The Huron Signal, 1881-11-04, Page 1ss w ►
�1 sy
ft,%(r 4,4 q.
ew •..vertteeta,•ate.
Caatu.a- 4. 1.. Swe
Fall Suite-ite..l at Hae•.:.
Liver Pad-- Huhner F'Id C. •.
Hoes,t, „tic.. 4..mvatnas.
Percherun .&•timem -31. 11. Denham.
Oodanch S.; .•4•1 -t1. 1. Strang.
Harper . ; I Bei lo- harper t Brothels.
Tem.. •- - C.' , .,at :oft S..lety-D. Gordon.
three. dToors ItIT. below Hclow Band k of oatreWeuIal.Btreet
rich 1755
She People's Qolumn.
1 hoose ea Street. containing e
!cliches eM pantry. with hard and
soh water. Ai) y to GF.OItGF. Mcld.l,N. . C. CURRIE,THE PEOPLE'S ACC
T, TIetriEEll. Goderich. Ont. 1751•
near the Square, a comfortable house. 3etilcaL
with good well and cistern on the premises.
' Apply to MRS. SKIMMING -4. 1911
u,eachers litianteb.
2nd Clots -S.. Con N,„1. 11'cst Wawatr-
Apply. to is salar% and testlartwlatr,
:o DAVID MelLN AIN. u1e I'. U.. Gat
1.3. S. No. 7.. Colborne a t.• finale
pre,. m•d. Call un Trustees or address D.
liar k Benmiller 1'. O. 1t10r-tt.
tions trill be received up to Saturday
evening Nov. 19th. for the puoition of a teaeh-
ortmale) for section No 1. township of Col-
borne. seri tees to begin at New Year's
Apply: stating salary required and enc lawn(
teaUmmouls to W. L. FEttct•sox, Carlow P.
U. 1SUO4t.
Hereby cautioned against negotiating a
note for 12445, payable October 2.. t h. 1.441. and
drawn in favor of «M.STCTI'T4.o. (IE01
HARRY. ass the sante has been lust by the
• rightful owner. G. E. 8TOTTS. 1811-1t
The next entrance examination will be held
in the Central School on N'EUNESI)AY and
THUIOWA Y. 21st and tree DECEMBER. . be-
ginning at 9 a.nt. each day.
Intending candidates must notify the Town
Inspector. or the Head Master, not later than
. the 19th November.
For any further information about the ex-
amination or the school, apply to
H. I. STI1ANG, Head Master.
Goderich, Nov. 3, 1881. 11111td
Strapeb Animals.
1.7 enclosure of the subeoriber.• lot F. 7th
con. Colborne, &bolt the 93rd of October. inst..
a ram lamb. The owner le requested to prove
property lay damages aid take him away.
l.✓ subscriber, lot t8 eon_ W. 11. Ashftelda
about the 1st et July., a two year old red hetfet.
with white face. The owner is requested to
prove property. pay expenses and take it
away. Joint Sct.LtvAN. lot 19. Lake Shore
Range. Ashfield. 1810.
►J enclosure of the subseriber. E i lot 1d. It
con., West Wowanosh, about the 1st July la.t,
a red and white, one year old steer. The
owner Is requested to prove lipprroperty, jay
cbargesatad take biro away'. :'oiwg Lt AT-
onto to., Graduate of To
onto university. licentiate of the Royal Col-
lage of Physicians, London. England. Ste.,tc.,
17. C. 1'. HMi
H. Ontario. Office and residence
opposite Ballsy's Hutel, Hamilton street. G
erteh. 6oa
OEON. Coroner, te. Office and residence
on Brae* Street, seamed door west of Victoria
Street 1751.
jj G. 3fACK
. clamSurgeon and Acconcher, Graduate
of Toronto University. Olttccopposite Comer-
omerrun & Camflank. ank. Lucknow. if not in
Mlles. enquire at the Hunk. 1702-y.
Phyelclans, Surgeons. Acoouchers, ac.
