The Huron Signal, 1881-09-23, Page 7l'l!E HURON SIGNAL. 1'3;11AY, ; ,EP t :3, 1881. Farm ant) eart)en. WWI Ohms A Bt. Catharines fruit grt over write: "I was grille 'ng some peachds from my trees, and I dd d not discover a single bee among the trees, but I saw a number of wasps orb I could not be sure which they were, as I am not very well posted on entomology. The flies look very much like the common house fly, but tnuch larger. The peaches ripening now are rotting very much, and I think the most, if not all, of it is (mused by the insects burrowing or 1.. ;ing holes through the skin of the peach, and when that is done they commence rotting di- rectly. It might at first sight, seem strange that flies could burrow holes in fruit, but I hare known many inst.tnces of flies burrowing holes into hogs' backs and dogs' ears, which I thiuk would re- quire much greater exertion than drill- ing through the skin of a peach." rreservatlua of deeds, W, D. Philbrick, in the New lertafee4 Farmer,' writes :- "The season for the ripening of seeds being at hand, a few words about their selection, preparation and preservation, will be acceptable to those not familiar with the art of raising them. "In the first place, only the beat spe- cimens of each kind should be raved and all inferior ones rejected; this is easy enough with such plants as.quashea, cu- cumbers. tomatoes, melons. etc., care be- ing used only to save the earliest, fairest end most perfect specimens. The need should be allowed to ripen thoroughly before taking it from the fruit, which will require some weeki with ejuashea, after gathering from the vine; tomatoes are placed in the sun fir a few days, and melon seeds may be taken directly when the,nielon is fit to eat; seeds .,f this na- ture having a fleshy pnlp are usually cleaned by allowing theta to ferment in 'eater fur a day or two, when the pulp will easily wash ..tf, after which the seed is spread upon a sheet in the sunshine to dry. Sometimes the fermentation is allowed to go too far and the seed is spoiled, hence some cafe and experience are needed to clean seed in this way,and some persona prefer to wash the need directly from the palp without ferment- ing; this ensures good seed, but it is al- • must impossible to make it perfectly clean without fermenting. "The seeds of the seivash ate) all vines worthy of praise, and which really dues are good for two to five years if carefully kept; onion red, however, is very u:• Eerier after the first year, and worthless titer the second. When old seed is to tie used, it should be tested by sowing a counted lot in a hot bed or other suita- ble place, and counting the number of plants that come up, and noting the vigor of the plants; the plants from old seed are usually less vigorous than from fresh se.,d, and sometimes are so weak as to be worthless," ARE YOU I Are you a Dyspeptic 1 Have you Indiaeation ? Is your Liver dugtiah t Dors your food trouble you 1 Does sleep fail to refresh yiiu '1 Is your appe- tite and energy guile 1 Zorsea (from Brazil) will cure yo;., tune you up, and invigorate your whet. rystetn. It is a gentle purgative, acts as a wonder upon, and gives strength and energy to the Ui{active apparatus. It is strongly anti - carries orf all surplus bile, tones the Liver, gives solutd Digestion and speody health to the Dyspeptic and the Bilious. 'fry a 10 cunt sample at least. Newspaper Laws. We call the special attention of post- masters and subscribers to the following aynopais of the newsparer laws : 1. A postmaster is required to give notice by letter (returning a paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber dues nut take his paper out of the office, and state the reasons for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the poostinaster responsible to the publishers for payment. 