HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-10-07, Page 1I
t ♦ M
13(1tt1.1i NUMBER Wig. f
Sew Al rerltsowe
To Rant—Ira Lewis,
Drugs -Oso. Rhyme.
Caution -Rohs- Moak.
Child fur Adoption --X.
To Rent --O. McMahon.
Protest --C. F. littaabal.
Sire Nessay--J. G. B.U.
td tock tial e -J. C. Currtc.
Varieties -0 C. Robertson.
4.lvev pad- Holmes pad Co.
teacher Wanted-8.amllter.
The Nest Remedy -1 C. Ayer.
Pall and Winter Goods—Reid k Snsyd.
Portrait of t;*rfleld--bober et Cannier Me.
county Court Notice—Cameron, Holt k Cam-
TNT. °Mos and reseeress. West Street.
three doors below Bank fif Montreal. (ludo
rich 1763
She. People'* Column.
S. S. No. 7.. Colborne s tescbu. testa{.
preferred. Call on Trustees or address D.
1nti Benmiller P. 0. 1307-4t.
esms., healthy sale infant, going an
months old is clewed for adoption. Full
will be riven to any parson who will
t/s r sdoot the Ed child- I am anxious
ChM t wi chiild should be wall oared for. Ad-
dress X. Siori•t. oIDoe. Ooderioh. 1807.
Doak, having left me without any jest
cease or provocation, I hereby give notion
that I will not be responsible for any debts
incurred by her.
Dated 4th Oct'r. 1881,
house on South Street, containing 8
mews, kitchen and pantry, with hard and
soh water. Apply to GEORGE Mc8IAHON.
'treble residence and monde. to Gods -
at present occupied by rim Lew Lae..,
very central oily one block from Park, can
Md Who twig. Lewes. gardens, ]ands, rd
and soft water. etc. Very Ane orchard in ad-
dition if desired. Rent low. Apply oWes.1 807-1prem.
• halt harm house. with nine good rooms
besides pantry. hall and gaol cellar, situated
on the bank opposite old inglish Church
M.pisntiid view sof lake and
ming archtird b also attached.
nes for smoller homes. Apply to
OWN. ptr. 1m6-41.
House on Caledonian Terrace. containing
eight rooms and woodabed, and a good stone
cellar. The situation Is excellent, and there's
&bout a half erre of land in the tot. For r-
e lre app:; to D.swIFT, North
e petSt
1 take this oportnnity to enter my protect
orationthe j u g on the harness at the re-
•ut West Ri Show. The tact of one
brother beim edge on another brother's
n ork is M IMclent eeuse to justify me in the tw-
irl' that a fair d. -,,ton could not be obtained.
t-.oderich, Oct, 6!b. C. i. tSTRAUNEL.1.
' ter mf most sincere thanks to the Hart-
f.,rd Insurance Company. of Hartford, through
their efficient agent here. Horace Horton, Esq.,
for the prompt manner with which my insur-
ance of MOM hue been paid. The lire took
Mace on the lOth inst.. and the money was paid
me on the 13th Inst. Such promptitude de-
serve.recognition. Shined. HENR1' 3%' ELLS.
Sept. l:. 2t
Real Estate.
Lot No. 5, Lake Shore Road. Township of
r'olborne, four miles from Ooderteh, contain-
ing 100 aores.10 of which are cleared and un-
der a good state of cultivation. Itis well fenc-
ed and underdralned, having two dwelling
houses. a barn, an orchard, stables, workshop,
driving shed. and other outbuildings. For
particulars apply on the premises. or to HOR-
ACE HORTON. Milburn P. 0. Sept. 16,-41
Lake Range, Ashfield Huron County,
164 scree, 130 cleared and ihighly Improved.
Delano, standing timber. Good orchard. new
home house. barn 40010 and all necessary
stabling,two wells. For particulars address
CMAs. XcLs•ts, Moberly. 17104m.
