The Brussels Post, 1971-10-28, Page 1113.00 A Year in Advance — $4.00 to U.S.A. — Single Copy 10c THE BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, OCT, 28th, 1971 POST PUBLISHING Hotic:747
Mr. and Mrs. Jan van Vliet Jr.,
Walton. and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie
Cousins of Losidon visited over
the weekend with relatives in
Clifton, New Jersey.
. • Mr. and Mrs. Volker Hertlein
and Freddie of London visited
with Mr. and Mrs. William Tham-
Mrs. Peter McDonald has re-
days with Mrs. Simpson -McCall in
turned home after spending a few
Mr. and Mrs. John Cordon
spent a few days in Nashville
while•on a. conducted bus trip.
Dr, and Mrs. Brian. Traviss and
Allison of Kitchener visited with
their parents, Mrs. and Mrs. Herb
• Visiting Mrs. Thomas Hackwell
were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Torrance
and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smith of
Miss Mary Leoming, Hamilton,
spent the weekend at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.W, J.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Smith ac-
.companied Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Dunk on a motor trip to Florida
for the next three weeks
Don Achilles a nd Bob Hum-
phries have returned home after
spending a few holidays during
the duck season.
Mrs. -Charles Malutcheon visit-
ed with Mrs. Ethel .McDougall in
Seaforth. • • .
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bennett;
• Nancle, ,and Peter. spent a Saturd
• day recently in Hamilton wiSh. Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Murray.
Mrs: Graham Sholdice has been
a patient in a London Hospital.
Mr. and Mi-S. Ralph Traviss
visited with Mrs. Bertha Love in
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ha ckwell
and family visited Cpl. • and Mrs.
Harold Highton . and• family of
Visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Shortreed were, Mr.
and -Mark Webster. Varna and
Mr: and Mrs. Ken Shortreed.
Tony and Jason Theme's child-
ren of Mr. and Mrs. John Thamer
• ofsKitchener spent holidays with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Thamer.
v. limas .19n11111j, T.1130 a scuj.v
few days with Mrs. Luther Saund-•
ere of Constance.
Mrs. W. C. ITa.ckwell, Mrs.
Nelson Reid and Mrs. Pete Mc-
Donald attended the anniversary
service on Sunday at the Londes-
hero United Church.
Nelson Marks, Don Achillles,
George Taylor and Ross Bennett
Spent some time fishing in the.
Port, Albert area. . •
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smith and
family, Walton and Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Dennis of Monerieff
visited • Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Dennis • and boys at Lucknow,
Miss Jennifer Kirkby spent
few days .with .Darlene Whitman,
Son forth and while there visited
in Nanticoke. . .
Mrs. Gordon Pryce RR 4, Walt-
on, was crowned Queen of the
'Furrow, • at .Huron County Plow-
ing match. Congrlatulations are
eXtended to,Irtna.
Dr. Jean and 'Cord :Westerman
visited recently with .Mr. and Mrs,
marl =Si
Mr, and Mrs, Bob Humphries
and family of London spent the
weekend With MP, and Vim
FrilinDittiP,a itlitt Xim,
'Imp Lhip, nig% wbo
*440 Oil iJii6W Itqff)
Mrs. Mary Helen Hayes, •48,.
2010-19th $t., Saletn„. Oregon, .died
Virednesday, Qetober
Salem Hospital.. She was ill for
some time with,.
- Born in Flint, Mich., she liv d
and was educated in Brussels.,She
was the daughter of Lorne and
Eckmier, a member of the
Luthean Bretheran Church.
Surviving are her husband,
Robert, sons Brian 12, and Ken-
neth 9, and her mother, Mrs.
Lorne Eckinier of New West.
minster B.C., a brother; William of
Services on Saturday. Revs.
David H. Steenhoff officiating.
The members and recent
members of the staff and Bank
Managers of the surrounding
district of Canadian Imperial
Bank of Commerce, entertained
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Parker at a
dinner party, held at the ' Blue
JBarn, October 21st, . on •the .
occasion of Mr. Parker's retire7 .
ment: •• .•.
Mr. ::Don• Laurie, accountant..
presented Mr. Parker with.. a
camera on behalf of the group..
,Mr. D. Carson, representing
Head Office, presented Mr. Parker
With a silver water pitcher suit-
ably engraved for the occasion.
