HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-10-07, Page 7I 1 1 1 THE HtJRON SIGNAL, rib f OA I.. Per Fun anb Fincy. RAILWAY OOLLISION The editor of a lobsl paper wu asked by a stranger if it was puesib.0 the lift!. town kept up three rlewspatrers. And Out reply was, "No; it takes three uewa- papers to keep up the town." An old loan who had beim badly hurt in a ltulruad adluton, betug advises! sue the company for deuagon, said, "Wal, no, not for damages, I we had euuugh of theta; but I'll sue 'feu for repairs." A Bradford girl cleared the space around thirtaeu oars "f green c•,rn at one meal, the other day, awl picking her teeth with a haiin. observed: "Ifrtheir I ifet well enuegh again t that touch, I think 1 could live uu corn. A lady at a watering place was trying to, attract a great deal of attenti.m at the table, and her rummer was none of the finest. An old fashioned gentleman quietly remarked: "Surae people give it all away. Now, I can toll by the way that woman ata espar ,gun that she used to hold clothes' pins in her mouth when ' she washant;ingeut her week's w;t,hitee" A ciuick answer is like the sharp cut of whip. "You are iso eentlem:ui, sir." said an irate individual to the person neat to him,. "Are you a geutlealau yourself 1•' was the aueerine inquiry. "I am, sir," was the reply, in a time which' implied a duel if any doubt wu express- ed. "Thea you are quite right in saying that I am not one," retorted the party of the second part, "neither do I wish to become one." . aelweer ne exteunlea and Freight TrWa- ThePraetry of going Anginal elvers. ArutEB, Out., Sept- 28. --The 8:23 a. m. excursion traits tens here to the Ex. I bibitiou at Linden collided with • freight train at Orwell, 2} miles from 1._ re. note is so much exeiteweut all so many conflicting rumors aro flyin that it is impoesibie to get full puttee tars. The followiug appear to be th facts: The excursion train had orders t meet the freight here, but beiu•r tut tMaw tw ahcad of time the conducto 1 went on, lintending to meet the Emig!' at Orwell. The cutision occurred ou atrsistit piece of road where the view is uninterrupted fur two or three miles. The driver of the freight appears to have aeon the other trete mud was nearly stul,- potxl, but the driver mi the excuriuu trate diel 11,4 see the freight and kept on at full speed. The passenger train con- sisted of uiue coaches and five of them were completely wrecked. Five persons are known to be killed and severs! others are missing, who are thought to be buried in the wreck. About twenty are severely wounded and a great ninny. slightly. , THE DEA! are Willie Cook, of Aylmer, W. Ainsley and his son, the driver and fireman of the excursion train. of St. Thiene', and two young mea, names as yet unknown, from Jarvis. Ainsley and his son are still under the wreck of the engines. The d g •e u r a dead will be Drought here this afternoon, nd au inquest will be held. The driver f the freight lumped from the engine nd alighted all right, but was severely wound.d by the flying debris. FrankMorrison and Enoch Stanley, of this place were severely wounded. Defeo- tive Clayton, Win. Warnock, J. Glover, Oren. Harrison and W. Carron, of this place, were slightly injured. 