.8 Tp. of Colborne. containing 111 awe., D0
acres cleared! balance excellent tiro Soli
a gond clay loam. As this property ad1MM
the Point Farm It is in consequence
eligfbl J
situated. For particulars apply m •
J. W bt.
Marc 1st 1881, 117848.
Dungannon It miles from Qo'ietleh.
consisting of of an aere of land, well fanned;
a triune bonne, a good well and pump are also
on the premises. The lot has been well Mr -
proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars ran
he had from Mr. 1. K. Hossnis. Merchant.
Dungannon, or R. E. 11,toww. NU.P. 0.
1401.1111401.1111, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND
T6. corner of Victoria and East area*. ID
the town of Oodetieb. for sale cheap. or will
ezohange,d for farm propertfor part$cnlartu
.pplr to Jars. ay cru. Architect. oO1a Crabb'.
Stook. or 1. C. CosaIR auctioneer.
.ale eD acre.. 60 acres cleared and well
fenced. Brick Cottage !Salt, Mone teller tall
•lee of house. A large creek runs through
the lot. no waste land on the creak A very
sae orchard .arrounda the hone. Haid
tn bans
and other ss. Terms
Co(RT Reyw.x Lake very e
borne Township. or to O•anow t Psoormr
roar. 17811
eon. 11. t'olanene, *!taut toren mass hent
(4oderteb. nneeprieint Mama,. w elected. A
frame hones and • new frame barn 80.36 and
a Wahl* and other oathulld,ses are nn the
premiere A young nrehar& good pomp. eta.
nit the farm. The farm be. a row, an two
oder et it lour arse of tall whealed sown.
Distant only 1 mile Man a past Moo.. For
partemisie apply to Win: 01111101J10. rbeeostos-
ton P. 0. 17•T
t7 Peet (ape for sal or to rest with t nom
aed. !tock alt fi•weh and seed. win set l nit verfyT
a tonna bevies other hea(ne.s t" etgesid
n. Yet ?nether partlrolare apply M W T.
Bauer Alie NO sVre. of land West hell et
Lot 5 na the 314 eon.. 1S- D. A*ht e Gond Or.
hard. trams Wr age. and a nate. mei wove
leered and well fenced Apply M H tannic
Pwnr-nMrvr 1'et
NEWS ABOUT HOME i Miss Eva Knight. of Michigan, neice
•'A chief's amang ye, takln' notes,
Ari faith hell Arent it.70'1711 TOMO&
It you went a Ilei -class scups{ stove. tali
and sae 11. N. Osiris' v oleo srt ss
and Canadian oil for hsslb ase Hanle[ aa
experienced workman aa, Masse wet w I be
dose to the most eitisfanei,.saner.
lhoaders has a fine week er oorokiat stores,
he V sols agent for the "Forest Emir
cove. 'TChhe only Wove wklh gives untr
esU.taction- Aiwa mule sweat for the Oshawa
stoves, the finest wok Mete* la tote world
'The ebeapeet house under the sent."
Mrs. Reynolds is vittitiDg at Toronto
Mr. W. Lineham has vane to reside at
Bay City.
Mrs Armstrong ha* been visiting at
Mr's John McDougall has gone to visit
friends is Cornwall.
Miss A. /Smith, of Clinton, has been
visiting friends bare during te week.
Mrs. Nolan has returned from a visit
to her sun -in-law, Capt. W. McGregor of
The billing and cooing on the front
door step wil soon be a thing of the
A young lady goading a dog to follow
her wu one of the sights on the Square
on Saturday last.
Mrs. A. B. McWilliams and her little
daughter Edith are the guests of Mr.
James Doyle, expressman.
Mia Rennet, neice of Mrs. Capt.
Edwards, has returned, after a plummet
visit to New York and Brooklyn.
Mr. A. H. Manning of Clinton, is ex-
pected to occupy the pulpit of the Can-
ada Methodist Church next Sabbath.
