HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-12-09, Page 6THZ MUMMA P0111741 BRVSSELS, ONTARIO DRC, 9th,1971 there's more to boaski It's easy enough to tell: all-new aero-dynamic design. New handy compartment under the seat! New Salsbury automatic drives! Gas- tank cap with gauge! Exclusive 3-quart reserve fuel tank. Little things that mean a lot. Best rea- son of all is: the people who, build Boa Ski are few in number and long on expert craftsmanship and they're out to prove that Boa Ski is a better buy ... and you better believe itl You can be sure with boa GEORGE SOMERS (519) 887.9414 Bri(180,46, ONTARIO AS HOWARD BERNARD your BP Oil Agent who brings you a complete line of quality petroleum Service, including Horne Comfort Service, gasoline, lubricants and diesel fuels. Brussels ,I474371 111tERTAINMEIVT AT THE NEW, AMERICAN HMO BRUSSELS, ONT. AllaWAVA101101* GIFT IDEAS from OLDFIELD PRO HARDWARE Colored Buffett Style Electric Fry Pan 17.77 10 rolls Gift. Wrap 2.47 3 Rolls Gift Wrap .87 Tree Ornaments Box of 12 .67 up 15 Lite Outdoor Set 4.47 25 Lite Outdoor Set- 7.77 Minllite Set 1.77 up 1 pkg Bows (25) 1.47 30" Scotch Fines 4.17 FRIDAY„.. and SATURDAY NIGHT TOMMY PARKER and THE COUNTRY PLAY BOYS 1r4' • THE RA;NBOW ROOM WE FEATURE: :Walton; Jr. 1)ep. M., Calre Van Camp, of Brussels, "itec, Elmer Bince of` Beigrave; Fin. Sec., Benson., vin,nton, s:49.deriell; 1st Lecturer, Robt. Hibbert of :Belgrave; 2nd. Lecturer, Doug Bruce of B'elgrave; Marshall, Leonardl James of Wingham; Tyler, Milo Casemore' of Wing ham. The next meeting will be in Fordwich in March. Colored T.V. from 499.00 6' and 7' Trees Fondue Dishes 3.77 to 9.97 Stainless Steel Fiatweer 42 pc. 19.97 Punch .Bowi Set, 26 pc, „ 7,77 Coffee Set, 5 pc. 3.17 Electrikbroorn , .... 34.77 Make Up Miirror .... 9,97 to 22.77 Electric Blanket ... . .. 19.97 up Shopmate Drill ....,,.., 17.97 Sanyo Clock Radio .... 26.95 Sanyo 12" TN.. .„,„.„...,.... 117.77 NORTH HUR9N ELECTS OFFICERS North Huron Orange Lodge met in 13elgrave on Friday, Dec.3rd, with a good representation of all lodges present,. and elected the following members to office for the following year:. C. Master, Edgar Howatt of Belgrave; C. Master, Emerson Mitchell of Some people still think that the Mississippi River is the longest in the world. In actual fact,, it is only the third longest. The Nile (4,145 mileS) and the Amazon (3,900 miles) are both longer. The Mississippi at 3,71 miles is certainly the longest in North America, but not in the world. it's a fact, that air filterS in a warm air furnace will actually help to keep your home cleaner. As warm air circulates, it picks up dust. All oil powered warm air fur- naves come equipped with air filters. For complete information; be sure to give me a call, CARD OF THANKS would like to thank my relatives, and friends for cards, treats arid visits while I ,,was patient in Seaforth Hospital. Your kindfieSs was gi'eatlY appreciated; , Rintent GENTLEMEN'S CLUE NEWS ITEMS Ever since Hallowe'en nite, when John Clark and Hi. Rutledge crawled the Bell Tower and stole the dinger out of the donger and hid it in my garden, and ever since Frank Thompson, wrote that mean, nasty column in The Post I have been, having- a rugged .time, Went into the bank the other day and the lady said, did they let you out of' jail or did you break out? Went to the restaurant and sat down by George, Davidson. and he picked up his toast, pepper and coffee and Went to the far end of the counter. Heard him say he wouldn't sit with a man who would steal the (longer out of the .dinger.... Only, this ,merning. walked in the door Dick Stephen- son got up and walked out. Ihave two girls near Formosa who go with me when they serve bever- age. They are old enough to play nite clubs.' I called them the other nite, the mother answered. I said I'll-be there at seven. She