HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-10-28, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL. IRMA\ . OCT.:s. 1-81. 5 a1sM>aF, We consider i• aa imperative duty doe volving upon us in itstatutin; a eyries et communication to offer • fen prelimin- ary remarks in order that )ser read. s may he ss ears sev.aat with Owl section and maountenta of our little village, and -also the progress and social condition of its inhabitants and the populace of the surrounding community, with a view that future correspondence may he more readily comprehended, and, accordingly, appreciated. Abeut twenty-eight years ago, ben the early pioneers began to ooi this district, they were obliged to endure all the hardships and pnva- times incident to exi.Isnu so a new bush mussily, helm induced to domicile in the midst of an almost nmpeuetrable forest, owing to the fertility of the soil, and rich proximity to Lake Huron, without which no means of communication was available, save that afforded by the blase on trees. There were no means of of conveying the necessary provisions from Goderich (a distance of twenty two miles), except the shoulder of the sturdy bushman, until, by vigorous and per- sistent ersistent efforts, the dense forest of beech sod maple yildei to the powerful stroke of the stalwart pioneer, and gradually as the finest admitted the resplendent rays of the sun, neat frame houses began to occupythe place of log shanties, roads were ilt. school houses and churches erected, and a village established contain- ing a store, post office, telegraph office, hotel, blacksmith shop, boot and shoe ahoy, waggon shop, numerous dwelling houses, and in the immediate vicinity two saw mills, a grist mill. two school houses and a church; all of which tend to render the industrious and economiz- ing resident of the community oow- paratively comfortable and happy, know- ing that by arduous and persevering toil these happy results were attained. But many faces once familiar, and many memories once held dear, are now almost obliterated from the memory and sunk into oblivion, and new faces and new scenes are continually arriving on the stage of action, as a result of that inex- orable, irresistible messenger, Death, and cruel ambition, which has removed many to their l..ng home, and others t.. seek their fortunes in pastures new. However, a large number of the old settlers are still residents, whose rehers- als of the privations endured, the diffi- culties overcome, the eucuuuterb .with wolves ind bears, and other romantic tales, tends to alleviate the lesser troubles and trials of the rising generation. South of this village lies the school dis- trict called "Poverty Section," of which the famous poet, B•anatyne, wrote an eloquent lay, in'which he describes the people as possessing in a large degree such qualities as stupidity, malignancy, treachery, cupidity and condign ani- mosity; and in fact would lead a stranger to infer that he *as entering a little "Erin" on the shore of Lake Huron, where there was constant turmoil and life endangering confusion. We do not wish to speak disparagingly of the talent- ed bard, now deceased; still we cannot help concluding that adverse circum- stances coupled with a personal applica- tion of censorious criticism conspired to induce him to permit his feelings to over- come his judgment on that occasion. Occasionally slander is met with u it ,proceeds on its circulatory course, and sometimes you may heir at a distance what you would imagine to be the war- whtrt p of Indian savages—both relics of barbarism—but the large majority of uur people are like ordinary mortals: law- abiding, genial, and affable, by no means lacking in intelligence or the qualifica- tions of true and respectable citizens. Unfortunately • small portion of the poem is applicable even iii this day and generation of civilization, not only to this section, but also to many others, and from personal experience we can sympathize with the poet in saying:— "Some have •notion that truly it comical• vEGETINE ludicrous but still economical. Extremely the child that is kept out at labor. Should learn quite as much at his school go- ing neighbor." But we trust that this embarrsaiing state of affairs may soon be discontinued, so that the lovely little blossoms of youth may have an opportunity to bloom and grow up an honor to themselves and a benefit to their country. This desirable result an never be attained so lepg as parents through