The Huron Signal, 1881-10-21, Page 3THIt HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY O+G'1L_21. !Saul. Good i slim . Of all the virtues and graces. then is sone, psAaps, that wears better, seen eamfatiag and comfortable &loogtlile of, to ban in tl.+ h Doe, the" good nature. Beautyis pleasant to look 'upon, but fades in ea few brief years; and some- tisess, even in its Sash and glow, loses its atteestiveness, bemuses distasteful, if we dissever it to be but a mask covering unlovely traits of character. Energy and hoalty are eommendable queliiies, and, if not oombined with a tow sbrswdiah or doseiueeting disposition, render their possessor • useful member of society, and a desirable companion on the jour- ney of hfa Talent and genius we ad- mire; and cultivated manners are plea- sant to meet with; but good nature, that cheerful and sunny disposition that takes the world at its best -that rives .mils for frowns, and gentle words for harsh and bitter ones -that overlooks wrongs and forgets injuries -who shall give its full meed.of praise T I have in my mind's eye, as I write, a little woman who possesses this virtue in an eminent degree -nut that idle good nature that is good natured because it is too sluggish and easy to takethe world in any other fashion; but thst good nature that is made up from a naturally kind disposition, combined with a temper dis- ciplined and under control; a judgment enlarged and heart rendered charitable in the school of life; end a mind that bas learned through observation and ex- perience how far better it is to , pass lightly over the ills and misfortures and even the wrongs that we bear, than to dwell opo., enlarge and make much of them. Such a person is Mrs. . Nor is she one of those who, being gond them- selves, feel themselves called upon to thrust ether people's feelings and short comings in their faces. And yet, quiet, unassnasing as her goodness is, one can- not but be bitter in her presence; as the example is so lovely and bears such ex- cellent fruit, to pattern after it moms as a natural and spontaneous desire " People go into her house and come away laying: "What an amiable lady !" "What sweet and pleasnt ways she has !"-though they generally add (it is so hard to give absolute and unstinted praise, even when it is due), "but then it is easy enough for her to be good;such pleasant surroundings; such lovely and goad tempered children; such a devoted husband !" Yes, the children are indeed pleassat mannered and amiable. They never w mamma in the sulks, or with an ugly frown upon her face, or scolding the cook or quarreling with papa. And what wonder -since they think mamma perfection itself -they fol ow in him foot- steps and take upon themtelvs her pretty, gentle ways 7 Place them under a different guardianship for a few yeas., and see how they will come out, and whether or no they posses mote than ordinary goodness or sweetness of dispo- sition ! Her husband indeed is devoted, and knows that he has a precious jewel in his wife ; yet he is far from being perfect- ion, after all ; and like many another masculine, when he has an attack of dys- pepsi•, or businescares weigh upon him, he is a little irritable and unreasonable ; ur if plain words are to be used, a trifle and sometimes more than a trifle, cross, "In the first years of our married life,' said Mrs. M. to me one day, "Henry us- ed to be muc? more fretful and unreas- onable than he is now, and I was young, sensitive and inexperienced, and would cry my eyes out over every cross word he said to me. I found this didn't mend nutters ; and when the children began to come, i said to myself, 'what a miser- able household I shall have, end how un- fitted I shall be to train up my little ones into the happy and cheerful men and wo- men I desire them to be, if I keep on like this !' And I made a resolution that I would wear a smileand take things in a cheerful way, let come what would; that, let Henry say what he liked to me, I would not mind in the least ; that I would take every cross or fault-finding