HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-10-07, Page 8THE HIIRON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, OCT. 7, 1881.
MOULDINGS, and every
Deeoripi oonu of Interior Finish.
A Specialtyy. Send for Price
Estimates on applica-
tion. per -Address
FAart Sou. -The "Cartwright farm,"
of one hundred acres, situated half a mile
from Dungannon, was sold by auction,
on Tuesday for $4,100. This is consid-
ered a good price. Mr. J. C. Currie,
the popular auctioneer, superintended
the sale. Wm. Mallough, Esq. was
Imare, a three-year old mare and a two-
year old mare. Mr. Thos. Sturgsun
also brought • five you old horse, she
last tamed animals bung purchased in
The following Iota were sold at Comb's
sale on last Saturday: -Lots 14 and 15,
to Joseph McElroy for $132; lot 13,
Morris Smeltzer for $77; Iota 42 and 43,
James McGill 1150.50; let 44, Henry
Combe $68; Iota 48 49 and 50 th build
ing on the street to be moved on these
lots for 5350. These are good prices
and show that lots are increasing in value
n our town.
Mr. D. D. Wilson has set a very good
example to other employers of labor, by
presenting a membership ticket for the
Mechanics' Institute to each wan in his
A disreputable woman. n.ttned Martha
Robinson, was couunitted to Goderich
jail for 20 days. Mayor Strong is to be
commended fur ridding the tows of such
Messrs Ogilvie have placed in their
mill in this town a now engine of one
hundred horse power It was manufac-
tured by the Thompson & Williams Man-
ufacturing Company of Stratford, and
is a megni6cent piece of machinery.
Qatlerloh Township.
A couple of young cattle belonging. to
Mr. Isaac Salkeld, Bayfield Road, ware
recently killed by the cars, on the cross-
ing, fourth concession.
One day last week, Mrs. Fraser, Lake
Shore, while walking round, slipped and
fell, putting her wrist out of joiut, which
will lay her up for a few days.
ENGAGED. -The trustees of 8. S. No.
1 have re-engaged Mr. Richard Miller
as teacher at a salary of *430, being an
increase of $30 over his salary for the
present year.
Revs. Livingston and Cook have just
commenced a series of special meetings
in Bethel church, which bids fair of be-
coming a decided success.
CHURCH DsuloATIuv. -- The opening
services of the new Bi ble Christian church
here, on Sunday last, were well at-
tended by large congregations, too large
to get into the church, and were seasons
of great spiritual power and edification.
The tea meeting, on Monday, was a great
eucceee, and the platform services were
seasons of interest and profit, tinsncially
and spiritually. The church has been
pronounced the prettiest in the Province chipmunks
(large towns and cities excepted). Its
total cost is about $2,100. The whole
amount is pledged and Zion is declared
to be free. ¶'he services are to be con-
tinued on Sunday next, when Rev. W.
Quaece, of Uaborne, will preach, morn-
ing and evening, and Rev. W. Hooper
in the afternoon.
$ot'ly. FaaawCLL •Nn (suss -mei.
Quite • few of our villagers ,net at the
Eschartge to had goel-bye t.. the late
landlord and welcotss the new landlord
among thou last Monday evening. Tout
ing each other was the g•., and a jolly
time was spent by JL
Oma To alar. -- Mr. B. K. Allen is if
for another tour to visit friends in Oreeo
Bay, Wisconsin, width= for a ramble to
the Western States.
Goss roe • Homier. -Our Constable
has gone to see (nods in Michigan
AvIluL Ien-leer - When clearing up
land a few days ago, a young mean carne
across a dormouse s nest and young:
What was his surprise to see the young
mice seize the teats of their mother and
lap their tad. round hers, while she ran
off with her burden a distant of 30 feet.
and then disappeared down a h.•le with
her nine sucklings.
Jos MAY wimp.
PasasNT•Tloa.-Mr. Wm. Thompson,
who has resided on the 7th con. of Turn -
berry fur over 20 years put, was, prior
to his departure fur Manitoba, tuade the
recipient of • handsome and valuable
silver watch. At the same time Mrs.
