The Huron Signal, 1881-10-21, Page 5Tilt. HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY OCT. 21, 1881. BY-LAW NO 1_1881. elf Ike I•owaship e/Lsyteld, a the Casa ei Huron. Nang s ar.Jsse to epos and Betabf W e. Asad and be .pool of as Original Allowance for JPote.4 hernaafeer Nwcr bad. for Me purpose of sax Wing amass to be had to the Shore of Lake Marva. Watteau the public highwayruasg twle os. bothlrtyyeves and tbtdrty.. t,t sake dame Kange Is precipitous sear the paa�[ Use 01 e lake, and the said road would be hire °messiest for the public if a deviation iiirrr ma!deegw that the said road should run uiroumgbb the whereas ath part Mr. J aw. MMurdout b.tbe owner of said las 1, Ms executed a deed of oo4vey- saes to the tow of the laud mammary for the din 'mita. Aad whetted ova Cowan has agreed tome - cute a deed of twoveyaaoe o. too atorsaid erlrlrrat b in con+penn•tluu.therstur. allowance for road to tui said James ]N u_rdou And whereas all proper maims have been Won of this by-law or required by section 5001 11.• revised 'Statutes ut Ontario, (hap - ter 171. and Use several sub.ectlons thereof. Now. therefore be it ewactod by the Muni- cipal Uorporstloa of the Township of Awtscld that from sad after the pairing ut aha by-law a lea Mall be made levies Wbiio high- way running between luta 37 and at, that toe load besoinefter particularly deacribod sad ntestloned -WW1 be established and opened for every purpose of • public highway witulu the said township. The deealption of the said proposed high - way is as t000ws: !Wing esteemed of part ut tat south part of lot *Nu. tau, number thirty - a.% 1n the Lake Shore /team-, of the arid township sad partlt,•.larty dearibed as tallows: Itelag • parcel of land uoe chain wide. wthe tat is ttte oo say. ae omwhirmay 01 • pp pleated V abs souther) limmtmittuf said lot number tithay-eight4 W also being is the northerly Umlt of the road allowance betweea luta thietywevea sad third-agb{, sad at the die - Mace south fifty fifty ddt nee" anthirtyirminute" met links. Mote taiga bael Lake Howe. fines eighty six derrers, east ase poe o north twenty-one a links to • poet: theme ar one links to degrees east. one chitin sad past; thence north sixty- thens degrees east one chain and Menem Maks to • post: thence south eighty-nine de- grees and thirty minutes east, three chains and fifty ey1gg t links to • post; theme south sevestyKlghc degrees east, one chola and tw.*ty.dx Ilakue theme moth -ave de- mos* sed Me.n minutes east two thains and twenty seven link, to • poet; thence south Mesa degrees and /arty minutes eae.'seventy six Wks toa theme south thirty degrees east two rA ' � ninety-eight links to a peat; theme south two degrees and fifty min- utes wee. three chains and fifty links, more or less to • gest planted In the northerly limit of the allowance for rued aforesaid containing by admeasurement two and seven -tenth acres, be the same more or leen; and that the present travelled hltbway. being a portion of ,the original read allowance between lute number thirty -even and number thirty-eight. 1n the Lake Shoe Hagge. of the stun -mid Tows.hlp d Aahfeld. be closed. the seise 1s hereby clamed as a petite highway forever. rand the same and the land eurered thereby is 'hereby given and sold to the said Juncoes Murdoch u the price and compensation for the lard taken front bins for the mew road beret'. before de- scribed. and which said road ser dosed ea aforesaid may be knows sad described as follows: That le to may. commencing at • post planted on the southerly limit of said lot num- ber thirty-eight, and also being on the norther- ly limit of the aforesaid road allowance be- tween Iota number thirty -even and thir- ty-eight. and at the distance of eight chains and sixty -right limbs, south fitty♦ix degrees and thirty minutes east from the top of the high bank of Lake Huron; thence easterly along the laid northerly limit of road allow- ance • distance of eleven chains and fifty-five links. more or lees to • post; thence southerly at right tingles • distance