The Huron Signal, 1881-09-30, Page 7THE HURON ' 1GN AL, FR1DA i 'NWT. U 1:481. farm an tarsen The Valli wisest .f tsar, The following_interesting ar•icle, from (madamsth(madamsormer, is written by a resident of this county: .--It a ill be re- wember*d that there was a general wail over s great part of Ontario, laat sum- mer over the failure of spring wheat, whatch, about the time it was well out of the shot blade, was scorched as if it had been primed closely beneath s sheet of red but iron. Many conjectures were afloat at the tune as to the scorching; some blasted the soil;others the manure. After carefully examining the premises with all the little light at our cotouiaud, we cone t ' the conclusion t!,..t tau uiuclt ammonia which was soundautly manu- factured by the prevatling thunder 'hew - era, std plentifully decalited oter our fields in quantities sufficient to burn thrifty grain on rich win, was the cause; the theory of the production was given in the Farmer at the tiute, and a predic- tion then trade that next year's crop, whether light or heavy would be unu- sually rich in nitrogen, that our bread would be as good u bread and butter. The prophecy has been fulfilled, for never, tn the prat forty year. at least, has w rich s flour been turned out of a mill in this county, as has been and will be made from our fall wheat of the pre- sent crop. No need of spring wheat to inix with it this time, no need to scold the miller, or be particular whether the butter is thick or thin, the beef or mut- ton fat or lean, the bread itself will sup- ply the deficiency. As an article of food, flour this year t. very superior to what it has been in Huron for many years, and the probability is that wheu the fact becomes known to consumers, we shall get not only the top, but an extra price for what we have to spare. It will not be good economy,dor farmers leo keep the old, and sell the new wheat, sines a barrel of flour from this year's wheat is probably worth more than a dollar a barrel for food more than last year. The blank sheet for crop reports which you sent me has not yet been filled, fur two reasons: fine because it came to hand in the hurry of lowest; second, because nothing could be dune by uie in the matter further than guess work, and I suppose you could guess in Welland about as well as I could here. Very much fall wheat was not winter, but spring killed, much plowed up,and much of what remained was thin std uneven, though for well tilled heads, we never had naturei standard before. Never in my memory-, in broadcast seeding, had we • grain in every chaff, eight full grain. in s row round the ear. Will see threshers soon and try to get an estimate. Fraternallyyours, M. MoQcire, Sec D. G. 24. Egmondville, 27th Aug., 188L Libellee aad Market Garden. There is but little regular garden work after this month, except caring for the crops and preparing for those of early spring. The rubbish that may have accumulated should be cleared away; manure and plow or spade as much of the garden as possible. Cold frames should be ready for the early lettuce, cabbage, eta It is a am- ple matter to oonstruct one of roe beanie, the rear part to be one foot hit front eight inches, nailed to posts set to give a width equal to the sash used. It is best to put the frames in a sheltered place facing the south. The object of the Cold frame is to keep the plants from sudden changes of weather -not for growth. The sashes should nut be put on until the cold weather demands it. Beets and carrot. are injured by fram- ing and should therefore be dug so soon as growth is completed. Parsnips and salsify are improved by frost, and only enough of these for present use need be dug; they may be packed in dry earth in looses, and skied to the cellar. It it objectionable to store large quantities of roots in the house cellar, as foul gams are constantly rising through the house, making the air unhealthful to the in- mates. Cabbages , should be taken up before the ground freezes and stored in trenches. These may be made by plow- ing a deep furrow. The cabbage are heaped, head downward, in the trench, and covered with straw and earth. A simpler way is to set the cabbages on their heads in mingle rows and cover them with a few