The Brussels Post, 1971-10-14, Page 6MURRAY GAUNT WILL SPEAK ON CKNX RADIO FRI., OCT. 15 — 7:55 a.m. SAT., OCT. 16 — 9:55 a.m. MON., -OCT. 18 — 7:55 a.m. Campaign Headquarters: WINGIIAM — 357.2801 KINCARDINE — 396.7980 VOTE FOR THE MAN WHO WORKS FOR YOU Murray GAUNT X Sponsored by the Huron-Bruce Liberal Association • •64-•• « 4,3.7444'4.7 .7,s. • •,• ".•777•77"7"r WIZ BIttt$811)iW POST. CiltrAltic) iraurtspAt . • BOYCE IS BEST FOR 6 BILL DAVIS STANDS FOR RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT LOU BOYCE STANDS FOR BILL DAVIS ELECT Lou BOYCE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ON OCT'OB'ER 21 Sponsored by The Huron-Bruce Progressive Conservative Association HOLMES & MacLEAN HOME IMPROVEMENT SALES. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO — ALUMINUM SIDING A SPECIALTY — Call for Free Estimates: 527-0032 or 527.0421 RUSSELL HOLMES NORMAN MacLEAN ti ow that the nth rsgeqing kl,isyt rr at r staying t? One thing you want for sure this winter is lots of hot. water. A Texaco oil fired water heater will heat water faster than gas, and considerably faster than electricity. And for only pennies a day. Get a new Texaco water heater, now. HOME COMFORT MERLE FREEMAN PHONE 887.6528 BRUSSELS, ONT. MELVILLE 'LADIES' AID The regular Meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held at the home OE Mrs,. Wm. King on Monday, i,..:crueon, October 4 with 17 Ind- , prenent. Meeting opened with hymn followed by meditation unison. Secretroy"s. .and treas.. Icip.oits were read and adopted. Roll. call was answered lovely poems op- Th a nks- g ving. .1,2,A,sie Moses gave current events. nosiness was disccussed and offering taken. Plans were made for the ..Novoniber meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Allen Smith, Meeting closed with the 1111'4)01 Benediction after which a short program ,and a del- icious lunch was enjoyed by all. WALTON (Intehded for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Ray Iloether, Steven and John, Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Webster of Varna and Mr, and Mrs. jack :Holmes and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wester, Clinton, prior to their departure to the British Isles for a holiday. Miss Nellie Baan begins her new duties as dietition at Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don McDonald visited Heather McDonald who is a patient • at Victoria Hospital, London. Martin Baan has returned home from Stratford Hospital following surgery of his ear last week. Miscellaneous Shower Title Walton Church basement was. prettily decorated with autumn toned mums, streamers and •bal- .. loons for the shoWer in honor of Miss Shirley Williamson. „bride- elect of this month.•Everyone up- on. entering painted their names on a luncheon cloth made by Mrs. E. Mitchell which wa.s given to Shirley. Corsages were presented to the guests of honor prior to the program. Miss Christine Lee welcomed everyone who came to • make this a special evening for Shirley. Mrs .Harold Smalldon entertained with several selec- tion s on the harmonica. A read, -ing followed by Mrs. John Bos en- titled "Husbands". Miss June WilliamSon favoured with a piano solo. A contest pertaining to the bride to he •was conducted by. Mrs. Harvey Craig. Miss Christ- ine Lee then asked Shirley, her mother. Mrs. Roy Williamson, the groom's mother Mrs. Laverty. and the groom's grandmother, Mrs. Kennedy, to take their ;Agnes at the front preceding the address of Good Wishes after which the gifts were presented by June Williamson, Judy Thamer, Shirley Johnston and Marion McCallum, During the opening, of the pre- sents a _carry cloth apron was coinpleteely embossed with the colorful bows for Shirley to wear, Shirley expressed her thhnks to all for the lovely gifts and to those who helped make it such a memorable evening. Lunch was served by the ladies of the 17th and Boundary ITnit of the U.C.W. Bridal Shower A bridal shower was held for Miss Shirley Williamson. at the •home of her aunt Mrs. Helen Wil- liamson, on. Saturday. Sept. 18th. Corsages were pinned on. Shirley, Mrs. It Williamson Mrs. Laverty arid Mrs. Kennedy. Entertainment by Mrs. Ken Williamson, Mrs. Ron Williamson and Miss .Tune Williamson who playe,d the piano. Eileen Williamson read an ad- dress and gifts were presented on behalf of the cousins of the bride- elect. •Shirley thanked all those present. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, MORRIS TOWNSi-iiP COUNCIL MEETING Morris Council met in regular session on October 4th With all members present and Reeve Wm. Elston presiding. Miuutes of the last meeting were read and approved on Motion of Thos. Miller and and Robt. GTasby, The following motions were carried, Moved by Jas Mair seconded by Ross Smith that the Council of Morris Township endorse the County of Huron Official Plan as presented to Huron. County on Thursday, September 233 1971 for submission to the Minister of Municipal Affair:. Moved by Thos. Miller second, ed by Jos. Moir that ny-law 14 1971 be finally passed as given third reading and Clerk register copy in registry office as required by Tile Drainage Act, 1971. Move:: by Ross Smith seconded by Rol-- Critsb3,- that application for a tile drain loan for $900. be accepted. Six tenders receWed for snow plowing. Moved by .Tas. Mair seconded by Thos. Miller that tenders for snow plowing for 1871-72 of Ceorge Radford Construction Limited with a D-000 Grader at $13.00 per hour and $10.00 per day standby time and Lloyd Jacklin with tritek at. $9.00 per hour and $0.00 per day standby time be accepted subject to the. approval of the District. Munici- pal Engineer, Moved by Jas. Muir secniulnd by ttobt. Granby that rood super- intendent and treasurer .subm it the necessary petitiOn to the De- part:1)0A of Transportation nod Communication for payment of interim Road subsidy. Meeting adjourned' to meet • again November 1, 1971 at 1 DAIL Accounts paid: Roads $ 2,647.82 General 25,S15.33 $28,463.15 Wm. J. Elston, -- Reeve meien D. Martin, Clerk AVON CALLING Only two territories available.- In this area. • CHRISTMAS BEGINS NOW of Avon representatives. You'll sell fine prOducts from the world's largest cosmetic company. Write or call to-night while areas still available. in Howick or GreY,•• Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London 32, 451.0541 BERG Installation Sales Service FREE ESTIMATES ) ll: Bern Gleaners 3 Bonk Feeders Stabling DONMI) C. IVES R. R. 2, Rlyth Phone Brussels 81174024 LET GAUNT DO IT A LIBERAL GOVERNMENT Organize Gov't Departments. Will Assume 80% of Ed- ucation Costs to Re- lieve Farmers and Pro- perty Owners of This Crushing Tax Burden. Will Return Provincial Assessment Back to County Control. Will Create Jobs Thro. Tax Reform to Stimu- late Economic Growth.