HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-09-16, Page 7usts•sNIIIIRINIIINIOnsol••••1111406.,-- ••;,, THE HURON SIGNAL, FR11). 1. SEPT. 16, 1881. Aahasld. -- ham --Bunb fires are ringingus the western part of Ashfield, near te Lake Shore. The fire has eaten .,early 1 reg feet deep ink the ground in plaaus,.aud there it smoulders until a wind *ries, when it is fanned into llamas and sweeps the dist,wt around. People are %etch- ing their premises, lent a spark should catdt and the devouring element .neap away all their property. Thousands of dollars of valuable wood have been de- stroyed; acres tit valuable woods have been devastated, and on several fanos nearly all the fences have been burned Mr. (Wm. Manu h, alone has kit 81,000 worth of valuable cedar en his faro in what is known a, the Cedar Valley. Dungannon. R. Jut Caswell and holly returned from Grimsby last week much strength- ened and improve -I by their holiday trip. Ed. Caswell, soa of Rev. Jae. Caswell, left here fur Toronto, on Tueeday u. seek his fortune in the city. We wish Ed success. The school well is being dsclwne,l and repaired by Messrs. L .w.eiy and Killen. For the preseut the children have to r- ry their water Iron the village, a dis- tance of nearly half a utile. Mr. Wm. Thompaun, blacksmith, of this place comes from a blacksmithing family. His father before hire was a skilled horseshoer, and of the 9 stns, 7 toil at the anvil. It seems to run m the family, and all are good workmen. Mi. Adam Thompson is one of the number. -{SentiseL Stanley. Tag Snow. -At the meeting of the Directors of the Stanley Branch Agricul- tural Society held at Bayfield last week, it was decided to hold the Society's show in that valage on Monday and Tuesday, October 10 and 11 OB1TCARY.-Mrs Jane Odium, relict ..f the late Robert Uab.ott, Est{., one of the oldest residents of Stanley, died at the residence of Mr.Malcoluu Fisher. her eon -in-law, on Friday last.. She had attained the unusual age of 8.1 years. She was a native of Roxbo.roshire, Scot- land. She came to Canada uverUO years agr., and settled in Fredorickton, New Brunswick, where shortly atter she was married to Mr. Gibson. Forty-five years aaggo she removed to Huron with her hue and settled on the London Road, Stanley,within a mile and a half of where Brucefeld now stands, and she has continued to residenin Stanley ever since. The country was then one vast wilderness, but Mra. Gibson was spared to see at one of the finest and most pros- perous reperous sections of Canada. She was in the fullest sense ..f the terms kind, generous, Christian lady, and to know her was to esteem her. Many of the early settlers were not a little indebted to her for her kindly ado ice and counsel, and she was always ready with more sub- stantial aid when it was required. She was ever a smart, vigorous woman, and until within a few days of her death was able to be about, and only s week pre- viously she visited her sot, Mr. John Gibson, and spent the day with himself and family. She was always cheerful and contented, and it,was a real pleas- ure to meet and converse with her. Yer,husband died about ten years ago, and they now rest side by aide in the Brucefield cemetery. She has a brother and two sisters living in this country, the latter being her seniors. She also leaves behind a large family, all of whom are grown up and nettled ill life. She was mother of Mr. John Gibson, of the '2nd concession of Stanley, also of Mrs. Malcolm Fisher of the same township, and of Mn Wm. Murray, of Tucker - smith, all of whom are well known to many of our readers. The' funeral tes,k place on Sunday last, and was one of the largest that has taken place in this section for a long time, the procession being oompo.ed of between sixty and seventy conveyances. Lucknow. FAlt.u,.--Mr. J. F. Fraser, who has been carrying on the carriage business for the last two years in this town, ow- ing to financial embarrassment, was fore. ed to close up his establishment. He has made an assignment of his sttock,etc., to Mr. L. C. Maclntyre. S. S. CoNveerloN.