The Huron Signal, 1881-09-30, Page 66 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. SEPT. 30, 1881. the Poet's Corner. .waeae tet,.wa. Swiss tot gate wide, 'Poona Peter.' Rlag de bell and beat d hong, Saints and mertyn a.on ll meet der Brudder, Reb'rend Q L0 Strung. Tara de guard out, Ola'ral MMhasL Arras present de Ilan slung, LM ds hand play "Coak'ring Baro" y)''or de Iteb'rettd Quash° r;rroag, .!wept, march down wid your br.d'ren. Tribes an' banners musterin' strong, Slime ob welcoae from ole Abram, Answer, IWO:sendQnwkostrong. Tose yew harp -strings night. Kiri David. Slag your good ole htoadied tong, Let de serapbsdance mid cymbals, 'Round de 1 . l rrud Quack -o Strong. Angela hear me yell Hw►nncr. Hear Loy tial..+t aye, !fund sone; Haileluyer! rto a cumin, I'm de R •ti ren i Quarto Strong. .tiake dot a Is,.. ruts radd., eyaclous, .►ud de waist -belt biennl.t' long, 'Cause 'twit/ take dune room In glory For de Rel; rend Quacko Strong. What ! iso enc at de !militia'? 'Pears like ruff in'huddcr's wrong. Suess 111 gib dot 'lttpy peter lrlts horn it-h'rend Quat•ko Strong. What a narrer little gateway • Iiy'dat gate sin hard to use. e. "Wil•, am an! r sari '1'o+'le P.••or Fromc tl.e parapet above. Uncle Peter, don't ;..0 know ,tic Me a elinin light so long? Why de berry niggahs rail the Good olt heti r::1.1 Q t t:Lu ' trong. O'n'nome-de shout in' preacher, Reg'e• hull hug Wesleyan too; Whar in the woods you've been • loadn' r Some old rooster's hotl.•r'd you I reckon. Why I've converted hundreds ti darkiee in a sung, item, ' o-.'n••r vet nuv :nassa! I'm de Rrb'rend Quack, strong, Hark to that ar' ttiros roar,', tar it ay lent r•elln n,& icer; S.... de drtal. dragon t5Sin !iea l Rk•• nigh, awl motif ole tire "Tis do h -rry I::nq " d: bbas, An' he am rusniu' right along. Oh dear Peter please to open TV l +• IC:1 1.'Y .taa.'kV J:1'U,- g. A:.i a:h , 1 ... t feel:, Getting wanner all about. menti momtrood,t:ir.tl'eene!Pit Let nit in. fulfill too stout T E..wid Major Satan Into dat warts t!!mate 'ming -Ire an' brimstone. dere ma knockin,' r.dchurcu menJrr, Quack() Strong. Pre• lord noise,. ,:e in' near. r. . : "tfle dnm•'ll I:k ' lN.wder amu,,,: 6 ...:. • r:.•i, . i:i:rl heabt•t. help Lit - Lard forgib is poor ole moke. . Allcre was so berry holy, Singin'antt pray in' extra lung; Now de debble's gwine to cotch me. Poor ole rai,n•r..Quacko Strong. 1 is ! dai gate swing back a little, Mighty equeexing to get loo! Ole .\;sal;rpt: ho,vling heeler, Ertrything round am blue. Bang de gate got„! and 'telzebub Bunch ob wool upon his prong. Goes along widout the soul ob Miassbul sinner, name ob Strong. Tawas Ices. When we see the lien, "No Trust," stook up behind the counter, we ides that, although it may not be altogether complimentary to the man's customers, it indicates that he is doing business on a safe basis. It does not imply that his iutriess intend to be dishonest, but they may hi forgetful or careless, and, before pay-day ccr may 1w •change in their that will prevent them from diesharging their obligations. Indifferent as to running in debt trench- es closely upon the border of stealing and it is a melancholy fact that some very distinguished men have been no- torious for their recklesnees is contract- ing pecuniary obligations, and also for their utter unconcern in meeting their liabilities. "No trust" may be regarded as equivalent to "Not td be trusted:" and now suppose that every untrustworthy thing about us were thtu labelled in con- spicuous letters, how many surprises we should have : No one can distinguish with his own eye the electrotyped article from sold gold; and in Paris every jewel- ler is obliged by law to placard his goods according to their intrinsic value. What a relief it would be if some such statute could be made universal ! You buy, near perfect as puarible and I have for instance, what purports to be a piece known some who, have for days before the show worked day and night and this gratuitously, their only pay consisting in the knewledge that they have done their best and in hearing the thanks of the exhibitors and visitors fur the excellent Tba Appr.asgetsg The time is wow at hand when the an- nual wnual fall shows will doe held different ,arta ,.f i be ,+ant,: t v , awl Ute labor t.f ,... riche :tl.'t U w.:.,,: , ,•t ,. ,e t,, will to ::••'Rets. t.