Mr. Henry Seegmiller and family who
have resided in Michigan for the but
three years, have returned to Canada.
There must be some pharmaceutical
attraction on Newgate St. alt our drug-
gists, save one, parede that street every
Mr. Chas. Noble, of Kingsbridge, vis-
ited our sanctum on Monday, and com-
plimented us on the gosheadativeness of
Tam fitext.. .
Mr. Alex. Kirkbride has bought from
M C. Cameron, Esq., one of the lots
facing on Kingston And Stanley streets,
and is about opsning,a blacksmith shop
William Raines Oakley, poet and in-
ventor, is in town. He has an original
poem on Goderich, in which the imagin-
ative and the practical are strikingly
The powerful odor of a skunk assailed
the nostrils of our citizens on Monday
evening. A number of these beautiful
animals still etist in this section. Few
see them, but many emelt them.
Mr. J. 0. Ball returned from the Far
West on Friday last, looking hale and I
hearty. His intentions are to dispose of
his business here, and return to his new
home. He is now advertising cheap
furniture, etc., with that intent.
Rev. D. Allan and wife returned from
the east on Saturday, where they have ,
been spending the past few months
They were the greater pert of the time
at the seaside. Mr. Allan, though well
up in years, still enjoys in good swim in
the briny deep.
The services in connection with the
Jubilee in the R. C. Church here, will
commence on the third Sunday of Octo-
ber, and will be conducted by tate Car-
melite monks from Jerre} City. thher
clergymen from the different parishes
will also assist.
Three fair maidens, over sweet eigh-
teen, perched on the business part of a
fence on West street attracted attention
from passers-by c.ne day last week.
They claimed that they were "resting,"
after the fashion of the young {nen
around the Square.
A San Rsrosm.—The prop. Argyle is
commanded by a son of Capt. Diatom -
eon. of the foundered prop. Columbia,
the latter a cousin of our Mr. S. Mal -
combo. barrister. He received the
news of his father's fate on his arrival at
Detroit. Capt. Mstcomson says that
the drowning of his father and two
brothers makes thirteen of the Malcom -
son family who have perished in the
waters of the great lakes in the bust fif-
teen years.
Rscirnoie SOCIAL.—A reception so-
cial will be held in the North st. Metho-
diet church on the arrival of Dr. Wit,
liams from Europe. it is expected to
be held on the evening of T'hunlay,
- 13th., at 7.30 o'clock. A reception
address will be read, after which fruit,
etc, will be served. An interesting pro-
gramme. consisting of short addresses
from the ministers and others of the
town, and interspersed with mnsio, will
be presented. An enjoyable time is ex-
. Admission adults, 15c, children
fere. id
A Goao ()rineroa. — We are pleased
to learn that Mr. Charles Noble, who a
few years ego was message boy with Mr.
Rarry Arrnstrnnv in the Montreal Tele -
',spit Co., is now occupying an import-
ant position in the Western Union Tele-
graph Company's Once, in New York.
Abnut a year ago, while taking a difficult
press report in Montreal, the manager of
the onmpany Mooed behind him unebesr-
ved, looking over hie shoulder. The
young operator took it in without a
break. and the manager atoniehed and
eabartea.ed him by erelaiming- '{Well
Ames; you're all right. my hey " nine.
the the mot. impnrtarat petition in
Kew York has hewn given hon. Mr
Armstrong says that there is a hr ht
future before ('harlie, its he is a firm
dee operator. and a de ono fellow
of Mr. Abraham Smith, 111 tinting her
relatives here.
Some thieves broke into the grapery
of Mr. J. It Miller one day last week
and cleated the vines. teach rascality
should be stopped.
The' " Red, White and Blue" still
waves at George Acheson's. The enter.
prising proprietor says he is bound to
knock the bottom out of high prices.