'Words of 1itSaom. a ti To understand the world is wiser than a to condemn it; to study the world is bet- ter than to shun Acta use the world is nobler than to abuse it; to make the world better, lovelier, and happier is the highest work of man. It is easy to tell when other,• are flat- tered, but not when,ve ottl)<'selves are, and :every MAR and- woman will lend firm believe to the soft nothings of the very man they believe to be an arrant Clatterer, When others are ill the case. Never did any soul du good but it came readier to clothe same thing again, with more enjoyment, Never was love or gratitude or bounty practised, but with tnereasiny joy, whioh.luld* the ptatotiser still niore in love with the fair act: SWEARING. --We are sorry to know that many young men and boys in town< have learned the abolninable habit of in- termixtng their oonvertatiim with oaths. Some of the addle -headed among them no doubt think it is manly to swear. They feel themselves an inch taller and more important after firing off a round of oaths. A more degrading practice they cannot well indulge in. Profane swearing inarks a low, vulgar, ignorant and irreverent mind, and the hshit Ulu useless as it is profane. Salam For tight etvlaa. 1. Keep the betty clean. The count- less pores of the akin are so many little drain -tiles for the refuse of the system. If they become clogged and so deadened in their action, we must expect to be- come the prey of ill health in some one IA its ceuntlees forms. Let us not be afraid of a wet sponge and five minutes brie k exercise with a crash towel every night and morning. 2. Devote eight hours nut of the twenty-four to sleep. If a mother is robbed of sleep by a wakeful baby, the must take a nap some time during th day. Even ten minutes of repose strengthens and does one good like "a medicine." Children should be allowed to sleep until they awake of their own free will. 3. Never go out to work in early morning in any locality subject to damps, f and mutants, with an empty stom- ach. If there is not time to wait for a cup of coffee, pour two-thirds of a cup of / boiling water on two tablespoonfuls of cream or a beaten egg. Season it with salt and pepper and drink it while hot before ging out, This will stimulate and comfort the stomach, and aid the system in resisting a poisonous sonous and de bilitating atmosphere. 4. Avoid over -eating. To rise from the table able to eat a, little more is a proverbially good rule for every one. There is nothing more idiotic than forcing down a few mouthfuls, because they happen to remain on one plate after hunger is satisfied and because they may be "wasted" if left ' It is the moat serious waste to over -tax the stomach with even half an once more than it can take care of. r,. Avoid foods and drinks that plainly "disagree" with- the systems. Vigorous out -door workers should beware of heavy, indigestible suppers. Suppers should always consist of light, easily digested foods -being, in the country, so soon followed by sleep, and the stomach being as much entitled as the head to profound rest. The moral pluck and firmness to take such (not! and no other for this last meal of the day can be esaily acquired and the reward of such virtue is sound sleep, a clear head, a "tering hand, aad a capital appetite for breakfast. Wheat Marvesltna. Wheat cut early avoids waste from shelling arid makes whiter dour, hut the tour frien early cut wheat contains more starch in proportion to the gluten than the dour from wheat cut after it is fully ripe. The microscope shows that the starch and gluten are not formed in the grain at precisely the sante period; the starch cella in the interior of the kernel are filled with starch granules some days before the gluten cells, next the bran, are quite full. Hence, wheat allowed to get as ripe as possible to avoid waste, makes, nut whiter, but better, because inure glutenous dour than that from whest cut early. The rather common practice of allowing wheat to stand in the shock until time to thrash, has perhaps the advantage of saving once handling, but if it remains in