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The Huron Signal, 1881-10-28, Page 3
41' gilVfansetemaa. - +. •••••• THE III:RON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, OCT. s, 1881. • I lleaserahle Saying, elf Preskleal ilearliel#1. ! Tun an Fancy. I A pound of pluck is wurth a tau et - fle luck. Woman's right& - Huabantid Liberty can be safe only when stiff- A powerful number. -Potent 8 rage is illuminated by education. High training. -Haughty-culture. Orem ideas travel slowly and for a time noiselessly, as the gods whoa* feet ware shod with wool. The Republican party gave to the oountry a currency as nation$1 as its dag, based upon the *Lionel faith uf the I doubt if any man equalled Samuel Adams in formulating and uttering A bad policy. -One that has run out. Operatic refreshments. --High-screams. What are the dimensions of a little elbow room 1 The man who fills "a long -felt void." .-Th, dentin*. Collectors of China. --Celestial tax - gatherers. the fierce, clear and inexorable logic of . The fly that walks on oleo-reargarine the Revolution. is not the butterfly. Oooasion may be the bugle call that A reduction of fare. -Discharging te- summons an army to battle, but the 1 maleemPI°Yees' blast of a bugle cau never make soldiers When the dressmaker sends out her or win vice...ries. billa look out fur a dress pay raid. The flowers that bloont over the gar, The bands of matrimony, it is to be den wall of party politics are the sweet- supposed, play wedding marches. est and most fragrant that bloom in the Patrick on the Zebra-"Phat kind of garden of thia world. a bast.*. that -the mule wid his ribs on He was one of the few great rulers the outside of his shkin entirely 1" whose window increased with his power, When you think the world cannot gJt and whose spirit grew gentler and tend- along without you, pull a hair from your erer as his triumphs were multiplied.- head and see if it makes you bald - [Oration on Abraham Lincoln. ; headed. Political partes are born nut made ''How sensibly your little bor talks No act of political mechanics, however exclaimed Mra. Smith. "Yea,' replied wise, can manufacture to order and Mrs. Brown; "he Won't been muting put a psrty on it which will live and company yet." tlourui . A political demagogue recently de - Poverty is uncomfortable, as I can dared that "so long as the people are certify; but nine times out of ten the silent under their wrongs, their, op - best thing that can happen to a young pressor* will be deaf to their cries_ man is to be tossed overboard and coni- A kind writer says: "You can trust a pelled to sink or swim for himself. ,,.an who loves a dog or a horse." A It was no one man who killed A bra- livery stable man says he has tried it, ham Lincoln; it was the subdued spirit and says there is no money in it. of treason and treachery, inspired with "The erubescent excresence on your fearful hate, that struck him down, in the moment of the nations supreme olfactory organ is yet in its adolescence," ' joy. said a physician to the young man with ILO abnormal development uf itis lin re- trousse. The doctor merely meant that the boil on the youth's nose was not yet ripe. Several waggon loads of leather have been dug out of the ground near Sand- wich, Mich., and the people have no re- collection how it came there. The niya- tery is easily explained. A railroad res- taurant once stood on the spot, andwhat is supposed to be leather is merely the remains of thousands of ham eandwiehes, which passengers threw aruubd promis- cuously after vainly endeavoring to in- sert their teeth into them. Hence the name of the adjacent town -Sandwich, -Nurristoicn Herald. After the fire and blood of the battle- field have disappeared, nowhere does war show its destroying power so certainly and so relentlessly as in