selfish stupidity deny their children that great boon, the ad- vantage of a good education. and persist in censuring the teacher where they •lane are guilty; for it is utterly im- passible fur any teacher, no matter how earnest or efficient he may be, to snake any pr'ogreas or create a love of school, or school duties in children, whose par- ents permit them to put in an appear- anoe on an average only one or two days in the week, end then only for the pur- pose of conferring a favor upon the teacher. SALLOWS cur PHcTOGRAPHF R, MONTREAL 8t OODIiMICS BIEST LIGHT. BENT PRICES, BEST, AOCE88OR- IE3, BEI r cum FO : I: 8 BEST PICTURES, BEST bATIB- FACTION. BEST EVEItl" TEL NG $ $5 to 2O per day at home. samples $5 worth ly1 ttiw. Address &PINSON t Co., Portland. plate. Seeds! Seeds! The subscriber begs to draw the atten- tion of the public generally to his largs and varied stock of FARE Ed GIRDER SEEDS, consisting of CLOVER, TIM(ITHY, HUNGARIAN, MILLET, PEAS, OATS, BARLEY, and choice WHEAT; also TURNIP, MANGOLD, CARROT, and all other GARDEN *19 VEGETABLE SEEDS, at rates t cannot be beaten. B. SLOA.I\TM. General Seed Dealer. Hamilton Street. A LOT OF PRINTS COST AT Colborne Brothers. ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sall every Saturday. NEW YORK TOGLArGGW'• CABINS. dee to dM. STEERAGE Bar These Steamers do not carry cable, sheeporidge NEW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. CABINS rids to fres- Excursion at Reduced Rates. Passenger accommodations are unsurpassed. All Staterooms on Main Deck. Passengers booked at lowest rates to or from ant Railroad Station in Europe or America. drafts at lowest rates, payable Itree of charge.) throughout England. Scotland and Ireland. For books of information, plans. &c., apply to HZNDCRSON BROTHERS, 7 BOWLINGGRgxN, N. Y. Or to MRS. E. WARNOCK. Hamilton gt. 1751 Agent at Goderich Our sight is the must perfect and,mwt delightful of all our senses; it fills the the mind with the largest var- iety of ideas, converses with its objects at thee greatest dietetics, and continues the longest in action without being tired or satisfied with its proper enjoyments. Two things, well considered, would prevent many qua:rab; first to have it well ascertained whether we are not dis- puting abort terms rather than thingsi and setvtndly, to examine whether that on which we differ is worth contending about CENTS TO 1 JANUARY Tho Wasters £ T•Ttleos AND Wig=lav Lf anal. Great hssap Newspaper of fA weal, will be seat to any address trim date t. Jan. tet zest ter M mita. TAU "trW trip" will enable readers m become acquainted with the moat Interesting and re debl.. es well se the Lattatuv. weakly news- paper In Canada. All lb* sew., •orrrc t market reports. lepl Sad educational department*. Mertes, pictures. lneaIe. Eight broad pag- es. d,ty four columns. each i.swe. t he t*..oly paper. Send id cents Islamise or dived at nnre and got It until i e Jan. next. �t fie it cents paid for "trial" will Mellow- ed from regular rate, if yon decide to ombsorlbe kir one year. wMn War is op thus maklzg filar of ser tr e*. ei trier tern n at on trial *ui*ortMw will m .t one time. TiMMS roilteal �1.N sa um. to elute of four or over, nisi. Cee of pro m" Death a ving% BattN atstrtle, Reath of .velem.- or -Portrait VIZ. *teen aettts erne petit at WIN MIN IN $24.yastti JOHN r((lAMERON&COI A nv sternum M►trtWsteti�ewulwioR ON. P, r.a Tina Hrrsnincn1aL far IIncer *0W worries to tete nor nsTrins. ELECTRIC DITTEVJI. AI I$T FLOW Ht. GERM.AIN !Mit P. BI-nDDt k BLOOD RITTEt•I. P.tl\ KILLED. zora$A. tE4:ET.tBLE DreCO{Ent. ersrErrH' IMRE. J. WILSON 1111111t:Cl1T. drPreserlpslons Carefully Prepared. a week in your own town. Terms and UV ttI Maine tAddress H. HALurr t Co. sirovEs �No TINWARE Saunde' liatO Sio. •.. fa 1 a Fall & winter w��r��inery MISS J ..i.:,IE WILSON Weald amieenee to the Wire old,daitly NW iii `: • ck or t'..' 