HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-10-07, Page 51 1 C11� UUROI SIGNAL, FRIDAY OCT. 7, 1881. **XX. PsarattTartwr. - A J9rrr. - m abort tune alto floe i Mr. ea the >• d sift the wire on u, ng ter. pupils of the Buted.y Sah 1 flan. Hugh brows of a d. D taught oy lir.. JE4.pt. d,rgst.� • ,l+eeseat• K1� . Hlesrar�,��'� wt, the wife at mugs w Souls, sledbeg tMh headmen* jaltatg'un aa�d to/Ls1 llel�tYspaeuse>wD alt the wife of Ih ofws, �. tl( tie under - the class. Mrs. Areurt^m stand, was eery potter el her clam, and a a devoted atey school worker. Pulite Sc not Oraxitw. -The new school at Benmiller will be furtuelly opened on Saturday, Oot. 8t11. An en- tertainment wall be held in the building la the evening, beginning at LSO shoe ), whom addresses will be delivered by gentlemen from Goderich, and others from the section. Music will enliven heproceedings. These will be no ad - Inatome tee, and the tPsl ref the seotsao and the pebbley are cor- dially invited. Revival eerwioee were commenced yet week in the Methodist Chart* by Revds. Harris and Jamieson. The trustees have sagsged the service of John W. Shaw, of Brussels, ss their teacher for 1882. Mr. Shaw bears the name of being an excellent teacher, and will no doubt summed well se Mr. Leith - man's successor. John Oober has returned from Michi- �genn where he went to ascertain how his brother and family had fared during the large fires. Mr. Cober found his rela- tives alive and well although safertng the loss of all their earthly gooda. He says in acme please heaps of bones mark the place where droves of cattle crowded together and perished in the dames. FARM Sow. Yr. Thomas Stan, of lot lb, oon. 3, McKillop, sold ht. farm containing fifty acres to Timothy Ryan for the sem of $2,400. FAEM P1raC6a.Rp,-Mr. Hugh Mow- bray has purchased the farm of Mr. W, J. Skimmings. on the &h concession of Mc$illop, for the sum of $2,so0 csah, The fans contain,' Eta acres and adjoins Mr. Mowbray's present farm. This will make one of the boat 100 acre farms In this section of McKillop. AocIDEre-On Thursday of last week Mrs. Brown, mother of lir. Jobs S. Brown, of McKillop, met with a very severe and painful accident. She slip- ped and and fell at the foot of the stairs in her wen's house, with whom she resides, y 'and fractured her thigh brae. She is a lady of about 6b years of ate. and the unfortunate accident will be all the more severe on her on a000unt of her age. Donut- -- Rattail - rthED-Msh hpwho f epast wmon hhas been in. theaunity of Grey, returned on Sat- urday RtMovse.-Mn. Clifton removed from here last week, and, has taken up her abode in Wawanosh, about three miles east of Luckaow. Seuot. M,tc. -We hare had a change of teachers in our school lately. Mr. R. D. Cameron has taken the phos of Mr. John Elliot, who has taught here during the last three years, giving general sat- isfaction. CRUELTY. -On Monday evening `two young men were driving along the gravel road south of Belfast in a buggy, and not being satisfied with the speed of the animal, one of them got out on the road and applied the whip vigorously, while the other remained in the buggy hold - the reins. After amusing themselves in this way for some time they drove off, leaving in the minds of the spectators of the scene a much lessened opinion of them. Triremes Callao. GRAND TRUNK. WT. Pass. Nip's. Mild. Mild. Goderlrh. L v 7.O0am ..12.0emn _ & ISprn .. 9.tlOsat 8eaforth. . 7.50" .. 1.10 " 4.43 " . 10.50'• Sura ford.Ar &15am.wL.1Spm..6.30pm 1.001' Paas. Etp s. Xied. Mix'd. Stratford.Lv 1.10am .' 10 to . 7.00am..3.t5pm Seaforth... . 2.17 " ..&56" .. 0.15"..510' Ooder•ich.Ar 3.ISpm 9.50ppm 11.00am..7.15pm GREAT WESTERN. Clinton Exp's. Mail. F.xp's. linton going north ...9.Mam ... L.23pm . S.25pm going Booth ...&5�4yin...&02am . 7.21 " STAGE LINES. Lucknow Stage (dally) arr. 10.15am.. dap fpm Kincardine 1.00am . 7am Benmillcr " (Wednesday and Saturdavl arrives 9.00am " 9.15 Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - - •fr,000,ete, SURPLUS, - - 55,000.00. Goderich Branch. 