Mr. Joshua Phillips, of the Peymae-
ter's Department of the G. T. R., Fort
Erie, with wife and family, has been on
a visit during the week' to his brothers,
the Masan. R', and J. Phillips, of West
The attention of farmers and others
wishing to dispose of, or purchase horses
cattle, sheepretc, is drawn to the adver-
tisement of J. C. Currie, in another col-
umn. The suction business is booming
Atli J. 0. O.
Bea PU,P BALL.—While visiting his
father's place on Sunday last, Mr. Samuel
Hick discovered in the woods a monster
"puff ball." It weighed four pounds in
weight, but looks large enough to weigh
14. It is an odd specimen of that kind
of fungus -
Arrangements have been madeZby
which we are enabled to give Trm Sw-
eet and Weekly Globe from the present
date until 1st January, 1883, for $2.25.
No better opportunity can be had of
getting home and general Dews at a
cheap rate.
The old white horse belonging to Mr.
Thos. Dark of this town, to which refer-
ence was made a few months ago, on ac-
count of its extreme age, `jingled the
ntajunty' un Wednesday morning last.
The aged equine had put in 48 years and
6 months on this mundane spites*. /kit statistics.
On Thursday last the Market By-law
was tested. Mr. Ball, the market clerk, Abstract of statistics for County Jail
cited one of the grain buyers before hie for the year ending 30th September,
Worship the Mayor, for contravening 1881:, --Number of prisoners committed
thae by-law, by purchasing grain on a during the year, 91 males, 13 ferules,
sods street. The defendant acknowledg- total 104; being 61 lees than the previous
ed the offence, and was tined 11 and year. Of this number there were 10 ac-
costs --$4.75 in all. quitted on trial and 2 discharged by or -
A Teo AT Law. —The to Mary Anna, der of court. Sent to Central Prison,
of Goderich, was seized at Pike Bey aid Toronto, 6; to Mercer reformatory toe
Marshall. The writ by 8eag last r to•eetanguishenee reformaory, . Of
&Morton, barristers, at the instance tit the prisoners who elected to be tried at
the captain and crew, and granted by the County Judge's criminal conn{ d
Judge Toms of the Admiralty Courtwere acquitted, and 19 found guilty and
The claim is fur wages and damages- sentenced. Of the total number of
prisoners committed during the year
Mr. W. C. Young, secretary to the there were 29 whose maintenance was
British Canadian Lumber Company here, defrayed by the Government. and 75
is about to leave tol take charge of the whose maintenance was defrayed by the
otlice connected with the same aontpany municipalities. Total number of days'
at Goderich. Mr, Young, who as one of custody of Government prisoners for the
the {Wardens of Trinity Church, a dela year, 1057; do of municipal prisoners,
gate to the Diocesan Synod, and leader 2,080; total 3,137. Giving an average
of the choir, will be a serious lass to the number of days for each prisoner of 30,
congregation.—{Orilla Packet. and a fraction otter; this average is near -
MAGISTRATE'S Coral.—On Wednes- ly double that -if last year. Nationali-
day last Charles Jenkins, Daniel Me- ties of prisoners—Canada 46, England
Phail and John Gale, three boys about 16, Ireland 31, Scotland 10, other ooun-
ten or twelve years of age, were brought i tries 1. Religious denominations —
before the Mayor, charged with assault- Roman Catholics 18, Church 36, Preaby-
ing Norman Campbell, another lad. terians 24, Methodists 21, other denomi-
The case was proven and they were I nations 5. Number of prisoners who
ned 10c. and costs, or four days in were married 47, unmarried 57. The
gaol. This ought to be a warning to I daily cont per prisoner is a fraction over
them. 9 cents. Offences for which prisoners
One of those "two -sweet for anything" I were committed—Assault 12, attempted
young men who loaf around in front of suicide 1, contempt of court 9, debtors
churches, had a rise taken°out of him by 12, drunk and disorderly 18, forgery 1,
an old farmer whn brought up his team I horse stealing 1, houscbl'eaking 2, rob-
ery 2, indecent assault end exposure 1,
inmate of house of ill fame 1, keeping
house of ill fame 1, larceny 21, lunatics
9, manslaughter 1, prostitutes 3, rape
and assault with intent 2, selling liquor
without license 1, threatening 2, vagran-
cy 13, other offences nut above enume-
raied 3,
sea«t heard.
