HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-11-25, Page 1O 13.00 A Year in Advance — $4.00 to U.S.A. — Single Copy 10c USW TH. E BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, NOV, 25th, 1971 POST PUBLISHING MAJESTIC w.I. ENJOY DEMONSTRATION AT NOVEMBER MEETING A good turnout Of. members and visitors were welcomed by the, president, Mrs. Leone Armstrong, to the meeting on Home . Econ- omics coriveeed by Mrs. Doug Hemingway. After the usual opening exer- cises and business Airs. Earl Cld, more gave a 'report of the meet- ing :in Bluevalo on Parliamentary Procedure. Those who attended gained much knowledge relating to ' W. I. work. Mrs. Marie Mc." Cutcheon, sec'y-treas. read the correspondence and this was dealt with, It was decided to order 50 hangers to go with the Centennial plates. . Five dollars was donated to the CNITS fund 'and Mrs, Marie Davis was to • send 85.00 for a Christmas gift for the "adopted child". A neddlecraft course is to be held in the BrUS. sels 'Library on November 23rd and 24th. Walton and Binevaie W. ,, • arkjoining With' us,,but anyone is welcome to attend: Summary Day for the sewing course which had an attendance of seventeen is to be held in the Clinton Legion Hall on December lath. The branch direectors will have charge of the December meeting. Mrs. Doug Hemingway took charge of the meeting and had the roll call "My way of economizing in my home or wise buying in the supermarket." Some thrifty ideas were disclosed. Mrs. Leona Armstrong gave a splendid motto on "What we make of our homes is more important than What oht homes are made or. Happiness,, loyality, praise, friendship and co-operation should abOund in our homes. Mrs. C. Mathers of East Huron District president, was then called upon. Using coarse nylon net she demonstrat- ed the making of pot puffs and Christmas corsages and the us- ing of small glass jars and spray bottle caps • as holders of - candy and flowers to be used as little gift for the sick and shut-ins. Marshmallow 'daisy cookies' with colored gumdrops were made and "sainpled" by those present. Mrs, Mathers in her talk as District president reminded us to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the W. I. by a program in our oxen branch and also a short one at the Distriet Annual which she urged us to attend. There is a new aonvenership and a new handbOok to he issued %soon. On behalf of Mr. George Hetherington, cam- paign chairman of the Wingliam Disttict Cancer Society, Mrs. Mrithers beked us if we would iinderteke orgcnising collections Mr Biltisside Mid riiIrt of oartioliudzi 1 di OrtitOty; 4001.11 tO 40 •.- WA LION Mr. and Mrs. Russell BielbY of Sack e have -been holi. (laying with Mr. and Mrs, Emertion Mitchell and femily, else visiting other relatives in the surrounding area. Airs. James Clark was a patient in Seaforth Community. Hospital for a few days this past week. Among these attending the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, and overnight accommodation and breafast at the Lord Simcoe Hotel last Monday and Tuesday as guests of the Ontrio Department of Agriculture and Food were Mrs,•Allan Searle, Mrs. Allan Mc- Call of Walton, Mrs. Keith Web- etch, Blyth. Mrs. Gordon Elliott and. Mrs.. John Patterson, Sea- terth, Mrs. Russell Good, Mrs. Harry Watkins, Mrs, G. MdGregor of. Londesboro, Mrs. Donald Maine's and Mrs.elerenk Raithhy, Auburn. Miss Brenda Bewley, London, spent the weekend at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas, Walton ;and Mr and Mrs. Wolf- gang- Stutz, -Waterloo have return- ed ..home after visiting in Toronto and Grand Valley . evening bowling at the Seaforth The Young People enjoyed . an ed of. their reglar meeting 'this Bowling