HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-11-04, Page 5tuna. Wins Frnea —In accordance with the rules of the township tethers. Mr. At - trill has pat a wire fence stoat; his plro- pelety near Joe Morrii s, to prevent snow drifts. ON His Reunite. "How much is it :" is the anxious question of the rate yeti as the smiling Magi of the tax co ector greets them. He Is now on his founds, endeavoring to 611 the township exche- quer. MOM& Mr. John Mills, of West Wewsnwh, has purchased the tannery in this vil- lage, formerly owned by W. J. Davy. R. H. Culls and Luke Armstrong have returned from Manitoba, Tliey have bought a section of land between thein. There lea good opening in this village fora woollen mill. The old tannery could be got on easy terms for that purpose. Mr. David Brown, of East Wawanosh, has returned from Old • Ireland. The trip •ppear� to have ..greed with him. He books hale mid hearty. The many friends of Mrs. John Wash- ington will bo pleased to learn that she hu recovered from her late illness. Several of our villagers were put to considerable inconvenience, but none of them sustained any great loss by the pranks of the boys on Halloween. Belfast - Mr. W. J. Philips has moved into the house formerly occupied by Mr. Elliot, Mr. Henderson, our veteran hunter, passed through the village on Thursday last, with a large wildest, which he has killed. We are pleased to see that our post- master, Mr. Phillips, hes recovered from his recent illness, and is able to attend to his duties again. A series of revival services are being held in the Meth',jist Church, west of the village, under the charge of Rev. C. Renders. Farmers are basily env' pi 1 ,in t:akin; up their carrots acid turnips. They are a poor crop in this vicinity ..win; to the dry weather during th.t suma1sr. A gang tf timber men are Itewini tint, ber on -the fern' of Mr. Ellis, near the village. It is intended for shipment to the old country. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. NOV. 4, 1881. Legal Notices. Pl'Ittil' ANT Ti) A DECREE OF THE Court id Chancery utsde a net ht a( the Uwe of JANhtl R. aid •• arse ?u W LER VOW k. The coe- ditors art J Allhlik OW Lkk, late of the Town- ship of IA enmesh, la the County et Huron, )'euotan. u: o died In or about the month of arch, IMsO• are; on or before the ELEVENTH UAW OF NuVkAll/A Cf , UM, to send by poet, iereys id. to L. DY L of Ooderich. the icRor for the plaintiff. WILLIAM JOHN YU W Lilt, sea at the deceased. the Cbrtstian and surmises, addresses and descriptions, the Lull particulars of their claim" • statement of their acro t and the nature of the seiiiceit pus oan f y I h� by them ; or is lobuli of. they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said decree. Every creditor Molding any security is to produce the same be fore to. to toy chambersat the Court Hots& GodencIs. o,, the TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER, labl, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, bei the time appointed for aQ,udi- cation tie the Dated t s mt day October, IMI. 1531 Master. of H.IIACI)ERM Fall & Winter Millinery MISS JJESSIE WILSON Would Aunouaoe W the ladies of Itoderlch and Vicinity, that the Stock of Fall and tVinter Millinery is now ?iiI1ytArsorted. BEAVERS! BEAVER ) iI B,EAVERS I II DIFFERENT STYLES AND AT VAItIoUN RIC'I S. Shaded Pluahes, Ribbon and Feathers. PIT R B 0 N N" E TS I The Latest Novelty It Millinery ; Neat, Stylish. and wUl Suit all, 11110,3. MISS J ESS I E WILSON, The Square, Goderich. ` UCTION SALE OF POPULAR 1-11. Summer Resort and Farm. he undcrsi ed has received Imtruotlnss • tell b P is uct t W Austin THE WF3LL KNOWN to 6tt► Il IYb lis the EMB of t, 1 rich, BATOR- IILLINER y itTAitislliE DAY nth NOVEMBER, 18x1, at tbe hour lor e al u' Liek in the morning that very valuable egeecrt) known as the _polar Farm," SWUM os the shore of lake oeLrne. about {miles intrtrouon and Maovrn •Clea large quantity •1 chattels THE 134VAitE, t:A-ODERICg_ consisting g of resit of land, •t which abnt n use STF, Y Y ART in the summer Hotel. This property consists Miss of about AV acus of which about BD are cultivated, and on which there are erected a Targe an,l handsome summer hotel, capable of accommodating 900 guests, • branch house, Hjust received her fall importations of with stabling. sheds, /Lc..as seed ed as • winter ho- 1 tel, four comfortable dwelling bosses, a large barn and driving shed. There L a splendid orchard with about 900 trees on the property. This place is very extensively sad favorably known as a summer resort, and during the ]est season has done • large and profitable business. This prope ,l including the chat - 1 (c th•s,ls. will first be o one parcel, and if net then sold it will be offered in smaller par- ? TER)iel -J1000 to be paid down at the time of sale. and the balance in 30 days thereafter. ' or ct the option of the purchaser, the greater portion of the balance may remain secured by a first mortgage upon the property, bearing interest of six per cent. per annum from the date of sale, the principle tube payable Mauch yearly bums and at sueb times as may be agreed upon. Conditions will be made known at the time of sale. For further information apply on the prem- ises, or to J. C. CCRRiE, IE:9-o Auotinneer, ate.. Goderieh. p.p NT! Ry -LAW NO. 14, 1881. Ofthe T..e'i3 ipof_shJj4',' iatif .•,ora �• Iiwron. Beteg a Br -lase to open (std F:stabtiw.5 a Jihad and llijoat of an Orion hi Allowance jot. Road hereinafter The "faUlei' were out on Hallowe'en. t $bore ttaage le pmt lions near the .Moak ofThe confined their pranks chiefly tri the lake. and the sad road would be more removing gates. placing them in trees, ' ern-, ti ri t ter the public if a deviation were and in building fences across the roads. chests w that ;he said road ahuuldruu through the South part of lot thirty -right. NotE1/A'•. , And whereas Mr. JamesMurdocb,theowner of said tan I. has executed a deed of convey - S=zg S S _ATI N S 7 Ordered Work a Specialty. Agent for the Parker Steam Dye Works, Toronto. 5 F1l.LL LTZ'X'. FALL OVERCOATS! 10 Pex Ceat Lieecivat 10 REID & SNEYD Haring Secured at • Greet Uarsain a lot of Tweeds and Coatings.. will give the above discount during November to psrtles a Marhfall ed nulls Elwell Omsk strlesS. ♦ rsatelate ateek •r Wp{e stall Vamp )rr7y'' REID & SNETD, Manchester House, Godorichr Ogzc.AGO 130USE Miss (Successor to Mrs Copeland.) Takes this op unity of informing the ladies of Goderich and vicinity, that hav- ing purc the interest of her predecessor, she will endeavor to keep it up to the standard laid down by Mn. Copeland - My Stook is of the west, And every endeavor will be made to give The Fullest Satisfaction in Styles, in Work and in Material. OF ALL GRADES AND COLORS, MISS WILKINSON. Chicago House, West Street. -Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, Mantles and Ulstors, DR. KING'S NEW AISCOVERY FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, And other Novelties from Montreal and Toronto. CUTTING, FITTING, AND DRESS EKING A SPECIALTY. Agent for Cornwell's Improved Self -Fitting Chart. Every department is well stocked with FIRST CLASS GOODS of the most fash- ionable patterns, and as all her purchases have been for READY CASH, she is en- abled to give her numerous customers the VERV BEST VALUE at THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Fath CONSUMPTION, COU(411S, COLDS tic. SAMPLE BOTTLES FREE. USE EI.J=CTRIC 0:3IT=Rs_ F0 tt STOMACH, LIVER 8z KIDNEYS. >harrtt) •f for p((.,..c o"" I a✓ Inspection Invited costes f:. by Ur/:u L'er Shure of Lake• a Speciality Hanna. WHE,;E.N the public highway running be- wcrh lout" tLirt)'„evcn suet 14.rty-ergot, Labe panes to thus corporation of the land necessary WI»ghs= for the proposed deviation.. .ted whereas this Council Los agreed to exe- c cuts a dc,vl of (•onccyanee of htee a:uresaid quoiting tournament was held in the „r itwl ,.iluwsnce fur roa t to the said Jumcs �Wineham quoiting ground' .on Tuesday ' :Iordoch rn compewationthert.fr. and Wednesday the 11th and 12th inst. And whereas. all proper notices have been nen of this by-law as required by section In the professional thatch there were 11 &sof the revised Sutw..r of Ontario, (,hap. entries with the following result :--Chas. ter I:1. and the several sub -sections thereof. A. Walkinshaw2 Now. therefore be.it enacted by the mum- !11 , R. JtcKe n�3 dpal Corporation of the 'township of Ashfield Brtiaselsl T \tcKennr) 'Brussels , that from and after the passing of this b) -law rot 8ti ; G. Greenwell Lucknow 1 iii ' Jas a de•t.a ,-e .haft 1,.• naris In 1. • pabllc high- r � I/- -- - ----T-- - I -1 -CTG -11 • I)UNLO IS NOW RECEIVING— Fall and Winter Goods McAlpine, $'I. In the amateur match ea) ru ,r.ing between lots 37 and :b. that Abe land hereinafter rticularl • described there were 12 entries with the following in fit; n» 1 shalle;it�abl`s�heKhato Y opened result :—Thos. McC lemons, $8; James ' ti,e ,aid tow.rrable of ip Davidson,- rl6; John Neelands, $4; C. Thsdesrtiptioni of IL e raid prupo.ed higta- F. Kent, $2. In the consolation for oro } slay h' N fol ws: Betn,r composed art pare Sof ' in fruiuftals Fn►nl Patterson ft1 ' JFhu Ready -Made Ciofh Anderson, $'� I h 1 In Gentlemen's \%•ar, which he will mike up in GEO. RHYNAS, LRi (.t:I8T .\c. Night Bell on the Front Door BO OTSAI�DSHOES DOWNING. I have, greatpleasure in.announcing to my custoomern and the public nt large that my stock of Boots and Shoes for the Fall Trade is now complete, and I would in- vite inspection of the sane. I have been especially careful to, purchase goods which I believe will give the customers satisfaction, and do Credit to myself. • -Class Style at Very Low Rates. Yoa «ill Find Mr Price tovii 1h111 tI)P IJO\M hr .,,nth 'w part fit lot' l Iu. :p., n,anbrr thirt - aLt in ta, like �M,rv• I:an ti• art tie• n t e amateur cons. a- town.t.t• and particularly describedaa follows tieing a parcel of land ons chaln wide, the centre line of which [ a beingei y anaeuta heels limit of rid pot ntunbee and America now nearly exhausted ' thl t tghc, anoi aLo heing m the northerly ecu lots dealers are beginning to use black birch ?thirty-seven and thirty-eigl t and t th Ile 'd cc•ht chain. 1 hy- degrees and thirt)•-minutes east plentiful in Manitoulin Islands, and in ft., h„ the pup o(thr high Tank ,.t take Koro one the districts of Peterborough, Halibur- ch ee anduforty thhrieee links tty six o Ypeost;asthence ton, Muskoka and elsewhere. It admits' north [went one degrees east. one chain and PH ()TOG RA P H E R 'c north sixty- to resemble walnut or cher„. It can be tion: to u leer th,mcc .o'rh eighty-nine r it a dr tion Wm. H. Hele, $2 ; Saul Young, $1. may be better know" BLAc B —Theforestsof C that is to say, rnmmenein ata rt lasted in u rout syr hm.t of the road allowance b,•t.w• of walnut and cherry trees, furniture as a substitute. This latter; weed is very •.ry », ^ ` ins xm 1sixn eight Inks In Great Variety as usual. Call and Inspect. As I buy in large quantities, and for Cash. Doing the largest shoe tri de in the Town; I ren sell at closer prices than those, w'he do a smaller business. I would especially call the g) Attention of Farmers to My Stock of Long Boots and Shoes Which is one of the largest to be found in any retail store in the Province. I havo on. hand several cases of the celebrated "K. te. 11. Long Boots, which have given such I=.01 -1 -se Satisfaction. ! S A L L, O V1l S sods! seeds! THY of n beautiful polish, and may he made ' mite WI.' lin Ls to a post; them bl al h • cnst en, , hem and fourteen ! obtained for $16 a thousand, when,[, g ghrc, , harm -' ' MI INTREAL St. GODERICH .