HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-11-04, Page 8DOORS, HES, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, and Hees Description Interior llriaish. STAIRS, ANDRAILH, NEWEL . and I3ALUSSIIRS A Specialty. Sand for Price. Lists. SHINGLES, LATH 4 LUMBER. Estimates on applies - Hen. i* address FRANCIS SJIE}:TH, Goderich. aredal ewer. We will give one of the best lunger sewing machines that are made in the world for 50 subscribers Nen better mitcAitie ututle o,i earth. It is warranted fur 5 years by the manufacturers, viz: Thu Liwlor Mauufaeturiug Cu'y of Mont- real A warrant from this company is surely a guarantee of its being a first class machine, and especially when it has such a man as James McDougall, Eq., at its head. Our oiler is as follows: For 10 subscribers and $20 we will give a $50 Canadian Singer with two drawers, extension leaf and cover and full attachments. For 15 subscribers and $15 we will give a $50 Canadian Singer with two drawers, extension leaf and euver and full attachments. Eor 20 subscribersand $12 we will give a $50 Canadian Singer with two drawers extension leaf and euver and full attach- ments. Fur 30 subscribers and $10 wo will give a $50 Canadian Singer with two drawers, extension leaf and cover and full attachments. For 40 subscribers and $5 we will give a $50 Canadian Singer with two drawers extension leaf and cover and hill attach- ments. For 50 subscribers we will give a $50 Canadian Singer with two drawers, ex- tension loaf and cover and full attach- ments. This machine is a genuine Canadian Singer, and we guarantee it nicer look- ing and better than any other Sieger machine made. This is a specially good chance fur young ladies who want a tint class sewing machine, and at the same time Rtvu year gentlemen friends the hest newspaper published in northern Hume. The agent of this machine, D. Gordon of G.xlerich, will pay $3 up to $10, aa. c ,rdiu.a to the price, to any parson sand- ing them the address of parties wilt, will boy. This is an additional chance for the ladies canvassing fur -subscribers to make rnnney. • manse sews. anal v aur. Saturday -- Prop. Muvertigof Sarnia, passlogers and height; Tug, Erie hell. THE H ll l►l ►' FRIDAY. NOV. 4, IA81. CANADIAN NSW13. Sailors' wanes ativaneied at r: iu•/stew yesterday to $1.75 th' ukl, the Welland Banal and 10 au L u tlota. i.., ?ss WORLD OVER. Tice segotlatiuus between Franca and Italy iur a u in nereial treaty are eapeet• ed to result satiafautorily. Sarnia, light. Mrs- Youmae . e. tonto.•..$• sod E. I The steauo•r Tolima from Liverpool, DOgilvi Schr. Elgin, ►+sudusky. coal King th, :u. tit, luo.uuet mu. tette fur Quebec sod Montreal took out 130. - fur Ogilvie i Hutuhwsou ; *hr. hve,a „aur the Dcut. .►ct iu N'o : ntut. 000 worth of pedigree cattle for Caua- itlg Star, Kincardine, wheat for Ogilvie & Hutchinson. Allan Mineai lel of the tuweeltap dela• Wedueed►y - Prup. Ontario, Sarnir, 'ilea, Ica teen tat ata. '‘'''t by 1.•'1'suveas The Orsini Jury have faun a true passengers and freight. of the Mu4 hawurth act "o (or los mining I bill against AArthur latfn, for t o sur - der of Gold In Brighton Rails car - m O oaraKTUaat Friday-Str. Josephine Kidd, Killar- ney, salt ; Behr. 11. N. Tudntan, Mea - ford, salt ; Schr. Evening Star, Kincar- dine, light. Saturday Prop. Sovereign, Duluth, paaseugers and freight; Tug, Erie Bell, with Barge Sarah Jane, Sarnia, lumber. Sunday S.hr. Te:mnseth, Buffalo,` lumber. Tuesday-Sehr. Evening Star, Kiooar. dine, light. Wednesday Prop. Ontario, Duluth, passengers and freight. Leebtira. Caooiav Daovras. -A few days ago as one of our farmers sons was return- ing home near dusk with his team uq the Lake Shore Road, he stet a herd of nine cattle, driven by two lett. He noticed among the cattle a missing steer. and directly asked who owned the cat- tle 1 He received in reply the question, "Are any of them yours 1" He tied his horse to the feuce, and faced the fel- lows, who, after a few