HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-08-19, Page 2NOMINATING CONVENTION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1971 8:00 P.M. WINGHAM TOWN HALL 4.1.-mmir-uum.• LARRY'S. RADIO and TV Phone 523-9640 Blyth, Ont. SALES and SERVICE ELECTROHOME FLEETWOOD PANASONIC DEALER. EUGENE KASH, noted conductor, peiformer, and teacher, is the guest commentator on GBC Radio's Musicscope, heard Thursdays for 13 weeks. From his vast store of musical know ledge and ancedotes he will elscuss the program content each week. A former director of muriic for The National Film Board, and conductor of the Ottawa Philharmonic, Mr. Kash until re- cently held the post of associate professor and director of ensemble at the Philadelphia Academy of Music, THE BRUSSELS POST, BRUSSELS,. Esparamsommaroomaiwegir amir, low!' HURON-BRUCE. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ENTERTAINMEN ,, AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEI. BRUSSELS, ONT. BILL CODDLE and THE ROAD RUNNERS FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT IN TilE RAINBOW ROOM WE FEATURE: Turkey, Spare Ribs and Sauerkraut, . Fish and GNPS '411.10110.1111/1.1111"111111.""Wvalleonnew' teananetaBleee laneennetelneee Regular Gaines: Mrs, Hoefflia Mildmay, Mrs. Mabel Newton, Holliston, Mrs. H. Boll, Flarriston and ,K.athleen Ellacott, Listowel; Mrs. Patterson, Wingham; Wm. Upper, Listowel and Mrs. Cliff Henry, Harriston; Mrs. Cliff, Henry; Mrs. S. Holloway, Wing- ham; Mrs. Art Wheeler, Wrox- eter; Mrs. 11", Copeland, Wrox- eter, and Mrs. Hazelgrove, Wing. ham; Mrs. Ferg Riley, Winham; Ken Fry, Palmerston; Mr's. Pat, terson, Wingham, Mrs, Bates, Harriston and Mrs, McLennan, Lochalsh. "Share the HURON-BRUCE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION DECIDE TO HOLD NOMINATING CONVENTION SEPTEMBER 1st. At a meeting held at the home of Bruce Keith, Acting President of the Huron-Beuce Progressive Conservative Riding Association, it was decided to hold a Nominat- ing Convention to elect a condi- date for the expected forthcoming Provincial 'Election. This election is to be. held trt the Town Hall in. Wingham, Sept- ember 1, 1971 at 3 p.m.. Ted Aver, Regional District organizer for the Conservative Party, was the guest speaker and spoke on the importance of organ- ization at the local level. Potential candidates. rumoured to be .seeking the nomination are Len Metcalf, of R,R. 5, .'Mildirlan and Lou Boyce of Kincardine. • GET YOUR FAIR PRIZE LIST NOW If you have net as yet got a Brussels Fall Fair 1971 prize •list you can pick one up at the Office of the Brussels PC1$t. You will find that there are a number of changes this year in- cluding additional, increased; and, special prizes in several classes. Of interest to many is an added class for parade floats. Not only prizes giyen for school floats, hut this year there will also be a class fot organizatien and emu_ inercial floats, with generous prize money offered for the five priee winners.: It is hoped there will, be a number of good Mate entered in this class to make the usual large parade even better, There will be a different Mid- way on the grounds this year; the J. Wilson Midway. On. the Thursday evening, Sent._ ember 23rd; there will be a special program presented by the Huron County Junior Farmers„e talented group of young people. The Friday activities will wind up with the Fall Pair Dance at the Legion Hall. Get your prize list now and prepare • to participate in the Brussels Fall Fair, NOTICE The Library will be closed from August 16th - 30th. Open on! the 810, SAVE MAITLAND ASSOCIATION REPLIES TO LISTOWEL Editor, The 'Beacon Herald Sir: This letter is in part a 'reply to recent assertions from members of the Listowell munci-. pal government which appeared in your paper Aug. 6, concerning the activities and motives of the Save the Maitland Association,: We think this i s important since there is some reflection on the the Association and its rational approach to this problem, its credibility and, above all, the place of responsible citizenry in our democratic society. The Question has been posed: why should Listowel hear the brunt of this Association's attack? On the one hand, we recegnige that there are other sources of pollution on :the Maitland River' and we expect those responsible for these other sources to realize their responsibility to begin plan- ning for an effective solution now. On the other