• secs and thirty ninnies rapt t ' the wood cannot he obtained at a less at"i fir') '''gilt links to a post; thence south �y +toe' fit -r: de eat one 3 t. degrees • , chair, and price than $50 a thousand, and walnuttuccnty-sififteen xink thence south eighty -five -de- , , at a little less. We advise .the fannersg'"sa^' minoasea.t two(hauuhawd w,•u•ts.,'r, • of the districts surrounding \Win 1 •ham to mks to a punt; thence mouth [lite, n degrees and fort)maims -,•fist • w•vcut) he careful of their black birch. Fund- ...t !init. fie a post: thence sou'h tnirty degrees taro manufacturers must shortly require • east, tw'o chainstend on ,o-eaght lurk+ 10 a p„t; luen'e.out two (c;:•,•cs and tilt) min- it in large quantities and will have to 111- uh , tu•+1. thn•,• chain. and nft) lints, tnorc crease the price. or less to n post planted in the northerly limit or th,• allowance for h,n.t aforesaid containing by adnica•nr, meat 1t.n and s,•yen-lentiiacree, 1s• t he .a me more or less; and that the present BE$T bATIB- 3LtllbnIa. travelled highway. tieing a portion of the .i! t•.., I tllot,:utcr• It' -t'it Ica; number PameoNAL. - Mins Carrie Rye spent a 'air ' .cyton grid numb r thirty-eight. in the FACTION . I.ti,r -hors Range, of the aforesaid Township • BEST LIGHT. - BEST PRICES, BEST ACCESSOR- IES. BEST C1'STO : R s _ BEST PICTURES, now dayf here Mut week, with fnendslA .,i"` t,htleldp ih close•,), the same , heel+) �.,` ' T T * ��� ' ' (1 1 AT/ Mete Mnrtia Young and (han, v g n uhilc arhwuv forever. nod the Es j/1 v j/i 1 Ill: G -,c. •ora•' the land •.t'rre,l th' rah.' iv herrn)!left last week on a Platt to Michigan.„ u,,., 1 sold bribe wort Jinters an CASUALTY. ---A incl na;m•'l .11ur,ty '''' I -les n'td rmmpensati..n for the land taken Renu him fur thehicnewhrirnd nd hrrcin foredr- Poatlewaite, aged fifteen years. heat n❑ `.,.ri!s•d. .sod wn, d so M•chafed as inch off his thus, and otherwis•• iujurc•1 u I e 1j I,e known and described as his hand, bycortin in contu•t with the follows: That t. to x113.. oontmcnctn; ata 1'ote+t 4 , danced on the southerly- Iimit of sato lot num• flaw t Incll b m. I he thirty -el ht, and ► he therth a . In be ase, •tngon nu rr 1)UR New Bone—The genial -simpers- I ly Iltwlt of lin. aforesaid road allowance be- t•.• „ 1. •- nomM•r thirty-teevrn and thtr- • r g once of Mr. Peter tlreen, int, sof the '-sigh, and at the dintanoe fit eittht (•hath at the same time he dors the heal w'tw- ' nl.ng tt-e said northerly limit of road allow- ya •• a .1. -tante of rho en chains and flftv-tive ing• the. nn.m or less to a poet; thence Mntherly By thehiding (.f the hut•i;y of a ccrt*in ' at ri ht angles a distance of one chain to the bachelor on Halloween, he was unable to ”"")•''icy Crnit 01 atnreaaids road allnw-ance- }hence wrterl) ales. east southerly limit fit; attend a oerte.n wedding (text day as rvMd ntlowame a distance of eleven chain. "best man." Next day at noon the anis- ",'• 1 i1.n.1 54' links. mar" .r le" to a post; therteenortherly at richt angles a dtatame of sing rig was found on the roof of the ' fine c1:11:u to the place fit he fining, the whole sawmill _ eonts ninK an area of one sere and three twenti(•tha of an erre, mare 0r I.•.w, and thet TRT, Ceai.u.s —Prom ineasure(I fields, deed of conveyance be exe-„ted by this cora- we are led to say that our farmers beat p'erso'n to the said Jame. Murdoch at the est l de.erihrd Mete fit land, and the their Leeburn cousins hollow in the ltu(•,,..1":-; tbr,uaM township fit Asbseld is here• Tho follow- by empowered and regne.ted to execute such whtennial sawmills, keeps a fatherly .•ye ,.n'1 4,1g -eight Inc.. south nrly-.ix degreee upon the hands of this saw mill here and and thirty minnb•s eat hem the top of the Tp > tugi, hank of lake 111[00; thence ailcrly yield of grain to the sere. ung yields are reported here: Fall wheat 33 bushels, 3 rocks: spring wheat. 35 bushels; Hats, 3., bushels. Thom, 'ol our f, ed and affix the corporate .eat of the cor- prstion of AahseM thereto. 