words, tied, abandoning the beeves. The young man drove his own property home, and next morning the other stray cattle were no- ticed on o- ticedon the read. Nothinghas Mace been hoard of the offenders. It would be well in future for farmers to keep an eye on passing droves, both small and large. Wsssrsa BauwN. The Canaan Press. The. country weeklies are feeling the pressure of the .city weeklies. Praetio- :ly the big weeklies sent out by most of the -dailies in Toronto, Montreal, Lon- don and Hamilton at an average price of i.e'\`enty-five cents a year, are displacing the influence,. and reducing the revenue of the load papers. Now this is not a thing to be encouraged. Above all things, the farmer and' residents of the cilht es at.tuuld not let their local paper +'.ecliue far want of Hupp, tt, nor should they grumble at paying one dollar and a half fur a paper that has much less read- iag matter than the "great dollar paper" l.ublished in the city. An incalculable ("if -h• !:ace exists butwueu thu two, and is favor of the local journal; the latter has the interests of its suuscribors at l art; the big.•wce`.dy from the city is t•atiniated in in. sitch way; :indeed,. may ,l,,,.•siaq local interests in favor of :•ntralizitieht. -.[Toronto World. ' .iwsistnine.' tart, tore ace.: Aaronson sod Jnn. Mosely, J. 1b. Joseph and William Whitely, were L?:arjr.l by John H. Lloyd, of Goderich wnshtp-•.i ith trispassina On his prem- 1sts.•n the 1L;th lust. The question of wnershipal the property being contest - 'al, the taagistratus decided.they had no inrisbet i..n.and dismissed the caro with a'Zaia.t c,.aiplaltiant. . seep.:a 1 c'iar„e of ti-ispiass against Whitely ti.ts, hrought, as having u c•.;.Utittud eon the 5th, but the c:ua iiy,r::t,sv 1 fur the sante reason as the aro.uis. Mrs. Esther Owen Flint • gave an en- evvenievening, under the au pices o Tues- daynt in the Town Haon the Mechanics Institute. The Hall was crowded, and her entertainment was highly appreciated by the audience, she keeping them in roars of laughter by her imppeersonatihne. Venetians Bros. had a large gang of repairing,men the lg building, engaged ezteading their dam. The present structure is a very strung and durable one being built entirely of stone. Division Court was held here last, Saturday, Mr. C. Seager presiding. A - large number, of caaei were disposed of, and general satisfaction given. Samuel Slemmon, who for many years filled the position of Reeve for Grey Township, died on Thursday, 27th inst., The funeral tock place en Sunday last, and was attended by a largo concourse of mourning friends. year. A little can 1 fir. 'Stephen tiaeut, steward at the City U,.spual, Beaton, died from the ed'eete of a •but •uu wound eceTentally receival on 'Thanks giving day i The intend revenue returns_fur the month of October were $15.38, an incrta ee of $1,670.35 over a situtlar per- iod last year. Mrs Crowe. wuu liver with her .,.e, on the 1st caw. of Culruss, is aged 115 years Her brother died a few years anise at the age of 107. It is reported thnt the France Credit Foncier has uttered eight millions for the Q. M. 0. X 0. It., and that Mr. Chaplasu favours the oflet. A cargo culsistiu:; of forty th. wawa eases of canned salmon haat neve 41 iffild from Victoria, B. C., for Lrsiiiunalfiltg- land. It is valued at $185,000. , The directors of the Canada Paw* Railway deny the retort that they made a demand upon the Governmetit for all the timber lands between Nipiasing and Winnipeg. `r Niary Li .yd charged John Clark l t;earge Jamieson with using grossly intim; Ltmgtia,c towards her on the h ins:. 'fhc.lt fe.0dams plead epnot guil- and after hearin.4 the evidence this .-e Was al.; , oi:,.uisst l with, costs again- .