HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-09-09, Page 2ileNtaohlkeem.raek araisaativalliaairadie QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS ENTERTAINMENT • AT SMILEY'S HAVEN SMOKEY DUNN'S HILLBILLY, STAGE SHOW Held Over for Another Week FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT Menu: Berbacued Ribs and Kraut, Southern Fried Chicken and Chlpe SPECIAL PORK CHOP DINNER SUNDAY NIGHT BETWEEN 4 and 7 eteetelMeeMe'leeeleiveleissesteiseeezeteigieeeiesseeeeeeee,:see.lieiteesNeWeeegel FOUND ....A sum of money on Brussels • Main Street. Call 8876887 FOR SALE — Straw Stack, 5c a bale Clifford Stevens 887-6885 WANTED Oid cars, before 1940. Please contact Mr. John Petitcleric, 2231 Eglinton Ave. E. Apt. 106, Scarboro, Ontario. THURSDAY, SEPT WI) 1671 BRUSSELS POST, BRUSSELS,. ONTAILIU •••••••,•`..,t. NOTICE TO pRgp!TOR§ In in the estate or LEONARD. ROSS .MACHAN deceased ALT, persons haying. claims against the estate of Leonard Rose Meehan, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of litiron, retired merchant, who died on' or ;shout the 12th day of August, 1971, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of September, 1971, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to thp claims of which the ender- signed shall then have notice. DATED et Wessels this 30th day of August, 1971. CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors CAR INSURANGE DUE ? ? ? BEFORE YOU RENEW CAR, INSURANCE LET'S TALK WE HAVE AN EXTRA 10 % FOR 5 YEAR ACCIDENT FREE DRIVERS RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY Open Tuesdays and Fridays Phone 887-6663 Brussels, Ont;, FOR SALE — Bartlett Pears. Lot 5, Con. 14 Grey Township Mrs. Geo. E, Blake 887-6718 WANTED TO PURCHASE — Timothy Seed delivered to our mill in Brussels. TOPNOTCH FEEDS . 887.6011 FOR SALE — African Violets. Wide choice of ' colors. Prices low. Drop in fore noons or call 887-6303, Frank Carter, Elizabeth Street, Brussels. FOR SALE — Brown Cendron Baby Carriage, in good condition, Mrs. Stanley Marks 887.6207 FARMS FOR LEASE OR PURCHASE A.R.D.A. has farms for lease to full-time farmers at reasonable rates. A..1t.D.A. is still buylag farm land for Farm Consolidation and for Alternate land use. Talk to A.R.D.A. about your plans for retirement, relocation and re training or about .community levelopment programs. A.R.D.A. programs are helping programs. For more information contact your nearest Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food Office. There are representatives in. Clinton, Markdale, and Walkerton. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In in the estate of JOHN ELMER DANBY, deceased ALL persons having claims against the estate of John Elmer .Danby, late of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 22nd day of May, 1971, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of September, 1971, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. DATED at Brussel s this 30th. day of August, 1971. CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for ' the Executors MEN •NEEDED TO TRAIN AS SEMI DRIVERS Train .now to drive Semi Tractor trailers local end' over the roads You can earn high wages ($8,000 to $13,000) after short training. For application and interview write Safety Department, Trans Canada Transport Training, 207 Queens Quay West, Suite Toronto 117, Ontario or: call 410-S64-9381 200 ACRE PROPERTY AUCTION MODERN, 50 HEAD DAIRY and 300 HOG SETUP With All Convenilences Cows, Pigs, Sows, Machinery, Feed and Crop to 'be sold. 'Iola BAILEY. REAL ESTATE 82 Albert Street, Clinton 250 acres at Cranbook, equipped for beef cattle. Priced to sell.• 100 acres on 7th. concession of Morris Township. 90 acres work-,' able. Good house and barn. Fall possession. 7-room home, 2 miles from Blyth with acreage; attached garage; completely modernized. Priced to sell. Contact Mason Bailey Office 482-9371 lies. 523_9338 NOTICE Drn glin e. b ckhee and bull- dozing work done. Farm ponds, ditches, fence bottoms cleared and stone piles buried, Phone Wingham 357-2798 FOR SALE — 1970 Ford LTD, 1-door hardtop, below' 16,000 miles, radio, auto- matic, power steering and brakes, poveer windows. Phone 887-6100, 887-6164 AVON CALLING Only 2 territories available for immediate placement of Avon Representatives. Due not to be di s appointed, call to-night to assure your interview, Mrs. M. Millson, 17 HawkesburY Ave.