The Huron Signal, 1881-09-30, Page 8O
(Sign of the Red, White and Blue.)
To Commence on Saturday, the 2nd day of October, and
be Continued until November 20th.
We ask the Public to consult their own interest. Call and examine for yourselves.
Come for Bargains. Look for Bargains
Ask for Bargains
And You will Get Bargains
You will Not be Disappointed
Extra hands will be employed during the Sale, so that Customers will be waited on with promptness.
Look for further particulars on small hand bills.
M(WLDI NGS, :u.9 every
Description . 1 Interior Finish.
A Specialt'•. Send for Price
Lists. S11INGLES,
E=ti'flat •-n .,n applies -
t:• rr•Address
(1,d erich
r-. m. WA -:t •r. o -- • • is uutbor••
..te Maw;
T: • fats v,'l.e:.t iu lis . ;i n is grow-
-c ,.•-,l; . it r;411 :uc.r scvcnto look
\'• iu. ',Ir. J. M.
1. lr <t.' •:rola• very i11,
J.•.' r ..P he Busy .o• •.: l e ar ,Aid again.
11. 1'r tnt.:r left here ••u Thursday
la'me'd inst.. for <:1:ieago. V hope his
e7r,rCta;N4ta may ,A; ;.ill:' .t• .:''Led.
Mr..1n.!,e.. Se.r.,;e, late .•f Detroit,
wk• has I e•'n ‘isiti.14 frier.`, in the rip
•' -
1a _.• :he last: wteh. lett • in Monday to
see): his fortune in br:h:t1 . Every euc-
as, to Jimmie.
We are glad to acro that Mr. A. Black
ane' Mr. James M& Math', are so far re -
c. • er..ol from their late se%eie illness as
t.. l o around thevilI .. again.
t ►I -r rug L neo, . - The glowing ac -
c, unt our friends fetched home with
theta, relating to the exhibition in To-
ronto, had the desired effect itt starting
a large number off on M, inlay to attend
the fair in London we trust they may all
enjoy themt.elves and have a good time
A runaway horse belonging to Mr.
Robt. Wiggins, caused oonsiderable ex-
citement in the village on Friday last.
Happily but little damage was done.
CRUELTY To ANINALs.—Chalmereays:
"Man is a direct agent of a wide and
continual distress to the lower animals."
And a certain individual driving cattle
through here one dar last week fully
verified it as a fact. The way he treat-
ed the little animal was to my the tenet
—shameful. Our villagers were deeply
indignant at such an unfeeling exhibi-
tion of savageness. The man must be
ai-andond even to all manner of hu-
manity, tor there could not be anything
snout or inhuman ow serve to sink a
man own low, as treating a helpless ami-
nal with such cruelty, and against which
it maid offer no rineonstrance--an un-
told and unknown amount of suffering
of which no animists ,Dios gave utter-
Staler" on.—Mr. Drew, of Exeter,
will he selling off for 30 days, tM bank -
rut t stock of 8. Reid's in Cknden-
ming'a old stand.
Hr COT w 'r Tris tr.--While a
pr minent citizen of oars was sitting on
his front ).ouch, use evening last week,
s man came along with a carpet bag, and
entering the yard said.
"Is your piano out of tans i"
'N.: f don't think if is.'aid our (titi-
"Ain't you sure about it 1"
"No I never tried it to see." •
"How long .Ince it has been tuned.-
uned.•'"It never has been."
"Then, of course, it ought' to be tun-
ed at onus, you'll ruin it if you don't
have it attended to."
"I don't believe I will"
•"0 yes you will though, nothing
worse for a piano than remaining un -
"Do you think you can tune it
"Certainly I can."
"I don'tbelieveyou can, weld our citi-
"I'd like to know why not, I never
saw a piano yet I couldn't tackle."
"There is one mighty good reason
why you can't in this case.
"I'd like to know what it is. -
"1 ou
s.""1.'ou want me t., tell you do you 1"
"Well its because I haven't got any
piano. ••
Then the man put his carpet -ha,, un-
der itis arm, wiped his nose thuu4htiul-
ly, and left.
Norm -.--A fernier, was in the village
un Saturday evening last, and having a
little too much of the "cater" aboard,
beccme rather noisy. There being nu
constable around at the,tirne, the lockup
was consequently cheated again, out of
an occupant. Where is that constable?
