HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1972-02-16, Page 11Sir Win Bingo Prizes At Howick Lions Event 41, • Coming Events EUCHRE Legion VS Gentle, men Monday, February 21st. Legion bleeding badly but still liana/1g On. 1-7x1 REC EPTION for Mr-r. and Mrs. John Nesbitt (nee Ann Shaw) FridaY, February 25th, Blyth Memorial Hall, Tiffins Orches- tra. Lunch counter provided. 1-7x2 DANCE in Brussels Legion, Saturday, February 26th. Scott Orchestra from 10 P.M. to 1 A. M. Restricted to 18 years and over. Admission $2.00 per couple. MOTOR Coach tours to Florida Feb. 26 for 16 days from $205.00 and March 17 10 days mid-term school break from $135.00. Good Times Travel 527-0050. 1-6-4 LOST - Set of keys in red case. Finder please contact Mrs.Lois McCarter, 887-6902. 2-7x1 COME to Blyth Lions Club Bingo every Saturday night at 8:30p.m. in , Blyth Memorial Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 regular games $10.00 each; 2 share the wealth games; one $25.00. Spec- ial Jackpot of $125.00 if taken in 60 calls or under. $10.00 added each week if Jackpot does not go. 50% of take if jackpot does not go to full card, 1-5-tf 5. Bus. Opportunitiei WANT TO LEARN TO DRIVE SEMI'S?? NOW you can train right here in Canada and be paid while doing so. For application and inter- view, write: Safety Department Trans Canada Transport Training Suite 315, 207 Queens Quay West Toronto 117, Ontario or call: 416-864-9381. 5-6-2 8, Farm Stock for Sale FOR sale 3 Holstein hull calves. Phone 881-6373, 8-7-1 11 Articles for Sale For Sale - Two Snowmobile Suits, Men's niediUm, also baby car seat. Mrs. Howard Bernard, phone 887-63'77. 11-6=2 WOOD for sale - Hardwood slabs delivered to your yard $4.00 per cord, in 6 cord lots . Phone Craigs Sawmill, Auburn 526-'7220: For Sale; Good condition cook stove; '3 electric heavy duty wired stoves; gas stove, frig; also many other household articles. phone 887-6502. 11-6x3 For sale - Extension round table and five chairs in good shape. Call 887-6250. 11-7x1 DRY shelled corn for sale in 8 or 16 ton loads. Contact Ken R. Campbell, 527-0249. 11-7x8 ONE windmill and clean new Duck feathers. Gordon Higgins, R.R,5, Brussels. 11-7x1 FOR sale - G. E. Vacuum cleaner like new. 887-6224. 11-7-1 FOR sale - Maple Syrup, also good Collie pups. Percy Adams, Phone 523-4452 after 5 p.m. 11-7-1 19.• Notices AUTO, Snowmobile and Farm Liability insurance needs. Call your Co-Op agent, Lloyd Montgomery, 83 Maple Street, Wingham, Phone 357-3739. 19-4-5 19. Notices NOTICE Tradesmen and Contractors wishing to. have their names placed on TENDER :LIST of the Huron-Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board are invited to submit in writing a description of their service. Such information will be kept on file in the AdMinistration Office of the Board for reference when services are needed. Please submit replies to: Huron-Perth County R.C.S.S. BOARD' Box 100 SEAFORTH, Ontario. 19-7-1 HURON DEAD. STOCK REMOVAL Clinton, Ontario we are now paying $ 6.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead or dis- abled cows and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a service to you. Call collect - 482-9811 7 days a week - 24 hours a day License No.378C -72 Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. 19-6-ti 21. Tenders Wanted GRAVEL TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 1 p.m. , Monday, ,11ARCH 6TH ,1972 for crushing and hauling approx- imately 25,000 cubic yards of 5/8" gravel for the Township of Grey. Gravel to be supplied by the township. A certified cheque for $1,000 must accom- pany tender. Tender forms may be obtained from the undersigned or at the township office, Ethel, Ontario. All bidders must use Township 'fender Form. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROSS ENGEL Road Superintendent, R.R.#3, Brussels, Ontario. 