„ London 32, 451-0541 REFRIGERATION SERVICE. Electrical Appliances - Motor Rewind, 24 hour emergency service, Guaranteed service to all types. Complete Appliance repairs at BI RKE ELECTRIC Wingham 357-2450 CONCRETE WORK All types of foundations and floors, cement barnyards. Rea- sonable rates - free estimates. Dublin, Ontaric. MALONEY BROS. Dublin, Ontario 345-2253 PhOnes 345_2964 NOTICE TO CREDITORS* In the estate of IDA DORA DAVIS deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against tire estate of the said Ida Dora Davis, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, widimv, who died on or about the 19th day of July, 1971 are reetiired to tie proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of September, 1971, after which date 'the ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which, they shall then have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 23rd day of August, 1971, CRAWFORD & MILL. Solicitors for the Execute's Brussels, Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of RALPH SAMUEL SHAW, deceased ALL PERSONS having claims ngannst the estate. of Ralph Samuel Shaw, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, retired bookkeeper, who died on or about the 9th day of July, 1971, are required to file Proof .of the same with the under- ii;-,;hed on or before the 10th day of September. 1971. after which date the exec:titers will proceed to distribete the estate having re- gard only to the claiths of Which they shall then have had notice.. DATED at Brussels this 23rd day of August, 1971. ORA NVF OR!) & MILL Solicitors fot the Executors Brussels, Otitarit) CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm Machinery, Household Furniture, and Antiques at Lot 27 and 28, Con. 12 McKilop, 7 miles north of Seaforth or 3 miles south of Walton, on SATURDAY, SEPT. '11, at 1:00 p.m. • Machinery Nuffield 1060 fully Hyd. 3 PTH (like new); Hydrein fully mounte ed 3 furrow 16 in. plow; Kong- skield 1.11/2 ft eultiVater; Cock- shutt 9 ft. double disc; 4 section diamond harrows; 7 ft. New Idea mower; Cocksh u tt side rake; TM.H. 75 bus, manure spreader; ,hay rack; 3 H.P. Gem electric grinder; Lawn Master mower, Furniture Gen. Electric frig; table and six matching chairs; couch; 3-piece matching bedroom suite; paper rack; tables; 2 bedroom suites including washstands„ lamps, Iniffet; Leonard wash machine; Antiques and Misc. Cutter and shafts; set of sleighs; wagon; east iron kettle, horse drawn ditch scraper, Ox yoke (complete). wagon wheels, harness, turnip planter, scuffler Walking plow; buggy jack, whipple trees, and neck yokes, 2 copper boilers, kitehen cupboard, rocking chairs, crocks, corrode. rugs, steel hod. picture filmes. butter churn, trunk, chairs, sideboard, Mont- cairn part Set of dishes and many other articles. WS. Charles .MeGavin, PrOprietreSe Ittithwell8 Aitction Servit0 Brimfield 4824120 SEPT. 24th and 25th for Ralph Koskarnp R.R. 1, Blyth Low Reserve on Property Mortgage available at 61/2 0/e For more information white or call Ratfewell Auction Service Brucefield 482-3120 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of LIVESTOCK, TRACTORS, MACHINERY, TRUCKS FURNITURE, ANTIQUES at Lot 14, Con. 6, Hullet 33/4 miles North of Clinton and 3 miles East SATURDAY, SEPT. 18th at 12:30 Livestock 100 head, of Beef Cattle consisting of 15 Cows with calves; 30 Year- ling steers and Heifers; 40 head of Feeders, Steers and Heifers, including Angus, Hereford, and Crossbred Full list in next week's paper Terms Cash No Reserve Farm Sold Mrs. Elma Jewitt & Sons Proprietors Rathvvell Auction Service BrUce field 482-3120 A little old lady was held up on the street by a. glantic thug armed with a pistol. "You shone.] be ashamed of yourself, holding tip a poor old woman,;' the scold- ed, "A Man yOur size should be holding up a bank:" "THE GOOD DRIVER" Driver s are advised never to Overtake another car on a back road without first signalling by horn or headlights. If the driver ahead doesn't know yOu are there, the Ontario Safety League points out, it is possible that he, will, collide with you by swerving sud- denly to the left to avoid a bump or ehttch-hole, It is very rare for a car hood to fly up when in motion, Wit it can happen and can be a panic- making sntuation. The Ontario Safety League points out that with some cars when the hood is up there is enough gal) under the hinge for you to glimpse the road ahead, and retain directional control while braking. Before starting year next trip, lift up the ,hood and check your visibility from the driving seat You are better equipped to cope with an emergency if you have considered the possibilities in advance. Here's ae intriguing ti:eight' sent - recently. to' the OntatiO Safety League. Ti: all automobiles were painted red we'd have a. I red ea rimtion. * Banget to a driver can Otte' from any direction. You haVe to. see danger to avoid it, says the: Ontario Safety League. Keep your eyes 'MOVING When you drive. 'Boost your Brussels Fair, f4iet yOur exhibits ready: