HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-09-09, Page 3TKORS.pAy, SEPT, 9th, 1971 ENTERTAINMENT AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEI • BRUSSELS, ONT. THE ALLEY CATS FROM. WINGHAM '• FRIDAY. and SATURDAY NICHT IN. THE RAINBOW ROOM. `HOUSE of MAX" FURNISHINGS INTERIORS M. L. WATTS FUNERAL HOME PHONE: 887-6336 or 887.6586 BRUSSELS, ONT, CRAWFORD and MILL a. H. CRAWFOilD, Q.C. A. fl, M. MILL, B.A.. LLB, eIRUBSELS and W1NGHAM MEMORI AL QUALITY SERVI'...t Open Every Weekday Your ...uarantee For Over 35 Years of CEIVIETERY LETTERING ea* 166 WI,NGHAM JOHN MALLiCK Jim Cardiff REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCe AGENT FOR HOWICK FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE !NS. FIRE AUTO LIABIL1711 PHONE: OFFICE 887-6100 RES. 887.614. WM. ADAMSON Pigs Every Mon., Tues., Thurs. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT Dial 887-6357 KW CLASS FS and f E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMOTRIST 6EAFORTH, GOVENLOCH ST, 527.124o Tuesnay, Tnursday, I-rlday, Thursday Evening CLINTON oFFICE, 10 ISSAC STREET MenCiay, and Wednesday 462-7010 r FithAr orrice Fe - akopointmen, THE PrICK?1.,LOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office — Main Street SEAFORTH Insures PHONE 887.9491 WINGHAM PHONE 357-3630 SWOP CRA'FTSMANSI-Itc- Wharf" Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G Eaton, Behar* Wm. helper Jr., Londesbor0; Selwyn Baker, Brussels: Harold showed that snow tires give no advantage in starting compared to regular highway tires. Chains gave the most bite but studded tires gave no consistent, advant- age on this treacherous driving surface compared ,to the same snow tires unstudded. The Winter Testing Program- me was conducted, by the Canada Safety Council in co-operation. with- the Federal Ministry of Transport, the Ontario Depart- ment of Transportation and Qom- munications and the :Quebec Roads Department. They were carried out by lamas and Smith, Limited, Consulting Engineers and Planners, on Lake TifniSk7 airing. 300 miles north of Toronto. BERG Installation Sales Service FREE ESTIMATEI • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders ID Stabling DONALD G. IVES R. R. 2, Blyth Phone Brussels 887-9024 milift0101011011.01.11"1110111.110allme r GOLDEN WORDS TO THE NURSE The Holiest task at Heaven decreed, An errand all divine, The burden of our common need To render less is thine. The paths of pain are thine, Go forth With patience, trust and hope; The suffering of a sin-sick earth Shall give thee ample seope. 13eside the unveiled mysteries Of life and death go stand, With guarded lips and reverent eyes, And pure of heart and hand. FORWARD On the threshold of a, noble career, The graduate nurse moves for- ward in a calling Devoted to the service of human- ity. Wherever she may serve. Her uniform, stands as a symbol of trained intelligence, -Her courage and loyalty inspire respect and confidence. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS The names of all subscribers, with subscription three months or more overdue will have to be removed from the mailing lists if not paid within 30 days. No more individual notices will be mailed, due to the increased postage rates. The Bouquet Invitation Line Iv • Good to needn't be eepesselwe. Ow bosaultful Bouquet Invitation line proves this' with the most exquisite papers, lype faces and workmanship yes could wish for! It features Thermo-Engraving--eich raised leffering—elegord ea the finest craftsmanship — essele. so DI& Came gin our unusual seisPC11011. CA,A. te owe wel,41 sprolnr8. THE pri,U.q404 POST, BRUSSELS,. oNT4410. THE BRUSSELS POST ROY W. KENNEDY, Publisher BOx 50, Brussels, Ontario. Published at Brussets. Ontario. every'Thursday Second Class Mail Registration Number 0562 Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assoc,lotion Ontario Weakly Newspapers Association "The council considers that tests provided valuable inform- ation regarding safe winter driv- ing techniques, ".J. C. Thackray, President of CSC; commented. "They show conclusively that there is no, substitute for caution and skill in these adverse driv- ing conditions,:" Vehicles equipped with stand- ard highway tires, snow tires and studded snow tires and tire , chains were tested. on clear 1.0 and sanded ipe for stopping dist- ances and manoeuvring ability in simulated lane ehtinging at tem- peratures ranging from freezing to five below zero (Fahrenheit). Sanded ice reduced significant- ly the stopping distances, of vehicles equipped with, any of the tires and aids tested. But even the increased friction provid- ed: by sand became insignificant: when applied to ice hardened by a drop in temperature to 10 degrees. On cleat ice at temperatures near the freezing point, tire chains and studded snow tires fitted on all four wheels .provid- ed the most significant decrease itis7rOpping distances in compar- ison to standard highway tires or snow tires. But once again, the improvement was nullified as the ice temeperature approached zero. Snow tires did not reduce the stopping distances on clear ice in comparison to regular highway tires. Vehicles fitted ,.with snow tires on all four Wheels actually 'took longer to stop than those ettipped with regular tires on clear ice at temperatures near the freezing point, The lane-change tests indicative Of cornering ability showed that cars equipped with studded snow tires on all four wheels could make the manotiever on clear ice at temperatUres near the freezing, point ,some 50 per cent faster than cars fitted with•regular high• Way or snow tiros. However, both Speeds involved on the slippery Surface were relatively, low. Once again, the advantage dis, appeared at temperatures near zero.. Studs on the rear wheel8 only gave no such improvement and actually decreased cornering ability in comparison to regular highWay, tires • at temperatures. near zero. • Town Dwellings " All Classes of Farm Properyt In the starting traction tests • Summer Cottages conducted on clear ice, chains ri-i - - • Churches, Schools, Halls proVided the Most bite followed . , ,. '',,. 'x' 14-4, •. --., • objects, etc.) la also available by studded tires on the rear axle I^-, Atii: Extonded cal/amigo:4 (wine four wheels provided sonielvtat -,.... '...t,'. smoke, water damage. falling only. Studded tires fitted on.all . lisOm, ttltatioti, Ac00241rns 41P•mogt 5.64T, Ra )vstorta: 7. '17, Lnne, tilt 6 instrtith‘ skiAtt4,00it 1:41ihtio. IVO fitiO MAliflqirtgosf 1002 0,14 i e4;1111i8A.tt1‘144t:'4111Ittll ttitiv.44,0°41 t 1:714 t. Mt! .1! t 444001A WINTER DRIVING TESTS 1971 studded tires, tire chains and: Saud are effective driving aids at temperatures near •freeZ- they give motorists no extra pro- tection at temperatures near zero in comparjsou to regular highway tires, This is one of the main con- clusions contained in. the Canada Safety Councils 1971 'Winter driv- ing Tests report released Sept- ember 8. • •tg•-tt.