HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-09-16, Page 2COUN,TY OF HURON TENDERS FOR TRUCK SNOW PLOWS WROX.ETER AREA FOR SALE .-r- Re(rigernor 13 years old Phone 887.9443 FoR SALE — Pickling Cucumbers, Mrs. 'Carl Hemingway 88.7-6S,S.1 SAWDUST 1-Or{ SALE — We can deliver qr load you at Craig's Sawmill, Auburn 526.7220 WIARTON - Thurs. Sept. 23, 10 a.m. - 3500; THESSALON Wed,, Sept. 29, 10 a.m. - 800;. MANITOULIN (Little Current) - Thurs. Sept. 30, 9:30 a.m. - 2800; La SARRE, P.Q, •(Dupuy) - Wed. Oct. 6, 1:30 p.m. - .2000; NEW LISKEARD - Thurs. Oct. 7, 1:30 p.in. - 700; SOUTH. RIVER Fri. Oct. S, 10 a.m. - 1000; WIAIITON - Thurs. Oct. 14, 10. a,m. - 2500; 'MANITOULIN • - Mon. Oct. 18, 1:00 p.m. - 300; SOUTH; RIVER - Thurs. Oct.21, 12 noon - 400; La. SATIRE - Fri. Oct. 22, 1:30 1200.. For further . information write .S, MacDonald, Advertising Manager, Box 130, • Hut tzville, Ontario. WHAT'S NEW AT HURONVIEW Several tables of cards and. other games were played on Wednesday afternoon. If you .would care to join your relatives. and friend s of Huronview in. a game of euchre, five hundred, bridge, cribbage, crokinele and other games on Wednesday after- noons, you would be most wel- come, IliViSSELS i'0151% BURMA ()NMI TIM.104Y, t4, 071 .11••••••••.,14 We want to give you a warm feeling about winter. A new Texaco forced air furnace keeps your whoi /louse cozy and warm. That's because it's designed to •ansu re the -complete combustion of every last drop of And oil means the most heat for the least money. Easy budget terms available. HOME COMFORT CUSTOM COMBINING For Corn G. Heyint, Myth,.Phone 523-9208 • FOR RENT Barn, near Brussels, For fur- ther particulars contact The Brussels Post. WOOD FOR SAN F, -- hardwood slabs per cord, Softwood $3 per cord delivered 'to to your yard in or 7 cord loads. Craig's Sawthill, Auburn 526.7220- WANTED Old cars, before 1940, Please contact Mr. John Petitelerie, 2231 Eglinton Ave. B. Apt. 106, Scarboro, Ontario. FOR SALE — African VioletS. Wide choice of colors. Prices low. Drop in fore- noons or call 887-6303, Frank -Carter, Elizabeth Street, Brussels. Sealed 'Fenders on forms available from the under- signed will be accepted until 5:00 P. M. on THURSDAY OCTOBER 7th, 1971 For each of Two "Heavy Duty" Trucks with Drivers and snow plow equipment for snow plow duties in the Wro:zeter area commencing on or about December 1st, 1971. Please contact the undersigned or Bill Wright, Patrol foreman at Wroxeter (Telephone 335-3531 or 335-3145 (evenings) for tender forms. J.' W. iBrithell, P. Eng., County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario Telephone 524-7412 MELVILLE W. M. S. The Women's Missionary Sac, iety of Melville Church meet for the fli•st meeting of the Fall Term in the church parlour with the president, Mrs.. •GibSon convening the meeting, A poem was read and prayer was given by Mrs. Gibson and a hymn was sung. The devotional part was taken. from Psalm 27 read alternatelY and the meditation was given, by Mrs. Allen Smith. Mrs. McCarron led in prayer. The Secetary and financial repdrts were .giVen and roll can was responded to by a Bible verse containug the word "harvest". The topic on the mission field of Taiwan was taken by Mrs. W. W. Smith, The gospel first came to this island by the Dutch Re- formed ChurCh in 1614, Two cen- turies later the Presbyteriari Clutch in Canada sent their first missionary C.L. McKay to Taiwan. Since then a strong church has been built_ up. Rev. Dr. :Tames Dickson, Toronto, spent forty years in Taiwan and since his death his wife Mrs. Lillian Dick- son has been carrying on. A letter :from her was read. At the prose - t time, she and some native evan- gelists ore carrying the gospel to Borneo, where head hunters are still active and to other, islands. Where the people have never heard the Word, Th offering was received and deditated, Mrs, McCarrell invited the ladies • to the Mange for the October' Meeting„ A hytnn was sung and the meeting closed. With the Benelttotiot, FOR SALE — . • Double bed with. mattress; 2 LYI. bed frames: Used 3-piece chesterfield suite. NumerouS other articles. Elmer Somers. 