Thom:peon received a fine silver cruet
set. Mr. Thompson is highly esteemed
in the township. •
Deowat.D.-Mr. John Mair, alluded
to in the Expositor of September 13th,as
being drowned in Manitoba, wits s former
resident of Turnberry, where he had
lived from the time of his birth until a
few years ago, when he went to Teesws-
ter and there learned a trate in Gillies
& Martin's foundry. From later advi-
ce. it appears that he was thought to
have gone to his father's home to spend
the Sabbath, bet, instead, he had, on
Saturday evening, gone shooting ducks,
and hail gone in after One, as his clothes
and gun were found on the shore. As
the water was shallow, he must have been
seized with a cramp. His only brother
had just arrived in Manitoba., from here,
whither he had been for a wife.
Wat. Smith, of Clinton, has opened a
livery stable in connection with the
American hotel
Last Thursday R Leatherdele shot a
large cat owl near Robert Brown's in
Grey townahip. It measured about 5ft.
across its wings, and was evidently an
old settler.
SALTED. -Dr. McFadden, of Brussels,
was summoned by Dr. T. Holmes before
A. Hunter, J. P., on Monday last, for
practicing without being registered. He
was fined $25 and coats.
After all the prizes were paid, in con-
nection with the Brussels Caledonian
Society, there was an overplus of about
$200. This is rather a convincing proof
fur the doubtful ones as to whether the
Society would pay its way or nut.
Suoormo.-Thursday of last week A.
Richardson and R Work chose sides for
a day's hunt, the losing side to pay
for the supper at the American hotel.
Work's side won by over 1400 points.
For the highest number of points R.
Leatherdale wan let prize nuking in all
1265 points. H. McLean came 2nd
with 1140. The whole party killed 584
3oderioh Townahip. Da iesnnon.
Helium/111e, October 3rd., 11381. Mr. tam. McArthur. post waster. is
text to to receive subwrlpt tuns Is. lea Hasson
Council met today pursuant to ad- ewau_ and giro rsoelpts hauler.
.ourttmeut.. Members all present. Mr. Wm. Ramis, Crausforl, has pet a
Minutes of lest tweeting read and passed. sew water .,heel in his s.tw mill.
By- *reed we No.
an3 .,wised Wif prose) t year Mr. Thea. Soothers thrashed recently
I w1O ap 810, bush grains ut nue afternoon.
plied personally to council for assise,
after hearing his caseit was moved by Mr. Harry Savage left here un Tear
J. Cox, seconded by J. Whitely that the day to seek his fortune in Detroit. list'
tem o1 twenty dopers be grunted to Mr. Weems attend him
Dunn to buy clothes for thewinter, as he GIANT CoRN STALK. -Mr. Charles
u w indigent circumstances--Carried. Robinson shuwod us on Monday a corn
Mr. Wm. McCaib, with whom the for- •t.ilk ever ten feet in length.
mer lives, commuted to expend the RAsreratuaa. -Mr. Curwin 'hewed us
money to the best advantage on the no teat week a small branch fruw a resp-
ceasar clothing. Mr. Alex Cox appear- berry bush quite loaded with that de-
ws before council in rrd to his former licious fruit, which is something unusual
application to be placed in No. 6, S. S, at this time of the year.
after considering the case the Clerk was et
element.) Merest - A shooting match
ordered to draft • By-law placing lots 16 took place here en Saturday hut, be-
lted 17, 5 con. in No 6 School Section; tween Messrs Robinson, of this village
and have it ready for next tweeting of and Greenwell of Lucknow for $10 a side,
Council. Robert Brar'iadigent was and which resulted it favour of the
granted $10; Jacob Miller senior, sew former by one point.
granted $1.0, case indigence. Several
Renovate -Miss Martha Pentland has
other matters were considered, the par -
removed her shop to Southampton St.
lute interested being present. They
oppositi the rat ofliue, where she will
were however not sutlieieetly advanced b' "at u'ne to all whofavour he
to admit of publicatiuu and were lain ' nifty he'.
over for futureconsideration. The follow- with a call
ing accounts were paid viz: Writ Reid
for culvert, 3rd and 4th con, $5; Geo.
Jamieson for breaking stones on Huron
and Saw mill reads $6; John Marquis
fur digging nutlet for water on ceutre
road $5: Writ Collins, indigent, was
granted $17.50; Huron Record fur print-
ing 525: J. Chambers for *bevelling
gravel 5tkta; Robert Emmerson for use
of his scraper 30cta; T? ,lot. McCullough
for gravel $23.20; John Calbeck for
gravel $15.20. The council adj'our'ned
w meet on the first Mouday in Nuvetn-
J. P.tTTov, Clerk.
Mr. Isaac Ryan, Colborne, has gone
to try his luck in Uncle Sam's territory.
