HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-11-04, Page 4THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1881. T1IE 1'Itel'OSSf) RAILW/TL1. For weeks past Godench has talked railway. The time is caning whin 'se-' tion will be the order of the day. Al- ready railway schemes, having Goch for the objective point, are beg' ing to assume shape, and something tangi- ble is b,omin,{ up in the near future. At present there are several routes in contemplation, and we will proceed to deal with them srrie(iwt: Perhaps the shortest line to the Pro- vincial iovincial capital would be to Winvham, where the T. G. & tl., would be connec- ted with. This line would be about 145 or 150 miles in length, from Ooderich to Toronto, and, if there were ne possibili- ty of it being swallowed up eventually by the Grand Trunk, it would nu doubt be a good line. But as matters now stand, it is a question whether the T. G. & B. will not fellow the fete of the Stratford and Port Dover, and, in due course, Dane under the influence of the G. T. R. The question as to the right of ownership, between the Northern and the Grand Trunk is now pending, and until a decision is given in the rat- ter, by the courts, definite action on the part of Goderich cannot be had. Next, there is spoken of a line t., con- nect at Brussels with the Great Western, over which, it isclaimed, running powers can be had in the interest of the Credit Valley Railway to Elora, and thence by C. V. It. to Toronto, This line is esti- mated at 161 miles in length, and al- though a little longer than the T. G. & I. is looked npon with favor by many money, the beat harbor on Lake Huron, who would prefer an eastern connection) sod the Government harbor of refuge was formed at Goderieh, which is a 'sating proof of the energy and ambi- tion of the people of Goderich. In the face of the foregoing, what can be.said of those who systematically.mis- represent the county town, and would have:outsidets to believe that Goderich is inhabited by a race of Rip Van Winl)esl As we stated before; utaliee ur ignorance, or both, must inspire the pen that writes the libel. Goderich is not dead, -is not even sleeping, -but is wide-awake. 'line, owing to eireum- stances outside of the control of its in- habitants, she has nut been sofas able to benefit to so gieat.an extent as her en- ergy and earnest efforts deserved. The anslgamatiun of the Buffalo and Lake - Huron railway and the Grand Trunk railway was the first drawback to tbs town's prosperity; then followed. the T11}. HURON SIGNAL, V11Yb1A NOV. 4. 1881. w "There is nothing easier that to edit a i the busied discoid, panic-striuk.w, blackguard paler, and nothing inure .we. the generous donations have cape from f'wlnuas and Wwrkguaniiuu. Fah and are energeti ly at work building up women and barroom heifers are skilled in the art of bandying epithets and bs spattenug each other with dirty words. It requires no Lenses to do this, but A does require nth t1'heart and brains to print a newspaper thet • decent map or ! a marked effect to reviving business in wa.mau ern read 'without a b1ask." the burned district. 1 We have an abnudance of elothing,and (ef supplies of all Minds. What we now WNAracenrs ICH BAN INL, E. want it cash, so ttiat we can at once close difficult than to get up a newspaper free in most u the ftytitives have retunred, their houses. cal In eottclusiun, 1 will say that the Fart I Edwarl Blake, wild the failure 'f the Huron committer have ceased to pur-"tall chimney" promises, hsee made the chase supplies of ark kind, and are die- I wily Premier anxious about his patty, tributing each to sederera Thii has had wad it is supposed that the general ele A CON.AAvArtvs convention, with a THE NOVZMBH$ BB%VHNfl. all Ur u - •rl'lia xt ttoad:mat•refl14 1114 11 1al► be held at Toronto oil Tuesday, Nue. fan Uea.1 far i.ra.lt un iter: ergo 22nd. The growing popularity of Hun. - 'ihe lavers of that noon fwcivatiug of all ecieuces, astrouo.uy, will have a treat this month, provided the midnight sky is clear. Saturn in •app[osition, riming just as the sun sets. Fon ears this planet has not been so favourable for eh- servetiotr. T) e rungs arts beautifully spread out, ant can be seen with glasses of very eeeuderate power. In 1878 