HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-09-23, Page 3• ..u..�,.�......1001111.1111•0011.111114111111111111111111.— v THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 23, 1581. CAMP MEETING. l which followed The tint Service on Wednesday w4.ruiug was • 6 o'cbelt Tie 1llethedbw lasaglaa eat attar Nene.. prayer weenie, followed by another at YIlle —geed Areeasomegailea Large Audiences. 10 o'clock. In the afternouu, Bev. Mr. 9 Amid the regular preaching service at ( ri NEW STURTm , Keefer, of Winghatu, delivered an able hoot the Clinton New Era. � and appropriate disc June. Rev. W. On Thursday last a Union Camp Meet. Birks, of Blyth, preached at the evening ing for all the circuits in the Gox4erieh service. Distriol, was commenced ou the farm of Mr. J. H. Elford, at Hultuesville. The Q113tOB. spot was well chosen, fur it is one equal- ly suited for its attractions and aoeom- Mr. E. Finch, of this place, has a laudation. The rave is tolerably clear graes pe vine that hun it ripe grapes, of underbush, and has been well cleared Young grapes and several hunches of ' The tents enclose • place which seems to loom; also a grape vine that was out have been as an auditori um by nature. The down within a foot of the ground, hay - tents number ever twenty, arta look as iug been winter killed, which has shot if, Phoenix -like a village had arisen in forth from the stump, and now covers a the woods. A good preachers s tent, space of 16 feet by 12. one branch being preaching stand and choir gallery, have 21 feet long, with several bunches of been combined in one, and there are be- bloom on it, all from the summer s sides the ordinary single and double growth. tents, a large and well oonducted board- Mr. Enus Hull, of this place, who was ing house tent awl prayer meeting tent. visiting his brother in Michigan, on the In the evening the eueampinent has a } 3rd inst. , was an unwilling witness of weird and fairy like apperrunce. Be- the fire raging in the woods there, (and sides the lights hung outside the tent which hu since worked such terrible doors, four larve fire stands have been destruction.) His brother's property erected, upon which pyramidal fin being in danger of destruction, they colunts blaze out their light and make worked day and night, and by terrible the place quite comfortable for the even- work succeeded in saving the property, ing services. Seating accommodation at the risk of their lives. Going with was made for the largest audiences, and ..then to a neighbor's to render amist- and in the committee acted wisely. We once, they found the wife lying dead on We have heardnoone complain of the ar- the road, and when placing her in a box ranyyements made, and we dilute, anyone for burial, it was necessary to break her °Auld, for all concerned exerted them- arms and legs to get them in. so fearful - selves to the utmost to make the meet- ly were they twisted by the fire. ing a grand euooess. One very noticea- ble thing was the huspitelity displayed by tent holders to casual visitors and the hearty welcome all received who went on the grounds. "What's the good of all thiafue," said s supercilious sojourner, one day last week, to a prominent camp mutinger, "where du you get your bible suthorty for this kind of going 00 1" "Is there nothing like this mentioned in the bible r' quietly asked the ques- tioned one. "No,". was the reply, "I have red it through and never found anything like this in it." "You had better read it again," said the camp meeting friend, "and towards the close of the 23rd chap. of Leviticus, you will find soiree directions given by Public Schools technical grammar will be God to the Isrealites to build and dwell abolished from all thegrades in booths for siren days and "to rejoice up to rho Wore the Lord their God." fourth reader, and elementary lessons in The reference then le, of course, to English for home and school ase will be the feast appointed by God to be held on the 15th day of the seven month— from a Sabbath to • Sabbath—whim the harvest had been gathered, in commem- oration of Israel laving dwelt in booths when brought up out of the land of Egypt. The fruit tinder was not dis- posed to argue the matter any further and left abruptly. The services commenced on Thursday last, the first sermon being preached by Rev. W. McDonagh, of Clinton, being followed by Rev. Mr. Birks, of Blyth, in evening. After an early prayer meeting on Friday morning, Rev. Mr. Smith, of Manchester, preached an excellent dis- course, Rev. Messrs. Hamilton and Tes- kep preached respectively in the after- noon and evening. Saturday was taken up with discourses from Rev. Moura Cook, Bayfield; Harris, Brussels; and