Met on Mioiday evening last. Pre-
sent, Meows. Crabb, Passmore, Fergu- The Michigan Disaster Heavter
eon, Buchanan, Megaw, Swanson. Than is Generally BtapRpsed.
Report of Principal Miller was road
showing attendance fur the last month I • r •
756 of whorls 406 boys and 961 were Brest s».1IluU.a, 5etwltaliaellMB111148
teepesees niece Mae, ---
girds, Average attendance 567, per
out 75. •
Contt'1tt committee was santhorised
to have Iltimneye etc., in schools clean-
Teacher, Miss Ada Harris, was allow-
ed to furnish substitute during her at-
tendance at Normal School.
8. R. MaDougsll was allowed $6,96
for carrying water for central reboot.
John Sproule's account of $8.00 for
plastering repairs on ward schools was
ordered to be paid.
John Btnerton was ordered to -b. paid
$.3.75 for plastering repairs on central
Amount of S. R. McDougall, of *1R-
50 for cleaning schools and wells was re-
ferred to finance committee.
Aocount of M. C. Swaa.on for labor
repai roofs, bell tower, done*, steps
and outhouses $24,57. Painting ward
school roots, central scbool roof, and re-
pain g flat goof, 122 50, total for labor,
$76.22; for lumber., hardware eta,, $59,-
23; total for Labor and material $135.46.
Thja e000unt was ordered to be laid
It was explained that the painting of
the roofs coat 47 cents per square of 16
All the teachers excepting the Misses
Sleigh, Jamieson and Cassidy were or-
dered to be re-engaged.
A large Dominion map Oft. 6in. x 9
ft, was ordered from Mr. George Shep-
pard at 15.00.
to take his family home after service
on the evening of Sunday last When
the old man undertook to attach
his tie -strap to the knob on top of the
watchers's shoulders, and the latter ex-
postulated regarding the operation, the
wicked granger naively remarked, "Beg
pardin'; I thought you wu a bitchin'
post; but com' to think on it, y're a leetle
numerous—a leetle numerous."
Gtarsay.—On Tuesday afternoon we
paid a visit to the celebrated grapery of
Mr. Chas. McPhee, Colborne. Mr. Mc-
Phee has a vineyard containing about
1,000 vines, principally Concord, and
although the space oocupied is but an
acre and a hail, it is expected that the
yield will be about six tons of luscious
fruit. Mr. McPhee prunes closely, and
grows the vines on wires, so arranged
that all the grapes can be gathered with-
out climbing. The enterprising owner
ts more value
is acre and a
of fgrapes than any other man in Col-
borne. We understand that the sea-
sons yield has been sold to a gentleman
in Blyth at a good figura. Our thanks
are tendered for a basket of splendid
TEs CRAWL —We are pleased to find
that the crop report gathered by the G. T.
Railway concerning the state of the crops
in the districts through which its lines
pass, confirm the opinion that for once
the yield is going to exceed the ex-
pectations formed during the growing
season. The reports themselves are not
numerous, nor is the system pursued
calculated to give a precise idea of the
meaning of the reports. Only a general
impreee&an can be gained. A synopsis
of the reports gives the following result:
Below Above
Avseag.. Average. Avenge. TotaL
Tall wheat 1e 11 et 10
aortae foases{ 51m 4 M 117
Peas . 111 11
Haley se 51 1176
In all crops except hay, it will be ob-
served, there are more reports over
average than below average As respects
the fall wheat, this is nndoubtedly ton
sengntne an estimate: hnt., as to spring
grains, there is a retneorrenee of testi-
mony to tM.47eet that the yield is far
above the average in quantity, and
quality, tnn. From all ap,Opeerenene our
farmers will be blessed with gond prices
as well ae goed craps.