> onValliont. gain-c>.lnplamant. Nov.: lit. Mary Ann Bourne charged Kate Wright with using grossly insulting Ian- _ ale in a 1,nblic place in !the town of t. •.perish on the :list of October. P:aitrtiff and defendant - are sister's -in l -.a-. and the affair was' a family quarrel, t ;3 'b as somitimes occurs in the oust re- el:tted families. It was alleged that li •tic lost her temper and called the •. :tees while in it passion. Thai case was .11 segnently withdrawn. Oct. 31. ,Martha Robinson, hailing from Sea- fOrth, was charged by Constable Sturdy i.itli being n vagrant. Martha was only a'• tat eighteen years of age, and under c•t'her circumstances would not have );..m of • unprepossessing appearance. Tie Mayor, after giving the culprit acme and moral advice. tined her $2 and .,,,ts or 20 days in jaiL She was given two hours to make np her mind, and left town. An information for via*rancy was also ti rar:n out against• the old dame at whose house the girl Robinson had been an inmate, hat when the constable went to ve the papers it was found that she -d left for "parts unknown." 3otierlah Towaski3. .i:,me ::;r,:en a.hr:;.,14 reel strawberry vines are bL.asoatal out fora fresh crop this fall. Farmers ac 1 _tato to pull their to as before ",:u b Frost' will bite them. Pntatos are only a light Mangelds and ether roots are a Ik better. while ^pales are few. g,me farmers are cernplainiig of the fall w heat crop the staple. t nap for years . which they think will he hitt very teach next year with the Hessian fly. A few •d these pests 5.•re ,ten haat spring. The wheat tarns yellow, and nen exaaranat lean fntir or t .e little gnt'tibs like a weave!, only larger, are found around the routs -2.11101141C01 ..tom McZilloy- DisoRsc•arut..-Sonne evil disposed person or persons on the evening of the 21st inst., entered the premises of Mr John C. Morrison, 8th concession, and besmeared his milk wagon with the foulest of dirt. Such conduct is scanda- lous, and the prepetrators if caught ought to be severely dealt with. Mr. Morrison is a quite, -inoffensive man, and does not know of having an enemy who would condescend to mach miserable disreputable houses to absent. fret raid - rte. The parties who perlaetrated the liquor on two teparate occasions contra- ing them. The Chief thrashed Breanter " --Feat' An eccentric character named Paddy McGuire, who was going around for a nuniber of years, was fuuud last week lying dead on the rad, abuut two miles from Eganville. Sssvrca -Rev. Mr. Cook has been conducting *eclat servioee 10 the els. thodist Churoh, Vann, • for Gonia tint* past, which have been well attended, 'hit 1 met with good success. H0NOR6o. -CaptSheppsrd,of Clitiilturi has received a iso dation from ttheaei thon•ities at Ottawa, and hiiding the ug; nature of the Marquis of Lorne, grail!- ti Ezpoeition this afternoon by Governer Colquit. One of tiMe features of the day was the making of two suits of clothes fur Governors Colquit and Bigelow from seed cutton ,icked at seven o'clock this morn - 1 age. A t vy slow storm and _ales are re- rted jln,ughuut England. In several Q) parts 0/the mistimed cuenties there are 0 two feet of stow t1i the ground. The International Peace Association, O paaasd a resolution at a muetiug iu Lon- rho u, ezpp►rrveaiugg satisfaction at the salute to the British 8agat Yorktown. Returns of the municipal elections throughout England show that thu 1..au- servatives have glued in eighty-six bor- oughs and the Liberals in forty-five. • Thu hash Land Court Commissioner. cenunanced their sittings on liluuday, ,cud dealt with an important teat case that had been submitted by the Land • League. Renewed activity is reported in Nihi• listic circles in Russia, and apprehen- sions are felt'that the revolutionists aim preparing to strike another blow at the monarchy. Professor Morse sent the first tele- graphic message, "What hath God wrought," from Washington to Balti- more thirty-seven years ago yesterday. In that time the forty miles of wire has grown to four hundred thousand miles in this country. The complete returns front 305 dis- tricts in Germany show that44 Conserva- tives are elected, 22 Free Conservatives, 100 Centre Party, 31 National Liberals, 24 