OStce at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the
Jail. Goderich. G. C. SHANNON, J. C. HAMIL-
TON. 1751.
to Dr. Duncan) Graduate of Ontario Ve-
terinary College. Office, stables and residence,
on New no
to Street, four dors east of Colborne
Hotel. N. II.-ldorses examined as to sound-
ness. 1751.
RIafEU3, Attorneys. Solicitors. etc.,
Gudeticlt. J. T. Darrow, W. Proudfoot. 1751.
Attorney-, Solicits in chancery. ac..
Godencbr Ont. 1731.
VERS. ac.
1TRAYED ANfMALS. -SEND et Ca r. Jr.. l6•t.Guderith and �\ to;baro. J. A. Morton, ont-
IiJJ to THE tXALtoatirertiseanimals stray-
ing on your {,remises. and avoid prosecution
fie illexellydetaining animals.. Address Tres Q 3IALCO3ISON, BARRISTER AND
tt I0!AL, l:oderiche Ont. IJ. tsolleitor. UBiee-Corner of West Street
and Market Square. over (;cargo .lcheson's,
Goderich. 1751.
Meal Estate. CAMPION, ATTO R N E Y- A T-
- E. LAW, Solicitor In Chancery Canvey -
VOR Id ALE.-A.tiOOD STORY AND sneer. tee. G:tive over 8heppard's bookstore,
1' a half from. 1.. ; ; with nine good rooms Uoderich. lint. .trey amount of money to
t elides poetry. ha., nd goof cellar. situa'.ed loan at lowest rates of interest. 1751-y.
un the bae►k opposite old English C.„ar' i
-round. 1 splendid view tr.e lake and y #MERON, HOLT a: CAMERON,
turbrow. A young orchard is also a•tached. v Barristers. Solicitors In Ctaneery• Sc..
tie will exchange for smaller Louse. Apply to Goderich and 1VIn ham. 3f. C. Cameron, 4.
F. It. tl•ATAoN, ptr. l ).tf, E.
C - P Holt 115 O lamerot:. Uetdetich W. E,
•11 Lane Itaege. Ashtteld, Huron County.
181 germ 172 c and highly Improved.
miaow'stsedM; timber. Loud orohard, new
frame house. t,&rn iMMO and all neeetwarl
/stabling, two wells. ,pee particulars addrees
CNA,. A1tLaag, Moberly. 1790Jm.
V twiny wept half of lot No. 9, west divis-
ion of Colborne. .k lox house, frame barn.
shed and stable on the premises. A good or-
chard of apples. pears and peaches are on the
farm. Two never failing corks run through
the premise.. Forty eve acres are cleared,
and seven acres are to fall wheat Title good,
and terms reasonable. Applyon the premises
to Itet•ar•:N 'nem. Nile P. O. 151141.
Lot N.,. 5. lake Shore (toad. Township of
Colborne. four utiles front Oalerich. contain-
ing IW a •res. 9.1 of which are cleared and un-
der a good state of cultivation. It ts well fenc-
ed and underdrained, having two dwelling
houses. • barn. an orchard, stables, workshop,
driving shed. and other outbuildings. For
parttentlars apply nn the premises. or to HOR-
ACF. HOIRTON. Milburn P. O. Sept L5,-11
T•p. of Colborne. containing 112 acres, 30
a- r, . cleared balance excellent timber. Soil
a good clay loam. As this property adjoins
-the Point Farm It is in consequence most
ellgtbrrlt�yggsituated. For particulars apply to J.
J. W Marc 1st 1881. 8776-tf.
Dungannon, 12 miles from Onderieh,
•- nsisting of 1 of an acre of land. well fenced;
a frame house. a good well and pump are also
on the premises. The lot has been well im-
proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars can
he had from Mr. J. M. Rorie re. Merchant,
Dungannon, or R. E. BRows. Nile P.0.
