The Huron Signal, 1881-10-28, Page 1fi IL EAR, a WHOLE NUMBER Iola GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, OCT. 28, ! 1. McGILLICUDDY$1_110S. Peewee 1 $1.50 A. YEAR IN ADVANCE. .• '0 • 1. ••FimEmellelle Cchill lig.n.tr • o o de to. COP 1111114,r -.o Luc Sailt•-ro tirI!• Ia.-3. C. Currie. .ierr /lot co. , ee Goods- Mrs. tVarnock. lard ware R. W. McKenzie. 'hancery Notice B. L. Doyle. iervant Wanted Mn. Strang. ocher Wanted- D. Idellwain. co Renters Wanted - (*Wee Woo. Dent ist ru. lt I NICHOLSON SURGEON DN - LI.. YT. WeetStreet. Arse &pore bedew M of Muatreal. Gods rtsh 1753 Eke People's Column. W AIITZID-000D OINERAL SLR - TV r ANT Ly to WWI lefitANO Matt Rasa Meek Met .• The Treomerer et s. Wass 1‘41114 Adlractil- 14100 ancacp well ter at the IL Warne nowt so Ost. Lind hem 111 a. mi. to4 p. 1111, tenp y no satnamestel exhibit- qucusia PRA* - TWENTY-FIVE 1..7 Weil -Med toessing whey ie aspeeminer. arena tar F Can be pub -bes- t tiNune Mertsegessebse WIN each. JOHN & Los( Cita. 1. Barletta R. - KY w WE ANNE WS& Mt me without say yam emus or 1 hereby give notice likes 1 wisee raspoasthis fur aay debts incurred bee Fiesed OW, Wu lard, ROBERT IniA K. Tao LET. - A COMFORTABLE a taboos an South Street. etieLaining 8 rooms. kitchen and pantry. with hard and soft waxer Apply to OROE Mcht ARON. $trayee Animate. QTRAY RAIL -CAME INTO THE k.7 enclosure of the subscriber. lot F. 7th cola. Coiherasksbout the 13rd of October, inst.. • ram task Ths owner is requested to prove rztrpay damages and take him away. if:K GALLAGHER. 18011-lt. -1AME ON THE PREMISE/30F THE ‘..) subscriber, lot t. 8 con.. W. D. Ashaelds about the let of July. • two year old red helfet, with white face. The owner is recleaned to prove property. pay expenses and take it away. JOHN SULLIVAN. lot 19, Lake Stews. Range. Ashfield. QTRAY STEER. -CAME INTO THE 10 enclosure of the subscriber. E lot 18. 4 con.. West Wawanosh. about the 1st July last, a red and white, one year old steer. The owner is requested to prove proPerty._pli7 ti charges and take him away. ZORCelt W AT - 1803 -St. QTRAYED ANIMALS. -SEND $1 LI to THE SIGNAL tO advertlae animal. stray- ing on your premises. and avoid prosecution for illegally detaining animals. Address THE Sweat. Goderich. Ont. Real Estate. VOR SALE. -A GOOD STORY AND a half fram hon.-. with nine good room, besides pantry, hall gpol cellar, situated on the bank oppodte old English Church ground. A splendid view of tho lakc and harbour. A young orchard is also attached. orwill ezchange for smaller house. .Apply to r. R. NITA-Nov. ptr. 1805-tf. -POR SALE, CHEAP. -LOT 34, Lake Range. Ashfield, Huron County, 1st acres, 130 clonal and highly Improved. potence standing timber. Good orchard, new frame house. barn 10x60 and all necessary stabling, two wells. For particulars address / CHAS. MCLEAN, Amberly. 1790.3m. :Leachers 13J anteb. U! AN TED --' IV EA C fiER- (MALI)- ' fad Class -Section No, 1, West Wawan- tab. Apply, sewing sale47 and teetinsonials, to DA VID Me IL W AIN. Nile P. 0.. Ontario. 1810.0 WANTED IMMEDIATELY -FOR & 8. No. 7., Colborne • teacher, female r . Coil os Trustees or address D. gAtrrrilitotmiller 1'. 0. 1111:1-41. TEACHER. WANTED. -APPLICA- 1. Lions will be reoeived up to Saturday evesneg Nov. atit. for the posutios of a teach- artasalei fee Section No 1, township of Col - berme. Services to begin at New Year& Apply. *taxing salary required and enc tostinionials to W. 1. Fenot sus. Carlotahr. 0. 1519-41. Auctioneering. JT C. CURRIE, TILE PEOPLE'S AUC PI . TIONILER. Ciuderich, Ont. 1751: Loans anb 3nsurance. $6°,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO (..elli11ON, HOLT &CAMERON. God. - 1719 a75,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES- gi, TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Uoderick. 1764 Q110,089 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND es good Farm or first-class Town Property it 8 pee omaL A poly to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to suit borrowers at 6 to 64 per seat. Private funds. Apply to Sauna and Marren, Goderic h. MONEY TO LENIX-A LARGE 1,1 *aboard of Private Funds for investment it Itiellat rates on first-class Mortgages. Apply le IGARROW t PROUDP'00T. ir .0AN8 ' FREE OF CHARGE. - id Blaney to lend at lowest rates, tree of say costs or charges. SEALER of MORTON. *posits Colborne Hotel. Goderich. 