HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-11-18, Page 1$3.00 A Year in Advance — $4.00 to U.S.A. — Single Copy 10c
Mr.• and Mrs. Gordon Saunders
of Royal Oak, Mich., spent a
recent weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. All'an Searle and tinnily.
Miss Linda Traviss R.N. of
Guelph and Roy Gingerich, Kitch-
ener visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Mrs. E. Mitchell was among the
hobby enthusiasts that attended
the Hobby Fair held in Atwood
Community Centre when she
displayed her Cameo Paint -work.
Visiting Mr, and Mrs. Earl Mills
were D'rs. Gerd and Jean Wester-
mann, Burlington, Mr, and Mrs.
Murray Mills, Scott, Cathy and
David,.13rantford, and Mrs. Louise.
Buttell, Blyth,
Misses Sharon Marks and
Elaine Carter spent Saturday
visiting in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss, Mr.
and 'Mrs. Bill Sleming, Clinton
and Mr' and Mrs. Lloyd Towns-
end, Wroxeter have rieturned
from a week's vacation in Ber-
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ennis and
family of Whitby spent the week-
end svith---the' former's. :parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ennis.
Gary Bennett of London visited
at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Bennett and Joan.
Mrs. Merton Haekwell was
supply teacher for Grade 2 pup-
ils at Walton Public School while.
Mrs. Pletsch of Seaforth was on
sick leave.
Mr and Mrs. Rollie Achilles
have arrived home after spending
a week's holidays with the for-
mer's sister, Mrs. Margaret
Turner of Hearst.
Gerald Smith ha.s accepted a
position at Herb Traviss' Peed
Mill 'in. Walton.•
Mrs, William Leeming and,
family visited with Mr. Leeming.
on. Sunday., He has been a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital follow-
ing surgery.
The executive committee of
Huron County Council chaired by
Reeve Gordon Hess of Zurich an-
nounced the appointment of the
staff for the Social and Family
Services welfare department. The
administrator is John A. Mc-
Kinnon, Thessalon, and the field
workers are Howard Tiackwell,
Walton, and Charles D. Hay
Hensel!, Mrs. Donna Reid, Goder-
ich, is transferring froth the
county clerk-treasurer to become
the, secretary.
Euchre. Party
Seven tables were in play at
the progressive euchre ,on rriday
eVening held in the Walton Corn-
menity Nall. Prize winner's Were:
high lady. Mrs. Jean Miller: low
lady. Shirley Johnston; high Man,
Jfin McDonald; low man, Alein
McDonald: holder of lucky eup,
Mrs. Peter McDonald, Lunch was
served by the following cottiMiti"
tee, Mr*, Jog. Nolan, Mtn, Ho1e4
foont10904 114100 pligy4)
Grey Township Council meet,
ing was held on Noveniber
Resolutions passed as follows;
That the minutes of the last
meeting be adopted as read.
That Cranbrook cemetery board
be given a grant in the amount
of $225.00.
That the tenders of Glenn Me-
Kercher, Bluevale, at the price
of $9.50 per hour and standby
time of $9.50 per day for days not
Plowing and Keith Nicholson,
Bluevale, at the price of $8,50 per
hour and standby time of $8.50
per day for days not plowing for
months of December January,
February and March, for snow-
ploWing for the 1971-72 season be
accepted subject to the approval
of the Department of Transpor-
tation and Communications.
That drainage tenders be ac-,
cepted as follows: Postill Drain-
age, C,linton. for the Keifer Drain
at $2.851.00; Postill, Dreinage for
the Sanders Drain at $3,255.00;
Postill Drainage for the Johnston
Drain at $2,887.00; Bruce Carson,
Palmerston, for the Michel Drain
a $1,520.00; Henna' and Hamilton
Construction for ;•-the:: Kreuter
Drain at $4,460:00; George Rad-
ford Construction, Blythe for the
Beauchamp Drain at $4,500.00;
Hanna. and Hamilton Construc-
tion, Listowel, for the South Beau-
champ Drain at $7.173.00.