word as if it were not meant -would turn it off as a jest, mor at least let it pas lightly as not worth worrying over ; and I have held to my resolution ever since. My husband at first scarcely knew what to make of it ; and be soon food I was not to be fretted, saddened, or put out ; and as then was neither opposition to his irritableness nor fuel furnished it, it burned out the sooner; and I think he grew ashamed of his one sided disagree- ablertee, for be seldom speaks now in any bot an amiable way ; and I tatter myself we are about M cheerio) and hap- py a family, take us all in all. es is to be found." How smell better this than to .sake much of every hurt and wren to brood over and dwell ups it till a mote be - mines a mountain? Try my little friend's practice, weary wife sad *saber, to whom life eeesea aU uphill work, with little recompense of Save or gratitude, and ase if her plan of not minding, takiag things in a light avid cheerful way, does not pour oil up• ea the troubled waters, and make the enmetisses rough aid bard going wheids n/ doemestie maobieery ren ha more easy and cemfovtable grown" la live with eenniessemer immo& If two angeli were to live together, I Loney there would be times whoa per- fect unanimity of opinion might not pre- vail. And; in such a case, one of 'he angels might vent his diseatiataotion in words which the other angel would do well not to hear. In het, the art of not hearing is important in the promo- tion of happiness. Then are so many things which are painful to hear, many of which, if heard, will disturb the temper and detract from cententment and happiness, that every- one should be educated to take in or shut out sounds at will. It a man falls into a violent passion and calls me all manner of name, the first word shute my car and I hear no more. if in niy buhet t to age of life 1 am caught in one of thus. domestic whirl - elude of scolding, I shut my eau, as a sailor would furl his sail, and raking all tight, aced before the gale. If a hot and restless man begins to inflame my feel- ings, I consider what mischief these sparks might do in the magattinto below, where Puy temper is kept, and instantly close the door. • Does a gadding, mischief -making fel- low begin to inform me what people are .eying about me, down drops the portcul- lis of my ear, and he cannot get in any further. A well-disposed person never hears as impertinent remark. A kind of discreet deafness saves one from many insult., from mock blame, from not $ little apparent connivance in dishonour- able conversation. Eke C•.derIsr. What an alert type of inen the con- ductors on the steam railroads are ! Pro- bably the engineers are also, but there's no good chanes to get a hook at than while they have their hands on the levers and their eyes are peering alun:t the line of track as far as keen vision can tech. But the 000dutor is all alive un- der his quiet and impassive exterior. There is little is his car he dues tet see, even while his whole attention appears to be concentrated by the ticket be holds in one hand to he cut by the punch is the ether. And there is nothing be dos sot hear and understand down to the most needless question. Amid the clangor of the swift moving train, the lightest unusual noise ur jar about the running gear tells its story instantly to his acutely edecated ,ear and quickened setsdl- And if anything Is wrong, rr suspected to be wrong, how promptly yet how quietly, with what freedom from fuss, or anything approeclt,ng to flurry or panic, he moves towards the right place. He ie the very- embodiment of self -poised gnivive. What soldiers these. .ten would make. Ilan and Wonsan. Adam was first formed and then Eve, and she was made of the man and fur the man; all which are urged by Paul (I Cor. xi, it, 9), as reasons for the humility, modesty, silence and submissiveness of that sex general, and particularly the subjection and reverence which wives owe to their husbands. Yet man being mole last of creatures as the best and most excellent of a11, and Eve being made after Adam and out rf him, put an honor upon that sex as the glory of the man. The man was dust refined, hut the woman was dust double refined. The woman was made out of the aid., of Adam; not out of his feet to be trampled upon by him; hnt out of his side to be equal with him, ander his arm to be pro- tteegqted, near his heart to be loved. - [Matthew Henry. •t•1.b Rates. For INN,. hew Attu RaCnaacia.