says, don't blow, your horn just ring your bell, we will know it's you. I came home looking for sym- pathy I could hear two people laughing like hyenas. They were reading Frank's column. You would have thonght it was a big joke. I hears my bitter half say to her daughter; isnt that .good. They are really getting back a.t him for all the things he has written about them. For 50 years of trials and tribulations ever since I entered into matrimony and slay- ery I have never considered divorce..I have'thong.ht of murder thousands of times. but until they get the penalty reduced to where it should be, say a ten. dollar fine and placed on probation for 30 days; I'lllorg.et it.. P11 get a divorce and advertise for another woman. She must be not over 35, good looking, sexy and deaf and dumb. She must also be a strong 'sup- porter of the N.D.P., swear to never loin them Rebekah's and he able to recite "Dangerous Dan McGrew” better than. Rig Rob Nichol, If I come home some Sat. urday nite a little weak at the Aimee, she VIM hell me up the steps, wItheat ray howits„ ?Ou OW* 60 a *kid 6111 this afternoon, or. don't tell me you only had three bottles to-day. more like three gallons. I have it all figured out •how get even with Clark, Rut, ledge and Thompson, I am send- ing to N.B, for a. Bobcat Hound. I will wait patiently till apple pick- ing starts. Some day when Hi and Clark are near the top of a tree I'll shake them out like you would a couple of coons. Them dogs will be on them and shake them like pair of sewer rats, Come to think that's what they are. For Prank get the thinnest and poorest.. old horse you ever sawin your life, when our Centennial is on I'll tie him' up at their sign, Thompson and Stephenson Abhatour. There will stand the poor beast beside another sign which will read, Try Our Freesh Sausage Made Daily". Maybe one more which will read Our Animals Die a Natural Death. This will give. him lots of time to write another column, What this town really needs is a new Butcher Shop plus butcher and two new apple pickers. By until next week. • •. Truthfully 'Yours, T. K. P. CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE •• OTTAWA — The Canada Post .Office has announced a schedule of serviee for the Christmas- New Year Holiday period. The precise details of service will vary from , one Post Office to another and should he checked locally. How- ever, the following applies to all offices: Saturday. 11.th December The full range of wicket services (as on a week day) with the hours determined locally. Saturday, 14th December letter carrier delivery; again., the fill] range of wicket services with: the hours determined. locally„, • . Saturday, 25th . December — No service. Monday, 27th December 'Nolettercarrier delivery or wick_ et service. AU other services pro- vided according to local needs. Tuesday. 28th December No letter carrier delivery. All other services, including certain wicket services, provided accord- ing to local needs. 'Satnrday, 1st January No service. Monday, 3rd January Na letter carrier or wicket service, All other services ptevlded 111:14 etirdlug to loaf toads, rco futibbii hifOrmatlen, plettori (AIWA your leOril rest eiffle!tt Turkey, ,Spare, Ribs and ,Sauerkvaut, Fish and Chips 0111VMOWAVOW,MOIWOW,MvAtfaVE,M. 17.77 up • that When you order tractor fuels and lubricants from. your BP Agent, you have to pick-the/it up at our depot. I'm presently delivering top quality .BP Oils and lubriCants to farmers daily at the ring of the phone. It's the same type of service yott get when you subscribe to our BP "home comfort" heating oil delivery service. We keep a weather eye on your oil supply and refill your tank before you even' suspect you might be run- ning a, fact! The coldest•. spot ever recorded was at Vostok, Antarctica where temperatures dipped to a bone chilling —127°F.