HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-12-02, Page 11971 POST PUBLISHING 11011`:',: 13,00 A Year in. Advance -- $4,00 to U.S.A. -- Single Copy Vie THE BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, DEC. HOUSE LEAGUE 200 PIGS HOCKEY SURVIVE 'FIRE Tyke -Squirt VANASS—STRICKI.Elt Knox xChurch, Cranbrook, was the setting for the marriage of Nanew Strickler and. John Van- ass on November 20, 1971, Rev. Allan Cornish of Don Mills, of- ficiated at the double-ring cere- mony. Canucks 2 Bruins 1 Scoring for CalittekS: George Johnston, Ter- ry McCute,heon Scoring for Bruins: Kevin :Pennington Brussels and Blyth firemen. fought a blaze at the barn of Charles Thomas, at the north east outskirts of Britssels on Saturday evening, Their efforts cOnfined the .exten_ stye damage. .mostly to the attic and At: —lost 290 pigs that were housed in the building, survived the 21/2 Hours of dense smoke that prevented their removal from the 2 structure. 2 Rangers 2 Leafs 1 Scoring for Rangers: Kenny Higgins (2 Scoring or Leafs: Mike Pfeiffer Standings: Team W L T Pts, Rangers 2 0 0 4 Bruins 1 1 Ca n ticks 1 1 Leafs 0 2 0 0 ...• • LEGION TURKEY WINO() WINNERS Regular Games Mrs, George Hislop ;lames Hogg ICon Fry, Monkton Mrs, Ross DUlleall. Mrs. Henry, Wingham Mrs. Ross Duncan Grant Elliott Mrs. Hartley Rutledge Mrs, Gordon Gannett, 'Wingham Mrs. Cameron Adams, Mrs. Elliott, Wroxeter Randy Somers Mrs. Jack Lowe Mrs. Fischer Ritchie Somers Special Games Doris Adams, Wroxeter Mrs. Ross Duncan Mrs. 'Alan Nichol Pee Wee - .Bantam BRUCE, HURON OFFICIALS DISCUSS PROPOSED NEW TRANSMISSION LINES Lucky Door Prize Jack Logan WHAT'S NEW AT HORONVIEW Blues 0 Penguins 0 Seals 1) Kings 3 Scoring for `Seals: Carman Bernard (4), Keith McLean, Rick Demaray, Bill King, Edgar Williams (2) Scoring for Kings: David Watts (2),. Steve Pletch Standings: Team W L T Pts, Seals 9- 0 0 4 Blues 0 0 2 2 Penguins 0 1 Kings 0 1 1 1 All- Star Scores Township •and ' county officials in 'Bruce, and Huron counties met- last Thursday night in Wingham Legion Hall with Ontario Hydro representatives to discuss propos- ed routes for transmission lines needed to carry power from the site of the new Bruce nuclear power development into the pro., vincia] power grid and to provide additional service needed in the Seaforth area. Squirts Bantams 7 Kincardine ft INIonkton 14. Bantams 3 Milverton S Midgets 4 Mrs. Stewart Steiss was organ- ist and • accompanied Mr. Ralph Adams of Monkton, „who sang, "You'll never walk alone" and "Bless their home." The bride's gown was empire style polyester satan with train from waistline., lace butterflies trimmed the dress and train. She carried an arrangement of Talis- man roses. A head piece of pearls held her shoulder-length veil. • Mrs. Ralph Adams was her sis- ter's matron of honor. Her floor length gown of polyester crepe was styled with plain green ern_ pire bodice and flowered skirt with flowered ruffles at the neck. line and wrists. Her floppy brim- med hat was of the same materi- al as her gown. Bridesmaids were. Mrs. Wm,• Jean-Louis of London, Miss Joan Power of'Stratford, and Mrs. John Strickler of R.R. 3, Brussels. Their gowns were yellow, blue and pink, similar to the matron of honor. They carried nosegays of roses.. Little Heidi Strickler, niece of the bride, was flower girl .in.. a gown to match the matron ., of honor. ,Blyth 1 Monkton 2 Midgets 3 peeWees T3lyth 1 Pee Wees 3 Milverton 2 BRUSSELS. POLLUTION PROBLEM CONCERNS, HURON COUNCELLOR Reeve .Tack McCutcheon of Brussels, asked Acting Medical Officer of Health Dr, Frank Mills and sanitation inspector Bill Empy during lost Friday's sitting of ' 'Huron County Council to ex, plain how his municipality Was permitted to get into the prediea, ment in which it finds itself today, Reeve Aiec,utcheon was refer- ring to the fact that this village has been singled out as one com- munity along the Maitland River which is believed to, be seriously contributing to the pelletjon that stream. ."How come we've been allOwed to get into this condition?" asked Mr. Mcentcheon. "Have we not had a health unit in this county for years?" McCutchecm suggested that had the Huron County Health Vnit insisted upon the cleanup of prob- lems as they arose in the village. there would not be such tremen- dous problem to be faced now. He indicated there would be people in 13russels who had totally ad:- 'qunte sewage systems and would probably now be forced to suffer, financially along with those villagers whose septic systems hp.ye not been up to ,standard. 