1IOTN'L 6arrwers who sowed theirin June The public N hereby notified that the Town im*• ship Common of A.hfeht proposes 10 pass the had the Lest return, hoeing quite free at„ve by-law st Id n+gnlar meatteyr. na Timor from bags. Barley yielded from 211 to day. thetclsd dal' of November self. A. D.. Thu, year several nnne l'lerk fit the Mnnlrlpa�lty of Adi.W. from Colborne visited Lenders, $j, took Tb Ci i4's Olse5. Aernnie li !d, til. steak d the fail wheat 4nldn passel on the rotate. They tit 'tk t'ws bit. hip is GO�ERtCM BOILER WORKS. tatty at Me th, ma••k. Ned ,:.::e,nni w ft0 bueheM. Th I f rs I Pit”' )HN COOKF. beam t e a!et !(u..t ... r.. . L • I. the Iteral hest. when Oads rlel rt. nets. Aaveaate.u,N,ty Sete . , lir . od. trail) 54 W.n.1 ... r I .•• - ,i '•.. twist. tMp.' n.•t ti bash 1 t • floor, s !viva- 1-.. • 4.'e •1 5,, Oat*, P poo a cd tt Peal ✓ ',.e.b .. • at '. 14 t'nr•i, P boas. I. IS rl.•vv b.:.4. '' 'd r • 5, se i Wet.* I Hae. a tem . otter. J A...... . b . dot. tat httewtke� . C Mho••.. V ••w• Weis. v, etre ''h.,Ws ;' * "wt et 8s Black. TO ` i 1 LL MIN and BALT WELL M IN :low 1W'IL&155 and SALT PAN$ saaaaaa towed se shortest soar*. N OP HI' TEti. E LI;(Ttt(' ■rTTrin. Anl:i ST FLOWE*. 6.1.•111A1+ WV= P. B I'*DDE'L SUMO NITTENA. PAry KILLE*. 1OPE1.t. rES.rressa swim =T. DYRTCPTi(' fltf J. WILSON D11164.1 IST. rtPrearrlpll•a.l'arMtaty Prepared. CURRIE'S AUCTION MART CRA1333'13 131..003C.. AUCTION SALE! Desirnbleliiiin Ppe$y -M- west. Wawa4nosh 1 est fevered with Mrs trees /Sr. lake M en b AMM ,reales, se the hart. oa 8 rdayt Nerember 18,1881 Hi. arm, onnsistlttg of the West t of Let th Cees. 1. Weld Wawan(el+. nontalatag IM sena r, - 7o arrsa elrere. and In a Mate ,A esltl- w p • r w . t Alt Aiw.ln M R."1"14_, eversatld tnadar tM �1f11 1rWnee heavily t bend, two large w . M a r.^nal .frame l'•I*•• a new Mame hour•. nt'ehsrd t tate Pn}elebtw wtie ant wen watrt•e1. h aeries Meat. 1A Atte M had. Poales at mom If desired. tyl c }. •e ; t e at t is -wont or p.m. r P�acticcl Wor Term* made known" twee application kmn. t J'1to Mr. Armstrong. re the tees. er to J 4'. 11. ilex i t171V77Ci RRi R Atioctical,sr. ' P ^ - Oederleh. Oes. V. 11111 tt>Nfll The ,abseril.er begs to draw the atten- tion of the public generally to his lance and varied smock of FARM and GARDEN SEEDS, consisting of CLOVER, TiMI)THY, H1'NGARIAN, ' MILLET, PEAS, t LATS, BARLEY, and choice 'WHEAT; also In the past. tin ORDERE]7 WORK W e are still abreast of the times, and having a large staff of first-class mechanics, I ant prepared to manufacture anything in my line to eider, at the shortest notice, in first-class style, and of the very beet materiel. in conclusion, 1 beg to return ! my sincere thanks to my customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and rest assured I shall do my utmost to deserve a continuance of the same' Yours respectfully, Cor. East Street and the Square. Go derich. TURNIP, MANGOLD, C'ARRI►T, • , E. DOWNING. and all other GARDEN AND VEGETABLE at rates that valuta la• I ,SEEDS, ! FOR FALL AND \ATi N T E R S_ SLOANE - - General Seed Morale;, - OVERCOATINO-S.Hilt $6(� a week in your own town. Term- and To sail Ilteryledy, %ewilltopR w Arriving, and will be Made p by oar N. FRED. PRIOR DV6 $,l outfit free,- Addrl•ss ll. li At.1.1,1T ht who. a. a latter sad Welter, ban as tlwperlor la the l aunty. Co. Portland Maine S T O VT .0 S My General Stock of Goods is gomplete \NTh Intl n Liberal Dt.rewat will be Untie on all sales so er ant;l 1-/ lar.-.n,to-r TINWAR.L:.4 JOHN ACHESOIQ Sauiidci1' Variclr SI*. Hall, Parlor, Dining Room AND C0011111 SIMS Oslo Agent is Gederieb for The Toronto King war Ateve- �t1Us yAptost feri11.. OSHAWA COOK 'STOVES The Be$1 in lhr \kn4iI Th.Osly Peeves which NAI (r Crack. CALL 1B EIIIINE STOCI Before Purchasing awe here. The Cheapest House Under The Sun. JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM T .. ASR SVP=RIC -.2_ The first consignment of the swain of Ilia' a jut • ,y r 'rhr,!,'i SA1LiiONT Ti'( Fr —AT - D. FERGUSON 8 Grocer, Hamilton {ctrl