SICKNESS. -We regret to learn that
Mrs: McWhiner, sen., 1st con. Ashfield,
lie. very dangerously ill.
BUILDINu. -Mr. McWhiney, Nile, is
putting up a commodious kitchen. Mr.
McElwain, merchant, has placed a ver-
andah in front of Itis house.
Camra. --The fall wheat in this vicini-
ty presents a moat beantiful appearance.
The potatoes are about all raised and are
below •an average crop
REt.IGu•s. ---The revival services con-
tinue in the Methodist church. The
,outer is preaching powerful sermons,
which, by the blessing of G•d,are having
a telling influence on the congregation.
Mr. John Dickson, since his return
from Manie d's, hes been down with an
attack of typhoid fever.
Meer Gone Stove. Mr. John Han-
nah, Deputy Reeve of Tuckersmith, pur-
chased at the Pnoviucial riehibition, from
Mr. Joseph Salt old, of Iewnie, a very
fine two year ol.: rem and a lair of ewe
lambs of the Southdown breed. This
breed of •het•, is now taking the lead.
The woo cotuulends a very much higher
price the 1 the. 1. :Iger and coarser varie-
ties, and the mut.om i■ e'f finer quality
and is m .ch ereferred in the old country
markets .+ven to the Leiceonrs and Cots-
wolds it is the general . pinion of those
who have given attention •s, the matter,
that the S.,u,h.lowme are destined to be
the popular as well u tl • most profits-
ble sheep for some years ie come. -{Ex-
Fans'on. The farm .1 Mr. D. Cal.
lander, . m the 21 conceal .n o1 Manley,
wee s.1.1 el airline, fee the sum of
$6,510. M T. Bard w A the purchas-
er. The fart.. en.nteined 1 If) acres. Mr.
Callander loos•+a .tb,.ut 5901 aced the year's
Interest, by ''le sale
Mr Fro .i. Coleman, of the Parr
Line,haa pi impert••1 In m Lancashire,
Englaml, o levee yes. old mare. a
yeerline .0• •, a i.,,. ye:. ,old stallion
and *colt 1 'booths • 1.1 Mr. Coleman
is bound t• n• 0 14 te the teen in the
matter f k. t;r.1 el •M stork, and
4aeerv.'s ever, ♦e(Aw.ent in the es•
terpriee 4 • ^•(r :h ren brought
.Trey •' A c.o.-pew 4d -
MIIIIOlrAIT Mstrlxo. -A missionary
meeting was held in B. C. Church on
the erg. of 27th inst., the pastor of the
church in the chair. Interesting and
instructive addreiuea were given by Rev.
Mears. Webber of Exeter, and Philp.
..f Clinton.
STOLE Him. -Mr. Fred Horton left
here last Monday to take charge of the
Millburn hostelry. Leeburn loses a
a )oily resident, and the Millburnites
will heed a genial but.firm landlord.
WANT FuiNt,.-A hole at the side of
the bridge on Horton's hill wants filling
in with dirt, and *Trailing on the bridge.
11 our Township Fathers don't see about
it some one may get • tumble with their
teams when aeturning home on a dark
night. The ratepayers of course, will
hate W pay the damages.
FINISHED. - Threshings are over.
Fall wheat average. 23 bushel. toils'
acre. Spring, 20., Barley, front many
inquiries, 14 to 50 -On the various
Great improvements have been made
pm the farms.
This year all fall wheat being gown
with care and drains are being dug. We
hope next year to best our Millburn
rivals hollow.
A mach game of Kase hall was played
between the Ripley and Lochalah clubs
on the grounds of the latter on the 21st
ult. which resulted in favor of the Loch-
alsh boys by six runs. The match was
a friendly one, and entirely free from
the jangling which so frequently occurs
on such occasion.
No less than four threshing machine
accidents have occurred in this vicinity
during thin season; but the most serious
one happened nn Saturday, 1st ult., to
a young man named Malcolm McLeod,
residing nn the 12th, cnn. of Ashfield.
He was engaged at feeding. and had
taken out the feed -hoard to amines
something near the roarare, when the
rapidly revolving cylinder caught the
leatherlove on his hand, and dra
it into the concave tets. and shatt
the hand in • frightful manner Dra.
Gardner, of Lucknow. and Walden, of
Kincardine, were in attendant.. and
and found it necessary to amputate it
between the wrist and the elbow. He
is now doing as well as could 1e expect-
ed under the circumstances.
Another accident, hut one of • lea
serious nature nocurrwd, a few days pre-
vious to the foregoing, to 1).enald Mcln-
ne. eho also lives on the 12th con. o1
A.hfield. He had his font and leg
(rw.hed in the horse power of • thresh-
ing machine. Dr. Mackid, of Lucknow
set the broken hone. end he is new pre,-
ve.•..inR feror.hly
Fruit is reported 8a very scarce.
Fall plowing is now the order of the
Fall wheat is looking tolerably well
Seeding about over.
All our summer binds have left, or are
leaving, for parts more stove -like.
Experimenters have commenced cut,
ting amber came. The yield is good.
Miss I;, McConnell, who taught No.
7 School, has been engaged for a school
ao Ashfield.-KAoLA.
FArWER.s LOOK Orr.e-A. Mr. James
Stevens of Colborne was on his way to
church, t. little after dark on the 23rd
ReLtototm. -Rev. Mr. Leitch, Pres-
byterian pastor, reaident of this place,
occupied the pulpit in the Methodist
church on Sunday evening last, where
he delivered a very interesting and in-
structive sermon to a large and appreci-
ative congregation, from II Connthiana,
iv -5.
MAPLE Rzvaa, DAaoTA.-Mr. James
Smyth, who left West Wawanosh, one
year ago lot March, threshed this year
2.760 bush. wheat and 2,040 buah. oats.
He drew the grain four miles to market,
and sold the wheat for 11 per. bu.heL
CONCERT.-Mr. Joe. Williamson gave
a concert in the Orange Hall here one
evening last week, but owing probably
to it not being properly advertised. the
affair was a failure, yet notwithstanding
his contretemps, Mr. Williamson contem-
plates having another un show day,
when he trust., his audienoe will not be
quite so meagre.
SERENADE. -Quite a sensation was
caused in our midst last week by a re-
port that s blind man by the name of
.l1offat, had been secretly married to a
Mrs. Sheppard, a widow residing here.
The interesting event had no sooner
"leaked out" than all of the small boya
of the village concluded to give the
happy pair a little music. They accord-
ingly provided themselves, with the
usual "musical instruments" for such oc-
casions, and repaired to the dwelling of
Sept, he meta large flock of lambs driv-
en by a mat, his horse and rig following connubial felicity" where, for chs,main.
hien On inquiry being made u to purtwin of the night the delightful strains
from innumerable tin pans and cow bells
were sweetly wafted upon the breeze.
on counting his sheep, which were graz- GL( oioosT.-"Skipping out" is a ttlal-
ing in front of his farm, Mr. Stevens ady the ueighboring villages all around
found to his display that two tine shear!- have been complaining of lately, and
ings had disappeared. Upon making now Dungannon has caught the infection
inquiry as to who the drover of the pre- Mr. Thos. Allen, who occupied a farm
vious evening could be, he was informed on the sixth can, Ashfield, has thought
that it was a Goderich butcher. Mr. it advisable to visit our friends en the
Stevens not willing to believe that that other side. And Mr. David Proctor,
person would be driving a flock of lambs butcher, has, to all appearances, done
on the road at that time . of night, and likewise. Bath leave hind them nu-
hering the utmost confidence in his mesons "little bills' as tokens of remem-
honesty, spent some time hunting and brance.
making inquiries about his sheep. At LONDON SIGHT Smuts. -Those of our
last he was told that instead of being a residents who had the pleasure of visit-
Goderich butcher the driver was a Gods- Eng London la.et week came home well
rich townshis farmer; of not very good pleased with the exhibition and London
repetation, ' Sr. Stevens having an eye
to business at once went in pursuit. He
proceeded across the fields and eu-
tered the hack part of the sheep driv-
I er's farm. After examining a large flock
of lambs he was convinced that his
truant ahearlincs were net there. Leav-! rival, some of the boys availed them-.