-A convention of scholars and teachers of the rarioue Sun- day schools in connection with the Ash- field circuit of the Methodist church,will be held is Zion church on Thursday, 29th inet, when several addresses will be delivered by reverend gentleman and others. Hosotus. --Thr following which we clip from the Lindsay fest, refers to Mr. W.' Campbell, son of M. Campbell, Eel., cit this village: --Mr. Walter Campbell, law student with Mr. John A. Barron, of this town,passed a very successful second intermediate examination at Oag(.ode Hall, Toronto, last week. A 'eii .--On Thursday evening of last week a man on horseback ride up to the reo.idenoe of Dr. Mackid, and in- formed that gentleman that s man was lying on the roadside in a dying condi- tion, a short distance north of the "Grey Ox" Hotel. The doctor at once started for the place to company with severs! pieties ferret the village, and on arriving at the scene of the accident, the wound- ed man proved to its Tom Miller. of this village The doctor ordered his renso'v- to s farm house aloes by, but while do. ing so, Tom oame to-- or at least sobered rap _efficient to, understand what was Ir,- twg nn- and «immanent cursing and abusing at a terrible rate, so much so., that the doctor's horse becoming frtght- meet ran away and smashed the buggy it appears that Milker wan driving from Ifnlyrond to i.ocknow. when the horse ran away, and threw him out of the bug- gy, his head striking against the fence, he was rendered insomnia*. Miller was greatly under the intin.nce of liquor what the secid•nt orourreti.avel his rank - lees driving no dnnbs. oauoel hia horse to run away. He was brought to the village the rums night., not mach the worse of the soeident. -- {Sentinel. The Canada Pacific Syndicate has pur- chased a $150.000 plot of `round near Montreal as a sits few their workshops The test juke of the ssssuu luta been perpetrated by the Loudon, Zug., Tile youlr., which ascribes Cauadi s prosperi- ty . 1. 1 meresae of k,t.pulnlwu to 'ties uutawnrc cit rule "f thio ]lurquis of Lorne sated uJ lke w.aueUtMtt tuauagetueut ul that west syu spathetlu of officials, Col De Winton. t)u thus the Kingston WAS./ shrewdly observes: "'flit Marquis has uuduubtedly contributed as much to the prosperity of the country ser he has to (he increase of population.' • set be Demised. In these times of quack medicine ad- vertisements eterywhere, it as truly grnt.lytts;t to find este remedy that is wur.hyuf praise, and which really does as revoulmeuded. Electric Bitters we can touch for as leiug a true sod relia- ble te.uudy, and Daae that will do as re- euu.ureaded. They iuvarubly cure stouuch acid Liter C. uy.huuta, Diseases of the liadueys sod . a wary difficultly*. 11'e know shortest we speak, and can virility say, give them a trial. Sold at hity cent* a bottle, by all druggists. - [Adv. A Leneral Wampede. Never was there such a rush for Dru, Stores 11.11 1.'5 now at ours for a Trial Bot- tleot Di. Kings News Disoo,ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All posses *diluted with !..tluua, Bronchi- tis, Hosreness, Severe Coughs, or any atfuction of theThroat and Lungs, can get a trial bottle of this great remedy free, by telling at your drug store. Newspaper Laws. We call the special attention of post- masters and subscribers to the following synopsis of the newspaper laws : 1. A postmaster is required to give notice by letter (returning a paper dues not answer the law) when a subscriber dews not take his paper out of the office, and state the reasons for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responaible to the publishers for payment. 2. If any person orders his paper dis- cun.nuetl, be must lay all erreat'ages, .r the publisher may continue to send it until payment is Rustle, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken from thu office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is utade. 