HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-12-23, Page 1INTERESTING FLOATS . IN SANTA PARADE SAVE YOUR CHRISTMAS TREES FOR A MASS Santa Claus paid his annual BONFIRE ON JAN. 14th pre Christmas visit to Brussels. on Saturday spoeored by the Brus- sels Lions Club, Royal. Canadian Legion and i3usinessmen, He was greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of youngstere. The parade, while not as large as last year, included a number of attractive and amusing floats. The parade proceeded along the main street to the music of Zurich band accompanied by a large. group of younsters in bright red And white outfits. • Santa meet the children at the Legions where he and his helpers distributed treats to each one, Parade prize winners were as follows: Best Overall Float; 1st, Re- bekah Lodge; 2nd, Brussels, Curl- ers; 3rd, Brussels Lions Club. Best Comical Float: Listowel Flying Club. Best Group Float: Majestic Womens Institute. Best Snowmobile; 1st. Jack L. , McCuchteons 2nd, Dave Hastings; 3 rd, Ross McCall. Best Clown: Harry Thompson, Listowel; 2nd, Bonnie Richmond and Joan Huether. Best Costume: Fair Board. Best Horse and .Rider: Sandy Johnston. CRANRROOK Rev. Donald McGinnis. Ridge- town, occupied the pulpit in Knox Church on Sunday. The Junior Choir sang a Christmas number under the direction of Mrs. Stewart Steiss. W: I. Members Enjor Beef [sinner The Tnstitute Grace was sung prior to a beef dinner planned by the conveners and held at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Strickler. Gaines and contests were conduct- ed by Mrs. Frank Workman, Mrs. Clare Veitch and Mrs. Leslie Knight. There was a gift ex- change for Sunshine. Sisters. In the business period minutes and treasurer's report were read. It. was also agreed to canvass our districh for the Cancer Society in April, The Spring 4-H ;No. I Club Leaders will be Mrs. Frank Work- man and Mrs, John Conley. Lead- ers for Club No IT will be an- nounced later. The meeting closed with "God Save the Queen". PEOPLE WE KNOW "Naughty Nibblers" Meeting Sympathy is extended to Mrs, The Cranbrook "Naughty Nib- Max Watts whose father's death blers" held their special meet- occurred on Friday. ing of the month recently in the Mr. and Mrs, Herb Miller and Community Centre.. Following Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Spencer of weigh-in and reports the evening Hespler were Sunday visitors with was spent playing bingo. The five Mrs, George Chidlow. dollar prize was won by Miss Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith Smith, Atwood. During the eVen- attended the christening of their ieg the Christmas draws were granddaughter, Nancy Jean, made. Winners were: 1st prize of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. balm, a 5 lb, homemade Christmas cake,. of Hanover. Mrs. Glen Bothwell, -2nd prize, 2 lb cake. Miss Monk, Listowel, Out-of-town visitors with George 3rd prize, a centrepiece. 'Mrs, and Mrs. Evans were Mr. and Lloyd Heibein, Brussels. Mrs. Mrs. Albert Askin of Huntsville Kemm, Brussels, won a Christmas and Mr, and Mrs. Bob Murray of cake for selling the most tickets. Toronto. A delicious diet lunch and coffee was served. The next special family visited Mr. and Mts. J. meeting is the first Thursday in Paris, Michell. January when Mrs. Dick Brad- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight shave will shoe-' slides. There is entertained members of 'theft: Also a. new competition for five family to Ott early Christmas on dollars open to all the members. Sunday, Attending from e clist- Who can lose the most Weight neee were Mr, and Mrs. Harold between Chriettnail and NOW Knight, Toreeto. Mr. and Mrs,. Ye ti Tel0TOW01. Vf Pr AThl It OM MN! r it ,totqlrai. Louittito, The Brussels Lions are asking that -the people of Brussels kindly save their Christmas Trees until Saturday„Tanunry, 8th. If they would place them at the curb at that date the Lions will pick them It is the intention of the -Lions to have a limes bonfire with these trees et the end of the Torchlight parade on Friday, Tan. 14. Thank You. WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunk spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. David Dunk, Darlene and David Jr. of Corunna.. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lydiatt of Blyth visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shortreed, Miss Carol Shortreed of London also 'visited with her parents for the weekend. Mrs, Mervin Smith returned home from Sea forth Community Hospital last week. We hope she is soon much improved in health. Martin Ba,an, RR 3, Walton. was re-elected president at the annual 'United Dairy Producers Co- operative in Guelph on Tuesday, Mr, Bann has been a. director of r.D.P.C. since 19G1. and is a large dairy farmer. He has been active in farm and co-oerative organiz etions and is past president of the Ontario Co-operative Association and a member of the Huron County Milk Committee. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shortreed visited Friday afternoon with Mrs. Lou Warwick, who _is a patient in Win eh a m Hospital. The Walton Public Library will be open Thursday December 23, from 2 - 4 owing to the holidays on Saturday. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shortreed were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and family of Mitchell, Mrs. Louise. Beurrna.n and family of Goderich and Mr: and Mrs. Jim Shortreed of Walton. Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon Gordon arrived home after a holiday in Detroit and Toledo. Ladies' High Singles 'December 211th Doris Matheson 232 Merle Cousins 270 231 Fran Goley TO ONE and ALL A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS and A BOUNTEOUS NEW YEAR see $3.00 A Year in Advance — $4.00 to U.S.A. — Single Copy 10e THE BRUSSELS - POST, THURSDAY, DEC. 23rd, 1971 POST PUBLISHING MORNING STAR. LODGE ENJOY C'HRISTMA'S PARTY On Tuesday evening, December 14th, the members of Morning ,Star Itebelseir Lodge bad their annual Christmas party, A large nun-there of Sisters were present with Noble •Grand. Sister Lois Mc- Call in the chair. Following the meeting a Christ- mos program wae presented with, the singing of carols; a monologue by Mrs. Barbara McCuteheon and a. skit by Lodge members which were all enjoyed very much. Friendship Sisters for 1971 were named and new names were drawn foe 1972, Septa paid his annual jolly visit end presented each Sister with a gift. A delicious cold turkey supper was served by the committee in charge, WHAT'S NEW AT HURONVIEW The residents were favoured last Sunday with a religious con- cert in the afternoon by the Sal- vation Army Band of Wingham and Goderich and a song service in the evening by the Christian Women's Club from the Exeter area. The Huronview Orchestra, with Miss Della Peart, piano, Mrs. Mary Taylor, mouth organ, Norman Speir, violin, and Jerry Collins, combos, provided the music for Mondays program of old tyme music and dancing. Follow• ing the activities in the auditor- ium, Mr. Cecil Skinner and Mrs. Thelma King of Exeter joined the orchestra for an hour of music in the T.V. room. LEGION TURKEY BINGO WINNERS December 17th Reaular Games Richard Gill. Walton. jean Lamont, Susan White. Jaels Logan, Rick Somers. Norm Dobson, Ethel, Wm. McWhirter, Pauline Ray- mond. Susan bangtois, Clark Sharpie, 'YSTroxeter, James McNeil, Stewart Steins. Cranbrook. Stew- art Striss, ring. "Retell Cardiff. Mrs, Bill Dobson, Ethel Specials Watson sh old i ce, M rs_ Chris Fischer: Flee Gordon., Michael Triebner, and Eaine Nichol. Door Prize Mrs. -Tack P,osmen, 'Walton. Ladies' Auxiliary Pot of Gold let Leonard Lamont. $11i,a0: 2nd Pill Moses, $10.00: 3rd Oleo Rutledge, Port Huron $5,00. -- a BOWLING NOTES Ladies' High Triples Doris Matheson Fra.n Goley Dianne Huether Men's Niels Singles Gerd Matheson. Ray Adams John Cousins Men's High Triples (Iced Maths/sou „„.„. ..... Geek titiotn§r 11,tty AttiliUM STANLEY HOPPER Lyle Stanley Hopper passed away in Wingbam and. District HOSpital on Friday, December, 17th, after a lenghty illness. He was in his 77k year. A resident of Brussels, he was retired. He was married, on December 10th, 1918, to -the former Mary lihnine Lake of Grey `l ownship,. who predeceased him, He was a member of the Wing- hem Lodge of the 1.0.0Z He is survived by one son, Stan- ley of Morris; two daughters, Mrs Laura Ateeeic of Walkerton and Mrs, Muriel, Garniss of Brussels; two sisters, Mrs, '0, A. Rann of Brussels and Mrs. Robert John- ston, Cookstown, also 12 grand- children and nine