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$3,00 A Year in Advance — $4.00 to. U.S.A. — Single Copy 10e THE BRUSSELS POST, TH:URSDAY, SEPT. 23rd, 197/ POST PUBLISHING HOUS.
Meet Your Friends At Brussels Fair VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS
The regular meeting of the
Village Council was held in the
Municipal Office on September
13th, 1971, all members being
The follOwiag motions were
Moved by R. W. Kennedy, sec-
onded by T. C, Campbell that the
minutes of the meeting of August
9, 1971 be adopted as read.
Moved by H..1. TenBas, second-
ed by J. A. McTaggart that the
week of October 3rd to Oct. 9th,
1971 be proclaimed Fire Preven-
tion Week.
Moved by I. G. Campbell, sec-
onded , by J. A. leIcTaggart that
Harold Hergott, Elmer Somers, .1.
H. Stretton, Clarence Pegelow,
J. M, McDonald and C. L. Work-
man be granted building permits
as per applications, subject to the
approval of the Huron County
Health Board.
The Building permit 01 Orval
Bauer was rejected on the
grounds that Commercial. Build-
ing should not be permitted in a
Residential area. •• . . .
Moved by J, A; .3YreTaSgart; sec-
onded by It WgKenned.y that the
accounts as, approved be paid. ••
DtiVid Logan. garbage • •6.00
Greg 1-Tuether, garbage '6.00
Lawrence 'Machan, ! garbage 6.00
P.U.C.light and power 233.77
Burton Prior, painting 190.00
Hank EXel, labour'. 344,05
Geo. Cousins, labour 86.66
Lawrence. Mach an, garbage 6.00
David:. 'Logan, garbage 6.00
Greg Huether, garbage 6.00
Greg..,Huether. garbage 6.00
David. Logan, garbage ., 6.00
Lawrence Machan, garbage 6.00
Hank Excl.,. labour - 125.72
David Logan, garbage 6.00
Greg Hu eth er, garbage 6.00
Lawrence Machan, garbage 6.00
Greg Huether, garbage 6.00
David Logan, garbage 6.00
Lawrence Machete garbage 6.00
Prey. Treasurer, insulin. 2.92
Ross Brighton, en s 6.03
Cordon Workman, wash-
room repairs 21.211
Bridge Motors, gas 4.06
Oldfield Hdwe., supplies 46.32
}Topa e Home Rd we.,
supplies 18.20
Glenn MeKercher, gravel 42.00
J. C. McNeil. gas 20.08
Jas. Hort, cutting trees 174.00
McCutcheon Motors, gas
ere! rennin; 70.57
P.T.T.C.. light and power ., , 230.12
M. Ale:Donald, Faipplies 2.57
Mrs. Joan Exel, cleaning 5,20
'Centennial Committee, don-
ation to Centennial 500.00
Receiver General of
• Canada, U.T.S. .19.6(1
Receiver' General of
Conde., C.P. and Tax
deduction§ 159,10
'Maitland Teleservices;
rates and tolls 42.90
pension 74.20
Village of Brussels, fill
till for Callander 75.00
Malcolm Jacobs, tarp 121.75
A delegation from the Ceaten-
»fel Committee was present to
outline some of the proposed
Celebrations for the 1972 Centen-
nial Year:
Moved by I, G. Campbell, sec-
onded by H. .T. TenPas that a
titillation of 82500.00 he granted to
the Centennial Committee for the
year 1971 for preparation Per the
1972 CententiN Celebrations..
A tonaplaint was heard regard.,
leg the 8/measly() Woe from ears
drIvtup,, itp and dawn the street
PralealifiR tires Ill t)16 night,
Movgd by S, A, MorrAtigail, tolm
'001164 by It OpTirbeit tb6
Reeve J. L. McCutcheon ha$
brought to the attention, of the
Post that people should beware
of strangers who offer to do work
for them. There have been some
of these "fly-by-night" labourers
operating in 'Brussels.. They have
been imposing on some of our
older residents, doing jobs and
charging exorbitant prices. People
should get an estimate on any job
they want done and before sign-
ing any contract, or hiring one of
these people they should check to
be sure they are not being over-
charged. Such persons require a
permit issued by the Village
Bridal Shower
Fall floWers; streatners and
umbrellas of baloons formed the
bridal setting jn the Walton Unit,
ed. Church ham:tient for the inieL!
cellaneoes shower held in honor
of the bride-elect of this month,
Miss Beverly McCall. Upon ar-
rival rose corsage$ were pinned
On, the guests of honor. Each one
that attended signed. their name
on a luncheon cloth made by
M.'s, E. Mitchell. and decorated
with Cameo Paints. Mrs. Emerson
Mitchell opened the evenings pro-
geatti, welcoming everyone. Dena,
and Debbie Wey sang a duet ac-
conipanied with their guitar. Miss
Karen Young, RR'1:, Blyth, played
a piano solo, and ,Mrs., .:Tack
Bryans, Brussels, contributed her
musical talent at the piano. Miss
Emma Shortreed conducted a tree
contest. Mrs. Ray Huether intro-
duced. Mrs. Harvey Brown, Blyth,
a former organist at Walton, who
played a piano medley, followed
by an instrumental and duet
(continued on inside -page)
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pearson. of.