19. rester of victor* and Wstntreta, in
the town of Goderieh, for ease cheap. nr will he
exchange.' for farm property. Forpartieulare
Osif Io JAN. !ttMAtt.V Archlteet. e,moe Crahb'e
)fMet, r J. C. CUMAIE. auctioneer.
i7 sale an nem. 80 arrow cleared and welt
b-nrrd. Brick Cottage 25S* Mone ,sonar fell
•ise of house. A creek rune through
the lot, ao waste on the creek. A very
fine en•bard semends the house. (load torn
And other heti yy��i,g�� Tums very earl C p
to R. T Harem. to Lake Stowe R.ese1. tie
uses* Towasktp. or to OAasow & Pivot -o-
roe?. 17at
1 Om. It. Colborne, ahnnt seven miles trom
c:e derlcd r,etnprW ng fe aeons, so cleared. A
frame hoer. awl a new frame horn mitxti sod
a eauk and other outbuildings are on the
pommies, A young nrehard. rood ps mp, etc.
on sun farm The farm ha. a road on two
•i�l..01 n. Font scree of fall wheat arwsnwn,
lis"lyytal aroir 1 Ile term a poet nlflee. . roe
pa rttr niers an, to Wm. SNraLna, RYep'T
►� pa.t eittl tot axle or to rent with t sere
Atet,kal�AattAgrtetd. N'lllrllnnve
/acorn. \Gingham. 1731.
Loans anti insurance.
8500,000 T1) LOAN. APPLY TO
dob. • 1750.
Ok75;000 TO LEND ON REAL E S -
TATE. Term. favorable. Apply to B. L.
DOYLE. Uoderich, 1731
VP on good Farm or first-class Town Property
at 8 per cent. Aoots to R. It ADCLIFFE. 1731
cess ant to suit borrowers at 6 to 94 pe{•
exit Prlvote fund,. Apply to SEAor•a end
MORTON, Ooderich.
, ,.y tom• having alum d. will m air
For forth*? psrtlrnIAro apply to R.
jt 'rots. s ks Ion acres cif land West hall at
Lot S. on in, tri rasa.. K. D. Ashneld 0,-
,heel. Fr,rma Hmir.and astable. lets*
,,tested and prll fenced. Apply to rtl'itnw
4 Pant 'rooT.
a•tate to�_gp 4010srp AVIV
i amount of Private Fund, for investment
at lowest rates on first-class Mortgages. ,Apply
Money to lend at lowest rates. free of
any rests or charges. SF.AGER ef' 1IOitTON,
opposite Colborne Hotel.
(iederich. 231 March 1881. 1779,
IP Landed Credit Company is prcparedt to
lend money on goad Farm security, at six per
cent. Full particulars given upon application
to HC(FH HAMILTON, C. L. agent. Ooderich.
'tlix on Form and Town Property at lowest in
terest. Mortgogee purchased. no ('ommiewin
charged, Conveyancing Fee. reaaonahle
N. H. -Borrowers ran obtain money in oneole/
If title is satisfactory.-1)A118ON & JOHN
STON. Rarristers. kc.. Ooderieh. 1751
W1.ers, through the power, which, if j
uctweful, it would enable them to wield
.ver their politiml friends. The true 1
policy . t the country press is not t;•
lower the price of their papers -the
reader who will throw up a paper ou the
quem of half a dollar per auttuui u of
!tile value to the publisher or the ad-
vertiser soh., patronises him -but to in-
crease as far a possible the amount given
n return 4, the subscriber for Inc money.
A half dollar is very little to the sub-
scriber, but to the publisher it is hun-
dreds ..f dollars per annum, and affords
he means for many expenditures in the
nteresta of his readers which would
otherwise be imposaible. At least this
s our conviction, and we propose to act
upon it.
Some of our resects 1 rules& nut to be a
able to understand why Some of the city
weeklies can be furuulted to them at a
1. wer preens than the publishers of the
better class of country weeklies can
uffertbeirs. W. will give n few reasons :
1. The publishers of the city dailies
have .elvauced the price of their tinily
editions $1 s year, its order to lower the
sebecnptiun rate of their weekly edi-
tions by 50c. They rob Peter to pay t
Paul. i
2 They utilize the type set for •heir
daily editio s, and thus get the use of t
the picked .natter for their weekly edi-
tion for nothing.