3. Any person who takes a paper from the 1. si office, whether directed to his mute ur another, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to he stopped at • certain time, and the publisher continues to send, the sub- scriber is bound to pay fur it if he takes it (tut of the post -office. This proceeds upon the ground that a Ivan must pay for what he uses. 5. The courts have decided that refus- ing to take a newspaper and periodicals from the post -office, or removing and leavin- them uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. Nellie, after all, is the great physi- cian. She hides all the secrets of health within iter broad, generous bosom, and man tae•la but to go to her intelligently for his every need. The discovery of the great Cough Reinedy, Gabl's SYRUP or Rat, Spews Gen, is an apt illustra- tion of this. As a cure for Coughs, Colds, Las of Voice and Hoarseness it stand* ,.nrivalled, while its low price and readiness of access places it within the reach of a11. Try it and be convinced. All chemists keep it in 25 and 50-„ent battles. -Rd • 'itis et'otoA.-i1RArtcrrL AND t'OMVOWriNn. a thorough knowledge of the natural which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition. and by a careful application of the fine properties of w, t1 -selected Cocoa. Mr. Epps has prodded our hreakfast cables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' oil . It L by the judi- cicionnt use of such articles of diet that a con- stitttt i on may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Ifuu're is of subtle. maladies aro floating around u, ready to attack wherever there Is a weak p^ nt, We may escape many a fatal kha't be $erp(ng ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame. - a -Y -,1 t rriee Gazette. --Sold only ire Packets labelled--"JAmics Erle, Co., Homeopathic (•hcnr..t t London. Fng.--Alao makers of Epps'a Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 1761 TO BL' 1 LUERS. KINTAIL BRICK YARD. \ •;',.tetity of good wilt,' brick oh hand and fo- s do a.v ,-atonable rates. nu' rtber Is now carrying on the Trick making h.1•I'1 w Est the Metall kilns, and will give all orirs which may be sent him the most permit,: attention. The brick in of first- class quality. and the terms are reasonable. Address JOHN K. McGREGOR, Klntall 1'. O I'he Great American Remedy for c'OrGx.% COLDS, ASTHMA. IJRONCSITIB, L088 OF VOICE, IIOA RBENES8 A ND THROAT A��FFECTIO N.Y. asliissN4/�' skew ) :r'�• •sed }1w4 sa./•eMr N ON/ -- .tiVrMOar. e.vuSMl tIMsa;Awa A.aan. wnMs.s1 0es !e► 1.d/Nw•l ranrwtsa erney .w. 5.. eased el Me sear betea 1 fe a nem ems •.d oho Pte•_ a. es.,, of Grwog Dar ewe a. Mt~ I isete w MAI" .5_ s.ap ta.w r GRAY'S SYRUP er RED SPRUCE 15 that ))rer•es- How oho Own mese a. •.d ono 4 II I 14p111,- i. u'es ►•t• a ode pre j ies •frays;re r• err • .e lew- pee. ..s,.1 • •♦ o 1wi nede• tare •• _ hc to d-ieb -`: . r(,• r5. GUM. �.. 1• Spe gra ;zit. ep••as sea• Iia remarkable poorer in relieving certain forms of I3reweAifia, wed ite elivenoi _Pati 65 ars ewrtssg e4- aftiwate hocking (.4.A41, la mows writl hn/twlw b the peiblin at leave.. p ��swsrsw.ra. Nem, s w Saw" swore 11u•eas, ooff�. v end aur ,..'erre• KERRY; WA h?S 01V i CO.. ei IDS lllwnwww rare. somastiammmmgMatimeammo W. S. Hart & Co. PROPItI5CTOR1 OY TH 5. Goderich Mills LATE PIPER' a. ) Bee to return their thanks to the public for the liberal patrmaim meetved during the past year, and to state they aro prepared 10 eo G-RI8rrING on the shortest notice, or for the coevesaenu of parties living ata dlstasos will eschew visits at their town store Late I)'. M. Hillw rd's, ) ltespstc blue*, Kart St. Gotten, b. SW -Highest price laid for wheat.' a: R. PROUDFOOT Iles just received a New and Well Assorted Stock uF FRESII GROGERIES AND PROVISIONS Which he will sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ALS° Fine Family Flour FEED, AND OttRED MEATS 1 Always to Stock. Goods Lklitrred to Any Part of the Tuu'In Ooderlc . June 4th, 1881. 