•; a•l:el, nsauuued, and crihti,o.! 1 :W, a uvetylio.ly. This is, or s!n ultt i,o, t..v .;t.a.td hubday for the f.uwet dd'hW f.t:usiy, iu wuwh they eau aaeen.:de ttglrtho. and eaat.u:w each other's pro.luce a el Tette slug ret vo.we the means used to r gaga• m..►: t ion fat px,hest luISin, ••r ate .. te :iotk pnmpk . Tu ascertain *height the treatment dilteted }roto tltrir es is. there- by increasing the ku..wlel;'s ue:•.su,.iry to keep up wit:, the 1luat-.. ','se it: usual show t.h„tad Ix tt tt.e yearly drill anti ievit.a w to the wluier or exaluillatiot, Ray n., tt/ ti.v student. At these get ht'& r s tl.e aL..n:eat pro- ductions of the stai.ie, fLe geld, the dairy, and .l•.,*..u.; tit.,.:,t:►c::sten, are all gathered te:e:her :o.d 1.•tw both t.n interesting and i..:,tructitt• ...slit.' ion. A few tl.iirgs arc ueuuaty to make tite show it success The first is, the active and earnest o.. ulceration of the agricul- tural co:,nuwity. Tact often the entire! work is left to a few who ate earnest in their endeavors to make the show as MRS. WARNOCK as. o ban easeroas oastgsrsp, V sad aiosM twat she kas opeastt o f has sew soak ens HAMILTON STREET OPPOSITE THE COLBORNE HOT>i:L acrd solicits • eonttsoance of their psttpwaa., an ahs can w ountktenee rawmtaeed her gg'class as be t clin every pergolas,. ltaa ytisltaid d CAMERON as a000m- mlulaer, boon astound as att- estant. - A /:ALL Ie UEarn&Tlr5TLLT IXYIIID. Wasted Immedleteb. • nastier of apprea- ttess to !oars millinery. IVHastloa Street, set door to W. Wit- cNara Grocery. 1714.. j of woollen goods, a suit of broad cloth, with a beautiful colour and finish, or a roti of carpeting of the most fashionable pattern, and it turns out that but a small proportion of the stuff which enters into these goods ever grew on the management. Now it is not fair to back of sheep. leave it all to a few. Many hands make Her: is a ship equipped for sea. light work, and there are few farmers Everything looks well about her; she is who do not look with honest pride on freshly painted and newly furnished; the success of their local show, it matters the cabin is exquisitively adorned, the not how interested they may be in the colours that stream from the utast-head large fain which are held at a distance. are bright and fair; but if we could see, Yet they would feel worse over the fail- ' lust above water nark the phosphoric I urs of the township and county shows in • words gleaning out, ''Not to be trusted, ' their own locality, if they were below warning us that the timbers are unsound the average than they would over that or the engine imrerfect, or that the sails of the larger ones. And why l Because and cordage are rotten, or that the the nearer home the more are they in - vessel is not properly manned, the cap- terested and tilled with the thought that tain incompetent and the crew rebellious, 1 they are partially responsible for the we should be very thankful for the cau- ajtccess .or failure of it. This ie the right tion. - idea, and if each and all act upon it and A -ntan is about to cross a bridge, go to work with a will they will find drivimq it heavy team. To all -appear—plenty to do. It has never yet been my ances it is a well-built structure:it has Ot to see ta, many assistants at the h \ th t' t h d d borne the weight of many s heavy load l °alt .ens a d is k an an let all be determined to make the shows ' in days gone by; it has securely resisted of 1881 the beet that have ever been the most terrible freshets tnd ice -packs; seen in this country. I think we may. it still seems to be in sufficiently gtxtd Ste proud of our annual shows, but let and repair; but it is, in fact, worn out and i "onwardto anitd upwarbrotherd”farmerbe thethat fmoromtto, see . unsafe; and there are inspectors who' the oldest to , the youngest you, all corn - know er ought ,to know, that it is so; bine with heart and hand to •nmke it a and ufttil it is rebuilt they should have hung out a great sign: "Not to be trusted 7" Neglecting to do this, the next thing that we hear is that the bridge has gone, and the man and beast have gone to the bottom with it. And has it not occurred that when a railway bridge had to, to be crossed, "Not to be trusted," should have been painted on it. And turning from the works of man to the man himself, ought not many among our own species to be labelled with the words, "Not to be trusted?" The in- mates of our prisons, as might be ex- pected, wear some such badge. Their dress and manner and countenance be- tray them. But in other quarters there' are those who deserve to be thus branded who do not bear about them any visible mark of reproach. There comes to you a great philanthro- pist and reformer, who has devoted his life to the service of humanity. What- - ever the cause may be which he has happened to take in hand, he represents it as "the greatest of all canoes."