the field until one kernel in a hundred gets sprouted, irreparable mischief is done to the flour. Wheat taken from the field and secured in the barn, or a well -Made stack, as soon as it is dry, will pass through a' rocess called "sweating in the straw,which leaves the grain sweeter and much freer from mustiness, than if it passes through this sweating process in the granary. -Ameri- can Agriculturist fur October. A series of recent assaults by a man named John Berry, 55 years of age. of Guelph, upon four girls, whose ages range from 12 to 15 years, has just come to light. The names of the victims are Annie Fisher, aged 14; Alice Large, e aged 12 and Lizzie Griffin, aged 12 years, of Guelph; and Sophia McBride, aired! 10, of Galt. So thoroughly had the sc.undrel frightened his victims, that for two months or more these vile prac- ti;es have been going on, and the know- ledge of the facts was at, last gained through an outside party. Ad•er,hits g. Seldom or never have we seen the sante truths so pithily and so pointedly dealt with as in the stanaas subjoined. As a rule the non -advertising class of mer- -r i -i Slants are Marlen to complain about "hard time," "town being killed," shad All that sltet,ot, thing, while they oval -- look real team of the lots of trade: - For towns meet ,crow, and t -ate Increaser, By nerve and enterer:is. A nd the 7 who 11.e meat have the ploek To risk amt *Avert .r•. !Art the -e aro toms to oar town Who do no' i.4 reenter: Hood r estceere go mat their doer.. no cheers t,aoh 1:t tow :se. And when they phi thetr hooka at night, They're the saddest mon in town. Aad ever and aeon they mean 'The plane 1. a'etna down Thee. who are subject to 13ilionsneea, Constipation, Dyapena. Indigestion err any Kidney Affection, should take the advise of an able pit]swam and 1Me Dr. Carson's Seemanh and Constipation tern in large bottles at 50 omit. Oen. Rhyne' epeeiel Agent for G•wlerirh Dr. Carson never claimed fur his Stomach and Constipation Bitters any Mir e.er tors Pewee OP HEALING, but with the quiet consciousness .4 the me- dicinal virtues he prescribes them to all those who suffer from any derangement of the Stn:mach, Bowels. Liver and Kid- neys. In large 8 o7 hettles at 50 cent. . eorge Mynas special agent for Gode- rich. ARE YOU 1 Are you a Dyspeptic ? Have you Indigestion ? Is your Liver sluggish ? Does. 3 -out food trouble you ' Does sleep fa' to refresh you ? Is your appe. tite and energy gone ? Zoresa (from Brazil) will cure you, tone you up, and invigorate your whole system. It is a gentle purgative, acts as a wonder upon, and gives strength and energy to the Digestive apparatus. It is tttrongly anti - bilious, carries off all surplus bile, tones the Liver, gives sound Digestion and speedy health to the Dyspeptic and the Bilious. Try a 18 cent sample at (east. A Heiser t asawtrede. Never was there such A rush for Drug Stores as is now at ours fur a Trial Bot- tle of Dr. King's hews Discovery fes Consuwption, Coughs and Colds.. All pers,one afflicted with Asthma, Bronchi- tis, Hnareeness, Revere Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can Ret a trial bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at your drug store. Nature, after all, is the great physi- cian. She hides all the secrets of health within her broad, generous bosom, and num needs but to get to her intelligently for his every need. The dlacnv.ry of the great Cough Remedy, GRAC'p STEPP or Ran Simms Ors, is an apt illustra- tion of this. As a cure for Coughs, Colds, Loss of Voice and Hoarseness it stands unrivpBed, while its low price and readiness of scow plasma It within the retook ntt'Uk Try it and he convinced. All chemists keep it in 25 and 50-cestt bottles •- ad It Pre l(10rmmA.