Sat- urn was in oppiisiuti, but then the rings were so much foreshortened that Gte planet appeared like a glowing; masa im- paled un a glowing rat. During the se- cond week of the month the .lauet Jup- iter will bo its opposition, and will be a r uifieent object. The great rad spot and the mysterious belt are plainly vis- ible, well the fur great planets banquet toSirJohn Mlwcrlunald w ill From the manner in which Goderich up aur business, and let the people shift is sp'ken of by some of our outside eon - T. themselves. Yours truly, temp,raries, ane not versed in the facts I T. C. CA KLSTON,.Msvor, would he led to infer that the town has . Chairman of Port Huron l Relief Count. ittee. J not sow, ur never had any ambition, push ser energy. Of course, like other I 'This only ineludest;anilas and Huron eoun- ties, not Hav, Tuscola, and Le wcr enUn- thinge of the kind, the fabrication is the I ttes. stilt o our district, and of whir we have outcome of malice or gross ignorance. nu miasma. Cieierioli has done much in the past not Telt convicts in an Iowa penitentiary only in its own interest, but its the its- ( re entry raised $110, by working ot'er- arrest of the couuty of Huron. To Goderich must be accorded the principal *redo of bringing its the Buffalo and Lake Huron R. R. to the Huron tract, a concern in which she invested over $100,000 some twenty-three years ago. Our town also initiated the gravel roads tints, and denying themselves tobacco, etc. , and had it forwarded to the Michi- gan sufferers. Thera is a whole sermon in that act, if mute of the preachers would take the subject up. Tus Dublin City Council is still having of the County, and pushed the work a ruction concerning the conferring of ahead, when the "stick-in-the-muds" ,the freedom of that city upon Parnell outside could not comprehend their value to trade 'sed commerce. The gravel road north to Lucknow was built by a company composed principally of Goderich capitalists, many of whom re- ceived but poor returns for tlleir omo ney, energy end enterprise. The salt indus- try was first discovered in Godench, and the residents of the town sank over $500,000 in endeavoring to develops the industry. With the aid of Government, and by a large expenditure of town at 13russels, rather than the more nor- therly one at Winghaun There are some, however, who coutend that heavy engineering difficulties will be enco in- tetred in the building of this line, and they claim that this will militate against the project being successfully pushed. To our mind, engineering difficulties are not confined to any particular line, and if they are not encountered at one place they will be at another. Besides, the main object to be noted is, whether the requisite bonuses can be obtained along the route; and if anything definite could be gotten from the municipalities. along the line, regarding the successful raising of a•suni sufficient to justify a company in running the extension, the engineering difficulties would lean van- ish into thin air. The latest project proposed is a con- nection with the Credit Valley I:. p. 'abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty with the United States; after that was the sinking, of a great part of the hard earnings of the inhabitants in unprofit- able salt welb; and the diverting of the Grand Trunk trade to Sarnia also mili- tated to no sinall extent agaiust the town. These are the broad facts as they stand, and he will be must un- conscionable who Will, in '!he face of these, blame the periple of Goderich be- cause their town has not made greater progress. But to -day we stand in a gond position, financially and otherwise; our people have once again taken heart, Huron has been obtained by St. 5Ierye, and are willing to battle as strenuously and is now in pos.