HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1972-04-26, Page 11HURON DEAD. STOCK REMOVAL cco Dave MoCutcheon, 19. Notices 21. Tenders Wanted , Tenders to be in by May 6, 1972. Brussels Recreation Cemmittee, Brussels, Ontario. 21,-17,1 ESTATE 12 Legal Nakes NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' In the estate of JOHN STUART McNAIR late of the Township of Grey In the. County of Huron, farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above deceased, who died on March 30, 1972, are required to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of May, 1972, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims which have then been received. Dated at Brussels this 10th day of April 1972. .CRAWFORD ` & MI LL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator 22-15-3 NOTICE' TO CREDITORS In the estate of • MARIE CHARLOTTE DAVIS late of Village of Brussels in County of Huron,wido.w,deceased, All persons having claims against the estate, of the above deceased, who died on March 23,_ 1972, are required to send par- ticulars of same to the under- signed on or before 4th day of May, 1972, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims which have then been received. Dated at Brussels this 6th day of April, 1972. CRAWFORD & M.I LL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 22-15-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of CLIFFORD JOHN CARDIFF, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, retired, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above deceased, who died on March 4, 1972, are required to send par- ticulars of same to the under- signed on or before the 4th day of May, 1972, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims which have then been received. Dated at Brussels this 6th day of April, 19/2. CRAWFORD & M I LL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 22-15-3 24. Card of Thanks Thank you everyone, who called or sent cards and goodies, or visited me while in Hospital, to the Nurses who looked after me, Dr. Mallcus, Dr. Underwood and others. Again, thanks very much. - Dawne wesenberg. 24-1'7-1 The Taylor family wish to thank friends and neighbours for the cards and acts of kindness during our recent bereavement in the death of my mother, Mrs. James C. Kerr. - Mrs. Ed. Taylor. 24-17x1 26. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lowe wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Penny Marie to Donald Wayne Hastings, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hastings, Wingham, Ontario. The marriage to take place Saturday, June 3rd, Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, Ontario. 26-17-1 1. Coming Events COME to Blyth Lions Club Bingo every Saturday night at 8:34.m. in Blyth Memorial. Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 regular games $10.00 each; 2 share the wealth.games; one $25,00,Specia.1 Jackpot of $125.00 if .taken in 60 calls or under. $10.00 added each week if Jackpot does not go. 50% of take if jackpot does not go to full card. 1-14-tf GOOD TIMES TOURS May 12- 4 day Nashville, Grand Ole Opry May '7-Ringling Bros. and Bar- num and Bailey Circus. Sunday,Ma.y '7, 6:30p.m. $7.00 per ticket Kit- chener Auditorium. Tour Pamphlets on request. GOOD TIMES TRAVEL AGENCY Phone 527-0050 Seaforth 1-16-tf SALE - Property and contents of house of the late Dr. James Anderson, Brussels, Saturday, May 13th. Watch for further particulars. 1-17-1 THE Huron County Federation of Agriculture are 'sponsoring a dance at the Wingham Legion Hall, Saturday, April 29th. Music by The Northern Gentlemen. Everyone welcome. 1-17-1 VARIETY Fair, Saturday, May 6th, I.O.O.F. Lodge Rooms, 2:30 P.M. Used clothing, new table, baking, candy, tea table. 1-17-1 2. Lost, Strayed 7. Situations Wanted BABY Sitting - Willing to baby sit in my own home week days starting at 6 a,m, Phone 887- 9409. 7-17-1 10. Used Cars for Sale. TO settle estate - 1964 Stude- baker, V 8 Automatic, Sedan, 43,000 miles. Not certified. Phone 887-6366 or 291-3267. 10-17-1 11. Articles for Sale QUANTITY OF HAY - Gerrit Van Veen, R.R. 2, Brussels, 887- 6757. 11-16x2 Wood For Sale - Hardwood slabs. Truckload lots, 6 cord $24. Craig's. Sawmill, Auburn, 526- 7220. 11-16-3 MIXED grain, 30% peas, 30% barley, balance in oats. Michael Gulutzen, 887-6968. 11-16x2 LARGE quantity of good used cedar posts priced up to 50 cents each also anchor posts available. Bob Robinson, 345- 2317. 11-17-1 For Sale - Vernal alfalfa seed, Ross McTaggert, R.R. 2, Brus- sels, 887-6756. 11-17-1 RED clover seed, also baled hay and straw. Carson Watson 887-6745. 11-17-2 For Sale - China Mink stole, excellent condition. 887-6651. 11-17-1 Crushed or pit run gravel, sand or top soil. Also loading, hauling and grading. For satisfactory work at most reasonable prices, Phone Lloyd Jacklin, 291-2808. 11-17x3 15-run Cockshutt grain and fertilizer drill. May be seen at McGavin's, Walton. Emerson Mitchell. 11-17-1 11. Artielei for Sae 9 lbs. Tiefoil, 2 lbs. tim. $7.70 per acre. -- Short term hay mixture - 10 lbs. all. .4 lbs, tim. 2 lbs. red $7.20 per acre. Special - Tref. with 3% red - .651 lb. All seeds gov't graded #1. Mixed and inoculated free. #1 gary oats $1.95 bu., Keystone, Herta Barley $2.50 bu., Gary, herta mixture - $5.10 per 85 lbs. Dealer for Pride & Stewarts corn. Four row corn planter available. Grain & seed cleaned by appoint- ment. For your complete seed requirements contact Don. Cramm, Seed & Grain merchant, Pinkerton. Ph. 366-2394 or 353- 5333. 