That drainage commissioners
be appointed as follows;
Keffer Drain — Donald Martin;
Sanders. Drain Clifford Bray;
Johnston Drain — Roy William-
son; Michel, Drain — George Wes-
enberg; Kreuter Drain — George
Wesenberg; I3eauchamp Drain —
Ross Engel; .South Beauchamp
Drain — Roy Williamson.
That Rating :By-Law No. 32 of
1971 under The Tile Drainage
Act 1971. be passed as read a first
second and third times.
That the meeting be adjourned
to meet again on December 6th at
1 •p.m, or at the stall of the ReeVe.
Approved accounts paide
'General 113$74.39
Roads & 1Rridges , 3,014.81
Charles Thomas Reeve
dYthe M. Cardiff Clerk
Mr. and Mete Alvin MeLella,n
Of 646, Elisabeth St, E. Listowel
Will be at Borne to their friend
sea neighbours in honor of their
5 0 0 wedding anniversary on
Seturdne. November 27 from 2 -
lene end 7 w 9 lett, in the even-
Do your ChrlStinail shopping At
Mt; AtOrMi thkt royortiop. t1)0
ii"iliaiEi .14010(
7 Rosemount Bay
Winnipeg, Man.
Dear Mr. Kennedy:
We are enclosing a cheque and
would like to have our subscrip-
tion to the Brussels Post renewed.
We enjoy receiving the paper and
it glees Mae an idea how much
things have changed since he
come out west in 1949
We have whiter in our part of
the country.. now, however• Mac
and the children are pleased as
they were looking forward to get-
ing the power-tobaggan out. I am
still hoping the snow may go
away: for awhile as it will sure' be
long One. until spring.
We read about the Centennial
next summer end we are giving
it some serious consideration. We
had a lovely trip through B.C. this
s u imp et.
We will be looking torward to
receiving the Post each week.
Mac and Muriel Stiles
The town bell rings again!
On Monday morning following
Hallowe'en. Davie on his usual
duty, went to. ring the bell at
eight o'clock, and realized he had
lost the (linger. After several days
of searching the rWer and under
verandahs, while getting wet on
tlie -ontside", besides being wet on
the inside, he finally found the
Binger. Guess whet:el Behind Mr.
Jack Thynne's house.
We were told by Jack Clark
that Mr. 'Phylum would do tricks
like this. Guess he was figuring
he could sell it to help pay for the
morning coffee and the benches for
the Gentlemen.
We have three reasons to
believe that. Mr. Thynne would
not pull this prank. even though
Jack Clark would not tell a lie,
1, The (linger weighs 55 ibs.
and Mr. Thynne has never lifted
anything heavier than a $2.00
2. We know he wouldn't climb
that high and that he will never
get any higher.
3. There is not a ladder in
Brussels strong enough to hold it
pile that big.
nue to Mr: Thynne being a well-
knOsee. citizen of BruaSels, an up,
holder of the NDP and a friend
and neighbour of our Reeve, we
expect- the Matter Will be dis-
.If this is so, you WOW be beat
to stick with your fiddle Mid your
cards Mr. Thynne, even though
your, can't nlny either.
Your truly
'Votes Middies
A fighter teeing' to save face
after loehig a fight: "Boy, did I.
have that gity worried in the third
Manngini; 1 IYcni llih did{ MI
1116iiiiit 4 rilliOad ;NO
Remembrance Day services
under the direction of the Royal
Canadian Legion Branch 218 were
held in Brussels on Thursday,
members of' the Legion, their
Ladies' Auxiliary, Guides and
Brownies in procession were
joined by residents of the coin_
=lay to honor their war dead.
The Cenotaph service at 10:30
a.m. was conducted by Comrade
Ted Elliott with Padre Derwyn
Docken of Walton, participating
in the service.
Wre'athe were placed by the
followingses the names were read
by Mr. Elliott:: , •
Prose of. Ont. Comrade Kreuter
Brussels Legion .