inches of earth. Celery not yet earthed up, should be attended to. First bring the leaves together and then draw the earth up. -American Agriculturist for October. Seams sad New aria. Law. Previous to the President's death some newel* ere were arguing that should hu die at lung Branch Gutteeu could lest be punished, as it has been held that by the oolumou law, where the blow ass given in one cougity and the death hap- pened in wth.R, the offender s itut liable. T theory is that no cruise hes been coati i itted against the State iu which the injured person died. But re- cently New Jersey set herself right in this matter by enacting that if a person die within that State from wounds, re- ceived in another, the person why did the injury mu be triad, convicted and bengal in New Jersey, That gets over the difficulty. The chances are that Cuiteau will r.ever get • trial. Sonne fanatic will shoot him, either while lie is in prison or while his trial is in pro- gress. We must nut make up our minds that there is only one fanatic among fifty millions .,f people. -[Telegram. rl hat Every Mae bays last be True. All unite in praise of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry who have tried its efficacy in curing Cholera Mor- bus, Cramps, Dysentery, Nausie, and Stomach and Bowel Complaints, general- ly in children or adults. Every person should keep a supply on hand. Some unruly persons visited the tent of one of the principal officers and rude- ly aroused him from his slumbers en the night of Saturday last. The awakened one rushed out of the tent in undress uniform, and, with drawn sword, and dishevelled locks, breathed out threaten- ing. and slaughter against the disturbers of his rest. Sundry wild words were spoken, but no gore was shed. The re- sult of the escapade has been $ keen spray of badinage around the `mess" table and every one -both disturbed and disturbers -wind the discussion up with hearty laugh. W.sld hat be Without R. One who has fairly tented Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, though pre- judiced against pr.,prietory reedicinee in general, writes -"I would not rest over night without this reluble remedy for sudden attacks of Cholic, Cramps and Cholera Morbus w preveleut in the summer seamen, I keep a bottle at hand." A CATARRH CURE. -the remedy is crushed cubed berries smoked in a pipe, emitting the smoke through the nose; after a few trials this will be easy to do. If these is stopped up so that it is al- most impossible to breathe, one pipeful will make the head as clear as a bell. For sore throat, asthma, and bronchitis, swallowing the smoke effects immediate relief. It is the best remedy in the world for offensive breath and will make the most foul breath pure and sweet. Suffering from the most horrible disease, ulcerated catarrh, will find this remedy to be unequalled, and a month's use will cxre the most obstinate case. A single trial will convince any one. Eating the uncrushed berries is also good for soar throat and all bronchial complaints. After smoking do not expose yourself to cold air for at least fifteen minutes. The berries are perfectly harmless, and there is no use going to "catarrh doctors" when you procure this remedy. They can be procured at any drug store, and you can cruah them yourself. -(Ex. These who are subject to Biliousness, Constipation, Dyspesia, Indigestion or any Kidney Affection, should take the advise of an able physician and use Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bit- ters. In large bottles at 50 Dents. Geo. Rhynes special agent for Goderich Dr. Carson never claimed fur his Stomach and Coustip•tion Bitters any Mute t tut s POwss or HsALINu, but with the quiet oonaoiouaness of the me- dicinal virtues he prescribes them to all those wk. suffer from any deraugemeet of the St&uach, Bowels, Liter and Kid - heya. Ill large 8 oz. bottles at 50 cents. George Rhynas special agent for Gude- rich. Laws. We oall the attention of post- masters and subscribers to the following tympani of the newspaper laws : 1. A postmaster is required to ',five notice by letter (returning a paper dose not answer the law) when a subscriber 'hues nut take his paper out of the office, and state the reasons for its not being taken. Any neglect to du se stakes the ter responsible to the publishers sir payment. 2. 11 any person orders his paper dis- continued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publisher any continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole uuount, whether it be taken fruni the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes a paper from the post -office, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at a certain tints, and the publisher continues to send, the sub- scriber is bound to pps•y'for it if he takes it out of the post -office. This proceeds upon the ground that a lout trust pay for what he uses. 6. The courts have decided that refus- ing to take • newspaper and periodicals from the post-nflice, or removing and leaving theist uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. TMs FATAL WILD PAaixnr.-Robert Heatley, of Caradoc, died on Friday from eating wild parsnip. It seems that while enraged in the field with his son he came across some roots of which he partook liberally, believing them to be wholesome. He also asked his son to partake, but the latter refused. In an hour he was dead. He was a ntan wide- ly and favourably known in Caradoc and Delaware, and leaves a wife and seven or eight children. His death is particu- larly saddening from the fact that his brother was killed by a bull but a week previous. New AND Rae/moon. -The most ex- quisite little toilet gem extant for the teeth and breath is "TsASERaY." Sam- ple 5 cents. The Fruit Medea. The advantages of a fruit garden are many, and all farmers should have one. Now is • good time to choose • place and prepare it for raising fruit of the smaller sorts. The soil should be well - drained and rich. Strawberry plants may be set out until the Doming of the frosts, after which the soil of the beds should be covered with litter, putting it slightly over the plants. There is no great' gain, as to the fruit, in planting straw'oerriee late; but the soil is in bet- ter oondition now than in spring, and work is not an pressing. No crop cao be expected the next season unless potted plants are set. Two feet between the rows will be the distance most suitable for working • stall cultivator among the plants, Blackberry and raspberry plants had better be set out in, the fall, as they start growing so early in the spring. Blackberries should be 6 to 8 test apart in rows, and the raspberries about 4 by 6 feet in picking the Grapes for mar- ket it is best to tree the grape scissors, which allow the bunch to be removed without handling and defacing the bloom. The thin-skinned varieties, like the Concord, will not keep l.mg, but the tough -skinned rinds, as the Catawba, Irma, and Diana may he preserved in good shapes until the holidays To thus keep them the grapes must he well ripened, picked with care, and left in a cool mom for few days until the skis gets tough. Pock them afterward■ in small boxes (3 to 5 Ib. putting the fruit in (mel the bottom, and petting on the over (bottom), with some prim - sure, and tackier feet. Lahril the other side, which is the one to he opened. Keep in dry and cool place until est to tnarket.-,American Agriculturist for October. D. IIe4 he Oreetved. In thew times of quack medicine ad- vertisements everywhere, it is truly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy of praise, and which really does as recommended. Electric Bitters we can vouch for as being • true and relia- ble remedy, and one that will do as re- commended. They invariably cure stomach and Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties. We know whereof we speak, and can readily say, give them a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle, by all druggists. - (Adv. GODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS and SALT PANS man» Lee- t erect on shortest notice. All kinds of Repairing executed under the personal rupervislon of the Proprietors who ARC Practical Workmen. P. 0. Box 103. 