HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1972-04-26, Page 10TRY OUR DELICIOUS Distributors of SEAL PURE Milk. Products Packaged by HURON FOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Brussels Phone 887-6872 k 4° AWIM 4.0>1 7' I j‘-sadg4e / • liStagrafger Sunspun ICE CREAM BRICKS SILVER RIBBON LEMON PUFFS 2 for 490 4 for 890 8-oz. 450 Oven Pride — 7.1b, 'ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR • • Libby Cook— 17-oz. tins SPAGHETTI 430 690 750 2/$1.00 3/$1.00 690 2 for 450 630 or 2 for 1,19 DOG FOOD 10/$1 00 BLUEVALE GENERAL. STORE Prop. Fred Leader 357-3187 — 887-9250 LUCKY DOLLAR COFFEE lb. 79c . HEINZ MUSHROOM 39c Sliced 8-oz. SUNSPUN CHEESE 11-oz. Jar SUNSPUN COFFEE CREAM Kudas 12-oz. CORNED BEEF Clarks' Irish STEW BEEF Doles' Fancy — 48.oz. PINEAPPLE JUICE • Red Seal Sockeye — 73/4-oz. SALMON • • • • . • . . .. !Wink) — 15-os. LUCKY DOLLS AR FOOD TORES WHY HANDLE YOUR GRAIN? Why not let us do it for you on your farm ? PETER'S MOBILE FEED SERVICE Complete Rations for Cattle, Hogs and Poultry PLUS ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS 887-6213 Brussels White Only SCOTT TOWELS Robin Hood Pouch.Pac CAKE MIXES Mayle Leaf PICNIC SHOULDERS ' 590 • • .5 for SLAM • i'/2 lb, tick $1.39 e .1.. .1. News of Wilton. W.I. sponsors pot luck supper Correspondent surer for the past four years, nd Mrs.Allan MeCall she Was givea a standing ovation from the 34 ineMberp present. A pot luck, supper preceded in the President's.summary the annual meeting of the Walton she thanked everyone that had Women's Institute on April 19th helped her during the Year. in the Community Hall, It was Mrs. James Nolan installed Prepared by the hostesses, Mrs. the officers and conveners for John Bos, Mrs,lierbWilliarnson, 1972-73. Delegates to go to the Mrs. Harvey Craig and Mrs. District Annual on May 9th will Neil McGavin. be Mrs, Alvin McDonald, Mrs. Mrs. Gerald Watson conduc- James Nolan, Mrs. Norman ted the business. Mrs. Herb Schade And Mrs. Dave Watson. Traviss was pianist. The sec- The executive and conveners retary,treasurer ' Mrs. William are to meet Mondaynight to make Humphries read the, minutes and out the programs for the coming treasurer's report. Mrs.Graeme year. A donation was approved Craig was welcomed as a new for the Fair Board. A committee member. A thank-you card was was chose n to prepare a float read from Mrs. Pete McDonald. for the Centennial celebrations It was announced there would in Brussels An June. bea Huron County Historical meeting Gorrie on. May 31st. UCW meets Collecting is to be done on the lines out of Walton by Institute The McKillop Unit of the U. members. It was agreed to have C.W. met. Wednesday afternoon euchre Friday evening with Mrs. at the manse with 15 members. Bill Humphries as convener Present. Mrs. W. J. Leeming assisted by Mrs. Norman Schade, was in charge of devotions. The Mrs. Torrence Dundas and Mrs. scripture lesson was read by Laverne Godkin. Mrs. Merton Hackwell. Mrs. The bus trip scheduled for Campbell Wey had the meditation, Wednesday May 17th was reported "To Live in the Afterglow of by Mrs. Don Achilles. Easter". Mrs. Dave Watson lead It was decided to make repairs in prayer followed by a poem, to the hall, the Institute corn- "Take Happiness with You" mittee to meet with the hall board by Mrs. W. J. Leeming. The to make plans. There will be no offering was taken by Mrs. M. meeting in May. Hackwell and dedicated by Mrs. The 15th annual meeting fol- W. J. Leeming. lowed when the financial state- Mrs. Neil McGavin gave as ment was read by Mrs. Wm. her topic "The Christian Wife" Humphries. Mrs. Nelson Reid by Dale Evans Rogers. Mrs. gave the auditor's report. Dave Watson read a poem, "The The reports on the Standing Things That Count". Committees were given. Mrs. Mrs. Joh n Burch, the unit Neil McGavin for Agriculture and president, was in charge of bus- Canadian Industries, Mrs.Herb mess. Mrs. M. Hackwell gave Traviss for Citizenship and the treasurer's report. Education. Mrs. Murray Smith Lunch was served by Mrs. for Historical Research and Cur- Norman Schade, Mrs. Keith Rock, rent Events; Mrs. James Nolan Mrs. Stewart McCall and the for Resolutions. hostess, Mrs. Derwyn Docken. The Sunshine report was writ- 17th and BOUNDARY UNIT ten by Mrs. Stewart Humphries The April meeting of the 17th and read by Mrs. Wm. and Boundary Unit ladies met Humphries. Mrs. Reid also had Wednesday afternoon at the home the Tweedsmuir History Book on of Mrs. Martin Baan. display. Mrs. Roy Williamson opened Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr. spoke with the thought for