Lanes, They -ate remind- Sunday evening,. boys. to bring eaedwiches, and ••girls bring dessert, • Miss; • Afai•y . Leen:deg, Ha:Milton, spent the weekend at the home 'of ; her .parents. Her father W. I. Leeming was able to return 'home, frorti St. Joseph's Hospital Satur- day... • Anyone missing a stray female pup, light brown, part. German Shepherd, it has wandered to the home of John Bos, R.11, 3, Walton, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. Torrance Dundee' were Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutz, 'Waterloo, and Mr and Mrs. 'Yob Dundas off Mis- sissauga. WROXETER Airs. Ve'rne Hupfer of Brussels and Mrs. Charles McCutcheon• of Walton were Saturday visitors with Mrs. Kate Griffith on the occasion of her birthday. Mrs. William Smith of Toronto was a. visitor last Week with het mother, Mrs. David Robinson. this. Mrs, Mathers was thanked and presented with a gift by Mrs. Doug Hemingway. A secret auction of various articles, baking, vegetables, plants cards and sewing was conducted while the Majestic Stompers pro- vided some musical nembers.. A delicious lunch was served by 'Aire, N. McLarty, Mrs. Lorne Nithol, Mrs. Alin Smith and Mrs, B. Porrtsh, %%O Nil Ydti? Post HOUSE LEAGUE: MCKAY 'Tyke Squirt, Rangers 5'Canucks 1 Scoring for Rangers: Dem; Cousins, Terry Kennedy, Brian Deaner, Kenny Higgins, Kenpy Cousins. Scoring for Canucks: Terry Mc- Cutcheon 13ruins 1 Leafs 0 Scoring for Bruins: Terry Glanville Standings: Team W L T Pts. Rangers '1 0 0 2 Bruins 1 0 Leafs 0 1 Canucks" 0 1 Pee Wee - ,Bantam Blues .t Icings 1 Scoring for Blues: Ken Penn- ington Scoring for Kings: David Watts Seals 5 Penguins 1 • Scoring for Seals: Edgar Williams (3), Bill King - (2) Scoring for Penguins: Danny White Standings: Team W L T Pts, Seals 1 0 0 2 Blues 0 0 1 1 Kings 0 0 1 1 Penguins • 0 1. Future Games Friday, November 26 7:00 Milvertoe at Brussels Pee Wees S•e30 eMilverton Brussels - , Midgets Satnrday, November 27 8:15 Canucks vs Bruins 9:45 Sprout Practice 9:00 Penguins vs. Blues 10:30 Rangers vs Leafs 11:15 Seals vs Kings Monday, November 29 7:0(1 Belgrave at Brussels Pee Woes S: 30 Belgrave a.i Brussels :13a.n tams E TH F, Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm. Doig, Moles- worth were visitors with :Vlis and Mrs. A. Bremner On Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Earl of Owen Sound 'visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Earl. Mrs. Isabel Walker of Toronto :returned home Saturda.y after. spending a few clays with AIr. end Mrs. Wm. Stephenson, Ethel U.C.W,' Meeting . The U. C. W. of Ethel. held their November meeting at the home of Mrs. George Pearson. Mrs. Sain T3eirnee took the De- votions. Mrs. Chester Earl had the topic on Worship. Mrs, George Pearson took charge of the bush'. este, Lunch was served by Mrs. Wm. Hewitt tied the hostess. no your.' Christmas shopping at the atOeoa that 0,( 9opti!io tto P1118101$ rot Reeve And Mrs, McCutcheon Entertain Village OffiCials • A pleasant social evening was enjoyed last Friday when Reeve L, and Sirs, McCtitcheen enter- tained the councillors and their wives, P.U.C. meinbers, ex-Reeves and Warden and their wives. Atter the delicious dinner served et St, John's Anglican Church the party adjourned to the McCutcheon home where the remainder of the evening was spent playing cards. ST. AMBROSE ALTAR SOCIETY 'NOV. MEETING The St. Ambrose Altar Society met on November 1.Stb in the church basement with Mrs. Gerald Ryan presiding. After the opening prayer the minutes of the October meeting and the correspondence 'were read by Ales. Don Nolan. Mrs. Li Kernaghan gave the trensuree:3 report end Mrs. Clem Sterner told of a number of visits made' to the sick and shut-ins. Mrs, Gerald Ryan offered her home for the next 'meeting on December 16th. Members are asked to bring an article for a gift exchange. It was" decided to hold a card party in the parish ball on the evening of December .6th, A. discussion followed a read- lug by Mrs. Icernaghtte on. "Women's Role in the ..Cherch".. • 'Afte'r —e tasty lunch settfed 'by Mrs.. George Blake .Tr., and •Mes. John, Ryan,. the meeting adjoure, • ed.. PEOPLE WE KNOW' Fred Thuell, who was in Hospital is home again. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Laycock of Waterdown were visitors with the Armstrong family. Mrs. Albert Wood is a. patient in Winghant and District T-Tospital. Mrs. George Chidlow has re- turned home otter visiting with Heseler friends. • Lloyd' (Sam) Workman is a patient in Testowel Hospital where he underwent surgery this weok, Airs, Mary -Wearing of Wioxeter was a recent visitor with Mrs. James Armstrong Sr, Dr. Duncan .Tamiescirt, son of Dr. and Mrs. W, D. S. Jamieson, forMerly of. Brussels, was one of those. Who recently passed the exa.minatione of the Royal College of Sergeons of Canada for eerti- oreti011 in Ophthalmology. He will be pracitising in Kitchenee Mrs. Julia .Kerney and her sister, Mrs. Ruth Gander of Windsor attended the. Retirement Dinner for the Workmen's Cone pensation Board at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto the even- Eng of N,oivernber 1.8th, Ench HotiveR wag presented with it e11mv611 '#1 twit TRAVELOGUE GIVEN AT HORT. -SOCIETY MEETINC The November meeting of the Brussels Horticultural Society was held Monday, November 15th in the Public Library. There were 23 members. and 15 guests presept Airs. Win. Campbell presided opening the meeting with 0 Canada. She welcomed guests and members after which the minutes were read. Treasurer's report, roll call and correspondence Campbell asked if they wanted to appoint a nominating commit- tee and Mrs. R. W. Stephens moved the officers remain as they ave for 1972, seconded by Mrs. C. lIemingwey, carried. Miss Joyce Ireland played two piano solos which were much enjoyed, Mr. A. Knght. read the News Letter. Joyce then favoured with another number. Mrs. Camp- bell thanked her and presented a Ag..li rft.. McCarroll gave a splendid travelogue on Edinborough ac- companied by slides shown by Mr. D. A. Rann. Mrs. ,Tohn Kelly thanked Mr. McCarron and Mr. nann anJ presented gifts. airs Wilbur Turnbull won the door prize. The Christmas dec- orations were judged. Results Mrs. N. Mc.Larty, Mrs. E. Cud- mere, Mrs. W. Ksa.uter, Mrs. Wm. Hewitt. Mrs. C. Hemingway, Mrs. Wm. Campbell, in that order. The Limericks end poems con- test was won by' Mr. A. Knight., • Mrs. N. McLarty Mrs, Doug ll e chart. The (bleep closed the meeting, A delicious lunch, was served by Mrs. George Davis, Mrs, John Roily. Mrs. Sas. Mair and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. CHILDREN OF THE CHURCH' We met in the basement of the church, We opened with our motto "We are the Children of the Church" Joan. Cardiff led in prayer. Joan Main followed with the Scripture reading. We then had a film on "Blind- ness". after which was sung He's got the Whble World in His Band." The treasurer's report. wits read by Jeff Cardiff. The secre- tary's report by Peggy Gibson. Roll call followed. The Inisieess part was handing out callenders for 1971 to be sold for the mission- ary. The, collection eels taken up by Robert. Boneschaneker and Scott. Cardiff. Birthday of the mole h Joan :Male The meeting was closed by writing our namees in Braille. Elizabeth Exel Husband and wife were peering down a. wishing well. The wife lost her balance arul fell hi. "I-Tow about that?" said ite, to think 0100 thimso voq ii lilt of tloOtit it