•ession of Mr. Harding, ;•as of yore' to earn Fortune's smile. Re - of that town: the agitation has now al- ittentboring that "the gods help those most reached:niaturity, and the interest who help themselves," the neuple of • of the several municipalities in the vicin= Goderich are ready once more to put ity of the Stone Town has been nwa- their shoulders to the wheel atcj united kened, we understand, with goodresulta. ' ly push forward. .k unanimous desire Exeter is anxious for more direct tout- poertades all classes of society to advance manication with, the county,' town, and the interests of the town; our beat inen also for a comfwtitive line. Bayfield have been put in harness to labor until must have a line, •.r suecuutb. And the' work bo done; and we look confi- Goderich shall have a line in competition densly to a satisfactory result. with the 0. T. Ig. rouse from whence it will. THE Jilt H>if;,IJ RELIEF 1''L'V U. Already some of the best leen in the As many of our readers aro deeply in - interested towns have leen in conclave, terested in the work of relief at present and have ntudie•l nut the scheme, the going on in Slichigout, among the suffer- reault'of•their deliberation's going far to era by the great firm, we publish here - prove that the project is not only possible • with the reply of Mayor Carleton, of but probable. Port Huron, to enquiries from a -New at4 Vodstoek,'rie it Marys, Exeter, Zur- ich, and Etas -field. This line would be about 168 miles to Toronto, but has an . advantage orer the other contemplated mutes in being direct to Hamilton and London -thus giving ready access to the principal cities of Ontario, and passing through 9 section not at present well served with railways, and as yet unen- cumbered by heavy railway debts. Moreover, a uneveinent in the matter of extension has been on foot for some time back; a charter to build the line from Woodstock to souse point on Lake York branch of the Relief Committee. T/(!i BITER BITTEN.Facts and figures are there given which Witte a bully gets whipped ho tlataally will repay perusal :-- whinee. And it is thus with H. T. But- Pear HCaoN, (tot. 2Gth, 1881. ler, of the Stratford Times. Last week t5'• C. i►ewcl•, ISMI., t'halrman 3r1 I,ivl-ioa rt that buts ,lions Michigan Relief ('ommittec. Y9 l'hausksse p personage waxed face- assert, New fork ('sty. tious, and wrote a burlesque on the edit- DEAR Sia : In reply to your favor of sister h.wn44, who posse's but one mil- ers of THE SIGN.a1.. We replied to his 24th inst., I would respectfully submit way. Thi, 1. the fact that eels the Clin- article, and assucceededits the following turning the tow ken a -e ickliug;--this is the cause of tables en the "Claiivant," to such en ex- TOTAL . 4 s REcaPtw waw the light m that cit On aunther Port Hunm committee ..g 161,811 41 all Its joy. mit A Cham{e is likely toS• I tion will be, sprung upon the country next summer. Let our Libend friends bear this in mind, and-' oak. and Dillon. If the agitators were con- sulted in the 'natter we think they would be better satisfied to get freedom from Kilmainham jail at present, than from Dublin city. Dont you think in t Sotta of our subscribers aro enquiring how ft is that dealers in potatoes bay by weight and •sell by treasure ? We have never been in the business, but unagine Tory organ. --(New then is a good and sufficient reason, vitt..: that. the vendor will gain by the Hard Nuts a Crack. game. We are informed that the gain The following propositions by ,Mr. Wiles the Reform «Alice holders wore thinned ora just after the .accession to power of the Macdonald-Langeviu Cab- inet, the patriotic Conservatives claimed that it was dune because of "economy," as there were too many officials under 'the former Administration. It now ap- pears that there are 101 more office -hold- ers under the present Government than there were in Mr. Mackenzie's time. The hungry office seekers had to be ap- peased; and for every Grit head struck off, three Tories have been put on the public pay roll. \'hen your Tory leader shouts most loudly for "economy," he is going to make an inroad on the public purse. ' Marian nett Ways. EIALTED.-Our new friend the Gode- rich News, in public affairs has gut its seat on both sides of the fence, which reminds us of the time-honored practice of riding on a rail -Seaforth Sun. Although the News has been pretend- ing to ruts on the independent principle, the Government advertising in its col- umns, shows how much its independence amounts to. THE SIGNAL sonde time ago very properly styled it "the junior OOMMUNIOATIONS. at't• ilea.: 'i Wa Tet. ee rer"usib: • Lir this up.uwur..: •..0 .'