HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1972-03-29, Page 4`:"7almoril; eat,: llliil " Raj FIRE WINDSTORM Livestock Floater Mechiner); Floater ALSO AVAILABLE:, AYWARD'S Discount & Variety Patent Medicines — Cosmetics Tobacco Groceries and Stationery Elmo Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Company NOW SERVING YOU WITH ALL MAJOR COVERAGES ON FARM, URBAN & COTTAGES 1 Complete Protection Policy PROTECTION. AVAILABLE LIABILITY THEFT Homeowners Package Policy FOR INFORMATION: Phone ATWOOD 356-2582, COLLECT or Phone MR. JACK COX, BRUSSELS, 887-6719 LLOYD TANNER Sacrei:LI PrOsicient DOUGLAS UTTtE, News of lAf#Icon Group committee pack sponsors :Cub Sunday and William Humphries. CUBS HAVE FATHER, SON BANQUET There were 30 present for the annual father and son banquet in the Walton United Church base- ment Monday evening of last week with the 8th and 16th Unit of the U.C.W. catering. Chairman W. J, Leerning pre- sided. Rev. D. Docken welcomed tha guests, cub leaders, fathers arm boys. Those seated at the head table were the guest speaker, Bruce McCall, Brussels, and the group committee, James Smith, Mrs. Stewart Humphries, Mrs. Ron Bennett, Laverne Godkin, William J. Leeming, Murray Dennis and Rev. Docken. Doug. Mitchell proposed a toast to the fathers and Neil Mc- Gavin replied. James Smith thanked the 8th and 16th unit ladies who catered to the banquet. The guest speaker was intro- duced by Laverne Godkin and thanked on behalf of everyone present by Murray Dennis. A film was shown on Buster Keaton followed by the Cub Promise being said by the cub members. Oerrespondent Among those included In a Mrs. Allan McCall snowmobile party to. Family Paradise Park and tak in the The. Sunday SeryiCe at Duff's weekly dance there veeringeMr. and United Church, Walton, was Mrs. Mao Sholdice, Mr. and Mrs. SPQRsOreci bY the Walton Pronp Murray Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Joe ,Scout Committee, consisting of ,. Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dins- W. J. Leerning, Mrs, Ron Bennett, more and Toronto friends, and Mrs, Stewart Humphries, Murray Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin. Dennis, Jim Smith, Laverne God - Mr. and Mrs, Walter Bewley kin and Rev. D. Docken, visited Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Hume The Wolf Cub Pack filed into pb re ys in Palmerston.. the churCh with their leaders, Bill Campbell Jr., Stewart Howard Hackwell, Doug. Kirkby McCall, Bill Lobb and HerbTra- viss attended the Beef Pro- CUB SOCIAL EVENING The Wolf Cub Pack held a social evening in the basement of the church on Wednesday evening. There were eight tables of euchre in play, with prize win- ners being - High Lady - Mrs. Harold. Wilson, Low Lady Mrs. Russell Marks, High man- W . J. Leeming, Low man - Harvey Craig. There were three tables of crockinole in play, winners being, High - Murray McCall, Low - Jim McDonald Jr. CHURCH SERVICE Mr. L. P. Plumsteel, prin- cipal of Seaforth High School was in attendance at the Laity Sunday morning service at Duff's United Church, Walton when Rev. D. Docken and Mr. Plumsteel presented a Dialogue ,,The Role of the Laity". Those assisting in the ser- vice were Mrs. Ron Bennett, Mrs. Walter Bewley and Em- merson Mitchell. Hymns were sung from the printed song sheets assisted by Rev. Docken with his guitar. Mrs. Ian Wilbee assisted on the organ when the choir contrib- uted an anthem. Lunch was served by the Wal- t= Unit, assisted by the 8th and 16th Units. Easter Services and the Sac- rament of the Lord's Supper will be observed next Sunday morn- ,* ducers curling bonspiel at wingharri sponsored by Jim Coultes of Belgrave, where they won three games and the high plus to win the trophy. Paul Humphries was a pat- ient in Clinton Public Hospital where he had his tonsils re- moved. Mr. and Mrs. John Currie, Cheryl and Rhonda visited Mr.. and Mrs. Allan McCall and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevenson and Ronald, Those participating in a bon- spiel in the Seaforth Curling Rink were Ron Bennett, Watson Reid, Herb Traviss, Doug. Kirkby, Graham Sholdice, Bill Robertson, Doug, Riley, Nelson Marks, Bill Campbell Jr., Howard Hackwell, Don McDonald and Ken McDonald when approx- imately 40 people sat down to a beef dinner prepared by Stewart McCall and Stewart Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunk Jr. and family of F'rankford visited last Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunk, prior to their leaving on a motor trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. James Keys, Seaforth, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sholdice, Mur- ray and Sandra on the occasion of Murray's birthday. Mrs. Frank Burke, Sheila and Stephen visited during the holiday week with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether, Steven and John. Those who visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Achilles and family on the occasion of their son Danny's birthday, were Terry Williamson, Michael Ryan, Peter Bennett, Murray Sholdice, Greg Humphries and Carl McCallum. Misses Lynn Taylor, Lucknow and Debbie Achilles, Fergus, spent the holiday week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Achilles. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rock visited with John Rinn who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Danny Achilles is spending a few days of the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon and Ian of Goderich visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hackwell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hue- ther, Mr. and Mrs. Ken McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCut- cheon visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Clements Stutz of Golden Valley visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Tor- rence Dundas. Miss Ruthie Thamer under- went a tonsilectomy in Seaforth Community Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Kirkby, London visited friends and rel- atives in the Walton area. Dr. and Mrs. Glen Oliver and family, London, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Campbell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Somerville of McKillop and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coutts, Walton were among the passengers who went by bus on a holiday cruise to Florida. Murray and Sandra ShOldice USE POST WANT-ADS DIAL 887-6641 1072 visited their grandparents Mr. And Mrs, James Key, Seaforth. Mr• and Mrs. Torrence Dun, cla4 attended a get-tp-gether on. Friday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Williatn Stutz, honoring Mr. Stutz on his rec- ent receiving of his 'Call to tie Barn. Jack McCall, Guelph spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart• McCall and Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Don Achilles and family visited. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Middegaal, R.B. 1, Blytn. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mac Shold ice were Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Cardiff, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Knight, Brussels, Mr. and MrS. Doug Kirkby, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stef- fler, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hackwell, Walton and. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nash, Stoney Creek. Miss Brenda Bewley, nurse- in-training at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, visited at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bewley. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Stev- enson and Anna Lee visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevenson and Ronald. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ennis, Steven, Leanne and Sherri, 11 you have a Lawn ay, • you need a LAWN-BOY COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU THE ENTIRE LAWN-BOY LINE AND HELP YOU SELECT THE MOWER FOR YOUR LAWN. Lawn-Boy combines fea- tures such as its famous Finger-tip start. . Whisper- quiet muffler that's under the deck . and easy to push, lightweight magnesi- um construction. Come in and let us show you the en- tire Lawn-Boy line and help you select the mower that's just right for your lawn- mowing requirements. REASONABLE PRICES GOOD TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES by the makeri of Johnsoh arid Evihrucle Outboard Mo#ori, Oldfield Pro-Hardware Phone 887.6851-- Brussels Whitby spent holidays with Mr, and Mrs, Doug Laurie and Kevin Smith spent holidays with their grandparents Mr. and Clarence Dennis, Mencrief, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Balclt, GOderich and Mr. and Mrs. Don McDonald visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray nuether, Mr. and, Mrs Brian Nash of. Stoney Creek were guests for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Neil McGavin and family, Gary Bennett, London visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ron Bennett and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinner, Brussels, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ryan and family and also accompanied the Ryan family when they attended the Ice Capades recently in London. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shortreed, R,R.3, Walton and mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, Mitchell have arrived home from a motor trip to Nashville, Tenn. where they also attended the Grand Ole ()pry. Stewart McCall, Watson Reid, Bob Wilson and Bill Campbell Jr. attended the Canada Packers bonspiel in Goderich, where they A won third prize. Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Riley, Winthrop and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Sholdice, Walton, spent a few days in Toronto recently. Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavid were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dinsmore of Brampton accompanied by friends from the Toronto area. 4--THE BRUSSELS POST, MARCH 29,