Livingstone, Bayfield. At all these ser- viose the congregations were very fair, and there were indicatiot_s of good being done. Sunday, however, was looked forward to as the great day of the meet- ing, and such it proved to be. A prayer meeting was held at nine o'clock, led by Rev. Mr. Hamilton At 10 o'clock the first regular preaching service was held. neaday, and Thursday, October lith and A number of ministers too.!: part in the 6th. Eaat Riding, at Brussels, on Thursday ing exercises, and the Rev. Mr.y oFarris, of Brui,_.s, preached from the and Friday, October 6th and 7th. words:— Ashfield and \Vawanosh Branch, at "The next day John t eeth.Jesus com- ing unto him and saith 'Behold the lamb her. of God, which taketh away the sin of - - - the world' ". —John 1, ALLAN LIN E The congregation, fully 2,000, listen- ed attentively to a thoughtful sermon on I of this text, occupying over an hour in , ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS deliverv. After dinner, during which large crowds continued to arrive, Rev. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRYGLAS Mr. McDonagh took the stand. and af- ! OOtt ter reading and commenting very point- IntermediateSHORTEST riEA ROUTE... edly on the last chapter of Revelations, i ('ab[n. Intermediate and Steerage Tickets a LOWEST RATES. preached a master sermon on Ezekiel 47- 9. i-9. "And it shall come to pass, that I Steerage Passengers are booked to London. every thing that liveth, which moveth, ('ardlfl. Bristol. Queenstown. Derry. Belfast. O whithersoever the rivers shall come shall Lttrp and Glasgow, at same rates as to Liveerpool. live, and there shall be a great multitude SAILINGS FRO.1 QUEBEC: of fish, because these waters shall come thither, for they shall be healed, and every thing shall live whither the river cometh." The immense congregation, now swel- led to about 3,500, paid the greatest at- tention to a discourse which could not nave failed toawaken much serious con- sideration. Immediately following, Rev. Mr. Paseeugers can also leave Toronto by the Livingstone led a shortprayer meeting. 6st p. m.. totin on Fridays, and connect with ings g• the steamer at Rlmousti IpsTing the extra The evening service was conducted by fare. $4 Is. Quebec to Rimouski.) Rev. Mr. Harris, of Teeswater, who dig- For tickets and every information apply to coursed on Isaiah, 21-11-12. "Watch- H. ARMSTRONG. man, what of the night ? The watch- Agent. Montreal Telegraph man said, the morning cometh and also 1781-7m. Office Ooderich. the night." The day doped with several prayer meetings in the tents. The conduct of the large audiences was almost unexosp- tional. During the evening some young men and some that were not young, per- sisted in standing up and talking con- trary to the wishes of those in authority, and muck to the annoyance of those sitting around them. Only the interven- tion of some friends saved the partici- pants from exposure before a magistrate. Monday's porno's commenced with a prayer meeting at 6 o'clock, followed by a oonveeational meetings on the sub- ject of ' `appropriation of taith," led by Rev. Mr. McDoingti. This was one of WI most interesting meeting, so far, held The sermons during the day were by Revs. Meseta Hadwia, Lon - eon; 4 on (O. Rise, and Brand, 0ode- rieb. Tuesdaymorning and afternoon were given op a Temperance wie'ting,whieh proved to be of gnat interest. Rev, A. &awards presided, and addreant' up - nn the different phases of the question were delivered by Rev. Messrs. Harris, Walker, Rios. Hamilton, Birks and McDonagh. In the evening the regular s evioss were continued, Rev. Mr. Cas- well, Dungannon, preaching a powerful sermon on Matt. 115--96. 'For what is a man malted if he shall gain the whole world, and loss his own anal f or what shall a mart give in exchange for kis soul." A large ton was prating ()k to WTLL y. WHITS Sad the majority sd fix Ne pryer Ibrpree Ment Easter test Before leaving hers last week with their ser of horses just purchaesd, the Hon. F. Moore, Mayor of 81. Clair, and John L. Morrison. of Detroit, spoke very highly of the quality of horses in this section, and were well satisfied with their purchases, as well as the treatment they wet with from those with when they had done business Although they had been purcbaaing horse for the Michigan lumber woods fur the past six or seven years they had never visited this section before, but did not intend it to be their last. They told Mr. Pike, at whose house the staid, theywosid be back, if possible during our fall show. —[New Era. During the next term in theCincinesti substituted` The Su,,erintendeet says that he believes the time which has been devoted to grammar in the