the day, based in recognition of Mrs. Wm.Hum- on "Easter". Mrs. M. Baan was phries' work as secretary-trea- pianist. Mrs. Williamson read News of Ethel Plans rummage sale Mrs.Chester Earl Correspondent Kitchener, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Posthumus, Geo. Heimstra. Mrs. Eva Gormley and Mr. The Ethel U,C.W. met at the and Mrs. Wm. Leslie, Toronto, home of Mrs. Elmer Downey visited Mr. and Mrs.W.F.Hewitt. for their April meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Evans and Mrs. A. Pearson opened with girls visited Mr. and Mrs. Barry the worship service. Mrs. C. Taylor on Sunday in Varna. Earl gave a topic on the "Aged". Mrs. W. F. Hewitt was presi- dent for the month and took care of the business. Roll call was answered by 'Ways we can help the aged.' Final arrangements were made for the rummage sale. Lunch was served by Mrs. Roy Hall and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stephenson, Niagara Falls, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stephenson. A successful rummage sale was held in the Community Centre Saturday. Mr. Elmer Downey spent a few days in Bornholm with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Steckley. Mrs. Elmer Downey visited in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Baun- gart, Brantford visited Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stephenson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Patterson, Niagara Falls, visited Mrs. Edythe Cardiff. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Klein- Striber visited in Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Mc- Taggart visited in Heidelberg with Mr. arid Mrs, Wayne Mc- Taggart. Miss Jennie Lynn returned to Toronto after spending the week at her horne. Mr. and Mrs. Garner Clyne and Mrs. Jim Turner, HarriSton visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cunningham, Sunday. 10----THE BRUSSELS POST, APRIL 26, Hommumonownomomoumuournmsowomoni .CRANBROOK GENERAL: STARE WEEK-END SPECIALS. Agent: 1,.istowel Dry Cleaners CRANBROOK Phone Brussels 687-6593 READ and USE POST CLASSIFIED the scripture lessonfollowedbya peeinp "The Open Page". Mrs, William. Murra y gaYe the topic, “Nothing left for you to do". Business was conducted by Mrs. R, william$on, Minutes Were read by Mrs. John Bos. The next meeting is tq be held at the hoine of MrS.Geroge Wiliamson with Mrs. Ilaroldmc,• Callum and Mrs. John Bos in charge. Mrs. William Murray and. Mrs. Roy Williamson and Mrs. Martin Baan served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Marks, Exeter, visited relatives in the village prior to taking a months holidays to Vanceuver wher e they will visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCreath, formerly of Walton. We are glad to report that Mrs. Gordon McGavin and Mrs. Pete McDonald have returned home from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walters and Ronald of'Hanover visited in this area. Miss Teresa Ryan, R.N,A. of St. Joseph's Hospital, London, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan. Visiting Mrs. Lorne Hulley were Mr. and. Mrs. Don HuIley and Mark of Fraser, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hackwell and family of Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sholdice and family visited Mr. James Keys when he was a patient re- cently in a London Hospital. Ross McCall, Brussels and Howard Hackwell visited at the Douglas Point Hydro. Station. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hum- phries visited last Wednesday in London. The last euchre of the season will be held in the Community Hall on Friday evening spon- sored by the Walton W.I. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin were Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Kirkby; Mr. and M're. Joe Steffler; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ryan; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Mac Shol- dice; and Mr. and Mrs.Howard Hackwell when pictures of their recent trip to Jamaica were shown by Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mc- Gavin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- Callum, Joyce and Carl visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George McCallum of Galt. Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin and family recently were Mrs. Mabel Harris of London and. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harris of Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Super and children, Angela, Michaelle were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kesinaat and family of Burlington. 1972