-The most ex- quisite little toilet gem extant for ase teeth wild breath s • TuAtlaatiy." Sam- ple 6 Dents. lattadasasrw Used to say, "Boys, if your blood is out of order try Burdock tea;" and they had to dig the Burduok and buil it duwu in kettles, making a nasty smelling dect c - tion now you het all the curative pre - put up to a palatable form in Fur -dock Blood Bitten. Price $1, trial *Ise 10 cont. Get the .lest. 1». Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry is the best, most prompt and safest cure for Cholera Morbus- tsrStomacheick Stomach - CramppssCholic and Cholera Infantum that has yet been discovered. Its popularity is undimmed by age, medicine dealer sell it. We have made arrangements to club THE SIGNAL with the leading city week- lies at the following rats : SIGNAL AND GLOSS, . - .1+2.25 SIGNAL AND ADVIRTI.IA,. 2.50 SIGNAL AND MAIL, 2.25 SMONA!. AND RIIRAL CANADIAN, 2.25 SIGNAL AND CANADIAN FARYRR,2.25 SIGNAL ',IND CANADA PRRNIYTIRZAN 3.00 Onwr 11 i,n tor. Gem Sickness. The best remedy and preventative for Sea Sickness is Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry. It is also the best remedy for all forms of Summer com- plaints, whether on sea or land it will not !ail you. All druggist's sell it 371.t cts per bottle. "T1s Leaves sill be for 1M Seidler ortae llatleae." The leaf of the Wild Strawberry has verified that Scriptural quotation. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stawbetry is the marvel of healing in all varieties of Summer Complaints, and Fluxey, Cho- lera Morbsa, Cholera Infantum and every form of Bowel Complaints of chil- dren or adults promptly yields to its power of healing. GODERICR BOILER BORUS. Chrystal 84 Black. TO MILL MSN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS rind SALT PANS manufac- tured as shortest notice. All kinds at. Repairing exee.sed under the personal o+errislta of the Proprietor who ARE Practical Wor kmn. P. ll Hoz 103- 1727 TO BUILDERS._ LINTA1L Slick TARO. �t sw•ntlty of good white brick an band and or a at remson•ble raps The subscriber L now earryies on the brick making business et the Mitten kilns. and will gha . l radon which ay be sent him the most prompt attention. The brick L of Ant - class aasaty, sed the Mom are reasonable. Address JOHN K. McGIBEOOR, Einlai , P. 0 Vie Great American Rowdy for CO UGEf COLD, AAITSXA, BRONCHITIS, LOSS OF VOICE., SOARSRH SS AND TEROAT AFFECTIONS. Prepared from the shied Bed estrum Gust, (Deli - Now Moor.) Aslsannie, Soothing, dorawt e Thule. ele. Superiordu . $. any m.lw.� am the above oolnislaints. a *Metallic_ uf the he RM Spruce tree A owhich dmibt the i w maoissst valuable native esso /Dr M dktnaIpery°eea every one sas heard Orae won- derful ef- Axes of the Qprsees sed the Pinus in eases of Lung Dia- true. P▪ rance the phyH Maws rem. - Earls send their eon- row tem.lArfretw� ISPRUCE perarw., co1*. moods and itrdet. them ARE YOU. Are you a Dyspeptic 1 Have you Indigestion T Is your Liver singtsh Does Doyour food trouble you T Does sleep fail to refresh you 1 Is your pe- tite and energy gone 1 Zorl.A (from Brad) will care you, tone you up, and invigorate your whole system. It is a gentle purgative, beta as a wonder upon, and gives strength and energy to the Digestive apparatus. It is strongly anti - bilious, carnes off all surplus bile, tones the Liver, gives sound Digestion and speedy health to the Dyspeptic and the Bilious Try a 10 cent sample at least. Nature, after all, is the great physi- cian. She hides all the secrets of health within her broad, generous bosom, and man needs but to go to her intelligently for his every need- The discovery of the Cough Remedy, Gay AT's Sta or ilan Srsvca Gen, is an apt illnstraa- tion of this. As a euro for Ooughs, Colds, Los of Voids and Haareenees it Meads unrivalled, while its low pries and radissss d amass pieces it within the reach of all Try it and be eo.vi old. All chemists keep it its 26 and 110 -vent bottles -ad GRAY'S SYRUP Cr RED fn this repara- tlon the Goo never separe Ss.. and all its a w t t♦rae- ,.