great-grand.. children. Funeral service was held Sun, day at the M. L. Watts Funeral Home, Brussels, at 2:30 pap. with Rev. J. Roberts of Belgrave and Rev. E. LeDrew of Brussels offie- iating, Temporary entombment, in Brussels Burial Chapel with inter- ment to take place in Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave Pallbearers were: Jerry Alcock. Murray Garniss, James Garniss, Brian Hopper, Wayne I-Topper and -Ken Hopper. CAPACITY CROWD ATTENDS SCHOOL PRIMARY CONCERT " A capacity crowd enjoyed the Annual Christmas Concert pre• sented a.t the school on 'Wednes- day, December 17th, by the Primary Grades. The opening recitation was given by Bobby Pearson. The Kindergarten groups, Puppies and Kittens. presented their Christmas //embers in music. Grades I to IV presented the musical operetta "Santa tifl ys , The Day" in two scenes, Scene T took piece in Santa's living room. Madam Flu, played by Catherine Sholclice and her Flu Children attacked Santa Clans, played by Garry MeWhirter, leaving him with a bad case of "Flu". The doctor, Darwin MeCuteheon, arrived with medicines and an order for nurses Jill Meet/Mit-so/1 Sherry Robertson, Doneld Stiles and Heather Wilson. Mrs. Santa Claus Was 'Patricia Haven-tan, The Busybody Twins. the Neighbours and the Children all visited Mrs. Santa Claus, The IT Scene took place in the R. W. KENNEDY SELLS THE BRUSSELS 'POST TO McLEAN EROS, OF SEAFORTH. It is with, mingled feelings of regret and relief that we announce the sale of The Brussels Post to McLean Bros. of the Huron Expos-. itor, Seaforth„ effective January ist, 1972, So this is the last edition of the post to be published under the Kennedy name. After almost forty years as the publisher of this weekly, which, along with the, Village of Brussels. celebrates its Centennial in '4972, it has become a way of life. ft is indeed with regret that we -- sever our cordial business rela- tions with our many faithful subscribers through those years, and those who joined us along the way, and the pleasant association with advertisers, correspondents, and press reporters, We will miss all this. The time has now come when the ever increasing work load, tension and time pressure, assoc_ iated with publishing of any news- paper, has become too much for the two of us to cope with effic- iently. Thus. we felt that the sale to a competent publisher would be to the benefit of all concerned, A. Y. McLean is such a publisher with extensive newspaper exper- ience, As long as the people of this community, advertisers, sub- scribers, and contributors of news. support The Brussels Post adequately, they will have their own local paper. It will now be printed in the modern offset rather than letterpress as in the past. The Post is the last weekly in Huron County to he printed letter- press. The Kennedys will still be in business at the Post Publishing House where Roy is continuing with the commercial printing, letter heads, envelopes, account farms, tickeets, posters, etc., lime; of excellent wedding and social stationery, as usual. Evelyn has been retained as editor of The Post and will be in the office to accept news items, sports reports, classified ads subscriptions etc. as before. We ask that all such copy be sent, phoned or brought to the office No Later Than Mon- day, Roy and Evelyn Kennedy All advertising and subscription accounts overdue must be paid within 30 days or they will be handed ill for collection and cost. flytopoln Poo 1130 583 530 343 259 217 8112 NO PAPER 614 NUT NYVH-1( forest with the Fairy Oneen, Played by Jacqueline Workman. Fairies, Brownies, Snowflakes, To all those with whom we Stars. Moonbeams, the Sandman. have been associated in the pule Mayed by Paul Nichol and Jack lisping of The Brussels Post Frost, who was Reginald elcClesv. through the years we say thanks came to Santa's rescue, However, for your loyal support and wish at the close of the scene Santa yru a Joyous Holiday Season and Claus entered the forest fully re- plessant relations with the new covered and ready for his yearly owners of the Brussels Post in the visit, coining years. The combined Grades,•sang two choruses, "Holly Jolly Christmas" and "The Happy Wanderer". A recitation by Dylan Van. Den Assem and "The Queen" brought NOTICE — the musical evening to a close..