Ootlerioh Township.
SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is a
list of those pupils attending S. S. No. 1,
who took the highest standing in their
respective classes in the September ex-
aminations, together with the marks ob-
tained by each :
Fourth class—marks possible, 525 ---
1st, Mary Rusk, 387 ; 2nd, Aline An-
drews, 368 ; 3rd, Linde Driver, 323.
Third class --marks possible 400 --1st,
George Gorham, 349 ; 2ad, Minnie
Breckenridge, 2Z' ; 3rd, Janet Edwards,
272. .
Second class—Marks possible, 360 ---
let, Fannie Salkeld, 287 ; 2nd, Thomas
Dodd, 263 ; 3rd. Joseph MaZwan, 260.
Punta — Mr. John Maciatyre, oar
well-known Velma, is well upiatraitenl-
tan if we are to judge by kis prim wio-
ni:hp at the Provincial exbibitioo. He
took 1st for Umber*, 1st for Imperial
=end IN fee 8ntith's flosses -as sa-
shaying. and one be may be
proud td
Tb. social and este.Mismset held
hese under the • of Bendlie Tait
No. 1N IL 0. t W on TIM Met., wee
qquit. suooseatal. The evening was
plessnht, the attendance lags the order
excellent, and the addresees given b
the chairman, the Rev. T►Broad, and
W. J. Inh ich, 8. R IC., were witty and
entertaining and contained monk valu-
able and satisfactory inferential in re-
tard to the society. The brain hesad w
in attendance and played several pas
before the opening of the nesting, and
assisted M the pengrsstee in s manner
wdl deserving 01 the fsinrsbie
menta given them by the audience. A
very interesting part of the proceedings
was the Bale of pop -corn in paper bags,
one of which contained a gold ring. The
bags sold rapidly at lOcts each: Mr.
Sam'L Hart being the lucky purchaser.
Misp Nellie Broad and Mr. R Arm-
strong presided at the organ and were
much applauded for the very efficient
way in which they sane; and played.
Votes of thanks having been given to the
epeakers, the musicians and the chair-
man, the meeting closed at a late hour.
The following list of officers have been
elected for Div. 309 Sons of Temperance
for current ,tsarter:
P. Cantelon, \V. P.
Sarni Heddle. W. A.
Wm. 'Robertson. A. R. S.
Thos. Heddle, R E.
R. Moore, F. S.
Geo. Stewart, Con.
Jos. Moore, A. Con.
Chas. Stewart. I. S.
Jno. Stewart, O. S
Chas.'Walters, Treas.
Andrew Heddle, P. W.
Mr. .Joe Morris ishopeful of mating
(a tine show in route at the fall show. ,
Mr. R. D. Morris and Miss Annie
Morris ate of visiting friends in Bence -
1 field and London.
S Bin DAY'. Woai. — Master Charles
'Morrie, Wm. Morris, Jake Rusk- end
roan an recently dug 262 pest holes
or 03 apiece, in one day. Let shovers
of the spade and scoop -shovel who can
heat that be heard from.
Psixrrl. Ae loth.—On Friday last
while Mrs. James Clarke, who lives near
Millburn, was proceeding to Goderich
accompanied by her son William, the
horses got restive. Anticipating a run -
aa Mrs. Clarks jumped out of the
vs w,bat in the fall she esstained
panful injuries, breaking both arms.
Ws are pleased to learn that the injured
lady is getting along nicely, considering
the nature ot the accident.
Nor FOR Pars Liom--Sixteen yeah
ago, when Mr. Spume was Reeve, copies
of the township by-laws vim printed
and distributed, but to-dp heel), one
tan be found. Most of theta ended in
ameb.. Our present Council batte re-
cently issued a new suppl of our )test
bj-late, sad every isae� • t gMmer
.isdd pt me and gel posed es the
M esneeraing iimetmee, water eosr-
ass, pounds, Canada thistles, snow
Isnese, rte. The average elector enanot
M anon learn enough aaenisipal for to
III bin ler • eesasillor.
On Friday Mr. Bat Pay with a friend
aimed a pmnhase, by ma& of 640 acres
of Syndisate land, a abort distance hem
don. The parishes, was made at
an sera
Mr. Austin Callander, of Boweeeneuot,
Dakota, is beak here on a visit. He ex-
presses himself as well pleased with his
n ew and sayps,dtkst the western
see � Canadians.- He Ms. is ra„ybei
nee 1 it Manitoba, hit found to that
the Syndicate did not then know what
they h d to sell, and he could get no •
satisfaction whatever from the Govern-
ment land officers. It is his intention to
take back with him a large number of
bob -sleighs, etc.