Mrs. Parker received one dozen
red roses from the Vice President
of the .Region.
It's Hallowe'en time again,
when the little people, spooks,
ghosts and goblins will he out,
full of excitement, with safety the
farthest thing from their minds.
Drivers should remember to watch
out for the forgetful ones, Their
chances depnd on you. .
We trust that the older spooks
will not resort ,to dangerous and
destructive pranks.
Ladies High • Single
Dianne Titiether 234
Marlene Rutledge 227
Joyce Jacklin 21.2
Ladies High Triple
. Marlene Rutledge 618
Dianne Huether ....... 584
Joyce Jac:kiln 570
Men s High Single
Greg Huether 217, 233
Jack Logan 229
13111 Stephenson „.„..,, 224
Mens High Triple
Greg t!uether 1111111.0111 ... ; 868
Gorden tiacItliii 012
lli Stephminn 0 .1 “, 500
iii.W1111.114.14 Rilti
ttivit MOW yOliti
The meeting on agriettitnre,
convened by Mrs. Norman Me-
Tarty and Mrs. Carl Hemingway
was hold in the Brussels pnlibe
Library on Thurday, evening,
October 14 at S o'clock. Mrs.
Leona Armstrong, president, wel-
comed, the members and guests
and assisted by secretary-treas.
Mrs. Marie McCutcheon con,
ducted the business part of the
Mrs. Marie MeTaggart is to be
Our deleegate to the 'Guelph area
convention to be held on October
26th and 27th. Some of our memb-
ers, including the' "Majestic
Stompers" will be attending the
Moleswortli W.I. meeting to be
held in Kurtzville '-Tall on Friday,
evening Noy'. 5. It will he an
Old Time Party to help celebrate
the 75th anniversary of the
A course dealing with Parlia-
mentary procedure is to be held
in Mlle-vale 'Community hall on
Nov. 3rd from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Anyone is welcome to attend,
bring your handbook, pencil,
paper and box lunch.
The Historical Society meeting
is to be held in Walton Oct, 27th
at 8 p.m.
The leaders, Mrs. Leona Arm-
strong and Mrs. Alberta
of the course "The knack Of seW-
ing with knits" started their class
in the library on Wednesday;
Oct. 20th,
Mrs. Alberta Sniith reported
that her committee had decided
to order plates with the picture
of the old Brussels Public and
Continuation school on it. These
to be sold at the Brussels Cen-
tennial in :1972.
Mrs Marie Davis had . received
word that the other W.I. branches
Would - continue contributing Mall-
ey for the adopted child plan.and
also help 'with hisChristmas gift.
Each W.I. member is asked to
bring an article to sell at a Secret.
Auction to be held at the Nov-
ember meeting. Mrs. C. Mathegs
will give a demonstration.
Mrs. Wilma Hemingway and
Mrs. Fail Ciulmore gave interest-
ing aceounts of the Huron County
W.I. Rally held at Ethel on Oct. 4
Mrs. McLarty took charge of
the meeting and called on MI'S.
Carl Hemingway who T.,;ave art
interesting motto on "When the
going gets tough, the tough get
going." Reference was made to
the depression of the 30's when
we in Ontario sent. what we could
spare to those in the West who
were worse off than we. Many
new ideas Were derived from the
roll call "Name an edible flower
or weed and how to use it."
Mr. Carl Hemingway was then
called on and with the use of
charts and figures and commod-
ities such as ' shredded Wheat,
oatmeal and turnips showed the
spread of prices between producer
and consumer. One example, the
producer gets for the Wheat in
a. 15 oz. pkg of shredded wheat
two and 1.3 1.6ths cents and the
consumer pays 49c. sshere does
the spread of 48 and 3 16th Cents
A question and answer period
followed, Mrs. Hemingway thank-
ed for his talk.
A contest Midden Vegetable"
was conductd by Mrs, McLarty.
A delicious lunch was served by
Mrs. Clarence Meutcheon, Mrs,
(1111111tis Math eiSo Mn, Drum
1W4triovat,1111 Nrrs, Moi1.1 0.!,p
Pit foolool
What most assuredly would
have been a fatal truck-car crash
Was narrowly avoided here on
Monday morning when a 10 ton
Fisher truck; from Listowel, loaded
with screenings, swerved to miss
a car and tipped over on its side.