3. They depend mainly upon rural sub-
scribers fur their weekly circulation, and
in order t., work a "foreign" paper into
favor, must cut below their rivals, the
country prase, in price.
4. They can, on account of their Large
editions, daily and weekly) get their
white paper from the paper makers at
rates much lower than those given small
publishers. Some of them can get paper s
at makers' figures.
"A chSel's amang ye. takln' notes,
An' faith he'll prent 1t."
DIME AND HIALr Dint.- Young and old will
be repaid if they will take a glance at my Sc.
nd lee. display in my store window. 0.C.
tobertson, Variety Store. East Street.
Having been favored with a number of sit-
ings of the Carmelite Fathers, Smits and Fee -
an. Parties can get their photos by calling
t my Studio. Cards, 20c., Cabinets, 25e.
ALLOWS. Photo.
If you want a tirstclass cooking stove, call
red see 0. N. Davis' variety. Also American
nd Canadian oil for family use. Having an
xperiene.ed worktnan,any house work will be
one in the most satisfactory manner.
Business is rushing at Saunders' Variety
Ston:, aqd the cause to not ;dot
d w tlnd. He
Bella at lower pricer than any other house in
town. He has just got in a large stock of
Loves and new patterns of wall paper. The
Cheapest Houac lander the Sun.
The largest 'aeeortment of Sabbath, Day
`School, and School Library Book& comprising
all the newest kinds. suet received. Over 5000
volumes to choose from. The most liberal
arms given in the county- at imrie's Book
tore. special discounts to echoole. 110, pis.
80, and S50 lots sent on Approbation. James
mrie, aucc seor to T. J. Moorehouse.
We regret to learn that Mr. Cattle is
dangerously ill.
Mr. Henry Seegmiller, and family,
have gone .o Walkerton.
Mrs. G. W. Thomson and children
are visiting friends in Str'athroy, and
other points.
Mrs. Dennis, mother of Mrs. J.
Sturdy, who has been suffering for- some
inte front the effects of a tumor, is very
11 at present.
5. Business jealuuaies, aa1 the "big-
gest circulation" craze, have forced some e
of the city weeklies into the cheap sub-
scription tight. All of then. are willing
to acknowledge that there is no money
gained by the towering of the)' price. a
The circulation of the country weekly is
naturally circumscribed, few publishers
looking for an extended circulation out-
side of their own county. 11 the pub- pS
luher of the country weekly gut no 1
more profit from each of hu one or two
thousand subscribers than the city pub-
lishers get front each of their twenty or
forty thousand subscribers, he would
quickly have to sell out -or "clear out."
There is such a thing as qualify in a
newspaper. A paper needs something
more titan size and price to recommend t
it. Brains are a part of the stock in i
trade of an editor, and local items are
always te I* preferred' to general news.
The titan who buys Iiia newspaper by the
yard admits that he has very poor taste.
The local newspaper tills a void which
nu city publication can do. It - is a re-
flector of the minds and tastes of tlte.
people of its district. •• It echoes their
desires it advocates . their rights; it
breathes forth their sentiments: it leads
in every movement for the benefit of the
home district. Its money is spent
chietlyeamong its -patrons.; it gives- em-
ployment to local labor; it is an. untiring
advocate of local progress. It gives in a
ver)•• full manner tate J.on.c news, and
no outside sheet can do justice to that
subject. A lire local newspaper is in-
dispensible to the progress of a town or
THE Sio3AL dues not intend to' lower
its subscription plaice for 1982. We con•
aider our paper, with its pages of fresh
-local matters well we rth 81.50 a year -3
cents an issue.
Perhaps the following view of the sit-
uation, from the Peterboro' P.• • ;•' e , may
be of interest to some of our readers: -
It becomes so coinh on a practice for
publishers of weekly newspapers at this
season of the year to hold out some
special inducements to subscribers fur
the ensuing year, and especially the new
once, that our readere will easily- mider-
stand that it is only after mature consid-
eration, and for what appear good and
efficient reagens that we have determined
to abandon all such devices to catch a
few stray subscribers. It is quite true
that larger papers can be had for less
money, lout we dispute the correctness
of euclt a test in the case of papers any
more than in that of books, No one ref'
any intellistetice thinks of valuing a besk
I by the quantity of paper it contains. it
-1 is valued by the "brains" that have been
put into it and eo should it be with a
i newspaper. Instead of lon.kin, fur th
Mr. L. Hardy,' the genial Reeve of
Exeter•is in town, and talks with confi-
dence of the proposed railway scheme by
Exeter and St. Marys,
We are pleased to learn that a little
son of Mr. George Hilton,,who has been
ill for some time, from congestion of the
brain, is in a fair way of recovery.
W. ,).'Thomas, on Friday last, made
52 barrels in eight hours, at the cooper-
age of Mr. John Atkins, of this town.
Now trot out your lightning coopers.
Comm -We were in error ast
week in -stating -that Mr, D. AlcGillivrey
took s 2nd scholarship in the third year.
He won a 1st scholarship in the fourth
year. We are pleased to make the cor-
The Watford Adrocate-Adtriss•r says: -
"Mr. Seegrnillor, of Goderich, manufac-
turer of the famous "Seegmiller" plow
so popular in the Province lust now,
favored us with a visit on Friday last.
He rigors active business in hie foundry
fund has souse large contracts to fill dur-
ing the winter months."
We invite the attention of our readers,
to the temperance colonization echeime
advertised in this week's issue, Mr. D.
Gordon has been appointed local agent,
and he will more fully explain the col-
ony,scheine to any who would likely in-
vest. We understand that some Gode-
rich men have already purchased land in
the colony.
Joey WHAT 13 NEEDED. -On Tuesday
we were shown a handsome carriage step
made at the Goderich Artificial Stone
cheapt'st paper, the question in,
which is te best paper 1 Best c,m•
R RADCLIFFE, FIRE. MARINE, ' ` g quality not oluantity• I
dopttttg t le n. is we hove decide
satin Ill
We and Accident Insurance Agent. ! 1 Miller, School Inspector.
Representingfirst-claw Companies. \leo ant y
Thele are 33 Imams and officers in
connection with Knox Church Sunday
Miss Jennie Kerr, for two years assis-
tant in the book and fancy goods store of
W. Ransford, Clinton, is now attending
to the counter in Saunders' Variety
CHtsacit N'osx.-'rhe next meeting of
the clergy of the Deanery of Huron will
be held in the Brussels Parish. Divine
Seryice with Holy Communion in St.
George's Church, Walton, Wednesday,
Nov. 9th, at 10.30 a. in.; Rev. C. R
Matthews, M. A., preacher.
THE BRITISH Qt. -utility. -This ex
cellent review hu reached us, and well
sustains its old-time character. The
contents Ire :-Heinrich Heine; Intel-
lect and Evolution ; The Golden Age of
Australia ; The Tenure and the Transfer
of Land ; Thucy'dides ; Comparative
Church Politics ; The Attack Upon Free -
Trade ; and Contemporary Literature.
Republished at 41, Barclay-st-, New
York, by the Leonard Scott Publishing
New ftjtat the fall trade ie opening up,
and h�sekeepers and farmers, are likely
in this month and the next to spend a
large amount of money , for necessary
winter supplies , we would ask our read-
ers to scan our advertising columns be-
fore retaking their purchases. They can
rest assured that the men who advertise'
are bound to make every effort to-
wards success, anti will treat their cus-
tomers well when they call upon them.
The above is from an exchange. Every
word is true.
Tuesday evening a lea meeting in aid of
the church fund was held in the M. E.
Church. An excellent repast was fur-
nished in the seh'ool-room, by the ladies
of the congregation; and upon an ad-
journment to the main body of the
Church, addressee were delivered by the
following gentlemen in the order named:
Mr. T. McGillicaddy, Rev. J. A. Turn-
bull, Mr. Jas. Mitchell, of the Star, and
Rev. Dr. Ure. At the request of Rev.
G. A. Francis, Mr. D. McGillicuddy
made a short impromptu speech. The
choir of the church sang some hymns
and anthems in splendid style. The
sum of $33 was realized.
completes the current volume of that
favorite ':publication, and is a capital
number. It opens with a profusely il-
lustrated article, "In Cornwall with au
umbrella," followed by "A Week in it
Dug -out," which gives an entertaining
and illustrated sketch of adventures in
Canada. The second. instalment • of
"Journalistic London" gives interesting
views of the exterior and interior of the
London Tine, with portraits bf some of
the most noted journalists of Loudon.
Besides these there are illustrated ar-
ticles on "Ohio's First Capital," 'The
Land of the Midnight Sun," (Norway,)
Stories, Poetry, Literary Record, etc.
For sale by all booksellers.
the regular meeting of Court Goderich
No. 32., op Tuesday evening, 1st inst.
The following officers were installed by
Past Chief Ranger, Bro. John McIntyre:
C. R. Bro. John C. Martin; V. C. R
Roht. R Symons; Fs. Sec. Thos.
Sneyd; Rec. Sec. Alex. Saunders; Tres.
C. Crabb; 8. B. H. Charles Thomas; J.
B. James Thompson • S. W. Joseph
Ellis; J. W. Wm. ilolliman; Chap.
Robt. Fulford; Court Ph�rsician. Theo.
F. McLean, M. D. Bro. Martin, in re-
turning thanks to the brethren for the
honor done him, referred in a few words
to the progress made by Court Goderich,
congratulating the members on their sue -
seas as an order. The Court meets on
the let and 3rd Tuesday of each month.
in the Reform Rooms.
Works, the owners of which establish- literary meeting on Friday evening lest,
at the High School, the question was
resent retake a specialty of building discussed, "Resolved that a Republican
ornamenls, lawn vases, grave fences and system of Government is most conducive
all work in artificial atone. The step to the interest, of a country." For the
(or rather etepe, for there are two of affirmative, Messrs. A. Crassweller, cap -
them) is 18 inches high and 33 inches I fain, R. Shannon. and E. J B. Duncan
long. The lower step Is 1S inches wide, spoke, while Messrs. G. S. Weir, captain,
and the liter 8 inches.
shape, anti is not only very useful, but
really ornamental. The name of the
owner is let into the step, if desired. The
design is an original one by Mr. G. W.
Thomson, manager of the `Yorke. These
artificial stone carriage steps are ahead if
anything we have seen in their way. The
first one made was ordered by Mr. J. It
fully m ou a ed, is eery symmetrical in
res agent
her the CANADA I ncR etTex-R iee,.rnAv.•t co.apna to which we intend to. adhere I)r erg of Jowl MILL+. -On the l lth
The boys behaved pretty well on Hal-
loween. Little or no damage was done
property. The observance of the day
(or, rather night is fast fallit g into ne-
The following is from the London Free
Press, of Saturday last: The Dominion
L & S. Society vs. Stinson. -Thu was
an action to set aside a conveyance made
by William Stinson, of the township of
Stanley, to his son Thomas, as fraudulent.
It was held by the plaintitfa that a mort-
gage given to them en lot 1ti, of the
22nd concession of Stanley, was insuf-
ficient security for the money loaned,
and they sought to set aside a convey-
ance of lot 41, south boundary, so as to
snake it liable for the balance of the
debt incurred by the father. The evi-
dence showed that the property was not
worth the value fixed on it at the time of
the :roan. The suit lasted until five
o'clock in the afternoon, when a decree
was given in favor o.f the plaintiff. The
deed from the father t u the son of lot 41
was set aside, on the grounds that lot 16
in the 22nd concession of Stanley was of
insufficient value for the loan, and, in
the second place, that there was an tip -
parent fraud in the transaction. Mr.
Mose, assisted by Mr. Purdom, for the
plaintiff, and Mr. M. G. Cameron, of
Goderich, for the defendant. At the
conclusion, His Lordship paid a warm
compliment to the abilities Mr. Cameron
had displayed in the case. He is s
young man, who has made his appearance
in London with a number of complicated
Council Mettles.
Oct. 28th. 1+3,11.
Regular meeting of the Towu Council
was held this evening.