—the one thing which it is needful to do in l order to save the world. He has sacri- ficed everything, that he might put him- I self at the head of this mighty movement and all that he asks in return is a liberal supply of money to support him, and your suffrage to give him position. Look carefully, and under the skin you may read the words,—"Not to he trusted.' We have sometimes listened to very - impassioned and melting speakers, who, just because of their excessive fervor, seemed to be unworthy of credit. There is an artificial style of animation and an excessive show of candour, whish, are always to be suspected. By watching a little you will soon detect the false ac- cent and the misplaced emphasis. Many a nun, in order to take the audience off their feet, lifts himself up white he treads upon nothing. There is a latent instinct by which we determine who, among our sisseiatos, deserve to be trusted. Nothing can shalt, our oonfidenoe in certain persons whom we thoroughly know, while "trifles light as air" may destroy oar cunfidenee in others. When one man gives us his hand we are ewe that his helot is in it; the more fervently another man greets as the more we distrust him. JOHN PASMORE Manufacturer of aolls,Ca flOS VICTORIA -St., Corner of Trafalgar. Agent fir the Celebrated SEEGMILLER CHILLED PLOUGH Aad Agrenwlesral messinews& Also, agent for the Queen's Fire& Life Ins. Co. This 1s one of the beet Companlee to esist- ence being prompt and rel*ble. Information furnished cheerfully un applicant's. 7gq.am J01114 rAsle•Rt. HAIR DRESSING. Mrs_ rr. Robertson ►HAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY OF c.1 Informix's the ladies of otmv'y generally: that she Goderich, and the The Otero fey to tsr World. Dattascus is the oldest city in the worhl. Tyre and Sidon have crumbled .,n the shore; Baalbec is a ruin! Palmyra ii buried in a dessert; Nineveh and Babylon have disappekred from the Ti -i• tars•! the Euldtratcs. Damascus remsinswhat it was before the days of Abraliatn—a center f thole and travel ..n isle ..f ••ordure iu ti.a dessert; •'a ',residential calital" with martial and I sacred associations catendin4 through ! thirty centuries, Tt was n,•'r Damascus that Saul of Tarsus saw the light above the brightness of the sun; the street which is taller', Strait, is w!.ich it was !said "lie prayed,' stiil runs ttrough the vitt'. The caravan conies a::d goes as it did a thousand years ago; . there is still the t,helik, the ass, and the water -wheel; the merchants .of the Eul,hrates and the Mtlediterranean still .,ccui.y the atreete -with the multitude of their wares. - 'The city which 1fahoittct surveyed from t. neighboring height, and was afraid to enter. "because it was given for than to have i,ut one paradise ;tied for his part he was resolved not to have it in this world," is to -day nlwt Julian called the "Eye of the East," •s it was. in the time '.f Isaiah, "the head of Syria." From Damascus came Ole damson, ur blue plums, and the delicious apri- cot front Pa11114a1 called .lamasco; darn - ..'Ir h. idiful fihr'c of a'tton and silk, .,, h v::.cs toad dowers raised upon a su. .th, 1.right ;,round; the damask rose introduced ctto England in the time of Henry Viii. ; the Damascus blade, so famous the world over for its keen edge sod wonderful elasticity. the secret of whose utanufaeture was lost when Tamerlane vitriol the artist into Persia; mid that beautiful art of inlay i'g wood and steel with told and silver, a kind .1 m, sti.,, en:;t.it;ter nal eculp- Tvremuted -caMI ilatnaa eenThg- aid; which boxes, bureaus, and swords re i ,till a city of Cowers atst hri,a•t waters; the 'dr'eams of Lebanon and the "alk .of geld'' still murmur and spa::0 in the wilderness •f the that an gaedsec SEE TO iT ? %na'ttra, tfrttm Brazil) will mire the wont ease of Dyspepsia. A ..nide does .01 relieve in a degree :hat shows its wixtda'f.1 curative pow- ers, and its .ersli tr a. tion upon the f><tuenach andave Organs. It is a positive and a mite run. f .r Costive - •.sr arot /' inlui,tetten, a. — , in a re- markable way upon s !tearoom. carrying off inn 1 tie.. A• 1 !,:, s , r !star its actions are most remarkable. it tones and s•'mn'ttrs , ie Lit er t. action, it -o•rreets the stools and regulates the bowels. A few doges will surprise you. Wimple bottle. 