.rrrrp'uud.ui.. t'uulribu- tor. to tl.:r ucp:.,tuwut wu,t . uuaue thew- s-Itto t•. ;•'.IMA, quest tour, an,! be brief. Clinton Weediness. Tu the Edt'er of the DION AL. Clinton, t► 3. 1. l$8l. • Sots, -I would crtve a little spree in your lively toper for the insertion ..f the follow int: uutice to mute or the tot o, or buy. I shr.uld say, its the organ t..ctory here: Your ...lieu,. hate Leen 40• bad on the streets of late especially Saturday night, Oct 2 tit that at the uext ex- hibition of such a test cru 1 v tll have you brought tteforu the Mayo,. 1 watt to Rice you a chance 10 1•etirr your actions, therrf o,c 1 1. tl.:iso this n •:ue. MoittLUTY. e as w :is 1 0 tgger•etegieal grieves.which act as moons. Three 01 these moons will pass across Jupiter's disc be- R:,p.trt .,f the weather for the neek b,tweuu the Lith and 12th of the month.ending Nev. let, 1831. On the 7th of November the planet Mer- t (et. 26th -;Vito' :d 1 t p. an. East, cury will maku a trtnsit of the sun's •tow 11 ht, clear. cost. Numlror of miles but the phenomenon will tut be visible g l wind trvelled in 21 Imutw 330. further north than a line ruupiuj east 3ith - t►'iuol at 10 t n:. St.uth•east, air and weal through the southern part of cloudy. Number of miles wind travel- led in 24 itoure 'SUI. 2301 -Wind at 10 1•. its. South-east, fresh. Raining, le,g.an to rain et 7 p. m, Number of miles wind trsve!le.l in 24 hours 349. 2!►tli--Wind at 10 ,p. rat. Duuth-west, moderate glue, pertly cloudy. Ceased raining at 7:31.1a. ut.-amount of rainfall 4.4 cubic inches. N utuler of utiles wind travelled in 24 heirs 464. more able astremeners than the writer 30t1-tfind at 10 p. 11t. West, light, .rust explain. About the middle of the partly cloud,'. Number of miles wind month those p.easessmg good telescopes travelled in 24 hours 483. will be able to see the moons. During 31st --'•t tad ii.t I0 p. til, North-east, the whole of the month the oonstellation light. cloudy, Number of wiles wind travelled its 24 hours 348. Nov. let -Wind at 10 p. m. South- east, light, clear. Heavy dew falling. the Middle Slates, On the Pacific coast and in Colorado the transit will be seen to excellent advantage THE PLANET MARA - is now bucoutiug a splendid sight in the constellation t:rmini. The white per - tions xt the lodes, which are supposed to be snow, are plainly visible, and the other portions of the planet's disc are marked with curious green spots which will present a grand spectacle. Great Orion, one of the most brilliant of all oon.tellations, rises early and assumes full sway during; the mouth. The wend- Number 4.1 looks wind travelled in 24 ers of this constellation are a life study. , hours 274. containing as it does some of the bright- G. N.,MACDottALD, Observer. est fixed stars, as they are called, its the Goderich, Nov. 2d, 1881. heavens. Sirius the brightest of the 1 in the handling amounts to nearly half -a- Blake cannot be questioned for fairness stars, Rigel, Belatix, the red star l:et..l• P'•tr:ic.l wag su.ideuly seised with viol= peck in the bag. and soundness : (1.) That it is unjust gueuce, 1'r,cyon, and several others rent spasms 11:1 Sunday, and hal great and impolitic to compel farriers and snake up a picture which only visible in ; suffering for rever.l hours. Tas mechanics and laborers to pay extra these latitudes during the winter tuuutlts, Neu Eris states that a large tinier - pnces for articles they buy, so that a fav is nue of magnificent splendor. In this TURNfrom Goderich was received at a Clinton manufacturers may he enriched. ,2. constellation is one of the few irre.,lvable Fuouo t ---In Stapleton. on the fhb ale; the store, and makes a great boast about the That the pretended "protection to farm- nebula visible to the naked eye. This wife of Mr. Jahn Fordun, of • Son. constellation is also remarkable for its 1 flJtil lin number of double stars, all of them in- bALr-Ra tlteroN-In Clinton, td the frith alt., at the rrridrnae or the brlde'r mother, visible except with a glass. -Taken alto- • by the Rev. A. Stewart. Mr.,Thomas Ar• ether the November heavens will be a I„ thur Butler Salt, to Miss Catharine Hall • g Robertson, daughter of Mrs. Robertson. matter. It is quite a common thing for residents of Clinton to take the train to GoMferieh and make purchases in ,sur large . and fashionable 'stores. And to think of our contemporary