Secessionists, 35 Progressista, 4 Party of the People, 15 Poles and 17 Particular - 0 0 The Subscriber Has purchased the entire hook iu Trade of MR. MooRI-jouSE At a car-. law rate in the Dollar, and Is Prepared to Offer THS SAME AT A VERY Graet Reduction! FROM WHOLESALE PR;ICES- He would a.., tuttmate that he has arranged for a I iU Assortrn.ent OF ALL THE LEADING NOVELTIES --->CITABLE Fa CHRISTMAS R-- CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! are eli...teu to arose ui good time fur the Eloliday Trade ! W 21 say ;toes are etclushvely e,utined to myself- fur the aeaa.ni C.)i at ;east. Having had 1„urteen years experience in the business, math in t'.e Old Country and Canada, I am therefore thoroughly ista and Protesters One hundred r, acyuait..• 'with - second ballots are necessary. v Governors e R.., Oct- 27. _The visiting The Best Markets to Pciffe Goods Aman r were formally welcomed to the ing to-hihn rank and precedence m the 33rd Battalliun, as 'senior captain; rtlre same to be dated from July 31st 1878. Port Hope 'Times: "Coal is selling at retail in Oswego for $4.75; here the price is $6.50. Will the Mud stall eun- tinue to reiterate its nonsense and say that the consutner does not pay the duty, It does nut cost $1.75 more to lay down coal here than in Oswego. Still we see the difference in price." Mr. J- G. A. Wallace, of Brighton Vi ew A is proprietor of the `Harbour p re `could not preach. We want leas dry t_J wood iy the theological semivaries and : it more Senting evengeiissn." • An infernal machine operated'VL by chuck I work, so as to discharge the large amount 1 ^, of dynamite (with which it was tilled) at i W a certain hour, was discovered • just a , moment before the time arranged for its ing. he suits were worn at the recep- tions this evening. Talmage punctures the theological • seminaries. He says that "some of li" 1 them take amen and cliphien, and square him, and mold him, and bore him, and twist hien, until he is only a poor copyof ' the teacher, who was elected because he is an eaturprisiug and successful bee-keep- er. ee keep-er. Last spring be had but 31 colonies, and during the summer this number was increased to 67, with 3,000 pounds of honey, X00 pounds of which was ex- tracted honey, 1,500 section honey, and 500 box -honey. - A fine illustration of woman s devtr diarhar a on Nov. 1st on the roof of tion was witnessed in Cobourg recently. g + A ceresin resident became an helplessly the Masonic Ballet Dingowrall,Scotland, 1 drunk that kala, down in the ditch at while 500 people were assembled there. the roadside being powerless to, proceed any further. 1:I -a wife found him, and cu proring a wheel barrow from one of the hotels, placed him on. it, and thea wheeled hint home. • ANUTRER WaaNINu. --Robert Stur- geon, of Bervie, was charged by 'License Inspectorctor Angus Stewart, with selling There is great excitement over the dis- covery. soi-disant detective, named Brcam- er, from-Amherstburg, has get into trouble at W inghain by attempting to black-tuail a number of young nien of that place, and charging the Chief of Pedice with receiving 820 a year from AT THE Lowest Prices! 1t: i a ,1, give my petr.•t-s the advantage of ley knowledge and . -zperienc,. Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Elsewhere IN THE iioCNTT. TERMS CASH .JAMES IMHIE. CCE.>st1R Ti) T. J. Moorehouse .., .ir:..,.. • bet. CD F` -IJ CD 0 O 71-t- 0 CD CJ 0 0 RENTERS Now Goods! esu WANTED. h of not supposed t reside in rY t v l Maciahereon and Barker, of Kincardine r badly, and then got out a warant for hie arrest, but he disappeared suddenly, when he was fined 0 and costs for the and cannot }fie fomnd. $2 first offence and $40 and costs for the The Louisville fuer.r-Jun, n -if is down mischief are o a u + a case came fn that neighborhood, but to have come trial on `Tuesday last before Magistrates from a distance. 'A TRAMP'S Fasaa.