10 etr It. 1., Btemoved to East Street, Near Knox Church. Goderich, where she car- ries ot. Bair Dressing in .11 its branches. Switches, Curls, Puffs, Frizettes Braiding, etc., done up in the Latest Styles. success. Let it be a general holiday and every member in the fancily be at the show. It will be a day well spent and one to look back to. for months perhaps years. . We do nut have enough of these friendly gatherings, but let w make those we do have as interesting as possi- ble Ohm Away. N e cannot help noticing the liberal offer made to all invalids and solemn by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption. You are requested to call et any drug store, and get a Trial Bottle /rye of mat. if you are suffering with Consumption, severe Cott, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay ever, Loss of Voioe, Hoarwnese, Of any affection of the Throat er Lonesit will pnsitiveh mare yin A Call in ReepectfUlly Solicited Goderich. June 70. 11111.. lTm-&n Free From Symptoms of Nervous Debility_ 791? TREMONT STRatrr, tf09TOY, (let. 6th, 1869. A LEX. NOTMA N: DEARSIR,-In reply to your enquiry as to toyy op inion and ex ot of the IiOLMAN LII R PAD andrienits suxillartes, 1 have much -pleasure in stating that thnegh 1 appli- ed them without any faith in their efficacy or belief in the principles of absorptive treatment nor the attack of nervous prostration, partial pnralvsis ands tonic dyspepsia, from which I Lad been eulferink for the past two years, I can now,thank Gnd, declare that '.t has result- ed in the ENTIRE removal of the symptoms. 1 had tried every system of treatment- Ally- toethle. Homeopathic, and Eclectic. ('rude Electricity and Turkish Rath -for the whole of the t..o years. but without effect. Persuad- ed. touch against rely- will, to try the Pail and Plaster, 1 put them en, and in two days found that the patalye's of the nerves and muscles was conquered. the entire nervout system gradually Vaned up, and now. and now, at the present moment. e x months from the, day of application, I A. FREE Fi!OM any symp- toms of nervous debility or dyspeptic tenden- cr. in my professional practice as a physi- cian, in private life., and among my personal friends.' shadesteem it my bounden duty and my highest privilege. as an net, of gratitude, to counsel and enforce the adoption of the Holman Pad. Plaster and :Absorption Salts an the best, only reliable, and effectual remedial agency for every disease having for its origin the stomach. Itt•er,brain,or great nerve centres. Yours faithfully, FiSBis..1. GARRiT, M,D Gadnate of London University Eli., 1858; Dean and Registrar nelson Med cal Col- lege of Specialists : Professor of Medico - Legal Jurisprudenco.and Lecturer on Dis- eases of Woman and ('hildren. Felt Like Another Man in Two Weeks. OANANOWCW. ONT.. 14v. e, 1977. , HOLMAN LIFER PAD CO.: DEAR Stns.- .after wearing the Pad for two weeks I felt like another man. it b now four weeks since 1 pat it on, and I am now enjoying good health. i shall with pleasure recommend Holman s Pad to all parties suffering from Liver complaints, etc. Yours respectfully REV. wia. J. JOLiTFE,. M. Moister. SEEDS FOR 1881. LEMON SQUEEZERS. CARD BOARD, BRISTOL BOARD, SCRAP PICTIJ RES, CAMP MOM, CANVASS, tt AT G. C. ROBERTSON'S. Thanking the public for past favors, 1 take Manure in stating that I have on band • better stock than ever before of choice Wheat, Barley, Peas Black and White Oats. Teras, Clover, and Timothy: also Pea Vine Clover, `Seiko, Lucerne and Lawn Grass. A drat cam assortment of FIELD, GARDEN and ?LOWER SEZDS, selected with great caro from the bed said hooses in the country. Call sad sae. We keep the bed and most gettable seed we esu purchase. A reveller leafs. The Clinton New Era thus alludes to the recent shower of alkali :—"Last week in the northern part of the county, the rain which fell on the afternoon of 'black Monday' was nearly as dark as ink, and so strongly impregnated with alkali, as to kill a large number of the fish, frogs