HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-12-23, Page 4Nitotlevact1sswetc-tOttloottivettlIK*000110MOMPOtivetwittiv QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS ENTERTAINMENT AT SMILEY'S HAVEN THURSDAY DECEMBER 23rd THE MAITLAND TRIO FROM GODERICH. Menu; Borbacued Ribs and Kraut, Southern Fried ChIcket. and Chloe CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY and DEC. 26th NEW YEAR'S EVE James Coughtery and Co. From .Se.aforth NEW YEAR'S NIGHT The Hillbilly Stage Show .,.ccrovgivatg-wrIlfudialck-teiztatetetztowtot•ntemtmlaw441.1evtgewe micaelatak WANTED TO BUY OR RENT 3 of 4 bedroom House in Brus- sels, Phone 887-0521 WANTED — Boy's Snowsuit, size 3 to 4 yrs. Phone 887,6956 Tim. BRUSSELS. POST, BRvssidas, QNTA.Rio THuftsDA DLO-, ,28r4, 1971 exo,•••••••••.* WANTED — We buy all old Cars, Tractors and any kind of machinery. Scrap prices. R.R, 3, Brussels, Ont. Phone 887-6502 STRAYED — Holstein. Heifer, about 20 months old, from pasture farm at Mon- crieff, Concession 10, Lot 30, in November. Finder please call 356.2584 NOTICE MORRIS TOWNSHIP WASTE DISPOSAL SITE will be closed on Christmas and New Year's Day. and open December 27 at usual time. Helen D. Martin, Clerk WINTER VACATIONS ARE FUN. Take one this winter. Avon earnings can take your family to fun in the sun or snow. Be an Avon representative in your spare time, it's fun too; Call or write Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawk- esbury Ave„ 1-ondon 32, 451.- 0541 BUSINESS OF FARMING Canada Manpower and the Ont- ario Department of Agriculture and Food are sponsoring a 10 week course on the Business of Farming. The course will start on January 17,1972 and the location will be Elmwood. This course is strongly recommeded to any farm operator who wishes to improve his farm management ability. Subjects covered will deal mainly with. Farm Management, Approv- ed students will receive a Canada Manplower retraining allowance. For further inforMation and appli- cation form, contact your local Agricultural Representative or ARDA representative. PAINTING — Work wanted painting. Interior and exterior. Wood staining and finishing. Work guaranteed, Call 887_6354. GARBAGE COLLECTION VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS Garbage will be picked up Dec- ember 27, 1971 and January 8th, 1972. No collection on Christmas or New Year's Day. Wm. H. King, Clerk REFRIGERFON SERVICE Electrical Cont.: actors Appliances - Motor Rewind, 24 hour emergency service. Cuaraneed service to all types. Complete Appliance repairs at iIURKE ELEUTYLIC W Ingham — 357-2450 AUTO, SNOWMOBILE & FARM LIABILITY INSURANCE NEEDS CALL YOUR CO-OP Agent LLOYD MONTGOMERY PHONE 357-3739 83 MAPLE ST. WINGHAM BERG Installation Sales Service FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners O Bunk Feeders • Stabling DONALD G. IVES R. R. 2, Blyth Phone Brussels 887-9024 durislearfallawaglielasalloolaaalftwaluallmayimaisb , GEfs aiNigN c.4 N EWS ITEMS It is true that many Oar dents are .caused dr4nk driving, It is .also true that speed. Here. is .an: important factor in safe driving which you seldom talk, or read about; and it Is simply know where you, aro gang and how to get there, amine your road map and study it before you. leave, .One day last September Toni Garnlss had to go to Hanover tor a truck load of chain saws, and Who should go along hut John Clark and Hi Rutledge, While TOM was working like the dickens the two gents strolled down town, met a farmer with two calves in a truck and promptly bought them, Tom put a partition be- tween. the two little old calves and the chain saws and they started for home by way of Neustadt, They were just opposite the stone hotel when their truck, ran dry and the motor heated and sizzled. The 'lads were just as dry as the the truck but they weren't sizzling so they