the oolumns which represent the taxes and expendi- tures of the nation. If silence is ever golden, jt must be here, besides the graves of fifteen thous- and men, whose lives were more signifi- cant than speech and whose death was a poem, the music of which can never be sung. - [Decoration Day Oration. We hold reunions, not for the dead, for there is nothing Ulan the earth that youand I can do for the dead. They are past our help and past our praise. We can add to theni no story- we can give to them no immortality: They du not heed us, but for ever and for ever- more we need them. Individuals may wear for a time the glory of our institutions, but they carry it not to the grave with them. Like raindrops from heaven. they may through the circle of the shining bow and add to its lustre. but when they have sunk in the earth again the proud arch still spans the sky and shines glor- iously on. I look forward with joy and hope to the day when our brave people, one in heart, one in their aspirations for free- dom and peace, shall see that the dark- ness through which we have travelled was but a part of that learn but benefi- cent discipline by which the great Dispos- er of events has been leading us on to a higher and nobler national life. The man who wants to serve his coun- try must put himself in the line of its leading thought. and that is, the restor- ation of business, trade, commerce, in- dustry, sound political economy, hard money and honest payment of all obliga- tions; and the nem who can add any- thing in the d tion of the accomplish- ment of any of these purposes is a :eiblic benefacti ir. Ansirleare Engll.b. The Ainerican use of the word "qua- il' peculiar. They do not limit the word, as we do, to the signification "take leave" -in fact, I have never heard an Ameri- can use the word in that sense. They generally use it as equivalent to "leave offor "snip." In palming one may no- tice as rather strange the circumstance that the word "quit,- which properly means "to go away from.- and the word "stop," which means to "stay,' should both hate come to be used as signifying to "leave oti.". e Thua Americans say . "quit fooling" for "leave off laying thel Dr. 3IcCoali says that at Leadvilie he fool," "quit singing," "quit ughing," and so forth. To English ear's an Amer- ican use if the work "some" sounds strange -viz., as an adverb. An Ameri- can will say, "I think some of buying a new house," or the like. for "I have some idea of buying," &c. I have in- deed heard the usage defended as partly correct, though assuredly there is not an instance in all the wide range of English literature which will justify it. So, also, many Americans defend as good English the use of the word "good" in sucn phrases as the following: "I hare written that note good," for "well ;" "that will make you feel good," for "that will do you good ;" and in other ways, all equal- ly income:4. Of course. there are in- stances in which adjectives are allowed by custom to be used at ailrerbe. sue for instance, "right.' for "rightly:. &c. ; but there can be no reason for substituting the adverb "good- in place of the adverb Nature, after all, hi the great phyai- "well,- which is as short • word, and at ciao. She hides all the secrets of health least equally euphonious. The nee of within her broad, generous bosom, and "real" for "really. as ' 'real angry, man needs but tento to her intelligently "real nice,' is, of course, grammatically for his every Theoediscovery of indefensible. An Amen?" fteldwt! the great Cough Remedy, OILAY'ill STRUT' uses the word "stout to signify "fat, Rsn Retiree firm, is an apt illustra- saying venerally "fleshy „Again. for tion of this. As a cure for Coughs, our Engltsh wer.1 "hearty- mg"11714 Colds, Loss of Vice and Hoarseness it "In very gond health," an Amencan wall