'A municipal sewage treatment system has been suggested '!cyr Brussels, McCutcheon said. He asked Dr. Mills if the Huron. County Health Unit could offer no other solution. Future Games Friday, Dec. 3 7:00 Beigrave at 'Brussels NOVICE S:30 il4ilverton at Brussels. I3antams Mr. Bill Stevens of Kerwood was best man. Ushers were Mr. Ben Bardock of London, Mr. John Strickler, R.R. 3, Brussels, Mr. Lorne Strickler, R,R. 2, Brussels. The bride's mother were a pur- ple lace dress with black acces- sories and a corsage of talisman roses. CRANBROOK Saturday, Dec. 4 8:15 Maple Leafs ve CanuckS 9:00 Kings vs Penguins 9:45 Sprout Pratice 1.0:30 Bruins vs Rangers 11:15 Blues vs Seals Monday, Dec. 6 7:00 Beigrave at Brussels PEE WEES :30 Belgrave a.t ' Brussels NTAM S Hydro representative said. "tbe rights..of.way proposed to the wardens, reeves, planning board chairmen and other municipal representatives are essential t.o meet the growing needs of south_ ern and southwestern Ontario. Rights_of-way of varying widths up with a 500,000-volt network now being expanded across ,southern Ontario. First section of the new line will run in 'a southeasterly direc- tion 10'miles from the 'Bruce site to. Bradley Junction. The right-of.. way needed is 1,255 feet in width. The line then runs south to Wingham, a distance of about 27 miles. It Will link up with a new transformer station to be built east of Wingham and the right_of-way needed will be 6I.0 feet n-ide. Mrs. Gladys Van Egmond and Stewart INIcEwan joined the reg- ulars for the old time music, danc- ing and sing-along on Monday afternoon. Kinettes, Carol Finch, Mary Ellen Clifford, Janet 3ewitt, Carol Bowker accompanied by Chrystal Jewitt led the sing-song on Wed_ .nesday at the monthly program and tea sponsored by the Clinton Kinette Club. The residents of , Huronview were happy to have a return visit- from the Jolly Millers, a. group of entertainers from Benmiller„ for the Family Night program. The Variety program included a one act play, several action songs, a sing_a-long by the group, accord ian solos by Marie Willis, drum selections by Ernie Pfrimmer with Mrs. Barry Millian accompanying on the piano for the musical numbers, It has been very encouraging this month to have had the assist- ance of some new volunteers. We are afraid it will he impossible to carry on some of the programs without more help, and we would be pleased to hear from anyone interested in volunteer work. A wedding dinner was served at Cranbrook Community Centre, Mr. 'Glynn Coghlin of Atwood was toastmaster, Dancing followed at the Legion. Following a wedding trip to points in Michigan, the newly- weds will reside at the Leathorne Apartments No. 608, 940 Commis- sioners Road, London. Out of town guests attended from Don Mills, London, Dundas, ?lattsville, New Hamburg, Bright, Mossley, Harrietsville, Atwood, Monkton, Elora, Park-hill. Full- erton and Kerwood. ENGAGEMENT PEOPLE WE KNOW MAJESTIC W. I. CHRISTMAS MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Lylle BrotherS of Scarborough were visitors last week with Miss M. Skelton. Rev., Samuel Kerr, MOnktort, will be in the pulpit of Knox Church on SUnday, December 5 at 1:30 when Holy CoMmunion will be observed, Mrs. Webster. Grand Bend, and Miss Carol Webster, 'London, vis- ited with. Mr. and Mrs. John Strickler. Mrs, Jas. Clark and Mrs. Mart- in MacDonald are patients in Wingham hospital. Mr. and Mrs.. Wes, Maachern attended the 50th anniversary of. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin MacLellan. Listowel, on Saturday. 'Miss Jane Gartley, Guelph. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin, Becker: His friends are pleased to see J. , C. Pegelow home from Hospital and able to he around again. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunn wish to announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Ivali .To-Anne to Mr. William John Meehan, eldest: son of Mr, and Mrs. William M Lichen of London, Ont. The marriage to take place on Christmas Eve in London. The Christmas meeting of the Majectic Women's 'Institute will be held in the Brussels Public Library on Thursday, December 9th at 2 p.m. The Branch Direct- ors will have charge of the Christ- mas program. Members please remember your 50c exchange gift: One dozen cookies to sell end yolk' donations to the. shit- 110NOtli Alfftiti Kiiight iihOW of 1114 I Itivoteomh '06101116 attelliit •A lady was driving her car and knitting at the same time. A motorcycle policeman came along side and yelled to her: "Pun over, madam!" The -,voinan smiled at him and said, "No, ectnally it's a pair ofieW3 Third section, 25 miles long, to carry a single tower line, will ex- tend from the Wingham trans_ former station to Hydro's existing Seaforth transformer station. It will be 120 feet wide and will pro- vide additional power to this area. The purpose of the meeting, the Hydro representative said, was to familiarize township and county officials with the overall plan. It the near future discussions in greater length will be held with the individual townships tb'obtain their approval in principle for routes through their respective municipalities. The new Bruce station is to generate 8,200,000 kilowatts from nuelette Unite, First i!l owep is I'M w1th nompNICM Okfibti,tha ill DR: BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS FISCHER Lintla and Don are happy to announce the birth of ilanghtei"Priteey 1)11 Nov, 1.571, Hifi f1(011;o1, Vir.4'..V.:,.m",',•!1%.T71^-rvt,(11).=p-,--4:1v....--'11.' 4 Her many friends hope that Mrs. A. Wood, who is a patient in Wingham. 'Hospital, Will have speedy recovery, nil, Mid Mrtti Piled CThioder of a ll tAktitiVti Root 00.4. vpoilififil MIRK ftoliNt lothifitL 4 firtifi044 0.101.1.fiitid