11-13-U 42. Wanted to Buy WE buy any old motor vehicles for scrap price, also used fur- niture. Phone 887-6502. 12-17x4 WANTED - Cream Separator. Must be working good. Phone 887-9247. 12-17-2 .14. Property for Sale. For Sale - 7 room frame cottage in Seaforth. Phone 527-0888. 14-17x1 For Sale - Centrally located comfortable insul brick home in Blyth. Oil furnace, 3-piece bath upstairs, 2-piece downstairs. Se- parate insul brick building suit- able for workshop or double garage. Apply Gordon Caldwell. Tel. 523-9290. 14-17x1 15. Property for Rent Land for Rent - 75' acres fall ploughed. 1500 bales of straw for sale. Contact: Roger Smith, Brussels, 887-6687. 15-17-1 19. Notices ELM trees cut by the tree or the hour. Stan Alexander. 887- 6298. 19-16x2 Brussels Pet Food DEAD STOCK. REMOVAL _ We pay up to $15.00 for fresh, dead or disabled Cows and Horses according to size Small animals removed free of charge as a service to you Dial: 887-9334 Collect. Prop's. JOHNSTON BROS. 19-14-tf 20. Auction Sales Clinton, Ontario We are now paying $15,90 for .fresn dead or dis- abled cows and horses over WO lbs.. TWO, trucks to serve you, better, Fast, 4ficient service. .411 small farm stcck picked up free of charge as a service to 794. Call collect 482-9811 7 days a week 24 hours a day License .No.278c,72 Call us first, yet; won't have to call anyone else, 19-14,0 Custom Planting - Corn, beans and, grain. International Air Planter for accuracy in .plant- ing. Reasonable rates. Gary Thacker, 887-6196. 19-16-7 WANT TO LEARN TO DRIVE MAUR TRAILERS?? NOW you can train right here in Canada and be paid while doing so. For application and inter- view, write: Safety Department Trans Canada Transport Training Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay West Toronto 117, Ontario or call: 416-864-9381. 19-13-4 21. Tenders Wanted Tenders for OPERATING BOOTH at the Brussels Ball Park on a profit sharing basis. Tenders to be in by May 6, 1972. BRUSSELS RECREATION COM. c/o Dave. McCutcheon, Brussels, Ontario. ' 21-17-1 Application for SUPERV ISORS for BRUSSELS WADING POOL Please state, age, qualifications and salary expected. Please forward to: Dave McCutcheon, Brussels Recreation Committee, Brussels, Ontario. 21-17-1 Tenders for CUTTING GRASS Brussels Ball Park 20. Auction Sales 2 t. Births DAVIDSON - On Sunday, April 23, 1972 at Southampton Hos- pital, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davidson, a son, brother for Sharon. 27-17-1 7. Situations Wanted WANTED - Lawns to mow. Phone Gerry Jutzi, 887-6122. 7-17-1 LOST - Large reddish-gold male dog (Golden Retriever) tattooed left ear - may or may not have chain collar, very friendly. Last seen Easter weekend. Any infor- mation; please phone collect, 357-2252, Margaret Wormworth, Wingham. If no answer, callOPP. 2-17-1 Seed for Sale: Mixture #1 - 8 lbs. Alfalfa, 4 lbs. Timothy, 2 lbs. Red, 4 lbs. Brome, 2 lbs. Meadow Fescue, 20 lbs. per acre @ $8.34 per acre. Mixture #2 - CLASSIFIED RATES Word Count Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals such as serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION-25 words $1.00, 31 per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 21 per word, minimum .501 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.12 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - .981 per column inch Minimum size 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch LEGAL ADVERTISING - Rates on request. BOX NUMBERS to this. office - 251 per insertion BIRTHS - No charge when in minimum form. MARRIAGES, Engagements, 'Death Notices, Cards of Thanks and Births (other than in minimum form) - 25 words $1.00, each additional word 21. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus .081 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 25 words $1.00 , each additional word .031. No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after noon Mondays. 25 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT OF ADVERTISEMENT BEFORE 6:00 P.M., TUESDAY, following publication. DEADLINE DEADLINE TO INSERT CLASSIFIED ADS IS 5:00 - P.M. MONDAY Phone 887-6641 AUCTION SALE Of household appliances, furniture and antiques in the town of Brussels, 2 blocks west of Main Street, behind the Arena. Saturday, May 6 AT 1:30 P.M. Consisting of round dining room extension table with 6 matching chairs, buffet, chesterfield suite and 2 matching chairs , china cabinet, settee, rocking chairs, quantity of misc., chairs, tables and fern stands , drop leaf table, washstands and commodes, wood and steel beds, springs and mattress, 2 trunks, vanity dresser, chest of drawers, wicker stool and chair, hall mirror and coat rack, mantel clock, Frigidaire refrigerator, Clare Jewel electric range, Dominion wringer washer, dinette alite (5 pc.) wood stove, quantity of glass and china and many, many more items. TERMS - CASH NO RESERVE ESTATE OF MRS. MARIE DAVIS RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE. Brucefield - 482-3120 20-17-2 Ifteleorohikiiii-~sevieio 01r. THE BRUSSELS POST, APRIL 26, 1972-11