Marine sews.
•RRIV•IA. ,a
Saturday—Tug Mary Ann, Bike Bay,
in charge of Marshal of the 'Marine
Court; atr. Manitoba Sarno passengers
and freight; echo Evening Star, Kin-
cardine, wheat for Ogilvie & Huchison.
Sunday—Schr. China, Buffalo, 350
tons of coal for U. & H.; schr. Jane Mc-
Leod, Chatham, light; Todman Sarnia,
light; steam barge Tecumseth, Midland,
lumber, 750,000 for H. Cook & Co.
Tuesday—Behr. Jenny Rumball, Pro-
vidence Bay, lumber for Seoord & Coz-
Wednesday-- Prop. Ontario, Sarnia,
passengers and freight.
Thursday — Schr. Ontario, Spanish
river, lumber for Williams & Murray; E.
W. Rathhurn, Spanish river, lumber fi*
W. & M.; tug Erie Belle; Sarah Jane;
prop. Josephine Kidd, Southampton,
DEPA *rimes.
Saturday—Stn. Manitoba, passengers
and freight.
Wednesday—Prop ()Mario, Duluth,
passengers and freight; who H. N. Tod -
man, Collingwuod, salt; nchr. Evening
Star, Lyndock, alt.
flab bees Per 1ag*.
We have made arrangements to club
Tens Swett with the leading city week-
lies at the following rates :
BraKAL aim Gums, $2.25
HIOWAL asp AnVitlirriallir2.50
Statue AID Man,, 125
There are 446 levitates in the Rock
wood lunatic asylum and 664 oonviete in
the penitentiry. Of the latter 34 are
it is setimated that 6,000 men will be
.e , r/
"When 1 left there on Thursday-. last
it looked worse than it did when 1 first
entered the district just after the tire."
The speaker was a little man, with a
light colored chin whisker. Hs eyes
were blood -shot, and he looked like a
man who 11ai been "roughing it" for a OUR TOWN FATHERS.
teen weeks.
It was Mr. E. M. Cady, of Port
Huron, relief agent to the M chigan suf-
ferers, who spoke in reply to a quantum
asked by the writer ea to how the burnt
district looked when he left it
"It's a mighty sight wore than people
imesiaa," he oontinaed, as he seated
himself in the sanctum chair. •'Twenty
one townships are pretty cleanly swept
Here and there a house has escaped,
but the destruction has been terrible."
Mr, Cady, who was introduoed to the
writer by Hon. John Hibbard, had burn
sent by We Robot Committee with sup-
plies to sufferers by firs, and hue plater
s.d the entire region devastated by the
dames in his good work. He spoke
freely and with terrible earnestness, of
the sad sights he had wttneseed, and the
Moine* of sorrow which had been told
hia.. We have room only for some a
the more striking things told us by the
narrator, whuse appearance gave evi-
dence that he must have spent maty
weary days in the noble work a ow
'The fire trade a pretto clean swoop
for aboot 65 miles north end and eotth
and 30 to 35 miles asst and west, Then;
were small fires burning at various points
in the distrist, bat a tornado came along
and swept the entire range in about two
hour& Many' houses and trees, I obser-
beseved M I travelled through the desolated'
region, gave evidence of having been
blown down before the tire touched
them. The air in some places was foil
of roofs of houses, planks, etc., w
were lifted up and borne for
able distance, sometimes e11 ableu
"It travelled very fast, didn't at,
Cady 1" asked the Hon. Mr. Hibbard.
"It went awfully quick," was the re-
sponse. "You know Jenks, of Sand
Beach ?'
The Consul nodded affirmatively.