17118-tf GODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS and SALT PANS manufac- turedon shortest notice. tttau.41ea'. AI' eke walvm. The 1,04 sante in 11R• world fur outs, Bttuiaed. tt..r.A, Ulcer.,1t Rheum, Fever 8 .w, t'etta1, l;ii:q .el Hinds, Ch wt . t.n4so-, .o ..ski :;k a Eruptions lid poen v.r:; ..ccs l ::ua. It is guar- •.uteed to _..e perfect r.ti.fectlon or money For sale 1,3. ell ice lite. per TIS KEY TO i!EALTM. IBURDOCK BLGGD BITTERS Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Rowels, Manors ant Liver. carrying S O gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Aridity Of the Stomach, curing . oasneat, Dygpepais Headaches, Dix - D▪ ryness HHeartbburn, Constipation. Dryness of the akin. Dropsy. Dian- ne.' of Vision. Jaundice. Balt RheumBrysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering St the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility - all these and many other simi- lar Coe, Isieus eld to the happy influence of BURDO(IH BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. T. ZULU'S A t•., Proprietors, Treats All kinds of Repairing executed under the - penoaal imprecision of the Proprietors who LOVELL'S HOP BITTER (A Modkstae, ant a Dr4sk,) OoITADIS HOPS, BUCHU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION. A1re Tal pt-rnT AND DIST MRDIOALQwAxI- vim orAr.t. aruaa Berra__. • • 'I' L; le CIL It VI All Dioceses of t he Stomach, Rowels. It Liver, kidneys, acid l:rlaery craws, 1111. euuanas., e. ami nand eopecially $1000 IN COLD. Will be Mid for a ease they will not cera or help, or fur anything impure ur injurious found In them. Ask your druggist for flop Bitters and try theta before you sleep. Take a. Otter. D.1 C fa SRsbsolute sad lrreNattble cure tor Lraakeuly use of opium. t.ubaoco sad t.arew a. eve rot CLSCVLA*. aItab.• ser kp s .ss ••f NNW§ M%. G., Il.ea.sa.. w. Tw a Tang Oea ARE Practical Workmen: P. O. Box 103. 1787 ALLAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY. GLAS- GOW. SHORTEST SEA ROUTE. Cabin, Iatermedlate and Steerage Tickets a LOWEST RATI& SteeragePassengers are booted to London. dl earttristol, Queenstown, Derry, Belfast. Galway and Glasgow, at same rates as to Liverpool SAiLINOS FROM QUEBEC. Moasvra'.................... 77th August. PoLTNasialt 17th '• PARISIAN.........::24th " SARDINIAN " 1st Oct'br. MoaaviaN ... ...-....... 8th " SARMATIAN • 15th •' CiwcaaeiAs..... ........ 22nd " t,TThe last train connecting at Quebec with the Allan Mall Steamer will leave Toronto every Friday at 792 a. m. Passengers can also leave Toronto by the 632 p. m., train on Fridays, and: connect with the steamer at Rimouski (paying the extra fare, $4 45, Quebec to Rlmou.kt.) For tickets and every information apply to H. A RMSTRONG, Agent, Montreal Telegraph 1781-3m. Office Goderich. LIBERAL OFFERS FOR 1881_ Two Years for the Price of One ! THE REPRINTS OF TME BRITISH wtAMTFMLY (Eranpdieal Strip 411 ISTERLI ll'onscrratire/, Elul\MI MGN I tl"hiy/, AND EwTN1\ItTF.M (Lihernl) REVIEWS, ANI Blackwood's Ediabnu'g'h Magazine, Present the best (foreign pperiodirals Ina con• venient form and without abridgment or alteration. Terms of Nabsertpliers (Intl adINg Postage.) Blackwood or any one Review... $4.00 peran. Blackwood and any one Review. 7.00 " Blackwood and two Reviews.. . 10.00 Blackwood and three Reviews... 13.00 " Any two Reviews 7.00 " The four Reviews 1200 -. Blackwood and the four Reviews 15.00 These are about /toff the prices charged by the English Publisher', ('oculars giving the Contents of the Period- icals for the year 1880. and many other partic- ulars, may he had on application. PRZijMIUMB_ New suhscribcre nuiv have the numbers for 1880 and 1881 at the price of one years sub serlpttnn only. To any subscriber. new or old. we will fur- nish the periodicals for I879 at half price. All orders to be sent to the puhlirntion office. To secure premiums apply promptly. The Leonard Soap Publishing Co., Al $$B(4A1 ST.. 5MS TORR CINGALESE - HAIR RENEWER' Tb. er'owstng lour) of men or womeen no besstlfal grin n1 Jima. Tbs. ns cosi be ob tweed by esi flaaattar. wbdeh he proved Itself to a pe Z R 7lI�eS Fi d t wark.u. motes a h of the bate, renders soft tool day. strengthens Its rents. and pt Tait. ts. twang rot, and arts with rapidity RESTORING GREY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR. Try It beim muni any other. Sold by sl ealelata. Pt -ices Moto. a bottle. 