue ora Writ of To w IT : Fier[ F'aclas Issued out 1n( tier Ma.est)'s('oi10 : t 1 ini•ery, andtnme directed against the La:,ds find Tenements of ' IOIIX N'IN'f1:lt. flmfendnnt.l at the suit of .1A \ F. W I N T Eli, t l'liti nt i tt'.I 1 have seized and taken in 1.xecntion. al: the (tight, Title. and Interco, awl equity of L•edemption. of the rah, v, named 1)4..atant i0 and t0 lots nunt- Ocr 1'. std 1.1 F,w igrs purvey, in the Village of 1I irpnrhey. in the County of Huron, which (.nods and Tenements 1 shall offer for Sale. at 1 my otttee, in the l hurt Ilou.,•, in the Town of l:iste!ich, ,.n FILIUAi'. THE IMh 10A\' OF FF•RRCARV. A. 10. 1882. at the hour of 12 of the rhos k. ERT GiBBONS, SherlRof fiuron. Sheriff's Office, ROB(iodrrlrb• November nth, 1801. i 1814 Mack's Magnetic Medicine ! 1s a Snrc Prompt V and Efhrtuat Re- medy fnr.1'rreowa- ,arAa in fi11,t a afnf7- ra, Weak Mn,sert, \\:\/oaaor Nrniwpmr- •r,aerwnl pro.trrt :ion, wigiI sw,ss as. sestnesperatnI wesk4 a, - anwMnl wvwkAeas and Ower & Lou Ire t„y. M.1 -e .1 n' Power. it repaint :Verret.* traser, r,Jwrewatenthe Jndeel ixtellm', pereap18- raa the F.sf,rMr.t 'train. one, restores wrpr•ta- isp Tow, find 1-ioir In the F•r*nwa/M Oeserw- Hre Orono.. Trvperlrnee of tboeaads protea 1t an inv At.t' save Hewtnf. The medicine Is pleasant to the taste. sad 1■ nn ease and ander no eirenmstxmete ran It b weehmk' ar.s mowpeatl cheatuxtkwtcont,athea.in.Iw4sntagAlrwnAt ket h . artow es than any ether woollen* sola- sod whilefl fs the , heapeat it is sew -t 11.1fer. t--ft-t111 pwrti. ,clan in our pamphlet. which we desire to mail free to say addrtw. lima's /•arae(/e Iled1etwe Is sole by Drill` Riots at ss eta per Mx. ne e1 Mita foresu w111 he malted free of p'••tase. rot ree•elpt - mowev, by andrr..ine *841a'a II A4t2R714 1♦trJ•0fl*R CO... Vrloph e, On' . Caosda. A(i.xlch, r JAwdl wises* sod ah tsrnsRfatold In a everyeriwhhere, Unity $72 arslt A WR1tR. ht a Aay at home O17 made Costly enttit tree. A , Anent**. Maine. _AIM Tonsorial. KNIGHT, PACTICAL BAR- vvR • ORR and Flalr-tres.er tomien thanks to the prehii, few past and a Melts a rnntinnanee of e e man always he tonne a toenail free, near h. Post Office ri" -melt 115t