-One day last Week while Mr. and Mrs. Dynes, 10th concession, were away from home a tramp called at their residence and de- manded a coat from the servant girl. The day was wet, and he said he was going to Grey township to purchase stock, and that if she could for the presuut loan hitp a coat he would return it in a dayor two. She, relying upon his word consented, and gave him an oil -cloth coat of Mr. Dynes'. The whole thing appears to he a fraud, as Mr.' Tramp, rt(„n cattle - buyer, has not returned it er made his appearance, and Mr: Dynes is at pre- sent minus oil -cloth coat. This ought to be a warning to others to be on the book - nut for such rascals. ' • mese, Talk. of the kidneys. The deceased was for mind yeara connected with the 'areas of Canada as reporter and editor He did some heavy Parliamentary reporting during the initiary progress of Confeder- ation. Ho was at ane time editorially connecter'_ with the Montreal Herald and Quebec Chronicle, and occupied en edi- torial position on the Toronto /cube. He was the author of several }oohs of poetry. He also completed the first volume of the "Constitutional History of Canada," and leftsufficient manuscript to finish a second volume. second, making in all 873.80. on the 'abominable pistol' to the follow - Au Indian named Peter Paul has the honer of being the first et his race to en- ter an action in the Nova Scotia Courts. ' He alleg.'s•that he discovered the f cirrous Seluien River gold mine, and war. induc- ed to show one A. R. Archibald where the hidden treasure was on condition that he was to have $20 and a half shave in the imine, which he never got. He now clainis'the fulfilment of his contract, , and payment of half the proceeds of what has been already taken out, Mr. Samuel .lanes Watson, Librarian ' of the Lecal .Legislature, died .,n the morning of the :,0th ult., of eange_tion Mr. 'John 'lemma, of Goderich town- ship, so well known nn account of his connection with good horses, has pur- chased a three=part Hamhletonian stal- lion, of a gentleman in Kentucky, and intends leaving in a couple ..f weeks to bring him hone. The colt is rising three years old, has a splendid pedigree, and will be a great acquisition to the stock of the county. it is reported that the stallion "Gene- ral," late!y purchased by Americans /min Mr. J. J. Fisher, after winning a thmtnrnd dollar prize in Chicago, has Bt•a1.t.Aa C:trrU4ED.-tpon returning Leen sold at a very high figure.from a professional call about 3 o'clock A trotting colt, purchased when a on Thursday morning of last week. Dr. suckling by Mr. Abrsham Smith, Gude- Dingman of Listowel, diseovered a burg - ed rich, at less than $100, was recently sold lar in his house He imme(ltately sett by hien, in the States, after two years the fellow and held ham till the assist - ownership, at I':00. anoe ofsome of his erg p \\-e are informed that Mr. John Mc- ed, when Mr. Burglar was marched to Millan, }tee's of Hullett, has refused the lock up. The fellow was of the 9e- $500 for the two heavy -draught sucklingars tramp. He gave his name as Wm. fillies which were priz-taken at severaMsetm, and professed to come from of the recent fall shows. Michigan. He had paned entrance to Mr. W. Brosdfoot, of Clinton, re. the Dr's residence by furcinc a cellar cently purchased of Mr. S. Fitzsimmons a window; butevidently wasnebbed before heavy -draught suckling colt at $70, and he had time tuappmpriate any valuables, another from Mr. Tiplsdy, at $75. as nothing was found upon him. He on `atnrday, Mr. Ferran bought of was bmnght before L. Bolton, .1. d., Mr. Jas. Perdue two rather inditfercnt she enmmftted hiss far tr'irl. Contle1 1., 4king sucklings. at $40 and $:i:.. It hie Wneda took hl■ b. $tmtf t'd e4, will he seen by these prices that "her+es ..,,,,-.e ,_-_:-"N.