of one chain to the southerly limit of aforesaid road allowance; thence westerly along said southerly limit of road allowance a distance of eleven chains and fifty -Aire links. more or leen, to a post; thence northerly et right angled • distance of one chain to the place of beginning, the whole containing as area of one acre aad three twentieths of ea acre more or lees. and that a deed of conveyance be executed by this cor- poration to the said Janes Murdoch of the said Wt described piece of land. and the Reeve of the sad township of Ashfield is here- by empowered and requested to execute such deed ended': the corporate seal of the cor- poration of AehMeld thereto. NiTIf6 The public is hereby notified that the Town ship Council of Aakgeld proposes to pate the above by-law at its regular meeting. on Tues- day. the 22nd da of November next, A. D.. 1881. JOHN ('OOKE, Clerk of the Municipality of Ashfield. Tp Clerk's Omce, Ashfield. Sept. 23rd. 1881. Miscellaneous tarns. TAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &v. • Oboe, Crabb'e Rlock, ifingeton et., Gale - rich. Plans and specifications drawn oorrect- ly. Carpenter's' plasterer s and mason's work measured tad valued. Loans arta Insurance. 4b00,600 TO WAN. APPLY TO `ir CAMERON. HOLT t (`.&MlkilON, Gude- rich. 1718. /75,000 TO LEND ON REAL E S - Y Goderich. 6vttt.Me apply tot 6 L.1 40,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on geed ha cr 8 ntelas, Town p � at t per coat. Mali to R. RSDCLIYPI.- 1761 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY enema' to suit borrowers at 8 to et per east. Private hada Apply to gamma and Monroe, Uodertch MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount a Private Funds for Investtneat at lowest rotas es first.cIw Motfeages. APO/ to OA BMW & PROU D)'OOT. I 0tNEI FREE OF CHAROE. 4 Mosey to lend at lowest rates. free of any taste or charges. st.AGER if MORTON, opposite Colborne Ilutt 1 Goderich, fled Match I -*i. 1771. ' PER CENT. -THE CANADA 0 Luded Credit costumer b lend mono on Yarm security Peet six per cent. vial maregi vets upon applies* to HUGH A ILTON. C. L. agent. G.dench. 1706. 20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND Mg on Yarm and Town Property at lowest In- terest Mortgagee purchased, no Commiwlos cberged. Conveyancing Kees reasonable. N. H. -Borrowers tan obtain erose 1. one da If title is satlefaotory.-DAVIPoN t JOHN- STON. STON. Barristers. &c.. Goderich. 171+1 RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, • Life mid Accident Insurance Agent. �i Companies. Also CANADA 14'. Pocx seviNII Co Messy to lead a Mortgyu, either in Tom or Farm Property, 1a any way to suit the borrow- er.Ft 00C.--hpKif . Lyes block. Godulloh, 1761 Ttlebical. fl R McDONAGH, M.D. PHYSIC- 8IJRGEON, &c.. Graduate of Tor- 1oes�eo Unlvlr litelI.leeabarer. tlet. of L1N Roy.J Cd. a. C P. S., Ontario. 000. ad resseet oe Opposite Halley'. Hotel, Hamilton scree DR McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, 8UR- on BrOuooee Street cavalier.N. &e.doorOoe met and Victoria Street. 1761. G. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- clau„ Surgeon and Aoeoneber, Graduate of Toronto University. Olaceoppc.lte Camey ron & Cameron's Beak, Lmcknow. U not in omoe, enquire at the Bask. 17r -y. DRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Physicians. Surgeons, A000.ehers, tae. Oaks at Dr. Skanees's residence. oar the Jail, Oodertch. G. C. 8rarsoa, J. C. Hurn, TON. 1751. T• AIKENHEAD V.8., (SUCCESSOR • to Dr. tD.ntse) 6iraduate of Ontario Vs- ontoNewpatte Streetima , four doors eeaa Colborne Hotel; N. B.-Howee examined is to sound- ness. 1751. Legal. !'1 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR - Ur RISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, etc, Goderich. J. T. G•rrow, W. Proudfoot. 1751. B. L DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Attorney, Solicitor is Chancery. tis, Goderich, Ont. 1751. SEAGER & MORTON, B A R R IS - TERS, &c., &c., Goderich and W C. Seager, Jr., Goderich. J. A. Morton, Wfrtt- ham. 1751. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND . Solicitor. OAloe--Corner of Wee* Street and Market Square, over George Acheson's. Goderlch. 1751. V CAMPION, AT TO R N )r Y- A T- 14. LAW. Solicitor In Chancery Convey- ancer. tc. Office over Sheppard's bookstore, (lode -rich. Ont. Any amount of moneyto loan at lowest rates of interest. 1757. 11AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, '. Barristers. Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich and Wingham. M. C. Cameron, Cl. C.; P. Holt. M. G. Cameron, Goderich. W. h. Macara Wingham. 3751. STRATF')RD BINDERY-ESTAB- LlsHlsO 188n T library o k. establishment cinchieflyto' V EGETINE devoted T job and library work. especially t , those unique and economlcalhalf calf and mor- rocod Kyles. In all cases the best of stock and workmanship, with strength and beauty com- bined. Bindery over John Dutton's drug store. GEORGE STONE. INSURANCE CARL,). Cr BRITISH ASS. CO'i, Toao'n'o-Established 1835. PHONiX iNS. CO'Y, of Lwovrrox IEnglandl- Established 1783. HAitTFORD iNS. CO'Y, of HARrrovw, Conn. -Established 1810. Risks taken In the above first-class Offices, at the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The undersigned Is also Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS (,`O'Y, Tortorr°. Money to Loan on Mad elate security. rom 7 to 8 per Cent. -Charges moderate. HORACE HORTON. Goderich Sept. 10. 1880. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. THE FONTHILL NURSERIES THE LARGEST IN CANADA. �aWm gel weal salesmen to sseellt oureste nursery stock: met iso other ls tke beldame ma ain% btsdy work sad goat Warier to successful men. Gadd refwvmeen required. Apply to STONE i WELLINGTON, Nereerymsn. Tmoeto, Ont N. B.- We ere sew tardy to receive orders far fall /divvy for air celebrated aew white Bye tae ''Golden P.skflybs.- Peke for 1 year vitro M ease, 1 year $lata. Seed for tinnier. epeeist tarm to parties treaties s IOW ■.ober for vg«yard purposed. STONE & WELLINGTON. Hills. W. S. Hart & Co. r8OFRrsro8e or TNN Goderichs (LATE PIPER'S.) IDeey apo r�N1.�reeeedeer desks to 'Sal lshsietrg~~stor pent Baer, sal le samba tees w M M aRISTIr G p_rs I1 mesh • d*mrosor ter �wfmaze= peas as OW tore Awe (Lada W. . miser's, ) Ilesdde Warr. Lot /L Gdsrld. sIlligi**t pries paid for wheat. R Reit orrwAt. E LFATRII' SITTERR+. ATI"aT PLODER. GERMAN siwi r. S I ROOM 88100 RITTER+. ✓ iis KILLER. EGETABLE 018888 ERI. D8MrkrTi4 t't'SE. J. WILSON 088rf)f118T. *af rreserl ptle.a l'atrfrlly Prepared. $66 s week in your own town. Terms and $5 outfit tree. Address H. HALI.x7T & Co. Portland Mine • STOVES AND TINWARE Saunders' Varit1y Storer 1, Hall, Parlor, Dining Room AND Coolin gni 80110 Aiwa r oedsrl 88 par The Toronto King weed H� tIdM4Ag�wmtoofk r� Vafveewl OSHAWA COOK STOVES The Best ill the Wald The Duty seer.. whish Never (lest. GILL AID STOOL Belem Ftrebadag El.swhw.. The Cheapest House Under The Sim. The Subscriber Hos perohaaed the satire &tock in Trade of MR. MOOREHOUSE Ata very low rate in the Duna', and Is Prepare::,_ to Offer THE SAi4E AT A VERY Great Reduction FROM WHOLESALE PR4ICES. He would also intimate that he has arranged for a F`t�11 Assortrrierat OF ALL THE LEADING NOVELTIES CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ! Which are expected to arrive in good time for the Holiday Trade! Many lines are exclusively oonfined to myseN-for the Iusaoli at least. Having had fourteen years experience in the business, both in the Old Country and Canada, I am therefore thoroughly acquainted with Tho Brst Markets to Procora Cools AT THE Lowest Prices! And will give my patrons the advantage of my knowledge and (aperients. Prices guaranteed Lour Than Dsewhere Iii THE COUNTY. TERNLS CASH JAMES IMRIE, SUCCESSOR TO T. J. Moorehouse Godericb, Oct. 19, 188L Med ice 1 II 1-1, -odeii© F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggript. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Tree*. ('hemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stags, Artist Colors Patent Medicines. Horse and Cattle Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, &c. ',Physicians' Prescriptions carefully dispensed.TlA FOR FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATINGS. To NMI Rverybady. New Arriving and will be Made by SreMR. FRED. PRiMAl1. who, ea a fatter and Fitter. iso se is tar County. My General Stook of Goods is Complete • And • Libersl DUtw•t will le Madera a11..aw awe SI .illi ist Deertrhr. JOHN ACHESON. Seeds! Seeds! 3 A L L O W S The sabesriber begs lo draw the atten- tion el the palate geae_liy Io his Lege sad varied stook of fill al GI1DEI SIDS, CLOVER, eesalatttrg o1 Ht7ARIAN, MM NGILLET, PEAS, OATS, BARLEY, and *holies WHEAT; aim TURNIP,AandNOO iD, CARROT, er MOEN h PVI $EED$, ut ruts* cannot 8. ELOANE. °law.'e . R esi,, J Auctionscring. T0.OVUREE,THS-PEOPLE%AUO . +7oR11111. N*ili..O.L tilt• t+'R1 PHOTOGRAPHER, , MONTREAL St. OODERICH 1#T LIGHT, EMT MOM, BUST AOCE11110R- 1S. U T OUSTO W EMT PICTURES, BMT LATIL FAano.. BEST EVERY THING Ms ft_ aeeld. t0 Olk Os, lwepw ei.erd. Nebo._tree its. C.:.ae24 fro* n nr C IGA G1-0 TM -US E+ (Sercesser to Mrs Copeland.) Takeo this pestooity el faleretiog the ladies of Oodetioh and vicinity, that hav- ing Ploobissd this Wen* of �1or r, she will eudesvor to hoop it up to Use standard laid down by ][>�a Myr S col.= is of tl .e nest, And every endeavor will be made to give The Fullest Satisfaction in Styl ;t; in Work and in Material, Ordered Work • Specialty. Agent for the Parker Steam Dye Works, Toronto. MI88 WILKINSON, Ohioago Howe, West Street. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. RE= St SINT= Y= 'Are now showing tor the gall season • complete stook et Maisie and fancy Dry Goods, which will be found very attractive and excellent value. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. A splendid selection of English, Scotch and Caladium Tweeds and coating". which will sur- pass in geallty. variety. and raise. anything preclounly offered. All mu-meldscutand made ma to Sr. -lase Kyle. Cloth bought cut oat fare of charge. Highest prise paid for butte sad eggs. REID & SNE -VD - Manchester House, Goderlch. DR. • KING'S NEW DISCOVERY eft CONSUM TION, COUGHS, (COLDS ate. ate SAMPLE BOTTLES FREE. USE =1ectric Bitters FOR STOMACH, LIVER t'3z; KIDNEYS. GEO. RRYl3'AS Prescriptions a Speciality Night Bell on the Front Door BOOTS AND SHOES. DOWNING. I have great pQ1easure in announcing to my customers and the public at large that my stock of Boots and Shoes for the Fall Trade is now complete, and I would in- vite inspection of the same. I have hien especially careful to purchase goods which I believe will give the customers satisfaction, and do Credit to myself. You will Find M,1' Prices Lower (hay fhe IAS1 As 1 buy in large quantities, and for Cash. Doing the largest shoe trade in the Town, I ran Me11 at closet' prices than those who do a smaller business I would especially call the Attention of Farmers to My Stock of Long Boots and Shoes Which is one of the largest to be found in any retail store in the Province. 1 have on hand several cases of the celebrated "K. &. B." Long Boots, which have given'such =rra_tn erase satisfaction. I In the past. On OI DERED WORK We tare still ahreaat of the times, and Laving a large staff of first-class mechanics, I am prepared to manufacture anything in my line to order, at the shortest m.tice, in first-class style, and of the very beat material. In conclusion, i leg 1., return my sincere thanks to my customers for their liberal patronage in the peat, and rest. assured I shall do my utmost to deserve a continuance of the same. Yours respectfully, Cor. East Street and the Square. Goderich. E. DOWNING. I hire were Ott Calvet I here warn the. }Innen ett res .!ay. and .very at I nip Corset three wontbsase ever floe alps to broken over, tem. 1. etal perfect. A LOT tt6 PRINTS A7' COS AT Colborne Brothers. JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM The Ant ecasipl_sat of the suesoa d three justly celebrated SALMON TROUT -AT- D. FERGUSON'S Grocer, Hamilton street, Goderich.