- ueetoranr nto, Gad balsamic properties are pre- served. TA4 Her - uµ Care- fully pre- pured at a a a r e gmawf fr e• drink ofIAefnsrt a tea .wade GUM , i e k e n w grothe Nle res ecnooA.--ORArrs�rvvJ� ASO -"1y a the of meow et the. laws whiob g1.v re the operations of sad .natio.. and by • careful appli •f the Mer Mwprrtles of 4relloeSeered Chows. Mr, R�1�.�aa baa vided war bevhe kat tables • laIr.lely llsvnered beverage which 'my save m arrant heavy deelnrrr Mils, it M by the Judi Moines neo of beets art)cles of diet that a coo - 'Motto", may sail tenni Mup until meatal *mate to real every racy to damask Roadr le of ,�•hlie maladies are Ma�g wooed el ra•Q'rrto attack whenever thers omit point., a may mea • shaft keedthee 6101110,4111 well la1 -"Janie .»-.Aiss--makers '-et he•elste memos ter •A.tnotm t Ma Oise, it Spruce • c .caplet. Sopa. *0.at.ow- its remarkable power in rcli<rileg certain forms of Broucheti.t, mid almost speeifte effect in curing o - mtinate hacking Coughs, is now e -c1: known to the pttblie at'large. moist sal r'Me.YNe M.w4Ma Prier. r-. o ,. • D a The words • ••Arrowoffled Sprees ees Oum- owe our 1Mpsteed Trade Nark, r..r•; sed our ,ensile am( t abide ars also registered. KERRY. WA 7'SON if; ('O.- lesaleSok oytAAA Ylreggists� PrylimareaL i Illnaahsl Araks l.br. TIN bash salmi is the wail las oasts, Bruises Bens, Visas, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, 'letter, ChappeHands, Chilblains, Corns, and alt R Eruptions and positively aures Piles. It is guar. ..teed 10ig ve perfect satidsclwn or money refunded. Prins 26 cents per box. For sale by all druggist& UOLMAN'S Paas operate Through; the Nerve Forces and Ir�IM esADS MAIM the Circulation. Nollmddan's A ue,,�mLiiver & Stomach mteiFor 1]1.A60M and at�mot nice, Mennen's Special Pad. aeept d s ieaim - u, !doimaNs e eof ewwtM en sod o rirMee U, . we. Ntmesse ,resile. 8740. .y���t$/�a-tan's rilont_s' 1nor illinwit- Man.w !.`ata .a,4 Chtid•e" 5 .O.i bei3�i���l.d' 1 ',evens 07.10. Remit w • Thad •sad La•r altfi.gorow i eetee. Ntim n' rP1lr:de--rtirw• elnV t . es gabber been sae. N.M+an's A Nr Odd r~«w~s1e»ee+.1• rod deal* slew..- (1 41, rr►t ileo. Absorption Ila It far 'ladle. toe laths. her (b.ldt. ab.e.eata sad .11 se... whew • medisseed Seth M ,Asa ss Mewl. het bet huh (Per It a ekase)• 960 01 AMP ALL ANIIT$, oisl F VW ~W omit e lam sesios Melee, stall t e games*Kean. THE INET TO MON. 4 Uakeks all the cued sten of the aid Liver. tarrying stf gradually weakening the enema, all the impurities and foul humors of the Inaclisecretions ; at the sem time Lddity hof Ilei psis $ curh+¢ sinew Heartburn.Constipation.Drynes of irisioad /2'el . stuBalt ttering of t>tie > Nerwooesnese and General Debility • all th and many other simi- lar Com hunts BLOOD pQL_ _encs Sample Bottle* 10c ; B18egnlLrse.si$1. For sage by aU dealers. T. UMW a C... Preariders. Tema* lf you tom I yae.Wh ir.1aof.wsittla..e. ettaat.ot..wd •• 100,1 •• W et NOP Sitters. caste. 5 wOP �- If you ars yam. .ad ..R,Ant from .ay Ip- ilimme a or . pa too : it 7U. ars - ot rare, cit w ° . see �a.rror w ems roe emir .. o* 1i'a ebu t yo*i err 1MOtma- ?lea ttatee, .1Sitteis p savvy R0s p•sei& o mv� as of ria eouo Woo Farwerr M o *111 reorvd Hop Bi gas,i�,itraad.tt urltsea .ave)ere t If.. it ham /!overt toot. , •Joe. 0. T. ■dra3s• t t -.,.