HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-09-23, Page 11' ; • fAllo •Shflo.•••• - Cfr "7". oiger-we---reertem.$01.7-0*-77-71-. THIRTY-FOURTH YE AR. WilOLE NUMBER 1013. GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPT. 23, 181, j MoOILLICIIPDY BROS. Pu.LIIIIIt t SLIM A YEAR IN ADVANCE. New Advertlmesseats. A special religious service, will be. held A little barge, tie.' muted and_yener- BO\VLD SOGER BOYS. For Etle-E. R. Watson. NEWS ABOUT HOM E in the basement of the North Street able, was seen drifting off the harbor a Liver Pad -Holman Pad Co. Dentistry. "A chid's amass ye, takinnotes. An' faith h.0 preat It." TOW TOPIOL If you want a first-class cooking stove. call and see 0. N. Davis' variety. Also American Aif NICHOLSON, SUFIGEON DEN- and Cnetadian oil for family use. Having an 17.1. TIT, Office and residince, West Street. eeperienced workman any house work will be three doors below Bank of Montreal. Godr- done in the most satisfactory manner. rich 1752 The People's Column. WANTED. -A GOOD NURSE GIRL If • suitable persor. good erases will be paid. '4i. D. C CURY. - LOW IL '141OR SALE. -A GOOD STORY AND 1: a half frame house. with nine good rooms besides pantry, trill and goal cellar, situated on the bank opposite old Engltsh Church ground. A splendid view of the lake and harbour. A young orchard Is also attached. or will exchange for entailer home. Apply to E. H. Warsois, ptr. 1305-t1. VOR SALE OR TO RENT. -A FRAME House on Caledonian Terrace. containing eight rootns and woodshed, anti • good stone cellar. The situation is exissilent and thereto about a hall acre of land 'in j he lot. For par- ticulars apply to D. SWIFT. North StreetOod- *doh. Sept. 15.-4t CARD OF THANKS. -I BEG TO (W- k.) ter my most sincere thanks to the Hart- ford Insuranoe Company. of Hartford. through their efficient agent here. Horace Horton. Esq for the prompt manner with which my insur- anoe of $3000.0/ has been paid. The fire took place on the 10(h inst.. and the money was paid nie on the lith inst. Such promptitude de- serves recognition. Signed. HENRY WELLS. Sept. 15. 2t TENDERS WANTED -THE- MUNI - .1 CIPAL COUNO:l. of West Wawanoeh wW receive Tenders for the Deepening and Iiniving of Young's Creek. from a point in Orne Township, to the Blind Line, which divides the fifth and sixth concessions of West Wawanosh. The work will be let in Sections of one Concession to each Section. Tenders must oats the amount per cubic'yard for Dig- ging. which Oonoession the Tender is for. and give the names of two good and sufficient sure- ties for the completion of the wort/. Plans andspecifications may be seen at my Office •ny Friday or Saturday, up till the 24th day of Septembsr. 1881. Tenders must be I with me not later than the 24th of SepteZtd r. ROBERT MURRAY. Clerk cf West Wawa - nosh. Wawanosh Township ('lerk's Office. St. Helens, Sep ember let_ 1981. 3t H(IRON LIVE STOCK ASSOCI- ATION. The annual Sale under the auspices of the Huron Llve Stock Association, will he held in the Town of Clinton, on WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 19 MIL Parties desiring to enter stock for this sale. can do so up to the morning of the sale; but only such stock as is entered with the 'Secretary on or before the 15th of September. can appear in the Sole Cetnlogue. All entries must be accompanied by the re- quired fee, and owners of stock must send in the Pedigree of the*r animals fully made, out and plainly written. Terms of Matra/see. For each thoroughbred Stallion. Mare. Bull, Cow or Heifer. 142; for each pair of sheep or swine. 50 cents; grade stock half price. A commission of 1 per cent. will be charged on all stock sold. All who intend entering should have the pedigree of their stock in the cats- ogue. All entries must he addressed to the Secretary at Seaforth. and further informatics:1 will be furnished by him. M. V. MeLEAN. Seatorth, Secretary. JAS. BIG01Ns. t'' iton President. 1801-3t. -.a Saunders has received • new stock of cook- ing and heating stoves, whicn he is going to clear out at low jerkiest Stove fitting attended to promptly. Give him a call. 'The cheapest house under the sun.- Next door to the Post Office. J, W. Woathemld offers the following prizes at the West Riding Show in Goderich. For thest and best variety otsewing niachine work. 11: second Mc, he c, third 40c., work to Judged by the lady judgee on fancy work. The above work must be done on Wanzer, White or Williams Singer machines sold by J. W. Weatherald. -Buy your piano. and organs from Weatherald. Constable Sturdy again walks his night- ly round. Miss Ada. Lester has been the guest of Mrs. Ira Lewis. Mrs. Williatn Watson is visiting rela- tives in Port Dalhousie and Hamilton. Mrs. John McIntosh has gone to re- side at Kingsbridge. Happy Cal. Wagner's Minstrels are billed to appear to -night in Victoria Hall. Miss Teinie McDougall accompanied Mrs W. Seymour to her home in De- troit. Mr. Edward Doyle, of Saginaw, is visiting his brother, Mr. James Doyle expressman. Mr. Wilmer Smith has returned to visit his home, after residing a number of years in Detroit. TMS MARKET FER.S.-Mr. H. W. Ball has purchased the market fees until 1st of April 1882 for $100. Messrs J. M. and "Purr" Mackid, of Detroit, formerly of Goderich, were in town during the week, visiting friends. Mesam J. Rummell; Goderich, and J. McIntyre, Saltford are exhibiting plums at the Provincial Exhibition, London. . Mr. M. C. Cameron, of this town, will conduct the Crown business at Stratford and Hamilton during the corn- ing assizes. Methodist church this Friday) eveoing, few &yr ago. She was brought into Nume Wanted -5Ini. D. Curry. at 7.30. port. She is supposed to have been Putting in the Annual Drill at One of the shade trees on Kingston St. a tine vigorous ;maple succumbed to the gale on Friday evening, was literally snapped in twain. Dr. Roseburgh, of Toronto, the cele- brated oculist, will visit Goderich pro- fessionally on Saturday, Oct. Sth. He will be the guest of Mr. J. R. Stiller, Mtge Nettie Seegniiller has gone to ffiarly•-ineidents. rte. I. P. S. London to continue her musical- studies . A jubilee is being held in the R. C. under Mr. Sippi. She will also take There s not • thrade that s going Worth knowin' or showin.' Church, Wawanosh, this week. Rev. ; lessons it drawing. Nits. Seegmiller is Like that from glory growin,' I -Messrs. Shea and Rowland are assisting a general favorite here, and her pre- For • bow Id soder buy. the pastor of the district, Rev. Father gene's and talents will be missed at local • ,ti•iier i very street we ultra) through. O'Connor. entertainments during the winter. Ladlee lookin arch through driven across the Lake by the recent gale. e c . Mr. Nicholson was the first to call at - The tamping Ground -At the Oilleers tention to the deserted craft. •-Mese-lerill-Target Fragile@ -The Lawn Mr. James Doyle, G. T. R. mail clerk, has just returned from a two week's trip to Saginaw, Bay City, Al- pena and other points. A runaway horse belonging Mr. J. McNair caused great consternation on the Square on Tuesday. Happily but little damage was done. Miss Tilley Starling, of Belleville, left for home on Monday, alter spending a pleasant fortnight in Goderich. She was the guest of Mr. F. Price. Foe PENETANGURHENE. -A lad %mined' which has entered upon Inc second year THE GoocRIeH .11.4atE. - By Telegraph frutn New York we learn that Lucy took second money at Fleetwood Park. There were eight horses started, and the time WEI 2.19. Mr. and Mrs. Young of Havana, Cuba aro the guests of Mr. James Wilson. This is the second visit Mrs. Young has paid Goderieh this year. Her health has been vastly benefitted by the pure air from our Lake. L 0. L. -The regnlsr meeting of L 0. L No 182, will be held on Tuesday evening next, when business of import- ance will be transacted. The members of Lodge 153 are invited to attend. Mr. A. A. Mackid, of the Bank of Commerce, Brantford, and bride, have been spending a portion of their honey- moon in Goderich. Mr. Mackid is quite enamoured with Brantford, which he thinks is the town of Canada. When it rains all the week you may know that there M a fair going on soine- where. There is nothing unless it is a picnic, that will bring rain like a lair, and we sometimes wonder, in time of drought, why the farmers do not,get up a country or State fair. -[Peck's Sun. A MremaY.-Some time ago, as Mr. Wm. Campbell, Sr., of Slchillop, was digging a well, and while down at the depth of 25 feet from the surface, he came upon a live toad firmly imbedded in the clay. By what means the creature came to find its way there, or how long it had remained in that position, is a mystery to all. The Point Edward correspondent of the Sarnia Obeerrer says: "Mr. Mc-. Kenzie of Goderich. has opened up a cabinet shop in the east half of the Me- chanics' Institute building. As we have not had 1 cabinet shop in the village there is little doubt that Mr. McKenzie will succeed." Hutiroa Isenovisminers.