- 4 wareeet. Aant:nitroeTl,rn. -'By • thorough knowledge .f the natural laws which govern the ofw.attqria of dht 'siker and Mutton- and by a onwfuI Appltestaon of the Ane properties of weanekented Cocos, Mr, flew prnwli.d ore la/nektons sehle, with a 4 ttavonrel lirreenge which nosy save ne many vis dealers' Mika It Is try the Jodi- reointm Ont of nett ertielea of dim that a ,vet. sutrtuor, 1057lagnat tally tit up tetra ,trove al aatRrafeo 7,.el entre . tendency are Meting some es r tt1 to armee votes -rase merit te week point. We may .Nape many a ty� Watt _he Lesetee energy's well fortified wltb pyre betted nod fray name 1 1* neon- -Cited l�tiO way in Psepk.lp (tea Ar1�e•�ltrrn (b Aoaesabatblt two'. emeslesw 11 mho ter . esabfre see..1 trq Mejer•General Jarvis, of the British Army, who, it is stated, will Imbueuwser to Major-General Luard as etito ntider of the V'oIunteer force of Canada, is .e a well-known Toronto family. Aoounli.,. to Haft's Army List for 1881, Semite! Peters Jarvis meowed his oomeuissiou the 14th June, 1845; p lnnoted lieuten- ant 15 January, 11347; otain: 21st $t4{1- tomber, 1852;- major, Stith April, 1818; lieutenant-oulonel, 4th J uue, 1873; ouh,ael, 71b June, 1875. The date .,f his promotion to Major-General is not gtjlen. Major-General Jarvis served with the 82 Regiment throughout t1,• Indian campaign in '57.59, was in tem- porary eomteand of three cunpanite during the relief mf Luoknow by Ler.! Clyde; was pr sect at the defeat of the Oevshor (a,utlu..,e at Cat Willi, ore; a;t. in the action of Kkodagungee, and al the oecupatuu of Yuttehghur; was prex ent at the capture of Baseilly, relief • f Shahjobnu H.re jail, and took peat in the• actum of Khankur. In 1870 he tutu - mended a Ialttallon of Canadian riilelttm:, in the Red River Expedition, . Should some fanatic or fool take the life t.f General Arthur, or should he die by any meals, the Government of the United States would be without a beuul. The ooestitutiouel temporary succession would devolve upon the presiding otacer of the Senate and then upon the Speaker of the House of Representatives, both of which Olken are Dow vacant. As • Family Medicine Dr. Canon's Stomach and Constipation Bitters are rapidly taking the place of pills. t)•ty are squally effectual, do not gripe, weak- en, or produce nausea and are purely vegetable. In lanae 8 oz. bottle, at 50 Dents. Beige Rhynaa special agent f„r Goderieb. newspaper saws. We tall the special attention of post- masters and subscribers to the following synopAlis of the newel aper laws : 1. A postmaster is required to give notice by letter .,returning a paper dries' not answer the Lew) when a subscriber dues not take his paper out of the office, and state the maims for its not being taken. Ally neglect to do so Hakes the postnnyter rey;,u' it le to the publishers for payment. 2. If any person order" his paper dis continued, he must pay all arrearages or the publisher may continue to send i until payment is wade, and collect th whole amount. whether it'bo taken front the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes a paper from the poet -office, whether, directed to his name or another, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at a certain time, and the publisher continues to send, the sub- scriber is "bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the post -office. This proceeds upon the ground thatt a man must pay for what he uses. 5. The courts have decided that refus- ing to take a newspaper and periodicals from the post -office, mr reuuotulg and leaving them uncalled for, is prima f oris evidence of intentional fraud. GODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New 9O1L!