23rd March 1881. ma. int PER CEN I'. - THE CA NADA if Landed Credit Company is prepared to end money on good Farm security, at six per teat. Full particultirs given upon application ;c• HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent. Goderich. 1786. a 20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Farm and Town Property at lowest th- ereat. Mortgoges purchased. no Commission :barged, Conveyancing Fees reasonable. IC B. -Borrowers can obtain money in one day f title is satisfactory.-DAVISON& JOHN- STON. Barristers. &c. Ooderlcb. 1751 ID RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, Lb. Lite and Accident Insurance Agent. tepresen ling first-class Companies. Also agent 'or the C&NADA LIVE STOCK INSURANCE CO. /tooffir to lend on Martinet°, either in Town or .arm Property, in any way to suit the borrow - r. 0111oe-tup-stairel Kay. block, (Joderioh; )nt. 1751 . rfleOical. /1 R. McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC - t. IAN. SURGEON. &c.. Graduate of Tor - into University. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lage of Physicians, London, England. &c.. &c., Si. C. P. PI .. Ontario. Office and, residence Jpposite Bsiley's Hotel, Hamilton street. Clod - 'rich. 1795-6m DR.. MCLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GEON. Coroner, &c. Office and residence on Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria Street. 1751. TT G. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- it. clan. Surgeon end. Accoucher, Graduate 31 Toronto University. Ofilceopposite Comer - rho & Cameron's Bank, Lucknow. if not in yffice, enquire at the Bank. 1700-y. DRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Physicians. Surgeons, Accouchers, *c. Dffice at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the MIL Ooderich. 0. C. dustrItow, J. C. HAMM- Fos. 1751. T AIKENHEA.D, V.S., (SUCCESSOR PI • to Dr. Duncan) Graduate of Ontario Ve- terinary College. Office. stables and residence, on Newisite Street, four doors mist of Colborne Hotel, N. B. -Horses examined as to pound- age& 1751. Legal. Q&R.Row & PROUDFOOT, BAR- RISTERS. Attorneys. Solicitors, etc., Goderich. J. T. Garrow. W. Prondfoot. 1751. IQ L. DOYLE, BARRISTER AND I. Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery. &c., Ooderlcb. Ont. 1751. QEAGER & MORTON, BARRIS- IJ TER& &c., to.. Godertch and Wing_ham. C. Seeger. Jr., Ooderlcb. .1. A. Morton, Wing - haat. 1751. Q MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND 1J. Solicitor. Oillos-Corner of West Street mad Market Square, over George Asheson's. Ooderlcb. 1761. 10 CAMPION, ATTORNEY -AT - J.4. LAW. Solicitor in Chancery, Convey mincer. &c. 080o. over Sheppard's bookstore, Goderich, Ont. Any amount of money to loan at lowest rates of interest. 1751-y. CHOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich and Wingbant. M. C.erCireron,. ii.iuiwtill. 0.mCgini. soon. God h. Z/41E INWURAW01 CARD. 1 A. ACRE FARM FOR SALE, - QV betas west half of lot No. 2. west divis- ion of Colborne. A log house. frame barn, shed and stable on the premise.. A good or- chard of apples. pears and pesches are on the farm. Two never falling creeks run through the premises. Forty Ave acres are cleared. and seven acres are In fall wheat. Title good. and terms ressonabie. Apply on the premises to Recasts Tien& Nile P. 0. 180041. VARM FOR SALE AT LEEBURN.- 1 Lot No. 5, Lake Shore Road, Township of Colborne, four miles from Goderich. contain- ing 100 acres.10 of which are cleared and un- der • good .tate of cultivation. 11 1. well fenc- ed and' underdrslned. having two dwsUtng houses. a barn. an orehard. stables, workshop. driving shed. and other outbuildings- For pertionlarsamply on the premises, or to HOR- ACE HORTON. Milburn P. 0. Sept. b. -it -POR SALE. -LOT 9, LAKE SHORE Tp. of Colborne, containing 111 acres, 30 acres (neared, belance excellent timber. Soil a good clay loam. As this property &Aloha the Point Farm it Is in consequence meet eligiNituated. For particulale apply to .1. J. IV ht. narc let 1881. 17764 f. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -AT Dungannon. 12 miles from Goderieh, consisting of 1 of an acre of land. well fenced; a frame hohse, • good well and pump are also on the premises. The lot has been well im- proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars con be had from Mr J. M. Roasars. Merchant, Dungannon. or R. E. Bitowx, NIle P. 0. 1707 -if. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND r& corner of Victoria and East carets, in the town of Ctoderleb.ter ask cheap, or will be exebasiged tor farm 'revert,. ForptrUculars ;Opt! to Je, fhtszt.t.. Architect, office Crabb's Mg*. or J. C. COEUR auctioneer. ‘HEPPARDTONlear -,,FARM FOR kJ wile 03 awes, OD estes_ced and wen fenced. Brick Cottage fegfe. stone cellar full else of house A haw creek runs through yhe tot. so waste nod es the creek A very fine orchard enrolee& the house. Good barn snd other buildings. Terms very Nei. Apply to R. T. Fistrwas. let 16 lake Shore Road. Col- borne Township. or to Galteow & PIiotTo- I BRITISH ASS. MT Toon:cm- Ate is Me IMO, at right angles a dlaance one chain to the FOOT. southerly limit of eformairl roarl allowatwe: , „„ _. MINI X INX CYYT, of Lcoosoe I England,- thence weeterly • maid motherly limit of ' THE aflt.teON Milan, There is an ex - Established III& road allowance a 4 co of eleven ehalns and fifty•five, links. more or lomi, to a post; tmorclinary number of fruit trees and hushes in bloom in thin section plat now. HARTFORD INR. COT. of R *arrow,. Cosa. Oittnoe northerly at right angle* • dimtenee of , Itatabbalseell VIM nne chain to the, Mere of heienning, the whole 1 Mr. W. Dickson, gaoler, • few days ago Legal Notices. 1)URSUaNT TO A DECREE OF THE court of Chancery mid. in the matter of Use logoie of JAMES FOWLPt, and to a cause Fi against FOWLER. The ere- dltors of JAMES FOWLER, late of the Tow ship uf Wewanosh, in the C.ounty of Huron, yttuazan, 'who died in or oboist the month of DAT irsTeb,aftiiiittir.bet. ir tig EL! VbEy NT prepaid, 10 8. L. In/Y, of Goderioh, the So- licttor for the plaintiff, WILLIAM JOHN FOWLER, son of the deceased, the Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their chiims, • statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securi- ties lif any, held by them ; or in default there- of, they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said decree. Every creditor holding any security Is produue the same be fore me at my chambers, at the Court Hou. Goderich, on the TWENTY-FIRST DAY OIT NOVEMBER, 1881, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. bring the time appointed for adjudi- osUon oo the claims. Dated this 25th day of October, 1881." (Signedl MACDERMOTIf. 1810-31 Master. A UCT1ON SALE OF POPULAR Ilk -Summer Resort sad Farm. The undersied has received instructions 10 88.11 by Public Auction, at his Auction Rooms. In the Town of Goderich. on SATUR- DAY, 5th NOI/EMBER. 1861, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the morning, that very valuable property known as the "Point Farm," situate on the shore of Lake Huron, about miles from the Town of Godench, in the County of Huron, and also a large quantity of chattele consisting of furniture, &c.. at present in use in the Summer Hotel. This property consists of about 201) acres of land, of which about 80 are cultivated, and on which there are erected • large and handsome mummer hotel, capable of secommodating 200 guest", a branch house, with stabling, sheds, &c.„ used as • winter ho- tel, four comfortable dwelling houses, a large barn and driving shed. There is a splendid orchard with about 9110 treea on the property. This place is very extensively and favorably known as 'a summer resort. and during the past season has done a large and profitable liminess. This property including the chat - Oat will first be offered In one parcel. and if not then sold It vrilibe offered in smaller par- , eels. TERMS -$1000 to be paid down at the time of sale. and tile balance in 30 days thereafter, or st the option of the purchaser. the greater portion of the balance may remain eecured by s first mortgage upon the property; bearing interest at six per cent. per annum froru the date of sale, the principle to be payable in such yearly sums and at sueh times as may be agreed upon. Conditions will be made known at the time of sale. For further information apply on the prem- ises, or to J. C. CURRIE, 1810 -td Auctioneer, &c., Goderich. RY-LAW NO. 14, 1881. 