- evening' are horses." A few years ago a fair The Miit1i".list Ministers A aged animal could have been h,nght at of Montreal have resolved that they these prices, but now a colt costs as test against the statement 1 lie/ much, and the dams considerably more. Burns, that ministers of the - f New Era. 4 Y Lyon and Osceola. Fall& ter ery .._ .._ in __ ___.._.._ Mrs. E. Warnock i112 extent: "We would have a tax of $25 • Counties Northwest Iowa, are levied on the vendor of tire -arms for ev- 1 conceded to be the most beautifUil era weapon solei; a license. tax of $'.0 un and fertile in the State. This tttailln- every: person that carries a revolver, and mer we have opened upwards of 850 tined en every person found carry every pistol without a licenceI1300 new farms. sinking a well. in a .14i instance when a pistol is used and a i building a convenient house and wound results it wonld he well' t" send ' roomy barn, and breaking from the offender to the penitentiary fur 'six 100 to 100 acres on *each farm. years. ;These farms are to let or :arms The walls of the Ogilvie Searing mile 1 that no industrious man can fail t Winnipeg are rising at the rate of a are l )W :d.out completed, and those of possession given. We will, if need - the remaining two stereysareto be erect- ed, furnish seed for next year's ed without delny. The mansard roof crop. We will also furnish break - will then brines the whole np to the in to be done, for which we will height of seven atorii . Already the ed- Q itice attracts attention fn.rn considerable pay the regular. prices. Tenants m distance... and when ofal.it will be by not having tea.: s enoughto break far the lt.ftiost structure in Winnipeg. with, will be supplied with a horse The Wisconsin railroad officials expect ; or horses for that purpose, at mar- t,' prove an extended conspiracy aau.ng i ket price, and the pay taken in the conductors to defraud the Company blearing. These farms are all sit - Church passenger fares Conductor, Cun Church of Canada ars generally m Mr'mo- _ ny with his thenlnwieal pcsitinn: that it is nnwsrranted aawl ni pt h- nay that J. C. a arrle's Gale tad. i those whaol,ll r fmm him are lac Marecta .goi;ragaheirbilis printed at !hilt eMMe e will c -t w nonce in this department stat! tN charge. Saturday, 5th November. --'isle of the Point Fans at autirm mart. Sale at 11 o'clock a. et. Monday, Nov. 7- Firm stock and im- pplomets, en the farm of W. Cunningham. lot S, cm. R, Colborne. Sale at 1 o'clock p. tn. Saturday, Nov. 12-- Sale at Auction Mart, of the Sam I Illair property, Gole rich township Saturday, Nov. 26 Farm for sale:west half lot 20, eon. 1, W. t1'awanosh. .nsr't'nee late the narnnih "ala ministered p. ho.lastic .ival,fieetien; t %& they Rn, sorry that lir earns allowed a eo imenelahle personal and prstate fne$dsMpfor the Rev. .k. Thomas. .4 (:haeago, to hate Ind hem into a rmhlir attitude clearly nntagenistie tr, s weer church: thin, ey recognize the }welter cireb salaneee ander which Dr. Karns made his statements, and therlf.rre en- tertain the hope that Gush an cap.anded explanation '4 them may 14 gni en as will satisfy the pehlic that he duet not hold the stetter which seem to' M httr lieti in the atathe>inti., - °; 1 A 3.. , 4c i ls.l1r:: r story a tr; ek. Those of the fourth storey ; to make profitable. Immediate npasse' uated within a few miles of the nignlam and Garin have been arrested, and twelve others suspended. It is railroad. Apply personally or by alleged that the conductors refrained from punching the tickets, and returned I Sibley Osoeola county, Lown them to the station agents,,yrhe were in - the conspiracy. who sold them again. Banking. The conductors also, divided the cash _wsso taken in lien of tickets, and were in I - OF F MONTREAL. league with scalpers. BANK letter to CLOSE BROS. & bo., C.L Mercer, an American engineer, has been exploring the country north of the Georgian Bay. He found the coun- , try rich in pine, sufficient to supply the demand far lumber for a century at least. He travelled where no white mean had ever before been seen. In some parte minerals were al..i met with. The explorers had also met small streams connecting with the Spaniah river,which in event of