1787 TO BUILDERS._ KINTAIL BRICK YARD. A quantity of good white brick on hand and for sale at reasonable rates. The subscriber is now carrying on the brick making business at the Kintall kilns. and will give all orders which may be seat him the most prompt attention. The brick is of first- class quality, and the terms are reasonable. Address JOHN K. McGREGOR, Xintatl, P. 0 Nature, after all, is the great physio Man. She hides all the secrets of health within her broad, generous bosom, and mart needs but t o go to her intelligently for bis every need- The discovery of the great Cough Remedy, GRAT'm $TR 1P OT Rao Snot's (ler, is an apt illustra- tion of this. As a cure for Coughs, Colds, Less of Voice and Hoarseness it stand. unrivalled, while its low price and readiness of access places it within the teach of all. Try it and be convinced. All chemists keep it in 25 and 60 -cent bottles. - •d LIBERAL OFFERS FOR 1881_ Two Years for the Price of One! THE REPRINTS OF TRH BEfTI*N 411rAITEHLT (Evangelical), RPM *OAHTERLT IConsereatirel, ENwlCHCN ( Whig), ANI WE.TH1NI$TEM (Liberal) REVIEWS, AND Blaokwood's Zdiabnrgh Magazine, Present the beat foreign periodicals in a con- venient form and without abridgment or alteration. Tetsuo( eabserlpllea (Iur1■dI■g r.ataae.l Blackwood or any one Review... $4.00 perao. Blackwood and any one Review.10 " Blackwood and two Rfviews..... 10.00 •• Blackwood and three Reviews... 1.100 " Any two Reviews 7.00 The four Reviews 1200 " Blackwood and the four Reviews 15.00 " These are about half the prices charged b,. the Enasish Publishers. Circulars giving the Contents of the Period- Iwls toe the year 1080, and many other partic- ulars. may be had on application. son swoon.-Oa.TOrLArrCou►nn?rww . thorough knewledse of the natural laws which govern the operatkms of Aigest nn Ilad nutrition. and l.careful of properties n1 welJ-.eleeted l oe.. Mr. Ms prettied our barkfaat taM.a with a y flavoured weenie which may nave ea gaga leavy doctors, Mita 11 1s by tlss J aen- eictoaa are of Foch articles of diet that • eNis- lenntMe may be erad.anyWain upuntil serene ugh a evertovary iisssmdesrssefr to 41w+ss• H7n4r.vts of subtle wtaladirei aM neewell ar•+•)nti n. ready 0, attach iewet'.ver th•r. r • weak pnta5. We may Mime mashy shal Multi t7 kepipg cestuis well fortified with pone bled and a p.i • -new only - re SerWer I7.ar • lfleM on es Ps.me." 1 hellow4 ;MOM Pre C10 - Chemist*. .ond.ta. Eng." Alan makers of roper (Immolate Eavmee fov afternoon ire. 1101 PRFiMIUMB_ New subscribers may have the number, for IMO and IND at the price of one year's sub scrtpt.ion only. To any subscriber, new or old. we will fur - melt the periodicals for 1879 at halt price. All orders to be sent to the publication office. To secure premiums apply promptly. The Leonard Scott Publishing 0o., al 0AE('LAT MT.. !SEW SOME The Great American Remedy for COUGHS, COLDS ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, LOSS OF VO tog , HOA RSENBSS AND THROAT' AFFECTIONS. el :av ge► 1si.mK atora/wr sem.,satevD.owMf- .ad i....�...a.s ,f,Fss,e.s... lis fart a.de..w. ezzawma feaVIZire tem 1<e5 m .,a pw}sass WWII owe 1. 1St* has "�'' GRAY'S •; f"" J1 seat ecce fog* of Mf d 7 u• Woofer.wtt�af a silo awe the SYRUP -014 - Pleat III t ar~wi �a.ds + •.ru* RED eties ° . prb fora• Joel. .anti /:- AAN• e.•of s .atter P SRiT1 ,er.t fitatisOis e are, • asides'. Ards. 1411•••The I.o:. 1 .vire in the world for cuts, Fa mice, .,;,t> rt, U:e r.. S tit RRheum,or Sen., 'l'ettsr, a;ba qed Hands, !Mains, Crime, Awl all Skin Eruptions anti poattrtely Aures l',lAa. It Is guar- anteed k, hive perfect satisfaction or money refuu:ed. Price 25 Dents per box. Fur .ale by all druggist.. •.este d.c. Sr*••.1 r a. G U M �Ia1f Its remarkable power in relieving oerfain forme of Dronchitiv, awl ata almost q,ecilfe y�eyeing 'ect in o1 atin he harking Cough., L. table well Amer+) to the public mgt largt. Rau tip MI raipestsiMr .ft..a.aFa ?FM, n a.A rs ere . MM. "w �! weer err slow 410.44, I ai.s !i ER R Y W.4 T.cON *k Co.. Ilitaereeat THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the dogged avenues of the Dowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying d gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions ; at the same time Acidity of the Stomach, curia¢ seances, Dyspepsia, Headaches, D1s slum, Heartburn. Constipation, Dryness of the Skin. Dropsy Dim - Mess of Vtdon. Janndics Balt Rheum Zrysip.1 Vis, Scrofula. Flattering of the Nervousness and tleneral Debility ; all these and many other simi- lar Com taints yield to the bap influence d BURDOCK BLOOD air B. Sample Betties 10e ; Regular dee SI. For sale by all dealers. T. MIIMINI • ea. /rssrtesss.. Tseesle The A eat S1 u dlomis • w Eat Istldat..,.r Made. d "aria. snhY.. Ma ose w�nre �h'pmesie at W sur aaaeaMaai Pa • r ould rptamab a awlpt+etrs 111s wets as Appssmr allegros:* ease whseyear hdviten. t sapt'Mnies. � 5t «tr*ho VOA. 