-A Gevern- ment engineer has been surveying a portion of the harbor during the past week. We understand that a channel oo,000 bushels of corn en board. sixty feet in width is to be dredged The steamer Asia, of the Beatty Line, around the northern end of the harbor, recently sunken in Lake George, was thus enabling vessels to make the entire taken out of the Detroit dry dock, where circuit of the piers and load or unload at she had been placed to repair the damage an y point. is Others tree Mr. N. B. Colcock, editor of the l',111- (piing Fanner, NVelland. recently made a trip to the North-west, and the follow - reference to Goderich.will be interesting to some of our readers: Goderich however, 62 miles off, was halm uniforms and military appemance reached without much trouble, and a of the gallant sons of Mars. Certainly, couple of hours were given the passen- the red coats of the rank and tile are The window pante will march through rhe ranks to find their Joy:. W idle up the street. each girl YOU meet, Will look so ely, and cry My - eye ; Ocb, isn't he the darlint - The buwld auger boy 1 Samuel Lover, when he penned the foregoing, must have had a clear idea of the manner in which the ladies' hearts were liable to be captivated by the bril- gers to "do" the town. Ascending a high hill by means of stela, we found ourselves on a nice street leading to the business portion of the place. A large town hall stands in the centre of a large circle, with a beautiful street all around it. Our first move was towards the printing ()dices. After alluding to a rather ludiceous error of mistaking Mr. D. Doty, collector of customs, for the editor of the Star, and being rather cooly received by that official, Mr. Cul - cock further remarki: From there we struck across to the SIGNAL office, and, before entering we formed a better opinion of the newspaper men of Goder- ich. There before a desk we saw a gentleman with happy countenance, sur- rounded by three or four good looking young ladies. We were not mistaken in our man, for oh presentation Of our cards, the gentlemanly editor, greeted us in a whole-souled manner, and excusing himself to his lady fuiends, he took us out to see the sights. We received an introduction to the editor of the Star, a hearty laugh and a short tete a tete,and the twoeditomaccompanied us to the boat, pointing out on the way the beautiful residence of H. Y. Attrill, the celebrated thoroughbred cattle raiser. second only in attraction to the darker uniforms of the commissioned officers to the eyes of many of our young lady re- sidents, and visiting the camp has been the fashionable practice during the past week with the Junos and Venuses, of• the town and surrounding section. And there is much to be seen by those to whom camp life is a novelty. From the officer to the bugler can be viewe•i ob- jects of, interest; and to see those whom a week or so we knew in civil life trans- fortned into "defenders" of the country, undergoing drill, fatigue duty, and bear- ing with their self -assumed and volun- tary privations, so far AA subjection to military discipline is concerned, seems at first a sight strange to the onlooker. THR TZNTS are pitched in mire of four to each com- pany, with the exception of the Seaforth company, whichbeing numerically small, occupies but two tents of their row, the other two being occupied by the Battal- ion Band. The officers' quarters are be- tween the tents of the men and the town side of the ground, and form two sides of a square, extending South and West. In the centre of the camping ground is situated a large marquee, where the orsoczas artse news. j i• held. Across from this is situated the I kitchen, which is superintended by News has been received that the schr. culinary experts. The officers of the "D. R. Van Valkenburg," corn laden 33rd have been lavish of their hospital - for Buffalo, went down with all hands ty. and many of -the prominent residents off Whitefish Bay, Lake Michigan last of the town have been invited. guide at Friday. No particulars. The crew pro- the festive board. A goodly number of bably consisted of six pessons. She had red -coated waiters are in attendance, and an excellent meal, served up in first class style, is the portion of all who have the privilege of partaking. MR MEALS OF THE RANK AND FILE are prepared by a cook and assistant from each company, and although not gotten up in the high order of art, as is the officers "mess,' are yet wholesome, nutritious and healthful in the extreme. The men appear to thrive upon their re- gular meals, regular exercioe, and regu- lar sleep, and will, beyond question, re- turn home much invigorated after their twelve days' drill. The large majority of them are beginning to enjoy camp life, and would prefer to have the time extended. THE DRILL HOURS caused by collision with t e barge Hele- Stratford A./ter-Geo-It is no small na, and arrived ,Sunday morning. Her praise to say that THE HURoN SIGNAL upper works are yet to be repaired, which •11 be done here. Judging from her Real Estate, Wannamaker was sentenced to the Re- lof its existence, under its new manage- lookso far, they have made a good job s , FARM FOR SALE AT LEEBURN.