2. If any person orders his paper dis- continued, he must ray all arreazages, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes a paper from the post -office, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he bas sub- scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper ao be stopped at a certain time; and the publisher continues to send, the sub- scriber •is' bound to jay for it if he takes it out of the post-othoe. This proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay for What he uses. . 5. The courts have decided that refus- ing to take a newspaper and periodicals fruit' the post -office, or removing and leaving thein uncalled for, is prieel focus evidence uf intentional fraud. Be Not be Deceived. In these times of quack medicine ad- vertisements everywhere, it is truly gratify -int: to find one remedy that is easily mix with others of the same fami- as rec.tnntendetl. Electric Bitters we ly in the neighborhood, so tkat when a variety is to be kept pure and true to name, it trust be 'planted clt.ite remote from any others of the same family. The can vouch for as being a true and relia- ble remedy, and one that will do as re, commended. They invariabl cure stomach and Liver Complaints. of the Kidney's and Urinary, dilhcuhies. mixing is clone by the bees, who carry We know whereof we speak, and can readily aa„ give them a trial. .Sold at fifty cents a bottle,- by all druggists. - [Adv. the pollen from flower to flower, often a quarter of a mile. It is quite difficult to grow good squash seed near a pump- kin held for this reason, and not more than one kind of melon or encumber can be grown in the same field; rid have the l are equally effectual, du not gripe, weak- P1 1 t seed pure. I en. or produce nausea and are purely p1 "Tomatoes, corp and beans mix less' vottetable. In large 8 oz. bottles at 50 " As a Family Medicine Dr. Canon's Stotnsah and Constipation Bitters are rapidly t..►king the place of pills, they W. S. Hart & Co. PROPItlkTOOHS Or' 1 H F: Goaerich Mills LATE PIPER'S.; Bet to return their [basks to tpe public for the liberal patroaate received daring the past year and to state they are prepared to do G-RI,STING its the shortest notice. or for the convenfeaoe of parties' Its log at a distance will t :change gouts at their town store Late W. M. HWiard's,) Maseaie block. East St. Ooder(ch. !'Highest prior paid for wheat.-*\ R. PROUDFOOT 11 a _test re. et%eda New and Well Assorted Stock FRESII GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Which he trill sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES 11 Fine Family Flour FEET. t\I. CURED MEATS 1 (lwayin --t..e{:. Goods Delivered t.r Any Part u1 do T..rit Oodertee. June lth. 1 ;1. erre-tt GODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS and SALT PANS manufac- tured on alsortcst'notice. All kinds of Repairing ezecuted under the personal supervision of the Pretstetora who LRa. Practical Workmen. P. O. Box 103. : 1787 1 BUILDERS. IINTAIL BRICK YARD. A q•untity of aetwi white brick on hand ind fur sale at reasonable rates. Tb.-its,crib.•t it now ranting on the brick �ak�n� business at the Eintail kilns. and will ties ail ceder; whoi h may he sent hen the mots prompt attention. The brick le of first- class quality. and tree terms are reasonable. .tddres- JOHN K. M.e;REGOR, 1 Iatiil. P O' re: ► ►47y,should septa but bekept rate by of int.. Ge oge Rhynas apectai agent for w+a•a+tAr• s ome rods when pure seed is required. Guderich. �' ' %►I.J zy:;iA thio q,_ the "Seeds of vines keep longer if not al- ' Nature after all, is the great Tohyat 1 Nen** ro-co. aril thsi _�. lowed to freeze; they will preserve their elan. She hides all the secrets of heialthI Cir• .- t'cz . vitality five er six tears, :if kept in a within her broad, generous b.te.•m, and er li:t:.tl.1e . t •h• ) 1a!!'lA:_ AND warm dry place. A closet near a chis- Ilan needs but to go to her intelligently, 1111 acv OV4LIITIZ Ct: ,kTIVE °n VI, 8' t neo is a good place, and since mice had for his every need. The disa.veryI: of : ee-.I . Las eJv ae.p.i:•.' ' t, t° tke great Couch Remedy, GHAT'S 5yH•L.