ing the ninety and nine, he still went in selves of the opportunity of attending
search,. of the lest. Proceeding on the the opera, and a hungry one among them
road towards Duggan's corner, looking during the play removed from hu pock -
over the fence into another field, he saw et the savoury nourishment which he
the tltissing pair. After examining, to had brought with him, but was so clumsy
make sure of hit property.he cr,eseduver as to drop a small pork pie ..ver the gsJ-
the field to make acquaintance with the . cry railing. It lodged in the centre of a
before -mentioned Goderich township chandelier in the dress circie. Presently
notable, whose appearance at meeting the pork ben to frizzle in the gas jets
was as a clown. He affected to be sur- and a most appetizing odour tilled the
rived abut the addition to his flock, house. and when a few fragments of pie
but at the ,tame tune offered to pay teat crust dripped from the chandelier into
dollars for the pair; which was indict -1 the pit, there was a general scramble for
nantly refuse•L Mr. Stevens offered ' them. The fumes of the pie put a keen
him the choice of bringing the sheep , edge on every ones appetite, and nobody
back to their Colborne home er take the i could listen to the•play.
chance of what might follow. Coming I Csmr.ao.
back to Benmiller, Mr. Stevens was ad- i
vised by those who knew the other man, ate .tceetrld.
that, if he wanted his sheep be had better
go after thein himself at .once. After We have just examinedadtanc • sheets
considering the matter he at once acted I o1 the "Life of 11m -field" from the World
on the adtice given, after thanking the , Publishing Co's (►etice, Guelph. It cl-
Go.derieh township worthy for kindly 1 tains about 700 pages, beautifully print -
helping to lift the sheep into the ed on good paper and profusely illustra-
weggen, he hid that gentleman good ted with some 30 engravings, including
night. towing in his own mind to look steel plate of Gen. Garfield and Arthur,
out for number one in the future. -Cow. this is the only authentic work publish -
[Our correspondent tells a straight ed, endorsed by the family and relatives
of General Garfield. Read the follow-
ing endorsement front B. H. Hindsdale,
of Hiram College, Chia. the most inti-
mate friend that General Garfield had:
"I beg leave to say that I regard this
this book as a most valuable and well
worthy of a general circulation. -B. A.
Hinsdale. This work is being ironed by
the World Publishing Company in con-
nection with the largest publishing house
in the United States, and neither labor
or expense haa been spared to hake the
work all that it should be. Several
cheap imitations are on the market, be
sure you see the Life of Barfield that
you buy is written by ,Tames D. McCabe,
the great American Historian, author of
Hictorial History of the World, Path-
ways to the Holy Land. History 1'. S.,
etc., etc. Also be sure the work you
buyis nine inches long and six inches
we, Ahout 700 pager and profusely
illustrated. The cheap catch -penny edi-
tions that are being advertised dee not
compare with them in an way, but only
the hest Agents want apply to the
World Publishing C.. , Guelph.
(Ooelph Daily Herald. Sept. 28. 1881.
where he was going, the enquirer receiv-
ed a rather evasive reply. The next day
Gait see ie to lou deesuded b) his bra•
thea -i A -
it is 'totted heat Gartield's heart is me
n.uelly s,stll wei:hi•, C only eight or
n ice WORMS.
In general. The city, they affirm, was
very attractive and profuse in amuse-
ments of every kind, including the
electric light and tire work. in the
evenings, which were really superb.
On Tuesday evening following their ar-
berry, of Guelph, wanted for inde-
cent''ikilt Hit u Lig 111 girls, las been
cent 1 1 f. .
• Mr. W. A. Foster, ex •Mayig of Belle-
5I.t,t,t(tiCtt.,tDltidr;lythe up
setting a fn pleaaurp bat.
1Vlti!e attending Gartield's funeral
5t.. or Emile! e1 Montreal had his
story, and is willing to give the name of
the sheep abstractor. Mr. Stevens, the
owner ..f the missing sheep, made a
mistake in not prosecuting the fellow for
theft. The man who steals sheep in
this neighborhood should be sent to meet
Sharkey. -ED. SPINAL
Mr. W. L. Feguspn lest his valuable
entire horse, Lord Derby, on Thursday
last. At noon the animal appeared to
he in the most vigorous health, but about
two o'clock it gave evidence of sickness,
and died shortly after. The stallion
wan a fine one, and had a splendid repu-
tation in this section. it is supposed
that it died from gas in the stomach.
The following is the result of the ex-
amination of the pupils attending 8. 8.