and turtles in the Maitland River. Mr. R. Sprung, of Hullett also lost a apkn- ded pig by its drinking the water. He was feeding it up for exhibition at the Provincial, end during the night it went to the river for a dring ; next morning it was found burst open. vise Firm *see. Self-reepeot is the first step in all re formations; and when your blood is laden with impurities and on are soar ing from bilioaesar or 3js'eprnia, the fMtsnip to a naiad ewe is to take Ber- doek Blood Bitten. Price 11.000, trial rise 10 seat& A Gala Reseda. Malty medicines check too soddenly attacks of Bowel Complaints, iedwwwesnag dangerous inflammation, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, •trengthee and heals the diseased sa weakened !meow sorties of the Stomach and Bowels, and safely cares every form • '•f Soames Complaints COMPTOWS SURPRISE CORN, The best keyet tl two heGround cake o „JAMES McNAIR. 1779.. Hamiltea St. Thimers esz,tioxz ! Barbed Foam Wire contracted tor la any quantity at very lowest prices. I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBEL) FENCE WIRE. 177! Wire and barb galvanised atter being twisted which cannot scale off. The Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW DRIFTS—NO WEEDS—NO WASTE UNDS. For sale by G. H. P t SNS, CHEAP HARDWARE, OODERICH. ANCHOR LINE. 5000 BARRELS 5000 GOOD APPLES 1 UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sall every Saturday. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW CABINS. Sea to M. STEERAGE Mr These Stesmendo not carry cattle, sheeporPii NEW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. CABINS 155 to M. m Raunion at Reduced Passenger accommodations are unsurpassed. All Staterooms on Main Deck. Passengers booked at lowest rates to or trim any Railroad Station in Europe or America. Drano at lowest rates, pa able thee of charge, t throughout England, Scoti&nd and Ireland. Forbooks of informatiou, plans. &c., apply t0 HSVDrR•ON BROTHERS, 7 BOWuxoOwes, N. Y. Or to MRS. E. WARNOCK. Albion Block, 1751 'Agent at Ooder eh Record of the LYMAN Barb FIRST PRIZES AWARDED THE "LY dAN'; ARE WANTED IMMEDIATELY AT GAM. CO 317P Fou'r-Barb Wire Fencing at MONTREAL, QUE. HAMILTON ONT. CINCINNATI, OHIO. EXHIBITIONS. SYRACUSE, N. Y. DAVENPORT. IOWA. TOR E XCELLEHCEand SUPERitWRITY Over all Competitors. The Cbeapcat & Best Fegcisi IN vHs W 0 1:11/3D - Adopted and la use on 11 Railway Lines in the G. 8. and Canada. See that our trade mark, "LTnaw BARN," la stencilled on each real BoY no O 51301. Bead for prices sad elrcal rs to R. W. Motmtsts, Oedertob. DOMINION 114118 WIRE I'$NCM E CO. 7y A WEL 1! Lttir at Mme doresWely $ a tE Oho.. Anginas. tr.w A wym:H; tkkNKXKIIKl*XX71 IP YOU WANT PURE DRCGS AND CHEMICALS, • HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICLNE PATENT MEDICLNES, PERFUMERY, &c., W TO THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. IP "Ir OTT WANT GOOD CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES, &c., GO TO THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. d splendid asortment of FISHING TACKLE. just received. and will be sold CHEAP. GEO. RHYNAS Successor to GEORGE CATTLE. Blake's Block, treat the Market, Goderich. Prescriptions a Speciality - - - Night Bell on the Front Door SPECIAL BARGAINS. 11=7Z dz SNEY7Z_ are offering some Special Bargains in a Drees Goods, Prints, S ' s, Denims, Ducks, Table Linens, White and Grey Cottons. PRINTS_ -Fut Colon. from fie per yard up. BLAC$ CASHMERES.-SpecW Make, without exception the bed make in town. COTTON SHIRTING -B_-Extra Yalu, from 11+c, up. T WEEDS.. -Fine Selection in English, Scotch and Causdtan. Suits made to order in 1 trot Class Style for I10. 512, elf. Viand e18. All cloth bought cut out free of charge. REID & SEYD, Manchester House, Goderich. Merchant Tailoring! HUGH DUNLOP, The Toshio able Tailor, is now in • position to execute all orders he may be favored with, fa THE LATEST SPR/NG AND SUMMER STYLES. • N HAND, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, ETC. dorCall sad see our Goole, Hugh Dunlop Faahio nable Tailor, West -St,, Goderich. SAUIWERS' VARIETY STORE. Stove and Tinware Depot. SPECIAL LINES IN STOVES. SPECIAL LINES IN FANCY GOODS AND JEWELLERY. SPECIAL PRICES IN WALL PAPER, 6,000 ROLLS OSE &Pa Not* the Stand. "1 ne Cheapest House Under the Sun." •!tett doer to the Past Omee. West Pt. NNW f 4)OT'IM ARRIVilttl 1m RRP nAV