There were present -His Worship the
Mayor in the chair, the 1st and 2d De-
puty Reeve and Councillors Campion,
Dancey, Edward, Humber, Jordan, Lee,
McKenzie, Sloane, Swanson and Wil-
The minutes of last regular meeting
were read and confirmed.
The treasurer presented a report of
cash receipts and disbursements since
last meeting of Council.
Amount received 51,10 51
paid out 4,951 A►
" in bank 495 36
Referred to finance committee
The street inspector ,resented a re-
port, which was referred to the Public
Works committee.'
The collector presented a report which
was laid over.
The sexton preseuted a report, which
was referred to the cemetery commit-
A comtnunication was read - from the
Reeves of the townships of Bracebridge,
Monck, and Macaulay, in the Muskoka
district, asking for relief for settlers who
have recently suffered by -tires.
It was tntyed by Humber, seconded
by Jordan, that the communication be
received and tiled -Carried.
Petition for remission of taxes - were
received from Mrs. Henry Reid and
Mrs. Hilliard, and laid over; also from
Mrs.. Squier, asking for help to go to
Port Huron.1;
Moved by Campbell, • seconded by
Humber, that the Mlayer be euipowereed
to act -Carried.
A petition was presented from Geo.
Sheppard, secretary of Mechanics' In-
stitute, asking a grant of 8100, toward
the support of that institution.
Moved by Humber, seconded by Dan-
cey, that a grant of 8100 be made as re-
quested. Yea -Campbell, Hutchison,
Dlancey, Edward, Humber, Jordan, Lee,
McKenzie, Sloane, Swanson, and Wil-
lianis--11. Nay -Campion-l. Car-
The following account! were read and
referred to tinanco committee:-Ytetr,
printing,' $1.25; C. F. Strauble, tire de-
partment, $6.10; �1 err , printing, 8814;
Tux SIGNAL, 85.50; John i asmore,
public works, 89.20; G. H. Parsons,
tire dept., and cemetery, $55.17.
was as follows: -We beg to report that
we have examined the following ac-
counts, and recommend that they be.
paid: -Jas. Mitchell, printing, 82.50;
C. Crabb, public works, 825.40; L.
Elliott, public works, 826.14; \Vm.
Mitchell, relief, 811.12; E. (lrahani, 73c;
W. Craig, 815.
W. CAMI'RRLL, Chairman.
Moved. by Campbell, seconded by
Humber, that the report be received and
adopted -Carrie).
Mr. Williams presented a verbal re
port of the Waterworks committee, and
spoke else, about railway matters. Seve-
ral communications referring loo these
subjects were read, when it was
Moved by Sloane, aecnnde.l by *Ionian.
that the present committee on Water-
works be constituted a con tee on
railways, and also, that Mensa. M. C.
Gtner.m, A. M. Roes and Samuel Platt,
lee a.ldtsl to said committee- -Carried.
Mr. M. C. Cameron wan heard in re-
ference to the railway matter.
Moved by Hum ser, seamiest by )'ant
pool. that the relief committee to meet
once a month during the apprtarhing
winter season, for the purpose of taking
into consideration the vanoep applies
tions for relief, enabling tho committee
te• repe.rt and furnish "loch relief ,t. they
may think lndici..ns -Carrie,).
The Council then adjourned.
.1. Taylor and F. McDonald contended
for the negative side. Tho meeting was
well attended, and all present evinced
great interest in the debate. The re- I
spective ineritaof the republican and mon-
archicalsystems were very well presented, I
and showed that research hal been nude 1
by every nnewhn took part in the debate.
in one or two instances. however, the
debaters stuck too closely to, their nanu-
scripts, and failed to make. the im-
pression that would have been made had
to lend on binrtgagc, either In Tuwn 6
7 •.rimy, we are well aware that the ju• inst. , there dist at Westr•euther, Bev_ more attention been given to delivery.