turned the corner straight East. put the two old calves in the hotel yard and went in for dinner, etc. The dinner was so good they decided to stay for supper. About seven o'clock they filled the truck with water, gas and oil, loaded the calves, then went back into the hotel to say goodbye to the dining room, ,girls. It must have been a long, sad farewell because it was eleven o'clock when they started 'looking for their vehicle. Tom had sold a couple of the saws, and was the only one with his senses left. He figured he would have a nice tale to tell. if he just 'left the two lads to their own devices. They didn't know where to go, East, West, North or South. in fact they could only go one way, and that was sideways. When they did find the truck John .Clark was the driver. The truck was not overloaded but the lads were. John was not the driver by choice but rather by chance. He couldn't get into the darn thing except by pulling him- self in by the wheel and when he flopped down he became wedged Anyway he started the way the car was faced and in a half hour was as badly lost as the children of Israel in the Bible days, but these gents had no Moses to lead them. They came to a dead end. Rivers with no bridges. They got onto roads there hadn't been a vehicle on since the days of the old ox cart, The two lads crawled to the top of a tree at one time to see if they could see the lights of some village. 'The climb didn't hurt them, they were used to climbing, Bell Towers etc. Finally they came to a village. Hi said it is Ripley. while John swore it was Wroxeter. It was Flesherton. The milkman showed theM how to get to "Walkerton. and there they ran into some luck. Howie Alcock was coming from a party. Led them to the outskirts, and told them just how to get to the Formosa road. They were still in doubt but when they spied the Brewery it was as familiar as the American Hotel in Brussels. The calves were bawl- ing their heads of so they poured a bottle of beer down their throats. Changed drivers. Jan played the mouth organ and them darn calves tap danced all the way to Jamestown. When they got home they told Stella and 'Kitty the calves had jumped out in Fralick's swamp and they had chased theM all night, Bye till next week. Truthfully YOUrs, T. THE B.RUSSE .S POST ',f3.2)( W. KENNEDY, Publisher Box pruoseia., pfytorio..' P.upi1060 at .bruAselp, .Ontario, every Thuraday Second Olpss Mail Aegintratipn Numher (gm. PROCLAMATION BOXING DAY MONDAY, DEC. 27th, 1971 A PUBLIC HOLIDAY To *tall in Line With Other Municipalities VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS • J. L. McCUTCHEON, REEVE mostatilmotgoillemmoiwoortzw.9 CRANBROOK GENERAL STORE SEASON'S GREETINGS WE TAKE -GENUINE PLEASURE IN LAYING ASIDE THE ROUTINE OF BUSINESS TO SEND 'OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS HEARTIEST WISHES FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON cRANBROOK PHONE BRUSSELS 1587-659; MMAitailiMMMAG,WMAVAit MairiuD,M0*.,-DAC WEBER'S STORE, ETHEL BEST WISHES FROM US TO YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR MAY YOUR HEARTS AND HOMES BE GAY WITH. LOVE AND LAUGHTER Lothar, Jean and Philip MMOiiiitAtiOU.MOW.M0ii404 ,9 M.Aktic .DOW'MM .0*-,00figatteM BRIDGE MOTORS LTD-. BRUSSELS, ONT. AT THIS FESTIVE SEASON WE EXPRESS OUR. APPRECIATION OF THE CORDIAL RELATIONS WITH YOU AND EXTEND BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR molotaltemezweittAgmoitowAlem, AUTO SKI SNOWMOBILES FOR COMFORT SEE OUR SNOWMOBILE HELMETS BOOTS SUITS GOGGLES FACE MASKS LET SNOWMOBILE EQUIPMENT BE YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS SEE US ON MAIN STREET GOOD USED SNOWMOBILES ON HAND BAtJER FARM AND GARDEN SERVICE BRUSSELS NOTICE TEXAN GRILL RESTAURANT NO SPECIALS SERVED CHRISTMAS WEEK SHORT ORDERS ONLY COFFEE, -- GAS MERRY CHRISTMAS MitOWPWRIVAMIKOOKM