Brussels are pleased to announce
the forthcOming marriage of their
eldest daughter, Nancy Louise, to
Mr. Murray E. Procter, London,
son of Mrs. Dorothy Procter, R.
R. 4, Brussels, and the late Mr.,
Wilbert Procter, ;The wedding
will take place on Saturday,
October 16th, 1971 at 3 p.m. in
Brussels United Church.
September 20th
Ladies High Single
Ruth Huether 253
Marg Smith 251
Marlene Rutledge.' 248
Ladies High Triele
Marlene. Rtitledge 707
Ma.rg Sinith 587
Ruth Hu eth 580
Mens High Single
Cord Matheson 308
Jack Higgins 220
(prey Huether 214
Mens High Triple
Gard Matheson 836
Jock. Trigetes 1324
Gree, Thier'ee 610
meeting ad' Neel to Meet again
October 4. 1971 at the call of
the Reeve.
J. L, McOutchcort H, King
Clerk rt,e0Ve
1111-40 two Ihir tit* t bY
The members of the Rebehah
Lodge began their fall term with
p •pot luck supper, Tuesday even-
ing, September :1.4.
During the meeting which
followed, the sisters outlined a
busy season. The installation of
new officers will be held at the
first meeting in October. Ida
Burns and Associates will provide
a food demonstration in the
Legion Hall, October 28.
A Variey Fair is- scheduled for
Nov ember 6th. The Rebeltebs .
have appreciated the support from .
the public in the past and ask for
your continued co-operation as !.
the new term commences.
Grey Township Council meeting
was held on September 7th, 1971
Resolutions passed as follows;
That the minutes of the last
regular meeting and special
meeting of August 9th be- adopted
as rend.
That we have the. planning
Director check iota on Clark
Street and advise if street should
be sold.
That Brussels Agricultural
2,(. Society. be given, a 'grant of .
Th P t stip pie entary Beet. aie
No, 29 of 1971 in the amount. of
$10.000, for extra winter control
and slimmer maintenance be pas-
sed and submitted to the Deport-
ment of Transportation and Com-
munications for approval.
That the Road Superintendent,
contact a. Department of Trans-
Portation and Communiontians
official to Erialll the the .Breeken-
ridge 'Bridge and advise whether
or not load limit signs should be
That the Rood Superintendent
be authorized to instruct Solicitor
Alan R. Mill to proceed with the
purchase of property of Richard.
Jacklin and W. Nixon for widen-
ing of sideroad at .Tacklin Bridge,
also to proceed with the purchase
of property of Welland Kreuter
at the Kreuter Bridge.
That four applications for locus'
under The Tile 'Drainage Act be,
That the report of B, H. T -eler;
sta.dt. 0.TeS., of the South Beau-
champ Drainage Works "T.3" Drain
Minor Change, dated ,Tune 18th,
1970, be provisionally adopted.
That Court of Revision on the
South Bea ucha m p Drainage Works
be closed.
That Roy Williamson be an -
pointed Commissioner on the.
Bolton Municipal Drain.
That all approved accounts be
That meeting ho adjourned 10
meet again on. October 4th or at
the call of the Reeve,
Accounts paid:
General 813.736.80
Reeds & Bridges $13,762,96
Charles 'T'hoiiias
Clerk Edythe M, Cardiff
Talio ?oily rnoc. PRY Yoll'
The first fall meeting of the St.
Ambrose Altar Society was held
in the church basement Septemb-
er 8th, after evening Mass.
Several items of business were
discussed, and the ladies agreed
to hostess a Tupperware party
an the evening of September 22nd,
Mrs, '.!Kellly presented Mrs.
Nelerean s with a. gift in recog-
nition, of her help hi the Altar
Society as 'she goes to her new.
home in Galt,
A. contest was conducted by
the president, Mrs. Gerald Ryan,
After .a dainty lunch served by
Mrs, Sterner and Mrs. Kerne-
elan the meeting adjourned..