0/the Township of Askfleld, in the Corn of Huron. Being a By-law to open and Establish a Road and Dispose of an Original Allowance for Road hereinafter Described, for the purpose of enabling access to be had to the Shore of Lake Huron. WHEREAS the public highway running be- tween Lote thirty-seven and thirty-eight, Lake Shore Range is precipitous neer the -bank of the lake, and the .aid road would be more convenient for the public if a deviation were made so that the said road should run through the South part of lot thirty-eight. And whereas Mr. James Murdoch.the owner of said land, has executed a deed of convey- ance to this corporation of the land necessary for the proposed deviation. And whereas this Council has agreed to exe- cute a deed of conveyance of the aforesaid original allowance for road to the said James Murdoch In compensationytherefor. And whereas all proper notices have been given of this by-law as required by section 508 of the revised Statutes of Ontario, Chap- ter 174. and the several sub -sections thereof. NEWS ABOUT HOME.1 'A chiel's arming ye, takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent TOWN TO711311. 11 you want • first-class cooking stove, call and tee ti. N. Davis' variety . Also American and Casatilan oil tor family tun. Having a$ experienced workflow any house work will be done in the most satisfactory manner. Mr. Henry Bell is down with con- gestion of the lungs. bliss Frances McLean is at present in Torouto, fur her health. Mr. J. H. Edward and Mr. Graham Moorhouse have been, prostrated by fever. A lad lateen Newell accidentally broke his leg while playing on a lumber pile a few days ago. Game is getting very scarce in this section. The hunter on Thanksgiving day brought home very little. Mr. Chas. W. Jones. of this town, left on the Friday noon train for Lon- don, to take a college courae in that city. Messrs. D. and J. P. Fisher have re turned from a long trip to the United States, where they were displaying some first class horseflesh. The report of the judges on roots in West Huron (in type) has been crowded out, together with other local matter. It *ill appear next week. The members of Royal Orange Lodges No 153 add 182 intend having a ball and supper on Friday evening the 4th of November next, at Vivian parlors. OWL SHOT. -A large owl was shot in Porter's swamp last week hy Harry Reid. The bird stood two feet in height, and measured 8ft 6in froin tip to tip of wing. CONVALESCENT. -We are pleased to be able to state that Mr. M. Hutchison is able to be about again. His well- known form was much missed up town during his illnesa. Mr. Walter Hossie, who received his business training in the banking house of Mr. M. Fleming, of Sarnia, hu been ap- evening. The principal instructions pointed to a clerkship in the Bank of were given by Rev. Father Schmidt vital forces of the huinan system, that it brought its victims to penury and d.eath, Commerce at Goderich. Aildipc-Mkrere SERMONS, that it made widows and orphans, and which o ere preached by ,Rev. Father trznanosed beautiful homes into un- Feehan,were as follows: Monday, sightiiiiia-vek. He related a. series- of 'Dmthand Judgment:" Tuesday, "Hell;" Wednesday, "The Eucharist ;" Thursday, "Charity;" Friday, "The Passion;' Saturday, "On Devotion to the Blessed Virgin;" !Sunday, ‘`Temper- ance." THZ ittrNIIAT SERVICH was particularly good, and a brief synop- The Milt engirt lar Jesike- The following are the cases tried be- ' fore Mr. Justice Paterson, whioh did not appear in our last issue : • In the case of Regina va. Robt. Tor- rance, charged with perjury, the grand jury returned no bill. Pemberton vs. Walker et a/. -Action for money and work. Cameron, Holt & Cameron for plaintiff; Garrow and Smith for defendant. Plaintiff not appearing, action was dismissed, and leave granted plaintiff to postpone the trial, and re- verse the judgment now given. Brindley vs. Grace -Action for breach of promise of marnegh. Garrow & Campion for plff.; Osler & Seeger for deft. The case occupied all afternoon, the jury retiring at 6.25. At 9 o'clock they came into court with $ verdict for defendant. Cross vs. East. -Action of liabilities. B. L Doyle for plff; Garrow & Proud - foot for deft. Verdict by consent for plaintiff for $100. Thompson vs. Bridges. -Action for work and account. B. L Doyle for plaintiff; Garrow & Proudfoot for de- fendant. THE R. C. JUBILEE. A Great Revival at M. Peter's -Tile Work of tie Carmelites Considerable Geed Aceemplisbed. The Jubilee in connection with the Goderich R. C. mission commenced on Sunday, the 16th inst., and continued until Monday the 24th. The work was superintended by Rev. Father Schmidt, Superior of the Carmelite Order in Jer- sey City, assisted by Rev, Father Fee- han, of the same fraternity.' TN' SIZITICHI consisted of Mass M 5a. m. and 8 a. m., after whioh instructions were given as to the nature and object of the Jubilee, ac- companied by explanations of the doc- trines of the Roman Catholic Church; , the stations of the Crow, at 3 p. m; and a rosary benediction and sermon in the Mg them, because they were devoid of sufficient energy to assist them in retainin4 the favor of God's grace. He explained to them that for their state, the word relapse was too good W apply to them. He referred to 81. Gregory • mention of Julian the Apostate, that the term Apostate was giving him too much honor, inasmuch as that Julian had never had the grace God in his soul. The rev. mut:Weary concluded with hoping the goo 1 resolves of the congregation were sinoere, and their attendance at church was truly ow - ing to an earnest wish to be joined to- gether in earnest thanksgiving to God for his goodness, and to lead the exalted lives of Christians. The sermon was lis - teued to with devout attention by the whole congregation, embracing many from the different denomination& 72(1 LICTUltil ON TEMIPML•Nult by Rev. Father Feehan, in the evening was well attended, notwithstanding the bad state of the weather. We regret that the pressure on oar columns this week will not allow us ta. give more than a brief mention of the discourse, which was carefully listened to by those pres- ent during the delivery. The rev. speaker commenced by stating that God had given to man an intellect and • will. A memory had also been given to man, so that he could look back on the life's work. Besides these, God had given s soul made in His image, and when the human heart wasin unisonwitlaGed, tit soul was the most beautiful of all the created objects. No matter what sin we cominit, it will deprive us of sanctifying grace; but there was one terrible sin which entirely obliterated. the image - God from the human heart,, and that was drunkenness. It deprives wan of hie memory and understanding, and makes him lower than the beast ef the field. After quoting the old proverb-. "A. place for everything, and everything in its place,'' the rev. lecturer went on to show the true place fur alcohol, and ably proved that its place was not to he timid as a beverage by human kind. He showed that it was deetriadiee of the Won A SCHOLARSHIP. -We are glad to learn that J. C. Robertson, son of Mr. W. R. Ftobertson. carried off the Mac- donald scholarship at the recent exami- nrtion of Toronto University. The High School Literary Society will to -night debate the question "Itosolved, that the Republican form of government is more conducive to the prosperity of a nation than the Afonarchical." Aliss Annie Gordon and Miss Davis re- presented .Goderich at tho the W. C. T. U. conference at London last week. Miss Davis is also visiting friends at St. Thomas, Seaforth and Clinton. . A Livz DAILY.- The Deify Interna- tional, of Emerson, Man., is the newest of our exchanges. It is a credit to the "four corners" -and deserves the beat support the people of that section can Now, therefore be it enacted by the mum- give it. cipal Corporation of the Township of Ashfleld that from and after the pealing of this by-law FASHIONLELE MILLINERY. -Miss Wil - a deviation shall be made in the public high- son's advertisement is especially for the way running between lots 37 and 38, that the land hereinafter particularly described and ladies. She desires to call -particular at - mentioned shall he' established and opened tention to the new beaver bonnets -the for every purpose of a public highway within . ; latest novelty in covering for the femin- the said township. The desci iption of the said proposed high- ine head. - way is as follows: Being composed of part of the south part ot lot iNo. Jet. number thirty- Alums. Palmer and Wells arrived in eight in the Lake Shore Range. of the said town on Tuesday with the frmous trot- tewnship and part icularly described as follows: tieing • parcel of land one chain wide. the ter Lucy. The mare has had a very suc- centre line ot which may be better known ceasful season, adding much to her pre - that is to say. commencing at a post planted. in the southerly limit a said iot number mils good reputation, and also adding to tialtly-eWht, and mu being in the northerly the bank account of her enterprising limit of the road allowance between lots owners. thirty-seven and thirty-eight, and at the die- tame of eight chains and sixty eight links. WE are glad to learD. that Mr. John - south fifty degrees and thirty minutes east from the top of the high hank of Lake Huron. McGillivray won the let ($60) scholar - 'rheum north eighty six degrees. malt one ship in the second year, of Knox Co/ - chain and forty-three links to a poet; thence north twenty-one degrees east. one chain and lege; and that Mr. th McGillivray se - fifty one links to a post; thence north sixtr- cured the 2d scholarship ($50) in the three degrees east. one chain and fourtedb third year. This speaks well for Gode- links to a post; thence south eighty-nine de- grees and thirty minutes east, three chains rich High School. and fifty eight links to • post; thence south seventy-eight degrees! east. one chain and The Financial District meeting of the twenty-six links: thence south eightrilve de- Goderich District of the Methodist groes and fifteen minutes east, two chains arid twenty seven links to a post; thence 'Kith Church of Canada, was held in the North fifteen degrees and forty minutes east. seventy Street Methodist Church on Tueeday six links to • post; thence south tnirty degrees last. The ministers of the District were east. two chains and ninety-eight Writs to a post; thenoe south two degrees andatty min- utes west, three chains and fifty links. more or less to • post planted In the northerly hltult of the allowance for road aforesaid containing by admeasurement two and seven -tenth acres, be the same more or less; and that the present travelled highway. being • portion of the origin& reed allowance, between lots number thirtyneven and number thirty-eight, in the lake Shore Range, of the aforesaid Township of Ashiteld, be closed, the same Is hereby elated am a public highway forever, and the Magee and the land covered thereby is hereby given mind sold to the said James Murdoch, u the Klee and compensation for the land taken from him for the new mad herein before de- scribed, anti whieh maid road so cloned as aforesaid may be known and described as follows: That is to say. commencing at • post planted on the moutherly limit of meld Int num- ber thirtyht, anti also being on the norther- ly limit of the aforesaid road allowance be- tween lots number thirty•even and thir- ty-eight. and at the diatenee of eight chains and sixty-eight linkm, mouth fifty-six d and thirty minutes Peet from the top eon!: high hank of Lake Huron; thence easiterly along the maid northerly limit of road allow - a digamem at eleven chains and fifty-five Mika. more or lees to a prat. thence southerly incidents, some of theni from personal: experience, wherein alcohol had proved to be the ruination of households, and closed by imploring one and all to make a firm stand for temperanee. Teruper- ance was good to have while living, be- ' cause it enabled a inan to attend to his business, and do right in the sight of SIS would not be out of place: - God and his neighbor; sad when the - After High Mass, there was a renewal hour of death dtew nigh, the- dying Christian of tempeistehabate,could, with uncktuded brain, bid "good-bye" no his loved ones, with the full assurance that they would meet again in the time to -- come at the foot of the Cross, to praise - God forever and forever. of the baptismal vows, for which solemn avowal 13 little girls dressed in white, with wreaths arid veils, with the pure look of innocence on their little faces, and with lighted candles in their hands, officiated by the direction of one of the Sisters of St.Joseph's. They entered the raz CLOSE OP' THE unisiori. sanctuary, two by two, arranging them - The Rev. Father Schmidt left on Sat - selves, before the altar; then, at a given sign from their pastor, they turned and urday for the Ashtiold mission, and was faced the congregation, one of them, followed thither liy his colleague on Miss Minnie Rielly. on the part of the Monday. Those who are in a position. congregation, reading in a clear, beauti- to know, state that n wonderful revival ful voice the form of renunciation °lain, has been affected in gannection with St. and general amendment of Wein future, Peter's, and the earnest hope of all in - thanking God for the means accorded terested is that the effects of the labors them, whereby they might gain strength of the Carmelite Fathers will'provs %in- to renounce their daily transgressions mg. and to resolve never to offend again. During High Mass, the Kyrie and Gloria were sung from St. Clair's mass. The Credo Sanctus and Aguus Dei wore from Lambillette's. The soprano parts were sung alternately by Miss Lizzie Doyle and Miss Robinson, the alto parts by Miss A. Doyle and Miss Tellier. The bass solos of Mr. Robinson, were a great feature in the rendering . of the Masa in good style. Mr. Ferguson sang the tenor parts in a pleasing manner. At the Offertory, Lambillette's "Quid Retribuam" was sung by the choir, Miss Lizzie Doyle taking the soprano parts. Great credit redacts on Miss A. Doyle organist, for getting up the "Kyrie" and "Gloria," which are difficult, in such short time, and the different members of the choir, deserve thanks, and special mostly present, and a number of promi , notice for attending so faithfully during nent laymen. Arrengemente were made I the miasion, a High Maas being sang for the missiona7 and other services to every morning. be held on the District during the win- THZ AMMON ter, and the District scholarship-- gift wan preached by Father Feehan. He to Victoria College, from the ministers possesses great power over his thoughts, of the District, provided for. never raising his voice to an exciting FALL OPENING. -Miss Stewart's fall pitch, but clearly and concisely, and opening took place on Friday and Satur- day last, and was largely attended by to his congregation the different subjects the ladies, particularly on the second on which his sermons are based. The day. The display of millinery is ,aid to text of Sunday's sermon was from the have been one of the finest yet made in Gospel of the day, "He that is born of Goderich, and Miss Stewart received God, sinneth not. ' He oommenoed by showing his congregation, the incalcul- many congratulationsupon the swamis of Vile. the opening. There were styles and col- able injury done the sick by a relapse , _____ .mnrudence after their ' hrs in hats and bonnets for every corn rwams1 1-1 some 1 • ' Veltman. - Mr. Alexander Girvin onion and any age, and the caps and health had been partially restored. The ' from iNdifornia a brother of Mr. Charles medicine that the physician had used ef- . -. - . vi. . tokes in plush were greatly admired. n the first attack, nreves in- I "IrrIa' tteeve re West awanosn, is on Misa Stewart -a fail openings are one of feet_ °all • 1 a visit to friends here. -Mr. .John Cal the events of the yaw kt, Goderkh ertectu in the second, that is, after the I breck, Holniesville, is visiting at hia relapse. So it is with the sinner. The I bmther•in-ltw's Mr. John Mallnugh ladies. means used in his first conversion prove 1 ' powerless after his relapse into sin, and I as doctors and nurses dread the horrors, I and pangs of a relapse, an doe* the thy • sician of the soul dread the falling hack of his flock into the enormity of sin. Also the wounded man is ordered by the surgeon to keep quiet, until his wounda heal, for they absolutely require ,intin• eel rent for a time; so with the sinner, he should avoid ell oecaaion of sin, until the wounds in his soul are healed. The rev. gentleman implored them to ask Mr. G•oner is now in a fair way of GM, before they left the church, t.. give recovery them grace to lemma gond Imes, and sp.ke Mist R.A,/cliffe, front ne‘r Pit Nolo ns nf very many, who fell hopelessly hack i has been engage -I as mosistsn* tenchor for into the tieelorable state of sin without l". tl. R. No. 5, Willett. for the ennui ng any very great temptation threaten- ' ye:tr. Loan= Our Leeburn notes dad not appear lest week, having arrived two late for our early issue. • Revival meetings sas being omducted at the Bib:* ChristianChurch by Rev. T. Broad. ACCIDENT IN DAIDOTA-Wo regret to learn that Mr. Peter Stewart, a former resident of this place, recently had his right hand badly injured by a thrashing maching at ‘Vheatland, Dakota. A NOVEL OATH etrfgo. -OR the after- noon of Thanksgiving Day the Black Sheep. from Millburn, and their Spotted Friends in Lenburn, together with some members of the LO.O.T., met on tho farm of Mr. John Linklater, for a mune of has. hall. Tlke aides were chosen by Johr.Burke and- V. H. Williams. and a frieudly contest took place. The side of the latter won by 16 runs. To the printer of all the game posited off pleasantly. H. Hsi -ton acted as umpire and scorer, and hi. decisions were received with satisfac- tien by all. The claret ran freoly from the nose of the ubiquitous Joe Mayweed, he having rsn foul of the hall: - hut the application of tobacco leaf staunched the flow of blood. FARM FOR SALE -BEING LOT 9, one. 11, Colborne, abet epees miles trout Owlench. eomprising SO arres. ell clearest n frame b.110,,arid • flew yam. hara woe "d • stable ani other oath Aiding,. are ea the premises. A young nrehant. good pump. Ma. Rieke tables is the above Office& at t wentiethe of an sem more or leen. and that a on the farm. Mr arm hs• • rand ^:" twit the "swag rates by HORAC HORTON deed of ceaveysistaie be exeleted by this cor- side, ,-,f it Four *Int tall wheat &resoles. poratine to the saki James Murdoch of the 0414,1" "4 1 mil' n't I Pelt '41°' rer The is oleo Appear, fee rit• rola last damelltral plane of hied. and the sartjegius &piny to m eiriMilm. Plbille" CANADA PE WAY AND SATING!! co'Y Reeve st ths said township of Anblield is here - len P. 0. - Taanstes by empowered end reqweied te seseeht mash ' deed and siat the ("separate seal of the car HIPPARDTON.-trolli. wrre 181.18 to Use es GeMeiam seeeetty, rem poratiqn of Asheeld thereto. S Poet Office, for hile es to rent, with 1 sere 1 7309 pee amsa-tionsse madeseasa. 1 IMPTillit. AM. littnek all trait sad geed 'rut deo es I en- terms hartree ether ',alma it. arRI l Mrs* ACH 111101fT011. The pettily is hereby setilled that the Tewn i4 For further _parttenfarm army L' R ship Cuuncil of Aehfiekl _pronouns to pare the ' . pees Alen SO Via of leas st oo bogy „4 1111•01111616 ease =4, is IMO -- te da. the Mad day nt Nor rinber nee, 1. D.. ' above by law st Its rairthe Thootlegy yin Tope- , at ) op the *Ion.. R I) A shield Ono4 , tv -- Aeillillow... har . Frame glee, sql eatable Fifty ace.. .nr, ,,„,,, 4sy se a,,,,..„ moil 1 tt Mlle malt free. AS's e Clerk of /he Mnnielpality of AshRobi. .1l)IIN ODOR ft. , nes Prl And 0141 lIgiroili Morty •• (ie.,. a ',.' ,.. it Pisetiwn,er DOI se a it C• 1 areas Masao Te ciert's Oilier. Astineli! Rept. 2301, MI. I I , alningan4 thr" brought us in a 'branch of a raspberry bush bearing both fruit and blossoms, and s short time after Mr. John Pas - room brought its • similar selection from the garden of Mr. Ju. Thomann. On Wednesday Jndge Miner sent no some Mars in full bloom, and 'tome apple blos- soms; and Mr. T)an Carty, that most genial of Trishnwn, tells us that in Fath- er Waiters garden a pear tree is in butt- tiful blossom. These are only a few among the many, who have been struck with the strange freaks of the unarm repplaysimml=mairimiimcomp5e.r erowr att clabIL111. Ai -einem'. -Richard 4:ov ler, son of Mr. John Gorier of the hue ine, Hu'. lett, met with a painful accident on Monday hut. The team he was 'driv- ing became unmanageable and he wax thrown of the wagon, and had his shoulder dislocate I. Dr H utchis. in was caned and set the shoulder, and