Farm Yr? H . in env wa to sur+ the borrow- d 1 to watching th lichen
er. oesecpiuj-stalni hay's black. Ont met, disiotansas of our course will be quos- I wickehtre, Scotland, Mr. John Mills, at an ass e pages
Ont. Mae tinned, and that our price�will be *au- the ripe ol•l age of 69 years. Mr. Nilis thew. Denoting societies are more par-
_ __ ,�x1 pared with the bog Toronto weeklies. was as highly esteemed in this city, titularly intended to give facility of ex-
INSURANCE CARD. The way to cope with them is not. how- where he was well known, that more pression in language, and aloe to gain fox
ever. M cutting prices or clubbing, trot than a passing notice u deserving. Mr. the speaker the happy knack of being
by raising the standani of the *unity Mills came to this country with the late stile to "think on his legs." Hence our
reference to the close attention too tonne
script. We do not speak thus in a cap-
tious spirit, but merely in the interest
of those who took part in the dehate,
and who may, perhaps, take pert ..n
future occasions. 1t is not what you say
that matters*. much, as the manner in
which it is said, and if the yout.g men
will take the advice kindly- to heart they
will ) s mnch benefitted. (M the whole
the argument was gond, the subject was
fairly hendle.l, and the debaters have
reason to feel pleased with their efforts.
r The chairman, Mr. .1. T. (lerrow, ahly
slummed np the result, and gave deeei.iem
in favor of the aftirmativs, on the argn-
gmeats adduced, uotwitheta►wling the fact
Willies* Dickson, (Mol-
j p that his personal convictions were favor
- able to the negative side of the question.
111111-1911 AAS. (Cys', TouoxTo_Entablished press Si. far as clubbing IA concerned, Robert Ovens, and more than forty years
fall. our expenence is that it a of much great- ago became a resident of this city. He
PH(F,NIX iNS. CO* V. of insitx,r IEngtanil- er advantage to the city paper than the was superintendent of the Dart Elevator
Established 1781 county one. if the county' palet I. not about the year 1843, and .elevated the
ft.\RTFf1R1t iNp COT of HARTFORD. Conn. worth taking as an appendage to either first grain ever elevateel in the world
_ gstabiyh� 1810, the Gl••+••• • r 31.• '. while the pbscing 01 the system which has since grown to e
RNk"l fore -
"k" In thr aMceEn• la.•(Mlrea at it in aitch a position is calculated to gigantic proportions. inter he was fo,re-
the lowest rats by HORACE tIl/RTON. lower it in the estimation of the public. roan of the Sternberg Elevator. About
At the price for which these big weeklies 1S;,5 he F�urchased the bakery at the
The undersigned is awn Aptnsfaer for the are issued it is obvious to any one corner of Michigan and North Division
TonosTo. acquainted with the creat of their publi. street.. which he opened about three
cation, that taken by themselves they years ago. iAaI Jnrte he went to Elent-
7 Aia per 1 Lose
Chancre fin mise. ers'ority, ram an yield little of nn profit to the puhliah• land to recuperate his failing heolth, Mt
11011 ACE NORTON. 1 y to
Ooderl) h Rep•. w, Ivan. wesken the country press, and increase
E----_•-- ••_�'t their .ono power a resu't anythin
(ver) 1 WEER. pE a day at Lerma MINOT1 but in the interest of the country, how
IIID L made Coati, outfit tree. Addrrs
aux& Co.. Augusta. Baine. ' ever inu:clt it may be in that of theta' pelt
er"l. If this hr .n then the oh))"ect of thei
whlicntion can hard) be other• than t
he gradually failed, and he sleeps his
lest sleep in his native land. Ile left
three ilan¢htera to mourn his demise. -
I "%finks Express. Mr. Mills wail a broth-
ofer-in-lawMr. t iso c son, ao -
ter of Huron County.
.torn .�..�....�•.s..eaos�a. - -
Holders Gf Nfeehani.�a Bank bill are
warned that unless they are returned to
the Bank before the final dividend it
mole they will be valtteleaa.
Mr. ('itarlret Me')ellan.le of Riy:h,
has purchased) the dry goods and gr,ecery
bianmesa, together with the pnuperty be-
longing to Mr. Pistol .n, of ite.grave.