• t a pd. 11AJ to conn t.nh' t.t a t, .... rats are very tend of such tidbits as or RED SPRUCE Gill, is an apt illustra- ! ,4001 •i.ro .a•c* 't tl.a STOMACM. melon seeds. it will be advisable to loot tem of this. As a cure fur Coughs, , u.vir. >J.EE"t. - '. tPALAULM. 13i27(n them up in a tin chest or other rat p -orf 'Colds, Loss of Voice and Hoarseness it '-I' �. me'It ; I know of nothing so pro- stands unrivalled, while• its low price and arrange readiness "f access places it within the„�p,t,t3rs.:N coking as to find some paper of choice reach of all. Try it and be convinced. , 6-.-c.-e•+-r -. • •- seed all shelled out by the mice just at a5 teed •1 Dv -?EPb a EI t3US rt: 8 C j All chemiRts keep it in 25 and 50 -.est l i totaneeets. kERVD.J3 Pf703TRA11051 r n•' planting tire, when itis often impxosaihle betties.-- ad ArQ3T salty a,. 2EPLESStlEia, .+ 1 to replace it, and when delay is always _ eui.nrot Professor Loomis' high iii o it,tf, vexatious andexpensi'e. Eressc'con.-- GRATEFUL ASnt'uWFOKTTSO. '•it 1.4 N::.Ar:r.;t A UNIVERSAL PANACEA Ry atthor..ugh knowledge of the nature/ TI1.t\ .%N TtIISJ IN )1LMtiNE S' %hen saving seeds of beets, cabbage, lav a w111.'It govern the operations of digestion @EWARE QF n t117.1 AND IM.TATt.^ti sal nu0•ition, and h a careful application of turnip, etc., those who are moat partiCu- ter floc pmpe'rtics of well- elected (ops. Mr. PADA. EACH GENUINE HOLMAN PAD 'ear• lar reject all but the seedgrown on the non's heal provided our hrukfsat u Cis. a the PRIVATE REVENUE STAMP of the 1101. dolieateiy flavoured les versge whish may sate MAN PAP COMPANY, being clic above Trailleading stem, Beet seed ii cleaned by ea many heavy doctors' hills. it is by the tudt- cicions use of such articles of diet that a con- )lark poi .tot in green, i DRUGGISTS threshing; sifting,. and picking over too.stltntion may begraduallybuilt upuntilstrong • FOR SALE BY ALL DRYWISTS enangh to eal.t every tendency to dtsraee. get out tho sticks; it varies much in size • hien. reds of .nhtle maladie. arefloating and should be separated b a sieve in I around nt ready to attack wherever there is a int► y weak print. N'e may serape many a fatal order to have it run evenly through the i shaft by keeping onrielves wen fe:NIA with pare blood and a pmper1j noerlshed tame.' seed drill, for it is'the moat troubles .tme --(frit -"JAe cairn.. --. ild ly In Pu keta D sow evenly. a 1Ahdled --"JAWS, Errs ef- Co"., omm,pathie inventor will discover a methal of ahel App 's Chocolate Assess tar eRerneOn use. 1761 of all acix(t x e e lv P chairs some l'hemlete. London. Ang."-Also makers of i ling out beet seeds, so that they could be done, one of the chief items of labor in raising beets world be greatly lighten ed, a saving of more than half the seed would be effected also; for the beet seed M now sown is a lied containing two to flee mods each, and is so rough and un even in shape as to give much trouble to cow -it evenly with a drill, in fact to in - sere a food stand, very heavy seeding and L-bortous thinning- Bre esseutiak- if the pod could be crushed and the seed shelled out, it. could then be drilled in as evenly ss any other seed. • When it is desirable to mit two sorts ,f corn, t omat..ett, beans, etc. , in order t. get a new sort combining the feel .lualitiea ..f bath, alternate rows of each kind are planted alongside, and the seed taken from either, will contain more or Icgw •.1 the character of both: it will not ire a true new variety, however, until it has been gr„wen by itself f••r s•.me years; at first it will sport more or less, and breed back to the . J 1 MAN k ..f one side or the other. it is t'otstha' ..ur best va• i -it -ties of new vsietablea are produced. "Seeds of all kinds keep best in a dry Pven tem1 * ratnre. When to ie kelt in large Iota they may be put in hers and hung from the ceiling of the reem, tit keel, them front the mica N••-' anted' w Or scut Ly mail, postps:d, on receipt of 12.50. FULL TREATISE .ENT FREE. HOLMAN PAD CO., '71 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. Coasu;talion Fre,. Suitable Monts for the recep- tion of lady ratienti The Great American Remedy for LIBERAL OFFERS C') !