stands unrivalled, while its low price and sometimes employ the singularly map-, resdinem areas places it within the propriato wont “rt,2,liegad• Thf. "6" mach of all. Try it and be convinced. the word "eleant for g"fine,at k -" All chemists keep it in 25 and 50-oent i English ears as strange For netanod bottle, al if you say to an Amine/in. "This le fine ruorning," he is likely to reply, "It an elegant morning," or perhaps of toner by simply using the word "Ele- gant " It is not a pleasing use of the wird. -Prof Proct...r. The Fashions. The rage for beads is on the wane. The rage fur Japanese ordaments is on the increase. Beaded plush bands will trim hand- some heavy wraps. Cheviot mixtures in what is termed leather shades are much worn, Standing high collate and low rolling collars are equally fashionable. Plush stripes on wool -satin grounds are seen among other novelty trimming materials. Basque of moire, black and in dark rich colors, will be worn with skirts of various kinds. Quaint little baskets of split bamboo are favorite pendant ornaments in some of our best houses. Large dote on black, white and col- ored net is the novelty of the passing moment for street wear. A growing fashion is that 4.1 indepen- dent jackets, made of stuff that can be moan with any kind if a skirt. Satin, moire and brocaded velvet are the materials of which elegant wedding dresses are being made this season. The hair is most fashionable when dressed low and close, but women with large necks r.r.d fat faces should wear it high or off the neck. Black satin Surah costumes for church and for walking have a small pelerine cape and limier draperies of silver-gray or other colored plush in brocaded patterna. The skirt -1;f a wedding dreg* should lee full, with drIperies that follow its out- lines -not broken by cross -draperies - and dyer all the evil should fall in the same outlines. was wondering how he might giLi down a mine, when a gentleman in workman's dress grasped his hand, told him he had once been a Princeton student, and led him the way down his own mine; and before the doctor departed his new friend volunteered to create a fellowship at Princeton. Gives Away. e cannot help noticing the liberal offer made to all invalids and sufferers by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption. You are requested to call at any drug store, and get a Trial Bottle free of rove, if you are suffering with Consumption, severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss id Voice, Hoarseness, or any affection of the Throat or Lunes. It will positively cure yt u. Club Bales Few Mts. Suckles's erases Salve. , The beet salve in the world for cuts, Wel hay° ".""gementa to ttiu° Bruises, bore., Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tisa Sweet with the leading city week- Fever Sores, Tatter, Chopped Hands, Chilblains, Conte, and all Skiu Eruptions and positively cures Piles. It is guar- aqteed to give perfect satiafacuun or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by ell druggists. lies at the following rates • SIGN•L •ND GIA/1111, ..et • SIGNAL AND ADVRNTIIIRR, SION•1, AND MALL, 226 SIGNAL AND RURAL CalteD1AX,2.25 SIGNAL AND CANADIAN 2.26 SIGNAL LCD CANADA PahalifillE11.6 3.00 Symptoms of Dyspep- sia or Indigestion, a dull heavy feeling in the Stomach with with a frequent disposition to vomit, Heertburn, Loss of Mental and Physical Forte, Dr. Carson's Stomach and Consti- pation Bitters is the oerkiie Remedy for this distressing complaint. In large bottles, at 50 cents. Geo. Rhymes, agent for Goderich. $2.25 2.50 IS SW AND RECHLItelli. -The most ex- quisite little toilet gem extant for the teeth and breath is "TRABZRRY." Sam- ple 6 cents. Never Give tr. If you are suffering with low and de- pressed spirit., lose of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak consti- tution, headache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will ,be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow; you will be inspired with new life; strength activity will re- turn; pain and misery will cease, and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle, by all druggists. GODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS and SALT PANS manufac- tured on shortest notice. All kinds of Repairing executed under the personal supervision of the Proprietors who ARM Practical W orkmn. P. 0. Box 103. 