HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-12-09, Page 3LARRY'S RADIO and TV Phone 523-9640 SALES and SERVICE Blyth, Ont. YOUR ELECTROHOME FLEETWOOD PANASON I C DEALER .71'14E BRUSSELS POST, BAUSSELS, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DEC. 9th, 1971 IN OCTOBER While decorations, and. gift buying are thp order of the day for most of us now that Christmas is but clays away, Christmas activ- ities have been under way at the Children's Aid Society's office in Goderich since October, The local Children's Aid Soc- iety has operated a Christmas Bureau for several years, and this year has seen an earlier start in Preparation clue to the increased requests for help in the past years; last year approximately one hundred forty families and over five hundred children in the County community were helped at Christmas. For many families the Children's Aid Society was the only resource for a Christmas dinner and gifts for the children, "The Children's Aid, Society Christmas Bnreau is essentially a CoMninnitY volunteer project," indicated, Bruce Heath; Local' Director of the Huron - County Children's Aid Society;" and, re- fleets three major Voluntary pre- jects of ,the Society merging into AT CHILDREN'S AID CHRISTMAS BEGINS ies referred in the County to, assess the needs of the family, and channel Christmas dinner and gift suggestions back into the Society where all requests are centrally indexed." Here Al rs: Tyerman, who co-ordinates the Children's Aid Society Clothing Rooms throughout the yoar takes . over with her volunteers to select, wrap and package the Christm Is gift boxes. ' "While the Children's Aid Soc- iety can provide its office facilit- ies, and volunteers provide their imporant time and effort, the key to the success of a Christmas Bureau is really in the hands of the community at large". notes Heath. "We see ourselves only in, the role of a. co-ordinator body or agent of the public. Meeting the needs of the children and families referred to us is directly depend- ent on response of the people of Huron County: In 1.970, approx- imately two thousand dollar8 was donated to the Society to under- write the costs involved for Christmas dinner expenses, and Children's gifts. The donations of toys and clothing directly to the Society could not easily be esti- mated, but from the quantity and obvious quality of these, I sus- pect their value wOtild be at least three or tour times our actual money donations." FOr several pest years, and again in 1971, Church organiza- tions, fraternities. sororities, ser- vice clubs, youth groups schools atiOn of donations with the re, quests for help, and elinitnation nfiljti f tAil! NGHA ...riE,IVIORIAL SHOP QUALITY SERVI:Je, CRAFTSMANSHis, Open Every Weekday You ..uarantee For Over 35 Years of CErv1V-ERY LETTERING one at. Christmas time, "The Aux- leo* 156 WINGHAM JOHN MALL1CK Mary Committee of the Board has undertaken the task of making over 500 pair of pyjamas, and dis- tributing wool for mitts, scarfs, and other articles of clothing 'earlier in the year. The finished AGENT FOR HOWICK FARMERS MUTUAL FIRS !NEI. products will all he distributed INSURANCE At Christmas. Right atter Thanks, _ 4JAB1411Y giving Mrs. Dorothy Scott, Who RES. 887.64 has served as the Society's Christ- mac Visitor for several years com oigmagezwi, - menced a personal visit to famil- THE, BRUSSELS POST ROY W. KENAIEDY, Publisher Box 50, Brussels, Ontario. Published at Brussels. Ontario. every Thursday Second. Class Maii Registration Number Solemner of Canadian Weekly N ewspapers Assoolavor Ontario weekly Newspapers Association JIM CARDIFF REAL ESTATE BRuKEr1 4iNERAL. INSURANCe, REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL FIRE AUTO. PHONE; OFFICE 887-61o0 ADAIVISON Pigs Every Mon., Tues., Thurs. LIVESTOCK . TRANSPORT D'fal 887-63.57 cv..ci.itss,-. FS and F 711InftSinysvaoile7-imi— HOLMES & MacLEAN • HOME IMPROVEMENT SALES SEAFORTH, ONTARIO ALUMINUM SIDING A SPECIALTY -- Call for Free Estimates: 527-0032 or 527-0421 RUSSELL HOLMES NORMAN ^MacLEAN McGavirez Farm Enuinmprit - WE SPECIAL,ZI IN A COMPLETE LINE OF FARM EQUIPMENT SALES AND SERVICE WALTON, ONTARIO BRUSSELS SEAFORTH, 887-6365 527-0245 DEAD STOCK REMOVAL SERVICES WANTED i DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE and HORSES -- TOP PRICES PAID FOR HORSES ON THE HOOF SMALL ANIMAL PICKUP H'Z. FAST EFFICIENT SERVICES !In ussn. rrIT Fool) SUPPLIES • i tr , 2/:ti.G 4O-8 cmii or CHAHG -..