21-7-2 24. Card of Thanks I wish to thank all those who sent cards and who Visited me while in wingham HospitaL special thanks to the nurses on ,first floor and to ReV. Le Drew ;and Dr. Bozyk. - Bill Grasby, 24-7x1 USE. POST WANT-ADS DIAL 881-6641 Regular games: Mrs. R. t4ockwood, Wroxpter; Mrs. Ed. Marsh, Wingharn; Mary Dumphy, Listowel. & Clarence Denstedt, Dorking; Mrs. LehPillger, may; Mrs. Ed. marsh, WinghaM and. Mrs. Cliff Goodwin, Moore- field; Mrs. Newman, Wtngham & Mrs. liallowaY, Wingham; Mrs. Bamilton, Lucknow; Mrs. Strauss, Mildmay & Mrs.Hoeffle, Mildmay; Mrs. Lorne Fischer, Listowel; Mrs. 5. Huber, Mildmay; Mel. Beattie, Listowel; Kathleen Ellacott, Listowel; "Share the Wealth" 1: Mrs. Strauss, Mildmay, Mrs. Bob Wild sneezes and gasps go with certain allergies, Allergies to pollen, fur, dust, and dozens of irritants. Asthmatics think they wheeze upon direct contact to pollen or other offending substances. But they could be wrong. The trouble may start after the substance gets to their stomach. In experiments with volunteer asthmatics, researchers at the medical school of UCLA painted pollen with a radioactive mat- erial that registers dramatically on special cameras. When the volunteers breathed in the radio- pollen, cameras picked up traces of pollen in the mouth. But none in the nose. Then the materials moved down the esophagus into the stomach. Not into the lungs. Although the patients coughed a little within the first half-hour after inhaling the pollen, cough- ing cleared up quickly. Four to nine hours later, however, they developed clinical signs of asthma. The severity of their coughing and wheezing was closely related to the dosage of Montgomery, Wingliasa & Mrs. C, Denstedt, DOrkIng; 2: Mrs. IL Bell, Harristen; $25. Special: Mrs. 5. Hubert Mildmay; Jack- pot consolation plus bonus: Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Winglaami. Lap Card Special: Mrs, L. Montgom- ,ery, Wingham; Door Prizes: Doreen Denstedt, Dorking, Mel Beattie, Listowel, Frank McCor- mick, Wingham & Miss A, W11- Pam son, WIngbarni Lucky Draws; 'Frank Hamilton, Lucknow, Mari- lyn spitzig, Chepstow, Lorne FiS- 'cher, Listowel & Mrs. BillHOgg, Gorrle, pollen they had inhaled. Dr. Harold S. Novey, assist- ant clinical professor of med- icine, presented these findings at a recent meeting of the Amer- ican Academy of Allergy. The allergic reaction, he said, oappears to result from late reabsorption of pollen particles from the gastointestinal tract." He speculates that the breathing difficulties seen during asthma- tic attacks may be touched off by pollen particles that have traveled through the bloodstream to the lungs and bronchial tubes after they have been ingested by the intestinal tract. "If the pathways can be worked out," says Dr. Novey, "then we may be able to dev- elop means for blocking the al- lergens, preventing them from reaching the area where they do their damage." To find out more about aller- gies and respiratory diseases, check with your local tuberculo- sis and respiratory disease asso- ciation. It's a matter of life and breath. CLASSIFIED RATES Word Count Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals such as serial numbers, street numbers, phone numberS or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION-25 words $1.00, 30 per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 21 per word, minimum .501 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.12 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - .981 per column inch Minimum size 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch LEGAL ADVERTISING - Rates on request. BOX NUMBERS to this office - 251 per insertion BIRTHS - No charge when in minimum form. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks and Births (other than in minimum form) - 25 words $1.00, ,each additional word 21. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus .081 per line of verse. ,COMING EVENTS - 25. words $1.00 , each additional word .031. No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after noon Mondays. 25 D ISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT OF ADVERTISEMENT BEFORE 6:00 P.M. 1' TUESDAY, following publicaticm. DEADLINE DEADLINE TO INSERT CLASSIFIED ADS IS 5:60 - P.M. MONDAY Phone 887-6641 Wheezes And Gasps Matter Of Life,Breath PRINTING FOR EVERY PURPOSE We continue to serve the Brussels Area by providing requirements for Posters, Letterheads, Envelopes, Booklets, Wed- ding Stationery and other printing. Call us when you require printing. Post Publishing House Roy W. Kennedy; Proprietor 887-6641 Briissels THE BRUSSELS'. POST, 0E0,166 1972-,11