HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-09-30, Page 7Speoial
Best Quilt lig. em.: Shirley
'Wheeler, Mrs. ,lauklin. Table
cloth, liq, em. for Christmas:
Helen Adams, Mrs G. Campbell,
Simpson of London voucher for
most points in section M
Mrs, Heimpel.
,Brownies will start at a quarter
to four, October 4th in Brussels
school. Guides at 7:30 p.m., Octob-
er 5th, at the Library. All girls
interested are 'invited *to attend.
Looking for bargains? Consult
the ads in the Brussels post.
At the Legion Hall, Thursday
evening Optober 28th at 8 p.m.
when Ida Burns (net the food) and
Associates from. Port Credit dem-
StrateS DQ1 Mpnte and Aylmek
During the evening the aud-
ience will be given the opportune
ity to sample many special and
varied dishes.
Prizes will, be drawn during the
evening and everyone is welcome.
'Pickets at $1.00 each are avail.
able from members of the. Rebe-
kah Lodge.
doessimassmolls0mMlearIl laillA
If sot Please fill in the following and return it to
Huron County Federation of Agriculture,
Box 310, Clinton
NAME, ,PlInt.11f 1.01MtiatI,1.4.1,A110.
Some 1971 models eft
To make room for
Ski-Doo 72 we're selling off last
year's 71 models at low, low prices.
There are still some lightweight Elan*
models, sporty Olympiques, a few zappy T'NT*
trailbusters. And, the luxury-laden Nordic* models.
Depending on the model you choose you can save up to $300.
But, no matter which you buy you'll get free pre-delivery servicing
and a full warranty from Ski-Doo. Ask about the easy payment plans.
There are only a limited number of 71 Ski-Doo snowmobiles. left, Now is your chance to get the
snowmobile you 'ye always wanted...Ski-Doo. The unbeatable Ski-Doo at unbeatable prices.
Act fast. See your
dealer today!
P0Ii7ye ONTARIO. , nth, 197i
Washable Cushion, not plastic;
Janet Veiteh, Mrs. A. McIntyre.
Cushion Satin or Silk; Mrs. Ed
Martin, Mrs. C. Johnston, Cushion
Crewel embroidery: Mrs. Heimpel
le, Mrs, McIntyre. Fancy Pin
Cushion: Mrs, McIntyre, Shirley
Wheeler. Chesterfield. Set: Helen
Adorns, Mrs. , Heimpel, Card
Table Myer: Shirley Wheeler,
Mrs. 'Geo. Campbell, Croehet
Centre piece over 12": Mrs. C.
Johnston, Mrs, E. Cudmore, Lun-
cheon Cloth: .Mrs. C. Johnston,,
Mrs. Heimpel. Table Cover; Mrs,
Heimpel, Helen Adams. Buffet
Set embroidered; Mrs. Heimpel,
Mrs. Ross Nicholson. Buffet Set
crocheted: Mrs. C. Johnston, Mrs.
lieimpel. Japanese Emb.: Mrs.
Heimpel. Set 4 place mats: Shirl-
ey Wheeler, Mrs. Heimpel: 3
doilies; Mrs. 1-leimpel. Cheery
breakfast cloth: Mrs, C. John-
ston, Mrs. R. McMichael. 3 pot
holders different: Mrs. C. ,Tohn-
sten, Mrs. N. McLarty. Tea. Tow,
els: Mrs. C. Johnston, Mrs. S.
Wheeler. 3 or more shower gifts:
Mrs. G. Campbell, Mrs. A Mc-
Intyre, Cobbler Apron: Mrs. P.
Workman, Mrs. Ed. Martin: Half
apron, smocked on gingham: Mrs.
W. Heimpel, Mrs. Al. Parish.
Mother & (laughter apron : Mrs.
F. Workman, Mrs. .0'. Campbell.
Child's Cotton dress: Mrs. Heim-
ple, Helen Adams. (Mrls short
pop top: Helen Adams, Mrs.
Heimpel, . Lady's Duster: Mrs.
McLaity. Lady's 'Wool skirt:
Helen Adams. Best article from
Terry: Mrs. McIntyre, Mrs, Heim-
pel. Men's pyjamas. Mrs. Heim
pel. Child"s pyjamas: Mrs. G.
Campbell, Mrs. Heimpel. Men's
barbecue apron: Mrs. 0. ,Johnson,
Mrs. Heimpel. Men's Sport shirt:
Mrs. Wes Heimpel. Lady's dress
or shift: Mrs. Xen Johnston ; He],
en Adams. Child's knit sweater:
Helen Adams. • Shirley Wheeler.
Infant's Set; H. Adams, Mrs. R.
McMichael. Hat knit or crochet:
Mrs. McLarty, S. Wheeler. Lady's
knit gloves: Mrs. Heimpel, Mrs,
Campbell. Child's fancy socks:
Mrs. C. Johnston, Mrs. Heimpel,
Men's fancy socks: Mrs. 01, Camp-
bell, Mrs. Heimpel. Winter Head
'Gear: Joyce Brodbagen. Mrs,
Heimpel. Bedroom slippers: J.
Brodhagen. Mrs. Heimpel. Cush-
ion liquid embroidery: Mrs. Heim-
061, Mrs. C. Johnston. Place mats
liquid embroidery.: H. Adams;
Luncheon cloth liquid eni! S.
Wheeler, Mrs. K, Johnston,
Tea Towels liquid em.: Mrs.
Heimpel, Mrs. K. Johnston, Pil-
low cases liq. em.: J. Brodhagen,
Mrs. Heimpel. Pillow cases cross
stitch: Mrs. Harry Bolger, Mrs:
C. Johnson, Mrs. :‘,1 cM ich a el.
Pillow cases em.: Mrs. C. John-
ston, S. Wheeler, Mrs. G. Camp-
hell. Pillow cases crochet: Mrs.
McMichael, S. Wheeler Mrs.. C.
Johnston. Pillow cases knit. lace:
Mrs. I-Tarry Bolger, Mrs. (3, Caine-
bell, Mrs. Heimpel. Colored pil-
low cases: Mrs. R. NieholSbn,
Mrs. Heimpel, Mrs. C. Johnston.
Guest towels: Mrs, Heimpel, Mrs,
McMichael, Mrs. Harry Beige'',
t different quilt patterns; Mrs.
Stonehouse, Mrs. H. Bolger, Mrs.
Heimpel. Hooked, 'Mtn' mat: WA,
Heimpel. Floor mat braided:
Mrs, Heimpel, Mrs, H, Bolger;
Mrt. G. Campbell. Floor rug old
material: Mrs. G. Campbell; J.
Brodhagen, Mrs. Stonehouse. Flo-
Or new wool hooked: Mrs.
Heimpel, Mrs. Rassman, Mrs. Ed
Martin. Quilt fancy quilting: Mrs.
McMiChael, Mrs, G. Campbell,
Quilt appliqued: MrS. Ed Martin,
Mrs. McMichael, Mrs. Campbell.
Quilt patchwork: Mrs, Campbell,
Quilt machine quilted: Mrs. Heim-
pel. Quilt novelty: Mrs. Heimpel.
Quilt alb:, Mrs, R. Nicholson,
Mrs, Heimpel, Mrs.'.G. Campbell.
guilt, crib; Mrs. R. NocholSon,