0 R. DUNSFORD, - - - Malinger Allows Interest nn deposits. Drafts. letter of credit and clroular notes Issued, payable in all parte of the world. 1744. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid up Capital, 16,000,000. Rest, - $1,400,000. President, NON. WM. McMART*R General Afarenper, - W. N. .ANDERSON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROM, - - - - MLN.OEa. interest snowed en deposits. Drafts on al the principal Towns and ('hied. In Camels Greed Britain and the United 8tawe. bough Mad sea& Advanreeto Tarmen no Nedra with one or mere e.eevesre, without reellea.M, a♦fa{ Miscellaneous, CAR*. fTAMER NELAILL, (5 Ciwb MasARCHITECT, i 4 rich. Plans ad nna drawn IT. ea.ry"*,te�a'.� and tttattra°y°rvr IT. C rut aatndA v sad. QTRATY'/RD BINDERY -TAMAR- A 1 Lie nit nmut TkamitaMMtu,ent%Aloft devoted to rob an/ tthnary w'wk. asprr•lany to those cabin. and wannmteal hal[esit. sad Wane caw" e1Tl.einp srries the tMYacat osrtw,rnks4aw.vn ad weftweatp with .r,atzvart sadsAaantT m, allWAIT n RAtaali.. K)e- /le. UWer At tae resldrnee of the �,r.k et Klparea. Mr. an elf., by Rele. elv. Y ,*u second dattgltt;er of Haat cA 1ster. Ray.. of Hay, oM ?h.mpsoe (:intoe --At Wroxeter, on the 17th alt. Est. Geo. brown, Mr. Alex. Thorne- Minder. Saturt5,, to Miss Mary Button, at w1lt. E Melat este* ea tie nth att., aeon• W Wee Rachel Raln- teah, both of W isaitam. J1p*V. On the 21st ult.. byRev- eater,aest400fth� r. ]ic; _at Kirkpatrick. to Mae Mary M.. daughter ut John Drain. UN.. of Wawwuah. nharp. Diamond -At the rwldeace of the brtde'a matter In Mullett, on Sept. 147th. by Rev. W. dirks. was john dh*,,e of Wttlte- chura::t, to Mir ELsaieAh tl. IMaaiund. WM. t7amt t11-- :u Hul ett, on the 21 ult., Walter Caw t • it 1i, aged al years. Willi -ha Hay, ea the 17th ult., Bella Will.. aged Its ,).ars and a months. Cadmium -T. la Exeter, us the ma. ult. Elmer Cadasiona. aged 4 tuoutha Meaner- At Sunshine. on the 211d ult., Mar- garet 1l.Arter, aged 44 reser. Barr -In McMillop, on the and an., Jaynes Kerr, thin) atm of Mr. Alca►nder'Corr. aged 10 Imo. and 2 mon hs. Cousins -In Brussels, on 'flt enemy. &pt. 29th, Martha Alice, latent darts, ter of Alexander sad Martmret Cousins. aged n months. SA LLOWS PHOTOGRAPHER, MONTREAL St. GODERICH BEST LIGHT, BEST PRICES, BEST ACCESSOR- IES. BEST CUSTOMERS BEST PICTURES, BEST bATIS- FACTION. BEST EVERY- THING. THE BEST REMEDY !Ot Dian or blind and Imo. 2YERS CHERRY PECTO In diseases of the pulmonary organs a gate and reliable remedy 1a inval- uable. A i s a's Caesar Pacroaas is such a remedy. It is a scientific combination of the medicinal princi- ples and curative virtues of the finest drugs chemically united, of snch power as to insure be efficiency, aae greatest ndd uniformity of re- sults. It strikes at the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, asoedina prompt relief and rapid cores. and is ad to patients of any age or either' sex. Being very palatable, the youngest children take it readI . In ordinnary W,sseo�omBrancklInfluenza, Clergymen's Sore Throat, aniCrh, teffcts of Ars CR Pat-TORAL are magical, and multitudes are annually preserved from serious ill- ness by fie timely and faithful use. It should be kept at hand in every house- hold for the protection it affords In sud- den attacks. In Whooping -cough and Consumption there is no other remedy so efficacious, soothing, and helpful. Low pricea are inducements to try some of the many mixtures or syrups, made of cheap and ineffective ingredi- ents, now offered, which, as they con- tain no curative qualities, can afford only temporary relief, and are sure to disappoint the patient. Diseases of the throat and lungs demand active and effective treatment; and it Is dangerous experimenting Tith unknown and cheap medicines, from the great liability that these diseases may, while so trifled with, become deeply seated or incurable. Use ATLR'a CNsanY PILCrORAL, and you may confidently expect the best results. It la of acknowledged