-Cede , COLDS, ASTIf1UA, FOR 1881.. B R 0) NCIII TI.' LOSS OF YOIt,EE, IIOARsENESR AND TIIRO:I T AFFECTIf)N•S. Twolears for the Price of One 1 sees /Z "": X f THE REPRINTS OF "l'ae Own wrethe .ste ri <�.. for aw.t 75.wie. .4eiyerte► b ow, ser ,�1 'w, n err r ali tM Owes” ♦ Fi.1” matt n -.rtt11,att taw•ht sea, owl swiftly a o TSB DRiTtt►Il QV 1RT1r1t Lf 'Era stedfral,. .e/im.oll,ar>/wra L,•er. 1111E 1 w '50 111110011 Or ltTi.Rr.\' rr••,n.err•twHerR 1111:iil OHM I Wale r. AVP wnaTHt raTIM (Lilrrrnl, REVIEWS, eJNb..n►GRAY'S tie ewer sr par., tr•, .sed ,tot a. ewttelo. j"�cell', ti• ( n ik0"wo b.r.,nle preprrflM err pre• s Lreed mIs 4,rr. e ,n,r- ,.Rv p r e - est n 'b SPRUCE e - arse centum, nw•ala. 'Parr term pan wtjf yt,/ t. •testae nJebp wml s mne, / i j�1 rtelrn from ear GU .•, ,te sows .h Iter rensarkabld ppo�sIirr in relierfin.g aerealn fcs'ns of Ryvin"hilia, and its Aminal p,Ir•i fi.' e}Feel in parting of. - e. ties.f fool. „11ar erreefa te.�..". SYRUP DisAkerood's E1anb^,.rgh Magszir e, bang fs Present the Nal Ire. i ,. r, rio.lienla in a con- 1 pose.. and *et nlrrtA eta• 1 poses. ,,s,.f venient forts pTsowI anerntknt. MP ,VIL Tet'sseetttwbsertption traeladla* re-tap.1 earl. r o w Blackwood or anynone ReRview .. al.: p.raa. �a /is'. kw.i.tA atrA three yteviews lie Any two Reviews 7 Oe Blsckwtwd kid the torsi Ret,etyc 1S.ee - Th•• w. ire stmt ball rM' wk.* charred by the English l'nMuhorw. ('ircalars erten the Contents of the Prrie.t- testc tar the year emit and man, other Turtle - Stara nay be had on application. , .rw.r Mac wood and any one eview. e.sa Raekw,.al and two Reviews. 11A1 RED ieeklea's Aralen nails. The hurt salve in the w. rid for cuts, illries, Steres, (Iloer... Salt Rheum, Fry r Sores, Totter, Chapped hands, Ch: ns, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions aid positively cures Piles. It is guar. ant. ed to give perfect ysatiafecti..R or .y refunded. Price 25 cents per hoz. For sale by ell drtiggiata THE KEY TO HEALTH. ae yter t/,rri n4A Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying eff gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions ; at the same time Cerreeting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili- ousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz- ziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy. Dim- ness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility ; all these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size EL For sale Ly all dealers. T. KILBl•RN .1 t 0., Proprietors. Toronto HOP. BITTERS. (A Medlel.e, set a Drink,) coXTArlts HOPE, nIICHII1 MANDRAKE, DANDELION. 1 N D Mt PURIST AND Ra5T HLDICAL QV ALI• TINS 07 ALL OTasa RtTrsaa. • TIIEY CL'1ZE All Diseases of the Stomach. Bowels. Blood. Ll, ser. Kidneys, sed Urinary°Tirana. Neo- ruugnaa,Slee lesane.sandespecWly Female Complaints. *1000 IN COLD. Wt11 hoped for a ease they will not care or help. or fur seething Impure or fnlerfoua found In them. Ask your druggist for Hop Blttersand try em before you sleep. Take no Other. D.1 C /s an absolute and Irresistible cure fo Lruuueueaa, use of optum, tobacco and uarcoilcs. SAND roe Cower to. All.°.••. ,old by dr.Frl.t.. Hap bill... )Ifo. C.., Ita-b«rr, Y. r., A Tonal*, oat. LOVELL'$ 0 Province of Ontario •Dire{,fo,ly b'OR 1t3s1-1Efr ..- TO lar; )'CHLIkIIED IN NOV}:3ifE', 15:1, }'rite It. LOVELI at the request of revoral M 31..rcbe• r,.:,,.,1 o0. ire of the Proviurt of Ontario of the lay of 'Ientreal. Re.. begs to announce that -1.. t.rn, will publish a PRO- VINCE 01•'o4'r.t1111* DIRECTORY, in No- vember r.t Xt. cOnfaa•.'t g an Alphabetical C: irector; AND A THOROUGH 01: ;t,p ed Busing"0 Pitt,Tiery APT= THE FIRE. JOHN `TORY The Tinsmith is still to the front. 