'A ACM u4tW,Llw.0 • ' sea=be Ma lar • Do war Jas mad ars, Ma I.msmese, ser an... r ae weer.., bas Ys Puma over mads; r. MUMS liar!' W as patass as amity be wnaa.taa . ais� r aside altil.hvaillliosabsaas W Massie nsYr.r�T-Taroaso,OatL *plass o r qm Is use Hop Bit- es 1be. ten bat If you ase Yea at mum. saved mpr • yr w 1100 • vas. LOVELL'S Province of Ontario Directory 1. CDR 1E381-1882_ TO BE PC MAIMED IN NOVEMBER 11181, Price $5.00. lilt. LOVELL, at the request of several Merchants and others of the Province of Ontario of the City of Montreal, &c„ to announce that his firm will publish •PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO DIRECTORY, in No- vember next, oontaiaisg •n A.iphabetica: Directory AND A THOROUGH Classified Business Directory of the Business and Professional men in the Cities, Towns; and Villages of Ontario, with a Classified Business Directory OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. The mune care sad attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 will be given to tide work. Subscribers names respectfully solicited, Tering of Ad- vertising made known upon application. JOHN LOVELL & SON Montreal lee. 1381. Publishers. 1709 AIM TEM FIRM JOHN ATORY The Tinsmith is still to the frust I have pleasure to state that despite the inocnvemenee l was put to in my business by the recent fire to my premises, that 1 am now Io full blast again, ',retwre('to give the greatest bargains in Ooderich In STOVES, TINWARE, .LAMP GOODS, and every other lice the businea 1 would also return my thanks to the Tire Brigade and people of Goderich for the stu- essaful efforts in saving my property in my sbee ce from home, at the late tire. John Story. COT sale by JAMS WILDS, Owens Rwyius, Chemists and Drnista D FOWLERS EXTRACT VV!LL; Cures Cholera. Cholera Morbus, 0r oentery, Cramps, Collo, Bea Sick - pees and Bummer Complaint ; also Cholera Infantum, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOS Ulf BY AU DIUCCI>1T$. T. MILBURN It 00., Proprietors. T orortto. AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. BTRA0IIAN HAS REMOVED 141, GROCERY BTTSINESS To the old stand in the Albion Block, formerly occupied by him, where be will be pleased to welcome all his old customers and the public generally. A Targe quantity of M-- - -- - - F+..a.a.w.....--Aa.s.>n.,u,. . .. . --,..,.,scene, NEW, FRESH GROCERIES A'. CHEAP .4s THE i'IIEAPE"T. D, C_ STRACHAN, I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. -ash - MR. D. FERGLT80N VERY GREAT DISCOUNT! Nearly all of said Stock, as well as my own original Stock, was bought before the .I4 one .f Hardware. I am therefore in • position to ...11 Cheaper than any other Mase la the `('..■ty. MY STOCK OF Farmers', Builders, & General Harqure IS COMPLETE which I want co run ofrqulckly-. OOXZ AND 1111T AT SLOE PRICES AS WILL PLEASE TO' . Fresh' Ground Water Lime in Stook. AGENT FOR BEST STEEL B-4 RE FENCE WIRE. ILLCKE NZIE 1751-tm. • HURON CARRIAGE WORKS. T. & J. STORY , (SUCCIa8OM5Z*JOIIN KNOXI, MANUFACTURERS OF a CS • _ tf4 • BGC m.... cC- ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatness and Despatch, and at Reas- onable Rates. Call kind examine before purchasing elsewhere. T_ 8z J_ STORY, HAMILTON STREET gpXNOX'8 OLD STXD. GRAND CLEARING SALE -0 F - Boots and Shoes, -A T - CAMPBELL'S BOOT al SHOE EMPORIUM, FOR OE 4ONTH. .• . Previous to tock taking. My Stock is Large and well -assorted and G REAT BARGAINS will be giver z RIVrS = Ca431-1 WM. CAMPBELL. Galerich, Jan. 13, 18818 1769 Daniel Gordon, Cabe1-MEker an Uuertaker. OMNI HONEY ill W e (MinfV, owl Lorles1 N5.MI. IAe. std, of L.. tin'., 1 PARLOR Nemo, 1011n -1o.0 BMITM, SStea•ltOAkem, EAMY CHAIR,,. I/tl'NUE+ �r.l. . Lr. !loaf Nnyerf will ed h tet their advantage to see my dock If they need • stent,artle r a close peter D. 90RININ, West Verret, afar Post 1►Atr.'•