Branch 218 .... Comrade Adamson
Ladies' 'Aiik.iliary Branch
218 • 'M.r.s Archie Willis
Legion Pipe Band Branch
21.8 :„. Comrade Tom McFarlane
Peter Baker ........ Mrs. Jos. Baker
Comrade hl'. Thompson Comrade
Village of Brussels „,. Reeve Jack
Reeve Townhip of Grey
Charles Thomas.
Township Of Morris .... Tom Miller
Brussels Lions Club Henry
E and Rebekah
Bill Ding St. John's Lodge
Lodge ..... Mrs. Ross McCall
Bressels United Church .... Cecil
c dden
St. John's Anglican
Church Mrs. Toni Bernard
St. Ambrose Catholic
Church .... Mrs. 'Margaret Kelly
Melville Presbyterian
Church Wilfred Shot:treed
Dint's United Church
Walton. Comrade " w7li y alteer n ov
Imperial Bank of
Commerce Contra de Duncan
Brussels Public Schools.. Coileen
Maitend Teleservices
Ltd. Airs. Jack Loire
Brussels L.O.L. Tom Garniss
Ethel Women's
Institute Mrs, Bill Dobson
Cranbrook Weriiee'e
Institute ..,. Ales. Iluseee Knight
Walton WometVe
Institute Mrs. Herb Treedee
Brussels Majestic Women's
IestitUte Mrs. John Spele
Brit580.1S Fire Dept, Comrade
Me:Wh irter
deettio. EXOI and
T'aan.ily Prue EXel
After Reveille end Lest Post
the 15a ride, led by the Royal
Canadian Legion. Pipe Band
marched to Melville Presbyterian
Church for a. Service. of Reniem-
brence in charge of Rev, C. A.
McCarroll with Rev, E. LeDrow of
Brtissels United Church arid, Padro
1,1i4 0010
Auxiliary members with a number
of guests attended a banquet at
the Legion Hall when a pleesa.nt,
evening was enjoyed. Wm
Newton. of Ottawa, a former
Brussels resident, was the guest
speaker for the occasion.
Mrs. james McNeil is a. patient
in hospital in Hamiltpe,
His friends are glad to see
Henry Dent back to work after
stay. in Wingbam Hespitel.
Fred Thuell is a patient iii
Wieghem and District Hospital
Reeve William Elston of. Morris
Township is a patient in Wingham
Dr. and Mrs Wm. Stiles of
Bashaw, Alta„ were visitors in
Brussels for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davis of
Lucie) end Mrs, Marie Davis of.
Bressels were 'visitors on. Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bray.
Mrs. Chester Rintoul is a patient
in Sea'forth Hospital. Her Brus-
sels friends hope she. will have a
speedy recovery.
:Miss Gail elcTaggart. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ross MeTaggart,
has joined the staff of .Peal's
Beauty Salon in. Stratford. We
wish her success.
Mr. Mid Mrs. Don ja,cklin etrer-
tained the former's parents. Mr.
And Mrs. William Kellington, on
the occasion of their 25th Wedding
Anniversary. on. Sunday. Novemb-
er 11th. when the (amity' gathered
for a surprise dinner.
Week end guests with Mr. and.
Mrs. Cal. Krauter were Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Wilson and Mr, and
Mrs, Joseph Wilson, all of Lon-
den. They attended commenee-
inslt exercises at. E. E. Madill
Seco:lid:try School 011 Friday even-
ing when Kathi Wilson (Kreuter":
received her ()Mario Scholarship
award. Ketei also received an
award for proficiency in History
and one of the George Meuse:se;
endowment rand awards in mem-
ory of George Meheies and pro--
seated by Mrs. Robert Raymond.
8 — 10 p,111,
2 — 4 p,rn.
2 — 4 p.m, Sunday
of tleginhers
2 — 4 p.m. 'Thursday
Budget; A plan that enal•des.
you to pay as you go you
don't go gee:where.
Do your Ohristmas oloopiug et
lllta RtMli Oaa aftmllim ill tb: