HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-08-12, Page 2on 5 year term Guaranteed investment Certificates. Ask about our `TAMABLE AT ANY TIME" Guaranteed Savings Certificates. For further information contact your financial adviser or write STANDARD TRUST 214 Bay Street, Toronto A FEDERALLY CHARTERED COMPANY MEMBER CANA!".."A DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORFCRATION CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE THROUGH : JIM CARDIFF • REAL ESTATE BROKER 5ENERA7-• INSURANCE •. • Office; SE7-6.100 Rea.: e164 SELWYN. BAKER GENERAL INSURANCE, MORTGAGES, and INVE.STIOENTS OPE TUESDAY and FRIDAY PHONE: OFFICE 877-9221 RES. E87-9023 RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY Open Tuesdays d Fridays Phone 887-6663 Brussel s, On:. -'111100111111Allirwmposmieurrni BALER TWINE QUALITY TWINE AT COMPETITIVE PRICES A GOOD SUPPLY NOW ON HAND DON'T WAIT GET IT' NOW LIMITED FOR ALL YOUR FARM NEEDS PHONE BRUSSELS 887-6011 OPNOTCH FEEDS FROM YOUR D rep.amagingsaarwRiesitr DEAD STOCK REMOVAL SERVICES WANTED DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE and HORSES — TOP PRICES PAID FOR HORSES ON THE HOOF SMALL ANIMAL PICKUP 24 HR. FAST EFFICIENT SERVICES BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES LIc: 213-c-70-B FREE OF CHARGE' -- OVER 150 L& PHONE COLLECT 887.9334 BRUSSELS 0.e saussms POST, aurcasig" °nom TRUESDAY0 AVOVOT 12th, 11171 WHAT'S NEW AT HURONVIEW August 6. I Monday. program of old-time music and singealong was cantel- led last week owing to the 3 day. Mrs. Prouty of Feete.: ed 113P reguler Bible Study iTne.i • the ehapel followed by a sing with Miss .-kylesworth pianist. Twelve tables of game.s played Wednesday afternoon the auditdrium. Mies Cassie Me- .Dongall won the high ladiee" score for the euchre. Rodaer Gilbert had high men's score and Mrs. Leyburne and 'Mark Sproat shared the 1-'4",,TIF:Izla tiOL prize. The I:,. is Citizen, Band enter- tained the residents on Thurs- day Family Night with a fine e 7071- cer. on the itecor.-;. With '-Neel weather practically all the resi- dents were able to enjoy the program. Thy reidents are looking fer- ward to a hand concert on Mon- day. Auzust 16. at 7 p.m. provided by Goderich Band. REFRIGERAT'OT,: SERVICE Electrical Contractors - Appliances • Motor Rewind, 24 hour emergeney Service. Guaraneed service to all types_ Complete Appliance repairs at BURKE ELECTRIC Winghazn — 357-2450 SACKRUBB=RS REDUCE FLY STRe_SS etes cause stress in eatrie realized, says c = '.1a2sset. Ontario ,reent Ageri- cultu.re •and F:. 17n.liess effeetive eantrol itniihetis both flies and :ice says, a n- trial in both 'lot.; and .• jeastures ere There Iwo step, to fly teentrol. _ first is proper sanita- Tien aze manure removal, to oat- trol breeding olaces. The second Is Teroner use of insecticides. n *Ear e stable flies .are very to ca= se. bath indoors and A relatively effective eontrol method is a backrubber. 7,,agekruheer Ireot moist with insecticide FA-BI also help control. face flies end will help prevent a buildup ef !ice. However. sa,ys Mr. Slurnsiele. cattle with a heary infestation o -should be se: a.. ed. Two basie types of backrobbers niarkoeted. The first is a hori- zontal tyee with a hanging flap which retails; for about $50. The seeend is an angle type. This retails for about rs5n for the per- manent installation type and about for the portable type. One problem with such maeh- inee •is that they are activated only by the animal rubbing against them. There is no guarantee that b animal will, receive treat- ment,. nor an control over the. .arnonnt of Insecticide each animal would receive at a given time, Effective insecticides and back-• rubbers can he oblain•ed through various etitlet.S in Ontario, The insect:if:Mee eao be purcliesed both in. the ready-to-nse form and coneentrated. Solution which the farmer mixes himself with fuel oil. The ready-use .mixture is considerably more expensive than the concentrate. Two insecticides recommended for use are Clodrin and Ronne'. And, as with all agricultural chemicals, says Mr. Slumskie, follow the instructions on the label. WALTON INSTITUTE MAKES PLANS FOR COMMUNITY CARNIVAL • IN AUGUST • •• Ths Walton Women's Institute held their July meeting in the' community