growing apoplectic with joy at a single purchase being made in Clinton from here ! vi fy teal Is .e Dear i■ Ontario. BLARt giving up a practice worth to If it he true that the Yankee coal dealers pay the coal tax there is no use hint about $30,000 'a year that he may of making any Inure fuss about the mat - devote all hie attention to politics, and ter. But pot one man in ten believes perhaps be rewarded two years henee anything of the kind, notwithstanding the Mails long columns of special plead- ing ,and complicated arithmetic. The coal dealers have -put the matter in a tangible shape -by offering to reduce the price of coal by the amount of the duty, if the duty be taken off. This is the whole cane in a nutshell. It does not require six columns of argument to un- derstand what it means The Govern- ment will no doubt consider the subject and be prepared to take action upon it when Parliament meets. By removing terest of the country. The city of the coal tax it will be able to take some Quebec alone Will lose directly and in- , of.the wind out of the sails of the op- position. -[Telegram, directly a quarter of a million of dollars by the decrease of shipping as compared The N. P. la tar... with last year. Thus, • to help a few Cartwright at Lucknow: But what of favored industries, the mercantile this wonderful "home market" we were shipping trade must suffer. Canada can told we were to have I We were . to have never become a great country if its ship- -'tall chimneys" reaching to heaven, ping declines every year. (laughter,) rolling forth the smoke of countless factories, .and diffusing proof- perity and giving ample market to the AT a meeting of the Goderich Railway , farmers fur I don't know how many Committee held on Monday last, it was I miles around. In two er three great decided to call a meeting of delegates centres of trade, where it• is passible to from the Indnicipalities between Coder- accruedutanufacttre, But conthat tsideraoblenut beret true its have , ' ich anal Woodstock, for the purpose of • villages or the towns of Canada. Is it formulating a definite scheme. The . true of this town in which I have the meeting will be held at Exeter, which is honor to a bdress you, or of U ulerich or almost midway between Woodstock and Clinton, or any of the others its this dis- Goderich, and a favorable outcome from f trict 1 f have heard of no manufactories en" has not afforded then the slightest benefit, and is only held out as a bait so that the selfish demands of some manu- facturers might be satisfied. 3.) That the right to buy and sell freely in all the beat markets should not be crippled by legislative interference. with the Premiership, worth $e,000 a year, is a -rather uncommon event in Canadian politics. The other side can't understand it at all. Just imagine a Tory leader giving up $30,000 annually for an opportunity of gaining an $8,000 office ! •• Tac ruinous effect of the -Tilly tariff can be seen already in the' shipping in - grand sight.. .i all of Clinton. MO. ARTESIAN WELLS. i SLEaIstov-At his resldence.eranbr°ok.onthe 27th ult.. Sawuel Slttnmun, aged 50 years w'uat a Dunn,llle Editor knew. albattndutontha. SAtitte-SIn Manchdrter, on the flet alt.. Wil - Them. I . Item. only son of Mr. Simeon eerie. seed 4 years and 4 months. HissEvE--In (toderich, on the 31R ult., atm - beth sinking of artesian wells has be- beth Maud. eldest daughter of Mr, W. ('. come an important industry throughoot ' Bissell. wed 2 years and 1 months. this country, and is extending in all directions. It will no doubt be the main source of supply, and take the place of 6R.t!' DTHUHM. the open wells of the pest. There are probably over 100 within 12- miles of Dunnville that furnish an inexhaustible supply for all purposes. They are not affected by drought,andenunot be reach- ed by animals, insects, or vermin, and Pass. lesp's•' Alix'd. Mtix'd. are free fiutu the draining■ of water strattr't`t•Li 1.Matu..7.59PI? -.00am auynt filtered from the surface ''and' can be' atnrth Yly • l U " 9.15 •• . 