No. 4, at the close of the quarter ending
September 30th : - Fifth clans - narks
p •ihle. 718--J. N Kernighan 634.
Senior Third class -marks possible, 457
-Emily R Mitchell 424; Ruth Allin
348; Ellen Mannings 310; Sophia Row -
den 316; Henrietta Halliday 3)5. Ju-
nior Third claw -marks p.utble. 358-
W. A- Mitchell 22A. Martha Blake 207;
Jefen M.Clure 1116; Rr.land Schwitser
185; Mary A. Pfeffer 180. Second clam
-let Richard Fisher: 2nd Mary Panne -
baker, 3rd Gen. Warner; 4th David
Warner. Second part ---1st Mary Mc-
Clure: 2nd Agnes Flick . 3n1 M. Schwit-
It is estimated that nearly one half
the buildings destroyed by the fire of the
8th of June last at Quebec have been re-
A young man named Hughes Is untie/
The earth hu had nnether of her arrest at Ottawa for haring mnllcionsiy
shaking fits The town of Abruzzi has damaged s.'eral hundred dollars wart
leen wr.eked by earthquake. A thous- of type in the Morale! nftle
and houses have been shivered tot The Middlesex County Crown Attnr-
pivot and the remainder nae more or ney he. isined in.trnetinna to the eeeunty
less injureel. The people are in s Ilei) mafPstratee. urging them to',e et heavy
plight, and the Archl,e.ls ',sit.. a: piniebmenls oa the ksepwr. atA4 •nmate.
.•r nt snreel Gia holt of teem..,.f ifl tam,
Loans ana_3nsurance. -
*600,000 TO WAN. APPLY TO
$75,000 TO LEND ON REAL s S -
TATE. Terms &evocable. Apply 102%41.
Is. Y LE. Oodertob.
'CP w gad Farm or drat -class Town Property
at epee seat. Aptlr to R. R ADCLIFFE. 1751
1 amount tosalt borrower. at to et p.r
teat. Private toads. Apply to Assuan sad
Mowroy, Oodericb.
gee watch an chain *tutu. `\ MONEY T1) LEND. -AILA ROE
II i amount tf Ptivss. ands taaoi F lavestiaMt
To Major Cr.zier is due the credit of at lows• rates ea 5rsta•Iass Morse .os. Aptt7
;,Ancon( Sitting Bull to surrender to tutIARROW k PROUDFO(Yl.
the United States authorities
Mr. Robe. (inhale, of Sotfurth, has
!easel Leckie'. Storehouse and intends
haying rein on Brussels market during
the corning sewn.
Lobster fi.hing in (Gloucester, N. B.,
is reported this season to have been fair-
ly gout. The mackerel fishery was n
total failure, and the herring fishery has
not been much better.
The London Lancet oonduuttts the
aarge..ns for making the best of Gar -
field's case in the bulletins, and says the
bulletin should be the truth and nothing
but the truth.
Mr. Currie, lighthouse keeper at Cove
Island, has recovered the body of Capt.
An:ea Tripp, who was lost with the
eche. i er Regina. The bodywill be
foreAr.ied to his friends at Coingwuod.
C. W, Genthier, who manages exten-
sive •i.h.-r;--i at the Duck Islands on
Lake llur..,. hits pet the favorite steam-
er t..tzells the route between Bay
City and Alp'rns, fee the balance of the
The .C.tti•t:, front ,Ifew York for
Trieste, with a lead of petroleum, is
now floating ah,.•rt sot her own will.
She sprung a lank 7 the Nova Scotia
coast, and the crew :uutiniei and left
her. The ututiuee:.e are now in gaol in
The Montreal Willies calls on the
temperance people to be on the alert if
they wish to preserve the Crooks act.
It thinks the legislature would not go
back on the measure, but it w.eald be a
calamity if it were declared unconstitut-
ional, as its opponents are endeavoring
to bring about.
The latest news from the revenue cut-
ter Corwin is that a limitless open sea
has been found north of Herald Island,
and it 4 now supposed that the Jennnetts
having disc. vered this sea, is still pur-
suing her explorations. Herald Island
lies in in N. Lat. about 72°, and there
can be no definite estimate of the extent
of the open water thus discovered.