•:1171 owl SALT PANS manufac- tured on st,ortcrr notice. All kinds of Itepairing executed under the peretwl supervision of the Proprietors who Arte Practical Workmen. • P. O. Box 1(13. 1787 x1111 13t'ILLIERS. 1KINTAiLf1BRICK YARD. A piantity of geed white brit k on hand and for sale at reasonable rater. The snbecriher in now earn; ir.g on the brick. maktnit rie -- maktntf tinniness at the K5.ta0 kilns. and will Tire all order+ wrath may he tent him the most prompt attentfer.. The hit N of ttrst- class quality, and (1e terra. are reasonable. Aedrees JOHN K. McGREGOR, $intall, P. 0 ,r HOLMAN'S Paas Operate Through the Nerve Forces and TRAYS WAIL the Circulation. Holman's Ague, Liver ! Stomach pad. Por 1 Ago* ttrouuble& PRICE. s�and atamaeh 004, ('Jesse,$osfs3sofat0Pad. Adapted to too. Moorman Spleen Relt. Pur stubborn ream nt anerj44 NOMI, 1.4 un)181<hr1g Uv. and tomseenl■%rrootatirve 57.50. Moot le1L sewd'ChOdrone' j2 .rnr srtmtna Mil i navarateAibda��ila.arllKtr[Po��ad��« •7 titer NQ, ,fl1 J1.ygO Renal 0�4.l10"re, � Pad. Mettlmta t� !' PeotorsI a Finag.dtor or the l Vmr and Luna.. 3.50. M m n' a: sorp Absorptive Medicinal Ol#� i•laN..r 1r .nett.- L�°MIL on 505,5er bas. see. 44elnta. a Abaorpttlive Medicinal it st=op la 2110. Absorption Salt for Mod feat** eases whew. a • reedRle.wd Rath m. needed, s hesawlisei M a nsweet- SUM toot beth taw jt. p.ekaeer, ase FOR SALE BY ALL ORIOMOT$, 1� A1IPTIOWlt tLLL nes " mat Nast I. lttplear etasa brown et ail �� gLassa Is NM w oho ,ape- IL M Sher 55.mltt. Ilse that essh rad bows the priest" A Vo Stamp N the Rt1t ttAlr P/D ♦ . .%5 aim.. ?pa& Wart roues to row Miss meow ewe ewe en areekw ra. AMtem, MOLMAN PAD 00. n rm. OT1�r WirtTOIdrro. 1, it.r:,t.s.'tt .tit NO tease. •.h.•',. -t w :•:.l fee out*, 8 ut..•*. .•. I. 1.01' ;data latteilu,• t''•'' 4 Pi Yea tea, 4,W011'ps'4 1140.14, Cb 1bjlir, 0 .1!1”. art, ail •-.it. Ereptu,tta ..ne positively t .•.a Pile . It is guer- Nut4ed to give porfett a.,tllfat'ti.Ol or o.u11y refom.:•xt. Price d;r omits per is r. For sale by alt dru,tgists. i THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying eft gra !.,ally without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humor, of the secretions ; at the tame time Acidity of the Stomach, curing oasness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz- ziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy. Dim- ness of Vision. Jaundice, Balt Rheum Bryajpelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Nervousness and General Debility ; all these and many other simi- lar Complaints v1 11 t, the haply influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular Giza $1. For sale by all dealers. T. NUM= iC.,r mTeswm Tho •e rmnis makes R uI ea o dlw.ae Bonn are as G They tiro mem To all whom • Sy of the bowels - vire sn Appetiser Hop Bitters ace reseal flat, wh i the der or our all. tersDon't wait asmyeas, only feel bad or miserable, It may tare year Ute -1t leu 5*00 will be mid for a earn or help. Do not peer rn5er,but um and arse Mem Remember, nap .assn i 11e helots. everroastttthe 'MUNI should sere. ithhoout Mewssso Ma'r• feisty pe C. a an ableit� sad,Hel.. emeats sr'estad Isere Modisttessoovee�r.N•ew oe and Dandslton,: 15.11 raeL.s res ase pr�aplrrtr of at/ ether the greatsal a 0 li eL sad earl& se -te..