"Well, he was in Bad Axe, and there
was no sign of fire very near; thirty
minutes after he left the whole
was in a blaze and only the Court cure
escaped. Twenty minntee after he left
Verona that place was all destruyed,
save the big hotel, in which over seventy
people assembled, almost scared out of
their life. That mil owner at Verona
and his wife had a narrow escape. They
were lifted off their feet and planted in
a corn field. Although midday, it was
as dark as night. He had been through
ready wade, 1 am compiled to ask you
to meanie* in this great work of charity
fear these Michigan sufferers. I can only
mew the assurance that contributions
*$t b. faithfully used, and sot confident
Hist this sopa fur aid will not be in
vain. Weird oowmitties are urgently re-
qu.sted to give all the time they can
spare in soliciting oietributions, and
ie what money thee may have in
Bedding and money are what is
most now.
Jost RoutaRD,
Chairman of Relief Committee.
wags They Did at lest mecums—The Water
Friday, Sept. 30.
The regular meeting of the Town
(foundl was held this evening.
Present—His Worship the Mayor in
the ehsir, the Reeve and fat Deputy -
/leave, and Councillors Cameron, Camp -
pion, Damn, Dunsfurd, Humber, Jor-
dan, Lon, McKenzie, Sloane, Swanson
rod Wi$isoa
the minutes of last regular meeting
were road and confirmed.
The Treasurer presented a report
don 'rig
Lal lee .tare !sat meeting 1185.71
Overdrawn at Hank.. . . - .. ..8157.55Aae at
Refearred to Finance committee
Petitions for relief from taxes were
read from Mrs. Burns, Mrs, Reed and
James Keag. Lid over for future con•
A petition was received from Mrs.
John Pharis akin; eompensation for a
stable built at the Maitland Cemetery
by her late husband- lteterred w Fin-
ale. committee,
preseotsd as follows: dtar,printing,
C. Crabb, goods, $26.40; S.
Elliott, goods, $26,14; Wm. Mitchell,
relief, $11.12; E. Graham, 72c; Wm.
Odbg. sundries, $15;—which were read
sad referred to Finance committee.
predated the following report: 1. That
to obedience to instructions from tut
{seedy td (bnncilt they notified Mr.
Magnus Swanson of the acceptance of
his tender for the market -fees, and re-
ceived the accompanying reply: "Your
favor ranived and contents noted. Re-
gret to say that in consequence of long
delay in awarding Inc the market -feet,
I hew made other arrangements which
tunnot now relinquish. Reepectful'y
'ours, M•ayr4 C. SwstritoN That
the next tender was from Mr. Richd.
Tichbourne,- $11 per month. 3. That
Mr. Tichbourne refused to accept it. 4.
That the next tender was front Mr. H.
W. Ball --$10 per month. 5. That in
the meantime your committee was offer-
ed $100 for the said fees. 6. That Mr.
Ball offered a bonus of $35, making his
tender 1100, which your committee ac -
the fire of 1871, and crept back for a cepted. 7 - That your committee recone
blanket and a pail of water. He andmend that the Market By-law be printed
the hired mancovered his wife and her I for distribution.
sister with the blanket, and wet it by Respectfully submitted,
sprinkling water over it every little Faso. W. Jove/triter. Chairman.
while. The men took turn., in tearing Moved by Jordan, seconded by John -
for the women, and rested by placing Ston. that the report be received and
their faces to the ground and inhaling adopted- Canned,
the fresh air. He lost all his lumber. THE IINANcE nuMMITTSK
houses, sawmill and seventeen horses. recommend the payment of the following
"Were there many lives lost?" eked
the writer.
"Some 273. I saw where twenty
were buried in one day. Many persons
are bearing the marks of their burns yet,
and there are a number still In Minden
Hospital." Dancey. the above report was adopted.
At thin juncture Mr. Samuel Pollock, Moved by Johnston, seconded by
who was in Bad Axe during the con. Dewey, that in case of any person
fiagration, put in an appearance. sad breaking the Market By-law, and infor-
confirmed Mr.(Cady's description of the marina being Lid, that counsel be em -
desolated tri ct. ,!eyed G, prosecute the suit, and we
"There have been about 2,000 farms sustain the Market Clerk in his action.