1787 TO BUILDERS KINTAIL BRICK YARD. .7.A quantity of good white brick on hand and for sale at Postponable rates. The subscriber is now carrying on the brick making business at the fantail kilns, and will give all orders which may bo sent him the most prompt :attention. The Wick 1. of Stat- eless quality, and the terms are reasonable. Address JOHN K. McGRICGOR, Kintall, P. 0 It Brought About a Cure Beyond Expectation. Toronto 19th February. 1879. HOLMAN LIVER P41) CO: GartrLitlfaN,-I have much pleasure in testi- fyinigfro the extreme efficacy of your remedy for pewits. My mother, Mra. W. A. Mur- ray, 0. HA, Wellington Street. had been a martyr to the sufferings induced by this mal- The same care and attention bestowed on ady for upwards of six years, obtaining but the Dominion and Provincial Directories of short teamporary relief frorn the usual reniedies 1971 will -be given to this work. Subscribers so often had recourse 10 10 these cases. After names respectfully solicited. Terms of Ad- oonsiderable persuasion she consented to weat venial:1g made known upon application. one of your Liver Pads., and notwithstanding JOHN LOVELL & SON her want of faith in it, she experienced consid- 3dontreni D„.-1881. Publishers. 1169 arable relief in the course of a few weeks. Since then she has used a second one. and now claims for your Pads the entire credit of hav- ing brought about a cure beyond expectation, for wheal not only does she feel deeply indebt- ed to you. but 1 myself must congratulate ad thank you for a cure 1 could but in the moat have hoped for. Yours most respectfully, • C. SWART MURRAY, M.D.. ▪ -- L. R. C. P. S.. &c. The Pad Has Done Me Immense Good. Dungannon, Ont.. Jan, Ilth, 1878. HOLMMN LIVER PAD Co.: oaterusure.-Please find enclosed 1401 for special Pad. two Back Piasters and ets. we are owing you. Please seed tee Pad as soon as youean. The Pad has done me intmenfte good. I am glad Igot it. A Mend told me the other day he set the highest value upon his. Yount truly, REV. JAMES CASWELL. WonderIU1 Effects Produced by the Holman Liver Pad. Fro Ion Falls, Ont.. Stli 1S7S. HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO: OaterLewtte.- With feelings uf gratitude and pleasure 1 add my testimonial to the mary you have already received, as to the wonder- ful effects produced by your valuable Liver Pad. 1 commenced wearing the Pad Ave from in gestion. bilious headaches and diarr- weeks 7. Previous to Gpat time I suffered hemp. hen I had worn the Pad two weeks my heaith began to itnprove. My general health is now good, and I consider myself cured. Inelawel you will And seven dollars for two special Pads. one for my wife and the oth- er for a friend. My wife is suffering from Torpid Llvcr and constipation. the other from Oispepets. Yours. etc.. ItKV. WM. LOCHEAD. THE ET TO NEALTH. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, ILIdAvYi and Liver. carrying aff gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretion.,; at the same time Cki Acidity of the litom cufirV• 0.1110.14Dspspsta, fleadaches, Diz- ziness, Heartburn. Constipation. Dryness of the Skin. DaroisitilDent nem of Vision. Jaundice, t ErTlijelne, Scrofula. FluttseTerena/ tit_snears, Nervousness sad G Debility; all these and maay other simi- lar Complaints yield to the haiiaSilelian of BURDOCK' BLOOD B Sample Bottles 10c; Regular sine $L For sale by all deans. 11. MI= at os.. rffigrisliss. Tema If yea newest& ,thardness.ssak iry 1i..drain of year avoid laildiugenn d u • • op litters. If yam ars yeast wan Zeresk.ilaae.trIlrr igo• lir or rill sttbarer: Whairrer younre, whisisver yes feel yoat system ettasutztoor inthrfrodiuy, itk• Hop •itt•rs. Raw roods. kids arum .1# plaint, e.1.4. = nerves,* 0/0041 How or wr-ret Etre out b suredif foe 114011) PitISrs Rymer* Ito sae amd 10. robited, t tl It may ••••your Ifs. ft ear 'eared hun• druids. • r lf van ex. • num or lei. r1=4W.7 tors brags "emosed wisto. nos HopS. ortnir front any is : If you arm ems. youngsuffering frog in. on • tea et wee diners. Thousesada di. alb malty from some torts of Ides P Ity•ttrn•Iyurtof Hope 110P CBS NEVER FAIL D. I. C. an abode and Irramista- t4. Ur• for drank..... se of epi obaceo,o oohs& SolObydrug- ta bend tor 5157. 1101.1111=4 rrli CO., 5.5. A Teruo., Oat. LOVELL'S Province of Ortarie Directory POR 1881-1882_ TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 1611, Price $5.00. AI% ilertg.#5.1i andsOtte reor teht vof elenvoeeralof Ontario of the CitY or Montreal, #R ,re b.t. ttt announce that his arm ponusn a RO- VINCE OF ONTARIO DIRECTORY. in No- vember nextcontaining an Alphabetical Directory - AND A THOROUGH Classified BU8111888 Directory of the Business and Professional men in the cities. Towns. and villages of Ontario. with a Classified Business Directory OF T1111 CITY OF MONTREAL. Ift•PelfiCoroA.-ORATRIrt•IfDe011ironTryo. -• By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the roperations of digestion sad nutrition. and by a careful application of the dne properties of 'set; Soler terl 1 Mr, Fkr has Prnvided nnr 1 'stiffest WU.. with • araeaudy 11,11rOglist b.rerig. Which may save IP Maar heavy doct.wS hill.. It la hy the Judi. You are a onward if afraid to tall the ritfga,„,",:;„°;;,',rh srt,11;74,11;riirthi aittialororerem- troth While Toll 0110111(1 elo so You to 1-04,411 every t.ndency 'ton Memel: "" 'Tun tril: rea.14.4 "Itels.ttaTZLIA:117 h"4se 1414 t. a covrard if afraid to do right. if you shrink bon* defending your epistles, weak point. - • roc, ••,-,cp,"marn; sr"ttLI frim maintaining that which you knew Mart by keeping onerle." w•ll per* hloej anA s properly rentirlahed to h. just and ge'rwl • and Tnn- sr" "Pm t -, -i Wert,. (),rcsfs P014 gall in Packets sally a onward if you know certain tabeinet --James Errs .t(',., Homoeopatitio thfngs yonetielf. snri c tee not to own libeTtly!s, • London Eat- -Aen mak-,, plies Lboeoises e for afternoon nee. 'hem to Yourself 1111 COUGHS; COLA% AltniVeAr, The Great dowries"' B RONCHITIS; 'LOSS OF VOICE, HOARSENESS AND T R 0 A7' A FFECTIONS. rp7t177.m:&:41,=8 OW1( p‘c.,4:b.rE=DA;1 ng Thodfiinerter Smdteinr:1- 7#;117:: traZetwislisst A:1=Z itt.""Zi.afftr•••: -sinew/ Itotsbt tar most valuable nags,. OWN for Magolowil pisrpegen gegrg On• hoa award of taw vow derfel ftett gra, Rprree• and the Pine. fn a • Of r..f D10- 46 1. Peewee NH* 41147 WO 45 00 sump! fro 20140.48 to 71. fou wasdi o.sin Mew n tea mnde f ft it • Altelset tops. Its .mese GRAY'S SYRUP RED SPRUCE GUM. tht• / repo Me floe 11.. 171.110 1#1/1NOY O•pfle-raff. an/ nil go 65* 1-•ps• g red1r.5 ▪ letorterd„ foll1c, and balm n log p roperfg• ars pre- . 4. g z#. 7:14. opr, o• pared or • doe tem- oertetrel, contains • orst quantify aftgal,•••• Pan la $air le 4.41•• NO& temper in renewing 2,.\\ tl-A ear 4, tl 0 H iiSTO N 'S SARSAPARILLA -FOR r? -1 fur Purifying the Blood. -.sheen in use for 20 years. and has a, • • hegie best rreparation in the :rS,tii: HEADACHE. FAIN IN IE 81DE OR BACK. LIVER COM- •'. -,;!