887-6191 LOST — Power shaft and universal joint, between our home and. Ken Tyer- man's by the 14th and Cardiff sideroad. Jack Conley 887-6269 Iol a BAILEY . REAL ESTATE 82 Albert Street, Clinton 75 acres in ::%•`m•ris Townchip, 10 acres in T-lardwood bush, good drilled well. * * * 7 room brick home, 2 miles from Blyth. Cornpletely modern, oil heated. Can be bought with acre- age. * * * acre farm in Morris Township. Godd 10 room home with all modern conveniences. Early -oessession. * * * * * Cantact Mason Bailey Office: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 'Llie01111111.0 B ER G !installation Sales - Servict FREE ESTIMATEe Barn Cleaners Bunk Feeders 0 Stabling DONALD G. IVES SILAGE BOOSTER — For added Protein to your corn silage why not add Silage Booster. For information and prices call: Topnotch Feeds . Ltd. Phone 887-6011 AVON CALLING One territory still available in HOWICK Township; for Avon Christmas sales. Call to-night , 'while still available. Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Ha.wkesbury ATe. :•.London 32, 451-0541 :MEN NEEDED TO TRAIN • AS SEMI DRIVERS Train now to drive Semi Tractor trailers local and over the road. • You can earn high wages ($8,000 to $13,000) after short, training. For application and interview write Safety Department, Trans Canada Transport Training,,. 207 Queens Quay West, Suite 315,.. Toronto, 117, Ontario or call 416-864-9381 FARMS FOR LEASE OR PURCHASE A.R.D.A. has farms for lease to full-time farmers at reasonable rates. A.R.D.A. is still huyiag farm land for Farm Consolidation and for Alternate land use. Talk to A..R,D.A. about your plans for retirement, relocation and re training or about community development programs. A.R.D.A. programs are helping programs. For more information contact yont nearest Ontario Department Of Agriculture and Food Office. There are representatives !n Clinton, Markdale, and Walkerton.. CONCRETE WORK. All types of tettidatiOtt8 anal floors, cement barnyards. .Rea,. sociable rates - free estimates, Dublin, Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS In in the estate or LEONARD ROSS MACHAN deceased ALL persons having claims against the estate of Leonard Ross Machan, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, retired merchant, who died on or about the 12th day of August, 1971, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of September; 1971,. after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. DATED at Druasels this 30th day of August, 19'11. CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In in the estate of JOHN ELMER DANBY, deceased ALL persons having claims against the estate of John. Elmer Danby, late of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 22nd day of May, 1971, are hereby notified to send particulars of same, to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of September, 1971, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. DATED at l3ruSsels this 30th clay of August; .1971, CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors What is the difference between primitive ancl modern men? 1971 NORTHERN FEEDER SALES Mr. Elmer Parrish of Gorrie assisted by hi s daughter, Mrs. Leader, showed slides arid gave a commentary of his trip to Africa at the Family Night pro- gram on Thursday in the audi, torium, Jack Boyd of Gorrie play- edseveral numbers on MS Violin: accompanied by Mrs. Boyd ono the Piano. Francis Inglis of HurOn- WOW Opressed ttiaill6 on behalf Of the residents, A bus :lead Of residents ;attend ed the Threshers' reunion in Saturday afttitoa, MERLE FREEMAN BRUSSELS, ONT. phone db-i -6 4.,28 '01116 weekend gueSts I view In soirew: here terleY And here toMotePW, R. R. 20 Blyth Phonp Druigele 407.1024 MALONEY BROS.When it Wire telke, tee ietteh,. e, )11odorii Batt noes tC! his 'club, A. „ Onta,tic, 'OW4 14110060 342044 ttiltb 144 tot iti repalrinan to hoUSOWifei afraid it'a Bold RAT49ni tietNIetlti,"