Goon Homes.—Last week Americans
from Toledo purchased a car load of
splendid horses in this vicinity, among
them being a heavy draught team,
bought of Mr. David Walker Tucker -
smith, at $460; a mare bought of Mr.
Geo. Pope, Hullett, at $240, and a team
from Mr. _Macduugal, Goderich t'p, at
8440. The horses were shipped on Fri-
day, by G. T. IL ,The aunt paid to Mr.
Pope, we believe to be the highest given
fora single mare, in this section.
Bu,INEsi CHANGE. —Mr. D. Cantelon,
grucer, of this town, has soh' his business
to his brothers, Mt. W. Cantelon, of
this place, and Mr. P. Cantelon, teacher
..f Ben,niller public school, possession to
be given some time in November. Mr.
Cantelon intends giving up his position
as teacher of Benmiller school, at the
end of the year.
ReTrRNetr.—Messrs. Bell Bros. of
Londeaboro, and Wm. Snell, ot Hallett,
passed through here yesterday on their
way home from the Old Country, with a
number of fine horses and Southdown
sheep, the latter belonging to Mr. Snell
They had a ronbh voyage and we under-
stand that Messrs. Bell lost one of the
horses they purchased.
Two new chnrches are in progress of
a.astruotion wt Hentryn. Omsk toter the
English Church oonil.gstion, and the
other for the Methodist Both will be
very handsome structures when complet-
ed, and will be an ornament to the vil-
lage. R Henphetl, .r1 Listowel, has the
superintendent* of the stove and brick
SIRDAalA.Rq--Qsite a Maetlea was
caused in our :Mande' other day by the
sudden disappeatsnoe, under Dover of
darkness, of one Wes Railway, ooeepy-
ing the fares of Mrs. Clark, 16th
as tenant. It is supposed he has gone
to the happy hunting grounds of Unol.
Sam. He leaves beh od hiss a retinas
of mourning creditors.
Tats Stowe& is the Most borrowed
paper in this plat., and the taw who
are roue register in borrowing it are the
osiy ones who grumble at its area
The quiet dieappeersaee last week of a
eoapls of our well-known bsehslon—one
by private eo veyasus and other by rail
—hes iWd sorsa of our bodies with ea-
aRev. J. A. Turnbull, B. A., bast Sun-
day preached 'Meerut sermon hen sins.
kis ordination. Them wee a ver, baro
eon4regation, and at the dose of the
ansa the young pram was wdesei.d
by a large asunder of hi. Orsi.
Ammon. —On Thursday Wet, while
assisting at a threshing, Mr. Joseph
Thomson had one sf his anise ewes in
the gearing of the nasus* The rank
e a. some pidual %ealh wounds and brui-
ses, brat we are glad tr Imre that sea
Imam vele broke.
Lnek ow.
• Fun HoES&—Mr. Angus McDonald,
13th con. Wawanoah, is building a very
fine stone residence. slate roof and fin-
ished in Borst class style. When com-
pleted it will he equal to any residence
in the county of Huron.
CALEDONIAN SoctETY.— The Caledo-
nian Society are well pleased With the
success of their games this year. After
paying the prizes and all the expenses
there sill be a nice surplus. The Socie-
ty now is second tree, none on this conti-
nent. having the finest park in Ontario
for the purpose for which it is intended.
They intend to lough and level it
at once, seed it down, and hare it as
smooth as a lawn for next years genies.
Or -ramie. — On Monday night Rome
fiend in human form sent into James
Welsh's field, and cut the throat of one
of the horses. The horse was found
dead in the morning having bled to
death. Mr. Welsh is a quiet, industrious
man, well thought of by all his aeigh-
bors, and cannot account for the dastard-
ly act. There is no clue to the perpe-
trator, but if the people of Wawannsh
get a hold of -itim they will consider
lynching too good fur him.
Qt'orrrxu.—A quoitingmatch fur thir-
ty dollars a side, was played here on
Saturday between J. Evans, of Wing -
ham, and G. t]seenwsll, of Lucknow,
resulting in favor of Greenwell by two
points, the score being Greenwell 61,
Evans 69. Another game was played in
Wingham on Tuesday between R. and
T. McKinney, of Brussels, and W. R
Treleven and G. Greenwell of this
place. . Our boys got badly defeated.
The score being W. H Treleven 38 G.
Greenwell 50. R. McKinney 61, T. Mc-
Kinney Cl; majority for McKinney Bross
34. •
Work* Township.
The B. C. Church of Holmesville was
opened on Sunday hist.
Mr. 8. Cantloe, of the 9th eon., lost
a valuable hots teat week, the cause
being unknown, as he was found dead in
the &dd.
Mr. Stewart McDougall, of Porter's
Hill, km disposed at • team of bee
dmugkt horses for the sum of467
The span were is steepest eoaditios and
well worth the pries.
harem*. —Mr. John Smith, teacher
8. 8. Na 11, hes been re-engaged at a
eatery of $41g Mr. Eberhardt, of Bay-
field, who has been engaged to lank
Mr. Armstrong's year in No. 10, hes
shoo bees re.wpgnd foe next year. —Mr.
W. L Evans of $. 8. Na 9, intends
riving up the pa.lataien M the sad of
the year.
On Ridgy evening last, ale bees of
Mr. P. B.sbsrvills, kith am, was
herbed with all this season's grain
There was an instance on the premises
but the pulley was not trsnalesmd, so
that the lees will b. very heavy. No
amuse sen be aseigfad for alas fire, as it
was at the time, and could not
have t from the outside. It is
thontht tkaR it might have been waled
by the heat'aa* of er us. "reit' Ti• s la s
nal mash as .son
The saw Mill is again in brisk running
HOTEL CHARGE.. —][r. Was. Dian
leaves next Tuesday to manage a hotel
in Brncfleld. Mr. Fred. Horton will
succeed him as controller of our loos)
With so good a price for wheat, and
the' paper uttered 15 months for nue
year's subscription, TER SIOWAL„ the
best paper in the section, will largely
increase its circulation -st Millburn. It
ii war home paper.
Salol n. IIActtgLor_,. — Two well
known bachelors caused much tnerrtment
awl no little Jxcitement on Monday at
Armstrong's axle, by their spirited bid-
ding on .t s•nii bell. After a number
of sharp bids .Sir P.uger retired from the
contest, and Joe bore off the bed in
triumph. "Cpnting events cast their
shad•o,s before." 4Pr:ER P.ttxtsIF.
Tho C. M. congregation of this vil-
lage intend renainting and otherwise re-
pairing their church.
The Presbyterians are going to put an
iron fence in front of the church
manse in this village.
LtOAr.—Wm.J. Seymour had Mrs.
Bruce up before Squire Morgan, on the
21st inst., charged with aaseult and bat-
tery. Alter bearing this evidence the
squire fined defendant one dollar and
costa, amounting in all to K7&. At
the same time John Bruce, son of the
above, was charged by Seymour with
'using abusive language towards him.
The magistrate heard the evident., but
reserved jn . St until thet
24th, when l r. Seymour was pat in for
the costs.
Iltroerso Srocg. —Mr. Hoary Beadle
returned last week from the old matey,
bringing with him throe splendid entire
colts, each one year old. One of then
is a Clydesdale, and already eland. 16
hand. 2 inches high. elle other two are
Lincolnshire cart bones, and give pro-
mise of being erst<Je.. stallions. Ty
animals are namedtt "Tome
Davie " "ToaLlosiest Tome " mad
"Loci." Mr, hes already Mob -
limbed a reputation for Limiesil as as
importee of entire stook, his "Beak of
Scotland" having taken era peimse
wherever shows in this meaty.
• Paola, taseea.elsleasse.
Some time ago a mss awe into •
Baltimore lawyer's °Ss. ia • state d
great excitement, aad asked hiss to
commence proceedings ler a divorce.Dobbaa hoardthea said, "I think I have �
that will enmity suit your Dina,
still and I wet read it to you."
The men remained seatedjai�l �ar,
supposing he was to listen to araesstose
oeKaanntt wham Mr. Dobbin to
read "Betsand I are Out." BY the
time he had ended the man's eyes were
full of tears,
"I believe 1 wit kr home, he mid.
And he and hie with bars lived by
ever anew