1 lied Winter Millinery is sew real Hall, Parlor, Dining Room AND Cooting S1oes. role Agan is Goderich for BEAVERS! BEAVERS!! EAVERSII! DITPIitillT RYLItK A\71 .19 AWUI` 'lt1C£N. Shaded Mashes, Ribbons and Pearthersr TT Pi BONNETS I The Idlest Novelty in Millinery ; Nast. S1)91.h. and will Snit all. lamas M ISS J ESS I E WILSON, The Square, Goderich, The Toronto King THE WELL ANOWN ElINEflY ESflBUSIilh1ET! T8IC t::FO3:37D12tIC- Mtss STEWART Has just received her fall itnno» ttdioua of SII S & SATINS OF ALL GRADES AND COLORS, Laces Gloves, llos!ry, miles and [Osiers, g'R113NOB FLOW2111‘8, WE A THFRB, And other Novelties from Montreal and Ton,oto. CUTTING, FITTING, AND DRESSINGh I SPECIALTY. Agent for Oornwell's.Improved Self -Fitting Chart. " Every department is well stocked with FIRST CLASS GIX)D3 of the meet fash- ionable patterns, and as all her purchases hive been for READY CASH, she id en- abled to give her numerous customers the VERY BEST VALUE at Wood Heating Stows ---ties C ofe Giving Culverts'as otioa• Sotio foram OSHAWA COOK STOVES THE LOw . T POw BIBLE PRICES Inspection Invited SZTGGH DrII"NI OP —18 NOW RECEIVLNG— Fall and Winter Goods In Gentlemen's Wear, which he will make up in First -Class Style at Very Low Rates. The Best is lhe T04 Refer, Ptrehosied Elsewhere. The Cheapest House Under The Sun. Ready -Made Clothing, In Great Variety as usual. Call and Inspect. CHICAGO HOITSM Mice ($uooessor to Mrs Copeland.) Takes this opportunity of informing the ladies of Goderich and vielnItJ, that hav- ing perehassd the interest of her predecessor, she will endeavor to keep it up to the standard laid down by Mrs. peland- S ST StO 1t Ls of time Meet, And every endeavor will be made to give The Fullest Batidaction in Stiles, in Work and in Eaterial. Ordered Work a Specialty. Agent for the Parker Steam Dye Works, Toronto. MISS WILKINSON, Chicago Hoagie, West street. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. R=I= SN' -M -r= "'Are now showing for the fall se ie:t a complete stocl of staple and fancy Dry Goods, which will be found very all tact :1 a and excellent %alum. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. A splendid selection of English. Scotch and Canadian Tweeds and coatings. which will sur- pass in quality. variety and valve, anything previously offered. All garments cut and made up in Ars -elan style. Cloth bought cut out free of charge. MOH .t price paid for butte WO ass.. REID 8i SN EYD- Manchester House, Goderlch. DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY Fo}; CONSU bS T -ION, COUGHS, (' t,DS &c'. SAMPLE BOTTLES FREE. USE =lectric Bitters car` F0:: STOMACH, LIVER 6z I IDNE'YS- GED. PIHYNAS I,Itt (,cI C? ,rt. Prescriptions a Speciality Night Bell on the Front boor BOOTS AND SHOES. DOWNING. I have great pleasure in announcing to my customers and the public at large that my itock of Boots and Shoes -for the Fall Trade is now complete, and I would in- vite inspection of the same. I have been especially careful to purchase goods which I believe will give the customers satisfaction, and do Credit to myself. i11 i1011 W1111d if Prices 6114 tli Iht' 1,01V(',i As 1 buy in large quantities, and for Cash. Doing the largest Shue trade in the Town, I con sell at closer prices than -those who do a smaller " business. I would especially call the Attention of Farmers to My Stockof Long Boots and Shoes Which is one of the largest to be found in any retail store in the Province. I have on hand several cases of the celebrated "K. &. B." Longi ' Boots, which have given such Hardware ! Hardware 1,'"e1 -1-"o satisfe,tic . I THE UNDERSIGNED I8 BTILL gHEbD FOR BEST BAROIVAlit .1ND LOWEST PRICES. HE KEEPS A FULL STOCK OF SHELF AND. General Hardware! DO NOT FAILTO SEE MY CROSS-C[7T SAWS AND AXES! I Keep all the Newest and Best Makes. SOLE AGENT FOR THE "LYMAN" Four -Barb Fence Wire R_ W_ 1lLCgENZ=E. Medical =38,11, GFoc�erich_ In the past. (In ORDERED �,i�✓�OIR, K We are still abreast of the times, and !saving a large staff ..f tirst-clnta mechanics, I am prepared to manufacture anything in my line to ..nlet..tt the shortest notice, in first-class style, and of the very best mato' t1. i:: coi clutton, I beg to return my sincere thanks to my custoiners for their 1.hernl •.ate,diai;e in the post, and rest asaurbd I shell do my utmost to deserve a continuan.•t of the r'nte. Yours respectfully. Cur. East Street and the Square. Goderich. F. JORDAN, Che ORDAI,Cheistann IW1* pp1fVs eAteles te. s _Phrema.asf sant— Vlp*assd.7 E. DOWNING. FOR FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATINGS. To Nail Eteryb.dy. %.w Artistsg. and will be Made up to, ••iir Ilk. I RID. PRrt►H,t$, who. as a Cutter end Filter. baa us t uperter tz for I'eonty. My General Stock of Goods is Complete And a Liberal Discount will be Made ea all M1e..oer 51 until hat Ik°rember JOHN ACHESON. JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM S't7PER=01M,_ The fiat 000rigomest of the season of those justly oeebratsd SALMON TilOUT —AT— E. FERGUSON'S Grocer, Hamilton street, Goderich. $seers esu •.+.w-.