- Lot No. 5. Lake Shore Road. Township of Colborne. four miles from Goderich. contain- ing 100 acres, 90 of which are cleared and un- der a good state of cultivation. It Of well fenc- ed and underdratned. having two dwelling houses, • barn, an or -hard. stahles. workshop. driving shed. and other outbuildings. For particulars apply on the premises, or to HOR- ACE HORTON. Milburn P. 0. Sept 15.-4t McDermott, Mr. D. McDonald very nperfat the recent mill' taking an engineer with him to in- kidly ormed his duties formatory for three years for stealing a. ment, may he safely put into the fiends of the repairs. Mr. John Dobie has the watch from A. Bennett., of Sheppardton. 1 contract of fixing up her cabins, etc., Messrs. Chrystal Black have been very busy during the past season. One of their latest jobs has been the putting in of salt pans at Duluth for Mr. Joseph Kidd. on account of the illness of Mr. H. of our beys and girls. Our esteemed h is a uamntee that the work will contemporary never goes down to the I gutter for arouments wherewith to at assent „ :I be well done. kRNIA, Sept. 19. -The steamer On - its opponents. tario arrived here from Duluth to -day, M On Saturday Mr, .T. Morrish, of Godet- rich, passed through here on his return triptdo o'clock, after a rather dangerous There were over a hundred cabin from Michigan. A week previously he had gone over there to purchase a saw ngers on board, and some of them, in order to express their appreciation of Captain Robinson's skill and discretion in weathering as he did the dangers of the passage, and prudently remaining a day and a night at Silver Islet Harbor The following is from the Brussels ed hit with an ad rem, thanking him Post "Last week we ommitted to notice for his courtety and kindness, and also our esteemed contemporary the Goder- ich SIGNAL which has entered upon its second year, under the present proprie- tors, McGillicuddy Bros. THE SIGNAL is a credit to Goderich. Its editorials are written in a spicy style, and any quantity of local news gathered every week. We wish the McGillicuddy Broe. the success their energy and enterprise deserves. 01-r or Beetaress. -After a successful career of five years in the millinery business, Mrs. E. J. Copeland retires from the Chicago Wome. She made a host of friends and patrons, and many will regret her withdrawal from trade. Wo understand that she will spend the coming winter in New York. Miss Wilkinson, a niece of Mrs. Copeland's, succeeds to the business, and we trust she will meet with the success which at- tended her predecessor. Wow A MEDAL. -In addition to the " alluded to in our last issue, the FOR SALE, CHEAP. -LOT 34, Court of Chancery in a a mos e cien . t tE • t spect the same, but they found on ar- manner. Mr. W. H. Murney represented Goderich at a special meeting of the Grand Black Chapter of British America of Royal Black Knights of Ireland held in Toronto recently. We have been forwarded a press badge from the managers of the Northern Fair which will be held at Walkerton nn Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- day, Oct. 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th. The Holman opera troupe placed "Olivette" on the boards at Crabb s Hall on Saturday evening last. There was a good audience, and a number of the so- los and choruses Were well received. The Watford .4 'traria.. informs us that a trial of the Seegmiller and Copp plows, which took place 00 the farm of Mr. Burns, 14th con. Bounquet, on Fri- day last, resulted in a victory and sale of the Seegmiller. Lake Range, Ashfield, Huron County. 184 iacres. 130 cleared and highly Improved, potence standing timber. Good orchard, new frame hoose. barn 40s90 and all necessary stabling two wells. For particulars address CHAN. MCLEAN, Amberly. 1790-3m. .L701/SALE.ILOT 9, LAKE SHORE To. of Colborne. containing 112 acre*, 30 acres cleared, balance excellent 'timber. Soil a good clay loam. As this property adjoina the Point Farm it is In consequence most eligibAsituated. For particulars apply to J. J. W ht Ma 1st. 1991. 1779-tf. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -AT Dungannon. 12 miles from Godench, consisting of of an acre of land. well fenced; • frame hou•e. & gond well and pump are also on the premiees. The lot has been well Im- proved. Terms reasonable. P'articulars can be had from Mr. J. M. Roamers. Merchant. Dungannon. or 11. E. Booms, Nile P0. . 1767-tf. WHE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 71. corner of Victoria and Raft 'trete, In the town of Goderich. for sale cheap, or will be exchanged for farm property. Forparticaers 4ingy to Jas, Swami.. Architect. office Crabb's Hflook. or J. C. Cceffitz. auctioneer. QHEPPARDTON- FARM FOR ki sate m acres. Se acres opened and wag fenced. Brick Cottage ORM. stone cellar tall sins of house A large creek runs through the tot, no waste lend on the creek, A very fine orchard surrounds the house. Good barn and other buildings. Terms eery y Apply to R. T. Mirage. lot 18 Lahr Shore Road. Col- borne Tosfaahlti. or to 0 *MEOW POSMID- FOOT. 17118 FARM FOR SALE --BEING LOT 9, roe. te, Colborne, &bent loves mites from Ooderich, comprieing 50 arras 30 cleared. frame house, and • new frame barn SOIS sad • stable and other outhiliMlns• are on the premises. A young orclusrd. torsi pump. et41. on the farm. The farm ham a road on two sides of It. Four scree of fall wheat are sown. Distant only 1 mil. hole • post nem For particulars apply to Wet. SwasLos. ton P. 0 Finalay McGregor, the Scottish voca- list and character delineator, gave an entertainment in Victoria Hall on the evening of Monday last tO a fair audi- ence It is not neoeseary to say that Mr. McGregor filled the bill to the satiate- orth Amerman Chemical Company were tion of the audience. W. J. Brandon, who for th• pus - ineeigbeee ,..,4 their, deiiTy sot et the re_ Sunday afternoon a number nf men, ____, , awarded a medal for the superority and tWo months has supplied the place of amt Toronto exhibition. The company captained by R. Keyworth, attached a cable to the vessel and succeeded in tow - Rev. Dr Williams, during the letter's exhibited some two and a half tone of inf her off, took her round the pier and abases in Europe, will preach his final malt et this exhibition, two tons being la ely tied the vowel up in the basin. tames on Sunday We understand dairysalt. en that the „mom exhibited Capt. Spence drove home to Southamp- that Mr. Brandon a ministrations sin iv taken as a fair criterion of their ton after his vessel had been beached. gave much satisfaction, and that he h" h on rival, that the whole thing had been consumed in the fearful fires raging there. at the request of therfassengers, present- phants" under the vigilant care of trained keepers, meandered over the grounds, and a short exhibition of "blanket -tossing" was given. A "coun- try dance" was also indulged in by the men, the ladies being represented by coatlesa volunteers, and the manner in which the principals balanced,"'passed up the centre, and down again, and "swung their chickens," as one caller gmphimilly termed it, elicited burets of merriment front the onlookers. 'Excel- lent refreshments had been provided at the marquee for the guests, but the number being so large, it was decided to enlist waiters into the service, and deal out the viands in true picnic style. This was done, and the manner in which the officers " acquitted themselves won praise from one and all who accepted their hospitality. Shorty before sun- down the gathering beTan to disperse, but not until the officers had been thank- ed by the guests of the afternoon. By their hospitality and courtesy on Tues- day the officers of the 33rd have placed their stock at a premium with the resi- dents of Goderich. TARGET rItAcTIVE began on Tuesday morning, when Nos 1, 2 and 3 Company, took their places at. the "butts," and were followed on Wed- nesday and Thursday by the other com- panies. The targets, three in number, are placed at the foot of Attrill's hill, two being arranged for shooting at 200 yards' range, and the other at 400 yards. Considerable interest is taken by tho different companies in the competition, and the tiags at the "butts" are closely scanned by the marksmen to see whether an "outer a "magpie" a "centre" or a "bull's-eye' rewards their efforts. THS STAFF OPTICERS. General Luard arrived oe Wednes- day evening, and left on Thursday, immediately after inspection. There were aloe present, Col. Jackson, Dis- trict Deputy Adjt-Gen.; Hon Col Ayl- mer, Brigade Major, and Major Starr, District Paymaster. on ThgratlayTHaRiozzbefore Major Generar Luard, was a success. After the men had formed, the general salute was the first proceeding, and the inspec- tion of the arms, accoutrements and clothing of the men was then proceeded with, the General and staff passing down the centre and up the rear of each com- pany. The hand then struck up and the Battalion marched past by company. A series of light infantry manoeuvres was next indulged in, wherein considerable steadiness was evinced by the men. Twenty eounds of blank ammunition per man had been served out, and the Bat- talion was tested in volley firing, after which a feigned attack was made on the nridge by the force. After the skirm- isher; had been thrown out, the attack was made on the bridge by the main body and it was captured. At the close of the sham -fight the Battalion was drawn up in position, and of the Battalion are from 7. o'clock to 8 a. at which time the men are dis- missed for breakfast; from 10 a.m., until noon, when intermission for refresh- ments is again indulged in; and front 2 o'clock to 4 pm, when they are dismiss- ed and seek recreation until the "supper bugle" sounds at 6 o'clock. THR PARADE FOR DIVINE SIRVIVE on Sunday was largely attended, the majority of the Battalion availing them- selves of the opportunity afforded them of worshipping at the church of their choice. Headed by the band, playing martial airs, they proceeded from the camp to St. Peter's Church, thence to the Episcopalian and Methodist churches, at each of which a contingent was left, after which the remainder, with the bend, proceeded to Knox church on East street. After service, the different church parties, reformed on the Court House Square and marched back to the camp to the air of several lively quick- steps. The musio and the military pro- cession ou the Sabbath created a com- motion among some of the "unco guid," but the men looked so neat and clean in their bright uniforms, stepped so nicely to the inusic, and behaved themselves in so decorous a manner at worship, that even the most straightlaced admitted that it was better for them to have the opportunity afforded them of marching distance between theen and the marquee to church, than to have remained idling as the camping ground would pi emit around the camp on a day when no drill or fatigues. excepting guard duty, are ; Hospital-SemrsietinttANIX16.' Vs"ilson, of THR 11 A YOE.14 NEI larttose &Worth, the crack shot of the Canadian Wimbledon team. and the winner of the &Unwed. Os Monday afternoon the officers of the Oovernor-fleneral s badge for DAL is Battalion wore received by the Mayor at with the 33r4 in camp. His brothers, hie residence and a most enjoyable time Major Charles Wilson, the winner of speaking in eulogy of the skill and sound judgment he displayed, whereby the lives of his psasengers were saved and the safety of his ship ensured. The pitesengers were doubly grateful to Capt. Robinson when they heard of the loss of the Columbia and other valuta in the same g Ile. WRECKED. -During the gale on Satur- day of last week the schooner William Wallace, owned by Mr. Simmonds, liv- ing near Goderich, which was beached about three months ago near the Kin- cardine railway station, and has sine been undergoing repairs on stocks, was battered to pieces by the force of the waves -the loss is complete. About eleven o'clock the schooner Nemesis Capt. Spence, master, was making for the harbor. The bow struck the north pier very hard, and swimming found with her bow to the north, the wind carried the yowl to the north aide of the dock and drove her on the beach without sustaining much damage. On QBEPFARDTON. -STORE, WITH KY Poet Oeo., for sale or to rent, with sere and. Stock all fresh and good. 0:Z3 say terms. having other brininess to .o. For further particulars appty to R. T Ray -es. TWIN. Abort 100 sere. of lead, %rad half of I Lot 1, no the ded non.. R. It Ashfle14. °nod Or. bard. Frame Howe. and • stable Fifty acres 'leered sad ergot faeces. Apply to Oasosow iPssootstooe. 1791. Tonsorial brIORT PRACTICAL BAR - nil and Halr-itramar, to retort taitais se the pnhtie trm poet sago. sad colletes contInnance las out Vtilter".„ near made many fnends during his stay in Oodersoh. A Navies Pow.