A Chicago Trihury reporter has been
taking a walk through one of the rolling
mills in that city, and gives some inter-
esting facts about the tremendous heat
in which the men work. Each titan
drinks about two bucketsful of water per
day. The sweat pours off in streams, so
that they can take their boots off and
empty out the water. Many of them
keel over in the summer from sheer ex-
haustion. They are well paid.
With thesteady march of impr..vewtent
in :science and mechanics, medicine has
kept even pace. It now gives us reme-
dies in a perfection of form and compo-
sition that the crudities of earlier .:medi-
cal science never Approached. Among
the most effective of medicines are Dr.
J. C. Ayers Pills -beautiful, sugar -
canted, glistening globules -universally
known and used as a reliable family
physic. These pills possess great ettica-
cy as a preventative of, or cure fur the
deteases incident to this section of the
country; especially - diseases of the
stomach, liver and bowel., which often
result :n dangerosts fever. They also
give vigor to the circulation, remove
constipation, create an appetite, and aid
digestion. thereby promoting health.
Their ingredients are entirely vegetable,
and they are a safe remedy in the hands
of the m.nt inexperienced. - [Macon,
Ga.. Telegraph & Messenger.
J. s'. f■rate's sale 1.I41.
t'df Parties getting their bills printed at this
ofilet. will get a notice in this department num
of cheese.
Saturday. Oct. 8 -Piano, furniture
etc., at Auction Mart. Sale commences
sharp at 1 o'clock.
Tuesday, 11th Oct. --Credit „sale of
farm stock and Implements; .lames
Crawford, Ashfield, near Port Albert;
sale commences it 1 o'clock p. m.
Saturday, Oct. 15 -Peremptory sale
of horses, cows, sheep etc., at the Agri-
cultural show grounds in the Ton of
Goderich. Sw
Sale commences at 1 o'clock
p. m.
Friday, Oct. 21 -Credit sale of choice
farm /dock on the fsrm of John Millien,
Lot 9, con. 6, Colborne. dale commen-
' ces at 1 o'clock p. m.
Thursday, Oct. 13th -Credit sale of
Alex. Maywood's farm stock and imple-
ments, on lot 14, con. 1 Goderich Town-
ship. Sale commences at 12 o'clock.
In Ordering the address of yopr paper
changed, give the old as well as the new
address, and sign yourname as plainly as
poesible. Due observance of these sug-
gestions will save us much trouble and
expense, and insure prompt compliance
with the request to make the change.
RLR and tialydreser•r. bels to return
thanks to the nubile for patronage.sad
sdieltsalways . found t1 ii n "bat grtt se,THE FO N T H I L L N U R S E R I ES
always N found at his ItaavinR t'u1or, near
tete Pert bees Goderich. 1131
/ dopey to lend at lowest rates. hes of
any costs or charges. MEAGER d' MORTON.
opposite Colborne Hotel.
Ouderach. 23rd March ital. 1779.
1.4 Landed ('edit Company is prepared to
lend more on 'rood Farm security, at six per
cent. Full_ppaarticulars)Givim upon application
to HUGH HAMILTON, 1'. L. agent, Goderich.
RV on Yarm and Town Property at lowest In
terest. Mortgages purchased. no Commission
charged, Conveyancing Fees reasonable.
N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money in oneday
if title is satisfactory- -DAVI1ON & JOHN-
STON. Barristers. tc.. Ooderidt. 1751
Life and Aocldeat Insurance Agent.
Representing first-class Companies. Alsoagent
for the CAN•D• Lira Wreck INM:WAMcs Co.
Money to lend on Mortgage, either in Town or
farm Property. in any way le suit the borrow-
er. Olnce-IupaWnl Ears block. Goderiob.
Ont. 1751
3 tebical.
. IAN. SUROEON, tc., Graduate of Tor-
oronto University. I.leeatiats of the Rural Col
lege of Physicians. London. England. Re., &c.,
M C. P. 9., Ontario. Office and residence
Opposite Halley's Hotel, Hamilton street, Clod
°rich, 1795-601
OEON, Coroner. te. Office andereetdeeer
on Bruce Street, sseend door west It V letorla
Street. 1751.
. elan, Surgeon end Ae toucher. Graduate
of Toronto University. Office opposite Camey
ron t Cameron's Beak, Lucknow. 11 not in
office. enquire at the Bank. 1716-7.
PlyMclans. Snraeons, A000uchers, &c.