— 0 V FIR 150 t. r F., COLLECT ,f387...9334 BRUt50414 provide gifts and money as a community project for. those less fortunate in the commilnity. "We have noted alSo more private in- dividuals sending in donations in the past few years, It is also particularly gratifying to see some small donations coming froM those whO have been helped in the past', Several community groups have chosen to ,4 iadoptn a particular family for several. Christmas sea- sons, and. have added a Personal touch to their giving." We are most desirous of making our Christmas project as individually satisfying and persOnal as Pos- sible. •In most cases, we arrange the actual gift deliveries to the homes at a time and in such a way that the parents can be seen as the providers in the eyes of the children, and not an, outside agency. Similiarly the. Christmas dinners are arranged largely by provision of indiv.dnal purchaSe Orders to the family." Indications are that referrals to the Christmas Bureau will reach an all time high this year. By Peceniber 1.st, requestS had exceeded the total for 1970, and are still coming into the SOciety's office in Goderich. "Our primary purpose' in ,operating a. Chrismas Bureau is to provide a "Christ- mas"' for those unable to do' so for themselves. As equally im- portant, however, is the co,otain- of any duplication," stressed Heath." We have to be realistic about the provision Of Christmas dinners and gifts. In several com- munities this is a shared activity with service and church groups; in many cases, these same groups hove in the past and will again this year be primarily responsible for families known or referred to then), I believe this should be en, couraged, otherwise our own Christmas Bureau could become too large,, and lose a great deal of the personal touch that 110 always characterized it. If any bonafide representative of a service club or church group wishes to check the referral index at. the. Bureau, a call or letter to the Children's Aid Society office at 52421350, or in care of 131. Viet, oria Street, North, Goderich, would he appreciated. The Bureau indicates that they are facing a, shortage of mitts, scarfs; and cans for all children's age groups, New toys or goOd used teys, along with good articles of used clothing, books in good con- dition. end appropriate gifts for the teenager are much in demand, and would he gratefully received,, Those wishing to contribute money can do so by cheque or money order in the name of the Children's Aid Society - Christmas Fund for which receipts for income tax purposes will he sent out. Among the Goderich volunteerS assisting in. the the clothing room and Christmas Bureau are Mes- dames G. Feagan, W. G. Clancy, Wm. Lesson. P. Crawford, V. Worgan. C. Elliott, W. Clare, G. VcFee, Eldon Johnston. D. J. Pat- terson, L. Hill, V. Whetstone, and Sbewfelt. The Auxiliary Com, mittee of the 1971 Board is corn- poSed of Mrs, W. Ball, Seaforth, Chairman Mrs., J. G, Derry, Goderich and Mrs. R. Snider, R.R. 2, Zurich. "How many people attend your church", one. pastor asked another. "60 regular and about :100 C and. E;" Was the reply. "0 and B?" asked the first. Yes, Christmas and Easter.' AUTO SKI SNOWMOBILES FOR. COMFORT' SEE OUR SNOWMOBILE HELMETS BOOTS SUITS GOGGLES FACE MASKS LET SNOWMOBILE EQUIPMENT BE YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS SEE US ON MAIN STREET GOOD USED SNOWMOBILES ON. HAND BAUER FARM AND GARDEN SERVICE BRUSSELS "HOUSE of MAX" FURNISHINGS — INTERIORS M. L. WATTS FUNERAL HOME -'HONE; 887.6336 or 887.6585 BRUSSELS, ONT, 'CRAWFORD and MILL. CRAwFORD• O.C. A. R. M. MILL. B.A., LLB. BRUSSELS and WINGHAM PHONE 887-9491 PHONE 357-3630 . . Woommatawrawsinesar CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS DURING DECEMBER BRUSSELS STORES WILL REMAIN OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8 a.m. . to 9 p.m. FRIDAYS 8 a.m. 9 p.m. V151' Oti6d thoOpitio 0onvr,r1Ittice, stores w111 14o b ieii witil pot) DoOf Pi 11; 28i gll