- Mr A M. Taylor, of Clinton, a young man of recognised ability as an edociationist, has now in press s book of nal roma Before giving his work tnnel.L printer, Mr Tay- lor submitted the reenuecript to a gentle- man in Toronto who haa the reputation of being rine of the find literary critics in Canada, and himself a plot The resell was a entire. an ratifying to the young author and his frismda that the work of publication was immediately gone on with From previous knowledge of Mr. Taylor. we et prime good work in hie • poem* We all his pleased to read ties , advance cop/ daily exed, and will give *rands opinion .1t5.entire work shortly memuneassaiweemmeleasetineuesellassaoseo. taken first prizes at the exhibition now Monday to find everVIriii2 all right and 1 wu pod h - y all. After refreshments had i last year s Governor General • badge, /moral make. This emnpany has shoo 1 H. wila 8 rF on her triP• ' been partaken of, a short stroll through and Captain Wilson, familiarly kr.own as bein held in Montreal, with the recom. his reseal ready to p aesnaaa 'on from the judges that they ---(RaP^rt**. the pleac&nt irouride of Mr Horton was "Captain Jack,- are also with the Sea - 1 induhred in, after which the guests hied forth contingent, and are ahie marks- nagiatireasa- COW. to the camp. men THE LAWN ?ARTY Brussels rimpany heads the list of Before the Mayor. Sept. 14. 'Ten by the officers of the Battalion on averages at the shooting at 200 yards range If they keep up to their work, the Battalion cop wil no earned in triumph to the carpet town. On Tuesday last an ungallant civilian endeavored to away the bridge as the lady who suivarintends the culinary siepa rtment ,if the officom. "mess- was Rept. 1 o I gime a number of eery tine %moons,\ wending her way homeward. Forton R. Taylor es. D. Sinclair - Assault. ' the Scottish medley and "I'm * soldier, ' ately the cook helto ii on the bridge, Fined $6 and costs. with vocal chno orus being sperialll id- ' but t an her tormentor, who bait fie t. VA. mired The sports liy the rank and file I his footing and rolled off int.. the ADDRESSED AS FOLLOWS BY GRN. LI'ARD: Officersrad men of the :Llrel Battalion. Doubtless you have already discovered that it is impossible to become trained soldiers in twelve days' drill. You have yet much to learn, although you have ex- hibited an evident willingness to attend to your drill and other duties. The army is a profession in itself, and requires writhe, if not years .4 careful training before perfection is attained. I am niuch pleased with what I have seen of the Battalion, and have heard most favorable accounts of the behavior of the men while in camp. I will have great pleas- ure in submitting a favorable report in reference to the 3.3rd Huron Battalion. I have nothing further to say to you. THE cOORS' FARAD*, is always looked for with pleasure by all lovers of the ludicrous. It was heldt about 1 30 p.m. on Thursday. The " kitchen knights" and their assistants formed in procession, dressed in raiment se grotesque that Joseph's celebrated coat of variegated hue would have ap- peared a very ordinary garment, if plac- ed in comparison. The musical iastru- ments of troupe consisted of horna.bu- gles,tin whistles evidently troubled with bronchitis, an aged and infirm fiddle, -and tin pans, dishes, pokers, tongs, and other aids to hormony, too numerous to niention. After parading the• camp to the delectation of the rank and hle, the procession was heeded toward the officers marquee, in front of which they stood and gave melody until a 116 bill made its appearance, aocompanied by a touching appeal to the musicians to put as great should be awarded specially dip- loma and broils. medal for the merit of their table and dairy salt. Taking into consideratinn that in both cases the ma- jority of the judges making the recom- mendations are practical chemiete, and the further fact that of the 3,000 sacks and over already shipped this season to Chicago the agent write* that it gires universal satisfaction in the cheese •nd butter factories of Missinuri, and not one complaint it scents that the company lomat he filming nut a superior article. The salt is sold to Canadian consumers at twine* ...I.lower than the best I). McIvor, ilrunk and disorderly : $ITuesday afternoon was a succeea an every and °oats, or 20 days in gaol. I particular Shortly after 4 p. m , the Sept. 101. guests began to AMT., and by 6 o'clock W. Fraser, drunk and disordeily, fined 0 ver 301) had gathered, the majority be- e& 50. 1 ing of the fair sea. The hand, which flesinuel Noble wail rommitted to gaol helongs to Briniest., and is under the for six days, for tieing drunk. jeadeeehip of liandmnster A. H. Kny, ' hmmis lenglis' gale with which it ; 1), Sinclair vs 11.. Taylor Lnaultine , were then indulged in to the great I "big 4rink es Adjutant Oook pets compete. limps:age Fined $6 S ernes...newts of the ersisetstors Ter -i Serv-el hint tight 11.1111111.41111411116.141111erarss 4. •