GRAIN CORN. — 1971
.Tohn Wheeler S8
Robt. Grasby 87
Stewart Procter
Ross Higgins 85
Taek Knight ...... „ .. ... $41/2
Dave Thomas 84
Doug Fraser 83%
Ceahtim Work 83
Murray Cardiff 82%
Clayon, Fraser 82
Jack Cardiff • 80
George Procter 79
Jan van Wet 77
Charles Bray 76%
Den Martin 76
John van Vliet 75
Judge ---- C. Wilfred Grant
A. Edwin Martin, Sec.-Treas.,
Brussels Agriculture. Society
Robert Grasby
.Tack Cardiff
John Wheeler
Clifford 'Bray
Charles Higgins
Jim Knight
Doug Ma.chan
Dave Wheeler
.Toe Black
Leslie Knight
Wm. Coultes
Laurie Black
Glenn Coultes
Wallace Black
Stan Hopper
Clarence Yuill
Graham Work
Tom Willia.mson
John Boneschansker
Harvey Craig
Graeme Craig
Roy Williamson
Gerald Smith
Bruce McDonald
Judge — C. Wilfred Grant
A. Edwin Martin Sec-Treas.,
Brussels Agriculture Society
ALCOCK. — To Mr. and Mrs,
Ross Alcoa. Sunday, Septemb-
er 12th, a son, Brian Kenneth.
MeNTE-IL — Susan and Don McNeil
of Listowel are happy to
announce the birth of a daughter
Michelle Dione„ on SepteMber
10th, 1971, in Listowel Metter-
lel Hospital, A. woe sister ter
Otnd Sun,
)01 t,ilii111 '11710.,
Congratulations ore in order for
the Jamestown Intermediate Soft,
ball Team. Sunday night they won
the Tri-County Intermediate Soft,
ball Championship, This makee
it two years in a. row. The •ecore,
of the final game was Jamestown
4, Brussels 3.
Veil Cowing was the winning
pe4 cher tanning 1.5 batters. Doug
Elliott pitched a 'three hitter in a
losing cause. Ken McDonald hit
a home run for Jamestown and.
Doug Elliott had one for Brussels.
It was the best series. of ball
played- here for quite a while, with
the fans on the edge of their
seats throughent the four of seven .
In game 6 the score was James-
town 6 Brussels 5 with Neil .Cow,
ing facing Murray McDonald. In
that game Ken Cowing. 'and Bob
Elliott hit homers:
Game 5 saw Brussels, go ahead
3 to 2 in the series last Thursday
as Murray' McDonald won his
second pitching duel with Neil.
'cowing,. Ralph:- Watson' was the
man with the bat that night hitting
three triples and driving in the
Winning ran in the ninth inning..
Game 1
JamestOwn 7 • • • Brussels 9
Game. 2 •
•. Jamestown 13 Brussels
Game 3
Brussels 11 Jamestown. 5
Game 4
Brussels . 10 • ,Tamettown 6
For Jamestown
'Brian 'Adams, Elgin Adams,
'Pale Breckenridge, Max Demaray,
Po ye Cowing, Ken !Cowing, Neil
Cowing, Keith Johnston, Terry
Johnston, Lloyd Peacock, Ross
Peacock, John Turvey, Gerald
Wheeler, Jim 'Wheeler.
For Brussels
Bob Elliott, Doug Elliott, Chris
Exel. Brian Huether, Murray
Kellington, Don Laurie, Murray
Lowe, Cord Machete Ted Mac-
Lean, Murray McDonald, Barry
Peters, Ken Ritchie, Frank Stret,
ton, Ralph Watson.
Carl. Graber is a patient in
K-W Hospital, Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Habermehl of
Hespler were visitors with Mrs.
G. Chidlow, one day this Week.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Herman °eyries -Were Mr,
cud Airs. Pete Devries, Sheena,
Sherry, and Sheila, Woodstock;
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Overhelt,
Michael, Karen, end Beeetly.
Londesboro: Miss Shirley De-
vries„ Dennis Hutchinson, Miss
Ruth T3ownr .John 30inston;
Ron Johnston. Les Chittle, Weed-
stock. Airs. Alice Triebner of
Guelph,. Aynn Workinan, Owen
.Mrs. Ray Bronson was in town
visiting friend s last Saturday.
Since leaving Brussels, Marni
has graduated and passed her reg-
istration exam s and begins her
duties as an R.N. in St. Mary's
Hospital, Kitchener in Male Siir-
gery on Aug. 30. Ray who had been.
employed here eat the Tele:ph-One
Office is working in, much the
same capacity, bookkeeping; and
is the Assistant Office Manager of
Spae-Naar Products (1968) Ltd
and is happy in his new position'.
He was also made Drum CorpOral
of Kitchener Pipe Band last
Thursday evening, Betty reports
fill is wolf and would like to ]dove
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