curative power, and is as cheap as its careful preparation and fine ingredients will allow.lEmi- nent prescribe , . The (�tofcphal osi- ,f a century has proven Its certainty to cure all pulmonary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. PREPARED BY DR. 1. C. AYER 4 CO., Practical and Analytical Chemlad, Lowell, Mass. .OLD IIT ALL DROeer.Ta ar.arwesas. ALL THE NEWS FOR A CENT. THS Toronto Daily Wort d, THE ONLY ONR-Ci(NT MORNING PAI'RIl IN CANADA. THREE DOLLARS A YEAR! TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A 1101ITNH ONE CENT* COPY?? Wanes the. Nall tae ..ass at say paw ■ar.lag raper. T.L TAN MAKE 11.11111 by canvassing fat The World. Agents and Canvassers waisted everywhere. Send poet -card for terms sad SAMPLII COPT FREE. WORLD PRINTING 00., No, OM eting strata seek tyres*. W. S. Hart & Co. PROPRrieroita Q/ 9'R1 Godhrich lU i11s ,i,ATE Pii'ER'S.) Beturnmeir thanks to the puMle fee eho patronage rano rad dnrina the pest yti.r. and to state they are prepared to d* Q-R1ST INIG, ON the shortage nntire. or for the renvaetenee of pertfse lIring at a dlatanes will eteharge grit,. at Meir torestore Lail R'. M. H'& rr1's, Reseal° blot*. lase At (i,4Mrteh ler Highest pries paid for wheat 11R ALLAN LINE AEctione$ring. 5 ROYAL MAIL STEAD jptI 1 gr. 4:71110M1/M. Tse :eat. i'g 40O . i1Q• LIVERPOOL. LONDONDERRY. a, •• OOW. SMORTEST MLA ROUTE - AGENTS tt'asla,d- Blg Pay. W ark. ('onMan& empbyQ Cab*, rwee&1 b*, iateeess,asal tttessage Tk:kow a Ma required. Janice Las et lb. Mur - Lower, agree Quebec). 111* Card t Br.d it; ms's ato ka.k . to toles• ! I 1i it Galway .t-lsr*uw, at same tai tl(� Liverpool.• -- ItA LJNGia I S OM QURB t v Cutcaa zg,g , .....�::: ;. w a °i t'ttarttsama......... :... .Ira. -. aalaax. eau nmsesi kat Orrin. Nora elan .-- SaaaaTran CtncAI.tas................... Meg •• ATM. last nein at Quebec with the Alias Mallilisemer eve Tomato every rridar at 7SIS ` ea. Passengers eau also leave Toronto by tb ILO tram p. t., on ?ride a, and, connect with 'he inearear atars, 54 45, Quebec toaoualiinwk usiat1 Wt flee Sates rev tickets aad every information apply to H. ARDII TI(ONO, Again, Montreal Telegraph 17112-3m. OSos God/rich. BHBGMILLHR Chilled Plow -AND- AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Raving psrehasei the Gaderich Youndry, I unActiss theiprimires ter e[ PLOWS and AGRICULTURAL tiltPLi_1IZNaT�d an a lie scale. MW Work, flatted. AU work twaal eeeeobbdd will he oon- ing fl.r. D. Reteatdaais *5.. esly utaa authorised b au persona taint arn be- half of the we firs e regseaive receipts it ! (go seed theeyelves se*sNfslely. revueste.l to gorses t! EIJCriMILLE:R. Prsyrlatsr. Seeds! Seeds! The subscriber Mss to draw the stun - tion of the public generally to his large and retied stock of FARI id IiARDBN SDS, CLOVER, sou"ating of PHUNGARIAN, TI LLET, MILLET, BARLEY and OATS, Gia WHEAT; TURNIP, MANGOLD, CARROT, and all other GARDEN AND VEGETABLE SEEDS, st rates that cannot 1, n. S. BLOANE. Geaeral Seed Dealer, Hamilton Street. AIIRIYALS. QANNf3D CORN BEEF, LUNCH TONGUE, ENGLISH BRAWN POTTI D TONGUE, BEEF, RAM, CHICKEN, FRESH SALMON AND LOBSTER. A FINE ASSORTMENT O2' Christie Brown & Co's BISCUITS awe CAKES, TEAS, SUGARS AND Pure Spioee_ TRY THEM. Chas. A. Nairn. IS5 to $20 perr,p y at home. Samples 1921:11111921:11111921:11110N t Oo.. Portland, Maine. Address JAMES WILSON sole agent for the �[lisIi Importiol Tea Company, Pat up fn one• two, and three pound pack- ages. and prices ranged from 40c per pound up. TRY ICI. A complete stock of pure drugs, and all the newest patent medicines. Court House Square, Goderich. G. C. ROR=RTSON' Has just received a large lot of SIDE BRACKETS. CORNER BRACKETS PIPE BRACKETS, PAPER RACKS, WALL POCKETS, TOWEL RACKS, MUSIC POCKETS, SLIPPER RACKS, VARIETY STORZ, E.A.ST ST, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY by going to GREAT CLEARING BALE of all kinds of Furniture Pictures and I'icture Frames, which will commence on the 6th OF OCTOBER and continue until sold out as he intends giving up business and returning to the North-west Great bargains and wonderful reductions in CUPBOARDS, TABLES,W CHAIRS, BED -STEADS, and all other Mad* of furniture BLumber land cordwood and LOUNG441 farm produce taken in ex- change. Remember the old stead oppo4Jte Wstson'a Bakery. Tas ER. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY OR CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS &c. &e. SAMPLE BOTTLES FREE. UBE Electric Bitters FOR BrrOaLACH, miry -mai. etc ID -E-' GEO. REYNAS URrot2I' Ste. Prescriptions a Speciality • - - Night Bell on the Front Door FALL AND WINTER GOODS. R.M= dr, s= ue a; Agasaew showing for the fall mason a eneaptel. Sleek of staple and will be found very attractive and exeefieut rale y Dry Goods which TAILORING DEPARTMENT. A sliatwttd s lasttoa s/ Erglink IMt4ch amid (lemeglaw pmInytlAfy variety a4 *ales. earthing pre�{,s� ztts app restless. wl,aeb sill ser fees stem *17 Moth beesht Set rtes five e( ,y ,..411 garments rot and made ail t�h 4 mows' Ater Pahl Mr holler REID (Sr BNEYD- Manchester House, Goderich. 0:1=iIC.AG0 11OTTSE :vise Vzrailizizaxsorl., (Suoowsur to Mrs Copeland.) Takes thio up unity of informing the ladies of (k,derioh sad vicinity, that hav- ing Pu the interest of her predecessor, .h. will eudeavut to keep it up to the standard laid down by Mrs. Copeland - My. Stocaa is of the west And every endeavor will be made to give Tho Fullest Satisfaction in Styles, in Work and in Iaterialr Ordered Work a Specialty. Agent for the Parker Stearn Dye Works, Toronto. MI138 WILKINSON, OhioeEo House WSt Street. FALL Off' 1881_ Miss STEWART �ODERIO�I_ Mantles. Mantles, Mantles, Mantles. MANTLES .AT $2.00. NANTLES AT *3.00. MANTLES AT $4.00. MANTLES AT 0.00. MANTLES LT 50.00. MANTLES AT $7.00. MANTLES AT $8.00. MANTLES AT $9.00. Ulsters ! Ulsters Y. Vistas ! Ulsters �LST�Rt� .&T M2_00- 1:71...87'31C1=18 0-IIL$T'EI B .AT S4_00- t7LST :E s .ST a6.ep. All Other Lines are Fully Assorted. ROOTS AND SHOES. I have t DOWNING. " pleasure in announcing to my customers and the public at large that my stock of Boots and Shoes for the Fall Trade is now complete, and I would in- vite inspection of the same. I have been especially careful to purchase goods which I believe will give the customers satisfaction, and do Credit to myself. You will Find Pris )JOWCi' �Ittfh�i7 f �e � As I buy in lalige quantities, and for Cash. Doing the largest shoe trade in the Town, I can sell at closer prices than those who do a smaller business. I would especially call the Attention of Farmers to lo Stock of Long Bootie and Shoes Which is one of the largest to be found in any retail store in the Province. I have on hand several cases of the celebrated "K. R.. B," Long Boots, which have given such Irraxxlera.se satisfaction. Innthe 1past. On WORIC Ore still abreast of the times, and having a large staff of first-class mechanics, I am prepared to manufacture anything in my line to order, at the shortest notice, in first-class style, and of the very best material. In conclusion, I beg to return my sincere thanks to my customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and rest assured I shall do my utmost to deserve a continuance of the same. Yours respectfully, Cor. East Street and the Square. Goderich. E. DOWNING. NEWBRANCH In the huainraa of 701-11NT TA1I ORZNG_ i have secured the service. of Mr. Fred. Pridham as cutter, recommended to be one of the best fitters in the emtnty. Style. fit and workmanship enamored. A large and well *1Ie ted stock 01 SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS Just arrived. The Stock of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES Bouslnese most complete and customers favoring me with their trade In any hos• Ur u, lab can rely upon getting good value and fair treatment. JOHN ACHESOIS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM sZT15=R20R_ The first consignment of the seaann of th -.e justly celebrated SALMON Tit( it '{' -AT- �. FRRGITSON'8 Grocer, Hamilton stree', ,oderich