1 have pleasure to state that despite the inc'nventeneo 1 was put to in my business by the recent Are in my premises. that 1 am now in full blast again, prepared to give the greatest bargains in l3oterieb 1,, STOVES, TINWARE, LAMP GOODS, and overt' ether line ID the busiucas. I would also return my thanks to the Etre Brigade and people of (loderich for the suc- cessful efforts in saving my property in my absence from home, at the late tire. John Story. of the IIusittere and Prof'ssitt.t:1 re r in i'.ic Cities. Towns, and Villager , tr::., i. Classified Business i•' --r. ctr 01•' THE CiTY OF MONTREAL. The same care and :Vie/W..11 11 bx•rtowcd on the 1hmiinion and Pnovineini Darr, tures of Lin will be given to tine work. Subs.-rilsers tweet- tespeetfully coli. tt l 'ct111.4. of _\d- vert.ti, is made known up. i n pllcntlon. JOHN 1OVELL & SON Montreal DPP. Mil. l vb i,. , r 1:09 AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. STRACIIA31' HAS REMO%-ED H1$ C+ROCERY BUSINESS To tho old stand in the Albion Block. formerly occupied by him, where he will be pleased to welcome all his old customers and the public generally. A large quantity of NEW, FRESH GROCERIES A. CHEAP AS Till:' (.'HEA PEST. D. C. STRACIL . I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK MR. D. FERGUSON —.ser A — VERY GREAT DISCOUNT' Nearly all of said Stock, as well as my own original `t, .4., w':r bought before the Atte rause' of Hardware. I am therefore in a poaittnn to aclld'1:rtrit••r Cout any other Nouse la Ilse l'oantq. MY STUCK OF Farmers', lll1efS, & BllO[1 llhi'r (jam Iw epees, PB. MZLJ]A8. l seitseste hacking ,oughot, i,t now. mei/ New subscriber, �►ave the numbers for I ,p„ to t/, prohne al iar&I tope and lRfi at Elie dtic! of one ,car's sw► rArattRs }sew sesames mtit. To ant setecrittee. new or std. we win fir• ntah the periodical* for iris at half print•. All orders to re sent tithe pnMiratIon nRlce. To serer-• Premiums apply M^sell, The Leonard Scott Pablislsinl Oo., is Da•0%5C 4T.. et.w taus 1 ./a ries a 1 r . re awl Ors a N.M. N.M, X1:dam- onnoOI 11104, wrapper sinanory7yq54 liiERR Y. W-1 TRI) ti a CO., w t4spa. • e.ayrsrwsal ater�.va.fae o • maroanlaselleelle ror sale ny JA}tLe \\ILtON, Chemist and a i '.. •, ts. EXTRACT WILD 3TRAWBERK Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dy - wintery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick - nese and Summer Complaint; also Cholera lnfantum, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE RR ALL ORUCCMTB. T. MILBURN & 00., Proprietors, T oronto. .-.........,..s...,.. ..444.444..44414444.44441.41.4, .a,srsa,,a,a.rNl.saswn...-.:.«artwtaxr.'etn• -•• -- IS COMPLETE which I want to run off quick!) . COME AND BUY AT 5408 PRICES AS WILL PLEdi.CE Fresh" Ground Water Time in .Stook. AGENT FOR BEST STEEL Ba ICI; PENCE WIRE. R. MCK NZIL-+' 1751-1m. II'UtRON CARRIAGE WORE$. T. & J. STORY, 1St'CCESSORS TO JOHN KNOXI. MANUFACTURERS " (i. s Fir. am q 1 1111111 pc, 'i vei.;01. -Z�r. • -tr Buns SLC_ ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neetnt•ss :inii Despatch, and at ,lease enable Rates. ('all and examine before purchasing et etch. r. . T_ of J_ STORY, (KNOX'S OLD STND. lt:\MILTO STREF.'s GRAND CLEIMIG S. LE ---1) F- - ' Boots_ and_ S'hoos, CAMPBELL'S MINI ;rid S[10] EMP0111111, FOR ONE o-ionTx. Prevjoue to tock taking. My Stock j:; Large and v./en-asserted, ane. G BEAT BARGAINe will be giver WM. CAMPBELL. ice, Jan. 13, 1881 Daniel Gordon. Nitlitt e 104.4 Ifo•«• in t1, so-5i.,,,aapt lw i fines Xh.is 1t is side ..f lomeiers 1 1'A R1A•R Serri t. BP.It Et -1 Lot' ytaa,+;gest . , tore - (full Sayers will toad It to their advantage M see sty week tt they need a gn.wi artlrtr to, croft twit* t) GORDON. !rest *red. stat res! Heli• '-• d. ,cA