•:T„ PIMPLES ON THE FACIE. PILES. and all Diseases it seise from a Disordered Veer or an ••rtre blood. Thousands or our beat ,,as talc, It and give it to their °MI- • .. Physicians prescribe It daily. Th..e w uer it ones, recommend it to other from' It clads Yellow Dock, Hondo res nor-aparilla, Wild Cherry, Milli:hem, LNAsios•an. Sassafras. Wintergreen. and cher w.11 -known valuable Roots and .krbs. It Is strictly vegetible, and ran - '1 hitt the most delicate constitution. • of Ib' best medicines In use for • ya•-t ths Bowels It al IP#11 by all responsible druirrites at oo• dollar for a quart bottle, or al* bOttlall for five dollars. 11601111 who cannnt obtain a bottle ot 1$H medicine from their druggist may send us on• dollar. and we will "sad ntII tu tne. R. 141DI1T61 It e. isettrartatela Anweseyerno Very. r or sale oy denies Wrtsoe, GEORG/ RICYNAS, Chemists and Druggists. Corea Cholera,Cholera llorboo,DY- rertain forme Bronehitia,and Watery, °rumps, Colic, Sea Sick - (thrum( speriote efret in rearing ob- nese and Summer Complaint ; 0/00 stinate harking Coughs, is nose well Cholera Infantum, and all COM - known to the public at largo plaints peculiar to children teeth - t, WI nearn'fski• .k°"" * "i Ing, and will be found equally gr.4901151 ,4* fr'rmy7p4Itesteevt .4. lbw anor sorsplbeneficial for adults or children. epTewl . sout I nbets are a5 KE.RRY. WA TV 44, et), F011 SALE Sr ALL DRUCCISTIL T. MILBURN & 00., wed Heawfargolas Proprmtort, Toronto. ' . " ,###.1%.#. ATTER 2111C Firm. JOHN Pl'r 0 RV' The Tinsmith la still to the front. 3 I have pleasure to slate that despite the looesvenienos I was put to in my bestrew br Um recent areinmy premised that I ant now in full bleat again. prepared to giva.tho meats,' bargains in tIoderich in STOVES, TINWARE, LAMP GO9DS, and every other line in the business. I would also return my thanks to the Fire ariersdis and people of Ooderlaie for the moo cesetui ellbrta in saving nay property in nay absence from home, at the late ere. sJohn Story. AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. STRA.CHAN HAS RILNOVID Ind Ci-ROCMPCY 13T_TSIl\TESS To the old stand in the Albion Block, formerly occupied by him, where he will be pleased to welcome all his old customers and the public generally-. A large quantity of NEW, FRESH GROCERIES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST C_ STFL.A.C1-1.A.2•T. I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. MR. ID. FERCI-USON ---AT 5- VERY GREAT DISCOUNT! Nearly all of said Stock, aa well as ir iny w#1 original Stock. WaA bagat before the Ad•Ime lof Hardware. I am therefore in & position to sell Cheaper than any ether Moue la the Countj. 31Y STOCK OF Farmers', Billidors, & Golloral Hardware IS COMPLETE which I want run off quickly. =ICELAND BUY AT Sinn PEIOES A3 WILL PLEASE TOT/. Fresh (around Water Lime in Stook. AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE. R. I lettc=1•1-ZI 1751-4m. HURON CARRIAGE WORKS. T. & J. STORY, (SUCCE S ©RS TO JOHN KNOX,. MANUFACTI: REBS OF ra1a,-44, taeo..31 - ,rW elSc C - etc C _ Curio ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done :a ith Neatness and Dem etch. ano at reas- onable Rates. Call and examine before purckasing elsewhere, T. c J. STOR7. HAMILTON sT Ft EFT. (KNOX'S OLD. STSD. GRAM) CLEARING SALE -0 F - Boots and Shoes, -A T_ B001; NI SHOE N1OR1131, FOR ONE HONTH, ree:' ^v../ - Previous to tock taking. My Stock is Large and well assorted, and GREAT BARGAINS will be giver T=RMS - CAS= WM. CAMPBELL. Goderich, Jan. 13, 1881 17011e Daniel Gordon, C111111. CI Cf 11111 11 1111.11( °blest ;fume in the i.otittv, And Loris,. &so& this Me toustou PA RLOR Smits, Ban -Boor Scrrita. Rove Miters.. Keay C.sa,sa. Lot 11#,Its, leel , OW, Cash Helves 54ll 6n41 It teethelt advantage to pee way meek 88 they ,ies*i a pre3d articeiw. °lees price. .0.1•1.#1111.41Yealleoilrmiftemlee• • r) ! P "Pg,^ G^'Ilors.4 .1,1,1111411.., ,e‘• - 4