fiat Ave years of school has been practically wast- ed. (inc hour a week is to be given to literature in the schools, and a system of letter writing will be introduced in the two higher grades of the intermediatede- pattments It is rather astonishing that this discovery has not been made and practically acted upon in our Canadian schools before this. There are but few who do not believe that our present me- thod of teaching Grammar is at least a very round about, if not a doubtful way of acquiring correct English. Fall •hews to seas. South Huron, Exeter, Oct. 3. Central, at Guelph, Oct. 3 to 5. Central, at Hamilton, Oct. 4 to 7. East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oct. 11. Morris, Blyth, Oct. 12. West Riding, at Ooderich, on Wed - POLYNESIAN 17th " PARISIAN .. 25th " SARDINIAN 1st Oct'br. MORAVIAN ...., 8th " SARMATIAN 16th " CIRCASSIAN .. . t'ritd " £gibe last train connecting at Quebec with the Allan Mall Steamer will leave Toronto every Friday at 7:02a. m. ALL THE NEWS FOR A CENT. TIME RM ESD IT! That Lass o' Lowrie's A. STORY OP TSE LancashireCoal Mines This Thrilling Tale, BY THAT TALENTED WRITER. FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT, Appears in To -day's Issue OF TNS HURON SIGNAL THE STORY IS ONE OF ABSORBING INTEREST, AND IT WILL REPAY PERIJSAL. DON'T FAIL TO READ IT "The Huron Signal" WILL BE GIVEN FROM THE ABOVE DATF. UNTIL NEW YEAR'S for 35 Cents Torouto Ugly or1 M'Gillicuddy Brothers THE ONLY ONE -CENT MORNING PAPER IN CANADA. THREE DOLLARS A YEAR ! TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A MONTH! OU ONE CENT A COPY ! ! ! sr Lem WY Ralf the tow es any ether ■erMag Mar. E STORY. t�We.� > AraAKE m sad as srs seana, red The C N. Agents Sad Canvassers wasted everywhere. ad postcard tet tense and 8AMPLi COP P PRIM WORLD PRINTING CO., IMp No. 4 ill ag street east. %wean& MANITOBA. G. W. R. EXCURSIONS Septeuber 28 and Octoicr 19 Spee ?retold trent 1n advance of sash pasty. AI►Ny to any O. vc. R. agent. or to • THOS. GREENWAY (`entraps. GET.CYOUR AUCTION SALE BILLS PRINTED at the (Ace of THZ HURON SIGNAL, North Street, Galeria Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G. BARRY CAIIIIIET - NAKER AIHI UNIJERT Hamilton Street, Goderich. —A good assortment of Kitchen. Bed -room, Dining Room Sad Parlor Furniture, *se soei ss Zia hiss, Chale lhalt aasd wood seated). Cupboards. Bed-otesda. Munro si. Wast+�saad Lounges. Sark lost -Nota, Looking Glasses. N. B.—A eomptete assortment of Cornus and Shrouds always on band. also Hearses bar hi at reasonable rates. . Picture Flaming • specialty.—A call solicited. 1161 Red, White and Blue ! Acheson GEORGE Acheson New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery JUST ARRIVED, SELLING} CHEAP_ pit' BOUND TO GIVE BARGAINSe 1751 MEDICAL HALL, GODERICH. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist MARKET SQUARE, GuDERICII. Wholpmls sad Retail Dealer Is pry Chemicals, Punta. ODs, Dye 8tald, Anima Qoyse Patent Medleines. Horse sad CL&W Medicines. Perfumery. Toilet Articles, !&a Physicians' Proscriptions carefully dispense4.f1 Holiday Presents At BUTLER'S Photo and Autograph Albums in great variety, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, very suitable for presents for Teachers and Scholars. PE SETS FOR EVERYBODY. = ALL CAN BE SUITED. Stock is New, very complete, and consists of Ladies and Gents' Purses, Chin Goods of all kinds, Ruby Goods, Vases in many patterns, •Flower Pots, Cups and Flower, China and Wax Dolls! A Large Assortment. Smokers Sundries—Merschaum Pipes and Cigar holders and Brier Pipes -100 Different Styles. School Books, Miscellaneous Books Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Sermons, WESLET's Hynin Books, Psalm Books, &c., &c.—Subscriptions taken for all the best ENGLISH, SCOTCH, IRISH, AMERICAN and CANADIAN Papers and Magazines at Publishers' lowest rates—now is the time to subscribe. A full stock of School Books, for Teachers and High and Model School Students) • All will be sold cheap, and Patrons suited. I have a choice and large selection of Christmas and New Year's Cards! THE BEST EVER SHOWN, t AND J'HEAPER THAN EVER, A At BUTLER'S. Dominion Telegraph and Postage Stamp Office. 1762 66 Do'llinio=1 Carriage Works," Goderichlm MORTON .AND CRESSMAN manufacturers of FIRST (LA'* CARRIAGES, BOC-Ci-IEs, eto. Opposite Colborne Hotel We solicit an examination of our vehicles. RRPAIRINO PROMPTLY ATTIENDED TO. In Leaving Town wW to return my Haab to the publle for their patrolmen, chaise the task sad Mtis$ the tram, t• tats,. Gallo readied them that 1 have welt a retable pewee Is charge of tit hMaeea. REPAIRING AND PICTURE FRAMING will 1w dose ea SHORTEST NOTICE_ 7- OE $AT•T 1