hand, the mayor and councillors of Listowel must admit that the' have been aware of this problem for many years. They surely realize that: (i) The Maitland River is a perfect exernsie of what can hap- pen to a river when it is over loaded with. pollutants, (ii) The Town of Listowel and en industry which is a, prime direct and indirect source of em- ployment for its populace is the main contributor to the pollation of the river. {iii) Pollution arises from such aourc:,s as inAdequate septic tank systems;- drainage ditches, uncoil. trailed effluent from the' town and the effluent from the lagoons when they are drained. We suggest that if there is any doubt in anybody's mind on this point that they observe the river at the ford just above Listoaret park, then downstream or the lagoon at Trowbridge and then compare these observations with, those on any bridge on the Little Maitland River (tor example, at :Jamestown) or the North Malt= land River (for m111.010; at Gorrie.) To stat3 that other sources are contributing as well• that the membership in the AesetietiOn is not competent to judge the sit- uation, that people must live with their waste and thereby Justify a position and actions is not the coniitructivr- and realistic 'attitinie that responsible citizens .should exPeet from their elected repre• senittivies. We have now evaluated tech- -1101:3 aseu age uo uoaninannui wow Mee which have been installed recently at the lagoon by OWRC. if their figures on flow and on- eentration of pollutants are cor- rect, then doubtless these facilit- ies will go a long way to provide treatment of the waste water from Listowel and its industry. Our concern, however, is still over thp fine' disposal of the effluent from the lagoons when they become full. The present scheme calls for draining the lagoons at least three times a year. This effluent will contain considerable algea, some disolved carbon and almost all 0! the phosphorus and nitro- gen compounds that entered with the original water. All of this materiel will contribute to the algae growth in the Maitland and this growth will be most apparent during the summer • months when the flow is extremely low, particularly around its source at Listowel. We recognize that this nitrogen and phosphorus problem exists in all waste dis- posal systems and that there is some concern whether solutions using present technology are ef- fective, economic and realistic. At, the same time, we must rec• ognize that this problem is mag- nified here by insufficient flow in this river to echieve large dilution. Future plans for dispos- al of this effluent should not in- elede the Maitland River as part of the disposal system. We are recnieating the ONVII,C to evalnate other schemes which we and other groups are recommending for dis- posing of the lagoon effluent. We express concern over the length of time .it ;ha s taken re, spOnsible 'Authorities to expedite the new facilities. Procrastination, wrangling over 60-40 or 70-30 split of costs and they inflexibility of government officials on financial matters during the period 1962- 1971 is unacceptable if society is going to meet the dethands in this important area. We think it is time for politicians at all levels as Well a s the electorate to place more weight on those qualities of statesmanship which lead to long- lasting' effective solutions of these pollution problems rather than those based on short-term political expediencies. Perhaps the recent statement by Nayor Kilberg relating to the two-year deadline for a complete sewer system in Listowel reflects a changing attitude; certainly we laud such action. J. Valiance, president Bryans; vice-president C, Thomas. director T. , Hoffman, Ph.D., BEng., mem- ber Save the .Maitland Association Brussels, Aug, 9, 1971 -- Taken from the Aug. Stratford . Beacon Herald. Wife: "I've los two pounds again." Husband: Astounding! That Makes 936 pounds youV'e lost since We've beezi married," Hoeffle, Mildina.y; 'Woods, Listowel.. $25 Special; Karen Scott ville. jackpot of $100: 'Mrs, 10; Ohm, Wingham and David Ellis, Pahh- QrSton. Lap Card: airs. A. Ste Marie, Door Prize: Mrs, Marie Schlosa sea Hanover, Mrs. Audrey Audrey' Waeteber, Mildniay, Mrs. Ti. Coup- land, Wrouter and Ken Fry, Listowel. HOWICK LIONS BINGO WINNERS Mrs, • Ken. Lucky Draws: Mrs. G. Sian mons, Wingham, Mrs. Dolly Felker, Listowel, Ann Copeland, Hanriston and Mrs. S Holloway, Wealth" 1: Mrs. .Wingham.