5785.1v rot. Sale by) J. WILSON. Druggist. AGENTS w. -".RIS Pay. Light Wsrk. Oee,tant employment ten Capital required. James Let t Co.Maw treat Qw.hwn IN" Province of Ontario Directory It 0.14 1t 112-1F't .::- Ta ,.., P. Nt.Vt1C14El! 1881, I ri.'• 81.00. 11" NI'ie4ast1.an.d Otliee nnntehPorfoislenvoeer"raja antar,o o ,' e City of Montreal. arc., bags to annoui.r, hurt his firm will ppyqblish a PRO- VINCE (if a TARIO DIREC'7 JRy, in No- vember , ext, containing an Alphabetical C irectory AND A THOROUGI! Clacslfi Bil-i l "t' Off of '? .• 1'•. • r one Professional men in the Gies. Towels, i ,.• Villages of oratorio, with • Claaisifled Deadness Directory pr T116 CITY OF MONTREAL. The carne care an•l attention bestowed on the Dominion an,. Provincial Directories of 1871 will be given to this work. Subscribers nausea respectfully .olicited, Terme of Ad- verttaiag made known upon application. JOHN LOVELL & SON- Montreal ONMontreal Dee. 1881. Publishers. I785 trot sue lig amiss Wheel, Gsosos RRT1rAs, Chemists and Druggists, Cerra Cholera, Chohav aware, f aentory Cramps, Colne, Sea Bic . neat and Summer Complaint ; also Cholera Infantum, and all Com- PAIL plaint, peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will tw found equally benefoial for adults or ehlldren. FOB BALI BY ALL MN:CISTL T. MILBURN & 00., Proprietors. Toronto. AFTER TEE FIRE. JOHN FiTORY The Tlatntlth a _4111 to the front. I have pleasure to Mate that despite the tnecaventenoe 1 was put to In my buaiueae by the recent ere in my promise. that 1 am sow in full blast again. prepared to give the greatest bargains in Goderich in STOVES, TINWARE, LAMP GOODS, and every other line In the business, I would also return my thanks to the Fire Brigade and people of Goderich for the suc- cessful efforts In saving nay property In my absence frum home, alt the late fire. John otory. AT THE -OLD STAND. D. C. STRACIIAN HAS REMOVED 1114 GROCERY BUSINESS To the old stand in the Albion Block, formerly occupied by hint where he will beleased to weloome all his old cuetomen, and the public generally. A large quantity ofp NEW, FRESH GROCERIES Ai ('fIE_t I' .-1-s THE ('HEAPEST. D. 0.. STRAC IA T• I' HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. -OF MR. ID. FERC-TJ80N -Ar VERY GREAT DISCOUNT ! Nearly an of said Stock, as well as my own original Nt,•14. wua'taught before thr .Adva•e of Hardware. I am therefore in a pwitlon to sell Cheaper than any other Some is oke !'east,, MY STOCK 11F Farmers', Bonders', & General llrdre iS COMPLETE which I want to run off quickly. COUR AND VETT AT SUCH PRIORS AS WILL PLEASE TCU. Fresh" G -round Water Lime in Stook. AGENT FOR BEST .g.EEL BARB FENCE WIRE. R_ W_ 11aICKE+ N"ZIF 1751.4m. HURON CARRIAGE WORKS. T. & J. STORY, (SUCCESSORS TO JOHN KNOX), MANUFACTURERS OF s ell 8zC_ %AV.`r CLC_ ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. Carriages REPAIRING and JOBBING dune with Neatness and Despatch, and Um/t- enable Rates. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. T_ 8z J.. STORY, HERON'S OLD STND. HAMiLTGN STP.EBT. GRNNil CLEARING* SAE, Boots and Shous, -A T- l'.dMPBELCS BOOT ,iod SIIUI; EMI1OR!C, FuR O1: AIIiN I'g,' Previous to tock taking. My Stock is I targe and will-aetlorted, and G REAT BARGAINS will be giver TSR V S = c.�sII WM. CAMPBELL. Ooderials, Jaa. 13, 171;9 Daniel Gordon, Cabi�el-Maker 1111I Ofldcrla�cr. 11 • (Ndeaf Howe in the t nt.nty, owl Largest Stork 8A.. abaft of Loudon ! oa Srayaa, Rao -Room StIT5,, SIDE- Hotline, East CM AIRS. Lorltete, FTs'-, ITC. (-salt Pinyon will And It to their a 1vsn'age to ere my sto, k if they need a good anklet. el w. 'Moo li (J(aRUON, Wad Same& motor Part njBer, Uoderi