The Fisher .truck, driven by
Carl Gill, accompanied by Chris
Thedorff of Trowbridge was
travelling north on Brussels main
St:•eet when a ear driven by Vern
Hupter of Brussels proceeded out
of the Mill street east intersection
across the street directly into the
Path. of the truck. The truck
driver, to miss tbe car, swerved
around the west Mill street corner
and the truck turned over, at the
side of the Rosy Korner Restaur-
The Hupfer car received only a
dented left fender and the driver
was not injured. The occupants of
the truck fortunately escaped
with a shaking up and shock.
In tipping over the truck cab
landed on the hood of Hugh
Pearson's truck damaging it ex-
It was indeed fortunate that the
drivel' of the truck had the pres
ence of mind and the quick re'
action that enabled' him to avoid
crashing into the car,
The accident drew a lot of
3:).e,ctators.who lingered -to' witness
the righting of the truck and the
Cleanup of the spilled tons of
screenings. Many remarked on
the absence of pigeons, once so
numerous, here, to enjoy a. good
feed, Perhaps they have found
their way into, pigeon pies.
Monday Seemed,,to he the clay
for truck accidents as another
involving two trucks occurred at.
Troaks Collide At Cranbrook
A large grain truck driven by
Harry johnsoli, MoKillop Twp.
and a, smaller trtick, with Mr. and
Mrs. Hilton 'Ward as occupants,
collided at the Cra,nbrook corner
on Monday afternoon. The large
truck Overturned north of the
Corner bat luckily the occupants
Of both vehicles escaped Without
5..011(AS injury. Both trucks Were
dam aged.
The Brussels firemen will be
collecting for Muscular Dystrophy
Brussels on Tuesday oveninc.
NrOVetilber 2nd, beginning- at
7 pan.
Kindly leave your verandah
.light on to welcome thent and sive
SS generously as you can to two
*6* loOth rht10 Wise.
0? 0/4) 111
Murray Grant, Liberal inenins
bent, si.WePt to victory in the last
Thursday election with an 8,224
majority over his nearest, op-
ponent, Lou Boyce P.C.
Mr. Gaunt, a 36-year-old Luck.
now area farmer; took an early
lead and was never challenged.
s'I•Te has held the riding since the
death in 1962 of John Hanna P.C.
He surpassed his 1967 margin
when he won by 3,1.SS votes.
Mr. Gaunt captured every poll
in the Huron-Brace Riding.
The Conservatives rolled to an
easy provincial victory piling 'TIP
win after win from just minutes
after the polls closed.
Premier Davis and his team
stret gthened their grip when they
gain 1 three , Western Ontario
sell returns were as
to ows:
oils 13 14 15 Adv.
Boyce 52. 34 63 13
Gaunt 120 94 118 32
Milne 13 10 1 1
Boyce 163
Gaunt 364
Milne 25 •
With 62,4 eligible voters in the
Village of Brussels there were 552
cently celebrated her 97th birth- .
who voted. Among those who went
to the polls was Mrs. R. S. Ffam-
ilton who recently celebrated her
97th birthday. She walked to the
roll to cast her ballot.
Been wondering what .the
young people of this village are
doing around at the Orange Hall?
For about a. year or so the
the Brussels Young People have
been trying to find a "place" to
go to chat, to play cards. to relax
npti to he on our own. A "place"
was then found in the form of the
Ora nge llatll and opened to eve
kids. as a drop-in centre.
The nights it Has Been open
We've enjoyed -listening the 'West-
chester 'Union. who have gladly
off•ered us free entertainment,
played many a heated card game.
and been what we are, ourselves.
We've established a rule of "cam- •
mon sense" (we are supposed
to be mature young people new
we've set out to prove thel we
can do something canstre.
This is a dran-in centre if
You are still 1 n doubt about what
you arc still in doubt about what
dron-in and rind on rc‘r
yourself. (If you think you're
going' to be the onlv concerned
parent don't IT, ono girl's father
was in the first night the Hall
was open.
MN,., "They look like it happily
Married supple: don't they?"
Mr,; Fint you mutt
1tiNvit.,14 so 16, 1110)14,
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