3515„PPI , oodertch.Ar 1,15pin 9.50pm 11.00arn 7.1Spm sunk at less coat than the ordinary anr- : (i1tE.tT w Is:TE1tN. face wells. A large portion of those in-xpp fatl. F.xp's. g Ip Clinton(Tinton Keine north. .9.:Mam .1.23pm 8.25pin use hate cost less than fifty dollars each.. game r.ott1 : 1:.t{.n. •,.o2ant _ 714 " includii`tt iron pipe ready ler the pump. : i ,(r .'Nes As a rale the water rises within a few tut -know Staac tdadvo are. rt.t's,m .dap talo Kinoan'vfine 1 00a ;ant feet of the surface, and in litany. iustan- 1 BeItnti lcr •' t Wedn - lay and satnrdai i arrives 9.0Dam . "9.15 " cm serosal feet whore the surface.. The; • process is simple and not expensive. In : - - , , clay the pipes can be driven witha w•iod-' en driver, or bored before lowering, ! Tlll X0111 Dili i In seine instances a bore of nine Inches I 11111. tIU in diameter is made end lined with SOCIETY. earthen sewer pipes for twenty-five or Travelling s:atdr. RafT. Pass. Ezp's. Shx'd. Ooderich.Lv 7'Atass.. ittppm,.3.1lpnt 9.01tani SeaftMh.... '.50" .. 1.10 •• ..4.15 " 10.5«'. tttratforii 1r9.$15am t1Spm..e.3Dpnt Lai' wrxT. thirty feet, forming a reservoir to pump o R L A: 11t L D, t a$ t .from. The price charged is fifty` cents , Offiets, 114 owl 116 Icing Ntrett West. per foot in clay or gravel with iron pie, iTururdo, (u/Nola. seventy-five cents for nine inch, lined . mum.or MANAo'r-ME.'CT: ' sewer pipes, ane dollar for rock. They Prr.adesa (:EOISOK MA('1-EAN ROPE. 23 usually guarantee a saiisfaetory supply : and Li. M ellintgton Sweet W.. Toronto. of water for the price named. ('here • Treasurer Jolla N. LAKE, 10. King Street East. Toronto. are several companies engaged in the.. Flea l k'e.rre"Idrat - W. PEMBERTON business, all with orders ahead. The out- I- P.suie. 1. Leader Buildings Toronto. - fit used iso far, is a mullion horse -rower I cud •ler-Prtydest (NTHCII FAR - fit 77, timet $trrel. Tnrnnln. with inch iron rods, connected with , actresses .1. ,ai.PH. LIL'IN ,sTON. 111 and screws, sufficient for the depth rewired, 1 I11. king Street W.. Toronto, • erected its any (if them as a result of the with. nope alsu of the proper length to I PROSPECTT-TEL the gathering is confidently expected. tariff, I come here and I can find none. raise and lower the rods, a derrick • Tl$ otioot of this i.,rietc is to colonize a Individual action has been already taken On the contrary, i fear that the census some twenty-five feet high, two men and !.1shiuR ant t.. arivictlrtnuh esrotate heap rstra all along the line by the different multi- would show that instead of your market one span of horses. The advantages of 1 with the provision that arch settlement he having improved the propulation of these securing a permanent 'supply of water at 1 akept tree (rears' all intoxicating liquor,. An cipalities, what is wanted now is unity towns had actually bcbn diminished, and a nominal expenditure etre se• great t)tat 'Government i t Sarnela f ro a compact rch ice r of action along the proposed route. is less today thou it was when the Mess- ins roved ntae'tiners- will probably super• I tract of lead: vornpriring about 2.000.000 acres. fo r thla puryot'se•, and the Gucemnuent has re- -s----- ---- ed National Policy cane •into. eels- sede the J rimitire rigs used at present, 1 ptlod tecunlly to the term" otered, which Is Our esteemed contemporary, the Clin- 1 tense. A light portable steam engine would no to allot lands t., 'subscribers under eepectayy Gm New Era, has its "crank" still. - doubt be a cheaper sower and more esti• favorabic conditions, The management are l pr•!wr..l its l) rot Ade facllities for n•aching the . • Where waw He Mre i tient in ep.erating the machinery. A sme. TM• bear •x Goderieb, Seaforth and other points ars , perte from Europe L'ntted A controversy has been going on for gentleman frim Dtmnville,visiting Stmt- > 's and Canada will be employed io select ttsfetnid to as seaMrd-rate inetitntions, John ford, utentiened the success of our wells tram the enttm urauraeyed panda rat the North Mme time as to whether sir Tolrn Mac- We.t t,rtitror}-. land favorably located com- whrse re+idents must take a back seat donald is a Canadian or a • Scotehman hero and t iciniti. lits report wits pub- ntendall,, an.t hating the beat soil, water and while the Clintonian of the day alone' net that either Scotland or Canada cram lisherl in Th' R a'o , and read by a gun- • timber advantages. and other desiderata ne- ed the honor of his nativity. but Sir tleman at Ottawa, who