Moved by Cameron, seconded by Jor-
dan, that a By-law be prepared and sub-
mitted to the rateyayers, authorizing by
way of debentures 'of 150,000, for the
purpose of constructing Water Works.
Moved w amendment by Campbell,
seconded by McKenzie, that no action
be taken toward. submitting a scheme.
On the smendmrnt there voted:
Yea --Campbell, Humber, Lee, McKen-
zie and Swa on -6. Nay—Johnston,
Cameron, Campion. Dancey, Dunsford,
Jordan. Shane and Williams -8. Lost.
(1n the motion there voted: Yea --
Johnston, Campbell, Cameron, Caunpion,
aca,u : TRE SlottAL, printing, $21; 1'.
B. WnEvery, Maitland cemetery, 26.-
60; E Graham. 53c; E. Oraham, drying
hose, 16: D. Ferguson, relief, $12.
W. CAMPBELL, Chairman.
On motion of Johnson, seconded by
destroyed," said Mr. Cady "and per-
haps 6,000 buildings. Tne timber has
been utterly ruined, and lumber is scarce
People are living almost anywhere now,
and 1 tell you there were some tine tarns
and splendid houses there. Now there
is not even a bit of green timber growing:
not one fruittree in • hundred, certainly,
gives evidence of life. There bis been a
pretty clean wipe out. In three weeks
travel I didn't see in the burnt region a
chair, • table or any article of household
furniture except one cupbranl. We
sent in a stove, phi., kazoo.. and har-
ness to every farmer, and are giving
seed wheat to each one. The area of fall
wheat sown there is larger than ever." Dacey Dunaford, Humber, Jordan,
"Are all the people in houses yet 7" 1..., fin., and tt'tpia,nz-11. Nay—
"Nn, but as fast as shanties can be the Meyrr McKenzie and Meranson.
built and lumber supplied they are get- Molted by Johnston, seconded by Mc -
ting under their own roof again. in one Kenzie, that the caretaker of the ceme-
sch000l house 104 people were huddled' tery furnish for sack monthly meeting
together for days, and they hadn't seat% 1 of Council a report of the number of
noongst them. The number had fit^ves dug and imprnvemente nude by
dwindled down to 30 when I left It r,,t^ the cemetery during such month.
was a splendid timber country, but 1' Carred
don't think there's much stuff for lumber I Moved hy Jordan, seconded by
left in it. "
lir. Cad?) is et present purchasing hay
and other Oxide, for the sufferers. The
hay will he packed, and forwarded in
bales. He says that the p.npie are still
badly in need of bedding, blanket*, ere.,
and that much suffering still estate He
Camph.11, that a committee be appoint-
ed hy the Mayor to consider a scheme
for the cotietructton of water-worke and
deport. and that they bin empowered to
incur any nasannahte expense necessary
to obtain the information they may re-
gales tamed
says that many of the settles are can., Mayor app. -irate -1 Williams, Hum-
.diiens who have gone to Michigan arras! Mr, McK.nzie,app.-irate-1app.-irate-1noey nd Mutchiaon
the fire of 1871. I as • c ,tumitt.e for aid purpose.
The following carol has been hamlet' in ' 44" tuuti•on ('ounetl so {corned.
for insertion:
t act. 8th, 111$1 The coroners inquest on the bodies of
To the cilium. M Oodcr•tcb. the victims of the railway disaster near
Fifteen thousand people wh, hare eylmer resulted in the pity bringing in
employe.' the coming 'mason in the been horned Ant and lost their all. have a verdict of mensladghtes against Con
Ottawa and Gatineau district in gel Meg to be housed and fed during the commie doctor Kestrel' anal Engineer Walmsley
out tours timber and logs winter. Grate/ el for the donations .1 •,f the excursion train
010 4•00.41M/W.