hall, Wednesday even , with Grandmothers and 4-H. members and their leaders press,• en i -Mrs. Gerald Watson welcom- ed al.: the .guests and opened the . meeting with the institute Ode. Mary Stewart Collect and 0 Can- ada with Mrs. W. H. Humphries as pianist. The secretary, read the minute's of the June meeting end the iuuli. Call, "'Wear Your -oldest piece of jewellery. arid g. • -e its history" was answered by some of the 2i members present. Mrs. Keith Rock has become a new member. Else treasurer gave her report and the correspondence was dealt with. The leaders were chosen for the •fail Project. " Dairy Fare". Mrs. Ron Bennett renamed for the com.mitte to look into the washroom facilities icr the Ilan Mrs. Alvin McDonald gave a report on a meeting she bad attended to make plans for Ike County Re.,1y which is being held in Ethel this fall on October 4. Mrs. Neleon Reid had attended a workshop recently for Tweeds- Book curators. and found it yery, helpful. Plans were made for the Fun Carnival to be 'geld on August 23, at 7:15 p.m. with the community being invited to the ;activities in the Welton Common- park_ Each member is request- ed to bring a pie for the booth ant two .gifts for the fishpond for the cbftdren. The meeting was turned over so the conveners for Historleal Research and Current Mrs. Murray Smith wel- comed the 4-H members and each club pur on their demonstration and also modelled their garments made in the previous club, "Sen- arates for Summer". Mrs. Sim Axr ann introduced the special :guest of the evening. Miss Ethel M. Beattie of !Seaforth. v•-•.-no nay been a collector of antiques all her life and had been in business for thirty years. She had a. -e-ionderfiel display of antiques and told the history of each one. She stressed if we have old articles You don't want, pass them on to the Historical Society. Mrs. Smith thanked her and presented her Kith a E.,ft on beh.alf of the IllSt 7;- Le. There were 12 grandmothers present at this meeting. with the prize for the most. grandchildren going to Mrs. Jim McDonald, the grandmother with the longest hair, Mrs. W. C. IT.ackwell, and the grandmother with the oldest grenrichild was Mrs. Pete Mc- Donald. The collection and pen- nies for friendship were received by the treasurer. it was decided to have an executive meeting tu, make plans for the Historical meeting to he held in the Walton community hall in October. called for August 3, at 1:30 p.m. at the president's home. The meeting p)pse4 with the. Institute Crane followed by a delicious lunch being served by the hostesses" Mrs. Jim Axtrname Mrs. Clarence Martin. Mrs. Dave "Watson and. Mrs, Laverne Godkin, HURON COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE "If the farmer does not insist on. the. correction, nobody else will," said Mr. Hill. "After you have spoken to your assessment office, write to Ont- ario Federation of Agriculture 3S7 Bioor Street East. 'Toronto,. 2S5., giving details of your asses- sment and property. We have found that some assessment offices are reluctant - to make cod- ing corrections. But if we have the :netessarY information. we can exert pressure from, this end too." "I invite any farmer Who has .. not received his . rebate whether he's. a member of the federation. or not — to .write :to Me„ Gordon Hill, about .his rebate problem." GUaranteed NEWS RELEASE Incorrectly coded assessments Investment may be the reason some Ontario farmers have not yet received. Certificates their property tax rebates for 1970. "This is an extremely unfortun- ate situation." commented Gordon Hill of Varna, President of Ont- ario Federation of Agriculture. This rebate was awarded to all farmers, and all farmers should receive it". "If any farmer hasn't received his rebate, here -s what T suggest he do. First he should contact his local assessment office to check the coding of his property. If it'S. coded residential or commercial, Dr something other than farm, he should ask the assessment office Get yours to correct it, and pass the infor- mation. on to the Department of today Municipal Affairs in Toronto. at n w. '11166111' OOMPASSV esioes lees LISTOWEL BRANCH 291-1450 LARRY'S RADIO and TV Phone 523-9640 Blyth, Ont. SALES and SERVICE ELECTROHOME FLEETWOOD PANASONIC