Office at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the
Jail, Goderich. O. C. SaaNMoa, J. C. HAMIL-
TON. 1751.
ee • to Dr. Duncan, Giradtate of Ontario Ve•
terletary College- Mee, stables and residence.
on Newgate Street. four doors eat ofOolborne
Hotel, N. B.-Horsee examined as to sound-
ness. 1731.
RISTICRS, Attorneys, Solicitors. etc.,
Goderich. J. T. Garrow, Proudfoot. 1751.
Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery. 'Lc..
Goderich, Ont. 1751.
• TERS, kc.. &c.. Ooderlch and WIn`ham.
C. Saeger. Jr.. Goderich. J. A. Morton. Whig
ham. 1751.
olloiior. Otsce--Corner of West Street
and S1S•rket Square, over George Acheson'.,
Goderich. 1751.
[ -4. LAW, Solicitor in Chancery Convey-
ancer. &c. Office over Sheppard's bookstore,
Goderich, Ont. Any amount of money to
loan at lowest rates of interest. 1751.7.
Barrjsters, Solieltors In Chancery, &c..
Oodtrtch and BVI ham. M. C. Cameron,
C.: P. Holt. M. 0. Cameron, Ooderlch. W. E.
Macara. tt'ingh•m. • 1731.
BRITISH ASS. CO'Y, Tonovro-Established
PHOENIX iNS. COY, of LONDON (England/ -
Estahlished 1782.
-Established 1810.
Risks taken in the &hoveflr•t-elassOSlee,, at
the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON.
The undersigned IwaIso Appraiser for the
Money to Loan on first-class eecnrity. rom
7 to 8 per Cent. -('barges moderate.
Ooderic h Me t. 10. 1860.
comers or Hm:so,, t By virtue of • writ of
TO WIT: (fieri fartaa issued out of
Her Majesty's County Court of the County of
Huron, and to me directed against the Lands
and Tenements of WILLIAM RITCHIE and
JOHN RITCHIE, at the snit of JAMES OA M-
OLE 1 have seized and taken In Execution all
the Right Title. and Interest. and Equity of
Redemption, of the above named Defendan tat.
in, and to, the north portion of lot number
three, oonoeasion eighteen, in the Townahip of
Orey, in theCounty of Huron. running poral lei
to concessions 17 aad tt in .std Township of
Grey, eonttintnq twenty-two acres of land :
which Leads and Tenements I shall otter for
Sale, at my odic. in the Court Howse, In the
Town of OnArrieh on SATURDAY, the FiE
TEF.NTH day of OCTOBER, next. at the hour
of 11 of the clock, woos.
SherifrsOf5cw, God.rtch. 1 Sherif of Harron.
July 1!t►. rep, 1 171titd
8trayet) Animals.
ON nlwrr4hsr. Mt t $ nes., W. it Ashnelda
abut the las of Jalyr,, s two year old red hetfea,
with whit. tarn '7*. newer r reporat.A to
peeve property, pay wxp.eses sad take 1t
twny Joint SULLIv•M. las 11. Lake Shore
Range. Asaeetd. Isle.
PLY eael.rure of tae rwk.erlM.r. I 1 Int Ie, 4
sea. West Wswtnn•h. Monet the 1st/nly last,
e rd and white. °n. year oM steer. The
ewer 111 rwq.eat«1 10 prove property,_pay
.ber'gee and takes him away. GewW
nnr AT -
SON 1161-6t.
k7 to Toe Maw At. to sidvnARb animals .tray.
We want salesmen In sell mfr nursery dock.
can yr canvassers ad rantaars that no other
firm In the business ran offer
and punt salaries to snee sat nl men. Good
reference,' required. Apply to
VRevery men. Toronto, cont
N. it. We are nee madl to receive orders
for fall delivery for mer neletwetwd new white
grape. the "0.,IAen Perkins/ton - .'rice for
8 year vines ee week. 1 yen e1 .VI Mend t.w
Meitner Special terms to parties wanting •
1 •tyre somber for vineyard purposes.
tog en 7nwr pprrwemlw and •void pprr.owee tine @@ • week in vier own tows. _Term
1141r1141r Illegally detatnles antm.t► a41''. Twit •D°V viere5 u'(55 frw AAAP.a. H nattier, R
ew..a, .twMer/eh stn• r'4.4 PnrthtnA V•In.