has written t..en- talent to s aw•ceadnl settlement and perma- must speak of himself with a big `'1," rent pregwritc. No rea"unwble Dpasdra will Me Gracious ,twines ! Otadness ions ! John himself vacillated on the subject, have, intimating that a large hueineu spared to acenmm(xtatr. early acdhrs is estab- g at one time accusing Scotland and then in that line could lee found at Ottawa. I In hlu gaaat+ t eat en in will new haosrn enjoy this Anil why is this thus? Simply because again flinging the accident of his birth Stratford is a •mewhat similar in s oil and blessings of a large and har Ions commute Chntl•n has c tmpetint railroads, , -its -at various otherwise reputable places in lay of the find to a l:tr,,• portion of the ity. fere Mme the diadpa uonsso00 only a - freights, a.td esti snake more rt- this Pren•ince. His earliest biographer at - counties of I La!dnnand and Jlonek, and trotationrof hahtte ithe n a new ta•mintrr.ntGreatfor- better- set hien down as a four-year-old impor- has been ver}' scantily supplied with vantages will be derived from this manner of pid shipments than it leen fortunate water the present season. It would be •erthns1 a new colony, having the est dal, cnm- satien frons etttherlandshire; but Siris John utast have forgotten that little in- a good point for operators in sinking comenmmunity.an,l o ttitr privileges eges of an old settled cident, for he told the people or King- wells,and would no doubt warrant the Ioban acknowledged fact. that our Great h outlay in fitting r1 t improved machieet Norte -alias is destined, at no distant date, to sten once, in confidence, that he first t y 1 P y be the wheat gmwing centre and the garden for the pioneer. There can to no ques- of the world • and it is hoped that this large tam of the utility of this method of se- eorttsct settlement in the choicest part ^f this conn a water supply at alp times and territory, will become an important and eon - curing, trolling renter of • future Province. noted for seasons, for convenience and more the sober habits, enterprise, and tirtne of its eeprcially ter sanitary reas,ns, in towns p''" le. Tke Manaatementi Mr the peens wililt ake end vill*pre where it is nnteaullle to autrierlptfnws fear lamps int n thio tract wt p. r prevent the water atter }.acing through acre. and on eon terms of payment, ten per the dran,w• , cert• in cash. an ten torr cent. annually (here- DONATrnlra tit sr 'rum , as were the inia;m*ry men who ditfere•,l 1' ,1 d oitatblw and oft er weep'• aver, until paid. with interest ,n unpald tal- 1'ort Ilsevtw l'wautiase $ M I iadsl Fry the present railway *rttahot' *hunt the color of A certain anpp.ositious tacit'• of fifth from roaehinq the wells slices at the. Mw emir stet per rent., with the Detroit Committee.. lllw 1!7 1n seam. ie• h and Scaforth of a story of a ehamele, tt. The only rrasonal,le sdn } f" - (ram which water for h veehold sur i Mi.11e(te of pwyirg wanner it dralrnl. Thry Hay rtry onnnutr.•..... .. 1 0' Et pauper in an En •114411 workhouse tM.n of the acarol rnrationt th*t we have ars la card. F.vrn In ritirs where the fh w ran fr prepared to gicr ilrlra inside rat a qq ••etk.t ter a soon as the Iwnds are anh who, tsititlNe W bear with his acute aa(- yet wean advanced is that Sir John is source of supply is from Iskee and ret• scribed ter, wkrn the tint payment of ten per ars, that are often, from unexplained a°1 wDI De req°tend• -- $ •>•P.ate 7! triplets, and he d.oesrt't know which ""idmese asM 4 , wise furred to Cry out and be- ef thew he really it. - (Sarnia 4►beer causes, nnfit for use, artesian fountains Total e* It sed donations tiamO es p Me fate. The matron (well fed, , would he both cheaper and healthier u..r.. weft -paid and. we prsnu,e, healthy , in-, than water taken through metal pipes for 2,053 fa,ndt.