future teppnag of this great lumber supply would serve admirably in Heating the logs to the greater stream, which is free from rapids, and well adapt- ed for the legging trade. Bears and beavers were also plentiful. At the appr..aching November election in the l-nited States, important questiona of state policy ars to he settled in severs] states. Nebraska will vete upon a p.r.,- i posed -amendment to its const did ion con- ferring upon women the right of suffrage; %Pennsin, upon amendments providing for biennial election* and sessions of the legislature ; Maryland, upon an amend- ment to change the time of the election rod judges; Minnesota, upon three amend- ments providing for equal taxation, pro- / hibtting special legialat;on, and ree.gtfiiilat- tingthe: pay of -its legislshire; Colorado will vote upon the amati„n •.1 haing t_he Vocation ,•f the atste eapttal while tit" 1 latnta will decide between the piney ofI repndiatwrrh nu the ..se hand, end the maintenance ..t the antler Brenta, end ' 'the hothead payment o pmt ol.ligational i the other. • CAPITAL. - fuuo.c,w. st"RP LC -a. - - - • e6,10,..,w. Goderich Branch. C I:. 1,f vsFl•l:)+ lf•t,.njer Allows Interest on deposits. (crafts, letter Or cry -lit and circular notes issued. lestsele fa all tarts of the world. 1751. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Pei,' op rafahrf, - at3,000,00!0. R.at, - --- Sf,400,f100. Pre Rid, Wt. - HOS- tt-lf PPM 4srrR General Manny( r, - . N. ANDER.CON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROS -A. - MAW ttiER. interest smoked en deposits. kraft. on al the principal Towns and Cities in ( anada ureal Rrttata and the toiled !lute.. hough and sold. Adranee.tn Farmers on Notes. with one nr more eadorsers. without mortgage. 17.1.1 tonsorTa(- an to pinto they are prepared to do !las Received *Complete Stock of Uoodssuit- able for the season. and Invitee her Customers and the public generally to call and inspect. EVERY LINE IS FULL THE -VARIETY lS LARGE The Quality i8 Unsurpas8ad AND PRfCES THE LOWEST. Call and Inspect. Hamilton Street. Opposite Colborne llet cl. Miscellaneous tarts. TAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. • ()mce. C'rabb's Block, Kingston st.. Oa1e- rich. Plans and .{llooccccl{lcatlons drawn correct- ly. Carpenter's' trlaaterer's and mason's Work measured and va1lued. STRATFriRD BINDERY-STAB. LISHED 1869. This establ ishment is chiefly, devoted to job and library work. especially to those unique sad economical haitcalf and mor- roc,o styles. In all canes the hest of stock and workmanship, with strength and lorauty com- bined. Bindery overJobnDutton'sdreg store, GEORGE STONE. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. THE FONTHILL NURSERIES THE LARGEST IN CANADA. We want eaitamen to sell our nursery stock; can give canvaascrs advent. ms that no other firm In the business can offer. Steady work and goo s salaries to snceesaful men. Good references required. Apply to STONE & WELLINGTON, Nurserymen. Toronto, Ont N. n.- We are now read to receive orders for fall delivery for our celebrated new white grape. the "Golden Pocklington." Price for 2 year vines $2 each, 1 year 61.10. Send for eireular. Special terms to parties wanting a large number for vineyard tnsrpnsca. STONE R WELLINGTON. 11061m. W. S. Hart & Co. etait'I:l[arid:-ion•' rlia. Goderich Mills ,LATE PIPER'S., R -g to return their thanks to the pnhlie for t liberal pat ro 'age hese i vend dining the past W.1[NIGHT. PRACTICAL EAR - MCR sod It.;trdNaser. hive to return thanks 1. tbe portae ter data patronage. and sAlelb tie roetlnuanrr of custom. lie ran always be lean at his !'has Ina Parlor. near he Poet Offer a,nderieh 17 Sr AGEaNTSIt irk. (in stant rmptoymrn Irreetael. duet ted. IA was Las arPc t: • 0RIsTINa nn !t.• .hnrte,t notice nr for the rnnrenlcnee of partiettlit ing ata distanee .MII exchange wrists at their town store l nfr 11 . NiUvard's, iln.nnie hlnek. Fast Rt. Goderich ,e1PHtghest price paid for wheatiR