� mill � H * 4viser%tams.,sallabs mNsrawass esu* irregalarf. estuary arcane, or end WMatimnbot, imam, without Int aphis .r 1 is u.. Hop Me- re rink bis it yea use them et sea, b,u drsda, se they inn or ietyoer t arm Mop a m• at! ssit111m the AFTER THE FIRE. JOHN A rQ E Y The Ti.smath !small! to the front, 1 have pleasure to stale that lespite the lnecnveateeaelfl was put to 4. tel• business to recent Eris la my preintsa, that 1 am now to full Wart again, pntterrd to rive the greatest Dorgain.s in Oudrrich tr STOVES, TiNWARE, LAMP GOODS and SIN try other lino in th. b,.. 1 would ate retare my thank, to the Etre Brigade enc people of C•oderl••I. tor the sus useful efforts in eating ml. proptrty 1n my absence from Lorre, at tie tate iter! II John Story. AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. STRACIIAINT RAS BIY•.\ t.1, ht. GROCERY BVSINP.S$ To the 01 ; strand in the Albion Block. toruter;y act spied b► him, where he will be pleased to .vrlecant all his old customers tine public 15.140117. .5 *aloe cin sktlty Of NE«r, FRESH GROCERIES A< CUE 4.1' 4N Ti1E ('HEAi'J.-T. D. C_ S'1`RACHAN, I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. -�} _ MR. D_ FERC+UsON -AT A -- VERY GREAT DISCOtrNT Nearly all of said Stock, e• well as my own original Stunk, Was mei( brtdee the Adrsse .r Hardware. 1 am therefore in a position to sex, Cheallee thea ary ether Some la the Cepty. Faders', Builders & Gellor1 Hardware LOVELL'S irrailice IS COMPLETE; of Ontario Directory which 1 want co run off quickly. MY STOCK OF k• 2E81-18 •K' - TC Lin/iM11 IN NOVEM13EIt 1881, Pr-iee 4%00. '11 !r. LIS F1.L., at. the request or several 1 arefiar:fxaplud others of the Province of rttd ur', of t1•e fifty of Steetreal, nee boss to ant:. or cr dots furlsitrpi v' .11 Pebhah a RO- v;; . 1 0, t.:.1.:.iau i,inekTtvI;T, :n No- e ,' fur, f 1TYf. oath! alien, Int :.10 rtt,t qt Directory ANI) A Titotto 'tiff EL it%f ed &girt:lFS DiI n:tory ••i t • . '. a es. aad : rue nierul In. a It else cr... '5 ••ns,ao • V,•ilk..,..n Vi,tart•o, with a ( ittsn;.fl'.d-l:'CailIeitc Direr: t:ay ur 1111 . f1!TV Or M 'INTREAL It. , rue, t•..p,t•aie Matuned on the 1).*:, io., s r ka.o ineial 11;re,.turee of 1 : n i., '1-t. , . i'. this wort,. Subscribers torn •.:-«•i• • " , t rte's. Terms of Ai. vert! 1hla.r n siren appttc.ttior. JOHN LOVSLL a EON Ilfgatvsal We. 1N1. Publisher.. 17ee t.,r Bale by JAMBS WILSON, ' ,+• - sail Iirug,!iw a. D FOWLEFS EXTRA,: 1A/ Vvi1 u ST F?AWBERRY Cres CAslsra,CAolera Irothus,O - ttl ritery, Cramps, Colic, Ilea 8Ick. Mess and Summer Complaint ; also Cholera Infantltnl, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found squally beneficial for adults or children. ion aau P ALL DROCONTS. T. MILDURN & 00., Proprietors, T aroma 0030 AND BUY AT MOH PRIDES AS 'W'ILL 112.8E TO t"7. Fresh Ground 11Vater Lime in Stook. AGENT FOB BEST STEEL BARE FENCE WIRE. R. W. Mc ZIP na-lm. Eno. O CARRIAGE 'WORKS. T. & J. STORY, IAUCCFlsSOBB TO JOHN KNOXh MANUFACTURERS OF s 8zC_ .1 t.,: do C. ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. es I.;aiTiagG 4 a1_.7 lifigto) REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatness and Dispatch, and at Hens arable Rates. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. T_ J_ STORY, t1.\1s1ILTON S': 1' i•' ET. IKNOX'i3 OLD IITND. 'GRAND CLEARING SALE Boots and ,Shoes, -A T CAMPIIETS BOOT �� SE EMPORIA FOR ONE' MONTH, Previous to Leek taking. My Stock is linr'i,'u anti well -mere ortod, and GREAT BARGAINS will be given - TERMS WM. CAMPBELL. Olvise IA, ls. 11, ltialt .r..merar...amee, nee ee Daniel Gord.a1 f Ca�cl-Mata a�� �����rla�cr. Oldest Hower in the I o+enty, aad iwsr!Imaf Nlorl this liar ..f fin„ line ! PABLO* Aarrga, Ain -Rona ttrtnri, Nina. Ho*anx, )<tlair Ca Alles. Lot line, vs, eseds 1107e01 will sed re M their advantain m awe my sto.'k it the) n• rst • rood ante to eines rip. Li. GORDON, Rest Atent t, noir P•,,1 Or. ft.1,f,.,, _ .,% tams etas ,,_.. 'r