•s 4.0.41 1-•r.on•. s stead «4 sympathising with a fellow 1o_ • it is said that ono r.f the greatest ¢ 'listancra, '(tin conU►min¢dewel fish difficulties with ennatrnctor, of railways sad maeets. N'e hate lettere asking f,,r iing soh-. haJoptenel to lie afflicted, aoatwe in the southern hwlfof th•' t-'ntntent is informshem en the subject, and take fy reesarkel, "I.ie still, there, and go n:t the difficulty of mcnl*hng native this rneth.ab "f telling what we know witli Moir dying." .end the Clinton . labourers with round idea. *A t the 'throws "artsHten wells [Dunnville Re - or st secs an analogy 1:1 the two r*'srs. Re - toddy of the wheel>srrow Aecisso mrd fnt•m Prwa tent that the versatile Strafford quill- Introit (bmnitttee and Ctssais ern over thea spirit of Clinton's dream, a emeton, when on nn election trip to dant... s fta a to 1 Lennox. he pointed to a house in Adul- drivcr is finned ton Anguish the happy- Ray ('sty ('ommiuee. spar's Os -tale ortllft inane are working *compos• , phu*town, where ho said he was horn. go -lucky, airy, light: facetious, devil-nut,.a" ttwgrinaw .,nomiuew S,lJI SI lhc.m insurance rrsuniatrell.. 11499e M five lips. Tliewtpi,r the rrr Era 1 The.ae who heard him make shear de - care style of writing this week, and be BY Irdiiktaals(esttnuttdL:,,. 11111.1 A, wasetw warm, and says the thin{ can - elarationa, and the.ar who reed his hi,' tAke hon to his "only .1%1i - style if black - g liarb'ant and vitup oration. The Tiros "Clamant' has begun to throw tamp, and thereby aelmit" thin his argument and wit hate destrteel hint «'e don't intend to fellow his example: the ;mine isn't worth the candle. if H. T. Butler wishes t . clang -what:;, we will suffer hint to seek enjoyment in that respect at the Lands of • •leaccnneer" writers ;;:',;'1W:,1,71'.", .worn •ser, nu rat- ei et tlr l•nrt ll ur,, of his own stamp ; but if he aches Committee. akar, their ho,.s. • at. . 91 .ItelaNl b for ar(unient er banter we are quite ohne hes, .e•h..nl house-. 0. in vfhi, willing to giro him all 1e waifs, ami roryrnetablishments,andh•n.,s d.est rd.. :t'nees b more. At Llackqu*nliw,t we admit we ( Toni less,. ft !xtit,rNl s.0 are no hatch for the "Cbiilnant ;" and 11 is eatiniateol that *her AN 'minus we never play at a ertinle we are ignorant now in the hands of the set oral eommit- c.f. lent hlackgunrdly witting dues tient b•*faenk ability, and we will el•.se for the Pres int by citing the following sensible remarks os. the sulneet from the late Horn. (treel,y Total $ NUN le pevQ Ire. in it" last imus tt i. r' I raphv. were tin(h as firm in their l.ehef, To Indic idaal . Total of supplit•.... Total croh ,at above/ ntailhen tntr tRf f*lRtll01'saf D. GORDON, Oedierwi. Nov. f, 105. Apps m tiideprc, . ANCHOR L INE. UNITE), STATF1t NAIL PTEA M F:1t s Mali ev eetsaday. NEW YO TOpL 11Gttvi' CHAINS, $e to 1y1li1tRA(1R era' Thew ntepwere4o not carry rattle. aheeperrpiga *11 their rites to carrying heavy made .m r NEW YORK To 1A1NININ gtin2,(•T. If it .leis, the bnit*I s••Ifishn*s11 of the their hacks or heed.. they do not tike CAPTION- in gathering antemniknee., (•ABiNIsMs to etas Excursion at Reduced 1 a drt n 1, not a happy sy attribute to apply I It*tela 11. } i' Y kindly to the one wheel mirk. It was frena and other forest tre*sanee, t-wne 1'a,arwgr•t wccommntlwtlen• are nnsnrpeaamr.l fn it. t„wn, but as oar r te,n it in a Let- 1 ort in lndis. The ceontractora for the should he taken not to touch the three. Alt otater,nms on )talo lire k Paaetrnrr r. hooked .t ;,,,,,,,Main nw-,.t r"rrs to nr tmm tees aro ,,'eroded, $12)0 t ,r each family !ter ga,aitien then we to tent public feel- fine railway in 11 written'''. in realer to leaved ivy, the leave* of which ere in Inci►t.ilrosd i larion in Eames nr America will !ss needed to tide then ,.ver h. the I tl rat ('fasten, we will net question his *apt -dies the work, procured a number of hsantifal tint" *rad tberef,or' trey attrsr- tnwh.at lowest rate's,• aanhlr.frrrnfchwrge.• next harvest, which weal re mire an ad mt.e oretatien of the ntotitee which wheelbarrows, and were highly di thto,,ghe,ut Fnglwnd. <Mland and Ireland. r1 disgusted tit's; 11 la pwn•ono ta. 1t will toe found Fnr'h ,nk" nl lnfnrm*tk*, pfan.. Re., apple diti,on*l $200.000 -being about t 700,0001 promort that t. e n in it, dealing.' with to see a rang of native* file past with the clinging to fences and trees, end ,rater Ilr`t'erw r" RRorrern.a 7 How! tan (:Rza•r short of *conal lereaes. ' 1ts nrighl..r. •elhahness end rearm- fended barrows en their head. The ab. twined with ,lenti 's. notch •ought N .. liemrrltately after the hre many left n(ss. original mini is intel.ecly censel'r*tive, for, in the hashes are) •ho h.•.ice• ter` n "' tt•n,t t, on