•n c. a. FT1 T JOHN RTORY The T14alth M M*U to the host. the rebfg Roe i► m7 Dram th�M A t Ctras1 Dasl►aesa to ilei tli-R'Mteet STOVES, TINWARE, LAMP GOODS, sad every othelr ,lien Iim n the businsnd ess. cess tui effortswould tin saving my fipropers4. t many sawose born house, at the late t'14euc John Story. AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. STRACEAN SAa xaruvJD Sia CEROCRY BUSINESS To the old stand in the Albion Block. formerly occupied b him. where be will be pleased to welcome all his old customers and the public generally. A large quantity of NEW, FRESH GROCERIES • AN CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. D, 0_ STRACI AN, FA I L LOVEL ,'$ Province of Ontario Directory FOR 1881 -1882 - TO 1;E PUBLISHED IN NOW/00M 1881, Price 11:.00. MIL V ELL, at the request of wet.eral LiMerchants wad other of the Province of Ontario of the City of Montreal, &c., begs to aaneu.ee that his Arm will pfshllah aPRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO DIRECTORY. in No- vember o- vent err next. containing an Alphabetical Directory AND A THOROUGH Coed Muss Directory of the Hariarrs and Professional men in the Cities, Towne, and Villages of Ontario with a Classified Business Directory Or THE CITY OF MONTREAL. The name care and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1511 will be given to thla work. Swbscr►ber mases respectfully solicited, Teres, of Ad- vertising made known open application. JOHN LOVELL & SON Montreal Dec. 1881. Publishers. 1h09 eh dent A be seat she bee tedb row nes SW etch New Yet rhe. stases Beat from ?IVtle_ k r t PA.a AiT. HOLMAN 'R QJO STREET Xt.oYe - V°.1 OHNTON'S`'d SAT APARI.LA (j _host�i _g .d f;.r rify':tg the . tx•.'. t•.1 Pc •- lw.l•t;o toe for ea yes:.eto - ,r• .a t • ,;'. t v. boot /-err* •,-. tan at C. ,. •.' 4( iim •r �l.'K i1 ./.14.1 .' E.. 1.1 1 • 1' :sl01 (K. Lr-ri 1 (0.�1j ies;et.E.4 (tip •ii18 FAa F, 7 , . +..e.2%1 t. i'.. i.N. a nd ail Duteous . user, frog a Dtsord.,ed 1.'rcr ur aA �' n3 t,lnot Th'ctwuds of o':• bet ale trio It and give It in th.-ir rt.ir• r•�,j�itrJaos prescribe adtu.;-. s ass It ri'et,mmend it 41 net.. r+ :4uade horn Yellow Deck. IIrtaa:a- r.:I�'..t r)or111s. Wild Cheny, St:L..,-m Sas.atraa, ..e rr w 41 -known vehr le Roots and .rax 11lsstrictly mostajMyand toe* ...c wart the oust delicate .. t �ti oo, ,monk. 1•.or m for :t.- t..1.‘th. the Dower. .i s *Hi by all drugghoe et one donor fora bottik, a or ,wanes for Owet�gRo tadwhe Met'o li ee=41 arab stat a -..nd er ape dollar. and we *geed a t , nes. w- .loaf d s CO . PtlasDslsrss. olorm erso O.'r IN Mor sate Dy JAVMs Ww1 w, Gnomon &ETNA$, Chemist. and Druggists. p VOWLERS FTXTF.#0.2,i WI LD Owner C . • Cholera Noreui, L aaootarp, 'ramps, �C�okke,, ,81ro �r ANf01t/e.opswr C.Aplalmt; olio OAobn Mme, owl all Coo - Aloft psuI1 ur to ekildro t footh- ill squally botisikial fo t forst bf*sn. r or e.3 owl. . odors" Ne. was n ML Blescins. �?Oi>1t;]IT4. Y. meubtroni 0T rr"te. I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. -OF- MR. D_ FMR G+USON -AT A- VERY GREAT DISCOUNT ! Nearly 4D of paid Stock, as well as my own original Stork, woo bought before the Ad wee U.f Uwrdware. I am therefore is • pwftlon to sell Cheaper than any other Mees. la the CNay. MY STOCK OF Fariioers', Biillers, & llelleia1 lla.iiare IS COMPLETE which I want to run off quickly. ooM LAND sVT AT SUCH soca. Ates WILL P? Ass TOQ. Fresh Ground 'Water Lime in Stook. AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE. R_ W_ (LECKE NZIE 1751-401. HURON CARRIAGE WORKS. T. & J. STORY, ISUCCEaaORS TO JOHN KNOXi. MANUFACTURERS OF Busies C arriaaes 8Z0_ C_ ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatness and Despatch, and at Reas- onable Rates. Call and examine beforo,purchasing elsewhere. T_ 8z J_ STORY, (KNOX'S OLD STND. if.I,M1LTON STit}:F.T. GRAND CLEARING SALE O F -- Dots and shoes, CAMPBEIES poor al SIIN EVER FOR ONE WN Til. Previous to tock taking. M Stook is Large and well -assorted, and GREAT BARGAINS will be given TERMS = CASH WM. CAMPBELL. aedsriob, Jaw 13, 15818 1780 Daniel Gordon, Ciiifittitter ankriti. MMNIMA Rous in the r ovaty, enol Lamina lead 1*4. ,hie of Lwtsrlos Pasoan Brim Bale-R000 Barran, ikan-Bohan•, EAaT 0aAne8, Lammas, aro . ev4• 1 1 dew � will Ilea n ts5hdr Mvshtags us ss. a1 Msk a moi athey aped .. seek - - LP QI)RtN►N. .,we PnelIlifiee, /7eesi,•h- w•A.aaasaesr- it